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      • KCI등재

        컬럼비아 대학 자살 심각성 평가 척도의 신뢰도 및 타당도 연구 : 알코올 의존장애 환자를 중심으로

        배도희,우종민,손명하,이창수 대한신경정신의학회 2015 신경정신의학 Vol.54 No.2

        Objectives ZZThis study was designed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) in alcohol-dependent patients. MethodsZZThe participants were 31 patients with alcohol dependence disorder. All participants were tested using the Korean version of C-SSRS. To test the concurrent validity, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, and Scale for Suicidal Ideation were applied. Reliability and validity were assessed by comparison of cronbach-α coefficients, Pearson’s correlation coefficients. ResultsZZThe Korean version of C-SSRS was proved to be a reliable and valid method for assessment of suicidal risk by verification of internal consistency and concurrent validity. ConclusionZZThese results support that the Korean version of C-SSRS is a reliable and valid tool for prediction of suicidal risk in a clinical setting.

      • KCI등재

        한국판 CBCL 공격행동척도의 하위 2요인 모형탐색

        배도희,오경자 한국심리학회산하학교심리학회 2010 한국심리학회지 학교 Vol.7 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the subtypes of aggression based on the factor analysis of Korean version of the Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 aggressive syndrome scale. Participants were the normative sample for the K-CBCL 6-18 revised version (1,353 boys and 1,263 girls) and the K-YSR 6-18 revised version(850 boys, 779 girls). Exploratory factor analyses produced a 2-factor solution on 14 of the K-CBCL's original aggressive behavior subscale 18 items. Factor 1 was "Oppositional Aggression", factor 2 was "Direct Aggression". In addition, we confirmed the fitness of 2-factor structure according to a confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation modeling, which indicated that 2-factor structures exist for both the K-CBCL and K-YSR. When the differences in mean of each subtype of aggression for different age and gender groups were explored, the results varied according to age and gender. In the case of girl groups, oppositional aggression was significantly higher than direct aggression. However, in the case of boy groups, direct aggression was significantly higher than oppositional aggression. Oppositional aggression escalated between the lower grades and the higher grades of elementary school, decreased with age. On the other hand, direct aggression showed the highest scores among the lower grades of elementary school, and declined over time. Moreover, correlation analysis revealed that oppositional aggression showed higher correlations with internalizing problems while direct aggression showed higher correlations with rule breaking behavior(externalizing problem), and this provided good evidence that 2-subtypes of aggression model is valid. 본 연구에서는 한국판 CBCL(K-CBCL)의 공격행동척도를 요인분석하여, K-CBCL에서 측정한 공격행동의 하위유형을 검증하였다. 자료는 K-CBCL의 개정판을 위한 규준집단(남아 1,353명, 여아 1,263명)을 사용하였다. 탐색적 요인분석 결과, 2요인 모형이 적합한 것으로 검증되었고, 확인적 요인분석 결과는 K-CBCL 뿐만 아니라 K-YSR에서도 공격행동의 2요인 구조가 적절하게 적용될 수 있음을 보여주었다. 요인분석을 토대로, 요인1은 ‘반항적 공격성’으로 요인2는 ‘직접적 공격성’으로 명명되었다. K-CBCL 공격행동척도의 두 가지 하위유형을 연령과 성별에 따라 비교한 결과, 하위유형별로 구분되는 특성을 보였다. 모든 연령집단에서 직접적 공격성은 남학생이 여학생에 비해 높았고, 반항적 공격성은 여학생이 유의하게 높았다. 그리고 반항적 공격성은 초등학교 저학년부터 증가하여 초등학교 고학년 시기에 가장 높이 상승한 뒤, 중학교, 고등학교를 거치며 줄어들었다. 반면 직접적 공격성은 초등학교 저학년 시기에 가장 높고 초등학교 고학년 시기까지 비슷한 수준으로 유지되다가 중고등학교 시기에 줄어드는 양상을 보였다. 한편 K-CBCL 공격행동 하위유형과 K-CBCL 문제행동척도 간의 상관관계에서도, 경미한 수준이지만 직접적 공격성은 규칙위반 같은 외현화된 문제와 상관이 더 높고 반항적 공격성은 내재화된 문제와의 상관이 높아서 두 공격행동이 서로 다른 기제를 가지고 있음이 시사되었다.

