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      • KCI등재

        저체중 또는 과체중 청소년에서 캠프 프로그램을 이용한 영양 교육효과에 관한 연구

        성미경,승정자,류화춘,박재년,박동연,최미경,조경옥,최선혜,이윤신,김유경,이은주 대한지역사회영양학회 2003 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        This study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of a nutrition education program developed for nutritionally imbalanced adolescents. A summer nutrition camp was held for 23 overweight and 16 underweight subjects. Its effectiveness with regard to was evaluated at the end of the camp and 6 months later. Nutrition knowledge, nutritional attitude, food behavior, nutrient intake, exercise habit and ideal body figures desired by the subjects. The results showed significantly higher nutrition knowledge scores at the end of the camp as compared to those obtained prior to the camp program, and these scores were maintained for at least six months. Nutrition attitude scores also improved after the education program, and these improved scores also lasted for 6 months. However, the food behavior scores measured 6 months after the education program were not significantly different from those obtained prior to the camp. Also, the exercise habit, the ideal body figures and the body figures desired by the subjects remained unchanged. When nutrient intakes of subjects were assessed before the program and 6 months later, the mean daily vitamin C intake was significantly increased after the education program. Also, the intake of iron from plant food sources increased in the overweight subjects, while less iron from animal source were consumed by the underweight subjects. Both groups tended to consume more vegetables and fruits 6 months after the education program which may have contribute to the higher vitamin C and plant-based iron intakes. These results indicate that a 4-day nutrition education camp program sustained changes in nutrition knowledge and nutrition attitude for 6 months. The increased intake of vegetables and fruits was also achieved through this education program. However, changes in dietary behavior in adolescents may require repeated education.

      • KCI등재

        과실이 크고 품질이 우수한 조생종 배 ‘금촌조생’ 육성

        조광식(Kwang-Sik Cho1),손동수(Dong-Soo Son),강삼석(Sam-Seok Kang),김명수(Myung-Su Kim),홍경희(Kyung-Hui Hong),윤석규(Seok-Kyu Yun),조강희(Gang-Hui Cho),조현모(Hyeon-Mo Cho) 한국원예학회 2004 원예과학기술지 Vol.22 No.1

        ‘Geumchonjosaeng’ pear cultivar (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta Nakai) originated from the cross between ‘Imamuraaki’ and ‘Danbae’ to improve the fruit quality of ‘Imamuraaki’ cultivar in 1971 at Naju Pear Research Institute of National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI), Rural Development Administration (RDA). It was preliminarily selected in 1982 and named in 2001. The tree habit shows vigorous growth and upright spreading. It carries abundant pollen grains and shows cross compatibility with leading cultivars. Also it shows high resistance to black leaf spot (Alternaria kikuchiana) in the field condition. Optimum harvest time is around Sep. 3, which is 5 days later than that of ‘Wonwhang’, and it could satisfy consumer’s demand for high quality pear fruit in “Chuseok”. The obovate fruit shape resembles maternal parent, ‘Imamuraaki’ and skin color is green yellowish brown at normal harvesting time and gradually turned to yellowish brown at full ripennig state. Fruit weighs about 593 g, and the soluble solid content is 13.5 ˚Bx. The flesh is very soft and juicy and, rendering good eating quality. Shelf life is about 20 days under the ambient temperature, and it is a relatively long period as compare with other early season cultivars.

