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      • KCI등재후보

        복합조직피판 거상과 MACS를 동시에 이용한 개량된 안면거상술

        신우진,탁관철,박영진,신우진 대한미용성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Vol.15 No.1

        Composite face lift has been accepted as the best technique for getting satisfactory outcome in surgical rejuvenation. As operations that ensure fast recovery and minimal complication were favored, MACS lift has been regarded as one of the innovative solutions. We experienced that nasolabial fold and neck wrinkle was hardly improved with conventional MACS lift. Therefore, we devised a new modification of composite face lift and MACS lift to achieve both outstanding improvement and fast recovery. From May, 2004 to April, 2008, we operated 49 cases with our technique. They were between 35 and 67 years old. Follow up ranged from 3 to 26 months. Fifteen of 49 patients had longer than 1 year follow up were evaluated with photos and patients interview. Eleven patients were satisfied with the results 12 months after operation. However, two patients complained of unimproved marionette line and remaining two patients had irregularity on the skin. We experienced one hematoma immediately after operation, however most of the patients went to their usual daily lives in one or two weeks after operation. Our operation had several outstanding advantages and long lasting outcome. We, therefore, concluded that this technique is an effective surgery to improve aged face.

      • 새정부 복지정책 추진에 따른 국가와 지방의 재정부담 전망과 평가 - 서울, 부산, 대구, 충북, 경북 지역 자치단체를 중심으로 -

        신우진,이상호,이남형,한재명 한국사회보장학회 2018 한국사회보장학회 경제학 공동학술대회자료집 Vol.2018 No.-

        본 연구는 문재인 정부의 복지분야 주요 국정과제 추진에 따라 국가와 지방의 재정부담이 얼마나 늘어나는지 전망하고 그 함의를 도출하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2017~2022년 동안 지역 인구구조 변화를 고려하여 기초연금, 영유아보육료, 가정양육수당, 아동수당, 생계급여, 의료급여, 주거급여 등 주요 복지사업의 국비와 지방비 부담 규모, 특히 서울, 부산 등 일부 지역 본청 및 기초자치단체의 지방비 부담 규모를 추계하였다. 그 결과 상대적으로 재정력이 열악한 일부 자치단체에서 향후 지방비(시군구비) 부담증가율이 세입 증가율을 크게 상회하는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 지방비 부담이 급증하는 자치단체를 대상으로 한시적으로 재정력을 고려한 부담 경감 대책이 마련될 필요가 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중풍(中風) 환자(患者) 중(中) 언어장애(言語障碍)에 대한 임상적(臨床的) 고찰(考察)

        신우진,서수현,홍현우,이성도,김재연,감철우,박동일,Shin, Woo-Jin,Seo, Soo-Hyun,Hong, Hyun-Woo,Lee, Sung-Do,Kim, Jae-Yun,Kam, Chul-Woo,Park, Dong-Il 대한한방내과학회 2004 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.25 No.3

        This clinical study on 93 cases of Dyslogia after stroke confirmed through brain CT, MRI scan and clinical observation. They were hospitalized in the oriental medical hospital of Dong-Eui University from january to September 2003. The following results were found: I. The ratio between males and females was 1.6:1. Of Dyslogia p who had suffered stroke, most were in their sixties. 2. Categorized by attack site, right hemiplegia patients comprised 15 cases(l6.1%), and left hemiplegia patients, 71 cases(54.8%), so the ratio between Rt. and Lt. was 1:4.7. 3. Categorized by preceeding disease, hypertension was seen 51 cases(54.8%), and diabetes mellitus was seen 21 cases(22.6%). 4. Categorized by repeat attack, it was the first attack for 71 cases(76.3%), and the second attack for 13 cases(l4.0%), and for 9 cases(9.7%) it was the third or nth attack. 5. According to the classification of Zhang Zhongjing, apoplexy involving Bu-organs comprised 42 cases(45.2%), apoplexy involving meridians 39 cases(41.9%), apoplexy involving Jang-organs 11 cases(11.8%), and for apoplexy involving collaaterals there was one case(1.1%). 6. According to the classification of Cheng Zhongling, 43 cases(46.7%) were classed heart meridian, 25 cases(27.2%) were classed Spleen meridian, and 24 cases(26. 1%) were classed Kidney meridian. 7. According to the classification of Sun Simiao, 49 cases(52.7%) were classed Pyungo, two cases(2.2%) were classed Pungeui, ,seven cases(7.5%) were classed Pungbi( I ), and two cases(2.2%) were classed Pungbi( II ).

