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        정갑인,이해혁,이효환,유정완,남계현,이임순,이권해 순천향의학연구소 1998 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.4 No.2

        Objective : Our purpose was to make preparations of what for proper emergency care and delivery in order to improve maternal and fetal well-being. Methods : The study was undertaken for the clinical evaluation and statistical analysis on the patients with placenta previa who had been admitted and delivered at Soonchunhyang University Hospital from January, 1994 to May, 1998, retrospectively. Results : The incidence of placenta previa was 2.0%. Placenta previa has occurred more often in multigravida(92%) than primigravida(8%). Vaginal bleeding was most frequent(37.3%) presentation. The mean gestational age at the first bleeding episode was 31~35 weeks(46.4%). The type of placenta previa was totalis (31.3%), Partialis(18%), marginalis(32.7%), low lying(18%). Conclusion . This study indicates that the obstetrician and the pediatrician should be prepared for emergency care and delivery of the placenta previa patients, with the improvement of delivery room and neonatal intensive care unit.

      • 學習曲線을 利用한 人間信賴性 硏究

        임완희,박석환,정운 대구대학교 산업기술연구소 1994 産業技術硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        Safety aspect in the manufacturing facility or construction site is increasingly emphasized in Korea for last a decade. As a result, the number of industrial accident is decreased slowly through organizational efforts. For reduction of industrial accidents, we must increase the reliability of both the equipment and human performance. This paper proposes a mathematical model to estimate and predict the human error rate correspondong to the worker's job experience. For this purpose, we used the statistics of industrial accidents issued by the Department of Labor in the year of 90-92. The methodology developed in this research will provide a basis for better cost estimation in planning labor policy in the early stage of a project. We believe that this effort would eventually lead to a basis for a new approach to the safety planning.

      • 新入生 意識構造의 調査를 기초로 한 學生 生活의 새로운 指導方法

        최완식,전창수,윤정임 한국항공대학교 1993 論文集 Vol.31 No.-

        이 硏究는 1992학년도의 한국항공대학교 신입생 의식구조의 조사를 토대로 한 새로운 학생생활지도 방안을 設定하기 위해서 마련된 것이다. 특히 이 연구의 진행과정에서는 최근 東北아시아의 국제정치 및 경제사정등의 극적인 變化가 학생생활에 미치는 영향 도 깊이 고려하였다. 뿐만 아니라 지난 오랜동안 한국항공대학교가 위치한 이 캠퍼스지역에 가로놓인 많은 어려운 장애 물과 악조건들이 학생들의 학습활동이나 연구생활에 미치는 악영향등도 충분히 유의하였다. 이 硏究의 두번째 목적은 무엇보다도 학생들의 進路지도를 적극 강화하고 보완하는 방안이 생활의 勉學분위기를 조성 하고 활기찬 학습 및 연구생활에 더욱 크게 이바지 하게 될 것이라는 점을 크게 유념하였다. This study is to eatablish "New Directions of Guidance for Students Life on the Basis of Research into Freshmen's Way of Thinking(1992)" in Hankuk Aviation University. In the process of this research, Particularly, we have deeply considered into the great influence upon the students life from the recent dramatic change of international polities and economic circumstances of Northeastern Asian countries. On the other hand, we have kept in mind very difficult conditions and circumstances laid in this campus area which have greatly influenced upon the very hard and inconvenient studing life of students for a long time past. The second objective of this research is to study of New Directions of Guidance for Making New job of Graduates and future new plan for variable social life after graduation. We believe such methods of New Guidance will remarkably devote on the effective and industrious studing life of students of Hankuk Avation University.

