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        저체중 또는 과체중 청소년에서 캠프 프로그램을 이용한 영양 교육효과에 관한 연구

        성미경,승정자,류화춘,박재년,박동연,최미경,조경옥,최선혜,이윤신,김유경,이은주 대한지역사회영양학회 2003 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        This study was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of a nutrition education program developed for nutritionally imbalanced adolescents. A summer nutrition camp was held for 23 overweight and 16 underweight subjects. Its effectiveness with regard to was evaluated at the end of the camp and 6 months later. Nutrition knowledge, nutritional attitude, food behavior, nutrient intake, exercise habit and ideal body figures desired by the subjects. The results showed significantly higher nutrition knowledge scores at the end of the camp as compared to those obtained prior to the camp program, and these scores were maintained for at least six months. Nutrition attitude scores also improved after the education program, and these improved scores also lasted for 6 months. However, the food behavior scores measured 6 months after the education program were not significantly different from those obtained prior to the camp. Also, the exercise habit, the ideal body figures and the body figures desired by the subjects remained unchanged. When nutrient intakes of subjects were assessed before the program and 6 months later, the mean daily vitamin C intake was significantly increased after the education program. Also, the intake of iron from plant food sources increased in the overweight subjects, while less iron from animal source were consumed by the underweight subjects. Both groups tended to consume more vegetables and fruits 6 months after the education program which may have contribute to the higher vitamin C and plant-based iron intakes. These results indicate that a 4-day nutrition education camp program sustained changes in nutrition knowledge and nutrition attitude for 6 months. The increased intake of vegetables and fruits was also achieved through this education program. However, changes in dietary behavior in adolescents may require repeated education.

      • 청소년의 스마트폰 중독과 우울 및 불안과의 관계

        김경은,김필송,민주연,박수경,신서인,이지은,정해인,조호정,최정원,최정인 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2013 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.47

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the degree of smart phone addiction among adolescents and their depression and anxiety levels. Method: In this study, 379 high school students were selected using the convenient sampling method. The instruments used for this study were smart phone addiction measure, the CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale), and the STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). Data were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 program with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA with Scheffe test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Result: The mean score for smart phone addiction was 40.45±17.27, depression was 36.56±9.58, state anxiety was 44.00±9.61, and trait anxiety was 45.70±9.75. There were significant differences between the degree of smart phone addiction and the following variables: gender (t=-4.953, p<.001), hours of smart phone use per day (F=12.259, p<.001), types of frequently used features (F=3.485, p=.008), and satisfaction level for smart phone (F=5.18, p<.001). There were statistically significant relationships (p<.001) among degree of smart phone addiction, depression level, and state and trait anxiety levels. Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that there was a significant relationship between smart phone addiction and mental health, specifically, depression and anxiety among adolescents. Further research is needed to develop nursing strategies to provide care for adolescents who frequently utilize smart phones.

      • 문화비교를 통한 제품디자인의 경향분석 : 유럽, 일본, 한국의 생활용품디자인의 형태, 색, 선을 중심으로

        정의철,이경휘,이흔주 경남대학교 기초과학연구소 2001 硏究論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        문화를 파는 시대의 도래'란 말처럼 기술이나 기능이 전 세계적으로 보편화되고 있는 가운데 디자인의 역할이 단순히 외관뿐 만 아닌 소비자의 감성이나 만족에 더 많은 비중을 두게 되었고, 특히 그 나라마다 혹은 지역마다의 고유한 문화적 특성을 배경으로 한 문화적 상품의 개발이야말로 디자인의 국제 경쟁력을 높이고 질을 높이는데 기여할 것이 분명해진다. 최근의 디자인이 문화 현상으로 인식되면서 자아 실현과 같은 지적 만족을 추구하는 소비 패턴으로 변하고 있으며 따라서 생활의 질적 향상 및 정신적 문화적 만족이 새로운 목표가 되고 있다. 즉, 세계화 시대에 국가 경쟁력을 갖추기 위하여는 새로운 기술 습득과 개발의 노력 못지 않게 자국의 독특한 감각으로 차별화를 꾀하고 그 나라의 역사와 문화성을 상품에 접목시켜 상품의 부가가치를 높이는 것이 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 각국의 문화 비교를 통하여 '이태리적 ' '일본적' '한국적'이라는 문화적 의미를 생활용품에 나타난 디자인으로부터 추출하여 나라마다의 독특한 형태, 선, 색채의 특성을 파악하고자 하였다. Nowadays, it is worldwide common sense to say the technology and function as the time to sell culture itself. Which means the people think of customer's emotion and satisfaction to be more important as well as product's appearance. Specially, it makes clear to quality up with excellent competition when people develope design of the products with unique background of its country. Currently, the consumer trend have been changed to Intellectual persuit and self-realization with the design to be cultural trend. And its new goal has passed for taking new technology and upgrade of life standard. Making valuable worth with unique culture and historical specification is quite important when we want to have good competition compared to other countries. So, we tried to find the color specification and unique line from the common design with using the Italian, Japanese, Korean original culture.

