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        환상성, 현실의 탐색을 위한 우회의 서사

        구수경(Koo, Soo Kyung) 구보학회 2008 구보학보 Vol.4 No.-

        본 논문에서는 이외수의 『벽오금학도』와 황석영의 『손님』의 분석을 통해 현실 초월과 인간 구원의 주제를 드러내는 데 환상적인 요소들이 어떻게 기능하고 있는지를 고찰하였다. 한 마디로 두 작가에게 있어서 환상적인 요소는 과학적 합리주의와 물질만능주의, 이데올로기의 폭력성으로 대표되는 현대사회의 병적이고 비극적인 실상을 전경화하기 위한 역설적인 장치들이다. 즉 현실세계의 법칙이나 질서로는 해결할 수 없는 소망이나 구원을 ‘환상’이라는 문학적인 상상력을 통하여 실현시키고자 하는 표현 형식인 것이다. 이외수는 『벽오금학도』에서 육안과 뇌안으로 살아가는 현실세계를 거부하고, 심안과 영안으로 살아가는 선계를 꿈꾸는 주인물들의 삶의 방식을 통해 ‘어떻게 살아가는 것이 참다운 행복인가’에 대한 질문을 던지고 있다. 실상 이외수가 아름답게 형상화하고 있는 선계라는 공간은 실재하는 공간이라기보다는 우리의 마음과 영혼이 한없이 맑고 순수한 경지에 도달했을 때 맛보는 내면적 행복감의 감각적 형상화라고 할 수 있다. 그런 점에서 비합리적이고 낭만적 감성에 의해 창조된 환상세계는 사실의 진술이 아니라 가치의 진술로서 이해해야 한다. 선계로 가는 것이 중요한 것이 아니라 물질과 욕망만을 좇고 자연과의 소통이 단절된 현대인들의 삶이 얼마나 삭막하고 어리석은 삶인가를 깨닫는 것이 중요하다는 것이다. 바로 이외수는 환상적 공간의 창조와 아름다운 묘사적 문체, 소설문법의 틀에서 벗어난 자유로운 글쓰기 전략을 통해 전방위적으로 이러한 진실을 일깨우고 있다. 황석영의 『손님』은 한국전쟁 당시 동족간의 잔인한 보복 학살극으로 인해 죽은 원혼들을 불러내어 그들의 한을 풀고 영혼을 위로함으로써 화해와 용서의 길을 열어 주기 위하여 환상적인 요소를 수용하고 있다. 이는 이승 주변을 떠돌고 있는 망자들에게는 편안히 저승으로 떠날 갈 수 있는 길을, 산 자들에게는 왜곡된 역사를 바로 잡고 참회와 속죄를 통해 가슴 깊이 뿌리내린 죄의식에서 벗어나는 길을 열어놓고 있다. 결국 황석영은 세계가 직면한 불행한 현실에서 벗어나는 방법은 국가간 혹은 동족간에 행해진 전쟁과 폭력으로 인해 쌓인 상흔과 분노, 한을 수면 위로 끌어내어 해소하는 과정을 거치지 않고서는 진정한 용서도, 화해와 구원도 이루어질 수 없다고 생각하는 것 같다. 따라서 산 자들의 죄의식의 원천이자 한 맺힌 원혼인 망자들까지 이승으로 불러들여 집단적인 씻김굿을 벌이고 있는 것이다. 결국 이외수와 황석영의 작품세계는 불행한 현실을 비판하거나 고발하는 차원에 머무는 것이 아니라 인간이 초래한 비극을 인간의 힘으로 변화시킬 수 있는 방법을 탐색하고 있다는 점에서 공통점을 보인다. 바로 ‘환상성’은 그 탐색의 과정에서 그들이 선택한 문학적인 양식이라 할 수 있다. This paper aims to look into the function and meaning of the fantastic factors in Lee, Oi Soo’s novel 『Byukokuemhakdo 碧梧金鶴圖』 and Whang, Suk Yong’s novel 『The Visitor』. To above two writers, the fantastic factors are paradoxical device which focused the abnormal and tragic aspects of modern society. In a word, they use the fantastic factors to realize some wish and salvation that can not accomplish in actual world. In 『Byukokuemhakdo』, Lee, Oi Soo questions what the true happiness is. A supernatural world which protagonists pursued for means the beautiful and mystic sphere to have reached through the pure mind and soul in this novel. Lee, Oi Soo exactly criticizes the desire-intended life of the modern persons by using the fantastics, the descriptive literary style and creative writing strategies. Whang, Suk Yong’s 『The Visitor』 is the work which make the way of forgiveness and comprise between dead victims and alive persons in 1950’s Korean War. In this novel, the fantastic meeting between dead victims and alive persons makes dead persons depart this life without regret. Also it makes living persons correct a false historical fact and free from consciousness of sin. In conclusion, above two writers’ works have common features that search for how to change the miserable modern society by means of human’s power and effort. Just ‘the fantastics’ are literary device that they choose in the process of searching for the way.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 전후소설의 서사기법 연구

