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이정원,이태녕,모수미,이진호,이대형,박수남,이보경 ( Joung Won Lee,Tae Young Lee,Sumi Mo,Jin Ho Lee,Dae Hyung Lee,Soo Nam Park,Bo Kyung Lee ) 생화학분자생물학회 1987 BMB Reports Vol.20 No.4
Three levels of L-ascorbic acid(AsA) were orally given to 20 male Hartley guinea pigs weighing average 428 g for five weeks. AsA level was 0, 2.5, and 100 mg per 100 g body weight per day in the deficient, the adequate, and the excess group, respectively. Plasma lipid peroxide value(TBA value) of deficient was increased to the highest among the three groups and both the adequate and the excess groups exhibited the lower TBA values, suggesting the antioxidant action of AsA. In the excess of AsA, plasma TBA value was greatly lowered one day after the feeding, but TBA value after 5 weeks was elevated comparable to that of the adequate. Aspirin administrating experiment suggested that this elevation was due to increased. production of prostaglandin(PG) endoperoxides induced by excess AsA. Thus it could be concluded that excess AsA actually inhibited the tissue lipid peroxidation in vivo. The activities of both superoxide dismutase(SOD) and catalase in erythrocytes demonstrated the elevations in the deficient comparing with the auequate, but not any significant variations in the excess. SOD activities were correlated with TBA value in liver (r = .324) and with percent hemolysis in erythrocytes (r = .323). Photohemolysis of erythrocyte was increased not only in the AsA deficient but also in the excess comparing with the adequate. A new finding that the large excess administration of AsA in guinea pig demonstrated a significant stimulation of PG endoperoxide biosynthesis, would suggest an important biochemical implication on vitamin C as an activator of phospholipase A₂ and/or PG endoperoxide synthetase. The stimulation of PG biosynthesis might be associated with the enhanced photohemolysis, and this problem needs to be further investigated.
이정원,이태녕,모수미,이진호,이대형,박수남,이보경,Lee, Joung-Won,Lee, Tae-Young,Mo, Su-Mi,Lee, Jin-Ho,Lee, Dae-Hyung,Park, Soo-Nam,Lee, Bo-Kyung 생화학분자생물학회 1987 한국생화학회지 Vol.20 No.4
L-Ascorbic acid(AsA)를 결핍, 석정, 과잉(적정의 40배)의 세 수준으로 나누어 guinea pig(평균체중 428g, male)에게 5주동안 경구 투여했을때, 적정 및 과잉으로 공급된 AsA는 AsA 결핍군에서 나타난 혈장 및 간조직의 매우 상승된 지질과산화값(TBA값)을 저하시켰으며 이 효과는 과잉공급시 더욱 컸다. 이는 AsA가 항산화작용을 통해 지질 과산화를 억제하였음을 의미한다. 그러나 과량군의 혈장 TBA값은 적정군의 혈장 TBA값 수준에 머물렀는데 이는 과잉의 AsA가 동시에 혈장 TBA값에 포함되어지는 prostaglandin (PG) endoperoxide의 생합성을 촉진했기 때문이다. 그리고 superoxide dismutase(SOD)와 catalase 활성은 AsA결핍시 특히 적혈구에서 증가경향을 보였으나 과잉 공급인 경우엔 별 변화가 없었다. 동물 개개의 SOD활성도는 간조직에서는 TBA값과 (r = .324) 적혈구에서는 용혈수준과 (r = .323) 상관관계 (p < 0.1)가 있었다. AsA의 대량공급이 지질의 과산화반응을 억제한다는 의의 이외에 PG생합성의 촉진수단으로서 중요한 구실을 할 수 있다는 주목할만한 vitamin C의 새로운 생화학적 의의를 시사한다. 또한 AsA의 과량공급은 적혈구의 $^1O_2$에 의한 광용혈을 적정량 공급군에 비해 촉진시키는 결과를 보이고 있다. 이 광용혈 촉진의 생화학적 의의는 PG endoperoxide 생합성 활성화의 결과와 연관성이 있을 것으로 보이며 PG endoperoxides 촉진문제와 더불어 앞으로 검토해야 될 문제로 사료된다. Three levels of L-ascorbic acid(AsA) were orally given to 20 male Hartley guinea pigs weighing average 428 g for five weeks. AsA level was 0, 2.5, and 100 mg per 100g body weight per day in the deficient, the adequate, and the excess group, respectively. Plasma lipid peroxide value(TBA value) of deficient was increased to the highest among the three groups and both the adequate and the excess groups exhibited the lower TBA values, suggesting the antioxidant action of AsA. In the excess of AsA, plasma TBA value was greatly lowered one day after