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        군기지 이전지 활용에 관한 참여설계과정 - 요코하마 후카야 통신소 이전지 아이디어 공모사업 사례 -

        박지현,손용훈,츠게 키하루,Park, Ji-Hyun,Son, Yong-Hoon,Tsuge, Kiharu 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.3

        일본의 요코하마시는 1950년대부터 장기간에 걸쳐 미군기지 반환운동을 실시하였으며, 반환된 이전지를 활용함에 있어서 체계적인 활용계획을 수립하였다. 후카야 통신소는 2004년 반환이 확정된 요코하마 시내의 미군기지 중 하나이다. 후카야 통신소는 원형의 부지형태 및 부지 전체가 국유지라는 활용에 용의한 조건을 갖고 있으며, 이에 요코하마시는 후카야 통신소 이전지 활용에 대해 다양한 시민들의 의견을 수용한 대규모 녹지공간으로 조성하기 위해 아이디어 제안공모사업을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 후카야 통신소를 대상으로 참여설계과정을 유도하는 아이디어 공모사업의 추진 배경과 진행과정을 정리하고, 또한 공모전에 참가한 아이디어를 분석하여 이전지 활용에 대한 최근 시민들의 수요를 해석하였다. 요코하마시는 아이디어 공모를 통해서 최근 도시녹지의 기능 및 테마에 대한 시민들의 요구사행에 관해 많은 아이디어를 얻을 수 있었다. 시민들은 후카야 통신소 부지에 녹지 인프라로서 새로운 녹지공간을 창조하는데 많은 관심을 보였다. 또한 아이디어들 중에는 개별녹지의 활용을 넘어 자연과 소통하는 지역의 새로운 라이프스타일을 제안하기도 하였다. 요코하마시는 아이디어 공모사업의 진행과정과 결과를 가능한 많은 시민들이 함께 공유할 수 있도록 '응모-심사-응원-참관-이해'의 다양한 참여 방식을 도모하였다. 후카야 통신소 이전지 활용에 관한 참여설계의 과정은 도시 기반시설로, 다양한 참여설계가 이루어져야 하는 공공사업에 있어서 커뮤니티 설계의 원칙과 프로세스가 구현되어지고 있는 사례라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 후카야의 사례는 이전지 공원화 계획안이 수립된 우리나라의 의정부시 미군기지, 서울시 용산 미군기지에 시사하는바가 적지 않다고 생각된다. 본 연구내용을 바탕으로 할 때, 향후 우리나라의 미군부대 반환지 활용에 있어 시민을 위한 이전지 활용방안을 위해서는 보다 체계적인 이전지 활용계획의 틀, 투명한 절차 및 정보공개, 다양한 참여설계에 의한 협업 과정 등이 중요하다고 하겠다. Since 1950, the city of Yokohama has been demanding the return of US. military base sites in Yokohama. Yokohama has established a systematic utilization plan for these relocation sites. The Fukaya communication site is one of former US. military bases verified for return in 2004. The Fukaya communication site is distinctively circular in shape and is entirely national land. Yokohama took an idea competition to its citizens to create a new park at the relocation of the Fukaya communication site, involving lots of citizen opinion in its utilization goals. This study determined the process of the idea competition at the Fukaya communication site in encouraging civic participation and analyzing citizen demands for the utilization of the relocation site. Through the idea competition, Yokohama city was able to obtain several ideas on the new park from various angles such as the function and shape of the urban open spaces. Citizens showed great interest in creating a park as green infrastructure on the Fukaya communication site. In addition, beyond utilization as an urban open space, many ideas suggested new lifestyles for the region in connection with the natural environment in the vicinity. Yokohama city tried to share the process and results of the idea competition with as many citizens as it could through a variety of means such as Participation, Judging, Support, Observation and Understanding. The case study on the idea competition at the Fukaya communication site is a good example of community design practice in public projects, and is full of suggestions for military bases in Korea, which has just established the plan of utilizing relocation sites as parks. Based on this case study, it can be concluded that it is important to make a systemic form for utilization planning with a clear process, open information and partnership in a variety of participatory design processes in order to ensure maximum civic utilization of relocation sites.

