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        2009년 인플루엔자 대유행 중 인플루엔자 진료소 방문자의 연령 분포 변화

        김백남,곽이경,문치숙,김연숙,김의석,배인규,염준섭,이창섭,허지안 대한감염학회 2010 감염과 화학요법 Vol.42 No.2

        The pandemic influenza (H1N1 2009) virus, after being introduced in Korea in April, 2009, spread rapidly nationwide in mid-2009. This study was conducted to characterize trend in age distribution of visitors to Flu-clinics during the pandemic. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data of visitors to flu clinic from Week 36 to 52 (August 30 to December 26) of 2009 were retrieved and collected from electronic databases at 9 hospitals. Visitors 0-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-29, 30-64, and 65 years or more of age were classified into group I to VI, respectively. A total of 107,467 visitors were seen at Flu-clinics for a 17-week study period. Of those, 32,485 were laboratory-confirmed. Antivirals were prescribed for 62,533 visitors. Numbers of visits, prescriptions of antivirals, and laboratory-confirmed cases of the pandemic influenza (H1N1 2009) peaked at Week 44. A large number of visits by group II and III were followed by those of group I and V, especially around the peak. Numbers of visits by group VI were lowest in all hospitals. In some hospitals, higher number of visits lasted longer in children than in adults while vice versa in other hospitals depending on the location. In summary, the pandemic influenza (H1N1 2009) was presumed to peak in late October and involved majorly children and students in Korea. Unique age distribution of visitors to flu clinic was observed in some hospitals.

      • 농업기술혁신의 경제성 평가와 관리체계

        박종섭,안인찬 충북대학교 연초연구소 2004 煙草硏究 Vol.19 No.-

        This study originated from an issue that technological innovation is an important factor in modern agriculture and it should be controlled systematically by government and farms. The objective of this study is to find out the methods of economic evaluation and management system of technological innovation in agriculture. Technological progress in agriculture improves the agricultural production function. For any given amount of inputs, we get more output than we did in the past farming. Modern theories of endogenous growth attempt to explain the rate of technological progress, which the Solow model takes as exogenous. These models try to explain the decisions that determine the creation of knowledge through research and development. The growth of agricultural income per farm is determined by the rate of technological progress. Because technological innovation in modernized agriculture is very important factors increasing the revenue and reducing the production cost. The difference between production functions is due to a difference of technique in how the inputs are used in producing the output. A farmer will not adapt a change in technology unless he expects that the adaption will lead to a reduction in per unit costs at the output at which he expects to operate. Since most innovations involve additional expenditures, total costs are likely to be increased at lower levels of output as a result of technological changes. Nevertheless, in order to increase the agricultural production and the levels of living it is necessary to develope and adapt technological improvements in agriculture. The major problem in agricultural technological innovation is to evaluate the economic value of new technology adapted by farmers in agricultural accounting system and to prepare the technological management system to develope better technology. Farms should reflect the economic value of technological changes through financial analysis in agricultural accounting system. Because an essential activity in financial management of agriculture is the development of a timely technological information system that provides a means for the decision maker as a farm operator to measure, evaluate, control, and improve the financial performance of the farm business. The government should develope the education of the skilled technical hands, R&D investment, the accumulation and risk management of agricultural technological information, and the development and spread of agricultural technology. We can expect the principal role of local agricultural college in technological management system of agriculture by the decentralization of agricultural extension function.

