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      • 韓國 영유아의 蛋白칼로리 營養失調에 關한 硏究

        姜英豪,金仁達 서울大學校 保健大學院 1968 公衆保健雜誌 Vol.5 No.2

        A study was conducted by the author in September 1968 towards the infants and young children in some underprivileged rural villages of Korea by employing such methods as clinical assessment, nutritional biometry, and biochemical tests, in an attempt to evaluate their nutritional status with possible reference to protein calorie malnutrition (PCM). The infants and young children examined totaled 232 of whom 111 were boys and 121 were girls. The results are as follows: Ⅰ. Clinical Assessment The prevalence rates of the signs suggestive of PCM turned out to be as below : 1) Cases with dyspigmented hair were observed with 4.5% of the 45 infants examined. and 18.8% of the 187 young children examined. Cases with thin and sparse hair were seen with 22.8% of the infants, 14.0% of the young children, and l5.2% of both the infants and young children. 2) Prevalence of the pale conjunctiva rated 28.6% of the infants. 32.3% of the young children, and 30.4% of both the infants and young children. 3) Keratomalacia cases were found in 0.5% of the young children only and they corresponded, in turn, to 0.4% of the whole examined. 4) Cases with angulostomatitis rated 14.0% of the young children only, who constituted 10.0% of the total examined. 5) Those with moon-face were observed only with 2.3% of the infants, rating 0.4% of the total. 6) Cases with flaky-paint dermatosis were observed with 2.3% of the infants, 0.5% of the young children, and 0.9% of both the infants and young children. 7) Those who were found to have such skin lesions as fissure of the ear lobe, tender sores, or moist groin rash rated 15.9% of the infants, 20.4% of the young children, and 19.6% of both the infants and children. 8) Rate of those with muscles wasted was 11.4% of the infants, 25.8% of the young children, and 23.0% of both the infants and young children. 9) Those with edema were observed only with 0.5% of the young children. rating 0.4% of the total. 10) Psychomotor changes (apathetic, miserable, inert, withdrawn, or anorexic) rated 7.0% of the young children only, and 5.7% of the whole examined. 11) Prevalence rate of diarrhea precipitating dehydration and such other conditioning infections as thrush was found to be 20.5% of the infants, 7.5% of the young children, and 10.0% of both the infants and young children. 12) The results of clinical assessment led the author to the following findings: (1) Those corresponding to 29.1% of the whole examined had one or two combined signs suggestive of PCM. (2) Those with three or more signs combined rated 1.3% of the total children examined. (3) No clinically obvious kwashiorkor was found, but each of the component signs which, in constant combination, characterize it (edema, muscle-wasting, and psychomotor changes) was separately observed mainly with the young children as presented in table 2. (4) Those who impressed the author with clinically obvious nutritional marasmus were 6.7% of the infants, 3.2% of the young children, and 3.9% of both the infants and young children. Ⅱ. Nutritional Biometry 1) The mean heights. weights, chest circumference, and head circumference obtained were as shown in table 3. 2) The mean triceps skin-fold thickness, upper mid-arm-circumference. and upper-mid-arm-muscle circumference were as presented in table 4. 3) Distribution of the heights by four levels of 10% intervals indicated underweights in the light of Korean general standard, as shown in table 10. 4) Distribution of the weights contrasted likewise with the Korean general standard were as shown in table 11. 5) The underweights demonstrated by cases of mild-moderate PCM computed at four levels of 10% intervals as against the Korean general standard, rated 42.2% of the infants, 42.8% of the young children, and 42.7% of both the infants and young children. by the criteria Dr. Jelliffe suggested ??. The severe PCM cases were comprised 31.1% of the infants, 7.5% of the young children. and 12.1% of both groups of them. In the light of the above rates, more than a half of the children examined were found to be affected with PCM ascribable to deficiency of both the protein and calorie. 6) The cases with "Chest circumference/Head circumference Ratio being below 1 after the first 6 months of life" suggestive of the wasting of pectoral muscles which is attributable to PCM corresponded to 57.1% of the infants, 25.1% of the young children, and 29.3% of both the infants and young children as shown in table 13. Ⅲ. Biochemical Tests 1) Hemoglobin levels were found to be anemic (level less than 10.8gm%) with 13.8% of the 80 children examined as presented in table 5. 2) Serum total protein and serum albumin levels were as shown in tables 6 and 7, respectively. The serum albumin levels turned out to be normal with 75.9%, and "low"(2.80gm%∼3.51gm%) with 24.1% of the examined. No deficiency level (less than 2.80gm%) was found among the 29 children. 3) Serum iron content and total serum iron-bindin capacity (TIBC) were as shown in table 8. The deficiency levels of serum iron content less than 50 microgram % comprised 33.3% of the 21 children examined. Those corresponding to 25% and 75% of the 16 children examined had values of TIBC within normal range (300 microgram %∼400 microgram %) and values below the normal range (less than 300 microgram %), respectively, and no case exceeded over the range of normality inspite of the low serum iron content, suggesting the possible ascription to chronic protein deficiency ??. 4) "Urinary Urea-nitrogen / Creatinie-nitrogen excretion Ratios" regarded as an approximte index of dietary adequacy related to muscle storage of protein were obtained as presented in table 9. The cases with the ratios "30 or less" (an indication of malnutrition related to dietary adequacy of protein) rated 58.8% of the 34 children examined.

