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      • 高麗 詩歌의 硏究

        宋永俊 圓光大學校大學院 1985 學位論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        The aim of this dissertation is to inquire into the Korean poetic songs made or sung in Koryo period, and to reveal the names, the classification, the form and the transition process of genre for the Korean poetic songs via philological, empirical, and other methods. It seems that the re were lots of poetic songs in Koryo Period. However, the works which were handed down up to now are onl y 13 pieces of Hyang-ga, 16 pieces of Koryo-kayo and a few pieces of Sijo. Because there were no Korean letter to write freely at that time, and besides. the intellectuals of that period regarded poetic songs made in Korean language as something vulgar. I include even those works not remaining today into the subject matter of the study. The consequences of the study can be summarized as follows. 1) It is erroneous to say that Hyang-ga had already disappeared in Koryo period, as many scholars contend. For there had been writers and works of Hyang-ga until later Koryo period. (2- 2) Therefore I think that Hyang- ga had been sung until later Koryo period. 2) No agreement has yet been made on the origin of Si-jo among scholars, but I think that Hyang- ga was changed into Si-jo. I have the opinion that after the transition, Si-jo exist ed together with Hyang- ga by the end of Koryo period. For it is proved that original form of Si-jo is to be found out of "Silla Choyongga" part in "Koryo Choyongga."(2--3--3, 2-3-4) 3) Korean poetic songs in Koryo period have bee. named variously such as "Sokga," "Sok-yo," "Kyong-gi-chega," "Kyong-gi-hayoga" etc. But these names don't represent the characteristics of Korean poetic songs in Koryo in full measure. (3-1) 4) Korean poetic songs are characterized by "refrain." If a song has a refrain, it continues in several stanzas, and if not, it ends in one stanza. I call the former "Yon- ga" ( continuing song), the latter, Hyang- ga.(3-1-6) 5) Many scholars have called Korean poetic songs as "Sok-ga" or "Kyong-gi-chega," but I regard them as "Yon- ga." Because they are connected in several stanzas followed by "refrain."(3-1-6) 6) Instead, such poetic songs as "Samo-kok", "Lees ang- kok" and "Man jonchun-Byolsa" are all Hyang- ga. Because they end in one stanza without refrain. (2-2-1) 7) Refrains can form a verse. And one-retrain-verse developed into two, three-and four- refrain verse. In practice. however, examples of three- or four-verse refrains are very rare.(3-3) 8) I put emphasis on "refrain." Based on the principle of unity, refrain is the standard by which all Korean poetic songs in Koryo period are classified. So Hyang- ga, Yon- ga and even so-called Sok- ga and Kyong- gi- chega can all be c1assified based on whether they have refrain or not and if they have refrain, they have one-refrain-verse or two-refrain-verse.(3-2) 9) Many scholars regard Korean poetic songs in Koryo period as either ballad or song of royal palace. But I think both forms of song were existed in that period. Part of ballads were sung in royal palace and the rest of them were sung by ordinary people, I think. By the way, In the course of ballad's introduction into royal palace, the words most probably have been changed ani must have been influenced by foreign music or songs. (And in this period, ballads are believed to have been considerably refined because of refrain.) (3-3-2) 10) In sum, Korean poetic songs made or sung in Koryo period can be classifie into the following two major categories. (1) Hyang-ga, ending in one stanza not followed by refrain. (2) Yon-ga, continuing in several stanzas followed by refrain. And Yon- ga in turn can be classified into two types of songs : (1) One-refrain-verse songs (so-called "Sok-ga") (2) Two-refrain-verse songs (so-called "Kyong- gi- chega) In this sense, in concluding remarks, the history of Korean poetic songs in Koryo period should be written in renewal. (4)