the feeding, but TBA value after 5 weeks was elevated comparable to that of the adequate. Aspirin administrating experiment suggested that this elevation was due to increased. production of prostaglandin(PG) endoperoxides induced by excess AsA. Thus it could be concluded that excess AsA actually inhibited the tissue lipid peroxidation in vivo. The activities of both superoxide dismutase(SOD) and catalase in erythrocytes demonstrated the elevations in the deficient comparing with the auequate, but not any significant variations in the excess. SOD activities were correlated with TBA value in liver (r = .324) and with percent hemolysis in erythrocytes (r = .323). Photohemolysis of erythrocyte was increased not only in the AsA deficient but also in the excess comparing with the adequate. A new finding that the large excess administration of AsA in guinea pig demonstrated a significant stimulation of PG endoperoxide biosynthesis, would suggest an important biochemical implication on vitamin C as an activator of phospholipase $A_2$ and/or PG endoperoxide synthetase. The stimulation of PG biosynthesis might be associated with the enhanced photohemolysis, and this problem needs to be further investigated.
이정원,이원교,이동일,Lee, Jung-Won,Lee, Won-Kyo,Lee, Dong-Il 한국전기전자재료학회 2010 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.23 No.8
The continuous increase demand for electric power leads to the additional construction of transmission facilities, but it is not easy to acquire right-of-way for transmission facilities. Therefor, there is a need for compact tower that can be built on a narrow right-of-way the compact tower with polymer insulation arm is a solution. It can be upgrading conventional 154 kV transmission line voltages to 345 kV levels. However transmission voltage is increasing, environment interference (corona noise, radio interference, etc.) will occur gradually. This environment interference is depending on the electrical clearances of tower and configuration of conductors. Therefore the analysis of the factors of environmental interference is necessary in order to upgrading transmission voltage. This paper presents the design factor of a compact tower to meet the environmental interference standard.
하수오환(何首烏丸)이 노화(老化)유발 백서(白鼠)의 항산화능에 미치는 영향
이정원,이송실,백진웅,이상재,김광호,Lee Jeong-Won,Lee Song-Shil,Baek Jin-Woong,Lee Sang-Jae,Kim Kwang-Ho 대한예방한의학회 2004 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.8 No.1
Hasuohwan(何首烏丸) composed of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb and some medical herbs are known as formula of senescence delay effect. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of Hasuohwan(何首烏丸) on antioxidant enzyme activity such as Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance(TBARS) in rat plasma and liver, Superoxide dismutase(SOD), Glutathione peroxidase(GSH-px), Catalase(CAT) in rat erythrocyte and liver. Rats were sacrificed and TBARS was measured in rat plasma and liver. SOD, GSH-px and CAT were measured in rat erythrocytes and liver. TBARS in plasma concentrations of HSO group was significantly lower than those of control group. RBC and liver GSH-px activities of HSO group were significantly higher than those of control group. According to above results, it is considered that Hasuohwan is effective in inhibiting lipid peroxidation and increasing antioxidative enzyme activities in D-galactose induced aging rat. Therefore, Hsuohwan is considered in effective of senescence delay.
