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      • 圓光醫大 附屬 第2病院 神經精神科 患者에 對한 統計的 考察(Ⅱ)

        박민철,장광철,김상원,김한주,유미경,김훈,유용진,김현정,박남진,오상우,이귀행,노승호,백영석 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1992 圓光精神醫學 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 1986년 7월 11일부터 1991년 7월 10일까지 원광의대 부속 제2병원 신경정신과에서 의래 및 입원치료를 받았던 6,072명의 환자를 대상으로 병원 역학조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 1차조사 (박민철 등1986)와 비교했다. 1.전체 환자 중 남자가 54.4%로 여자보다 많았고, 이리와 이리 인접지역이 84.0%로 대부분의 지역을 나타났다. 의료보장상태는 보험환자가 57.1%, 의료보호환자21.8%, 일반환자 21.1%였으며 연령별로는 20대 24.6%, 30대 22.8%로 20대 30대가 절반정도를 차지했다. 2.외래환자에서는 신경중성장애가 46.0%로 가장 많고 정동장애, 경련성장애 순이며, 입원환자에서는 정신분열증이 30.5%로 가장 많고 기질성정신장애, 정동장애의 순이었다. 3.남자는 신경증성쟝애(23.4%), 정신분열증, 기질성정신장애 순이고 여자는 신경증성장애(39.9%), 정동장애, 정신분열증의 순이었다. 남자가 여자보다 많은 진단은 알코올정신장애(94.6%), 기질성정신장애, 소아정신장애 순이고, 여자가 남자보다 많은 진단은 정동장애(64.5%), 신경증성장애였다. 4.진단별 연령분포에서 신경증성장에는 30대(25.3%), 20대, 40대 순이고, 정신분열증은 20대(40.5%), 30대, 40대 순이며, 정동장애는 20대, 30대, 50대 순이나 비교적 비슷한 융이었다. 5.진단별 발병연령에서 신경증성장에는 20대, 30대가 절반이고,정신분열증은 20대(51.3%), 10대, 30대 순이며 정동장애는 20대(30.7%), 30대, 50대 순이었다. 진단별 평균 발병연령은 신경증성장애 32.7세, 정동장애 36.1세, 정신분열증 23.6세였다. 6.진단별 이병기간은 2년이상이 신경증성장에 28.3%, 정신분열증 68.5% 정동장애 43.9%인데 전체적으로 41.0%였다. 진단별 평균 이병기간은 정신분열증 73.2개월, 정동장애 45.5개월, 신경증성장애 29.5개월이었다. We examined epidemiologic study of 6,072 patients who visited Wonkwang Neuropsychiatric hospital since July 11 of 1986 until July 10 of 1991 and compared this results with previous study(Park et al 1986). The study revealed as follows:1. Of total patients males visited this hosptial more than females as 57.1%, Most of them(84.0%) resided Iri and neighbouring Iri. In the point of insurance, insured patients, medicaid patients and uninsured patients were 57.1%, 21.8% and 21.1% respectively. On the distribution of age, the twenties, the thirties were 24.6%, 22.8% respectively and twenties and thirties were about half of total patients. 2. Of outpatients neurotic disorder was the most as 46.0%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly convulsive disorder, but of inpatients schizophrenia was the most as 30.5%, secondly organic mental disorder and thirdly mood disorder. 3. Of males neurotic disorder was the most as 23.4%, secondly schizophrenia, and thirdly organic mental disorder, but of females neurotic disorder was the most as 39.9%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly schizophrenia. alcoholic mental disorder(94.6%), organic mental disorder, child mental disorder were mostly found in males,but mood disorder(64.5%) and neurotic disorder were mostly found in females. 4. On the distribution of age neurotic disorder was found the most in the thirties(25.3%), next in the twenties and in the forties, and schizophrenia was found the most in the twenties(40.5%), next in the thirties and in the forties, but mood disorder was found the most in the twenties, next in the thirties and in the forties but revealed similar rates relatively. 5. On the distribution of age of onset neurotic disorder developed nearly half during the twrnties and the thirties, schizophrenia developed mostly during the twenties (51.3%), secondly the teens and thirdly the thirties, but mood disorder developed firstly the twenties(30.7%), secondly the thirties and thirdly the fifties. on the average age of onset of illness neurotic disorder, mood disorder and schizophrenia were 32.7 years, 36.1 years and 23.6 years respectively. 6. On the duration of illness more than two years was 28.3% in neurotic disorder, 68.5% in schizophrenia and 3.9% in mood disorder and on the average duration of illness schizophrenia, mood disorder and neurotic disorder were 73.2 months, 45.5 months and 29.5 months respectively.

      • 분산환경을 지원하는 데이터 모델링 방법론 개발

        김철한,김중인,우훈식 대전대학교 산업기술연구소 1999 산업기술연구소 論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        To reduce the production lead time, the attempts to exchange and share information among business processes within the enterprise and between enterprises have been increased. The information environment supporting this activities should be distributed. This study is concerned with the implementation of information system under distributed environment. Based on existing IDEF methods. we developed a modified method which newly includes concepts of the enterprise structure, the integration of legacy databases, the distribution of data, and the distributed applications. The method can be applied to the system developments of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Commerce At Light Speed (CALS), and integrated databases.