      • 幼兒文學敎育 實態에 관한 基礎硏究 : 慶南地域 幼兒敎育機關을 中心으로

        姜仁彦,金英淑 진주여자전문대학 1988 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine the actual condition of the literature education of young children in Gyeong Sang Nam Do, The specific problems of this study are as follows : 1. What is the goal of young childrens's literature education? 2. What is the criteria for the selection of young children's literature books? 3. What is trends of use and interest for media of young children's literature? 1) What is trends of use and interest for fairy tales and creative tales? 2) What is trends of use and interest for picture-tales? 3) What is trends of use and interest for kinds of puppets? 4) Have you ever taken a chance of a puppet-show? 5) Have you ever taken a chance of children's drama? 6) Have you ever used the children's verse in a classroom? 4. How many books of young children's literature do they stock in kindergarten and what is the teacher s viewpoint for these? 5. How is YES or NO of the teacher s experience for a creative activity of young children's literature? 6. For fairy tales : 1) What is the title of fairy tale most used in kindergarten? 2) What is the title of fairy tale which kindergarten-boys are most interested in? 3) What is the title of fairy tale which kindergarten-girls are most interested in? 4) What is the title of fairy tale which kindergarten-teachers are most interested in? 7. What do you want in the class allocated for young children's literature in college? 8. What is the problem in young cildren's literature education? For this study 27 nursery schools, 20 kindergarten attached to elementary schools and 78 private kindergarten in Kyeong Sang Nam Do were randomly sampled. The total subject of the study were 125 teachers. The instrument used for this study was a questionnaire. It was distributed to the teachers and filled out by them. Chi-square was used to analyze by the data obtained from the questionnaire. The results of this study are as follows : 1. For the goal of young children's literature education : 'to be helped creative and expressive activities to literature in various ways' was regarded to be the most important in general. 2. For the criteria for selection of young children's literature books ; 'the contents related a unit was regarded to be the most important in general. 3. For the trends of use interest fot the media of young children s literature ; 'picture-tale' and 'picture-books' are the descending order responded. 4. For books of young children's literature and teacher s viewpoint for those ; '100 books and below them' and 101-200 books' are the descending order responded and answered 'proper' for these. 5. For the YES or No of the teacher's experience for a creative activity of youg children's literature ; 'NO' was regarded to be the most in general. 6. For fairy tales and the title of fairy tale most used in kindergartens ; 'Heungbu-Jean', 'Hokburi-younggam' and 'Hae wa Dali Deun O-nui' are the descending order responded by boys. 'Kongzui and patzui' and 'Baek-seol Princess' are the descending order responded by girls. And 'Hae wa dali Deun O-nui' and 'Hokburi-younggam' are by teachers. 7. For the request to the class allocated for young children's literature in college ; 'the manufacture technique for media of young children's literature and communiate method 'and' the guidance of the creative education to the genre of young children's literature' are the descending order responded by teachers. 8. For the problem in young children's literature education ; 'the problem of manufacture technique for media', 'The difficulty of selection for a literary work and the poor of a subject matter' and 'the poor of teaching materials' are the descending order responded by teachers.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hepatic Cirrhosis Occurring in a Young Woodchuck(Marmota monax) Due to Vertical Transmission of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus(WHV)