      • 특수학교(급)고등부 졸업생의 진로실태 및 진로 지원체제 구축방안 : Future Directions and Practices for Developing a Comprehensive Career Support System in Special Education School

        정희섭,김현진,김형일,정동영,정인숙 국립특수교육원 2005 연구보고서 Vol.- No.11

        이 연구는 장애인 삶의 질을 보다 확충하는 차원에서 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생의 진로 실태를 분석하고, 그 결과를 기반으로 현실여건에서 최상의 진로 지원체제 구축방안을 마련 하는데 목적을 두고 수행되었다. 이 연구는 목적의 달성을 위해 문헌고찰을 통해서 진로실태 분석모형을 개발하고 진로 지원체제 구축을 위한 요인을 발굴한 이후, 최근 5년간 전국 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생을 대상으로 전반의 진로실태를 조사?분석하고, 문헌분석 및 실태조사를 통해서 도출된 결과를 중심으로 학교와 지역이 연계된 진로 지원체제 구축 방안을 제시하였다. 먼저, 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생의 진로 실태에 대한 조사 결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생 진로실태 조사는 전국 120개 특수학교(고등부 과정 설치 특수학교), 161개 고등부 특수학급 총281개 학교의 2001년도부터 2005년도까지 5년간 졸업생 1,334명을 조사대상으로 하였다. 이들 조사대상 1,334명은 행정공문으로 각 학교별 졸업생 명부를 통하여 추출된 것으로, 실제 5년간 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생의 11.1%에 해당된다. 실태조사는 1차로 우편을 통한 설문지 발송과 회수를 통해서 이루어졌고, 2차로 본원의 현장연구위원 교사 176명이 소속 지역교육청의 졸업생을 직접 방문하여 설문 및 면담 조사실시하는 방법을 통해 이루어졌다. 조사결과에 의하면, 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생의 35.2%가 직장을 가진 취업자이고, 64.8%가 직장을 가지지 않은 미취업자(가정거주, 시설거주, 자영업, 대학진학포함)로 조사되었다. 장애영역별 학교 졸업생의 진로 실태를 취업률 중심으로 제시하면, 시각장애학교 졸업생 36.8%, 청각장애학교 졸업생 45.4%, 지체부자유학교 졸업생 35.1%, 정신지체 및 정서장애학교 졸업생 31.7%, 특수학급 졸업생 39.5%로 나타났다. 한편, 졸업생의 연도별 추이를 취업률 중심으로 제시하면, 2001년도 졸업생 45.3%, 2002년도 졸업생 32.8%, 2003년도 졸업생 32.2%, 2004년도 졸업생 31.3%, 2005년도 졸업생 33.8%로 나타났다. 최근 5년간 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생의 진로실태 전반에서, 미취업자는 가족과 함께 생활하지 않은 장애성인이 많고, 학교 졸업이후 무직상태가 지속되고, 직장생활을 원하지만 특별한 지원을 받지 못하고 있으며, 전반적인 생활만족도가 낮은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 한편, 취업자의 경우, 직장생활을 하고 있는 그 자체의 만족도를 제외하고는 고용상황 전반이 열악하고, 직장의 직무수행에 다소의 어려움을 느끼고 있고, 직장의 이직률이 높지만 적절한 지원을 받고 있지 못하며, 직장의 적응 · 유지를 위한 직업훈련을 받지 못한 경우가 많고, 현 수준보다 높은 임금을 지급하는 안정된 직장에 대한 요구가 많은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 또한 직장 생활의 직무수행 효율화를 위하여 장애인식 개선 혹은 장애인편의시설 확충에 대한 요구가 많은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이와 같은 연구의 결과를 토대로 진로 지원체제 구축을 방안을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 특수학교(급) 고등부 졸업생의 진로 지원체제 구축 방안은 진로교육 대상자의 ‘개별성’과 진로발달 단계의 ‘연속성’을 보장하고, 진로 관련 기관간의 ‘협력성’을 강조하는 진로 지원체제의 구축이 필요하다는 방향성을 설정하고, 다음과 같은 구체적인 방안이 필요하다고 보았다. 첫째, 학령기 특수교육 대상학생의 직업 · 진로교육 실시를 위한 기반을 조성하여야 한다. 특수교육 진로관련 다양한 용어들을 정비하고, 직업 · 진로 관련 법규의 수정 및 보완이 이루어져야 하며, 개별화교육계획(IEP)에 개별화전환계획(ITP)이 포함되도록 하는 법규의 재정이 필요하다. 이를 통해서 단위 특수학교(급)에서 진로교육이 시스템적으로 실천되도록 하는 토대를 마련하여야 한다. 둘째, 현행 특수교육 직업 및 진로 관련 교육과정의 현실화가 이루어져야 한다. 현행 제7차 특수학교 교육과정 기본교육과정의 ‘직업교과’ 교육실시 시기를 앞당기고, 선택중심 교육과정 ‘전문선택’의 이수 범위를 확대할 필요가 있으며, 이를 통해서 현실성 있고 실제적인 단위 학교의 직업 및 진로교육 교육과정 운영이 이루어지도록 해야 한다. 한편, 특수학급 재학생들의 직업 및 진로교육을 효율적으로 실천하기 위한 근거를 국가수준 교육과정 문서에 마련하고, 다양한 교과에 산재된 진로관련 내용을 지도할 수 있도록 교사용 지도서를 제작 · 배부하여 활용토록 해야 한다. 셋째, 특수교육 대상학생을 위한 진로교육 방법의 개선이 이루어져야 하다. 직업 · 진로교육을 위한 일관성 있는 모형을 마련하여 적용하여야 하며, 진로교육의 효율적인 실시를 위하여 평가체제 및 평가주체를 명확히 확립하고, 직업 · 진로교육의 효율적인 실시를 위하여 전문 인력을 양성하여 배치하여야 한다. 또한, 특수교육 대상학생을 위한 직업 및 진로교육은 현장친화적인 교수-학습이 이루어지도록 하는 방법상의 변화를 모색해야 하며, 현장을 중심으로 하는 다양한 진로교육 모델을 개발하여 개별학생들의 요구와 필요가 충족되도록 하여야 한다. 넷째, 특수교육 대상학생의 졸업 시 진로선택의 역량 및 지원의 강화가 이루어져야 한다. 특수교육 대상학생의 자기결정 능력을 지속적으로 향상시키고, 이를 통해서 자신의 진로를 선택하고, 선택한 진로를 유지 · 발전시킬 수 있도록 그 역량을 강화해야 한다. 또한 특수교육 대상학생의 가족이 학교의 진로교육, 지역의 진로지원을 위한 프로그램의 계획 · 실행 · 평가 전반의 과정에 효율적인 참여가 이루어지도록 지원해야 한다. 한편, 학교와 지역의 직업 · 진로관련 기관 및 인사 간을 연계하는 가칭 ‘연계 및 협력 조력자’를 양성하여 활용토록 해야 한다. 다섯째, 장애성인의 지역사회에서의 효율적인 진로 지원을 위하여 다양한 지원 프로그램이 마련되어야 한다. 특수학교(급) 고등부를 졸업한 대학진학자와 미취업자는 항시 취업대기자이기 때문에 이들을 위한 대학 당국과 평생교육기관에서의 진로 지원을 위한 다양한 프로그램을 마련하여야 한다. 또한 특수학교(급) 고등부를 졸업한 취업자를 위해서는 직업 적응 및 유지, 직업 이동을 위한 준비 프로그램, 인턴 프로그램, 사후관리 프로그램을 마련하여 지원이 이루어지도록 해야 한다. 또한 국가는 범정부 차원의 특수교육 대상학생 직업 및 진로 촉진을 위한 추진 기구를 구성하여 운영하고, 장애학생 및 장애성인의 취업활성화를 위한 정책적 지원 기구와 방안을 강구하여야 한다. 이상에서와 같이, 특수교육 대상학생의 진로교육 및 진로지원은 그들의 삶의 질 향상에 목표를 두고, 진로 대상자의 개별성과 진로발달 단계의 연속성, 관련 기관간의 연계성을 기반으로 하는 학령기, 졸업시점, 학령기 이후가 통합된 적절한 지원체제를 마련해야 한다. 