      • 밀양의 퇴계 학맥

        鄭景柱 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2002 退溪學과 韓國文化 Vol.- No.31

        밀양은 고려조 이래로 嶺南雄府로 불리면서 인재가 배출되어 대대로 끊이지 않았다. 고려 중엽 西河 林椿의 시에, "風存禮義鄕 多儒如蜀郡"이라 하였고, 또 "老儒久歎斯文喪 始喜名都禮義新"이라 하였으니 密陽의 禮義 풍속은 유래가 오랜 것이다. 朝鮮이 개국한 뒤로 松隱 朴翊, 春堂 下中良, 春亭 下季良, 格齊 孫肇瑞 등이 文學行誼로 알려졌고, 점필제선생 金宗直이 이곳에서 태어나 儒風을 크게 떨침에 迂拙齊 朴漢柱, 木溪 姜渾, 訥齊 朴增榮, 苔巒 안구, 勖齊 閔九齡 등의 문도가 배출되었다. 燕山 戊午에 이르러 점필제가 泉壤의 화를 당하고 이후 여러번 士禍를 겪으면서 學風이 크게 꺾이고 士氣가 위축되었다. 明宗 宣祖朝에 이르러 退溪先生과 南冥先生이 학풍을 진작하면서 밀양에서도 이를 좇아 흥기하는 자 적지 않았다. 鄒川 孫英濟, 聚遠堂 曺光益, 操庵 南弼文, 聞松 安守寬 등은 退陶門人이요, 松溪 申季誠, 玩龜亭 安嶸, 述庵 金希魯, 矩翁 金太乙 등은 南冥과 종유한 학자들이다. 兩賢이 세상을 떠난 후 密陽의 儒林은 대개 寒岡先生 鄭逑의 문하에 問學하였는데, 寒江의 學問淵源은 退溪로부터 왔기 때문에 密陽의 退陶學은 여기서 점차 융성해졌다. 孫鄒川은 密陽人이다. 學行으로 천거되어 訓導로서 여러 고을 생도를 교육하다가 明宗 때 文科에 올라 여러 벼슬을 거쳐 宣祖 2년 예안현감으로 부임하여 退陶先生에게 執贄하였다. 선생은 謙下하여 地主의 禮로 상대하였지만 추천은 끝내 弟子의 예를 잃지 않았고, 先生의 사후에 鄒川이 지은 祭文을 보면 그 嚮慕의 정성을 알 수 있다. 聚遠堂 曺光益은 昌寧人으로 그 조부 孝淵은 호가 韋齊인데 松齊의 이우의 딸에게 장가들었으므로 일찍부터 退溪先生의 문하에서 수학하여, 宣祖 때 文科 重試에 오르고 그 아우인 芝山 好益 또한 문과에 올라 學行으로 세상에 아려졌다. 退陶 당대에 密陽 사람으로 及門한 사람 중 이 두 분의 學問 文章이 비교적 드러난 편이다. 오한 孫起陽은 密城人으로 鄒川의 猶子이다. 文科에 올라 여러 관직을 역임하고 星州敎授로 재직하면서 寒岡 鄭逑의 門下에 執贄하였다. 光海朝에 조정의 관직을 사절하고 물러나 향리의 자제를 가르치는데 盡力하였는데 성취한 자가 많았다. 오한의 門下에 五休子 안공, 釣耕庵 蔣文益, 菊潭 朴壽春 등 제현이 일어나 寒岡 旅軒의 문하에 출입하였으므로 密陽 學者들은 이를 종주로 하여 퇴계학맥에 접한 이가 많았다. 孝宗 顯宗 肅宗朝의 密陽學者 중에는 미수 許穆과 葛庵 李玄逸의 문하에 따른 이가 많았고, 英正朝에 이르러서는 密庵과 大山을 좇아 嶺中의 退溪學 本旨를 구하는 이와, 星湖 順庵 등 近畿南人의 實事求是學을 따르는 이가 있었는데 대체로 양자를 내왕절충하였다. 朝鮮末의 密陽 儒者들은 定齊 柳致明을 따르는 이가 많았는데, 定齊 死後에 性齊 許傳이 김해부사로 부임하여 丈席을 펼치자 예전 寒岡淵源家의 자제들이 性齊의 문하에 가서 嶺學과 畿學의 양대 退溪學統의 諸論를 겸하여 배우는 자 많았고 成就한 자도 많았으므로, 이 때에 와서 密陽 儒學이 융성하여 자못 볼만하였다. 