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        10대에서 발생한 잠재성 뇌혈관 기형

        홍진식,김선기,김창현,이호국,고영초,황도윤 대한신경외과학회 1995 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.24 No.6

        The authors report 6 cases of angiographically occult vascular malformations(AOVM's) which were diagnosed out of 18 cases of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage treated at Kang Nam Sacred Heart Hospital from January, 1988, to April, 1994. The age of the 18 patients ranged from 11 to 19 years. Among the 6 cases, 5 were acute in onset of symptoms, and the remainder, subacute. The location of hematoma was subcortical lobar in 4 cases, around basal ganglia in 1, and cerebellum in 1. The diagnoses of 4 cases was confirmed by operative and pathological findings and the remaining 2 cases, suspected by the radiological findings and clinical courses of the patients. Most of the cases showed the characteristic findings of AOVM either on or both the magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) and computed tomography(CT).

      • Impact of perception of socioeconomic burden on advocacy for patient autonomy in end-of-life decision making: a study of societal attitudes

        Kwon, YC,Shin, DW,Lee, JH,Heo, DS,Hong, YS,Kim, S-Y,Yun, YH SAGE Publications 2009 Palliative medicine Vol.23 No.1

        <P>We investigated the impact of perception of socioeconomic burden on beliefs regarding a patient’s autonomy in end-of-life (EOL) decision making. We also sought to identify the characteristics of individuals who advocate patient autonomy and their attitudes toward other EOL issues. A total of 1055 individuals from the Korean general population were interviewed through a telephone survey using a structured questionnaire that was designed to investigate public attitudes toward various EOL issues. Of 1019 individuals included in the analysis, 635 (62.3%) specified the patient and 221 (21.7%) the family, when asked who is the appropriate decision maker in terms of EOL decisions in the absence of perception of socioeconomic burden. In contrast, the numbers were 458 (44.9%) and 500 (49.1%), respectively, if substantial burden was assumed. Respondents who favoured the patient’s right to make decisions regardless of perception of socioeconomic burden numbered only 312 (30.6%) and were likely to be younger and have knowledge of hospice than who favoured family decision. Former group also favoured the disclosure of terminal illness to patients, withholding life-sustaining treatment, and preparation of advanced directives. Societal attitudes toward patient autonomy were significantly influenced by perception of socioeconomic burden. Open and balanced discussion about burden to family and adequate welfare support are thus suggested.</P>

      • KCI등재

        임신과 동반된 후복막 신경섬유초종 1 례

        김영찬(YC Kim),김진홍(CH Kim),강재성(JS Kang),홍성봉(SB Hong) 대한산부인과학회 1988 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.31 No.12

        저자들은 임신중에 난소종양과 요추간판탈출증 과 감별진단이 어려웠던 임신과 동반된 후복 막 신경섬유초종 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌적 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. retroperitoneal neurilemmoma is relatively rare and benign tumor. during the pregnancy, its symptoms and signs are similar to ovarian cyst and HNP. And its relationship to pregnancy is not well identified. We present 1 case of retroperitoneal neurilemmoma assocated with pregnancy and brief review of the literatures.


        Presence of <i>Porphyromonas gingivalis</i> and plasma cell dominance in gingival tissues with periodontitis

        Kim, YC,Ko, Y,Hong, S-D,Kim, KY,Lee, YH,Chae, C,Choi, Y Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010 Oral Diseases Vol.16 No.4

        <P><I>Oral Diseases</I> (2010) <B>16</B>, 375–381</P><P>Objective: </P><P><I>Porphyromonas gingivalis</I> can invade and survive within its host epithelial cells. The aim of this study was to test our hypothesis that persistent presence of intracellular periodontal pathogens in gingival tissue causes the chronic inflammation and that an inappropriate immune response is a risk factor for periodontitis.</P><P>Methods: </P><P>Together with the presence of <I>P. gingivalis</I>, the distribution of B cells, plasma cells, and CD4<SUP>+</SUP>, CD8<SUP>+</SUP>, and FOXP3<SUP>+</SUP> regulatory T cells was evaluated in gingival tissues from healthy (<I>n </I>=<I> </I>7) and periodontitis (<I>n </I>=<I> </I>8) sites by <I>in situ</I> hybridization and immunohistochemistry, respectively.</P><P>Results: </P><P><I>Porphyromonas gingivalis</I> was detected in proximity to inflammatory infiltrates in three and seven biopsies from the healthy and periodontitis sites, respectively. Compared with healthy sites, periodontal lesions contained a significantly increased number of each immune cell studied with a relative dominance of plasma cells over T cells.</P><P>Conclusions: </P><P>Persistent bacterial invasion of gingival tissues in combination with a plasma cell-dominant immune response may be involved in the pathogenesis of periodontitis.</P>