      • KCI등재

        신체 분리의 욕망과 존재의 타자화 : 테스노스와 이상의 시를 중심으로

        조윤경 한국비교문학회 2003 比較文學 Vol.31 No.-

        There appear numerous variations of the body images in the works of Desnos and Lee-Sang. They give a concrete form through body parts to a spiritual level where the dissentions between life and death, reality and imagination, past and future, something to communicate with and something not to, and the high and the low , no longer exist. Each of them tries to abuse and separate some body parts. While Desnos mainly sticks to the injury of the head, Lee pays attention to the separation of arms from the body. The symbolic meaning of damaged brain is to sink into the unconsciousness, refusing the hum an reason or consciousness. He describes revolutionists who resist the existing orders of societies but to be punished with decapitation by the very orders. It seems that he considers the brain as a mirror of the inner world of an individual person. Actually he bisects the brain on an operating table of language, which makes him possible to observe one's internality. Whereas Desnos's abscission of body in order to penetrate the inner world, Lee gets some body parts alienated and observes them objectively. He denies the functional meaning of arms, I. e. its instrumentality, by the procedure of cutting them. Desnos expresses his vigor to look into the stream of his own consciousness using a metaphor by which he maps the brain to a garden. In contrast, in Lee's poems, the separated arms from the human body are realized as variously as possible, in forms of mere objects, plants, and sometimes animals, through the rhetorical devices such as metaphor, and metonymy. The frequent use of hum an arms symbolizes his transcendentalism with an image of the wings of birds. Desnos shows his persistent inclination toward death through a body of drowned person and the image of grave. However he also pursues a mockery or teasing of death, which represents a consistent distance from it. He erases the boundary between the life and death, laying emphasis on the fact that life means death and death is an aspect of life. In comparison with Desnos's death, Lee clings to the gap between life and death. While the former freely go in and out this world and death, day and night, the latter's poetic self struggles to communicate the inside with the outside, life with death, body with outer world, and day with night. We can say that Lee's poems result from the conflict between the desire for death and the reality not to kill oneself. Therefore, the border of life and death is obscure in the Desnos's poems, but the differences between the imagination and the reality, as well as the ones between consciousness and unconsciousness reveal them selves sharply. Both of Lee and Desnos use a lot of repetition. They hypnotize the language which has been polluted by the social convention, paralyze the conscious government of language, and finally adopt it as a communicator of unconsciousness. In spite of these similarities, there are dissimilarities in terms of the repetition skills each of them adopts. Lee's repetition looks like that of a schizoid; there is no period, no space among words in his poems, like blood vessels without blood. In contrast, Desnos's reiteration which is full of the experimental spirit and playfulness reminds us stuttering. Stuttering or stammering plays a role of an intentional device to show a language in a primitive and instinctive form beyond the control of reason. In conclusion, the two poets who have excellent linguistic senses are proficient in dealing with signifiant and signifie. Especially by the playful usage of homonyms which leads to the meaning plurality, they broaden the ways of interpreting their poems, or overturn specific poetic situations. Each of them who is a representative of the transcendentalism in their country, Korea and France respectively, expresses typical ontology and poetics of their own, with endlessly transitional images and with com plex multi-layered language.

      • 은행산업의 성과 결정요인에 관한 이론적 연구 : 자원준거관점을 중심으로

        조대우,황경연 충남대학교 경상대학부설 경영경제연구소 1998 경영논집 Vol.14 No.2

        자원준거관점은 기업이 보유하는 자원과 이를 자원의 활용능력에 따라 기업간 성과의 차이를 설명하는 이론적 접근법이다. 본 연구는 자원준거관점에서 은행의 성과에 영향을 미치는 자원을 정의하고 자원과 성과간의 관계에 대한 이론모형을 개발하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 은행의 자원을 은행이 소유한 특유의 숙련기술(skill) 등 지식자산과 자원(resource) 그리고 그것의 우월한 사용방법으로 정의하였다. 기존연구와 은행산업의 특성을 고려하여 은행자원을 인적역량(경영자의 질, 은행원의 역량), 재무적 역량(신용도, 자본충실도), 영업역량(상품 및 서비스 개발 역량, 마케팅 역량), 내부관리시스템(정보기술 및 통신네트워크 활용 역량, 위험관리 역량) 등 4가지 부문으로 제시하고, 이들 자원과 성과간의 이론적 관계를 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자의무기록의 충실성 검토를 통한 미비기록 개선 활동