이와 같은 진로 지원체제가 현실성을 가지고 효율적으로 작동하게 된다면, 대부분의 일반인이 그렇듯 장애인도 직업을 가지고, 일과 노동의 댓가로 보수를 받으며, 받은 보수로서 세금을 납부 하면서 국가와 사회에 기여하고, 가정을 유지하면서 자신의 만족감을 가지며 살아가는 데 기여하게 될 것이다. The purpose of this study was to suggest the future directions and practices for developing a comprehensive career support system in special education school, based on the analysis of the actual career status of the high school graduates with disabilities in Korea. The research was conducted in several ways. First, by reviewing the related research and the literature, the analytical frame for the actual career status was developed and the considerable factors for the development of a comprehensive career support system were identified. Second, the nation-wide survey was conducted to overview and to analyze the actual career status of the students who graduated special education high schools over the last 5 years. Third, based on the literature review and the results of the survey analysis, the future directions and best practices for the comprehensive career support system were suggested. First, the nation-wide survey was conducted in the following. The subjects were 1,334 high school graduates from both 120 nation-wide special education schools (these schools include the course of high school) and 161 special education classes among 281 general education high schools from 2001 to 2005. The subjects were identified through the school graduate lists. And they were 11.1% of the total graduates both from special education schools and special education classes over the last 5 years. The first preliminary survey was conducted by mailing the questionnaires in returning envelops. The second survey was conducted by the 176 teachers who served as research committee members of the KISE. The teachers conducted in-depth surveys and interviews by calling on the graduates who belonged to their local school districts. The survey results showed that 35.2% of the graduates were employed and 64.8% were unemployed (staying at home, living in the facilities for people with disabilities, self-employed, and attending college or universities). The survey results according to the schools classified by the disabilities indicated the following employment rate; 36.8% of the graduates from the school for the visual impairments, 45.4% of the graduates from the school for the hearing impairments, 35.1% of the graduates from the school for the physical disabilities, 31.7% of the graduates from the school for the mental retardation and emotional disorders, and 39.5% of the graduates from the special education classes. On the other hand, the employment rate were different by the year; 45.3% of the graduates in 2001, 32.8% in 2002, 32.2% in 2003, 31.3% in 2004, and 33.8% in 2005. In general, the actual career status of the high school graduates with disabilities over the last 5 years were identified for the unemployed graduates; a) many unemployed graduates did not live with their family; b) the status of unemployment went on after high school graduation; c) most unemployed graduates wanted to have occupations, but there were little support for employment, such as vocational education programs; and d) their overall level of satisfaction in life was low. Meanwhile, the employed graduates also indicated that their employment condition was poor, except the fact that they had some satisfaction for them to have jobs. The actual career status for the employed graduates were identified in the following; a) their overall employment condition was poor; b) they felt some difficulties for carrying out their jobs; c) a change of occupation rates were high without proper support, d) there were little job training for adapting a new workplace and for maintaining their current jobs; d) there were high expectations for stable jobs with better wages than their current jobs; and e) they also requested for improving the convenient facilities for the people with disabilities and for increasing the understanding and the awareness of people with disabilities for their work efficiency. Based on these findings of the high school graduates with disabilities, the future directions and practices for developing a comprehensive career support system in special education school are suggested; a) the individualities of each student with disabilities and the continuity of career development are ensured, and b) the collaboration among schools, the community resources, and the employment agencies are emphasized. Therefore, it is necessary to draw a concrete plan in the