      • KCI등재

        ADHD 아동과 우울한 아동의 얼굴표정 및 음성을 통한 비언어적 정서인식능력

        배도희,조아라,이지연 한국임상심리학회 2004 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.23 No.3

        We discuss nonverbal emotional recognition of the children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and with depression. Children were classified into three groups, with ADHD, with depression and normal controls, and each group consisted of sixteen children of which the age ranges from eight to thirteen years. The participants made the pleasant-unpleasant rating of the emotional cues from the pictures of facial expression and the voice recordings. In addition, to examine the cognitive bias, we compared each group's ratings of nine facial and nine vocal expressions as one of positive, neutral and negative emotion. From the results, it was found that the children with ADHD were significantly less accurate at recognizing the facial expression than the normal controls. However, we could not find the statistically significant differences in the facial expression between the depression group and normal control group. For the vocal expression, no significant differences were found between each group. In addition, it was shown that the depression group tended to rate the negative facial expressions more positively than the normal control group. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that ADHD group's nonverbal decoding errors are originated from the failure in attending stimulus whereas depression group's errors are resulted from the biased perception of emotion.

      • KCI등재

        확인적 요인분석을 통한 마음건강척도의 타당화 연구

        이정미,배도희,우종민 대한신경정신의학회 2013 신경정신의학 Vol.52 No.6

        Objectives The purpose of this study was to correct the statistical errors in the previous article on “The Development of the ‘Mental Fitness’ Scale” (MFS) and to confirm the validity of factor structure via confirmatory factor analysis. Methods Based on re-analysis of the factor structure of 25 preliminary items using the original dataset, we identified 22 items of the MFS and assessed test-retest reliability. Concurrent validity was assessed by correlating the new set of MFS with total scores of the Beck Depression Inventory and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. We also performed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in order to verify the factor structure resulting from the exploratory factor analysis. Results Re-analysis yielded five factors of 22 items, which is different from four factors of 20items in the previous paper. ‘Self-understanding’ was added as one of the five factors. The testretest reliability coefficients were significantly high, ranging between 0.57-0.73. Internal consistency was computed, and Cronbach’s α for five factors ranged between 0.67-0.86, and was 0.91for the total score. Concurrent validity and discriminant validity were both significant. The validity of five factor structure based on CFA was verified as root mean square error of approximation was significant. Conclusion Based on results of confirmatory factor analysis, the validity and utility of the revised MFS was increased.

      • KCI등재

        한국판 축약표준성격평가-자기보고형(Self-Report Standardized Assessment of Personality- Abbreviated Scale)의 성격장애 선별 진단의 유용성 : 예비타당도 연구

        최지수,황선주,배도희,황순택,김율리 대한신경정신의학회 2015 신경정신의학 Vol.54 No.4

        Objectives The aims of this study were to evaluate acceptability and usefulness of the Korean version of Self-report Standardized Assessment of Personality-Abbreviated Scale (SAPAS-SR) as an instrument for screening patients with a personality disorder. Methods The Korean version of the SAPAS-SR was administered to a non-random sample of 186 psychiatric patients (155 patients with a personality disorder and 31 patients with no per¬sonality disorder). The International Classification of Diseases 10th version Personality Assess¬ment Schedule was used as a gold standard in diagnosis of personality disorder. Receiver-oper¬ant-characteristics and validity indicators were determined. In addition, the SAPAS-SR was administered to 22 healthy men to examine the test-retest reliability. Results The area under the curve for the SAPAS-SR was 0.69 (95% confidence interval 0.59–0.79). The SAPAS-SR score of 4 or more correctly classified 67.2% of patients with a personality disorder. Sensitivity (0.67) and specificity (0.68) were slightly lower compared with the original English version. Conclusion This study provides preliminary evidence of the usefulness of the Korean version of the SAPAS-SR as a self-administered instrument for screening personality disorders in the clinical population.

