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        성과 에이즈에 관한 보건교육 방법별 효과 측정

        권관우,이경무,김훈수,김정순,정경균 韓國保健敎育.健康增進學會 2000 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The objective of this study is to find the most effective educational method on Sex and AIDS/HIV among young people in Korea. The number of people with HIV amounts to 1,224 as of Sep. 2000, and is increasing continuously, especially among young people(National Institute of Health, 2000). In setting up the policy of health education on Sex and AIDS, the criteria should be the effectiveness. By two-stage cluster sampling, 4,713 students were selected from among the 19,093 students from 44 middle and high schools and divided into three groups and taken the education with three different methods(〈lecture with slides show〉, 〈lecture without any material〉 and 〈lecture through broadcasting system〉) by the same lecturer with the same contents for about 50 minutes. To compare the effects of education by methods, the tests on the AIDS knowledge, AIDS attitude on AIDS and Sexuality attitudes with self-administered questionnaire were implemented three times, that is, 'before', 'right after' and '2 weeks later' of the education. As to the decrees of change of AIDS knowledge, AIDS attitudes, Sexuality attitudes and subjective evaluation of the education, 〈lecture with slides show〉 was the most effective, 〈lecture without any material〉 was the second and 〈lecture through broadcasting system〉 was the least effective, respectively. In the cost-effectiveness analysis using the results of this study, 〈lecture with slides show〉 turned out to be the most effective, and 〈lecture through broadcasting system〉 was the second and 〈lecture without any material〉 was least effective. From these results, it is suggested that 〈lecture with slides show〉 is more effective health educational methods on Sex and AIDS than 〈lecture without any material〉 or 〈lecture through broadcasting system〉.