이것이 밀양 퇴계학맥의 개략이다. Mi-ryang, which was called as one of the greatest district in Youn-namhas, has raised many great talented men since Korea-Dynasty. After the foundation of Chosen-Dynasty, the custom of reading and learning in good manners continued for a long time. During that time Jumpilje Kim Jong-jik who was a distinguished literary man and the great Confucianist, adovcated a confucian moralist idea in this aera, therefore a great number of the disciple appears one after another. After the purge of confucian scholars in 1498, the Year of the Horse, the academic traditions in the Mi-ryang area had been discouraged. In the 15 century most of the students in the Mi-ryang area followed in the footsteps of Nammyong, the greatest confucianist in Kim-hae near Mi-ryang. The number of Toegye's followers was small, including Chu-chun Son Young-je, Chuywondang Cho Kwong-je, Jo-am Nam Pil-mun and so on. After Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, many of the students in the Mi-ryang area followed in the footsteps of Han-kang, the scholastic successor to Toegye school and Nammyong school. In the many of the younger generation the most influential scholar was Ohan Son Ki-yang who is nephew to Chu-chun Son Young-je, and one of the followers of Han-kang. Ohan educated good many students such as Ohuja An-Sin, Jokyungam Jang Mun-ik, Gukdam Pak Su-Chun etc. From that time the school of Toegye in Mi-ryang area became flourish to the last of Chosen Dynasty.