        Kyu-shik Jeong,정원일,Jae-yong Chung,Mi-young An,Chae-yong Jung,Gyoung-jae Lee,Jong-soo Kang,Byeong-cheol Kang,Young-heun Jee,Bruce H Williams,Young-oh Kwon,Da-hee Jeong 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        Cirrhosis Occurring in a Young Woodchuck (Marmota monax) Due to Vertical Transmission of Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus (WHV)Da-hee Jeong, Won-il Jeong, Jae-yong Chung, Mi-young An, Chae-yong Jung, Gyoung-jae Lee1, Jong-soo Kang1, Byeong-cheol Kang2, Young-heun Jee3, Bruce H Williams4, Young-oh Kwon5 and Kyu-shik Jeong*College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Korea1Shinwon Scientific Co., LTD, Research Institute, Suwon, Korea2Clinical Research Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul 110-744, Korea3College of Veterinary Medicine, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea

      • KCI등재

        김영랑 시의 ‘흐름’과 시간 -「북」을 중심으로-

        강숙영 ( Kang Sook-young ) 한국문학이론과 비평학회 2021 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.91 No.-

        「북」(1946.12)은 영랑이 6여 년간 계속되었던 절필 기간을 끝내고 발표한 시이다. 영랑의 시편들에는 ‘흐르다’라는 동사나 ‘흐름’의 이미지가 빈번하게 등장한다. 영랑의 시 세계에서 ‘흐름’은 시간이다. 초기 시에서 영랑은 시간과 함께 흘러 사라지는 것들에 대한 안타까움과 슬픔을 주로 노래한다. ‘흐름’의 이미지는 「북」에 이르러 변화한다. 이 작품에 나타나는 ‘흐름’의 이미지는 베르그송(Henri Bergson)의 독특한 시간 개념인 ‘지속 (durée) ’과 유사하다. 이 작품에서 영랑은 시간이 흘러서 사라지는 것이 아니라 우리의 원초적인 감각 체험을 통해서 다시 올라올 수 있다는 인식을 보여준다. 연속적인 시간 속에 존재하는 우리의 삶을 시인은 끊어질 듯 이어지며 혼융하는 판소리 장단에 집약한다. 판소리의 ‘판’은 가락과 리듬이 다양한 곡선으로 흐르면서 새로운 창조가 잉태되고 주체와 객체가 공명하는 열린 공간이다. 북은 ‘컨닥터’로 함께 공명하면서 우리가 던져진 세계 속에 홀로 존재하는 것이 아님을 상기시키는 존재이다. ‘동중정(動中靜)’은 북소리와 연창의 가락이 온전히 합일한 찰나의 순간이며, 보편적인 시간관에 억압되었던 시간이 시간의 삼분법을 뚫고 올라오는 사유의 시간이다. ‘북’소리는 그 순간의 솟구침을 추동한다. 「북」에서 ‘흐름’은 지속의 시간이고, 판소리의 ‘판’은 새로운 생성을 촉구하는 혼융이 발생하는 공간이다. 이렇게 영랑은 모든 장단이 뒤섞이는 판소리 무대를 통해 예측할 수 없이 변주되는 삶의 곡절 위에서 줄타기하는 우리에게 새로움을 위한 카오스의 공간을 제시했다. 「북」의 ‘판’에서 존재들이 만들어 내는 소리는 서로 융합하고 공명한다. 영랑은 과거와 현재와 미래가 뒤섞인 이 ‘판’에서 현실 세계의 시간이 일깨우는 온갖 ‘잔가락’을 잊으라고 주문한다. ‘인생이 가을같이 익어’가는 이순간은 영랑이 「모란이 피기까지」에서 그토록 열망했던 ‘찬란한’ 봄일 것이다. The drum (1946.12) is a poem published by Kim Young-rang after a six-year period of not writing. In the early period of portry, Yeongrang used the verb "flow" or the image of "flow" frequently. In the time world of Young-rang, 'flow' is the time. In the early poems, Yeongrang mainly sings about the sadness of things that fade away with time. The image of the 'flow' changes by reaching The drum. The image of "flow" in this work is similar to Henri Bergson's unique concept of time, "durée". In this work, Young-rang shows the perception that it does not disappear over time, but can be raised again through our primitive sensory experience. As our life goes on, the poet continues to be interrupted by the chaotic Pansori rhythm. In The drum, "flow" is the duration time, and "stage" of pansori is the space where confusion occurs for new create. In this way, Young-rang presented Chaos' space for novelty to us who walk a tightrope on unpredictable twists and turns through the pansori stage where all the rhythms are mixed. The sounds created by the "Pan(stage)" converge and resonate with each other. The past, the present, and the future. This moment when "life ripens like autumn" may be the "shing brilliantly" spring that Young-rang aspired so much from "Until peony blooms."

