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        5세기 일본 近畿지역 한식계토기 출토 유적과 백제계 이주민들의 성격

        신이슬 충남대학교 백제연구소 2021 百濟硏究 Vol.73 No.-

        The dissemination of technology by immigrants is an advanced method of cult ural exchange compared to import of finished goods. Earthenware produced in l ocal area, which is an archaeological data, shows more practical exchange betw een groups, in comparison with imports or trade of foreign goods including pres tige goods, royal gifts, and imported local-specialties. The changes in the proc ess of local residents accepting a new culture from outside can be identified th rough excavated earthenwares from local sites. This research reviewed Korean-style earthenware of Three-Kingdom-Dynasty excavated in Japan, especially in Kinki region, where emigrants of Baekje settled down during 5th century. The examination of soft-earthenware produced by Kore an emigrants and imitation made by Japanese, showed result that the manufacturi ng techniques gradually became localized. In addition, it needs to be noted that e xcavated potteries from one ruin were not only influenced by one Korean regiona l culture, but by various Korean regional culture. Majority of excavated potteries seemed similar to those of midwest-Baekje and Yeongsangang River basin, which confirms the aspects of exchange between Baekje and Mahan emigrants. Through these discoveries, the research intends to examine the role of Baekje emigrants in the areas settled, and understand the aspects of exchange between various Baekje area and Kinki area. Moreover, the research also covers Baekje emigrants role in the Yamato(倭) kingdom back then, by examining Baekje-style factors found in the historical sites. 이주민에 의한 기술과 문화의 전파는 완성품의 수입보다 한 단계 진전된 교류 방식이다. 재지 집단이 외부의 새로운 문물을 수용하는 과정 속에서 변화 양상이 가장 잘 확인되는 자료로서 생활 유적에서 사용된 일상용기인 토기가 있다. 본고는 5세기 한반도에서 일본 열도로 건너간 사람들이 정착한 곳에서 확인되는 삼국 시대 연질토기인 심발형 토기, 시루, 장란형 토기, 동이와 기형이 유사한 한식계토기를 검토하였다. 특히 5세기 近畿지역 중 오사카(大阪), 나라(奈良)에서 한식계토기가 출토되는 대표적인 유적을 선정하여 한반도계 이주민이 제작하였거나 그들이 가지고 온 연질토기를 모방해 제작된 것을 포함하여 그 특징을 살펴보았다. 5세기 近畿지역에서 확인되는 한식계토기의 전개 양상을 통해 백제계 이주민들의 성격과 정착 과정을 파악하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 시기와 지역에 따라 취락 유적 내에서 한식계토기의 변화 모습에 차이가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 재지 집단과의 관계 속에서 지역별로 이주민의 성격에 차이가 확인되는 것과도 관계가 있다. 왜 왕권의 요구에 따른 기술자 집단의 단발성 이주뿐만 아니라 이전부터 교류를 계속 해왔던 한반도의 여러 지역 사람들이 여러 차례 이주하여 정착한 결과로 판단된다. 한식계토기를 적극적으로 수용한 취락에서는 수공업 생산과 지역 개발에 참여한 백제계 이주민과의 친연성이 높게 확인된다. 또한 한식계토기 이외에도 다양한 백제계 요소가 확인되는 유적을 통해 왜와의 교류를 중요시하고 계속적으로 이어온 백제 여러 지역에서 건너간 이주민들의 존재도 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        슬관절 전치환술 후 조기 슬관절 운동 교육 프로그램이 통증, 슬관절가동범위, 환자만족도에 미치는 영향

        신이슬(Shin, Yi Seul),이영희(Lee, Young Hee) 병원간호사회 2018 임상간호연구 Vol.24 No.3

        Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of early knee joint exercise education program on pain, knee ROM, and satisfaction among patients with a total knee replacement arthroplasty. Methods: An experimental study with non-equivalent groups was conducted using 32 patients for an experimental group and 32 patients for a control group. The experimental group received knee joint exercise education including systemic continuous passive motion (CPM) exercise and knee exercise. The control group received conventional CPM exercise. Pain, flexion and flexion contracture range of motion, and patient satisfaction were evaluated by x2 test, Fisher's exact test, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA using the SPSS 23.0 Windows program. Results: There were a significant improvement in patients' knee flexion and satisfaction in the experimental group compared to the control group. There was no significant ifference in pain and flexion contracture between the two groups. Conclusion: The findings suggest that the proposed education program is efficient and effective when providing nursing care after a total knee replacement arthroplasty.