이정원,이혜수,이기호,Lee, Jung-Won,Lee, Hye-Soo,Lee, Ki-Ho 한국정보과학회 2002 정보과학회논문지 : 소프트웨어 및 응용 Vol.29 No.9
XML(extensible Markup Language)문서가 웹 문서의 표준으로 자리 매김 할 수 있는 가장 큰 성공요인은 사용자가 문서 타입을 기술할 수 있는 유연성(flexibility)이다. 그러나 XML의 유연성으로 야기되는 문제점은 동일한 의미를 표현하기 위해 XML문서 작성자마다 서로 다른 태그명과 구조를 사용한다는 점이다. 즉 서로 다른 태그 집합, 요소(element), 속성(attribute)에 대한 서로 다른 이름 또는 다른 문서 구조로 인해 다른 태그로 표현된 문서는 서로 다른 부류의 문서로 간주되기 쉽다. 따라서 본 논문은 XML태그에 내재된 의미 정보(semantic information)와 구조 정보(structured information)를 추출하여 의미적으로 최대한 유사한 동의어로 확장하고, XML문서의 확장된 태그간의 의미적 유사도를 비교 분석할 수 있는 개념 기반의 태그 패턴 매처(Tag Pattern Matcher)를 설계 구현하였다. 두 XML문서의 태그간의 의미적 유사도에 가중치를 부여하여 기존의 비구조적인(semi-structured) 문서를 위한 벡터 스페이스 모델(vector space model)을 확장함으로써 두 XML문서가 유사한지를 파악할 수 있다. The success of XML(eXtensible Markup Language) is primarily based on its flexibility : everybody can define the structure of XML documents that represent information in the form he or she desires. XML is so flexible that XML documents cannot be automatically provided with an underlying semantics. Different tag sets, different names for elements or attributes, or different document structures in general mislead the task of classifying and clustering XML documents precisely. In this paper, we design and implement a system that allows checking the semantic-based similarity between XML tags. First, this system extracts the underlying semantics of tags and then expands the synonym set of tags using an WordNet thesaurus and user-defined word library which supports the abbreviation forms and compound words for XML tags. Seconds, considering the relative importance of XML tags in the XML documents, we extend a conventional vector space model which is the most generally used for document model in Information Retrieval field. Using this method, we have been able to check the similarity between XML tags which are represented different tags.
지역사회 획득 소아 요로 감염에서 Extended-Spectrum ${\beta}-Lactamase$ 생성
이정원,신지선,서정완,이미애,이승주,Lee Jung-Won,Shin Jee-Sun,Seo Jeong-Wan,Lee Mi-Ae,Lee Seung-Joo 대한소아신장학회 2004 Childhood kidney diseases Vol.8 No.2
목적: 소아 요로감염은 적절한 항생제 치료가 중요하며 항생제의 선택에는 E. coli에 대한 항생제 감수성이 기준이 된다. Extended-spectrum ${\beta}-lactamase(ESBL)$은 E. coli 등 그람음성균에서 분비되어 광범위 항생제 내성을 초래하는 효소로서 주로 병원 감염에서 발생하여 치료를 어렵게 하는 요인으로 알려져 있다 저자들은 지역사회 획득 소아 요로감염에서도 ESBL(+) E. coli가 분리되었기에 ESBL(+) E. coli 요로감염의 특성을 후향적으로 조사하고자 하였다. 방법: 2001년 3월부터 2003년 2월까지 이대목동병원 소아과에 입원한 지역사회 획득 E. coli 요로감염 소아(288명)를 대상으로 ESBL을 검사하였다. 검사 방법은 미량 액체배지 희석법을 이용한 자동화 기계(Vitek GNS 433 card)에서 ESBL이 의심되는 균주에 한해 National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard (NCCLS)의 기준에 따라 ESBL을 확인하였다. ESBL의 결과에 따라 ESBL(+) E. coli 요로감염의 발생률을 조사하였고 임상적 특징, 위험요인, 항생제 내성률 및 치료효과 등을 ESBL(-) E. coli 요로감염과 비교 분석하였다. 결과:지역사회 획득 소아 요로감염에서 ESBL(+) E. coli의 발생률은 10.8%(31명)이였고 93.5%(29/31)가 6개월 미만의 영아에서 발생하였다(P<0.01). 임상소견은 ESBL 양성군과 음성군 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었다. ESBL 밭생의 위험인자로 잘 알려진 항생제 사용력, 입원병력 및 요로계 기형과도 무관하였다. ESBL(+) E. coli의 항생제 내성률은 ESBL(-) E. coli 에 비하여 유의하게 높았다(P<0.05). Ceftriaxone 투여 48시간 후의 멸균률은 ceftriaxone에 대한 높은 내성률에도 불구하고 96.8%(30/31)로 높았다. 그러나 6개월 이내의 재발률이 25.8%(9/31)나 되었고 이는 ESBL 음성군의 재발률 6.6%(17/227)에 비하여 유의하게 높았다(P<0.05). 결론: 지역사회 획득 소아 요로감염에서 6개월 미만의 어린 영아는 ESBL(+) E. coli 발생의 새로운 위험요인이므로 이에 대한 역학적 연구가 요구된다. 소아 요로감염에서 경험적으로 사용하는 항생제의 선택에 대한 변화가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Purpose: Appropriate antibiotic therapy is important in childhood urinary tract infection and the selection of anibiotics is based on antimicrobial sensitivity of Escherichia coli. Extended-Spectrum ${\beta}-Lactamase(ESBL)$ is an enzyme produced by gram-negative bacilli that has the ability to hydrolyse penicillins, broad-spectrum cephalosporin and monobactam. There have been many reports of outbreaks of hospital infection by ESBL-producing organism. However, community-acquired infection with ESBL-producing