      • 유·초등학교 교과용도서 장애관련 내용 분석 : Focusing on the Views of Disability

        권택환,김수연,박은영,이유훈 국립특수교육원 2003 연구보고서 Vol.- No.2

        장애학생 통합교육의 성공적 실행은 특수교육뿐 만 아니라 교육 전반의 당면과제이자 목표이다. 장애학생이 일반학교에서 일반아동들과 물리적, 사회적, 그리고 교육과정적으로 통합이 이루어지기 위해서는 학교 교육과정이 모든 학생에게 반응적이어야 하며, 궁극적으로 일반교육의 재구조화가 촉진되어야 하기 때문이다. 이에 일반교사와 아동들의 장애에 대한 태도 및 인식의 개선은 필수 전제조건으로 지적되고 있다. 장애인에 대한 태도 및 인식 개선은 다양한 방법으로 접근할 수 있겠으나, 학생들이 매일의 학교 수업에서 접하는 교과서에 장애관련 내용이 어떠한 수준과 내용으로 수록되어 있는지 살펴보는 것은 간과되어서는 안 될 중요한 문제이다. 시대적으로 교과서의 역할과 기능은 변화되어 왔으나 학교 현장에서 교과서는 변함없이 교사와 학생에게 지대한 영향을 미치고 있다. 장애학생의 통합교육을 강조하는 현 교육정책 속에서 7차 교육과정의 교과서에는 특히 일반학생들의 장애인식 개선을 위하여 학년별, 교과별로 다양한 장애관련 내용을 담으려는 노력이 역력하므로 적합한 내용이 제시되어 있는지 분석하는 것은 꼭 필요한 일이나, 아직까지 교과서에 수록된 장애관련 내용을 분석한 연구는 없다. 이에 본 연구는 유치원 교육활동 지도자료와 초등학교 교과서에 수록된 장애관련 내용을 분석하고자 하였다. 분석 방법은 문헌 연구와 내용 분석으로 유치원 교육활동 지도자료 12권 과 초등학교 10개 교과(생활의 길잡이, 사회과 탐구, 실험 관찰 포함)의 교과서, 16개 시ㆍ도 우리들은 1학년 16권, 통합교과(바른생활, 슬기로운 생활, 즐거운 생활)에서 장애와 관련된 내용(장애관련 용어, 삽화, 인물, 시설, 소계 등)을 학년별, 교과별로 분류하였다. 분류한 내 용을 분석하기 위하여 공통주제어를 추출하였다. 먼저 2명의 연구자가 독립적으로 내용을 읽으면서 관련 주제어를 기록하였다. 각자 주제어를 기록한 뒤 연구자 협의를 통해 공통으로 기록한 주제어를 추출하고, 다르게 기록한 주제어는 합의를 거쳐 최종 분석 주제어를 도출하였다. 주제어는 다음 6가지이다 (1) 보조도구 및 편의시설, (2) 장애 체험 활동, (3) 장애인 묘사, (4) 직접적 정보 제공 및 접촉, (5) 개인의 차이 수용 및 인권 존중, (6) 장애 관련 인물. 유치원 교육활동 지도자료와 초등학교 교과서에 나타난 장애관련 용어와 삽화, 그리고 6가지 주제로 분석한 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애관련 용어는 유치원 교육활동 지도자료에 가장 많이 수록되어 있었으며, 그 중에는 몇 가지 수정되어야 할 용어도 있었다(예, 장애 인형, 장애 그림, 정상인, 지체부자유자). 이에 반해 초등학교 1학년 교과서에는 직접적인 장애를 지칭하는 용어는 제시되어 있지 않고, 2학년부터 장애인이라는 용어가 명시되어 있다. 체육교과의 '장애물'과 실험관찰의 '앉은뱅이 저울'과 같이 교과교육 전문가와 함께 장애 인식 개선을 위해 용어 수정을 협의해야 할 필요성도 지적되었다. 둘째, 장애관련 삽화는 지체부자유와 시각장애인이 가장 많이 묘사되어 있었으며, 이들을 도와주는 방식은 주로 휠체어 밀기, 가방 들어 주기였다. 장애아동이 또래들과 수업 및 다양한 활동에 적극적으로 참여하며, 상호작용하는 모습의 삽화가 증가되는 것이 요구된다. 셋째, 주제별로 분석한 결과 교과서에 수록된 장애인들은 주로 장애로 인해 불편한 '처지'에 놓인 것으로 묘사되었으며, 일반인들은 이들의 어려움을 이해하여 도움을 제공해야 하는 것이 올바른 것으로 제시되어 있다. 장애인의 불편함을 이해하기 위하여 제시된 주요한 방법은 장애체험 활동이었다. 그리고 보조도구 및 편의시설의 확충을 사회복지 측면에서, 그러고 공정성의 확보 측면에서 장애인에게 제공되어야 할 중요한 지원의 하나인 것으로 명시되어 있었다. 장애를 직접적으로 제시하지는 않았지만 개인의 외모, 국적, 능력, 성별에 따른 차이를 수용하고 존중해야 함을 담고 있는 내용도 제시되어 있었다. 본 연구결과에 의하면 현재 유치원 교육활동 지도자료와 제 7차 교육과정의 교과서에는 장애관련 내용이 적지 않게 수록되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 통합교육이 확산되어 가는 현 시점에서 매우 고무적인 현상이라고 할 수 있다. 앞으로 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 올바르지 않은 용어와 삽화, 그리고 지문의 내용은 교과서 개정 시 고려되어야 할 것이다. 또한 실제 초등학교 교실 안에서 이루어지는 수업에서 장애이해 교육이 보다 효과적이며, 적합한 내용과 방법으로 이루어질 수 있도록 상세한 지도 방법이 '교사용 지도서' 에 안내되어야 할 것이다. The successful implementation of inclusive education is an urgent task not only for special education but also education in general. As is often suggested, teachers' and students' positive attitude and perception toward students with disabilities are crucial for this task. Particularly it is very important to analyze the way the textbooks depict disabilities. However, there is no research yet to be done about this subject. The purpose of this study is to analyze the textbook contents concerning disabilities. We employ literature review and content analysis as our research method. 12 instructional materials for the educational activities of kindergarten, 10 different subject textbooks of elementary school, the 16 first-grade textbooks of 16 cities and states (they have the same title, 'We are first-graders," but their contents differ), and the contents of subject-integrated texts concerning disabilities are classified according to grades and subjects. We devise six frameworks of analysis and analysis indicators are as follows: (1) assistive technology and convinience facilities (2) the simulation of disabilities (3) the description of disabilities (4) providing direct information on disabilities and direct contact with disabilities (5) the acceptance of individual differences and the respect for human rights (6) people with disabilities. The summary of our findings is as follows. First, contents concerning disabilities appear most frequently in instructional materials of kindergarten, and there are some words that need to be changed (e.g. a normal person and a physically handicapped person). It is also pointed out that word change would be considered in consultation with specific textbook specialists to foster positive perceptions about disabilities (e.g. "hindrance" in the textbook of physical education and "a crippled scale" in the textbook of experiment and observation). Second, person with visual impairment and person with physical disability appear predominantly in the illustrations depicting disabilities, and the major activities to aid these children are wheelchair-pulling and backpack-carrying. To increase illustrations that portray children with disabilities to participate actively in classroom activities as well as various non-classroom activities interacting with their peer children is required. Third, in the textbooks people with disability are mainly depicted as being put in an uncomfortable "situation," and as those who need help from others. In addition, they suggest the simulative experience of disability as the major way to understand the uncomfortable situation of disability. They also propose that the expansion of assistive technology and convinience facilities is considered one of the most important main support for disabilities. We can find in these textbooks that although they do not refer to disability directly, there are many contents that encourage the acceptance of individual differences (the difference of countenance, nationality, ability, and gender). In conclusion, we find out that current instructional materials for the educational activities of kindergarten and the elementary textbooks of 7th national curriculum contain a considerable amount of contents concerning disability. We regard this as very encouraging. When the textbook is revised, our study will help to choose more proper words, illustrations, and contents. We suggest that more detailed guidelines for understanding disability which help teachers to teach appropriate contents in a more effective and perceptive way in the classrooms of kindergarten and elementary school should be provided.