      • KCI등재

        아동 및 청소년의 사회불안과 얼굴표정인식

        오경자,김영아,배도희,양재원 한국임상심리학회 2002 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.21 No.3

        The primary purpose of the present study was to investigate effects of social anxiety on emotion decoding of facial expressions in children and adolescents. A total of 527 children and adolescents(272 4-5th graders 256 7-8th graders) were given Social Anxiety Scale for Children- Revised and those with the SASC-R score in the top 20%(High Social Anxiety Group) and low 20%(Low Social Anxiety Group) in each age x sex group were compared in their pleasant- unpleasant ratings of 9 facial expressions, 3 in each of the positive, neutral and negative types of emotions. The results showed that girls with high social anxiety rated facial expressions more positively than those with low social anxiety, while boys with high social anxiety rated them more negatively than those with low social anxiety, although the group difference for boys did not reach statistical significance. The role of cognitive biases in the development and maintenance of social anxiety in children and adolescents was discussed.

      • KCI등재

        섭식장애 여성 환자군 간의 MMPI-2 프로파일 양상 비교

        한동화,조소현,배도희,김율리,이수진 한국심리치료학회 2012 한국심리치료학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구는 신경성 식욕부진증과 신경성 폭식증의 여성 환자군에서 MMPI-2 프로파일 양상을 비교하기 위해 이루어졌다. 이를 위해 서울 A 대학병원의 외래 및 입원환자 중 정신과 전문의의 진단과 종합 심리 평가를 통해 진단이 지지된 신경성 식욕부진증 18명, 신경성 폭식증 34명으로 총 52명의 여성을 대상으 로 그들의 포괄적인 심리적 특성 및 임상양상을 살펴보고자 MMPI-2 프로파일 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결 과 임상척도에서는 두 집단 간 유의미한 차이는 없었으나, 두 집단 모두의 Hs(건강염려증), D(우울증), Pd(반사회성), Pt(강박증), Sc(정신분열증), Pt(강박증), Si(내향성)척도에서 60T점 이상으로 상승하는 양상 으로 나타났다. 하위척도에서는 신경성 식욕부진증 환자군이 신경성 폭식증 환자군에 비해 SOD(사회적 불편감), Si2(사회적 회피), SOD1(내향성)척도가 상승을 나타냈다. 그리고 신경성 폭식증 환자군에서는 RC4(반사회적 행동), DISC(통제결여)척도가 유의미하게 상승하였다. 또한 소척도 중 SOD1(내향성), INTR(내향성), DISC(통제결여), D3(신체적 기능장애)가 섭식장애 환자 군을 가장 잘 판별하는 것으로 나 타났다. 추가적으로 실시한 STAI에서 신경성 식욕부진증 환자에서 높은 점수가 측정되었다. 그리고 BDI 에서는 신경성 식욕부진증 환자군에서는 심도 수준의 우울감이 측정되었으며, 신경성 폭식증 환자군에서 는 중등도 수준의 우울감이 보고되었으나 두 집단 간 유의미한 차이는 없었다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 제 한점과 후속연구를 위한 제언이 논의되었다.

      • KCI등재

        임상병리사의 채혈 업무량 평가에 따른 적정 인력 산정에 관한 연구

        최세묵,양병선,김윤식,임 용,오연숙,배도희,최병호 대한임상검사과학회 2019 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.51 No.4