        조윤정,김경숙,이향숙,이진영,김태민,김민순 한국의료QA학회 2008 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        문제: 전자의무기록(EMR) 시행 후 의무기록 정리율의 저하와 질적인 측면에서의 충실성과 정확성에 대한 문제점이제기되었다. 목적: 전자의무기록의 정리율과 충실성 검토를 통하여 문제점을 파악하고개선점 찾아 의무기록 정리율을 향상시키고 충실성을 높이고자 하였다. 의료기관: 서울시에 소재한대학병원 의무기록과 질 향상 활동: 전자의무기록의 문제점을 개선히키 위하여 사용자 편의를 위한 EMR프로그램 수정 및 보완, 진단·수술 관련 작업, 업무개선, 교육, 홍보 등의 활동을실시하였다. 개선효과: 의무기록 정리율, 전자인증미비, 경과기록 기재일수, 퇴원요약주진단적합률, 기록지별 필수항목기 재율, 충실성에서 향상이 이루어졌다.

      • KCI등재

        치질을 투과한 조사광에 의한 복합레진 중합시 치질의 두께, 광세기 및 조사 시간이 복합레진의 표면 경도에 미치는 영향

        조수경,김동준,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 大韓齒科保存學會 2005 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.30 No.2

        본 연구에서는 치질을 투과한 광에너지량을 측정하고 치질을 투과한 광에너지에 의한 광중합 복합레진의 중합 정도를 표면 경도를 측정하여 분석하였다. 광조사기로는 할로겐 광원을 사용하는 Optilux 501 (Demetron, USA)을 사용하였으며, 중합용 light guide는 840 mW/cm²의 광세기를 갖는 직경 12 mm의 light guide와 1100 nW/cm²의 광세기를 갖는 직경 7 mm의 Turbo light guide를 사용하였다. 광원을 투과시킬 치질은 건전한 상악 중절치의 순면에서부터 법랑질과 상아질을 포함하도록 0.7x0.7cm 의 크기로 두께 1.0 mm와 2.0 mm의 치아 절편을 준비하였다. 직경 5 mm, 두께 2 mm의 주형에 Al 색상의 광중합 복합레진(Charisma, Kulzer, Germany)을 충전하고 각 군에 주어진 조건에 따라 광중합하였다. 시편은 크게 치질의 두께에 따라 (대조군, 1 mm, 2 mm) 3개의 군으로 나누었으며, 각 군은 다시 light guide의 종류와 광조사 시간에 따라 4개의 군으로 나누었다. 제작된 시편은 미세경도측정기를 이용해 광조사면의 비커스 경도를 측정한 결과, 2 mm 치질군과 대조군의 Turbo-light guide으로 40초 동안 중합한 시편이 가장 높은 표면 경도값을 보였으며, 2 mm 치질군에서 light guide의 종류에 상관없이 20초 동안 중합한 시편들이 가장 낮은 표면 경도값을 보였다 (p < 0.05). 이상의 결과는 1 mm 이하와 같은 얇은 치질을 투과하여 복합레진을 중합하는 경우 광세기와 광조사 시간을 증가시키면 중합 정도도 증가하나, 특정 두께 이상의 치질을 투과 시 광세기나 광조사 시간을 증가시키더라도 중합 정도의 증가는 기대하기 어렵다는 것을 시사한다. In this study we measured the amount of light energy that was projected through the tooth material and analyzed the degree of polymerization by measuring the surface hardness of composites. For polymerization, Optilux 501 (Demetron, USA) with two types of light guide was used: a 12 mm diameter light guide with 840 nW/cm² light intensity and a 7 mm diameter turbo light guide with 1100 nW/cm². Specimens were divided into three groups according to thickness of penetrating tooth (1 mm, 2 mm, 0 mm). Each group was further divided into four subgroups according to type of light guide and curing time (20 seconds, 40 seconds). Vickers' hardness was measured by using a microhardness tester. In 0 mm and 1 mm penetrating tooth group, which were polymerized by a turbo light guide for 40 seconds, showed the highest hardness values. The specimens from 2 mm penetrating tooth group, which were polymerized for 20 seconds, demonstrated the lowest hardness regardless of the types of light guides (p < 0.05). The results of this study suggest that, when projecting tooth material over a specified thickness, the increase of polymerization will be limited even if light intensity or curing time is increased.