following. First, the foundation of vocational education and career services should be established firmly for the students with disabilities in school. It is necessary to compile the glossary for the vocational education, career services, and transition in special education. It is also required to amend and make laws related to vocational education and career services, and to mandate the TP(Individual Transition Plan) to be included in the IEP(Individualized Education Program). Through these laws and policies, a firm basis for the systematic vocational education should be implemented. Second, the present vocational education and career related curriculum should be actualized. The 'vocational course' of the 7th Special Education Curriculum should be taught earlier, the 'specific elective courses' from the choice-based basic curriculum should be expanded in order to implement the school-based vocational career education curriculum practically and realistically. At the same time, these suggestions should be mandated by the national curriculum. And the teacher's manual should be prepared and distributed for teachers to effectively guide students for their vocation and career preparation. Third, the vocational education teaching strategies for students with disabilities should be improved. The consistent model for the vocational and career education as well as the effective assessment system should be developed and implemented. And for the effective implementation of the vocational and career education, the professionals should be trained and be placed in school. Moreover, the model for the vocational and career education for students with disabilities should utilize the field-based teaching and learning strategies. Especially, the field-based model needs to be diverse in order to meet the individual students' needs. Fourth, it is essential to strengthen the ability and to support the career choices of students at the time of graduation. It is necessary to continually make better for their self-decision ability. Through their self-decision ability, they can make their career choices and strengthen the ability to keep and develop their chosen careers. In addition, the families of students with disability should be supported in order to participate effectively in vocational and career education in schools and the whole process of planning, implementation, and the assessment for the career support within the community. Therefore, the 'transition coordinator', who can make connections and cooperations among schools, community resources, and the employment agencies, should be trained and utilized. Fifth, a variety of supportive programs for adults with disabilities must be provided in order to ensure the effective career supports in the communities. Since the students who went to college or universities after graduating special education high schools(classes) and the unemployed high school graduates are potential employees, the university authorities and the continuing education agencies must have a variety of supportive programs for them. Besides, it is essential to have specific programs for a job adaptation and sustainment, job preparation program for a career change, various internship programs, and the follow-up programs. In addition, the government should have the special organization for promoting the employment of the students with disabilities and adults with disabilities as well. In conclusion, the purpose of the vocational and career education for the students with disabilities should be the improvement of their quality of life. Therefore, based on the individuality of each student with disabilities, the continuity of career development stages, and the inter-agency collaboration, the comprehensive career support system should be integrated throughout the schools years, at the time of graduation, and after the graduation. If the suggested comprehensive career support system are to be implemented effectively within each school and each classroom, the people with disabilities will have occupations, get paid for the work they do, pay the taxes, have families, and contribute to the community and the nation with a feeling of great satisfaction, just as the most people without disabilities do.