      • KCI등재후보

        특집논문 : 간존(間存)영화인가, 세대교체인가? 중국 대륙의 “시장형 청년영화” 경향에 대한 비판적 독해 -<두라라 승진기>, <실연 33일>, <황금대겁안>을 중심으로-

        강내영 ( Nae Young Kang ) 한양대학교 현대영화연구소 2012 현대영화연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to explore the ``Market-type Youth Movies`` trend in china. The concepts of ``Market-type Youth Movies`` are, firstly, mean popular and commercial movies which appropriate Market system, secondly, mean main directors consist of young-men, or involve youth culture in theme ideology and cultural value. Rising ``Market-type Youth Movies`` is resulted from change of film environment and social value system along reform and openness during 30 years. Now, While in the progress of reform and openness, Chinese movies are forming plural phase, which are Main theme movies, Blockbuster commercial movies, Independent movies in China film market. Under the these circumstances, ``Market-type Youth Movies`` receive strong support from young-men who occupy main stream in film market, therefore are worthy of note. In order to explore ``Market-type Youth Movies``, analyze typical examples, <Go LaLa Go!>(2009), <Love is not Blind>(2010), <Guns and Roses>(2012). As a result, extract some traits of ``Market-type Youth Movies``. Firstly, they receive the support of BaRingHou, JiuRingHou Young-men, as include young sensibility. Secondly, they run away political ideology. Thirdly, they are symbol of new appearance in popular movies which appropriate market system. Fourthly, they reflect cultural pride of chinese young generation in rising pax-China era. Fifthly, they represent chinese genre movies. But, ``Market-type Youth Movies`` have some problems. First of all, they have possibility of false consciousness movie. Because they express ideologies of the ruling classes, which are socialism and market vale. Secondly, they worship materialism roots in new-liberalism. In the future, if young directors of ``Market-type Youth Movies`` incorporate their cultural idea from the base of social reality, And receive support mutural understanding by ``participating spectacles``, they will be able to head a shift in generation in Chinese film.

      • KCI등재후보

        Localization of Antigenic Sites at the Amino-terminus of Rinderpest Virus N Protein Using Deleted N Mutants and Monoclonal Antibody

        Kang-seuk Choi,Jin-ju Nah,Young-joon Ko,Shien-young Kang,Yi-seol Joo 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        of Antigenic Sites at the Amino-terminus of Rinderpest Virus N Protein Using Deleted N Mutants and Monoclonal AntibodyKang-seuk Choi*, Jin-ju Nah, Young-joon Ko, Shien-young Kang1 and Yi-seok JooNational Veterinary Research and Quarantine service, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 480 Anyang, Gyounggi 430-824, Korea1Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungbuk National University, 48 Gaeshin-dong, Heungduk-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk 361-763, KoreaReceived April 2, 2003 / Accept July 10, 2003J. Vet. Sci. (2003), 4(2), 167-173JOURNAL OFVeterinaryScience*Corresponding author: Kang-seuk Choi National Veterinary Research and Quarantine service, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 480 Anyang, Gyounggi 430-824, Korea Tel: +82-31-467-1860, Fax: +82-31-449-5882 E-mail: choiks@nvrqs.go.kr

      • 18–30세 사이에 발생하는 뇌경색의 특징, 다기관 레지스트리 연구

        장윤경,송태진,김용재,허지회,이경열,김영은,장민욱,조수진,강석윤 이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 2017 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.40 No.3

