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        1930년대 강소천의 동요,동시에 나타난 동심성(童心性)

        강정구 ( Jeong Gu Kang ),김종회 ( Jong Hoi Kim ) 한국문학연구학회 2015 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.55

        1930년대 강소천의 동요 · 동시에 나타난 동심성은 당대의 주요 문인집단이 지향했던 순수 관념의 아동문학적인 구체화였다. 1930년대의 주요 문인집단은 세상에 대한 판단중지를 통해 미와 예술적인 열정에 심취한 순수 관념을 지향했는데, 1930년대에 출현한 주요 동요 · 동시시인들은 그러한 순수 관념을 아동문학적인 장르적인 특성에 맞게 어떻게 전유 · 형성하는가 하는 과제를 감당했다. 그 중에서 강소천은 그의 동요 · 동시시집 『호박꽃초롱』에서 당대의 동요 · 동시시인들이 감당했던 아동문학사적인 과제의 한 응답으로써 순수=동심의 문학을 잘 보여줬다. 강소천의 동요 · 동시시집 『호박꽃초롱』은 1930년대의 순수 관념을 동심으로 전유한 대표적인 작품집이었다. 무엇보다 그의 동요 · 동시시집에서는 사회적인 관계를 벗어난 사적인 아동과 세계를 형상화했다. 다만 이러한 형상화는 1920년대에 등단한 동요 · 동시시인들과 다른 순수한 아동 화자와 그 화자가 바라보는 세계를 재현해내는 데에 성공했지만, 사회 · 국가 · 민족의 이데올로기에 대해서 암묵적으로 동조 · 추종 · 무관심했다는 점에서 비판의 대상이 되었다. 그리고 그의 동요 · 동시시집에서는 순수한 언어의 관념을 전유해서 아동이 사용하거나 사용할 법한 언어를 탐구 · 제작했다. 언어의 물질성 · 기표성 그 자체에 대한 관심이 깊어졌고, 1920년대의 전통적인 율격에 대한 발전과 파격이 엿보였다. 1920년대의 동요 · 동시시인들과 비교해 볼 때에 이러한 강소천의 문학적인 변모는 분명히 1930년대의 새로운 문학적인 흐름에 동참하는 것이 아닐 수 없다. 1930년대에 순수 관념을 지향한 문학은 문학이 문학다워야 한다는 내향적이고 자기완결적인 주장을 하면서 미 자체에 대한깊은 관심을 보여주고 언어조형과 비(非)세속적인 순수 관념에 대한 새로운 지평을 열어놓았음에도, 그것이 근대자본주의의 중산층 · 부르주아 이데올로기와 특권의식을 보여줬다는 비판에서 자유로울 수 없었다. 강소천의 아동문학 역시 이러한 공과를 함께 지니는 아동문학적인 한 현상이다. The child``s mind in Pumpkin flower lanterns written by Kang, So-cheon is relative to poetry-literature group who is Bak, Yongchel and Kim, Yeong-rang. They pursued the purity which is away desires and power and politics of world, and it is trademark of poetry-literature group. Poets of 1930’s in field of children literature seek the purity that is insisted by poetry-literature group. The purity which is searched by Kang, So-cheon is the pure child``s mind. The pure child``s mind of Kang, So-cheon in the 1930’s is distinguish from Bang, Jeong-hwan and Yun, Seok-gung’s children’s verse. Kang, So-cheon’s children’s verse is new. His children in Pumpkin flower lanterns are away desires and power and politics of world, but Bang, Jeong-hwan and Yun, Seok-gung’s children in their children’s verses are social children. His world in the text is pure human, animal, and plant. Also Kang, So-cheon’s language is new from Bang, Jeong-hwan and Yun, Seok-gung’s children’s vers in the 1920’s. His poetic language is emphasized to matter itself of language. The meaning isn’t important. And His rhythm is odd than children’s rhythm, but characteristic.

      • KCI등재

        Introduction and application of a composite insect trap for the National Ecosystem Survey of Korea

        Han Yong‐Gu,Hong Eui jeong,Kim Do‐Sung,Kim Chulgoo,Cha Jin Yeol 한국곤충학회 2020 Entomological Research Vol.50 No.10

