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      • 陣영湯加減方의 抗腫瘍效果에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        丁俊宅,文九,文錫哉 대한한방종양학회 1998 대한한방종양학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        科學技術의 發展에 따른 生活 및 醫療 수준의 向上에도 불구하고 産業發展에 따른 環境汚染, 스트레스 增加등 그 逆機能 때문에 發癌物質 또는 刺戟에의 露出등으로 인해서 全世界的으로 癌 으로 因한 死亡率이 增加되고 있다. 癌은 現在 人類의 健康을 위협하는 主要한 疾患의 하나로, 오늘날 우리 나라에서 疾患으로 因한 死亡原因中 首位를 차지하고 있다. 이러한 癌의 發生은 80%-90%가 環境的 因子에 起因한다고 報告되고 있는데 앞으로 環境性 發癌物質이 점차 增加됨에 따라 疾患者의 發生도 더욱 增加될 것으로 豫想된다. 癌의 西醫學的 治療는 주로 手術療法, 放射線療法, 化學療法 및 免疫療法이 活用되고 있다. 이중 手術療法과 放射線療法은 癌이 全身에 轉移, 增殖되기 전에 實施함으로써 效果를 거둘 수는 있으나, 癌이 原發病巢 以外에까지 轉移, 增殖되었을 경우에는 이 두가지 方法의 局所療法만으로서는 좋은 治療效果를 거주기 어렵다. 따라서 최근 抗癌劑에 의한 化學療法이 다른 方法보다 有效하다고 認定이 되어 가장 많이 活用되고 있으나, 癌腫에 대한 感受性差異, 治療後의 副作用, 再發 및 合倂症 등의 問題點 때문에 副作用을 減少시키면서 抗癌效果를 높이는 治療法이 계속 硏究되고 있다. 이에 1972年 美國 國立癌硏究所에서 實施한 抗癌劑 開發硏究에 있어서 抗腫瘍性 Screening test에 利用된 物質中 약 47%가 天然物質이었다는 사실은 注目할만 하다. 韓醫學的 治療法은 最近에 辨證施治를 根幹으로 하여 健脾益氣를 爲主로한 扶正祛邪法과 扶正培體法이 많이 活用되고 있으며 扶正法으로는 益氣健脾, 滋陰補血, 溫補脾?? 등이, 祛邪法으로는 活血祛療法, 淸熱解毒法, 軟堅化痰法 등이 活用되고 있는데, 이를 根據로 하여 韓藥의 複方,單味,單味抽出物 등의 投與와 鍼,灸,水鍼,電鍼, laser鍼등의 治療方法을 手術 後 或은 化學療法이나 放射線治療와 竝行하여 治療效果가 向上되었다고 報告하고 있다. 抗癌劑의 抗癌效果 程度를 檢査하는 方法은 크게 5가지로 分類되는데, 하나는 細胞를 藥劑에 露出시킨 후 顯微鏡을 통하여 나타난 形態學的 變化를 가지고 藥劑의 效果程度를 決定하는 方法이고, 둘째는 Dye exclusion assay 方法으로 살아있는 細胞가 trypan blue, eosin, nigrosin과 같은 染色液에 染色되지 않는 점을 利用한 것이며, 세 번째는 抗癌劑 대자석. 丁香, 枇杷葉, 抗癌作用을 가진 龍癸, 半技蓮, 牡蠣, 夏枯草, 猪? 等의 藥物로 구성되어 있다. 近來 單一藥物의 抗癌效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究로는 金^27,28)등에 의한 人蔘, 鹿茸 의 抗體生産 抑制 緩和效果 및 任^29)에 의한 魚腥草,鹿血, ??, 穿山甲 등이 正常 免役細胞에는 거의 毒作用을 일으키지 않으면서 强力한 抗癌效果가 있다는 報告, 金^31-34)등에 의한 紫率, 東風蔡, 靈芝, 仙鶴草, 巴豆 등이 抗癌作用 및 免疫反應에 效果를 미친다는 報告 등이 있고, 複合藥劑 藥物의 抗癌效果에 대한 硏究로는 姜^36-38)등에 息賁丸, 肥氣丸 및 비기환이 白血病과 淋巴腫患者에서 抽出한 癌細胞에 抗癌效果가 있다는 報告 및 金^37-39)등에 의한 伏梁丸, 비 氣丸 및 消積正元散이 各種 癌細胞柱의 成長沮碍 效果, 尹^30,35,40,42)등에 의한 六君子湯, 小柴胡湯, 四妙湯, 大柴胡湯, 防毒湯, 半夏白 朮天麻湯, 巴豆를 加味한 四君子湯 및 四物湯 등이 抗癌作用 및 免疫反應에 效果를 보인다는 報告등이 있었으나, 아직까지 진령탕가감방의 抗癌效果에 대한 實驗的硏究는 없었다. 이에 著者는 抗癌效果가 있을 것으로 推定되는 진령탕가감방의 抗腫瘍效果를 알아보기 위하여, 水溶性 抽出液을 얻은 후 現代 病理學的으로 多用하는 colony形成制實驗, SRB assay에 의한 抗腫癌效果, 生命延長率, 化學的인 方法과 癌腫細胞 移植에 의한 腫瘍 誘發을 통하여 癌 發生 및 그 經過에 미치는 影響 및 NK細胞活性에 미치는 影響 등을 觀察하였다. 本 實驗에서는 진령탕가함방의 腫瘍細胞에 대한 增殖抑制作用을 觀察하고자 in vitro test인 colony形成抑制實驗과 SRB assay를 利用하였는데, 진령탕가함방의 抽出液이 腫瘍細胞의 成長을 抑制하는 效果가 濃度依存的으로 增加하는 結果를 보여 抗腫瘍의 效果가 있음을 나타냈고(table3,4)in vivo assay로서 sarcoma 180 복수암세포를 移植한 마우스의 平均生存期間 및 生命延長率이 뚜렷하게 增加되었다.(table5). 또한 진령탕가함방 抽出液 마우스에 투여하면 MCA 유도한 종양 및 3LL 細胞移植에 의한 腫瘍의 發生率 및 發生된 腫瘍의 크기가 현저히 減少되었다.(table7). 이러한 效果는 진령탕가감방이 感受性 癌腫細胞에 직접적으로 影響을 미쳐 그 增殖이 抑制되었을 可能性을 생각할 수 있다. 그렇지만 本 硏究에서는 癌腫特異性에 관한 結論을 내릴 수는 없으므로 癌腫特異性 관한 硏究는 進行해야 할 것으로 생각된다. 또 다른 可能한 진영탕가함방 抽出液 抗腫瘍 作用機轉은 진영탕가함방 抽出液이 NK細胞의 活性을 亢進시킨 實驗結果로 類推하여, 진영탕가함방 抽出液이 腫瘍마우스에 非特異的인 免疫活性을 促進시킴으로써 진영탕가함방 抽出液의 抗腫瘍作俑과 발현괼 可能性도 생각할 수 있다. 따라서 앞으로 여러 癌腫細胞에 대한 진영탕가감방 抽出液의 抗 腫瘍 作用과 腫瘍動作에서의 진영탕가함방 抽出液 投與에 의한 生體生理現象의 變化, 生理活性物質의 本態 등을 밝히기 위한 보다 具體的이고 廣範圍한 硏究가 數行되어져야 되리라고 思料된다. 