        This study explored the method of determining the appropriate size of the workforce according to the assessment of the workload of medical technologists (also called medical and clinical laboratory technologists, and medical and clinical laboratory scientists) in order to present a standard production model for the appropriate manpower in blood collection rooms. The eleven university hospitals selected for this study had between 600 and 2,000 beds. The 14-steps standard blood collection time was 4 minutes and 8 seconds for the outpatients aged between 20 to 60 years old (57%) except for children and the elderly (43%). Assuming that there were 8 hours per day for mechanically collecting blood, the maximum number of blood donations by one clinical laboratory scientist was analyzed to be 100 cases. In conclusion, it is appropriate to have fewer than 100 cases of daily blood collection by a medical technologist engaged in blood collection. Since the proper number of blood collection workers (100% of blood collection work)=the number of annual working days/(one day's work hours/time per case)×the number of working days per year, then the proper number of blood collection workers (one day's work hours)=the number of working days per year/100×the number of working days). 본 연구는 채혈실의 적정인력에 대한 표준산출모형을 제시하기 위하여 임상병리사의 채혈 업무량 평가에 따른 적정인력 규모를 산정하였다. 연구대상으로 600에서 2,000병상 사이의 11 개 대학병원을 선정하였다. 표준산출모형을 위한 채혈 관련 주요 인자를 선정하고 국내현황조사, 인자의 병원 간 분석, 표준채혈시간을 제시하여 채혈 적정인력을 산정하였다. 연구대상으로600에서 2,000병상 사이의 11개 대학병원을 선정하였다. 소아와 노인을 제외한 20세 이상∼60세 미만의 성인 외래채혈환자를 대상으로 측정한 14단계 표준채혈시간은 4분 8초이었다. 하루 8시간 기계적 채혈을 한다고 가정할 경우 1명의 임상병리사가 채혈 할 수 있는 최대건수는 100건으로 분석되었다. 결론적으로 채혈에 종사하는 임상병리사의 1일 적정채혈 환자 건수는100건 이하로 하는 것이 적정할 것으로 사료된다. 그리고 채혈적정인력은(채혈업무 100% 비중)=연간적정건수/((1일 근로시간/건당 소요시간)×연간 근무일수)이므로 채혈 적정인력(채혈업무 100%비중)=연간적정건수/(100×연간 근무일수)라 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        임상병리검사 질 가산율 산출 및 적용기준의 검토

        양병선,박상묵,배형준,김원식,박훈희,임용,김윤식,최세묵,배도희,박지애,Yang, Byoung Seon,Park, Sang Muk,Bae, Hyung Joon,Kim, Won Shik,Park, Hun Hee,Lim, Yong,Kim, Yoon Sik,Choi, Se Mook,Bae, Do Hee,Park, Ji Ae 대한임상검사과학회 2020 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.52 No.3

        본 연구는 질 가산율 산출 및 적용기준을 검토하여 우수검사실 신임인증 및 전문인력영역에 있어 임상병리사를 추가 가능성을 알아보았다. 연구에 참여한 6개 기관은 1,000병상 이상의 대형병원 규모이며, 상근 진단검사의학과 전문의 평균 5명, 임상병리사는 평균 53명으로 전문의 1명당 10.6명으로 나타났다. 임상병리사의 행위분류별 소요시간에 대한 분석결과, 분석 중 행위는 낮아지고 있는 반면 검사실 운영, 정도관리 등의 강화로 포괄적 분석 전 행위의 비율이 높게 나타났다. 분석 중 행위는 생화학 검사수행 등의 비중이 높았고, 분석 후 행위는 결과분석 등이 대부분을 차지하였다. 이와 같이 검체검사 질 향상을 위해 많은 시간이 소요되며, 그에 맞는 인력이 요구된다. 결론적으로 검체검사 질 향상을 위해 임상병리사의 채용 역시 중요하며, 그에 따른 인원 규정이 필요하다 할 수 있다. This study reviewed the quality addition rate, calculation, and application criteria needed to identify the possibility of additional medical technologists in the field for new certification and professional manpower to provide a superior laboratory. The six institutions that participated in the study were the size of large hospitals with more than 1,000 beds, with an average of five full-time laboratory physicians (also called clinical pathologists) and an average of 53 medical technologists, with 10.6 per laboratory physician. An analysis of the time required for each activity category of medical technologists revealed decreasing behavior during the analysis. In contrast, the ratio of the comprehensive pre-analysis activities was high due to the strengthening of laboratory operations and quality control. During the analysis, the proportion of biochemistry tests was high, and post-analysis of most of the results was performed. Hence, improving the quality of sample testing requires significant time, and appropriate personnel are required. In conclusion, the recruitment of medical technologists is also a key component to improving the sample quality, and corresponding personnel regulations are necessary.

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