      • 春蘭과 寒蘭의 花盆裁培에 있어 근권온도가 생육에 미치는 영향

        이훙우,소인섭 제주대학교 아열대농업연구소 2000 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        This experiments were conducted to examine the growth response as resulted by differences of root zone area temperature with varied pots on the Cymbidium kanran and C. virescens during hot season(Jun.∼Sep.). Whereas Root zone temperature in plastic pot by 1.3mm thickness were more sensitive at areal temperature, the range of areal to root zone temperature were changed slowly in clay pot by 6.0 mm thickness. The root zone temperature in 3 kinds pot be tested were changed a little in areal temperature at the 25℃ below, otherwise the higher the areal temperature increased, the more the difference of root zone temperature among 3 kinds pot changed in 3 kinds pot changed. In the growth of Cymbidium virescens cultivated in plastic pot, there was a excessive growth of roots, while the growth of shoots was so poor that sixty percent of seedlings were killed. The growth of roots was reduced in clay pot compare with plastic pot, that showed a good balance between top to root. In this case, the only ten percent of seedlings were killed. The different type among the 3 kinds pot did not show the growth of shoots in Cymbidium kanran, but the growth in clay pot was good relatively. In the growth of roots cultivated in plastic and raxo pot, the number of roots was a little but the length of them was long. In clay pot, there was a large number of roots, but the length of them was short, which had effect on a good T/R ratio.