細胞性 免疫反應中 重要한 役割을 하는 작동세포증 NK細胞는 여러 腫瘍에 대해 自然殺害能을 보여 소위 T非依存性 免疫監視機轉에 관하여는 바이러스 및 細菌에 感染된 細胞를 破壞하는 活性을 가지며, IL-2 및Interferon 등에 의하여 活性이 增加된다. NK細胞가 표적세포를 破壞하는 機轉에 관해서는 아직 확실히 알려져 있지 않으나, 첫째로 표적세포를 認識하는 時期, 둘째로 融解機轉을 活性化시키는 時期, 세째로 NK lymphotoxin이 邊離되는 時期, 네째로 표적세포의 死成期로 나눌 수 있다. 本 實驗에서 진영탕가감방 抽出液으로 前妻理시 NK細胞의 표적세포와의 結合能은 물론 結合된 표적세포의 融海能이 促進된 結果를 보이는데(Table 8), 이와 같은 結果는 진영탕가감방 抽出液이 NK細胞의 표적세포 파괴 4단계 전체를 亢進시킨 結果로 認定된다. 이상에서 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 진영탕가감방 抽出液을 폐암세포주인 A549와 간암세포주인 hep3B 및 신장암 유래의 종양세포주인 Caki-l cell에 投與한 결과, in vitro test인 coloy形成抑制實驗과 SRB assay에서 모두 濃度依存的으로 암세포주 成長을 抑制하였다. 2. Sarcoma 180細胞를 마우스에 移植하여 平均生存期間 및 生命延長率을 測定하는 in vivo test에서는 진영탕가감방 抽出液이 마우스의 平均生存期間 및 生命延長率을 增加시키는 結果를 보였다. 3. 진영탕가감방 抽出液은 MCA로 誘導한 腫瘍의 發生率 및 發生腫瘍의 크기를 현저히 減少시켰으며. 3LL細胞 移植에 의한 腫瘍發生 또한 현저히 減少시켰다. 4. 진영탕가감방 抽出液은 NK細胞의 活性度를 增加시켰다. 특히 10ug/ml농도 에서 NK細胞 活性度가 가장 현저히 增加되었다. 以上의 結果로 보아 진영탕가감방은 癌腫細胞에 대한 直接的인 成長抑制 및 細胞의 活性을 통한 免疫增進에 의해 多樣한 抗腫瘍效果를 보인 것으로 思料된다. The sprig of Jinryungtang Gagambang(陳영湯加減方) has been used for curing as a traditional medicine without any experimental evidence to support the rational basis for their clinical use. This experiment was carried out evaluate the possible therapeutic or antitumoral effect of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract against vancer, and to study some mechanisms responsible for its effect. The cytotoxic and antitumor effects were evaluated on human cell lines(A549, hep3B, Caki-1,Sarcoma 180 after exposure to Jinryungtang Gagambang extract using in ILS. colony forming efficiency and SRB assay which were regarded as a valuable method for cytotoxic and antitumor effects of unknown compound on tumor cell lines. The results obtained in this were as folows. 1. As a result of exposure to Jinryungtang Gagambang extract, the proliferation of A549, hep3B, Caki-1, good correlation were shown from the results of SRB assay and those of clogenetic assay. 2. The administration of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract showed significant effects of increase of MST(mean survival time) and ILS(increased lufe span) depending on the increasing concentration. 3. Against squamous cell carcinoma induced by MCA, Jinryungtang Gagambang decreased not only the frequency of tumor production but also the number and weight of tumors per tumor bearing mice(TBM). Jinryungtang Gagambang also significantly supressed the development of 3LL cell-implanted tumors by frequency and their size, and some developed tumors were regressed by the continuous treatment of Jinryungtang Gagambang extract into TBM. 4. Jinryungtang Gagambang extract also increased NK cell activities. According to the above results, it could be suggested that Jinryungtang Gagambang extract has prominent antitumor effect.