      • KCI등재

        방사선 방어용 앞치마를 착용하는 방사선 관련 종사자들의 근골격계 증상호소와 관련요인

        유정임,구정완 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        목적 : 본 연구는 방사선 방어용 앞치마를 착용하고 근무하는 방사선 관련 종사자들의 근골격계 증상 호소율을 알아보고, 근골격계 자각 증상에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 방법 : 심혈관조영실과 방사선과 혈관조영실에 근무하는 방사선 관련 종사자 192명을 대상으로 근골격계 자각 증상에 관한 NIOSH의 표준화된 설문지를 이용하여 자료를 수집하여 분석하였다. 결과 : 각 부위별 증상 호소율은 등/허리가 51.0%로 가장 높았으며, 어깨가 49.0%, 다리/무릎/발목이 47.9%의 순이었다. 부위별 근골격계 증상 호소율에 가장 영향을 미치는 요인을 보기 위해 다중 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시한 결과는 어깨부위 근골격계 증상호소에는 방사선 방어용 앞치마의 착용시간이 길수록, 투피스형의 착용형태가 높은 증상 호소율을 보였다. 등/허리 부위에서는 방사선 방어용 앞치마 착용시간이 길어질수록, 여성보다 남성이, 하루 평균 근무시간이 길수록, 근무 시간 중 휴식시간이 짧을수록 높은 증상 호소율을 보였다. 다리/무릎/발목 부위에서는 현 근무 부서의 경력이 많을수록, 방사선 방어용 앞치마 착용시간이 길어질수록, 근무 중 휴식시간이 짧을수록 높은 증상 호소율을 보였다. 결론 : 대상자의 부위별 근골격계 증상호소에 영향을 미치는 요인은 방사선 방어용 앞치마의 착용시간과 착용형태로 조사되었다. 그러므로 방사선 방어용 앞치마를 착용하는 대상자는 방사선 방어용 앞치마를 착용함으로 발생 가능한 근골격계 질환을 예방하기 위해 착용시간의 조절, 근무 중 적정한 휴식시간의 배분과 연장 등이 필요하리라 여겨진다. Objectives: To determine the complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms and understand the related factors of musculoskeletal symptoms in nurses and radiological technologists wearing a lead apron for radiation protection. Method : The study subjects were 192 nurses and radiological technologists who work at the cardiac catheterization room or angioroom in the department of radiology. A self-recording questionnaire was used to investigate the general characteristics, occupational characteristics, characteristics related to wearing a lead apron, and subjective mnsculoskeletal symptoms designed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Results: Complaint rates of musculoskeletal symptoms by NOISH were 51.0% in the upper/lower back, 49.0% in the shoulder, and 47.9% in the leg/knee/ankle. From multiple logistic regression analysis, musculoskeletal symptoms of the shoulder were influenced by two-piece type apron and long time wearing an apron, symptoms of upper/lower back by long time wearing an apron, sex, higher average working hours per a day and short resting time, symptoms of leg/knee/ankle by long time wearing an apron, working career at the present department (cardiac catheterization room or angioroom) and short resting time. Conclusion: The complaint rates of the musculoskeletal symptoms were affected by the characteristics of wearing a lead apron for radiation protection such as wearing time and apron type. Therefore, it is suggested that the workers who are wearing an apron need the proper wearing time and resting time, and suitable apron type and size for the body.

      • 산업부산물인 Fly Ash의 라이닝콘크리트에의 적용에 관한 실험적 연구

        최세진,임정열,정우성,김완영,김무한 공주대학교 자원재활용신소재지역협력센터 2000 2차년도 센터 사업 성과집 Vol.2000 No.1

        This is an experimental study to analyze the usability of fly ash in the tunnel lining concrete. For this purpose, the mix proportion of plain concrete and concrete using fly ash(the replacement of 15 and 30% by weight of cement) to satisfy slump 15cm, air content 5% and compressive strength 270kgf/cm2, was selected. And then tests for slump, setting time, compressive strength, tensile strength, drying shrinkage and adiabatic temperature rise were performed. According to test results, it was found that the concrete using fly ash 15% (FA 15 concrete) was better than the plain concrete and FA 30 concrete. FA 15 concrete was more useful than the others in reducing the drying shrinkage : the drying shrinkage strains of FA 15 concrete after 20 weeks of air drying was lower about 10% than the plain concrete, and lower 6% than FA 30 concrete. And the highest compressive strength after curing for 28 days of 365kgf/cm2 was obtained from FA 15 concrete. This was almost 10-20% improvement in compressive sterngth, compare to the plain concrete and FA 30 concrete. And the effect of 5~7.5℃ of concrete using fly ash for hydration heat reducing was calculated. Therefore, concrete using fly ash 15% (FA 15) was expected to improve the performance of lining concrete.

