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        유길준의 『노동야학독본』과 『노동야학』의 한자 표기와 문체 변화의 특성 연구

        조윤정 한국어문교육연구회 2022 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.50 No.2

        조윤정, 2022, 유길준의 『노동야학독본』과 『노동야학』의 한자 표기와 문체 변화의 특성 연구, 어문연구, 194 : 287~323 이 연구는 유길준의 『노동야학독본』과 『노동야학』을 분석 대상으로 삼아 한자 표기 방식과 문체의 특성을 분석하는 데 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 유길준의 독본에 앞서 부속 국문 표기를 보여주었던 성경, 신문, 교과서와 유길준의 독본을 비교 고찰했다. 그리고 유길준이 논설에서 주장했던 바가 독본에 반영된 양상을 살피기 위해 한자의 독음 처리 방식, 한자로만 남은 어휘를 도표화했다. 이로써 두 독본의 한자(어) 처리 과정에서 나타난 특성을 정리했다. 『노동야학독본』은 『신약마가젼복음셔언ᄒᆡ』, <만세보>, <경성일보>, 『유년필독』에 비해 한자의 수가 적고 독음이 조사나 어미에 자연스럽게 이어지는 양상을 보였다. 훈독과 음독의 사례가 비슷하게 나타났고, 고유어와 단음절 한자 용언의 사용에서 문체의 현대화 경향을 보였다. 다만, 한자 훈독의 일관성이 유지되지는 않았다. 이후, 유길준은 음독했던 한자 가운데 초급 어휘, 동음이의어, 신어를 『노동야학』에서 한자로 남겨 독자의 한자 학습을 이끌었다. 이 분석 결과는 유길준이 『노동야학』을 저술한 이유와 관련된다. 훈독은 음독에 비해 표준화가 덜 되어 있었고, 한국어의 음절 구조에 적합하지 않았다. 유길준은 『노동야학』에서 한자를 소수화하여, 표의문자인 한자를 표음문자인 한글의 문맥 안에서 다룬다. 두 독본은 유길준이 한문맥 안에서 언문일치를 실현하기 위해 두 단계의 문체 실험을 거쳐야만 했음을 드러낸다.

      • KCI등재

        청소년의 규칙적 아침식사를 위한 수면 관련 요인 분석

        조윤정,황준현 한국학교보건학회 2017 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.30 No.3

        PurposeBreakfast is the most important meal to provide energy for the day. Breakfast is especially important to give enough nutritional support to children and adolescents for their physical growth and sexual development. Sleep-related factors like average sleep duration and wake up time would mostly be associated with regular breakfast. This study aimed to investigate the effect of sleep on regular breakfast consumption in Korean adolescents. MethodsThe study used the data from the 12th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS-XII) conducted in 2016 by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The data of 62,820 subjects (middle/high school students) were included in the final analysis. The study examined the factors related to regular breakfast, focusing on weekday average sleep duration and wake up time of middle school students and high school students, respectively. ResultsRegular breakfast consumption was shown to have a statistically significant association with high economic status, nutritional education, weekday average sleep duration, wake up time, and subjective sleep satisfaction in the multivariate logistic regression. Regardless of the school level, regular breakfast consumption was significantly associated with early wake up time. As to the effect of weekday average sleep duration on regular breakfast consumption, it showed some different results depending on the school level. ConclusionRegular breakfast consumption of Korean adolescents was related to weekday average sleep duration and wake up time. Having breakfast regularly was affected by both adequate weekday average sleep duration and early wake up time.