        자궁 내막 생검시 Pipelle curette의 효용성에 대한 연구

        김영철,박종택,심재욱,한원희,안효순,이정은,김희숙,홍성란 대한부인종양 콜포스코피학회 1993 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.4 No.2

        Endometrial biopsy can be widely used to evaluate women at high risk for endometrial cancer and to follow women on hormone replaeement ther~apy or endometrial dating. Trsditional biopsy methods may produce enough pain to lower patient aeeeptance and differences in cost or simplieity. The Pipelle is a new disposable plastic endometrial suetion curette that provides a histologic biopsy, Recent several publications have suggested that use of the Pipelle curette is a safe and effective method by which to obtain samples of endornetriai tissue. This study compare the performance of the Pipelle curette to that of the D&C, a widely accepted biopsy technique. Pipelle curettage was performed just prior to D&C on 71 patients. Both technique provided same results in 51 cases(72%). More distinctive results were obtained in 14 cases of D&C(20%). Meanwhile, the result of cases of Pipelle cureite were even more distinctive comparing to D&C. It is very remarkable fact that there were no differences in pathologic findings of five cases of cancer between and Piyelle curette. All the patients did not require any anesthesia dunng Pipelle curettage, Sixty-nine of the seventy-one patients with Fipelle biopsy did riet comp1ain any pain and two patients state4 only mild pain during the procedure. These results suggest that Pipelle is as effective as the D&C in diagnosing endometrial bistolgy and superior to D&C inview of the cost and pain.

      • KCI등재

        Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate 투여가 산욕기부인의 유즙분비에 미치는 영향

        홍순묵(SM Hong),정종일(JI Jung),김영철(YC Kim),한세준(SJ Han),오세량(SR Oh) 대한산부인과학회 1985 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.28 No.6

        The effect of Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) which is clinically used for the ripening of uteirne cervix during delivery, was given to the laboring women to determine the adverse effect on lactation during the 48 hours after delivery. The women who were given DHEA-S showed a significant decrease of lactation in comparisen with the women without it. So, the above result suggests that the administration of DHEA-S is useful to the ripening of the uterine cervix, however it is converted to estradiol and inhibits lactation at least for 48 hours after delivery.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 분만양상에 관한 고찰 (III) - 분만장소및 그 개조자의 변천 -

        신재철(JC Shin),김영찬(YC Kim),홍성봉(SB Hong) 대한산부인과학회 1989 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.32 No.5

        Changing patterns of places of delivery and birth attendants is reviewed for last 25 year in korea. The main features of the subject are summarized as follows; 1. In a quater centry, the proportion of institutional delivery rose to two-thirds of all births. The remainder (24.7%) represents home delivery as of 1985 that will be replaced by institutional delivery soon as the insurance coverage will extend to the whole nation in near future. 2. Upon the launch of medical insurance in 1977 though the home delivery in rural areas has been much reduced, the ratio of home delivery between urban and rural is three to one. 3. The proportion seeking institutional confinement is much higher among mothers age 25-29. 4. As to the background of mother, the level of educational attainment and living standards of mother is associated with the frequency of institutional delivery. 5. Likewise, the frequency of non-medical attendants at births is inversely associated with educational levels and living standards.