        This study aimed to establish the best applicable method for the National Ecosystem Survey (NES) guidelines by (i) verifying the efficiency of an insect trap that combined the Malaise trap, flight intercept trap, and pitfall trap (MFP trap) as part of the improvement for the terrestrial insect field in the fifth NES, and (ii) comparing the result with the currently used Malaise trap and pitfall trap (MP traps). We found that the efficiency of attaining species diversity was much higher with the added flight intercept trap function than the current Malaise trap alone for flying insect collection. For collecting ground insects, the efficiency of attaining species diversity of the pitfall trap from the MFP trap was lower than that from the MP trap. Besides, the Malaise trap of the MP trap showed superior efficiency than that of the MFP trap in species diversity. The results suggested that modification, supplementation, and re‐testing should be performed by analyzing various factors such as the trap material, barrier size, capturing container inlet, and mesh size, with consideration of the design of the current Malaise trap. Therefore, in survey‐based research, which aims at identifying insects species diversity and inhabiting status—such as the NES, it is necessary to introduce the MFP trap with the flight intercept trap function added to the Malaise trap function, and for the pitfall trap function of the MFP trap, it can be operated as a separate trap from the MFP trap.

      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)의 문화(文化) : : 1930년대의 주요 동요,동시에 나타난 아동 관념의 변화

        강정구 ( Jeong Gu Kang ),김종회 ( Jong Hoi Kim ) 한국사상문화학회 2015 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.77 No.-

        이 논문에서는 1920년대 방정환ㆍ윤석중과 1930년대 강소천ㆍ박영종의 주요동요ㆍ동시에 나타난 아동 관념의 변화를 논제로 삼았다. 그 동안 1900-1920년대 근대아동문학에서 아동 관념이 형성된 과정은 비교적 잘 규명되었지만, 1930년대에 발생한 극적인 변화에 대해서는 거의 논의가 없었다. 이 글에서는 1920년대와 1930년대의 주요 동요ㆍ동시에서 화자의 페르소나 특성과 초점화 방식을 비교ㆍ분석함으로써 어른이 충분히 이해ㆍ인식할 수 있는 속성을 지닌 자에서 미지의 존재로 아동 관념이 변화했음을 검토했다. 먼저 1920년대 방정환과 윤석중의 주요 동요ㆍ동시에서 아동은 어른이 충분히 이해ㆍ인식할 수 있는 자로 형상화되었음을, 어른 화자의 영 초점화와 아동 화자의 내적 초점화를 검토함으로써 살펴봤다. 방정환은 주로 어른 화자의 영 초점화 방식을 활용해서 등장인물인 아동을 전지의 태도로 서술했고, 윤석중은 담론주체인 어른이 충분히 이해ㆍ인식할 수 있는 아동 화자를‘나’로 내세운 내적 초점화 방식을 사용했다. 이에 비해 강소천은 내적 초점화와 영 초점화를 사용했지만 담론주체인 어른이 쉽게 이해ㆍ인식할 수 있는 세속적인 관심ㆍ이익에 무관한 아동을 화자로 설정했고, 박영종은 어른 화자가 작품 밖의 서술자로서 어른의 사회적ㆍ시대적인 이념과 현실적ㆍ관습적ㆍ도덕적인 가치로 쉽게 설명하기 곤란한 낯선 아동의 언행과 그의 세계를 관찰ㆍ이야기하는 외적 초점화를 선택했다. 이러한 1920년대와 1930년대 주요 동요ㆍ동시에 나타난 아동 관념의 변화는 아동을 바라보는 어른의 시각이 극박하게 전도되는 현상이 있었음을 암 시해준다. 아동은 어른의 품 안에서 바깥으로, 어른이 이미 살아왔고 충분히 아는 이전의 자아(전-아(前-我))에서 절대적인 타자로 변화된 것이다. 이런 변화는 물론 인식론적인 것이다. 1930년대의 인간은 자기 안에서 절대적인 타자라는 잉여 혹은 구멍을 본 것이다. This paper researches the change about the idea of children from the children`s verses of 1930s to 1920s. We have been understanding all the time that adult knows children very well for they live together. This idea about children started from 1920s. But the children`s verses of Kang, So-cheon and Park, Yeong-jong, shows new idea of children who is the unknown being. I searched the children`s verses of 1920s of Bang, Jeong-hwan and Yun, Seok-jong. In their verses, adult knows children very well. So Bang, Jeong-hwan used zero focalization. Zero focalization is that adult-speaker is omniscient. Bang, Jeong-hwan`s adult-speaker knows children in the his verses. And Yun, Seok-jong applied children`s persona in his verses. In this time, children`s persona is same to adult. But in the age of 1930s Kang, So-cheon and Park, Yeong-jong saw new idea of children from the children`s verses. First and foremost, the children was the unknown being. Kang, So-cheon did understand that the Knowing adult is difficult. He used children`s persona whom he cannot understand. And Park, Yeong-jong made use of external focalization. The method of external focalization is that adult-speaker looks at children`s behavior and language. The change about the idea of children from the children`s verses of 1930s to 1920s searches the Other of 1920s. The Other is hiding our modern human`s mind. The change is possible for un-hiding the Other of our modern human`s mind.


