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한외여과된 돈혈청으로부터 DEAE - Sephacel Chromatography 에 의한 면역단백질의 분리
전기홍,유익종,박우문,이무하 ( K . H . Jeon,I . J . Yoo,W . M . Park,M . H . Lee ) 한국축산학회 1997 한국축산학회지 Vol.39 No.1
Concentrated porcine serum with ultrafiltration 30KDa was purified with DEAF-Sephacel column chromatography. Buffer solution with pH 7 to 9 and buffer concentration with 0.01M to 0.05M, and NaCl gradient with 0M∼0.5M, 0M∼0.8M and 0M∼1.0M were used respectively for chromatographic purification. Optimal conditions were at pH 8.0, buffer conc. 0.03M and salt conc, 0M∼0.5M with immunoprotein concentration 82% and production yield 43%. Purified immunoprotein was identified in the molecular weight 50KDa and 15KDa by electrophoresis.
갈대의 사료자원 개발에 관한 연구 1 . 육성돈에 대한 갈대의 사료적 가치
박종만,전우복,한인규,연정웅,권관,유문일,명규호 ( C . M . Park,W . B . Chun,I . K . Han,J . U . Yeon,K . Kwan,M . I . Yoo,K . H . Myung ) 한국축산학회 1983 한국축산학회지 Vol.25 No.3
This experiment was conducted with 72 crossbred pigs to evaluate the nutritive values of dried reed meal (Phragmites communis Trinius) in growing-finishing swine rations replacing 10% wheat bran with dried reed meal (DRM) at the levels of 0,3,6 and 9%. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. It was found that DRM was markedly high in crude fiber, however, other nutrient contents including protein, amino acids and most minerals were lower than those of wheat bran. The values of DE and ME of DRM were 1,787 and 1,699 ㎉/㎏, respectively and those of wheat bran were 3,273 and 3,029 ㎉/㎏, respectively. In general, nutrients in wheat bran were more digestible than those in DRM. 2. Nine percent substitution of DRM for wheat bran in growing-finishing swine diet did not severely affect the growth rate but increased feed consumption and feed conversion rate. Digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, nitrogen retention and energy digestibility or metabolizability tended to be decreased as the level of DRM in the rations increased. 3. Carcass quality evaluation revealed that the back fat thickness of pigs tended to be thinner, however, dressing percentages, carcass lengths and loin eye areas decreased, as the level of DRM in the diets increased. Based upon the results of present study, it may be concluded that partial substitution of DRM for grain by-products in the ration of growing-finishing swine may be possible, if digestible energy, indispensable amino acids and phosphorus sources are properly added.