      • 漢方藥劑의 品質評價와 藥效에 關한 硏究(第6報) : 元柴胡및 竹柴胡 水性엑스의 中樞抑制作用에 對하여 Central Depressive Action of Bupleurum Falcatum and Bupleurum Longiradiotum

        徐成勳,洪南斗,權昌鎬,金壽億 慶熙大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        The effects of the aqueous extracts of Bupleurun falcatum and Bupleurum longiradiotum on the central nervous depressive action were studied by the behaviroral pharmacological method. The roots of Bupleuri radix was extracted with distilled water for 8 hours. Effect of extracts were tested by spontaneous movement activity using photoelectric method, openfield method, sloped plate method, rotarrod method and extension of hypnosis time induced with sodium phenobarbital and pentobarbital sodium, and defense against convulsive action induced with strychnine, picrotoxine and electric shock seizure in mice and rats. Extracts was found to pharmacologically expect above various action similar to these of diazepam but action of samples weaker than that of diazepame. Extracts of Bupleurum longiradiotum was definitely superior to the Bupleurum extracts in the central nervousderpressive action.

      • 메로시아닌 LB막의 광 흡수 스펙트라 및 ESR 특성

        신훈규,권영수 東亞大學校 附設 情報通信硏究所 1996 情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.4 No.1

        The role of ESR spectroscopy in the characterization of functional LB films is discussed. Optical absorption were performed on LB films of binary mixtures of three kinds of merocyanine dyes where DS and 6Me-DS form J-like aggregates but not DO in single component films. The observed optical absorption spectra of mixed films were markedly dependent on the combination of dyes. We found the formation of J-aggregtes in a mixed merocyanine dyes containing a non J-aggregate forming dye DO, in a single component case. In structural studies, ESR is of particular important in the analysis of molecular orientation of LB films. Development of new functional LB films may provide more cases where ESR spectroscopy will clarify the nature of such films.

      • KCI등재

        목재가 선적된 선창에서 발생한 산소결핍에 의한 질식사

        김동훈,김기권,장태정,김정란,이구,김수근,임현술 大韓法醫學會 2001 대한법의학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Oxygen deficiency has been frequent in a clouted space. Wood consumes oxygen and discharges carbon dioxide Instead of photosynthesis in closed space without light, so do some microorganisms on the surface. We experienced a case that a healthy Insect-proofer fell down and died of asphyxia on stair-board at 7 m below the hatch of the cargo-hold shipping wood Analysis of gases in cargo-hold revealed O2; 12.3%, CO; 105 ppm, CH4; 2.7%, and H2S; 1.9% at 1 m below the hatch, and then O2; 6.1%, CO; 220 ppm, CH4; 2.9%, and H2S, 2.3 ppm at 2.5 m below the hatch. Autopsy findings were unremarkable. We justiced the cause of death asphyxia due to oxygen deficiency. As seen in this case, the serious oxygen deficiency was accounted for oxygen consumption by wood and microorganisms.