      • KCI등재

        부산 배산성지 1호 집수지 출토 대나무 발 수습 및 보존처리

        박지현,박정혜,이광희,서연주,박정욱,김수철,Park, Ji Hyeon,Park, Jung Hae,Lee, Kwang Hee,Seo, Yeon Ju,Park, Jung Wook,Kim, Soo Chul 한국문화재보존과학회 2021 보존과학회지 Vol.37 No.5

        배산성지 1호 집수지 내 출토 대나무 발의 안정적인 보존처리 수행으로 향후 안전한 관리와 가치 향상을 꾀하였다. 다양한 분석결과 발의 제작에 사용된 주재료는 대나무였으며, 초본류를 사용하여 대나무를 엮고 두 재료 간의 접착을 위해서 옻칠을 한 것으로 판단되었다. 블록 형태로 수습한 대나무 발은 세척 동안 흐트러지지 않도록 임시 석고틀을 제작, 결구하여 고착된 오염물과 흙을 모두 제거하고 개별로 분리하여 세척하였다. 이후 강화처리를 위해 PEG 함침법을 적용하였다. 예비실험결과를 바탕으로 건조과정 중 발생할 수 있는 유물의 손상을 방지하기 위해 스테인리스 고정틀로 형태를 고정한 후 진공동결건조를 실시하였다. 유물의 표면안정화를 위한 표면처리제는 PEG 20%(In Ethyl Alcohol)를 적용하였다. 표면처리 후 대나무발은 최대 길이에 맞춰 편을 접합하고 교란층과 같은 미상부재를 최대한 활용하여 결실부를 채워 배접방식으로 발의 형태를 최대한 복원하였다. 배접된 대나무발은 제작한 틀에 고정하여 보존처리를 완료하였다. In the present study, safe management and value improvement of bamboo sunblind, which is an item of cultural heritage, were performed by adopting stable conservation treatment methods. The bamboo sunblind used in the present study was excavated from No. 1 catchment site in Baesanseongji, Busan. It was determined that the main material used to make the sunblind was bamboo, and herbal plants were used to weave the bamboo using lacquer as an adhesive agent. All contaminants and soil adhered to the sunblind was removed. Thereafter, the sunblind, which was recovered in the form of blocks, was washed separately after fixing it to a temporary plaster frame and to avoid the blocks from breaking during washing. Then, polyethylene glycol (PEG) impregnation was utilized for the reinforcement treatment. Based on the preliminary test results, the shape of the sunblind was fixed using a stainless-steel frame to prevent physical damage that may occur during the drying process. Thereafter, the bamboo sunblind was vacuum freeze-dried. PEG 20% (in ethyl alcohol) was applied as a surface treatment agent for stabilization the sunblind. After the surface treatment, the bamboo sunblind were joined together to fit the maximum width, and the rectangular shape of the sunblind was restored-as best as possible-while filling in the missing parts by maximizing the use of unknown members such as in the disturbed layers below bamboo sunblind surface. The conservation treatment was completed by fixing the bamboo sunblind into the fabricated frame.

      • KCI등재

        2002년 부산 지역에서 유행한 무균성 뇌막염에 대한 임상적 고찰

        박지현,이나영,김길현,정진화,조경순,김성미,Park, Ji Hyun,Lee, Na Young,Kim, Gil Hyun,Jung, Jin Hwa,Cho, Kyung Soon,Kim, Sung Mi 대한소아청소년과학회 2003 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.46 No.9

