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      • KCI등재

        Antiobesity and Vasoprotective Effects of Resveratrol in ApoE-Deficient Mice

        전선민,이승아,최명숙 한국식품영양과학회 2014 Journal of medicinal food Vol.17 No.3

        This study was performed to investigate the hypolipidemic, antiobese, and antiatherogenic effects of resveratrolin apoE-deficient mice fed an atherogenic diet (20% fat and 1% cholesterol). These animals were fed an atherogenic diet containing 0.02% lovastatin (w/w) or 0.02% resveratrol (w/w) for 12 weeks. Resveratrol and lovastatin supplementation significantly reduced either the body weight or epididymal fat weight without altering the food intake and food efficiency ratio. Resveratrol significantly decreased the plasma total cholesterol (total-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) concentrations, apoB/apoA-I ratio, hepatic cholesterol, and triglyceride (TG) contents, whereas significantly it increased the plasma HDL-C concentration compared with the control and lovastatin groups. Plasma and hepatic TG and plasma apoB levels were significantly lower in both the lovastatin and resveratrol groups than in the control group without altering the plasma apoA-I concentration. Both resveratrol and lovastatin significantly decreased hepatic fatty acid and TG synthesis, whereas they increased fatty acid oxidation (b-oxidation) except for the carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity compared with the control group. However, there was no difference in hepatic 3-hydroxyl-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity among the groups, although hepatic acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase activity was significantly lower in the lovastatin groups than in the control group. In epididymal adipose tissue, resveratrol supplementation led to an increase in b-oxidation and decrease in TG synthesis, compared with the control group. Tissue morphology revealed that there were dramatic decreases in hepatic lipid droplets and aortic fatty streaks by resveratrol and lovastatin supplementation. This study demonstrates that resveratrol exerts not only antiobesity and hypolipidemic effects, but also protective effects for the liver and aorta through the modulation of lipid metabolism in both the liver and white adipose tissues.

      • KCI등재

        관료정치와 산업발전의 정치경제: 1970~80년대 한국과 대만의 자동차 산업정책 형성 과정

        전선민,김경미 서울대학교 국제학연구소 2021 국제지역연구 Vol.30 No.3

        This paper analyzes the process of development of the automobile industries in Korea and Taiwan, focusing on their bureaucratic politics based on discursive coordination. Despite similar conditions in the early 1970s, the automobile industries in Korea and Taiwan led to divergent paths, focusing on exports of finished cars and parts, respectively. This study holds that this difference is not an automatic result of a given industrial structure, but it came from the divergence of the automobile industrial policies in the two countries. Korea aimed to establish internationally competitive national champions by vertically integrating domestic firms, while Taiwan targeted niche market and fostered strategic suppliers for multinational companies by integrating into their global production system. However, unlike previous state-centered studies that focus on the cohesiveness and power distribution within the state, this paper emphasizes that the differentiation of the automobile industrial policies of the two countries, which started with similar goals, is the result of efforts to justify their policies within the state as well as socially in the competition between bureaucrats over the initiative of the policies. 본 연구는 한국과 대만의 자동차 산업발전 과정을 담론적 조정에 기초한 관료정치의 틀로 분석 한다. 한국과 대만의 자동차 산업은 1970년대 초 유사한 조건에 처해 있었음에도 불구하고 각각 완성차 수출 중심과 부품 수출 중심의 산업구조라는 상이한 방향으로 발전했다. 본 연구는 이러한 차이가 주어진 산업구조나 사회 내재적 논리의 자동적인 결과가 아니라 양국의 자동차 산업정책의 분화에서 비롯되었다고 본다. 즉 한국이 국내에서 수직적으로 통합되어 국제경쟁력을 갖춘 국가 대표기업을 육성하는 산업정책을 펼친 반면, 대만은 글로벌 생산체계에 통합되어 다국적 기업의 전략적 공급자를 육성하고 틈새시장을 공략하는 발전전략을 택한 결과였다. 그러나 본 연구는 국가 조직의응집성, 권력 분포에 초점을 두는 기존 국가 중심 연구와 달리 유사한 목표로 시작된 양국의 자동차 산업정책이 분화하게 된 것은 정책의 주도권을 둘러싼 관료집단 간 경쟁 속에서 자신의 정책을 국가 내부는 물론 사회적으로 정당화하기 위한 노력 속에 구성된 결과임을 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        공공정서와 발전전략 구성의 정치: 1980년대 초 한국의 경제 자유화