        ( Yu Kyung Lee ),( Eun Young Park ),( Shi Won Kim ),( Ji Yeon Son ),( Tae Hyung Kim ),( Won Gu Kang ),( Tae Chun Jeong ),( Kyu Bong Kim ),( Seung Jun Kwack ),( Jae Won Lee ),( Suh Mann Kim ),( Byung M 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2015 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.25 No.-

        The aim of this study was to investigate urinary metabolomics profiles associated with cadmium (Cd)-induced nephrotoxicity and their potential mechanisms. Metabolomic profiles were measured by high-resolution 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in the urine of rats after oral exposure to CdCl2 (1, 5, or 25 mg/kg) for 6 wk. The spectral data were further analyzed by a multivariate analysis to identify specific urinary metabolites. Urinary excretion levels of protein biomarkers were also measured and CdCl2 accumulated dose-dependently in the kidney. High-dose (25 mg/kg) CdCl2 exposure significantly increased serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN), but serum creatinine (sCr) levels were unchanged. High-dose CdCl2 (25 mg/kg) exposure also significantly elevated protein-based urinary biomarkers including osteopontin, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), kidney injury molecules-1 (Kim-1), and selenium-bingding protein 1 (SBP1) in rat urine. Under these conditions, six urinary metabolites (citarate, serine, 3-hydroxyisovalerate, 4-hydroxyphentllactate, dimethylamine, and betaine) were involved in mitochondrial energy metabolism. In addition, a few number of amino acids such as glycine, glutamate, tyrosine, proline, or phentlalanine and carbohydrate (glucose) were altered in urine afrer CdCl2 exposure. In particular, the metabolites involved in the glutathione biosynthesis pathway, including cysteine, serine, methionine, and glutamate, were markedly decreased compared to the control. Thus, these metabolites are potential biomarkers for detection of Cd-induced nephrotoxicity. Our results further indicate that redox metabolomics pathways may be associated with Cd-mediated chronic kidney injury. These findings provide a biochemical pathway for better understanding of cellulat mechanism underlying Cd-induced renal injury in hunmans.

      • KCI등재

        비정형 향정신병약물을 투여 중인 정신분열병 환자의 주관적 삶의 질 : 정신병리, 약물 부작용 및 약물에 대한 주관적 반응과의 관련성

        김종훈,윤정희,이자영,노경희,홍성극,윤세창,강웅구,김용식 大韓神經精神醫學會 2003 신경정신의학 Vol.42 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of psychopathology, adverse drug effects, and Subjective response to drugs that have a significant impact on the subjective quality of life in schizophrenic patients receiving atypical antipsychotics. Methods : One hundred and one schizophrenic patients, who were receiving maintenance treatment with atypical antipsychotics, were evaluated. Subjective quality of life was assessed using the standardized Korean modification of a self-rating scale to measure subjective well-being under neuroleptics (KmSWN). Patients' psychopathology was evaluated using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. Adverse effects and subjective response to drug were evaluated using the Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale and the Drug Attitude Inventory-10, respectively. Correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis were conducted. Results : In psychopathology, the severity of depression and anxiety showed the most significant correlation with the score ofKmSWN. In adverse drug effects, the severity of psychic side effect and extrapyramidal side effect showed the most significant correlation with the score ofKmSWN. Regarding subjective response to drug, significant correlation was observed between the severity of subjective negative response and the score of KmSWN. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that psychic side effect, extrapyramidal side effect, and depression contributed significantly to the total score of KmSWN. These variables accounted for 59.7% of the total variance. Conclusion : The results of the present study suggest that psychic side effect, extrapyramidal side effect and depressive symptom are the clinical characteristics that are significantly associated with the subjective quality of life. An effective management strategy for these variables should be established in developing a treatment program to enhance the quality of life of patients with schizophrenia.

      • 건설산업 ISO 9000 품질시스템의 합리적 정착을 위한 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        김정섭,유덕룡,강연구,박광수 朝鮮大學校 建設技術硏究所 1999 建設技術硏究 Vol.19 No.3

        ISO 9000 Quality System has been proved it's effectiveness in the advanced countries for years. And many companies in the world has been accepting the Quality System resulting in increasing of sales, decreasing of poor quality goods or complaints and elevating sense of quality, etc. Still, however, in the construction industrial fields, there are several problems to solve in the process of accepting the Quality System such as surveys for speciality of constructing site. If government organization in charge of operating the System, Accreditation Body, Certification Body, research institute and certificated construction companies are searching for the improving devices organically, ISO 9000 Quality System will be settled reasonably in the construction industry and become a good system to guarantee the construction quality and working system.