      • KCI등재

        1896~1909년 신문과 잡지를 통해 본 ‘자선’ 개념의 형성과 변천

        조윤정 한국현대문학회 2019 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.57

        In this paper, the formation and the change of the concept, 'charity' have been studied while dealing with the newspapers and magazines of the time of the flowering stage. Furthermore, this study has analyzed the layers of meanings which modern intellectuals wanted to express when they used the concept of charity and the cultural and political transformations that happened around the discourse of charity. Especially, this research focuses on the mechanism of enlightenment through which the publicity of the concept of charity had been induced and the concept could spread among people by surveying not only the media which has 'charity' in its title like Jaseonbuinhoejabji but also the media of the flowering stage like Dongnipsinmun, Hwangseongsinmun and Jeguksinmun. Former researches related with charity, have dealt with mainly the relief policies for the poor people of the Japanese Government General of Korea and the change of the social works and focused on the period of 1920s and 1930s. But the discussion about the concept of charity, need to be proceeded from the late Joseon when we consider the modern ethics of economy, which criticizes that the government just gives the poor people money and encourages self-support, emerged in the late Joseon and charity institutions and charity discourse rapidly increased around 1905 in Joseon. This study has revealed how the mechanism of charity had operated and how the charity had become a custom under the conditions of the development of media, the formation of social groups and the development of educational culture. Furthermore, this research has looked into how the concept of charity had induced social activities of women and how the concept had conceived actions for ethnic group or nation. 이 연구는 개화기 신문 잡지를 대상으로 ‘자선(慈善)’ 개념의 형성과 변화 양상을 고찰하는 데 목적을 둔다. 이를 통해 당대인들이 자선이라는 개념을 사용하면서 표현하고자 했던 의미의 층위를 분석하고, 자선 담론을 둘러싸고 벌어진 문화적·정치적 변용 양상을 분석했다. 특히, 이 연구는 『자선부인회잡지』와 같이 ‘자선’을 표제로 삼은 잡지뿐 아니라, 『독립신문』, 『황성신문』, 『제국신문』, 『대한매일신보』 등과 같은 개화기 신문 등 자선 개념이 등장하는 자료를 총체적으로 살폈다. 그리고 서양의 자선사업을 설명 묘사한 『서유견문』과 조선 노동자들의 자선을 촉구한 『노동야학독본』 사이의 변화를 통해 자선 개념의 공공성이 창출되고, 그것이 대중에게 확산될 수 있었던 계몽의 논리에 주목했다. 기존의 자선 관련 연구는 1920-30년대에 집중되어 있으며, 조선총독부의 빈민 구제 정책이나 사회사업의 변천을 다루었다. 그러나 자선 개념에 대한 논의는 정부가 빈민을 불쌍히 여겨 돈 주는 행위를 비판하고 국민이 자활과 공생을 도모하는 경제 윤리가 나타나는 시기까지 소급될 필요가 있다. 특히, 1905년을 전후로 조선에서 자선단체와 자선 담론이 급증하는 현상은 주목을 요한다. 이 연구는 1896~1909년 사이 매체의 발전, 집단의 형성, 교육문화의 발전 속에서 자선의 메커니즘이 작동하고 관습화된 양상을 구명했다. 그리고 그 개념이 어떠한 메커니즘 속에서 여성의 사회활동으로 확대되고, 정치적 행위로 전이될 수 있었는지 살폈다.

      • KCI등재

        A Review of Extended STR Loci and DNA Database

        조윤정,이민호,김수진,박지환,정주연 대한의생명과학회 2022 Biomedical Science Letters Vol.28 No.3

        DNA typing is the typical technology in the forensic science and plays a significant role in the personal identification of victims and suspects. Short tandem repeat (STR) is the short tandemly repeated DNA sequence consisting of 2~7 bp DNA units in specific loci. It is disseminated across the human genome and represents polymorphism among individuals. Because polymorphism is a key feature of the application of DNA typing STR analysis, STR analysis becomes the standard technology in forensics. Therefore, the DNA database (DNA-DB) was first introduced with 4 essential STR markers for the application of forensic science; however, the number of STR markers was expanded from 4 to 13 and 13 to 20 later to counteract the continuously increased DNA profile and other needed situations. After applying expanded STR markers to the South Korean DNA-DB system, it positively affected to low copy number analysis that had a high possibility of partial DNA profiles, and especially contributed to the theft cases due to the high portion of touch DNA evidence in the theft case. Furthermore, STR marker expansion not only contributed to the resolution of cold cases but also increased kinship index indicating the potential for improved kinship test accuracy using extended STR markers. Collectively, the expansion of the STR locus was considered to be necessary to keep pace with the continuously increasing DNA profile, and to improve the data integrity of the DNA-DB.

      • KCI등재

        RDF 의미망에 의한 건축사학습콘텐츠의 구성

        조윤정,윤기병,김성아 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.10

        This paper presents a representation methodology of architectural knowledge with regard to the implementation of e-Learning system. As the need for the e-Learning is ever increasing in architectural education, current implementations are limited in many respects. It is mainly because the current applications are only to transfer the traditional learning content to the electronic media. In order to address this problem, this research presents a methodology of building learning contents based on semantic web paradigm. The method should provide the e-Learning environment with the semantically rich and highly associative knowledge network. Thus, very flexible and intelligent way of learning in architectural education would be supported unless otherwise impossible. RDF is employed among possible tools to represent the complicated relationships among historical facts and architectural knowledge.This paper introduces the theoretical background of the learning content network, and learning design in general. technical aspects of the RDF is also introduced. Then, design process of the learning contents network is described. An application is presented in architectural learning domain focusing on its learning content design.This research will provide a meaningful foundation for the design of e-Learning in architectural education which is becoming a standard of overall education domain.

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