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      • KCI등재

        단안증 1 례

        조석재,허창규,김용진,박재복,박소정,이상희,오훈규 대한산부인과학회 1994 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.37 No.5

        저자들은 최근 선천성 태아기형중 극히 희귀한 기형인 단안증 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. 본 예에서 동반된 기형으로는 전전뇌증, 두개저부기형, 뇌하수체 발생부전, 심장의 난원공, 동맥관개존증, 양측 부신의 형성부전 등이었으며 염색체는 정상이었다. Cyclopia is a very rare fetal ocular anomaly and incompatible with life. Recently, we have experienced a case of cyclopia, diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound examination in a 25-year-old multiparous woman who presented in our OB out-patient clinic for a routine prenatal checkup. Our case seems belong to type Ii by Sarma classification which is characterized by cyclopia, holoprosencephaly, foramen ovale, patient ductus arteriosus and bilateral agenesis of adrenal glands. Chromosomal study revealed 46,XX,normal karyotype.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 뇌졸중 환자에 있어서 체감각성뇌유발전 위에 관한 연구

        조효근,김응규,이재관 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1991 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.15 No.1

        The sixty-nine patients of cerebrovascular disease admitted within two days of disease onset were studied by the method of somatosensory evoked potential from November 1987 to Februarv 1989 at the Department of Neurology, Inje University, College of Medicine. The follwing results were obtained. 1. Fifteen cases in 26 patients of cerebral infarction showed abnormal SEP and 11 cases normal, and 6 cases in 18 patients of intracerebral hemorrhage showed abnormal SEP and 12 cases normal, and 4 cases in 9 patients of subarachnoid hemorrhage showed abnormal SEP and 5 cases normal, and all of the transient ischemic attack showed normal SEP. 2. In the cerebral infarction and intracerebral hemorrhage, correlation between graded SEP and mental status of patients were significant. But there was no significance in the subarachnoid hemorrhage. 3. The patients with sensory change showed more numbers of abnormal SEP than the patients wit normal sense and these were significant. 4. The grade of motor weakness correlated significantly with that of abnormal SEP. 5. in cases of cortical lesion, there was the tendency of decreased amplitude of N1-P2 than the chanees of absolute Nl latency or CN2-N1 interpeak latency, In cases of subcortical lesion, there was thtendency of changes of absolute Nl, or P2 latency or CN2-N1 interpeak latency than the changes (amplitude of N1 P2). 6. The graded SEP correlated significantly with the final outcome of the patients of cerebral infarctic and intracereboal hemorrhage. But there was no correlation between the graded SEP and final outcome in cases of subarchno hemorrhage "The results showed that the SEP was valuable method for early detection of disease ar suspecting the prognosis in cerebrovascular disease.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        산모의 저체중증가와 조기분만의 위험성에 관한 고찰

        조석재,김태화,송소현,한혜경 대한산부인과학회 1993 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.36 No.1

        1989년 1월 1일부터 1990년 3월까지 본원에서 출생한, 신생아 체중이 2,750gm미만이거나 임신 38주 미만의 조기분만을 대상으로 하여 사산, 다태임신, 양수과다, 선천성기형이 있거나 양막 조기파수, 유도분만, 제왕절개술을 받은 경우 등을 제외한 원인 불명의 조기분만 117건에서 매주 체중증가율이 0.27kg미만인 경우 T-test 검정결과 유의수준 95%에서 신뢰도 0.015로 조기분만의 발생빈도가 높다는 결론을 얻었다. The precise etiologic factors of premature or preterm delivery are quite often not well known but some condition could be expected. Recently, medical articles mentioned inadequate maternal weight gain during pregnancy as one of the risk of the preterm delivery. At this point, this reprot surveyed incidence of preterm delivery between 117 of the low rate maternal weight gain delivery and 1465 of normal rate maternal weight gain delivery as control group from January 1989 to March 1990. This study revealed women with low rate weight gain (less than a 0.27kg/week) without specific medical complications during pregnancy were significantly high in preterm delivery compare to control group. The overall incidence of preterm delivery in low rate weight gain was 40.2%. As a result, low maternal weight gain during prenatal period could be concluded one of risk factor of preterm delivery.