      • Analysis of synergistic adhesion properties and nanomechanical interactions of catechol and amine functionalized polyether with various compositions

        박진우,신이슬,이준희,임찬웅,이경민,곽상규,김병수,이동욱 한국공업화학회 2020 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2020 No.-

        Mussels’ extraordinarily strong underwater adhesion has attracted interests in various fields, and recently, continuous researches on the adhesive mfps have led to a conclusion that Dopa (3,4-dyhydroxyphenyl alanine) and cationic lysine are the two main components responsible for wet adhesion. However, the synergistic effects of catechol and amine groups are rarely investigated in copolyether based polymeric systems. In this study, the amine-catechol functionalized random copolymer was prepared with precisely controlled functional group composition, and Surface force apparatus (SFA) measurement was performed to investigate the synergistic interaction. As a result, the interaction energy was the highest in the ratio of catechol 1: amine 3 and stronger at pH 7 compared to pH 3. This study shows a quantified database of synergistic effects of amine-catechol in polymer systems and is expected to provide important information for future studies on underwater adhesion.

      • 웨이브렛 변환을 이용한 구조물 손상식별

        유석형,박진훈,신이슬,오봉욱 한국구조물진단유지관리학회 2011 한국구조물진단학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2011 No.9

        System identification(SI) techniques using dynamic responses and behaviors of structural systems become an outstanding issue of researchers. In this study the wavelet transformation is used to detect damage of structural system instead of fourier transformation. The damage detection methods of wavelet transformation and fourier transformation are compared.

      • KCI등재

        중부 동해안지역 신석기시대 식물자원 이용 연구

        조미순,강소희,신이슬,서민석,이경아 한국신석기학회 2015 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.30

        This paper examines the changes in plant use patterns from the Initial to Middle Neolithic period along the central west and central east coasts, Korea, based on our observation of grain impressions on potsherds and previous publications on charred plant remains. We identified grain impressions of azuki (Vigna angularis ssp.) at the Initial Neolithic Osanri C site along the east coast; foxtail millet (Setaria italica ssp. italic), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), soybean (Glycine max ssp.), azuki, shiso (Perilla frutescens), and weedy grains of Genera Setaria and Panicum at the Middle Neolithic Munamri, Jigyeongri, Songjeonri, and Osanri sites along the east cost; both millets, azuki, shiso, weedy Setaria and Panicum at the Early Neolithic Unseodong I site in the central western region; and foxtail millet and shiso at the Final Neolithic Unseodong I site. Cultivation of both millets and azuki established in the central western region, based on ¹⁴C dates from the later Early Neolithic house at Unseodong I where grain impressions of all three domesticates were identified. A series of sites along the central east coast also reflects management and probably cultivation of foxtail and broomcorn millets, azuki and soybean. Furthermore, two ¹⁴C dates on encrustation on the Initial Neolithic plain pottery with azuki impression indicates its use as early as 7230–6940 cal. BP. Earlier studies show the Initial Neolithic presence of both millets at the Bembang and Tongsamdong shellmiddens along the south coast, with a series of dates from 7820–6690 cal. BP at Tongsamdong. Considering this early presence at these far south sites, it is highly plausible to hypothesize the establishment and development of millet farming in one to two thousand years later than the Initial period. Dates of millets in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, and Shandong suggest a possibility of earlier dates of millet introduction to northern and central Korea than the current data provides from central or southern regions. Abundance of Panicoid impressions in our study reflects the agro–ecology of millet farming field in the later Early and Middle Neolithic periods. This paper also provides size data of millets and legumes to compare the data from charred grains from previous publications.