        구수경 국어국문학회 2004 국어국문학 Vol.- No.136

        The object of this thesis is to look into the narrative technique and inner form that rising writers had mainly used in 1950s novels. The 1950s novels include a motif that is directly or indirectly connected with war. Because the war is the absurdest situation that man can experience. Postwar novels is also created by modernistic methods that destroy the literary convention. First of all, we mostly come in contact with crippled characters who are described by a single sensuous image in postwar novels. Moreover, there are abnormal relations between man and woman which destroy the existing ethical virtue. They symbolize the period of postwar that lose the order and value of normal life. The unstable inner mind of the protagonist is also presented by the stream of consciousness through the free association. It is a technique that objectively presents different mental states, thoughts, and recollections. It leads to the literary form that consist of the loose plot and the spatial order of time. In postwar novels, we find the plural points of view which variously illuminate an event. Also, the outer or inner conflict of the protagonist is objectively presented through dialogue, action, or inner monologue. In conclusion, postwar novels in 1950s show the common feature which novelized the war experience. On the order hand, it is expressed by creative methods that is experimental and various.

      • 흰쥐의 간에서 Paclitaxel(Taxol)이 방사선에 미치는 효과

        이경자,구혜수 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 1997 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.20 No.1

        연구목적: Paclitaxel은 소관종합체의 형성을 안정화시키는 미소관 dr제제로서 이 작용이 주로 세포주기의 G2-M시기에 일어나기 때문에 방선 감작제의 가능성이 있는 항암제이다. 흰쥐의 간에서 paclitaxel과 방선조사를 병용하여 paclitaxel이 방사선의 효과에 미치는 여향을 파악하기 위한 실험연구이다. 방 법: 흰쥐 52마리를 대상으로 정상대조군, paclitaxel군, 방사선조사군과 paclitaxel과 방사선병용군으로 분류하였다. Paclitaxel군은 paclitaxel(10mg/kg)을 복강내에 1회 주입하였으며, 방사선조사군은 전복부에 8Gy x-ray를 단일 조사하였으며, 병용군은 paclitaxel(10mg/kg)을 주입 후 24시간에 방사선조사(8Gy)를 시행하였다. 실험완료 후 6시간, 24시간, 3일 및 5일에 간의 병리 조직학적 변화를 관찰하였다. 결 과: Paclitaxel군은 유사분열수가 6시간에 증가되어 24시간에 정상으로 회복되었다. 방사선조사군은 조사 후 6시간과 24시간에 apoptosis가 발현하였으며 3일 후 정상으로 회복되었다. 간세포의 괴사는 paclitaxel군, 방사선조사군 및 병용군에서 모두 나타났으며 괴사의 정도는 3군에서 차이가 없었다. 결 론: Paclitaxel주입 후 6시간에 유사분열중지가 유발되었으며 24시간에 정상으로 회복되었고 aoptosis는 발현되지 않았다. 방선조사 후 6시간과 24시간에 apoptosis가 유발되었으며 3일에 정상으로 회복되었다. 간세포의 괴사는 paclitaxel군, 방사선조사군 및 병용군에서 모두 나타났으며 3군에서 정도의 차이ㅏ 없었다. 따라서 paclitaxel을 방사선조사 24시간 전에 주입하여 간세포에서 방사선감작제의 효과는 없었다. Objectives : Paclitaxel(Taxol) si a chemotherapeutic agent with potent microtubule stabilizing activities that arrests cell cycle in G2-M. Since D2-m is the most radiosensitive phase of the cell cycle, paclitaxel has potential as a cell cycle-specific radiosensitizer. This study was designed to investigate the effects of paclitaxel to radiotoxicity in normal rat liver. Materials & Methods : A single intraperitoneal infusion of paclitaxel(10mg/kg), and a single irradiation(8Gy, x-ray) to the whole abdomen, and combination of irradiation(8Gy,x-ray)24 hours after paclitaxel infusion were done in Sprague-Dawley rats. The incidence of mitosis, apoptosis and parenchymal changes of the liver were evaluated at 6 hours, 24 hours, 3 and 5 days, respectively. Results : Paclitaxel and irradiation significantly increased mitosis at 6 hours and apoptosis was increased by irradiation at 6 and 24 hours. Increased numbers of apoptosis at 3 days by paclitaxel alone was not significantly different from control. Combination of paclitaxel and irradiation showed significantly increased numbers of mitosis and apoptosis at 6 hours. The degree of necrosis of hepatocyte was not significantly different between 3 groups. Conclusion : Since the incidence of mitosis, apoptosis and hepatocyte necrosis were not increased by paclitaxel infusion 24 hours before irradiation, paclitaxel did not show radiosensitizing effect in this experimental condition. Studies with conditions similar to clinical situation will be the next stop to define the radiosensitizing effects of paclitaxel.