      • 시각 및 청각장애인의여가활동 참여유형과 여가제약 요인에 관한 연구

        김한철 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        This study ultimately aims on actually examining limiting factors of leisure activity due to visual and hearing disability, along with searching for pattern of leisure activity participation of the visual and hearing disabled. The study was done with 124 visual and hearing disabled more than 20 years old. The questionnaire done was input into SPSS/WIN Program v. 120 within Personal Computer, and then treated as information based on the purpose and organization of the study. As a result of this study, first of all, there were many visually disabled men who enjoyed their leisure activities such as hobby/education and viewing/inspection, but on the other hand, women enjoyed more of hobby/education and recreation/playing. Especially for active leisure activity, the rate of participation for visually disable men was higher than visually disabled women Also, there were many who enjoyed hobby/education for both the visually disabled and hearing disabled. Secondly, the level of subordinate factors that restrict leisure of visually and hearing disabled was similar. In other words, the level of factors that restrict individual and inter-relationship leisure for both visual and hearing disabled was comparably high, and structural leisure limitation was normal.

      • KCI등재후보

        레진 계열 근관봉함재 Adseal의 세포독성에 관한 연구

        김희정,백승호,이우철,박한수,배광식 大韓齒科保存學會 2004 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.29 No.6

        The properties of ideal root canal sealers include the ability of sealing the total root canal system and no toxic effects to periradicular tissues. Cytotoxicity test using cell culture is a common screening method for evaluation of the biocompatibility of root canal sealers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the cytotoxic effect of newly developed resin-based sealer (Adseal 1, 2, and 3) comparing with those commercial resin-based sealers (AH26 and AH Plus), ZOE-based sealers (Tubliseal EWT, Pulp Canal Sealer EWT) and calcium hydroxide based sealer (Sealapex). An indirect contact test of cytotoxicity by agar diffusion was performed according to the international standard ISO 10993-5. L929 fibroblast cells were incubated at 37℃ in humidified 5% CO₂-containing air atmosphere. The freshly mixed test materials were inserted into glass rings of internal diameter 5 ㎜ and height 5 ㎜ placed on the agar. After the 24 hrs incubation period, the decolorization zones around the test materials were assessed using an inverted microscope with a calibrated screen. A Decolorization Index was determined for each specimen. Adseal 1, 2, and 3 did not exert any cytotoxic effects, whereas AH26, AH Plus, Tubliseal EWT, Pulp Canal Sealer EWT, and Sealapex produced mild cytotoxicity.

      • 농촌마을 정체성의 개념 정립과 확립 방안 모색

        김정식,황한철 안성산업대학교 2002 論文集 Vol.34 No.-

        This study defined the concept of village identities and suggested its establishment schemes for the purpose of preserving rurality and rural vitalization. Rural village's identity was established with the sameness which involved the meaning of continuity and identification, and with the characteristics of individuality which had an uniqueness and an excellence in a space and place of village level. Keeping and raising the village identity is able to stir up the resident self-conceit and do a thing worthy of a village. The establishment schemes for village identity were suggested as follows: 1. To find and maintain the history identity such as historic facts, persons, places and relics; culture identity such as traditional games, festivals and events; landscape identity such as natural landscape, resident landscape, architectures and agricultural landscape; industry identity such as rural tourism resources, special products and so on. 2. To maximize the village speciality and discrimination about various resources, landscape, geographical features and so on. 3. To create the positive village's image through the comprehensive analysis and evaluation of village's characteristics with participatory approaches.

      • 복합 운동이 정신지체여성의 Leptin, MDA 및 항산화효소에 미치는 영향

        김한철 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute and chronic exercise on VO₂max. Leptin, metabolic hormone (Insulin, Cortisol), MDA and antioxidant enzyme(SOD, CAT), Ten retarded women who had not performed regular exercise in previous 2 yr were studied, All parameters were measured and analysed before and after training, Maximal oxygen consumption was determined during altered incremental treadmill test, Blood sample was obtained at rest before the test, immediately on completion of the test, and at recovery of 30 min All participants were tested before and after 12.-wk exercise periods, Chronic exercise resulted in significant increase of VO₂max and decrease in body weight, After acute maximal exercise test, In acute exercise, there was no change in DA after both acute and chronic exercise, Significant differences were observed in SOD between normal control and mental retardation group before training, En chronic effects average plasma SOD concentration increased significantly at immediately exercise, in contrast to pre exercise and recovery in all group and the rate of increases in SOD was higher after training than before training, This increase returned to baseline level during recovery, In conclusion, chronic exercise of mentally retarded adult women showed enhanced exercise capacity, Acute exercise resulted in enhanced metabolic capacity, Acute exercise did not show any change in lipid peroxidation despite of increased VO₂max.

      • 미세캡슐화 오렌지 향 분말의 특성 연구

        김한수,황용일,이승철 慶南大學校 附設 工業技術硏究所 1998 硏究論文集 Vol.15 No.3

        Microencapsulation processes are widely employed for food industry, including flavors, preservatives, and food additives. We studied the preparation of microencapsulated orange oil powder by spray drying method using wall material as gum arabic. Electron micrographs showed microencapsulated coffee powders were generally spherical shaped with average diameter 35.66㎛ with standard variation of 23.51㎛. The average total oil in spray dried powders was determined as 75.35%, while the average moisture was 3.06%. With above results, microencapsulation process could be applied to flavor for effective reservation and usage variation.

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