      • 足利政權の對明國交交涉に關する硏究

        金鉦丘,田中敏昭 동신대학교 2006 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        아시카가 요시미츠(足利義滿)는 5세기말의 왜왕 부(武) 이래 실로 900년 만에 중국에서 일본국왕으로 책봉을 받았다. 이 일은 중세에 이르러 전통적 외교권에 큰 변화가 생겼다는 것을 의미한다. 첫째는 원래 일본에서는 607년에 쇼토쿠타이시(聖德太子)가 수 나라에 사신을 파견한 이후, 중국과의 외교는 항상 대등한 입장에서 교섭이 이루어졌었는데, 그것이 중국에서 일본국왕으로 책봉을 받음으로써 중국에 신속하게 되었다는 것, 둘째는 원래 조정, 즉 천황에 있었던 외교권이 무사정권으로 옮기게 되었다는 것이다. 요시미츠(義滿)의 이러한 외교에 대해서는, 경제적인 면에서는 이익을 얻었으나 정치적인 면에서는 일본의 국제적 권위가 실추되었다고 반발하는 자도 많았다. 때문에 요시미츠가 사망하자 아들인 요시모치(義持)가 시바 요시마사(斯波義將)의 도움을 받으면서 뒤를 이어받아 명 나라와의 교섭을 계속하려고 하였으나, 시바 요시마사의 죽음으로 반대파가 정권을 장악하게 되어, 결국 요시모치는 명 나라와의 교섭을 단절시키게 되었다. 그 결과 일본은 경제적으로도 문화적으로도 많은 어려움을 겪게 되었다. 요시모치가 사망하자 그의 동생인 요시노리(義敎)가 뒤를 잇게 되었는데, 그는 명 나라와의 통교 단절로 인해 생긴 일본의 문화적, 경제적인 침체를 해소와, 그가 지향하는 강력한 무사정권 확립을 위해 명 나라와의 통교를 재개하게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        하악대구치의 치성감염으로 유발된 안외골막하농양의 치험례

        김동률,최동주,홍광진,이정구 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 2000 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.22 No.1

        A 61-years old man with diabetes mellitus (DM) was admitted to our hospital, complaining of progressive right periorbital swelling, headache and toothache on the right lower second molar. On the first visit, moderate swelling was noticed from the right periorbital region with exophtalmos and subconjunctival effusion. Intraorally, right lower second molar had a severe periodontal disease and fistular formation on its distal area. From 3 days after hospitalization, the visual acuity of his right eye was gradually worsen and we performed CT scan. CT scan demonstrated an inflammatory change at the right orbit with subperiosteal abscess at the inferior orbital wall, which was extended from the right infiratemporal, parapharyngeal and internal pterygoid space. Patient was treated by mean of intraoral (right upper vestibular and retromolar) and extraoral(infraorbital) incision and drainage, massive anti-therapy and DM control. The patient improved gradually and finally was discharged from the hospital, but his visual loss of right side was not recovered.

      • KCI등재

        광반사를 이용한 광선반 채광시스템의 기본형상 설계 및 성능평가에 관한 연구

        김정태,신현구,김곤 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.3

        Good natural lighting and unimpeded views out of a building belongs to the minimum standards required by guidelines for natural, healthy, productive workplace. Attention, however, should be focused not so much on a simple maximization of the natural light available in a space, as on improving the quality of lighting by ensuring as even but intense distribution of illumination in all inner areas. An architectural means of optimal daylight distribution is by using so-called light shelf systems, horizontal shading and redirecting devices. They improve the uniformity of natural light in a space by reducing the level of illumination near the window and redirecting light deeply into the space. In most cases, systems of this kind consist of light-colored, reflecting or mirror elements in the area of the building facade. One problem in selecting and positioning elements of this kind is the facts that ultimately the amount of light available in the facade plane is merely redistributed and reduced a little with each reflection. This paper aims to provide the design guidelines for optimal light shelves based on their geometric and optical characteristics. Their role, that is, a tradeoff between optimal distribution of the daylight and glare control has been evaluated simultaneously. A series of computer simulation deals with the basic geometrical design elements of a commonly used light shelf and sky conditions. As is shown in the results, for best distribution, light shelves should be located as low in a space as possible without causing glare, typically above standing eye level. In addition, more uniformity of light distribution can be improved by extending of the shelf and reflectance of the shelf and higher ceiling height might play a role in increasing the effectiveness of light shelves.

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