      • KCI등재후보
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 모 컴퓨터 회사 근로자 건강증진 사업 전개를 위한 수요조사

        임현우,안병용,최환석,박정일,김경수,이강숙,김정아,구정완 가톨릭대학산업의학쎈타 산업의학연구소 1997 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.36 No.4

        Before conducting the health promotion program, we surveyed the health risk appraisal(HRA) of 210 workers (186 men and 24 women) in a computer company, for the need assessment, selection of target population, priority setting, and as a standard for comparision after performing the program. The smokers were 115(88.6%), and drinkers (over 1 bottle of Soju per week) were 91(44.8%) in men. Entire women and 148(78.0%) men never or irregularly exercise. Type A personality were 73(39.2%) in men, 8(33.3%) in women, and 26(14.0%) of men and 6(25.0%) of women were high stress risk group. 53(25.2%) of men and 2(8.3%) of women were obese (BMI ≥25kg/m²), and workers who consumed exess of total calory compared with recommendation were 142(76.3%) in men and 18(75%) of women. By the health risk appraisal, it was suggested that smoking cessation program, drinking counselling, exercise prescription, stress management, and weight control program should be conducted effectively for the high risk group.

      • 하루 콩단백질 25g 섭취를 위한 메뉴작성 및 영양성분 분석

        한재숙,김정애,서봉순,이연정,서향순,조연숙,한경필,이신정,오옥희,우경자,조은자,구성자,김수진,李承彦,南出隆久 동아시아식생활학회 2002 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop menus for daily intake of 25g soybean protein and to analyse nutrients of these foods. Analytical values were compared to the theoretical one using the food composition table and recommended dietary allowances for Koreans (7th revision). The results are as follows. 1. Soybean curd residue stew, Soybean curd, Kimchi saute, and hard boiled soybean and lotus root were selected for the menu for January, of which the content of soy bean protein(SBP) was 33.1g, soybean stew, soybean curd and soybean sprout saute, and Italian deep fried soybean curd were for February, of which the content of SBP was 35.0g. The content of SBP in soybean paste soup with soybean curd, fried soybean curd and fried soybean curd roll, the menu for March, was 24.9g. That of April were soybean curd gratin with soymilk, soybean curd and ham with garlic dressing and the content of SBP was 26.3g. That of May were soybean porridge, soybean flour cake with honey (Dasik), soybean sprout soup and the content of SBP was 26.7g. That of June were soymilk, pan-fried soybean curd, steamed soybean curd with chicken and the content of SBP was 28.4g. That of July were noodle with soymilk, mapatofu, soybean curd salad and the content of SBP was 24.7g. That of August were soybean sprout with mustard dressing, Tossed green pepper with raw soybean flour, Tofu and Kimchi stew, soybean curd steak and the content of SBP was 26.2g. That of September were Chinese cabbage soup with raw soybean flour, sweet and sour tofu and the content of SBP was 23.2g. That of Oct. were Fermented soybean stew, soybean pan cake and the content of SBP was 24.3g. That of November were not-pressed soybean curd casserole, pan-fried mashed soybean curd with egg, stir frying deep-fried soybean curd with vegetables and the content of SBP was 22.4g. That of December were soybean curd and mushroom casserole, fried soybean curd and vegetables, hard boiled soybean curd and the content of SBP was 28.9g. 2. The ratio of the analytical value over theoretical value (A/B%) of one serving in kcal, carbohydrate, protein, fat, ash and dietary fiber were 57.7~107.7%, 42.9~131.9%, 79.2~118.3%, 54.5~100%, 40.7~80.8% and 42.1~113.2%, respectively. 3. The ratio of A/B% of one serving in Ca, K, Na, P and Fe were 44.1~93.6%, 59.0~153.1%, 53.1~117.7% 64.6%~138.8 and 33.8~77.3%, respectively. That in Fe was the lowest among minerals. 4. The ratio of analytical value over Korean R.D.A(A/C%) in Ca was relatively higher (22.0~85.9%) than that in kcal(18~63%). 5. The ratio of A/C% in Fe was 25.1~64.3% and lower than that in Ca and protein in general.