        목 적 : 2002년 부산 지역에서 집중 발생한 무균성 뇌막염의 임상 양상 및 원인 바이러스를 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방 법 : 2002년 1월부터 12월까지 부산 메리놀병원에 무균성 뇌막염으로 입원하였던 276명의 환아를 대상으로 임상 소견을 조사하였고, 이 중 244명은 뇌척수액, 대변, 인후 도말 검체로 바이러스 배양 검사를 실시하였다. 결 과 1) 성별 분포는 남아 160례, 여아 116례로 남녀비는 1.4 : 1이었다. 2) 연령별 분포는 5개월에서 14세까지였으며, 평균 연령은 $5.7{\pm}6.2$세였고, 1-4세에서 114례(41.3%)로 호발하였다. 3) 환자의 발생 시기는 5-7월에 집중 발생하였다. 4) 임상 증상은 발열, 두통, 구토 순으로 나타났고, 6-7월에는 호흡기계 감염 증상이 동반되었으며, 11-12월에는 10세 이상의 소아에서 발열 없이 두통 및 오심이 특징적으로 나타났다. 5) 말초 혈액 소견상 $10,000/mm^3$ 이상이 34.8%, ESR 20 mm/hr 이상이 56.1%, CRP 양성이 61.0%로 말초 혈액 검사로는 세균성 감염과 감별 진단이 어려웠다. 6) 뇌척수액 검사상 백혈구수는 $86.5{\pm}180.2/mm^3$, 단백질은 평균 $41.7{\pm}32.9mg/dL$, 당은 평균 $56.4{\pm}9.9mg/dL$이었다. 7) 재원 기간은 평균 $4.7{\pm}7.2$일이었고, 이 중 요추 천자를 시행한 군이 시행하지 않은 군에 비해 재원 기간이 훨씬 짧고 증상 소실도 빨랐으며, 항생제 사용 기간도 짧았다. 8) 뇌척수액 바이러스 배양 검사상 echovirus 6이 14례, echovirus 9가 8례, coxsakie virus B3가 4례, echovirus 25가 1례, coxsakie virus B4가 1례, untypable virus가 4례에서 검출 되었다. 결 론 : 2002년도에 부산 지역에서 무균성 뇌막염의 대유행이 있었으며, 원인 바이러스는 echovirus 6, 9, 25, coxsakie virus B3, B4이었다. Purpose : There was a outbreak of aseptic meningitis in Busan, 2002. We report the clinical features and causative viruses. Methods : Two hundred seventy six children with aseptic meningitis who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Maryknoll Hospital between January and December, 2002 were included. CSF, stool and throat swab viral cultures were done in 244 of these children. Results : The male to female ratio was 1.4 : 1. Age of patients varied from five months to fourteen years old. Average age was $5.7{\pm}6.2years$ old and mostly between one and four years.(41.3%) Monthly distribution revealed that the number of patients increased from May to July. The main symptoms were fever, headache and vomiting in this order. Respiratory tract infection symptom was associated from June to July and headache and nausea without fever were characteristically observed in children more than 10 years old from November to December. In peripheral blood examination, leukocytosis(WBC>$10,000/mm^3$) showed in 34.8%, ESR was increased in 56.1%, and CRP was positive value in 61%. Therefore differential diagnosis was difficult through peripheral blood examination. CSF findings revealed mean leukocyte count $86.5{\pm}180.2/mm^3$, protein $41.7{\pm}32.9mg/dL$, glucose $56.4{\pm}9.9mg/dL$. Median hospitalized period was $4.7{\pm}7.2days$ and compared with non-tapping group, hospitalized period was shorter and subsidance of symptoms was faster, therefore antibiotics injection period was shorter in the spinal tapping group. Virus was isolated in 31 cases of 244. The causative agents were echovirus 6, echovirus 9, echovirus 25, coxsakie virus B3, B4. Conclusion : There was an epidemics of aseptic meningitis in Busan, 2002; the causative agent was echovirus 6, 9, 25, coxsakie virus B3, B4.

      • KCI등재

        혈액투석 환자의 가족참여교육이 자가간호수행과 혈액생화학적 지표에 미치는 영향

        박지현,최현경,Park, Ji Hyun,Choi, Hyunkyung 한국데이터정보과학회 2016 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 혈액투석 환자를 대상으로 가족참여교육이 자가간호수행 및 혈액생화학적 지표에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 실시된 비동등성 대조군 사전, 사후 실험연구이다. 자료수집은 일개 광역시 종합병원 혈액투석 환자 56명을 대상으로 2015년 4월 6일부터 5월 8일까지 진행되었다. 가족이 참여한 실험군에서 혈액투석 환자의 자가간호 정도 (t=3.36, p=.001)와 혈중 칼륨 수치 (t=2.78, p=.007)가 대조군에 비해 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보였다. 본 연구의 결과는 혈액투석 환자에서 가족참여교육이 자가간호수행과 혈액생화학적 지표에 긍정적인 효과가 있는 것으로 나타난 바, 혈액투석 환자들의 자가간호수행 증진을 위해 가족을 포함한 교육 프로그램을 제공하는 것은 효과적인 간호중재로 사용될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of education for hemodialysis patient with a family caregiver on self-care practice and on blood biochemical parameters. A nonequivalent control group pretest and posttest design has been employed for analysis. Among hemodialysis patients in C university hospital located in Daegu, 56 subjects, 28 in experimental and 28 in control group, participated in the study from April to May in 2015. The experimental group whose family caregiver participated in education for hemodialysis patient reported significant differences in self-care practice (t=3.36, p=.001) and serum potassium level (t=2.78, p=.007) from the control group whose family caregiver did not participate. Considering positive effects of family education, we suggest education programs incorporating family caregivers be used as an effective nursing intervention.