      • 초박막의 분자구 해석을 위한 Nanometer-Scale Dimension의 전기·광학 이미지 관찰

        신훈규,권영수 東亞大學校 附設 情報通信硏究所 1999 情報通信硏究所論文誌 Vol.7 No.1

        The scanning Maxwell-stress microscopy (SMM) is a dynamic noncontact elecric force microscopy that allows simultaneous access to the electrical properties of molecular system with the toporathy. The scanning near-field optical/atomic force microscopy (SNOPAM) is a new tool for surface imaging which was introduced as one application of the atomic force microscope (AFM). Here we report our recent results of its application to nanoscopic study of domain structures adn electrical functional in ultra-thin films prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique, sputtering and spin coating by SMM. Furthermore, we have illustrated the SMOAM image in obtaining the merocyanine dye thin films as well as the optical transmission image.

      • KCI등재

        디젤오염 지하수 정화를 위한 공기주입정화법 칼럼 실험

        장순웅,이시진,송정훈,권수열 한국환경과학회 2004 한국환경과학회지 Vol.13 No.12

        Bio sparging experiments were conducted in a laboratory column to investigate the potential removal of diesel contaminated groundwater. The objectives in this study were (a) to determine the extent of diesel degradation in laboratory columns under supplement of nutrient; (b) to determine the effect of variation of air flow in the removal of diesel and (c) to evaluate the potential enhancement of diesel degradation as a function of temperature. Our results showed that the nutrient supplement and higher air flow greatly enhanced diesel degradation. However, the variation of water temperature examined slightly increased degradation rate of diesel fuel.

      • Identification of a Functionally Relevant Signal Peptide of Mouse Ficolin A

        Kwon, Sang-Hoon,Kim, Min-Soo,Kim, Dong-Bum,Lee, Keun-Wook,Choi, Soo-Young,Park, Jin-Seu,Kim, Yeon-Hyang,Lee, Young-Hee,Kwon, Hyung-Joo Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biol 2007 Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Vol.40 No.4

        Mouse ficolin A is a plasma protein with lectin activity, and plays a role in host defense by binding carbohydrates, especially GlcNAc, on microorganisms. The ficolin A subunit consists of an N-terminal signal peptide, a collagen-like domain, and a C-terminal fibrinogen-like domain. In this study, we show that ficolin A can be synthesized and oligomerized in a cell and secreted into culture medium. We also identify a functionally relevant signal peptide of ficolin A by using MS/MS analysis to determine the N-terminal sequence of secreted ficolin A. When the signal peptide of mouse ficolin A was fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), EGFP was released into HEK 293 cell medium, suggesting that the signal peptide can efficiently direct ficolin A secretion. Moreover, our results suggest that the signal peptide of ficolin A has potential application for the production of useful secretory proteins.

      • Synthesis and electroluminescence of blue fluorescent diarylaminofluorene derivatives for organic light-emitting diodes.

        Kwon, Young Soo,Lee, Kum Hee,Young Kim, Gu,Seo, Ji Hoon,Kim, Young Kwan,Yoont, Seung Soo American Scientific Publishers 2009 Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Vol.9 No.12

        <P>A series of seven diarylaminofluorene-derived fluorescent molecules demonstrating a blue emission in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) were synthesized via the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction and the Suzuki-cross coupling reaction. Among the molecules, one device exhibited blue emission with a maximum luminance of 28900 cd/m2 at 12 V. A luminous efficiency of 11.5 cd/A at 20 mA/cm2 was achieved. The peak wavelength of the electroluminescence (EL) was 459.5 nm with the CIE coordinates of (x = 0.173, y = 0.281) at 8 V. The device also showed a stable color chromaticity at various voltages.</P>

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