      • KCI등재

        오영수 소설에 나타난 식물적 상상력과 순응의 미학

        구수경(Soo Kyung Koo) 한국현대소설학회 2010 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.45

        The object of this thesis is to study the characteristics of O, Young-Soo` short stories. There is no conflict between characters in O, Young-Soo` works. The protagonists in his short stories adapt theirselves to circumstances without any resistance. O, Young-Soo as a short story writer seems to hates the way of modern life which is filled with the struggle of existence and power games. So, natural and anti-civilized places are mainly the spacial settings of his works. To put it concretely, the protagonists of his works tend to avoid intentionally a situation of conflict. So they powerlessly give up their love. Also they live in hiding to nature-friendly places. In there, they persue the plant-oriented life style which are primitive vitality and community spirit. In short stories such as <Nami & Yeot Seller>, <Wild Grapes>, <Silgeori-Flower>, O, Young-Soo describes lyrically tragic events which man and woman loving each other must break up because of external factors like a situation of war or a opposition of parent. The main cause of their farewell is that male protagonists do not show a active attitudes or a frank confession. Also they adapt theirselves to circumstances without any resistance. <The Seaside Village> and <A Story of Eunaetgol> are short stories which describe the life of characters with the community spirit and the primitive vitality. In these stories, most characters lean toward fatalism and show the instinct of preservation of the species. Also, there is the health of primitive life which seeks the harmony between others and me, or human and nature. In conclusion, the works of O, Young-Soo create the aesthetics of lyric and adaptation through the plant-oriented imagination.

      • Polymorphisms of the <i>Reg</i> 1α Gene and Early Onset Type 2 Diabetes in the Korean Population

        Koo, Bo Kyung,Cho, Young Min,Kimm, Kuchan,Lee, Jong-Young,Oh, Bermseok,Park, Byung Lae,Cheong, Hyun Sub,Shin, Hyoung Doo,Ko, Kyung Soo,Park, Sang Gyu,Lee, Hong Kyu,Park, Kyong Soo Korean Diabetes Association 2010 Korean diabetes journal Vol.34 No.4

        <P><B>Background</B></P><P>The <I>Reg</I> gene has been reported to be expressed in regenerating islets and Reg1 protein to be up-regulated at an early stage of diabetes in mice. As human <I>Reg</I>1α is homologous with murine <I>Reg</I>1, we investigated whether common variants in <I>Reg</I>1α are associated with type 2 diabetes in the Korean population.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>We sequenced the <I>Reg</I>1α gene to identify common polymorphisms using 24 Korean DNA samples. Of 11 polymorphisms found, five common ones (g.-385T>C [rs10165462], g.-36T>G [rs25689789], g.209G>T [rs2070707], g.1385C>G [novel], and g.2199G>A [novel]) were genotyped in 752 type 2 diabetic patients and 642 non-diabetic subjects.</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>No polymorphism was associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, g.-385C and g.2199A lowered the risk of early-onset type 2 diabetes, defined as a diagnosis in subjects whose age at diagnosis was 25 years or more but less than 40 years (odds ratio [OR], 0.721 [0.535 to 0.971] and 0.731 [0.546 to 0.977] for g.-385C and g.2199A, respectively) and g.1385G increased the risk of early-onset diabetes (OR, 1.398 [1.055 to 1.854]). Although adjusting for errors in multiple hypotheses-testing showed no statistically significant association between the three individual polymorphisms and early-onset diabetes, the haplotype <I>H1</I>, composed of g.-385C, g.1385C, and g.2199A, was associated with a reduced risk of early-onset diabetes (OR, 0.590 [0.396 to 0.877], <I>P</I> = 0.009).</P><P><B>Conclusion</B></P><P>Polymorphisms in the <I>Reg</I>1α were not found to be associated with overall susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, though some showed modest associations with early-onset type 2 diabetes in the Korean population.</P>

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