        Objectives: Although there have been several reports that described characteristics for young age stroke, information regarding very young age (18–30 years old) has been limited. We aimed to analyze demographic factors, stroke subtype, and 3-month outcome in acute ischemic stroke patient who have relatively very young age in multicenter stroke registry. Methods: We evaluated all 122 (7.1%) consecutive acute ischemic stroke (within 7 days after symptom onset) patients aged 18 to 30 from 17,144 patients who registered in multicenter prospective stroke registry, 1997 to 2012. Etiology was classified by Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment criteria. Stroke severity was defined as National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and stroke outcome was defined by modified Rankin scale (mRS) at 3 months after index stroke. Results: The mean age of all included patients was 25.1±3.7 years and 76 patients (62.2%) were male. The median NIHSS at admission was 4. Considering stroke subtype, 37 patients (30.3%) had stroke of other determined etiology (SOD), 37 (30.3%) had undetermined negative evaluation (UN) and 31 (25.4%) had cardioembolism (CE) were frequently noted. After adjusting age, sex and variables which had P<0.1 in univariable analysis (NIHSS and stroke subtype), CE stroke subtype (odds ratio, 4.68; 95% confidence interval, 1.42–15.48; P=0.011) were significantly associated with poor functional outcome (mRS≥3). Conclusion: In very young age ischemic stroke patients, SOD and UN stroke subtype were most common and CE stroke subtype was independently associated with poor discharge outcome.


        Dynamic Young's Modulus and Internal Friction in Polycrystalline Copper

        Kang, Chang-Seog,Chang, Si-Young,Hong, Sung-Kil 대한금속재료학회 2003 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.9 No.5

        An attempt has been made to measure the temperature dependence of dynamic Young's modulus together with the related variation of internal friction in polycrystalline copper. A mechanical spectroscopy study was employed using a standard servo hydraulic fatigue testing machine equipped with a scanning laser extensometer. Dynamic Young's modulus and internal friction were measured over a temperature range of 298 to 873 K at very low frequencies of 0.1, 0.05, and 0.01 Hz. One internal friction peak was observed over the ranges 450 to 700 K, together with marked decreases in the dynamic Young's modulus in the same temperature range. From a quantitative analysis of the experimental data with the relaxation strength, relaxation time, and activation energy, it is concluded that the peak phenomenon is due to grain-boundary sliding relaxation.

      • KCI등재

        김영랑 시의 정신세계

        강영미(Kang Young-mi) 한국시학회 2004 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.10

        Kim Young-rang has been known as poet who commanded elaborated type, meter, soft tone harmony of voice. Manufacture do poetry which have self-regulating structure through conscious calculation and materialize own inside sensuously. And his interest about shi-jo and pansori is reflected in production of poetry. He creates four line poetry criticizing existent poetry style(shi-jo and pansori and so on)in poetry´s circles in the 1930s that form of free poetry catches seat already, and plays a variation four line poetry learning forms and groped new modernistic poetry form. He established peculiar sensitivity of individual into compensation of shape and create chard free verse of new form. These features that shows in poetry form that defend self from colony actual broken external order is revealed can be seen. It is because construct space of imagination and found psychological pupil of the eye in to close loss persimmon formed on inside looking away actuality that can not accomplish own dream. Therefore, that appears in his poetry sensual and the trillion brazier fortune worlds can see that is product of injustice mind to look away colony actuality. Kim Young-rang did not compromise in colony actuality and could keep own inside to be upright through writing such poetry.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        고령자 급성 췌장염의 임상적 고찰

        이진헌,강진경,박인서,송건훈,정재복,백용한,송시영,서정훈 대한소화기학회 1998 대한소화기학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        Background/Aims: Inflammatory diseasas of the pancreas are not uncommon. The advanced age is one of the significant factors in assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis. It has been shown that the biliary tract disease is a more frequent cause of acute pancreatitis in the elderly than in the young. With the increased life span, the elderly are comprising a large proportion of the population. As a result, physicians are more often being faced with acute pancreatitis in the elderly. The purpose af this study was to evaluate clinical features of acute panereatitis in the elderly. Methods: A total of 188 patients with acute pancreatitis were reviewed. We investigated the differences of clinical characteristics between the elderly patients aged over 60 and the young patients aged under 60. Results: The sex distribution showed male preponderance in the young patients (M:F=2.4:1), but was nearly equal in the elderly patients (M:F=1.1:1). The most common cause of acute pancreatitis in the elderly was biliary tract disease (52.5%), while alcohol abuse was the most common cause in the young patients (38.8%), Local complications of acute pancreatitis, such as psuedocyst, necrosis, abscesses were not differently shown between the elderly (16.9%) and the young (20.2%) patients. Systemic complications including acute puhnonary failure occurred more frequently in the elderly patients than the young patients. The mortality rate of the elderly patients (5.1%) was not significantly different from that of the young patients (3.1%). Conclusions: To detect correctable underlying bihary tract diseases the elderly patients with acute pancreatitis should be completely investigated using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In addition, the patient should be closely monitored for the development of the systemic complications during the disease process.

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