      • KCI등재

        자궁외임신의 임상적 양상과 치료에 관한 연구

        이홍균,김복린,조용균,유태환,박경미,김은우,김재완 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.7

        1989년 8월 16일부터 1993년 12월 31일까지 만 4년5개월간 상계백병원 산부인과에서 입원치 료 후 여러 가지 검사상 자궁외임신으로 확인된 450예에 대한 임상적 고찰을 통하여 다음과 같은 결론을 내렸다. 1. 분만건수에 대한 자궁외임신의 빈도는 1:36명(450/16030명)이었다. 2. 호발연령은 31-35세가 34.9%로 가장 많았으며, 26-35세가 68.2%로 나타났다. 3. 분만횟수는 미경산부가 29.3% 1회 분만이 34% 2회분만이 31.8%로 나타났다. 4. 임신중절의 경험이 있는 환자는 289예(64.2%)였고, 이중 1회가 15예(33.3%)로 가장 많았다. 5. 기왕력은 과거 개복술을 경험한 경우가 23.8% 복강경 난관불임술을 경험한 경우가 19.9% 자궁외 임신을 경험한 경우가 6.4%로 나타났다. 6. 주요 임상증상은 하복부 동통이 89.6%, 무월경이 77.8% 질출혈이 54%로 나타났다. 7. 초음파검사상 더글라스와 액상소견이 71.1% 자궁부속기 종괴소견이 66.7%에서 나타났다. 8. 착상부위는 난관이 98.2%이었고, 이중 팽대부가 73.3% 협부가 13.3% 체부가 6.2% 순으로 나타났다. 9. 수술방법은 환측 난관절제술이 81.6%로 가장 많이 시행되었고, 복강경수술법이 7.3% methotrexated 의 사용이 1.8%로 나타났다. 10. 복강경 출혈량이 500cc이하가 42.4%로 가장 많았고, 수혈이 필요없었던 경우가 42.9%로 나타났다. 11. 조사대상 450예중 특별한 합병증으로 사망한 경우는 없었다. This study was undertaken for the clinical evaluation and treatment on 450 patients with ectopic pregnancy who were admitted and treated at Sanggye Paik Hospital from Aug, 16 1989 to Dec. 31 1993. The results were as follow; 1. The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 1 in 36 deivery (450/16030). 2. The most common age group was 26-35 years of age (68.2%). 3. Nullipara was 29.3% and the cases who experiened artificial abortion was 64.2%. 4. According to past medical history of illness previous laparotomy was noted in 23.8%, previous laparoscopic tubal sterilization in 19.3% and repeated ectopic pregnancy in 6.4%. 5. In clinical symptoms, low abdominal pain was encountered in 86.6% amenorrhea in 77.8% vaginal spotting in 54%. 6. In ultrasonographic findings on admission, fluid accumulation of Cul-de-sac was encountered in 71.1% adnexal mass in 67.7%. 7. The sites of ectopic pregnancy were salpinxes in 442 cases (98.2%) and ovaries in 6 cases(1.3%) In the cases of tubal pregnancies, the lesions were most commonly located at the ampulla portions(330 cases, 73.3%). 8. Laparotomy was done in 81.1% pelviscopic operation in 7.3% and chemotherapy using methrotrexate in 1.8%. 9. Intraabdominal hemorrhage below 1000cc in amount was 65.5%. 10. Average blood volume transfused was 1.6 pints(640cc). 11. There was no fetal case in 450 ectopic pregnancies.