      • KCI등재

        이청준의 「눈길」연구

        송준호(Song Jun-ho) 국어문학회 2017 국어문학 Vol.65 No.-

        이청준의 단편소설 「눈길」을 대상으로 작중인물의 갈등과 관계변화 과정이 ‘집’과 ‘길’의 공간 모티브와 결합되는 양상을 해명한다. ‘집’에서는 소멸과 재생의 이미지가 동시에 드러난다. 이 소설의 공간적 배경으로서 ‘집’은 작중인물이 어린 시절에 살던 집과 현재 어머니가 살고 있는 집으로 나누어진다. 옛집은 기존에 유지되어 왔던 가족관계의 파탄을 상징한다. 현재의 집은 소멸의 공간 이미지를 띤다. 하지만 그 안에서 벌어지는 어머니와 아내의 대화를 통해 파괴되었던 모자관계의 원형을 회복한다는 점에서 그건 재생의 공간 모티브라고 볼 수 있다. ‘길’은 이동의 속성을 띤 공간으로서 작중인물의 존재론적 전환을 가능하게 하는 공간 모티브다. ‘나’가 옛집을 찾아간 길은 탐색을 유도하는 공간이다. 그곳에서 하룻밤을 지냄으로써 주인공은 미성숙 단계에서 벗어나 성년의 인식을 갖게 된다. 또한 새벽까지 이어지는 아내와 어머니의 대화는 현재와 과거를 연결하는 시간적이고 심리적인 길로서 ‘나’를 존재론적 전환으로 이끄는 구실을 한다는 점에서 중요하다. 길을 따라 과거의 시간으로 떠난 ‘나’는 비로소 어머니와 화해의 단계에 이른다. 소설의 공간적 배경은 독자의 감각을 자극해서 의미를 형성하는 데 직접적으로 작용한다는 점에서 중요하게 다루어져야 한다. 또한 공간의 연구는 작품을 깊고 다양하게 해석할 수 있는 가능성을 제시한다는 점에서 앞으로도 이 분야에 대한 연구는 지속되어야 한다. This study focuses on initiation structure of contemporary Korean novel. Especially initiation structure is one of rites of passage in myths. In order to clarify, contemporary Korean novel’s initiation structure, this paper analyzed the various symbols employed in Lee Cheong Jun’s 「Snowy Road(눈길)」. As symbolism in story has a close connection with the concept of archetype, I accommodated archetypal criticism to analyze the works in the paper. So this paper started by viewing the concept of symbolism of house and road. House and road of 「Snowy Road(눈길)」symbolized death and rebirth of characters.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Impact Velocity on Interface Characteristics of HT‑9 Steel Joints Fabricated by Magnetic Pulse Welding

        Jun‑Woo Song,Jin‑Ju Park,Gyoung‑Ja Lee,Min‑Ku Lee,Kyu‑Hyun Park,Soon‑Jik Hong,Jung Gu Lee 대한금속·재료학회 2020 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.26 No.3

        The weldability window in magnetic pulse welding (MPW) is proposed for the end-closure joining of HT-9 steel tubularworkpieces. Based on both theoretical and experimental investigations, the impact velocity of the flyer tube at the momentof collision had a dominant effect on the bonding characteristics of the resultant joints and the optimal impact velocity wasestimated to be in the range of 265–290 m/s in this alloy system. Under the optimal process conditions, no leak was detectedduring helium leak testing. Moreover, the integrity of the joint interface was preserved until the tube section ruptured duringinternal pressure burst testing. For HT-9 steel, the ductile δ-ferrite phase produced by the localized interfacial melting duringMPW acted as an effective obstacle to crack propagation, thereby enhancing the fracture resistance of the joint interface. Allof the results demonstrated the high integrity and durability of the HT-9 steel tube assembly fabricated by the MPW process.

      • 수도권 내륙화물기지 신설에 따른 효과 분석

        장준석(Jun-Seok Jang),이준(Jun Lee),박재현(Jae-Hyun Park),송민호(Min-Ho Song),권용장(Yong-Jang Kwon) 한국철도학회 2011 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.10

        내륙물류기지는 도로 철도 항만 공항 간의 연계운송 및 복합운송을 할 수 있는 규모와 시설을 갖춘 대규모 물류처리 시설을 지칭하며 화물의 대량수송으로 인한 물류비절감을 위하여 전국의 주요 물류 거점에 구축하여 운영을 하고 있다. 하지만 수도권 물류를 처리하는 유일한 화물거점시설인 의왕ICD의 경우 2015년 이전에 물류시설의 용량이 한계치에 도달할 것으로 예상되어 추가적인 시설개량이나 다른 수도권 물류처리시설 신설이 필요한 실정이다. 특히 입지적으로 부지 확장에 대하여 주변 여건상 한계가 있으므로 물류처리시설 신설로 인한 용량 및 처리능력 향상이 요구된다. 또한 현재 남북 간 화물철도운송에 대한 관심이 증대됨에 따라 향후 화물운송은 도로와 선박에서 철도로 물량전환이 가능할 것으로 판단되나 이들 살화물의 주요 수요지인 수도권(서북부 지역)에는 이 물동량을 처리 및 보관 할 수 있는 화물역과 물류기지가 부재하여 이들 확보할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 서해안축 신규 물류기지(송산역 안중역)와 서북부 신규 물류기지(대곡역) 신설을 통하여 수도권 물동량 급증에 따른 철도 선로용량 부족 문제 해소방안과 남북 간의 효율적인 철도수송 수도권 철도화물의 분산효과 등을 검토함으로써 원활한 철도수송서비스를 제공하여 물류비를 절감하는 데 그 목적이 있다. The inland logistics center is a large scale of logistics facility that enables roads rails ports and airports to carry out chained-transports and combined-transports and the logistics center are established at the main logistics posts in order to reduce the cost of transport by mass transportation. However it is expected that the capacity of Euiwang ICD the only inland logistics centers in the capital area will reach its limit before 2015 so it is required to establish another stations or to improve the existing facility. Especially in case of Euiwang ICD the expansion of the center is not possible because of its position so it is required to establish new logistics centers in other places in order to raise the capacity of transport. Therefore this study suggests to establish new metropolitan logistics centers on the western coast line in order to solve the problem of shortage of tract capacity that is brought on by the newly established inland logistics centers on the axis of the western coastline (Song-san Station and An-jung Station) and analyzes how the new logistics center will distribute railroad cargoes. By these this study contributes to reduce the cost of transport by providing smooth railroad transport service.