      • 신부전이 동반된 당뇨병 환자에서 발생된 침습성 모균증 : 수술과 Liposomal amphotericin B 및 GM-CSF 병합 요법에 의한 성공적인 치험 1예

        이원영,오기원,임국희,장재혁,이동건,최정현,강무일,신완식,차봉연,이광우,손호영,강성구 대한화학요법학회 1999 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        저자들은 신부전이 동반된 당뇨병 환자에서 발생된 부비동형 모균증에 대하여 수술과 함께 liposomal amphotericin B 및 GM-CSF의 복합치료를 하여 성공적으로 치료한 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Mucormycosis (zygomycosis) primarily affects diabetic or immunocompromised patients and typically progresses rapidly, necessitating surgical excision and antifungal therapy with amphotericin B. Large doses of amphotericin B are needed for cure, but it has the risk of causing significant renal toxicity. The recent development of liposomal amphotericin B allows antifungal therapy to be administered with potentially improved efficacy and reduced nephrotoxicity. We have experienced a case of paranasal mucormycosis successfully treated with surgery, liposomal amphotericin B and GM-CSF. A 59-year-old male suffering from diabetes mellitus for 6 years was admitted with pain at left maxillary area. He was diagnosed as mucormycosis after cytologic exam on the necrotic nasal mucosa, which showed typical hyphae. He have had diabetic nephropathy with macroproteinuria and had rapidly rising serum creatinine levels with the amphotericin B treatment: creatinine levels reverted to basal level with the use of liposomal amphotericin B. Despite surgical excision and continued antifungal therapy, his infection was not effectively controlled. Therefore, GM-CSF was administered additionally to improve phagocytic activity of leukocytes. He was finally cured after receiving a combination of aggressive surgery, liposomal amphotericin B and GM-CSF. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed clinical description of the treatment of mucormycosis with liposomal amphotericin B in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        혈액 내 구리, 아연 및 ceruloplasmin 농도에 흡연, 음주 및 신체적 활동이 미치는 영향

        홍연표,강은용,신인철,최병선,박정덕,장임원,박진완 大韓産業醫學會 1999 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        Objectives : To investigate the influence of smoking, alcohol ingestion, and physical activity on copper and zinc in RBC and serum and serum ceruloplasmin, this study was performed in a cross-sectional study in 113 healthy men aged 20 to 40 years who had no symptomatic liver, heart, gastrointestinal, and other chronic diseases. Methods : At the men's entry into the study, blood samples were drawn from each subject and immediately centrifuged for analysis of copper, zinc, iron, ceruloplasmin, total cholesterol, and hematocrit. Each man completed a questionnaire that provided information on smoking, amount of alcohol intake, and physical activity. Partial regression analysis was performed on confounding variables such as age, body mass index, hematocrit, serum cholesterol, and serum iron. Results : In general linear models, adjustment for confounding variables did not show statistical differences, and there was only an increasing tendency in serum copper in heavy smoker(P=0.0678). There was no difference between high physical activity with mild smokers and lower physical with heavy smokers. Conclusions : This study suggested that copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin were not good biomarker for early effect by smoking, alcohol intake and physical activity in young adult. However, selection bias should be considered in evaluation of this result, and a large prospective study will be needed in advance on usefulness of copper, zinc and ceruloplasmin as a marker for risk factors and early change of atherosclerosis.


        Clinicopathologic factors influencing the accuracy of EUS for superficial esophageal carcinoma.

        Jung, Jung Im,Kim, Gwang Ha,I, Hoseok,Park, Do Youn,Kim, Tae Kyun,Cho, Young Hwa,Sung, Yong Wan,Choi, Mun Ki,Lee, Bong Eun,Song, Geun Am WJG Press 2014 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Vol.20 No.20

        <P>To identify clinicopathologic factors influencing the accuracy of a high-frequency catheter probe endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) for superficial esophageal carcinomas (SECs).</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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