      • KCI등재

        조산아의 원인과 예후에 관한 연구

        이홍균,김복린,조용균,유태환,양종필,김은우,김재완 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.8

        1992년 1월 1일부터 1993년 12월 31일까지 인제대학교 의과대학부속 상계백병원에서 분만한 총 8426건의 단태출생중에서 임신 20주이상 37주이전에 분만된 674명의 조산아를 대상으로 조사 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 조산의 원인 중 조기파수에 의한 경우가 39.2%로 가장 많았고, 조기진통에 의한 경우는 35.0% 산모나 태아의 적응증으로 인한 경우는 25.8%였다. 2. 재태연령에 따른 조산의 분포를 보면, 35주에서는 36주에 분만된 경우가 42.7%, 31주에서 34주까지는 33.5% 30주이하인 경우는 23.9%였다. 3. 35주미만에 조기진통에 의해 조산된 22.4%중 입원당시 자궁경부의 개대가 3cm미만인 경 우는 5.8%였다. 4. 조산의 원인에 따른 신생아의 사망율은 조기진통에 의한 경우가 생아 1000명당 139명, 조 기파수에 의한 경우는 89명, 적응증에 의한 경우는 90명이었다. 5. 재태연령에 따른 생존율을 살펴보면 26주에서 27주까지는 22.8% 28주에서 30주까지는 평 균 88%의 생존율을 보여주고 있다. 6. 출생시 체중에 따른 생존율은 900gm에서 1100gm까지는 7.2% 1101-1500gm, 62.3%를 나 타내며 1501-2000 gm 까지는 76.1% 2000gm 이상인 경우는 98.4%를 나타내고 잇다. 7. 조산아의 생존율을 향상시키기 위한 최소한의 재태연령은 27주, 출생체중은 900gm이상이 되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. The preterm birth has recently one of the most important issues in obsterics. The development of neonatology has made a great contribution to the treatment fo preterm baby and decreases of neonatal mortality rate. We determined the causes and outcome of 674 cases of preterm infants delivered at Sanggye Paik Hospital from 1. 1992 to 12.31. 1993. the results were as follows; 1. When the preterm births were divided by etiology, 39.2% followed spontaneous PROM, 35% followed spotaneous preterm loabor, and 25.8% were indicated. 2. Of 674 preterm infants, 42.7% occurred at 35-36weeks, 33.5% at 31-34weeks, and 23.9% at or before 30 weeks. 3. Of 22.4% of preterm births following spotaneous onset of labor before 35 weeks gestation, 5.8% were at less than 3cm cervical dilatation. 4. The neonatal mortailiy was 139.83 per 1000 live births in spontaneous labor, 90.91 in PROM and 89.55 in indicated delivery. 5. The survival rate was 22.8% at 26-27 weeks, 60.8% at 28-30 weeks and 88% after 31 weeks. 6. The survival rate divided according to birth weight were 7.2% in 900-1000gm, 62.3% in 1101-1500gm, 76.1% in 1501-2000 gm and 98.4% over 2000gm respectively. 7. To incerease the survival rate of preterm infants, the minimal gestational age should be 27 weeks gestation and the birth weight be 900gm.

      • KCI등재

        체외수정 및 배아의 자궁내 이식에 의한 임신에 관한 연구

        김혜경,이철호,정기성,조재동,정일균,김석영,이안수 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.11