      • KCI등재

        총상으로 인한 외상시신경손상 1예

        박지현,장성동,이세엽,Ji Hyun Park,M,D,Sung Dong Chang,M,D,Se Youp Lee,M,D 대한안과학회 2008 대한안과학회지 Vol.49 No.1

        `Purpose: There have been no reports of optic nerve injuries caused by gunshot in Korea. We describe such an injury and report the treatment outcomes. Case summary: A patient visited our hospital complaining of visual disturbance after her right zygomatic bone had been shot with an airgun during a suicide attempt in September 2006. A visual acuity test, pupillary light reflex test, fundus examination, skull X-ray, and computed tomography (CT) were performed. At the initial examination, the right eye had no light perception. The pupillary light reflex test revealed an afferent pupillary defect, and the fundus examination showed central retinal artery occlusion. The skull X-ray and computed tomography revealed a fracture of the right medial and lateral orbital walls as well as a partial injury to the medial rectus muscle. In addition, right retrobulbar hemorrhage and metallic foreign bodies were observed in the right orbit. Under general anesthesia, disinsertion of the superior and lateral rectus muscles was performed, and the metallic foreign bodies in the right orbit were removed. The surgical incision was then closed. A Krimsky prism test performed 7 days after surgery revealed an approximately 15 prism diopters of exodeviation of the right eye. Conclusions: We report a case of optic nerve injury caused by a gunshot.`

      • KCI등재

        기저세포모반증후군과 연관된 다발성 치성각화낭종의 치험 2례

        박지현,윤규호,박관수,정정권,신재명,최문경,Park, Ji-Hyun,Yoon, Kyu-Ho,Park, Kwan-Soo,Cheong, Jeong-Kwon,Shin, Jae-Myung,Choi, Mun-Kyung 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2008 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.30 No.2

        Basal cell nevus syndrome, also known as Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, is a hereditary condition transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait that exhibits high penetrance and variable expressivity. It is an ecto-mesodermal polydysplasia with numerous manifestations that affect multiple organs. Odontogenic keratocysts, palmar and plantar pits, and hypertelorism are the most frequently observed anomalies. Currently there are new lines of investigation based on biomolecular studies, which aim at identifying the molecules responsible for these cysts and thus early allowing an early diagnosis of these patients. We report two cases of multiple odontogenic keratocysts associated with basal cell nevus syndrome.

      • KCI등재

        망막전위도검사에서 ERG-Jet 단극전극과 Burian-Allen 양극전극의 파형 비교

        박지현,이호경,박성준,김윤화,Jihyun Park,MD,Hokyung Lee,MD,Sung Joon Park,MD,Yoon Hwa Kim 대한안과학회 2010 대한안과학회지 Vol.51 No.9

        Purpose: To compare electroretinogram (ERG) waveforms acquired using an ERG-jet electrode and a Burian-Allen electrode. Methods: ERGs were recorded with an ERG-jet electrode and a Burian-Allen electrode from both eyes of 29 volunteers. Three consecutive recordings were obtained with both electrodes from the left eye of another 6 volunteers. Peak-to-trough amplitudes and peak implicit times were compared between both eyes, and between the 2 types of electrodes. Interpersonal and intrapersonal variation were also compared. Results: The differences in amplitude and implicit time between the right and left eyes were not influenced by the type of electrode. The amplitude of the ERG acquired using the Burian-Allen electrode, however, showed significant differences between both eyes, contrary to the amplitude acquired using the ERG-jet electrode. ERG recordings obtained using the ERG-jet electrode generally showed higher amplitude, shorter implicit time, and less interpersonal and intrapersonal variation than ERG recordings obtained using the Burian-Allen electrode. Conclusions: In this application, the ERG-jet ERG electrode appeared to be superior to the Burian-Allen electrode in terms of both usefulness and consistency. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2010;51(9):1217-1223