      • 미만성 경화 아형 갑상선 유두암 1예

        최정민,이송주,김부경,최영식,박요한,김정훈,허방 고신대학교 의과대학 2009 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.24 No.1

        The diffuse sclerosing variant (DSV) is a rare malignant tumour that accounts for 0.7-5.3% of all papillary thyroid cancers. DSV tends to occur at a younger age and has a higher incidence of cervical lymph node metastases, compared with papillary thyroid carcinoma. A 62-year-old female patient diagnosed thyroid nodule with diffuse and mild increased 18F-deoxy-glucose (FDG) on FDG positron emission tomography (PET)-computed tomogram (CT) scan. The ultrasound images showed typical findings of DSV such as diffusely enlarged thyroid lobes and diffusely scattered microcalcification. We performed this patient ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration and cytologic analysis revealed papillary carcinoma. Total thyroidectomy with central compartment node dissection and lateral lymph node dissection was performed and finally diagnosed DVS. The authors report this case with literature review.

      • KCI등재

        팽이버섯(Flammulina velutipes) 생산비 절감을 위한 폐배지 적정 혼합비율

        정경주 외 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        These experiments were conducted to find the optimum mixing rate of used media for saving the production cost of Flammulina velutipes. The materials for media formation was used needle-leaf tree sawdust, media that finished 1th cultivation of F. velutipes, corncob meal, and rice bran, wheat bran as nutrition source. We inoculated the F. velutipes in 14 kinds of different media types and checked the spawn growth speed, fruit body quality and quantity. Two nutrition agents, which is rice bran and wheat bran, did not affected the incubation period, but the effective stem number, quality and quantity of fruit body was better at rice bran than wheat bran. The quality of fruit body produced at mixed 20% of used media (needle-leaf tree sawdust 60% + used media 20% + rice bran 20%) was similar to control plot (needle-leaf tree sawdust 80% + rice bran 20%), but the yield was improved 10% than control plot 130g. According as the used-media mixing amount increases, quality and quantity of fruit body became low remarkably. Therefore, the optimum mixing amount of used-media was 20% and it increased 10% of fruitbody yield. 팽이버섯 생산비용을 절감하기 위하여 한번 사용한 배지의 적정 혼합비율을 구명하고자 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 팽이버섯 재배 배지재료로 미송톱밥, 1회 팽이버섯 재배에 사용한 톱밥, 콘코브 그리고 영양원으로 미강과 밀기울을 이용하여 14가지로 배지를 조성하여 균사배양기간, 자실체 수량과 품질을 조사하였다. 두 가지 영양원에 따라 배양기간은 큰 차이가 없었지만 유효경수, 자실체 수량과 품질은 밀기울보다 미강이 좋았다. 폐배지를 20% 혼합한 처리 즉 미송톱밥 60%+폐배지 20%+미강 20% 배지가 관행처리 미송톱밥 80%+미강 20% 배지와 품질은 비슷하며 수량은 142.2g 으로 관행의 130g 대비 10% 증수하였다. 그러나 폐배지 혼입량이 증가함에 따라 자실체의 품질과 수량이 현저하게 감소하였다. 따라서 폐배지의 적정 혼합량은 20%이며 수량도 10% 증가하였다.

      • KCI등재

        맛버섯(Pholiota nameko) 우량균주 선발 및 병 재배법

        정경주 외 한국버섯학회 2007 한국버섯학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        맛버섯의 우량균주를 선발하고 병재배에 적합한 환경조건과 재배기술을 찾고자 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 맛버섯 균사는 MCM배지와 Hamada배지에서 잘 자랐고,배지의 적정산도는 pH6~7이었다. 균사생육에 가장 적합한 온도는 25℃였으며, 15℃ 이하와 30℃ 이상의 조건에서는 균사생육이 현저하게 늦어졌다. 맛버섯 균주 29계통중 생산성이 좋은 계통은 JNM19007, JNM19026, JNM19027과 JNM19028이었다. 자실체 생산을 위하여가장 적합한 배지조성비는 미송톱밥 80%와 밀기울20%(V/V) 혼합배지로 1,100cc 병당 평균 188g의 자실체가 생산되었다. 최적 후배양기간은 50일 이었으며, 균긁기 후 7일 만에 발이 되었다. 발이유기동안 적정 온도는12℃이었고, 생육기에는 16℃였다. 맛버섯 전 재배기간동안 적합한 상대습도는 95%였다. These experiment was conducted to find the superior strain selection, cultivation technique and optimum environmental condition of nameko mushroom culture using plastic container. The results was following as Mycelium of Pholiota nameko grown well at MCM and Hamada media, and its media acidity was pH 6~7. The optimum temperature condition for growing mycelium was 25℃ . Under 15℃ and above 30℃ of temperature condition, mycelium growing speed was delayed remarkably. Among the 29 strains of nameko mushroom, the most productive strains was JNM19007, JNM19026, JNM19027 and JNM19028. The optimum media composition rate for produce fruitbody was pine sawdust 80% + wheat bran 20%. In this condition, the average fruitbody amount was 188g per 1,100cc container. The optimum post-culturing period was 50 days and mushroom sprout appeared 7 days after old mycelia removed. The suitable temperature was 12℃ for induce sprout, growing period was 16℃ and the optimum relative humidity was 95% in all culturing periods.

      • 정상과 만성염증성 활막배양세포에서 Corticotropin releasing hormone(CRH)이 cyclooxygenaase-1(COX-1)과 cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2) mRNA발현에 미치는 영향