      • 오차드그래스(Dactylis glomerata L.)의 품종에 따른 종자유래의 캘러스 형성률과, 캘러스 크기 및 식물체 재분화 효율의 비교

        배은경,이인애,김기용,이병현,손대영,이효신,정민섭,조진기 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research 2002 Plant molecular biology and biotechnology research Vol.2002 No.-

        Comparison results of callus formation ratio from seed explants, callus sizes, regeneration ratios from callus and regeneration efficiency [calculated by following formular; callus formation ratio(%) × regeneration ratio(%)/100]for 27 ochardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.)varieties imported and Hapsung 2 developed in Korea are as follows; 1. Among ochardgrass varieties showing more than 50% callus formation ratios, the descending order of callus formation ratio after bedding the seed explants for 4 weeks was 93>Sparta>Pizza>Condor>Lidaglo>Glorus>Hapsung2>Frode. 2. The callus sizes after bedding for 4 weeks were in the range of φ 0.43cm~4.2cm in which there was 10 times size difference between the largest one and the smallest one but most of them were between φ2.5cm~4cm. 3. The regeneration ratio from callus among varieties were in the range of 0~36% and descending order of the upper 6 varieties was Plano>Akimidori>Justus>Lidacta>Currie>Hall mark. 4. The regeneration efficiency which is calculated by the ratios of regeneration from seed explant numbers was between 0 to 17.4% among which Justus showed the highest value in the 4-week treatment. 5. The correlation between callus formation ratios and the callus sizes, callus formation ratios and regeneration efficiency, and callus sizes and regeneration efficiency were r=0.5765, r=0.6365 and r=0.6246, respectively in 4-week callus and all the correlations were significant on the 1% level. 6. In 6-week callus, the descending order callus formation ratios from seed sxplants for the best 6 varieties was Condor>Sparta>93M>Justus>Potomac>Lidaglo>Frode. 7. The callus sizes formed were between φ1.5~5.7cm in which Sparta, the largest one of φ5.7cm was five times larger than the smallest one. The callus size of the control variety. Hapsung 2 was φ3.8cm, which belonged to larger size. 8. Regeneration ratio showed a great deviation among varieties from 6-week old calli by showing from 0% to 100% in which all the calli were regenerated in Plano while no callus was regenerated in Juno, 9. The range of regeneration effciency was between 0~28% among varieties in which the values from 6-week callus treatment were larger than those from 4-week callus treatment. Especially, the value of Potomac in 6-week was 3 times larger than that in 4-week. 10. The correlation between callus formation ratios and the callus sizes, callus formation ratios and regeneration efficiency, and callus sizes and regeneration effciency were r=0.8369, r=0.6683 and r=0.5937, respectively in 6-week callus, and all the correlations were significant on the 1% level.


        Nelumbinis Semen Reverses a Decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$Receptor Binding Induced by Chronic Mild Stress, a Depression-like Symptom

        Jang, Choon-Gon,Kang, Moon-Kyu,Cho, Jae-Han,Lee, Sun-Bok,Kim, Hyun-Taek,Park, Soon-Kwon,Lee, Jin-Woo,Park, Seong-Kyu,Hong, Moo-Chang,Shin, Min-Kyu,Shim, In-Sup,Bae , Hyun-Su The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 2004 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.27 No.10

        Depression is associated with a dysfunctional serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) system. More recently, several lines of evidence suggest that an important factor in the development of depression may be a deficit in the function and expression of $5-HT_{1A}$ receptors. The present study assessed if Nelumbinis Semen (N. s.) had an anti-depression effect through reversing a decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding in rats with depression-like symptoms induced by chronic mild stress. Using a $5-HT_{1A}$ receptor binding assay, with a specific $5-HT_{1A}$receptor agonist, 8- OH-DPAT (8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin), the mechanism of the anti-depression effect of N. s. on rats was investigated, and the effects compared with two well-known antidepressants, Hyperium Perforatum (St. Johns Wort) and fluoxetine (Prozac). Animals were divided into five groups: the normal (N) group without chronic mild stress (CMS), the control (C) group under CMS for 8 weeks, the Nelumbinis Semen (N. s.) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks, the Hyperium Perforatum (H. p.) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks and finally, the fluoxetine (F) treatment group under CMS for 8 weeks. Each treatment was administered to rats during the last 4 weeks of the 8-week CMS. A sucrose intake test was performed to test the anti-depression effect of N. s. The N. s. treatment significantly reversed the decreased sucrose intake under CMS (P<0.05 compared to control group under CMS). In the CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus, both N. s. and H. p. reversed the CMS-induced decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding. In the I to II regions of the frontal cortex, N. s. and H. p. also reversed the CMS-induced decrease in$5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding, and even showed a significant increase in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding compared to the F treatment group (N. s. vs. P, p<0.05, H. p. vs. P, p<0.05). However, in the hypothalamus, all treatments reversed the CMSinduced decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding. This reversal effect of N. s. on the decrease in $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding in the frontal cortex, hippocampus and hypothalamus of rat brains was very similar to that of H. p, but different from that of F. It is concluded that N. s. presents an anti-depression effect through enhancing $5-HT_{1A}$receptor binding.