      • KCI우수등재

        간호대학생의 대인관계불안, 대학생활적응, 자기통제와 스마트폰 중독의 관계

        박지현,박진화,Park, Ji-Hyun,Park, Jin-Hwa 한국데이터정보과학회 2017 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 간호대학생의 대인관계불안, 대학생활적응, 자기통제와 스마트폰 중독의 관계를 파악하여 간호대학생의 스마트폰 중독 예방을 위하여 기초자료를 제공하기 위함이다. 연구대상자는 간호학과 2-4학년 학생으로 본 연구의 목적을 이해하고 연구참여를 동의한 173명으로 수집된 자료는 IBM SPSS 19를 이용하여 회귀분석으로 분석하였다. 연구결과 대상자의 대인관계불안과 스마트폰 중독은 양의 상관관계로, 대학생활적응 및 자기통제는 스마트폰 중독과 양의 상관관계로 나타났다. 스마트폰 하루 사용시간과 자기통제는 스마트폰 중독의 36.0%를 설명하였다. 따라서 간호대학생의 스마트폰 중독을 예방하고 치료하기 위해서 스마트폰을 사용하는 시간을 줄이고, 자기통제력을 높일 수 있는 중재방안이 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationships among interpersonal relationship anxiety, college adjustment, self-control, and smartphone addiction in nursing students. Collecting data from 173 nursing students, we carried out t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression using IBM SPSS Statistics 19. The significant predictors of smartphone addiction in nursing students have been indentified to be smartphone use time and self-control, accounting for 34.0% of the variability. The results suggest that an effective approach to prevent smartphone addiction for nursing students needs to consider how to decrease smartphone time and also needs to develop ways to enhance self-control and interpersonsal relationship.

      • KCI등재

        Hydroxyapatite를 이식한 임플란트 주위 골결손부에서 rhPDGF-BB와 rhBMP-2가 골내 임플란트 osseointegration에 미치는 영향: Micro-CT 분석과 조직학적 평가

        박지현,황순정,김명진,Park, Jee-Hyun,Hwang, Sun-Jung,Kim, Myung-Jin 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.6

        Purpose: Platelet derived growth factor(PDGF)-BB and bone morphogenetic protein(BMP)-2 are well-known representative growth factors. The purposes of this study were to investigate the effect of rhPDGFBB and rhBMP-2 on osseointegration of titanium implants at periimplant bone defects grafted with hydroxyapatite and to evaluate the feasibility of imaging bone structures around screw-type titanium implant with micro-CT. Materials and Methods: The first molar and all premolars in the mandible region of four beagle dogs were extracted. Following a healing period of 4 months, three $8{\times}8{\times}6mm$-sized bony defects were formed and screw-type titanium implants were placed with hydroxyapatite(HA) block and growth factors; Control group, PDGF group and BMP group. Two months post-implantation, the mandible was harvested. Bone volume(BV), bone-to-implant contact(BIC) and bone mineral density(BMD) were analyzed with micro-CT and histology. Results: According to micro-CT analysis, BV and BMD measures of PDGF and BMP group were significantly higher than control group(BV; PDGF group: $p{\fallingdotseq}0.011$, BMP group: $p{\fallingdotseq}0.006$/BMD; PDGF group: $p{\fallingdotseq}0.020$, BMP group: $p{\fallingdotseq}0.011$) and BIC measures of BMP group were significantly higher than PDGF group($p{\fallingdotseq}0.015$). In histologic evaluation, BIC measures of BMP group was significantly higher than PDGF group($p{\fallingdotseq}0.048$). The values of BV in histologic sections were higher than in micro-CT images and the values of BIC in micro-CT images were higher than in histologic sections. Conclusion: The findings of this experimental study indicates that the use of rhPDGF-BB and rhBMP-2 can increase new bone formation in a large bony defect around titanium implant, and rhBMP-2 is more effective than rhPDGF-BB. Micro-CT can be considered useful for assessment as a rapid and nondestructive method for 3-dimensional measurement of bone healing around implants. Further study is necessary, however, to remove metal artifacts around titanium implant and to standardize the method.

      • KCI등재

        강섬유 보강 초고성능 콘크리트 슬래브의 뚫림 전단 성능 평가

        박지현,홍성걸,Park, Ji-Hyun,Hong, Sung-gul 한국공간구조학회 2015 한국공간구조학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        UHPC(Ultra High Performance Concrete) is used widely with its remarkable performance, such as strength, ductility and durability. Since the fibers in the UHPC can control the tensile crack, the punching shear capacity of UHPC is higher than that of the conventional concrete. In this paper, seven slabs with different thickness and fiber volume ratio were tested. The ultimate punching shear strength was increased with the fiber volume ratio up to 1%. The shear capacity of specimens with the fiber content 1% and 1.5% do not have big differences. The thicker slab has higher punching shear strength and lower deformation capacity. The critical sections of punching shear failure were similar regardless of the fiber volume ratio, but it were larger in thicker slab.

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