      • KCI등재

        학생체질검사제도에 대한 인식과 개선방안 연구

        김귀숙,문정숙,김윤신,이수진,김상욱 韓國學校保健學會 2003 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        Recent domestic findings indicate steep increase of geriatric diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and high boll d pressure among children and adolescents. It is, therefore, necessary to establish a new system for constitution inspection th at reflects domestic adolescents' health conditions by the introduction of feasible items and systematic methods in the inspect ion. The objective of this study is to grasp the problems and to present proper ways of improving the system. As the method of the research during the period from September 2001 to March 2002 we refer to the domestic and foreign li terature, and ask the advice of the specialists in pediatrics, family medicine, endocrine, cardiology. As on-site research we us a survey of nationwide elementary, middle, and high schools, visit representative local schools and have an interview with shoo l nurses. Through the interview we try to find practical problem of school heath care and find proper method of students physic al examination. The abstract of the problems of student examination system is as following. To the question about the extent of the resu lt of physical examination 46. 46.4%(school doctor) and 42.6%(parents and students) of the respondents answered "don't know". It means neglectfulness about examination itself. 62% of the school nurses responded "unsatisfactory" people who take charge of practical affairs have complaint about pre sent examination method. Because of the short time of the examination, and numerous students, the examination was incomplete. So veral questions, method of physical examination, content of physical examination and list of physical examination, were raised. Reform measures for physical examination system of students were presented by physician, school nurses, students and parents of student.