      • 가상공간의 가공 공정과 상태 구현에 관한 연구

        이수훈,김봉석,홍민성,김종민,JUN NI,박상호,송준엽,이창우,하태호 한국공작기계학회 2005 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2005 No.-

        This paper presents virtual machining system in order to realize turning process in virtual space. A reliable virtual turning process simulation was developed based on the surface shaping system which is capable of considering geometric model, thermal error model, and vibration model. Accuracy of surface shape resulting from proposed machining simulator was verified experimentally. This paper also developed the watchdog agent that continuously assessed, diagnosed, and predicted performance of products and machines in machining. The Watchdog agent extracted feature signal using time-frequency analysis among various signals from multi-sensor and evaluated machining condition using performance confidence value.

      • KCI등재

        원위 경골 간부 골절에서 최소 침습적 경피적 금속판 고정술과 관혈적 금속판 고정술의 비교

        유성호 ( Seong Ho Yoo ),안성준 ( Seong Jun Ahn ),송무호 ( Moo Ho Song ),김부환 ( Bu Hwan Kim ),이민수 ( Min Soo Lee ),박종하 ( Jong Ha Park ) 대한골절학회 2006 대한골절학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        목적: 경골 원위부 골절의 치료에 있어 최소 침습적금속판 고정술과 관혈적 고정술에 대한 비교를 통한 효율성에 대한 연구고찰을 하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 2001년 6월부터 2004년 6월까지 경골 원위부 골절에 대하여 수술을 시행한 최소 1년 이상의 추시가 가능하였던 30예 중 최소 침습적 금속판 고정술을 시행한 15예를 A군, 관혈적 금속판 고정술을 시행한 15예를 B군으로 나누어 수술시간, 술 후 재활, 술 후 운동범위, 동통에 대하여 McLennan과 Ungersma의 기준을 이용한 임상평가, 술 후 염증반응에 대한 C-반응성 단백 및 술 후 합병증을 후향적으로 비교 분석하였다. 결과: A군과 B군의 수술시간은 각각 63분 (45∼105)/129분 (80∼120), 능동적 관절 운동가능시기는 8.3일 (6∼14)/15.8일 (13∼21), McLennan과 Ungersma의 기준에 의한 임상평가는 두 군 모두에서 대부분 양호 이상의 결과를 보였으나, B군에서는 보통 1예가 있었다. 술 후 3일, 7일째 각각 시행한 CRP는 A군에서는 4.0 mg% (범위: 0.9∼7.2)/0.5 mg% (0.1∼1.5), B군에서는 7.97 mg% (2.8∼14.6)/1.0 mg% (0.3∼1.6)로 A군에서 조직손상이 적고 회복이 빨랐다. 술 후 합병증으로는 A군에서는 표재성 감염 1예와 5도 이상의 족관절 외반변형 1예가 있었고, B군에서는 표재성 감염 1예, 감염성 불유합 1예와 10도 미만의 족관절 배굴장애를 보이는 경우가 2예 있었다. 결론: 경골 원위부 골절의 수술적 치료에서 최소 침습적 금속판 고정술이 관혈적 고정술에 비해 조직의 염증반응과 합병증이 적고 수술시간 및 술 후 재활 등에서 보다 효율적인 술식으로 사료된다. Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of the surgical treatment through the comparison of MIPPO vs open plate fixation in the treatment of the distal tibia fracture retrospectively. Materials and Methods: 30 patients with distal tibia fracture from Jun. 2001 to Jun. 2004 were divided into two groups depending on the surgical method. Minimum follow up was 12 months. Group A consisted of 15 patients treated with MIPPO, Group B was 15 patients treated with open plate fixation. The clinical outcomes were evaluated retrospectively from operation time, rehabilitation, ROM, interval change of postoperative CRP to assess postoperative inflammatory reaction, postoperative complications and clinical result with the use of McLennan and Ungersma criteria. Results: There were no significant differences in clinical result by McLennan and Ungersma criteria in both groups. The postoperative 3 days and 7 days CRP were 4.0 mg% (0.9∼7.2)/0.5 mg% (0.1∼1.5) in group A and 7.97 mg% (2.8∼14.6)/1.0 mg% (0.3∼1.6) in group B, shows more minimal tissue injury and early recovery in group A. Operation time in group A was shorter than group B. Normal recovery of ROM was quicker in Group A. In complications, group A showed one superficial infection and one angular deformity and group B showed one superficial infection, one infected nonunion and two ankle stiffness. Conclusion: There were no significant differences in clinical result and bony union. MIPPO technique is superior to group B in view of the minimal tissue injury, complications, operation time and postoperative rehabilitation.