      • 치질을 투과한 조사광에 의한 복합레진 중합시 치질의 두께, 광세기 및 조사 시간이 복합레진의 표면 경도에 미치는 영향

        조수경,황윤찬,오원만,황인남 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2003 구강과학 Vol.15 No.3

        For clinical success of light polymerized composite resin, it needs sufficient application of light intensity and curing time. Composite resin can be polymerized by a direct light projected on the surface of resin inside the real cavity, but it can also be polymerized by projecting light indirectly through enamel or dentin. This study measured the amount of light energy that was projected on a tooth material and analyzed the degree of light polymerized by measuring the surface hardness. Optilux 501 (Demetron, USA), which uses a halogen light source, was used as a light polymerizing unit. For polymerizing light guide, two types were used for this study: a 12 mm diameter light guide with 840mW/㎠ light intensity and a turbo light guide with 1100mW/㎠. Slices of tooth disc, which include enamel and dentin, were prepared as tooth materials. The size of the disc was 0.7 × 0.7㎝, and the thickness was 1 mm and 2 mm. Light polymerized composite resin with A1 color was filled in a mold of 5 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness, and it was polymerized by light according to the conditions specified for each group. Specimens were divided into three groups; group 1 was investigated through a tooth material of 1mm thickness, group 2 through a tooth material of 2 mm thickness, and control group through a transparent glass slab of 1 mm thickness. Each group was further divided into four subgroups, and each subgroup was examined by a turbo light guide for 20 seconds and 40 seconds and by a light guide of 12 mm diameter for 20 seconds and 40 seconds. Fifteen specimens were fabricated for each group, and they were kept in a container for 24 hours, away from the light. Vickers' hardness was measured by using a microhardness tester, and the following results were obtained. 1. The specimens from the groups 1 and control group, which were polymerized by a turbo light guide for 40 seconds, showed the highest hardness values. The specimens from group 2, which were polymerized for 20 seconds, demonstrated the lowest hardness regardless of the types of light guides(p<0.05). 2. From control group, the specimens polymerized for 40 seconds showed higher hardness than those for 20 seconds, regardless of the types of light guides (p<0.05). From group 1, the hardness values were decreased in the order of the specimens polymerized by a turbo light guide for 40 seconds, by a 12 mm light guide for 40 seconds, and by a 12 mm light guide for 20 seconds (p<0.05). From group 2, the specimens by a turbo light guide for 40 seconds showed the highest hardness(p<0.05), whereas the specimens polymerized for 20 seconds, regardless of the types of light guides, did not show any significant differences (p>0.05). 3. Group 1, which was polymerized by permeating tooth material 1mm thick, showed significant interaction between light intensity and curing time(p<0.05); but group 2, which was permeated by the tooth material 2mm thick, did not show any significant interaction between light intensity and curing time. The results of this study suggest that, when polymerizing composite resin by permeating thin tooth material below 1mm thick, polymerizing degree increases as light intensity and curing time increase. When projecting tooth material over a specified thickness, the increase of polymerization will be limited even if light intensity or curing time is increased.

      • 德川幕府期 조선인식의 변화연구 : 對馬島를 통한 通信使 외교의 실체를 중심으로

        조윤경 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2007 이화교육논총 Vol.17 No.-

        The history of Korea, diplomatically and publicly, is correlated with the history of Japan. As this relationship between the two nations has gone through the times of peace and conflict, the current state of the foreign relation seems peaceful externally, but distrust and conflict still exists internally. In other words, the Japanese national sentiment of superiority and contempt toward Korea, which was embedded deeply in the past, has been solidified on a national level as well as on an individual level, and it has eventually led to the present political issues, such as the purposeful distortion of the history in Japanese history textbooks and the legal dominium and rights of Dok Island. In this analysis, it is important to investigate how the effect of the unreasonably formed sense of superiority and negative attitude in Japanese national ideology became the source of the current, on-going, and subtle political conflicts between Korea and Japan.

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