        전선민,김경미 서울대학교 한국정치연구소 2020 韓國 政治 硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        본 논문은 1980년대 초 한국의 경제 자유화 과정에서 이뤄진 발전전략의 변화를 담론제도주의의 틀로 분석한다. 기존의 지배적 해석들은 이 시기의 한국의 경제 자유화를 국가가 후퇴하는 신자유주의로의 전환점으로 간주한다. 하지만 한국의 경제개혁은 남미의 구조적 통화주의와 달리 긴축과 개방에도 불구하고 변형된 형태의 산업정책을 지속했다. 경제 자유화를 주도한 경제기획원 개혁파들은 주요 행위자를 설득하기 위해 사회적으로 공유된 발전주의에 기초해 정통 자유주의 전략과 상충하는 전략적 산업 육성을 수용하되, 산업정책을 신고전파 경제이론에 따라 재해석함으로써 변화된 환경에 적응시켰다. 본 논문은 이러한 발전전략의 변화를 주요 행위자들이 공공정서를 기반으로 처음의 정책담론을 변용하고 적응시키면서 집합적으로 상호적 합의를 형성하는 구성의 정치를 통해 이해할 수 있다고 주장한다. This paper analyses the change of developmental strategy in Korea’s economic liberalization during the early 1980s through discursive institutionalism. The prevalent views regard Korea’s economic liberalization during this period as a turning point to neoliberalism, meaning the retreat of the state. However, despite austerity and openness, Korea’s economic reform has sustained industrial policy in a modified form, unlike structural monetarism in most Latin American countries. Economic Planning Board’s reformists leading the economic liberalization accepted promotion of strategic industries contradictory to orthodox liberalism strategy based on socially shared developmentalism to persuade other major actors but modified industrial policies for new conditions by reinterpreting it from their neoclassical economics’ idea. This paper argues that change of developmental strategy can be understood through the politics of composition in which major actors form an interactive consensus collectively by changing and adjusting one’s initial policy discourse based on public sentiment.

      • KCI등재

        The Impact of Urban Regeneration Projects on Livability: Focusing on Urban Regeneration Priority Areas in South Korea

        전선민,염재원,정주철 한국환경정책학회 2019 環境政策 Vol.27 No.1

        Livability is essential to sustainability of city life. Urban regeneration projects are a national political priority in South Korea; the government plans to promote the Urban Regeneration New Deal project in 500 cities over the next five years. However, we found the following limitations in policy and previous research. First, processes of selecting project areas and analyzing policy effects fail to consider livability. Second, policy effects have not been tested empirically; previous studies examined policy effects only during temporal ranges beginning after the policy had been implemented. The purpose of this study is to derive a livability indicator and examine whether the urban regeneration project improves site livability. The livability indicator is an objective index for judging ”good places to live”. Residents may use this livability indicator to evaluate their own communities and improve their quality of life through urban regeneration projects, including appropriate business selection and monitoring. Finally, we present indicators for selection and subsequent evaluation of urban regeneration projects.

      • KCI등재

        연안지역 취약성을 고려한 리버빌리티(Livability) 분석

        전선민,박형준,염재원,김지현,정주철 한국환경정책학회 2020 環境政策 Vol.28 No.2

        This study derives livability indicators and evaluates coastal areas through exploratory spatial analysis. The coastal area has been severely damaged and vulnerable due to indiscriminate landfill and massive development. The natural disasters caused by climate change are threatening the quality of life of local residents. Therefore, livability indicators are needed to assess the quality of life in coastal areas. Firstly, the indicators related to livability were reviewed and derived based on data that were easy to obtain. Secondly, we examined whether indicators derived from literature studies can measure the livability in the coastal area and constructed additional vulnerability indicators. Third, the difference between regions was assessed by a livability index and exploratory spatial analysis was performed. As a result of analysis, especially the coastal areas were found to be clusters with low livability. On the other hand, areas with high livability showed clustering in some areas such as the metropolitan cities. 본 연구는 연안지역 리버빌리티 지표를 도출하고 탐색적인 공간분석을 하였다. 연안지역은 무분별한매립과 난개발로 환경과 생태계가 심각하게 훼손되었고, 대규모 연안재해에 의해 지역주민의 삶의 질까지위협받고 있다. 따라서 연안지역의 삶의 질을 측정할 수 있는 리버빌리티 지표가 필요하다. 이를 위해 첫째, 리버빌리티관련 지표들을 검토하고 구득이 용이한 자료를 중심으로 지표를 도출하였다. 둘째, 문헌연구를 통해 도출된 지표가 연안지역의 리버빌리티를 측정할 수 있는지 검토를 하고 추가적으로 취약성 지표를 구축하였다. 셋째, 도출된 리버빌리티 지표로 지역 간의 차이를 평가하고 탐색적 공간분석을 수행하였다. 분석결과 연안지역에서 리버빌리티가 낮은 지역의 군집이 나타났다. 반면 리버빌리티가 높게 나타난지역은 수도권 및 울산광역시 등 일부 지역을 중심으로 군집을 보였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Polygonatum Rhizoma Affects Antioxidant Defense Systems Without Changing mRNA Expression in Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits

        전선민,이미경,박용복,박해모,최명숙 한국식품영양과학회 2004 Journal of medicinal food Vol.7 No.3

        This study was conducted to determine the antioxidant effects of a Polygonatum extract compared to the major antioxidant, vitamin E, in rabbits fed high-cholesterol diet. Rabbits were given a high-cholesterol (0.5%, w/w) diet with vitamin E (0.03%, w/w) or a Polygonatum extract (0.05%, w/w) for 8 weeks. The body weight gain (g/wk) was only significantly increased in only high-cholesterol fed control group, yet the relative liver weight was significantly lower in the Polygonatum group compared to the other groups. The supplementation of vitamin E and Polygonatum extract led to an increase in the hepatic catalase (CAT) activity without any change in SOD and GSH-Px activities. Hepatic total glutathione content was significantly higher in the Polygonatum group than in the other groups. The level of hepatic mitochondrial H2O2 was significantly lower in the two supplemented groups compared to the control group, whereas the level of cytosolic H2O2 was only significantly lower in the Polygonatum group than in the control group. The level of plasma TBARS was only significantly lower in the vitamin E group, whereas the level of hepatic TBARS was slightly lower in the Polygonatum group than in the other groups. In the case of the HDL-related antioxidant enzyme, vitamin E supplementation produced the highest plasma paraoxonase (PON) activity compared to the other groups, although there was no difference in the hepatic PON activity among the groups. Meanwhile, the plasma vitamin E concentration was significantly higher in the vitamin E and Polygonatum groups than in the control group, however, plasma vitamin A concentration did not differ significantly between the groups. As regards the mRNA expressions of hepatic antioxidant enzymes, the vitamin E and Polygonatum extract supplementation had no effect on the SOD, CAT, GSH-Px and PON mRNA expression. Accordingly, these results indicate that the Polygonatum extract had a positive effect on the antioxidant defense system based on decreasing the content of hepatic TBARS and hydrogen peroxide, increasing the CAT activity and total glutathione level in the liver, and sparing the plasma vitamin E. Thus, further studies on the functional components in Polygonatum extract and their biological efficacies are needed.

      • KCI등재

        Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial of Powdered Brassica rapa Ethanol Extract on Alteration of Body Composition and Plasma Lipid and Adipocytokine Profiles in Overweight Subjects

        전선민,김지은,신수경,권은영,정운주,백남인,이경태,정태숙,정해곤,최명숙 한국식품영양과학회 2013 Journal of medicinal food Vol.16 No.2

        We evaluated the effects of Brassica rapa ethanol extract (BREE) on body composition and plasma lipid profiles through a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial in overweight subjects. Fifty-eight overweight participants (age 20–50 years, body mass index23.0–24.9) were randomly assigned to two groups and served BREE (2 g/day) or placebo (starch, 2 g/day) for 10 weeks. Body compositions, nutrients intake, plasma lipids, adipocytokines, and hepatotoxicity biomarkers were assessed in all subjects at baseline and after 10 weeks of supplementation. The plasma total cholesterol (total-C) concentration was significantly increased after 10 weeks compared to the baseline in both groups. However, BREE supplementation significantly increased the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration and significantly reduced the total-C/HDL-C ratio, free fatty acid, and adipsin levels after 10 weeks. No significant differences were observed in body compositions, fasting blood glucose, plasma adipocytokines except adipsin, and aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities between before and after trial within groups as well as between the two groups. The supplementation of BREE partially improves plasma lipid metabolism in overweight subjects without adverse effects.

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