      • 白花蛇舌草 메탄올 抽出物의 抗腫瘍 效果 및 抗癌 棋戰에 關한 硏究

        魯勳政,文九,文錫哉,元秦熹,文永昊,朴來佶 대한한방종양학회 2000 대한한방종양학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        Objectives: This experimental study was carried out to evaluate the effects of aqueous and methanol extracts of Hedyotis diffusa which has long been used for cancer treatment in oriental medicines on the induction of apoptotic cell death in human lymphoid leukemia cell line, HL-60. Methods: Cells were treated with various concentrations (200 to 0.4㎍) and periods (6 to 30 hr) of H_2O and methanol extracts of Hedyotis diffusa. Then, cells were tested for viability by MTT assay. Cells wrere treated with 200㎍/ml of methanol extract fork various periods. Genomic DNA was isolated, separated, on 1.5% agarose gels, stained with ethidium bromide and visualized under UV light. Cells were treated with 200㎍/ml of each extract for 16hr.Then, cells were treated with various doses of each extract for 12 hr and 100㎍/ml of methanol extract for various periods. Lysate from the cells used to measure the activity of caspase-1 and-3 proteases by using fluorogenic peptide substrates including acetyl-YVAD-AMC and acetyl-DEVD-AMC, respectively, Cells were treated with 200㎍/ml of each extract for various periods. Cell lysates were immunoprecipated with anti-JNKl antibodies. The immune complex was reacted with 32^p-ATP and c-Jun as a substrate. The phosphotransferase activity of JNKI was measured by suing Phosphoimage analyzer (Fuji Co., Japan). Nuclear extracts were isolated and incubated with oligonucleotide probe of NF-kB was measured by using EMSA and visualized by PhosphoImage analyzer (Fuji Co, Japan). Cell lysates were prepared and analyzed by Western blotting with anti-Bc12 antibodies and anti-Bax antibodies. Cells were pretreated with various doses of methanol extract for 2 hr. Then, the extract was removed by centrifugation. Cells were resuspended with RPMI-1640 media containing 0.3% agarose, 10% FBS, overlayred onto bottom layer agarose and incubated at CO_2 incubator for 6 days. The number of colony was cunted under light microscopy (×100). Results: The death of HL_60 cells was markedly induced by the addition of methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa in a dose and time-dependent manners. The apoptotic characteristic ladder pattern of DNA strand break was observed in death of HL_60 cells. In addition, it was shown nucleus chromatin condensation under Hoechst staining. Therefore, Hedyotis diffusa extract-induced death of HL-60 cells is mediated by apoptotic signaling processes. The activity of Caspaxe 3-like proteases remained in a basal level in HL-60 cells treated with aqueous extract of Hedyotis diffusa. However, it was markedly increased in HL-60 cells treated with methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. In addition, the phosphotransferase activity of JNKl was increased in HL-60 cells treated with methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. Furthermore, the activation of transcriptional activator, NF-kB was markedly induced by methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. Anti-apoptotic Bc12 was cleaved into 23Kda fragment by treatment of methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa. However, expression of proapoptotic Bax protein was increased by treatment of methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, methanol extract markedly inhibited the colony forming efficiency of HL-60 cells in semisolid agar culture. Conclusions: Above results suggest that methanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa induces the apoptotic death of human leukemic HL-60 cells via activations of Caspase-3 proteases, JNKI, transcriptional activator NF-κB, In addition, our results also suggest that methanol exthanol extract of Hedyotis diffusa reduces the malignant potential of HL-60 cells via down regulation of colony forming effciency through cleavage of Bc12 as well as induction of Bax.