      • KCI등재

        D 음성 헌혈자 대상 RHD 유전자 검사 시행 경험

        김태은,박윤주,신이슬,정유석,윤미애,김영빈 대한수혈학회 2021 大韓輸血學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        Background: There have been some domestic and overseas cases of anti-D alloimmunization caused by the transfusion of serologically D-negative blood. However, it is difficult to distinguish between true D-negative and DEL variants using conventional serologic typing. Therefore, we established the RHD genotyping algorithm for the detection of DEL variants and applied this algorithm to serologic D negative donors who voluntarily consented to testing. Methods: From September 2016 to December 2020, 216 RhD negative donors who were C+ and/or E+ in previous serologic typing were recruited. The screening test was PCR amplification of the RHD exons 4, 7, 10, and a promotor. Based on the results of PCR screening, true D-negative samples and RHD variants (including DEL) were discriminated. When the result was a RHD variant, exon 9 was sequenced to identify the nucleotide changes. Full sequencing was performed if no mutations were detected at exon 9. Results: Among the 216 participants, 39 cases with the C−E−c+e+ phenotypes that did not meet the recruitment criteria were excluded from data analysis. Among the remaining 177 samples, 68 cases (38.4%) were RHD total deletions, 35 cases (19.8%) were RHD-CE-D hybrids, and 74 cases (41.8%) were RHD variants. Among the cases of RHD variants, 73 cases (98.6%) had c.1227G>A substitutions and were confirmed as Asian-type DEL. Conclusion: Seventy-four cases of serologic D negative donors were reclassified as RHD variants by RHD genotyping. This is believed to have contributed to the improvement of transfusion safety by lowering the risk of anti-D alloimmunization in D-negative patients. (Korean J Blood Transfus 2021;32:91-101)

      • KCI등재

        토기 압흔법을 활용한 중부 동해안지역 신석기시대 식물자원 이용 연구 -고성 문암리유적, 양양 오산리·송전리유적을 중심으로-

        조미순,趙銀河,신이슬,서민석,小畑弘己,이경아 한국신석기학회 2014 한국신석기연구 Vol.- No.28

        This research aims to explore the pattern of of plant use in the central east coast during the Neolithic period, (also known as Chulmun) by analyzing grain impressions on pottery. The sites studied are the Middle Neolithic Songjeonri site in Yangyang County, and two multi-component settlements, dating to the Incipient (8000-6500 BP) to Middle Neolithic (5500-4500 BP) phases at Munamri in Goseong County and Osanri C in Yangyang. One radiocarbon date on charcoal is available from the Incipient Neolithic at Munamri (6560-6550 cal. BP, 1 σ, 5790±40 uncal. BP, Beta288910), while the Osanri C yields one date on charcoal (6660-6560 cal. BP, 1 σ, 5804±33 uncal. BP, PLD7646) from the Incipient Neolithic house where pottery with possibly azuki impression is recovered. A series of radiocarbon dates in the Middle Neolithic contexts at all three sites fall into the date of 5470-4090 cal. BP. (1 σ). Among a total of 174 impressions on 208 vessels and burnt clay lump, 119 represent plant seeds, while one is a mold of an insect (Hemiptera order). Grain impressions represent two domesticated taxa, including foxtail millet (Setaria italica ssp. italica) from all three Middle Neolithic sites and broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) from the Middle Neolithic Munamri and Songgeonri. Impressions of foxtail (24) counts more than broomcorn (5). Two bean impressions are on the Incipient Neolithic pottery of Osanri C and from the Middle Neolithic pottery of Songjeonri. Their overall shapes are somewhat similar to azuki (Vigna angularis ssp.), but their length measures fall short, compared to the charred azuki remains from other Middle Neolithic sites. Other economic plant taxa represented are four grains of shiso/egoma (Perilla frutescenes) and ruderal weeds, including foxtail grass (Setaria sp.) from two impressions and millet tribe (Paniceae) from twenty. In addition, spicebush (Lindera sp.) and possibly hop (Humulus sp.) are identified, but the rest 50 impressions cannot be identified in the current study. The presence of foxtail millet, broomcorn millet, Perilla, and possibly azuki in the Middle Neolithic pottery indicate the establishment of multi-cropping, dry field farming along the central east coast by the Middle Neolithic, around 5470-4090 cal. BP. Previous confirmed study shows that azuki use during the Middle Neolithic (5400-4800 cal. BP). This study raises a question on whether use of azuki might have begun during the Inital Neolithic, eventually leading to a gradual increase of seed size toward the the Middle Neolithic and thereafter. At the moment, identification of legumes are not conclusive, and this hypothesis needs to be strengthen with more than a few grain impressions. This study also finds that crop products were mixed in temper possibly to decrease a breakage. Although evidence is only limited in clay lump from Songjeonri, insertion of crops and harmful agricultural pests into temper may indicate a ritual practice for agricultural prosperity during the Middle Neolithic period. Some taxa identified from impressions are consistent with those of charred grains from the Munamri site, while others are identified from either impressions or charred remains. This research therefore provides an incentive for multi-line approaches to increase a comprehensive understanding of plant use in the past.

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