      • KCI등재

        Broström 술식과 비골 골막 젖힘 보강술로 치료한 구상 발목관절에 동반된 족근관절 외측 불안정증: 증례 보고

        신우진,조홍만,박지연,Shin, Woojin,Cho, Hong Man,Park, Jiyeon 대한족부족관절학회 2020 대한족부족관절학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        We report on the case of a patient with chronic instability of the ball-and-socket ankle joint. The patient, a 21-year-old male, was diagnosed 10 years previously with chronic instability of the ball-and-socket ankle joint. He underwent Broström procedure and augmentation using a periosteal turn down from the fibula for this chronic instability despite having received conservative treatment since the diagnosis. After the procedure, the clinical symptoms of ankle instability were improved and the patient is being periodically followed-up. We report on this case of using a Broström procedure as a treatment option for patients with instability of the ball-and-socket ankle joint with normal range of foot and normal ankle joint alignment without damage in the joint and cartilage.

      • KCI등재

        저임금 상태이동에 관한 연구 - 2010년 이후 성별․연령별 차이를 중심으로

        신우진 한국사회보장학회 2022 사회보장연구 Vol.38 No.3

        본 연구는 한국노동패널자료를 이용하여 10년(2010-2019년) 동안의 저임금 상태이동을 동태적 다항로짓 임의효과 모형을 통해 분석하였다. 분석결과, 미관측 이질성과 내생성을 통제한 분석에서 저임금 및 미취업의 상태의존성과 저임금 디딤돌 효과가 존재하였고, 성별 및 연령에 따라 상대적 차이가 존재하였다. 반면, 저임금-미취업 순환은 남성에서만 발견되었다. 전반적으로 2010년 이후 저임금 및 미취업 상태의 노동시장 전망이 개선되지 못했지만, 미취업 보다는 저임금이 더 높은 임금으로 이동하는데 유리한 것으로 분석되었다. 성별 및 연령별 차이를 보면, 여성이 남성에 비해 저임금 상태의존성이 높고 저임금에서 비저임금으로 상향 이동가능성은 낮지만, 2015년 이후 30대 이하 남성은 저임금에서 비저임금으로 상향 이동가능성은 낮아지고 미취업 가능성이 높아진 반면, 30대 이하 여성은 저임금의 상향 이동가능성이 높아지고 미취업 가능성이 낮아져, 최근 노동시장 변화는 30대 이하 여성에게 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 분석되었다.

      • KCI등재

        오피스 및 상가의 최적용적률 산정에 관한 연구: 강남지역을 중심으로

        신우진,김주영 한국부동산연구원 2011 부동산연구 Vol.21 No.1

        As the transfer system of FAR has lively been argued, measuring the value of FAR (Floor-Area-Ratio) has become more important than ever. The one of the pre-requisite for success in the transfer system of FAR is to estimating the proper supply and demand of FAR. This is because that the demands on FAR would be determined by the optimal FAR in the area where the net value is high. Nonetheless, the most studies have focused on apartments’ FAR rather than commercial properties such as office, retail, etc. In this study, the optimal FAR and the net value on the optimal FAR in office and retail sub-markets were estimated using 108 office properties and 104 retail properties in Kangnam Market, Seoul. Study results showed that the optimal FARs in office sub-markets ranged from 887% to 1,117%, which was almost same with the highest FAR of samples in each sub-market. The net value on the optimal FAR in the Seo-Cho office sub-market is about 12.9MKW (million korean won)/㎡. On the other hand, the net value on the optimal FAR in Teheran-Valley (Yeok-Sam, Sam-Sung, Sun-Reung) sub-markets ranged from 7.1MKW/㎡ to 8.2MKW/㎡ due to high land purchasing price. In retail market, the optimal FARs in retail sub-markets ranged from 196% to 234%, which was almost same with the average FAR of samples in each sub-market. The net value on the optimal FAR in the Kangnam-Yeok retail sub-market was about 10.9MKW/㎡, which was approximately twice of the net profit on the optimal FAR in other retail sub-markets. This study is expected to make a significant contribution to examine the net value on non-residential properties in office and retail sub-markets. The result will also be helpful tips for owners of, or investors for office or retail properties when they consider to invest the office or retail properties. 용적률거래제에 대한 논의가 활발하게 진행되면서 용적률 가치산정의 중요성이 대두되고 있다. 용적률거래제 성공을 위한 선결조건 중 하나는 용적률 공급량과 수요량을 추정하는데 있다. 용적률의 구매수요는 구매예상지역의 사업성이 있는 최적용적률 수준에 따라 추가적인 용적률 구매의 필요성이 결정되기 때문이다. 그러나 용적률 관련 연구는 주로 아파트를 중심으로 한 주거용부동산에 치중되고 있어서 상가나 오피스와 같은 비주거용부동산에 대한 최적용적률 관련 연구가 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 서울특별시 강남지역(강남구, 서초구, 송파구)의 오피스 108동, 상가 104동을 대상으로 하위시장별 최적용적률 및 최적용적률일 때의 토지 단위면적당 부동산순편익을 산출하였다. 분석결과 오피스 하위시장의 최적용적률은 하위시장 샘플의 최대용적률에 가까운 887%∼1,117% 수준인 것으로 나타났다. 최적용적률일 때의 토지 단위면적당 부동산순편익을 살펴보면, 서초 하위시장이 12.9백만원/㎡ 수준의 높은 부동산순편익을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 테헤란로에 위치하는 역삼, 삼성, 선릉하위시장의 최적용적률일 때의 부동산순편익은 7.1백만원/㎡∼8.2백만원/㎡ 으로 상대적으로 낮은 수준의 부동산순편익을 보이는 것으로 나타났는데 이는 높은 토지매입비에 기인하는 것으로 판단된다. 또한 상가 하위시장의 최적용적률은 하위시장 샘플의 평균용적률에 가까운 196%∼234% 수준인 것으로 분석되었다. 최적용적률일 때의 토지 단위면적당 부동산순편익을 살펴보면, 강남역하위시장이 10.9백만원/㎡ 수준의 높은 부동산순편익을 나타냈는데, 이는 기타하위시장의 두 배 수준에 이른다. 본 연구는 상가 및 오피스의 하위시장별로 부동산가격에서 건설 및 부동산매입 등에 소요되는 비용을 제외한 부동산순편익을 가장 높이는 최적용적률을 도출해 냄으로써 투자대상으로서의 비주거용부동산의 가치를 보였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 향후 용적률거래제가 실행될 때 예상되는 용적률 매입수요 산정이나, 오피스나 상가부동산의 소유자 및 투자자의 투자의사결정시에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        국내에서 제작된 고정성 보철물의 수명과 실패 요인 및 양상