      • Culex pipiens pallens의 난황단백질 합성에 관한 연구

        강석희,박영민,조정래,문정희 성균관대학교 기초과학연구소 1987 論文集 Vol.38 No.2

        Anautogenous한 모기인 한국산 집모기 Culex pipiens pallens의 난황단백질 합성에 대한 hormone 들의 효과를 조사하였다. 피를 먹지않는 c. pipines 암모기의 head extract를 decapitation한 Aedes atropalpus에게 주사하였을 때 난성숙이 재유발되었으며, 난성숙의 재유발 정도는 우화 후 주사시기가 지연될수록 증가하여 우화 후 24시간에 주사하였을 때 최고에 도달하였다. 피먹은 C. pipiens를 흡혈 즉시 decapitation 또는 abdominal ligation하여도 난성숙이 저지되지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 C. pipiens의 brain hormone은 헙혈 즉시 방축되기 시작하여 난성숙의 시작을 자극하는 것으로 여겨진다. 피를 먹지않은 C. pipiens 암모기에게 β-ecdysone을 주사하거나 또는 head extract 주사 후 JHI을 처리하였을 때 fat body가 합성하는 vitellogenin의 양이 증가하였다. The effect of brain hormone, Juvenile hormone and β-ecdysone on the synthesis of vitellogenin in the anautogenous mosquito, Culex pipiens pallens, has been examined. Head extract from non-blood fed C. pipiens females, when injected into the decapitated Aedes atropalpus females, stimulated egg maturation. The ovarian development in C. pipiens was not completely blocked by decapitation or abdominal ligation performed immediately following a blood feeding. These results suggested that the release of brain hormone in this mosquito may be triggered by a feeding activity. Injection of β-ecdysone or head extract followed by topical application of JH into non-blood fed C. pipiens females stimulated vitellogenin synthesis. These results supported the previous work in Aedes aegypti that brain hormone, JH and ecdysone, in that sequence, are required for the egg maturation.

      • 기성 콘크리트 파일 두부정리를 위한 자동화 장비의 개발

        이정호,김정렬,김영석,조문영,김성근 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2

        During the last few years, the use of prefabricated concrete pile has been gradually increased in many construction sites. Cutting work of the concrete pile is an important task to crush a part of pile head which is compressed with more than 800㎏/㎠, It is usually performed by a crusher and three to four skilled workers. Recent analysis results of the pile cutting work reveal that it frequently makes a lot of cracks which significantly reduce the strength of the pile and is labor-intensive work. The primary objective of this study is to propose conceptual designs for developing an automated pile cutting machine. It is anticipated that the development of the automated pile cutting machine would be able to bring improvements in safety, productivity, quality as well as cost saving.

      • KCI등재후보

        소음 특수건강진단 1차검사의 민감도와 특이도에 미치는 일과성 역치 상승과 주변환경 소음의 영향

        원종욱,방문규,송중호,정선아,송재석,노재훈 대한산업의학회 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Object : This study was performed to increase the sensitivity and specificity for screening the examinee of second hearing test. Methods : Study subjects were 219 workers who exposed more than average 80dB. They were taken the hearing test two times, before noose exposure and at 1 hour to 4 hours after worksite noise exposure. To investigate the ambient noise workers who were taken the hearing test in the test room which ambient noise was less than 45dB were classified Group I and the others were classified Group II . To calculate the sensitivity and specificity we made it gold standard whether worker had noise induced hearing loss. Results : Difference of hearing loss between before and after noise exposure for left and right ear was 11.4 dB and 11.7 dB respectively at 500 Hz, 8.7 dB and 9.6 dB at 1,000 Hz, 6.3 dB and 6.9 dB at 2,000 Hz and 6.9 dB and 7.4 dB at 4,000 Hz In Group I. That for left ear and right ear was 5.8 dB and 4.9 dB at 500 Hz respectively, 5.4 dB and 6.4 dB at 1,000 Hz, 6.3 dB and 5.3 dB at 2,000 Hz, and 5.5 dB and 5.8 dB at 4,000 Hz in Group II. The sensitivity was 100 in both Groups and the specificity was increased to 58.3 and 71.8 in Group I and Group II respectively until 10 dB was deducted from hearing level at 1,000 Hz and 4,000 Hz. Conclusion : When the screening hearing test was performed at worksite, we might deduct 10 dB from measured hearing level to increase the specificity without reduction of sensitivity.