        정운원,이승관,이창규,조경진,김성욱,하주희,서장훈 高麗大學校 倂設 保健大學 保健科學硏究所 2000 保健科學論集 Vol.26 No.1

        Corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH) is a major regulator of the hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis(HPA). In inflammatory stress, the cytokines TNF-, IL-6 stimulate the production of CRH, a 41 amino acids neuropeptide, in the hypothalamus. The release of CRH leads to pituitary production of adrenocorticotropic hormone, followed by glucocorticoid secretion by the adrenal cortex. Glucocorticoids suppress namy components of the inflammatory process. Recently, CRH and CRH receptor were reported to be located in the periphery such as Immune system and chronic inflammatory sites as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Cyclooxygenase consisted of two isoforms, COX-1 and COX-2, converts arachdonate to prostaglandins(PGs) which are important mediators of inflammation. insymoviocyte in RA, it was described that COX-2 mRNA was markedly increased by inflammatory agents, PMA or IL-1 and COX-1 transcripts were not modulated. We examined the modulation of COX by immune CRH in cultured normal and rheumatoid synoviocytes. Our results were shown that COX-1 mRNA expression decreased with the each stimulation of PMA and IL-1 in normal synoviocyte. In RA synoviocyte, PMA and IL-1 were increased mRNA expression of COX-1. In simultaneous treatment with CRH, PMA group was decreased, but IL-1 group was increased mRNA expression of COX-1. COX-2 mRNA expression was slightly increased by the treatment with PMA and highly increased by IL-1. After CRH treatment, PMA and IL-1 addictively increased COX-2 mRNA expression. We think that these results are contributed to the influence of increased cANP by CRH on the promoter of COX-2 in normal and synoviocytes. Because many cytokines, neuropeptides, and signal transduction pathways are involved in chronic inflammation, the exact role of CRH on inflammation is not fully elucidated. To achieve this goal, further experiments are needed.

      • 최근 9년간 신경정신과에 입원한 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰(1972∼1980년)

        이정호,안일남,오석환,정영조,최영민,원장섭,김영훈,하혜경,이승탁,이영주 인제대학교 1983 仁濟醫學 Vol.4 No.2

        정신질환 환자들에 대한 정확한 생태를 파악함은 정신 건강과 치료 대책을 세우는데 중요하다. 이에 본 저자들은 1972년부터 1980떤 사이에 인제의대 부속 서울백병원 신경정신과에 입원하여 치료 받았던 환자들에 대한 제반 요인들을 분석 검토하였다. Clinical charactristics of neuropsychiatric inpatients were evaluated and discussed with special referrence to their diagnostic distribution. All discharged cases from neuropsychatric ward of Seoul Paik Hospital during nine years from 1972 to 1980 were 2863. Among them 813 cases were discarded from this study because their clinical charts were vague in description of failed to find out. The materials of this study were extracted from 2050 discharged cases. Total number of cases of inpatients were gradually increasing by each year from 1972 to 1980. Psychoneurosis was diagnosed in 45.2%, schizophrenia in 26.9%, organic brain syndrome in 8.9%, major affective disorder in 5.5%, personality disorder in 4.8%, other psychiatric disorder in 1.5%, psychophysiologic disorder in 1.0%, mental retardation in 0.5%, paranoid state in 0.5%, and other psychosis in 0.3%. The gruop of patients, ranging in age from 21 to 40 was the highest (75.2%) in this study. Male patients were 43.9% and female patients were 56.1%. Schizophrenia leas diagnosed in 32.9%, depressive neurosis in II.3%, anxiety neurosis in 9.3%, and personality disorder in 8.1% in male patients. Hysterical neurosis was diagnosed in 25.5%, depressive neurosis in 22.2%, schizophrenia in 22.2%, and anxiety neurosis in 7.0% in female patients. The authors evaluated the route of admission of patients. Sixty-eight point three percent of total studied cases were admitted through outpatient department, 20.9% of cases were admitted through emergeney room, and 8.2% of cases were transfered from other department or hospital. Among patients who were admitted to psychiatric wards through emergency room and transferred from other department or hospital, psychoneurosis was the hightest diagnostic group in rate. Most of patients who were transferred from other department or hospital were from Internal Medical Department. There were no relationship between seasonality of admission and diagnostic group in this study. readmission rate of total studied patients in neuropsychiatric department of Seoul Paik Hospital was 30%. The readmission rate of personality disorder, mental retardation, schizophrenia, and major affective disorder were relatively high. The cases who were discharged against medical advice were 441. Among them misunderstanding about psychiatric treatment was predominent. Twenty seven percent of patients had physical illness at or during admission. The patients who were diagnosd as psychophysiological disorder had physical illness in 42.8%, 35.4% in personality disorder, 33.9% in major affective disorder, and 24.3% in schizophrenia. About nine percent of total studied cases had the history of attempted suicide. Major affective disorder, Personality disorder, Deressive neurosis, and Other Psychosis showed high incidence of history of attempted suicide prior to admission.

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