        신우진,전영식,이근우,이호용,한동후,Shin Woo-Jin,Jeon Young-Sik,Lee Keun-Woo,Lee Ho-Yong,Han Dong-Hoo 대한치과보철학회 2005 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.43 No.2

        Statement of problem. Every effort has been continually made to obtain objectivity in measuring the longevity of fixed restorations, such as by establishing unified judgement standard for deciding success and adopting statistical method that analyzes the data of successful and failed cases at the same time. In Korea, however desired level of development has not to be made in this field yet. Purpose. This study, adopting California Dental Association (CDA) quality evaluation system, established objective standard for deciding success, and inferred the longevity of fixed restorations and their failure analysis through adopting Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Material and method. In order to assess the longevity of flxed restorations serviced in Korea and causes of failure, a total of 1109 individuals (aged 15-74, 716 women and 393 men loaded with 2551 unit fixed restorations, and 1934 abutments) who lived in Kyung-In Province were examined and the findings were as follows : Results. 1. Length of service of fixed restorations serviced in Korea was 6.86$\pm$0.15 yr (mean), 5.5 yr (median), and the rate of success was 65.82% in 5 year survival, and 21.15% in 10 year survival. 2. When there was patient's need for replacing old prosthetics, longevity of fixed restorations was 7.51$\pm$0.27 yr (mean), 7 yr (median), and the rate of success was 61.08% in 5 year survival, and 17.57% in 10 year survival. 3. Longevity of fixed restorations was longest in the over-sixty age group(9.21$\pm$0.66) and that of the teen age group(3.39$\pm$0.28) was shortest (p<0.05). 4. Longevity of fixed restorations of women (7.38$\pm$0.18 years) was longer than that of men (6.00$\pm$0.26) (p<0.05). 5. As for the provider factor (such as unlicensed performers, university hospitals, and private clinic), there was no statistically significant difference in longevity of fixed restorations. 6. Defective margin (34.78%). periodontal disease (12.15%), periapical involvement (11.73%), was the most frequent causes of failure and poor esthetics group showed the longest life above all (p<0.05). Actual frequent causes of failure after removing old prosthetics were defective margin, periapical involvement, periodontal disease and uncemented restoration. In 75.67% of the cases, abutment state after removing old prosthetics was good enough for loading another prosthetics. 7. There was found to have statistically significant influence between longevity of single crown (6.35$\pm$0.20 yr) and that of 3 unit fixed restorations (7.60$\pm$0.30 y) (p<0.05). In each case the most frequent cause of failure was defective margin. 8. The number of cantilever pontic, pontic/abutment ratio, oral hygiene status were found to have no statistically significant influence on longevity of fixed restorations in all groups (p>0.05). 9. Longevity of fixed restorations made of non precious metal was longest (9.60$\pm$0.40 yr) semi precious and precious trailing behind(p<0.05). 10. Group function group (37.04%) and partial group function group (44.62%) were predominant in frequency but showed no correlation between them and among different types of occlusal plane and different types of occlusal surface (p>0.05). 11. Longevity of fixed restorations was longest in the centric interference group(9.35$\pm$0.62) (p<0.05) among different types of occlusal interference. Conclusion. We found that longevity of fixed restorations serviced in Korea is affected by age, gender and type of material, and that most frequent cause of failure is defective margin. In order to assess the accurate longevity of axed restorations, unified research design. overcoming inter-observer difference and establishing the objective research items are needed. Furthermore, it is thought that prospective approach through thorough study and regular follow-ups is needed just from the start of research. Nationwide detailed stud

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