      • 회원제도서관 운영 방안 : 서울대학교 도서관을 중심으로

        송준용 명지대학교문헌정보학회 2007 文獻情報學論集 Vol.- No.9

        국립대학교 도서관을 대상으로 일반인 및 교육부의 개방요구와 더불어 서울대학교에서만 소장하고 있는 자료에 대한 이용 요구에 부응하기 위해 도서관의 합리적인 개방 방안을 모색하였다.

      • KCI등재

        병식 평가 척도-한국판(SUMD-K)의 신뢰도와 타당도 검증

        송지영,김기태,이서경,김용희,노준호,김종우,장환일,반건호,강원섭 大韓神經精神醫學會 2006 신경정신의학 Vol.45 No.4

        Objectives : This study was conducted to evaluate the reliability and the validity of the Korean version of the Scale to Assessment Unawareness of Mental Disorder (SUMD-K). Methods : The subjects were 55 schizophrenic patients between ages of 26 and 58 who were recruited from the psychiatric unit of the university hospital and the out-patient clinic. The SUMD-K and insight scale of PANSS were applied to the patients. Results : The range of inter-rater (Spearman's rho) of the general items of SUMD-K were .97-.98 on the current illness and .58-.98 on the past illness. The correlation coefficient between the sum and the general items of the SUMD-K showed high scores. The concurrent validity between SUMD-K and insight item of PANSS was high (scores between .59-.96). However,the reliability and the validity of the attribution items of symptoms showed low scores compared to the current symptoms. Conclusion : The SUMD-K was confirmed in its reliability and validity. It can be a useful clinician-rating scale for evaluating insight in schizophrenic patients as well as patients with other neuropsychiatric conditions.

      • Pb(Mn_(1/8)Sb_(1/8)Nb_(5/8)) O_3-PbTiO_3-PbZrO_3係 壓電세라믹을 應用한 필터에 관한 硏究

        宋埈泰,朴基燁 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1991 論文集 Vol.42 No.1

        PZT on Pb(Mn_(1/8)Sb_(1/8)Nb_(5/8)) O_3-PbTiO_3-PbZrO_3 system compound (Pb Sb Nb) system and (Pb Mn Nb) system have properties Resonance frequency of the variations of temperature. This PZT on 0.15[Pb(Mn_(1/8)SB_(1/8)Nb_(5/8)) O_3-0.35PbTiO_3-0.5PbZrO_3 system compound piezoelectric ceramics have high value of density and shrinkage it study on filter using high value of εs, Kp and Qm, Fr nearly constand with temperature PZT ceramics high value of small width a size. Therefore, it can make good use of the filter materials.


        소뇌교각에 발생한 교모세포종 1례 : 증례보고 Case Report

        송준혁,임동준,정용구,이기찬,이훈갑 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.12

        Glioblastomas rarely occur in the posterior fossa. The authors present clinical and pathological findings in a 59-year-old female patient with a glioblastoma growing primarily in the cerebello-pontine angle. The patient presented with a 1-month history of diplopia. Neurological examination revealed right-sided trigeminal and abducens nerve paresis. Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging showed a well-enhancing mass at cerebello-pontine angle. Following near total removal via petrosal approach, the pathological examination revealed a glioblastoma. To the authors knowledge, this represents the first case of glioblastoma arising at cerebello-pontine angle probably originating from the most proximal part of abducens nerve.

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