organism are rare. This study was performed to retrospectively identify the incidence, characteristics and risk factors of ESBL (+) E. coli in community-acquired childhood UTI. Methods: In 288 children admitted in Ewha Womans University Hospital with E. coli UTI from Mar 2001 to February 2003, ESBL was isolated. ESBL was confirmed by the utilization of an automatized machine(Vitek GNS 433 card) using liquid medium dilution method according to National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standard. The clinical characteristics, risk factors, antimicrobial resistance and treatment effectiveness were compared with ESBL(-) E. coli UTI. Results: Of 288 E. coli isolates, 31(10.8%) produced ESBL and 93.5%(29/31) occurred in infants younger than 6 month of age(P<0.01). No significant differences were noted in prior antibiotic use, prior admission history and underlying urogenital anomaly. Antimicrobial resistance was significantly higher in ESBL(+) E. coli compared with control patients (P<0.05). Although ceftriaxone showed 100% resistance in ESBL(+) E. coli, bacteriologic sterilization rate after ceftriaxone therapy was higher(96.8%). However, the recurrence rate of febrile UTI within 6 months was higher(25.8%) than control patients(6.6%). Conclusion: Epidemiologic study is required to find out any new risk factors of community-acquired ESBL(+) E. coli UTI and changes in selection of empirical antibiotics should be considered.
혈청 지질단백질중의 2-Thiobarbituric Acid 반응물질에 미치는 $Fe^{3+}$의 영향
이정원,모수미,이태녕,Lee, Joung-Won,Mo, Su-Mi,Lee, Tae-Young 생화학분자생물학회 1983 한국생화학회지 Vol.16 No.4
2-Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test, as indirect method, has recently been used for the determination of lipid peroxidation in biological systems including blood. Together with the low sensitivity, lacks of the specificity and the understanding the reaction mechanism, however, have limited the usefullness of TBA test. Under the nitrogen atmosphere $FeCl_3$ showed great enhancement effect on the sensitivity of TBA reaction with serum protein precipitate involving lipid peroxides, but not with tetraethoxypropane. Thus ferric ion was thought to catalize the releasing TBA reactive chromogenic substance, malondialdehyde, from its precursors. The amount of ferric ion required seemed to be proportional to that of serum tested. Also, oxygen should be eliminated in serum TBA reaction so that the reaction could reach at stabe maximum and keep its plateau value. Under anaerobic atmosphere, albumin and amino acids (methionine and glutamic acid) may not contribute significantly to the great enhancement of serum TBA value induced by ferricion.
개 정액의 정제화동결법과 Straw 동결법에 관한 비교실험
이정원,김희은,김남수,최인혁,Lee Jung-Won,Kim Heui-Eun,Kim Nam-Soo,Choi In-Hyuk 한국임상수의학회 1991 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.8 No.2
Pellet and straw methods in canine semen freezing are compared with respect to motility, viability and acrosome demage of sperm during each of the two major processing steps, to prior-freezing and to frozen-thawing. Senen was extended with a tris-buffered egg yolk contained 4% glycero1 Pellet freezing in the hole of dry ice and straw freezing on the surface of liquid nitrogen were carried out, respectively. The frozen semen 10 days after storage in liquid nitrogen container. wao thawed. In the comparison of two freezing methods, the straw freezing method with 42.7% in motility. 49.2% in viability and 0.186 acrosome score after thawing seems to be superior to the pellet freezing method with 31.2%, 34.5% and 0.314%, respectively. Sperm motility of processing step to frozen-thawing against decrease rate 12.67% to Prior freezing appeared of 33.84% and 49.37% in straw and pellet freezing and increase of 0.02 in acrsomal score to prior freezing appeared of 0.08 and 0.21 in straw and pellet freezing method to frozen-thawing