      • 소구경 미세홈 고속가공시 가공환경변화에 따른 가공성 평가

        정연행,이채문,강명창,이득우,김정석 한국공작기계학회 2002 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2002 No.-

        High speed machining is one of most effective technologies to improve productivity. It can give great advantage for manufacture of die and Moulds. However, when the high speed machining of materials, especially in machining of micro groove, a severely thermal demage was generated on workpiece and tool. Generally, the cutting fluid is used to improve penetration, lubrication, and cooling effect. In order to rise the performance of lubrication, it contains extreme pressure agents (CI, S, P). But the environment of work room go bad by those additive. Therefore, the compressed chilly air with Oil mist system was developed to replace the conventional cutting fluid system. This paper carried out the tests to evaluate the machinability by the cutting environment in high speed micro groove machining of NAK80 (HRC40). Compressed chilly air with oil mist was ejected on the contact area between cutting edge and workpiece. The effectiveness of this developed compressed chilly air with oil mist system was evaluated in terms of tool life. The results showed that the tool life of carbide tool coated TiAIN with compressed chilly air mist cooling was much longer than with dry and flood coolant when cutting the material.

      • KCI등재후보

        솔잎추출유의 산화 안정성 및 추출유를 이용한 맛김의 관능적 평가

        정혜경,최창숙,이지현,장문정,강명화 한국식생활문화학회 2003 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        생·찐솔잎에 콩기름과 올리브유를 첨가하여 추출한 솔잎추출유의 저장기간에 따른 산패도를 측정하였고 솔잎추출물을 김에 발라 제조한 맛김에 대한 관능검사 결과는 다음과 같다. 1.저장기간에 따른 중량변화 특정 결과, 콩기름은 14일째 생·찐 솔잎추출유는 21일째 생·찐 올리브유 솔잎추출유는 14일부터 중량이 서서히 증가하여 28일에 중량이 가장 크게 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 2.TVARS 생성량도 저장기간 14일째 콩기름에 비해 콩기름에 생·찐 솔잎을 첨가할 경우 TBARS의 함량이 유의적으로 낮았고, 28일째 올리브유도 생·찐 솔잎을 첨가할 경우 TBARS의 함량이 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다. 3.시방산 산화의 2차 생성률은 aqueous layer에서 저장기간에 다라 감소하였고 특히 14일째에 다른 추출유에 비해 콩기름이 크게 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 한편 organic layer는 저장기간 14일째 콩기름에서 가장 크게 증가하였고 솔잎을 첨가할 경우 유의적으로 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 올리브유의 경우도 솔잎을 첨가한 올리브 솔잎 추출유에서 2차 생성률이 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 4.제조된 생·찐 솔잎 추출유를 김에 발라 7점 기호척도법을 이용하여 관능검사를 실시한 결과 향, 맛 전반적인 기호도 모두 유의적인 차이가 나타나지 않아 솔잎추출유를 김에다 바를 경우 거부감을 주지 않는 것으로 조사되었다. 이상의 경우 솔잎에 콩기름과 올리브유를 첨가하여 추출한 솔잎추출유는 원유보다 산화에 대해 안정한 것으로 나타났고, 이를 이용한 맛김도 좋은 것으로 평가되어 솔잎추출유의 식품에 이용 가능성이 시사되었다. In order to evaluate the oxidative stability and sensory evaluation for the pine needle extracted oils, we prepared the pine needle extracted oils by the autoclave method with soybean and/or olive oils. The lipid peroxidation was monitored by measuring the formation of 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS). In addition, the secondary reaction products of lipid oxidation were measured by fluorescence spectroscopy. A weight changing was decreased in oils added pine needle during storage periods. The formation of TBARS was the lowest in olive pine needle oils after 14 days storage, whereas it was the highest in soybean oil. The levels of fluorescent products in extracted oils added pine needle were also decreased in organic layers. According to the sensory evaluation, the scores of fragrance, taste and overall preference in savored laver using an pine needle extracted oils were no significant differences. Overall results suggest that the pine needle extracted oils can be developed to functional oil resources.

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