      • KCI등재

        CNG 저장용기 재료의 수소취성에 관한 연구

        한정옥(JO Han),이영철(YC Lee),이중성(JS Lee),채정민(JM Chae),홍성호(SH Hong) 한국가스학회 2011 한국가스학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        CNG 저장용기 재료인 SA-372 강에 대해 수소취화 영향을 조사하기 위한 시험을 수행하였으며 대기조건과 불활성 가스인 아르곤 그리고 CNG, HCNG 및 수소가스에 대해 35 MPa로 가압된 가스분위기에서 인장시험이 이루어 졌다. 또한 인장시험 속도는 4*10^-4 /s와 4*10^-5/s로 각각 설정하였다. 분위기 가스를 고압으로 유지한 상태에서 시험하기 위해 가압형 오토크레이버가 장착된 인장시험기를 사용하였다. 시험 결과 불활성 가스와 CNG 분위기에서는 대기조건의 인장강도, 연신률 및 단면수축률과 거의 유사한 특성을 보였으며 인장속도의 변화에 대해서도 큰 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 30% 수소가 혼합된 수소혼합가스와 100% 수소 조건에서 인장강도는 큰 차이를 나타나지 않았지만 연신율과 단면 수축률에서는 눈에 띄는 변화가 있었다. 이로부터 수소가스의 취화효과는 수소가 포함된 조건에서 확인할 수 있었으며 수소농도가 높을수록 연신율과 단면수축률 변화가 크게 나타났다. 또한 인장 속도가 느릴수록 수소취화가 더 많이 나타나는 것으로 확인되었다. A set of test was conducted on a SA-372 steel for CNG storage tank to study the effect of hydrogen embrittlement. Tensile tests were carried out several conditions such as CNG, HCNG and H2 gas environment including air and Ar under the 35 MPa. Also, the test speed was set at 4*10^-4/s and 4*10^-5/s respectively. To maintain the high pressure for environmental gas during test process, we chose MTS which was installed autoclave. Test results showed that tensile stress, elongation rate and cross sectional contraction under Ar and CNG charging condition were similar to that of reference of air. And there was little bit change with test speed variations. However, hydrogen added conditions such as HCNG and H2 were revealed noticeable change in elongation rate and cross sectional contraction. Tensile stress was still uniform for all conditions. From the results, the effect of hydrogen embrittlement was confirmed on the hydrogen enriched conditions. Also its effect was showed more strong with much hydrogen concentration and slower test speed.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        17, 20-Desmolase 결함으로 인한 남성가성반음양 1 례

        배현미(HM Bae),강윤철(YC Kang),이우호(WH Lee),홍서유(SY Hong) 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.2

        A 23-year-old phenotypic female with 46,XY genotype presented an unusual form of male pseudohermaphroditism. Seemingly a normal woman, the patient failed to undergo pubertal changes presenting without pubic har, axillary hair, breast development, and menarche. Neither uterus nor adnexae were palpable above the blind vaginal canal through rectal examination. Serum testosterone and estradiol were barely detectable by RIA, while LH and FSH reached castrated levels. Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) and androstenedione (ADD) concentrations were low. Two small testes and appendages were removed from the pelvic sidewalls which showed atrophy of Sertoli cells and clusters of Leydig cells without malignant change on biopsy. This male pseudohermaphroditism probably was derived from deficiency of 17,20-desmolase according to the chromosome study, the hormonal assay and the biopsy. Congenital deficiency of enzymes necessary for testosterone biosynthesis is an uncommon aetiology of male pseudohermaphroditism. So we reported this case with a brief review of the literatures.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        자궁 양측부속기 , 대장 및 대망에 발생한 방선균증 1 례

        송애진(AJ Song),강윤철(YC Kang),이해양(HY Lee),홍서유(SY Hong) 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.1

        Actinomycosis is chronic, progressive, bacterial or fungal disease, more suppurative than granulomatous with a marked tendency for forming abscesses and sinus tracts. Actinomycosis, depending on the site of primary infection, is generally classified as cervicofacial, abdominal and thoracic type. In most instance, pelvic infection is found closely related to IUD, direct extension from GI tract and hematogenous sprewad. The causative agent is a branching, gram-positive anaerobic or microaerobic organism, apparently parasitic but bacteria-like in most of its characteristics. Recently authors are experienced a case of actinomycosis, which occured at bilateral adnexae, colon and greater omentum. A brief review of literatures pertinent to this case was done.

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