        1989년 3월초부터 1990년 2월말까지 1년간 불임치료를 목적으로 본원 산부인과 불임크리닉을 내원하였던 환자중 체외수정 및 배아이식의 적응증이 되는 107명을 대상으로 CC/HMG/HCG; 1군, FSH/HMG/HCG; 2군, Lupron/HMG/HCG; 3군을 투여한 129 월경주기와 자연배란 주기를 이용한 6주기에서 질식초음파를 이용하여 체외수정 및 자궁내 배아이식을 시행하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 체외수정과 배아이식이 시행된 적응증은 난관요인이 89예(83.2%)로 가장 많았으며 원인불명이 9예(8.4%), 남성요인이 4예(3.7%), 자궁내막증 3예(2.8%), 자궁경부 요인이 2예(1.9%)의 순으로 나타났다. 2. 실시주기 145주기중 난자채취에 성공한 주기는 135주기로 93.1%였다. 3. 과배란유도 후 채취된 난자는 922개로 평균난자수는 7.14개였으며 난포당 난자채취율은 83.8%였다. 4. 과배란유도 후 채취된 난자의 성숙도를 보면 배란전 성숙난이 846개로 채취 난자의 91.8%를 차지하였고 미성숙난자가 50개(5.4%), 과성숙난자가 26개(2.8%)였다. 5. 난자채취에 성공한 135주기중 배아이식은 124주기에서 시행하여 성공적 난자채취 주기의 91.9%에 해당되었으며 난자채취당 난할율은 62.6%로 한 주기당 평균 난할난자수는 4.2개였다. 6. 과배란 유도방법에 따라 제 1군; CC/HMG/HCG(n=22), 제 2군; FSH/HMG/HCG(n=92), 제 3군; Lupron/HMG/HCG(n=15), Natural cycle군(n=6)으로 나눈 결과를 비교하여 보면 난자채취율, 난자성숙도, 수정율 등에는 유의한 차이가 없었으며 임신율을 살펴보면, 제 1군은 난자채취당 14%, 배아이식당 18%, 제 2군은 난자채취당 16%, 배아이식당 17%, 제 3군은 난자채취당 40%, 배아이식당 43%였으며 Natural cycle군에서는 난자채취당 17%, 배아이식당 20%를 나타냈으며 임신율은 제 3군에서 가장 높았다. 7. 임신된 예는 25예로 난자채취당 18.5%, 배아이식당 20.2%로 이중 4명중 분만하였으며 9명은 현재 임신이 진행중이며(1명은 쌍태아임신), 5명은 자연유산이 되었고, 1명은 자궁외임신이 되었으며 나머지 6명은 preclinical abortion이 되었다. In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer have been used as a part of treatments for infertility patients. Our IVF-ET program began in March 1989 and the first IVF-ET baby was delivered in December 1989. This clinical study was taken to evaluate each step and the results of our IVF-ET program. The results were as follows; 1. The number of treated subjects in our IVF-ET program were 107 and the number of total cycles of ovulation induction were 145. Ultrasound guided transvaginal follicle aspiration was successful in 135 cycles and success rate of follicle aspiration was 93.1%. 2. The number of ova picked up were 922. The mean number of retrieved oocyte per follicle aspiration was 7.14, so oocyte retrieval rate per one follicle was 73.8%. 3. The maturity of 922 aspirated ova showed 846 preovulatory mature oocytes(91.8%), 50 immature oocytes(5.4%), and 26 postmature oocytes(2.8%). 4. Embryo transfer was done in 124 cycles(91.9% of successful aspiration cycles). The mean number of cleaved oocyte per aspiration cycle was 4.3, and successful cleavage rate after insemination was 62.6%. 5. The group of ovulation induction were divided by induction method as follows, Group I: CC/HMG/HCG(n=22), Group II: FSH/HMG/HCG(n=92), Group III: Lupron/HMG/HCG(n=15), Group IV: natural cycle(n=6). Higher pregnancy rate was obtained in Group III and it was statistically significant, but no significant difference was shown in oocyte retrieval rate, maturity of retrieved oocytes and cleavage rate among groups. 6. Pregnancies were obtained in 25 cases. Pregnancy rate per follicle aspiration; 18.5%, and the pregnancy rate per embryo transfer; 20.2%. of these 25 cases, there are 4 deliveries, 9 ongoing pregnancies(1 with), 5 clinical abortions, 6 preclinical abortions and 1 ectopic pregnancy(tubal).

      • KCI등재

        폐경기 여성에서 호르몬 대치요법이 골대사의 생화학적 지표에 미치는 영향

        정한국,이권해,조태호,이임순,이해혁,이석민 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.3

        The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effect of hormone replacement therapy on the bone mineral density and bone metabolism. Thirty-four postmeonpausal women, who visited Soonchunhyang University Hospital were assessed. After baseline study, conjugated equine estrogen [CEE, 0.625 mg, day 1∼30] plus medroxyprogesterone acetate [MPA, 5 mg, day 1∼12] were given for 12 months. The levels of serum osteocalcin, serum total alkaline phosphatase and urine deoxypyridinoline decreased significantly[p<0.05] after 12 months of hormone replacement therapy. Bone mineral density of Ward`s triangle of femur increased significantly[p<0.05] compared to basal level and 12months of hormone replacement therapy. These data suggest that hormone replacement therapy has effect of inhibiting bone turnover rate and increasing bone mineral density of Ward`s triangle of femur in postmenopausal women.

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