      • 자란,풍란 및 나도풍란의 기내 종자발아에 관한 연구

        김형근,강훈,소인섭 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1999 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        우리나라 자생란인 자란의 기내파종시 적절한 소독방법과 적정배지 및 순화시 생존율을 높이기 위할 목적으로 uniconazole를 처리하고, 풍란과 나도풍란의 기내파종시 발아율을 높이기 위해 천연사과쥬스를 처리한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 자란의 기내파종시 종자를 Wilson 용액으로 소독하여 MS 혹은 Hyponex 3g/L 기본배지에 peptone 4g/L 배지에 파종하였을 때 발아와 생장이 가장 좋았다. 2. 기내 파종후 자란의 생장을 억제하기 위하여 uniconazole을 처리한 결과 활성탄 2g/L와 uniconazole 0.01mg/L를 첨가한 처리에서 초장이 넓은 타원형으로 알맞게 억제되었고, 활성탄이 첨가되면 uniconazole 이 활성탄에 흡수되어 억제효과가 다소 적어 활성탄을 첨가하지 않은 처리는 첨가한 처리보다 심하게 억제되었다. 3. 풍란의 기내파종시 Hyponex 3g/L 배지에서는 발아 후 생장이 전혀 이루어 지지 않았고 MS배지에서는 발아만 하였으나, Hyponex 3g/L에 천연 100% 사과쥬스를 첨가한 처리에서는 pH에 관계없이 전처리에서 발아하여 NAA 1mg/L에 활성탄을 첨가한 처리에서 발아와 생장이 가장 좋았다. 4. 나도풍란의 종자 발아와 생육에 대한 배지의 적용성은 풍란의 경우와 유사한 경향을 보여주었다. pH 5.8에 활성탄을 첨가하지 않고 NAA를 1mg/L 첨가한 처리만 발아 후 생장을 하였다. 발아와 생장이 잘된 배지는 Hyponex 3g/L에 천연 사과 주스 100ml/L를 첨가한 처리였으며 PH와 활성탄 및 NAA의 첨가에 관계없이 발아와 생장이 왕성했다. In order to find proper media, accurate sterilizing method and further growth on in vitro-seeding of Bletilla striata, korean native orchid, the uniconazole were treated. And the Neofinetia falcata and Aerides japonicum were treated with natural apple juice to improve germination ratio in vitro-seeding. The results obtained were as follows : 1. Germination and growth of Bletilla striata were the highest in case of seeding to MS or Hyponex 3g/L + peptone 4g/L media after sterilized them by Wilson's solution. 2. The results to promote growth of Bletilla striata after in vitro-seeding were that leaf shape was properly restrained widely ellipse in treated with 2g/L activated charcoal and 0.01mg/L uniconazole, and the treatment of uniconazole was more restrained than the treatment of activated charcoal. 3. In vitro-seeding of Neofinetia falcata, growth after germination was not affected in Hyponex 3g/L media and a little growth is shown in MS media. But in treatment which apple juice 100 ml/L was treated with Hyponex 3g/L, sprouting is shown in every treatments regardless of pH, and the total growth of seedlings is the best in the treatment of activated charcoal 2g/L and NAA 1mg/L. 4. In case of seeding of Aerides japonicum, germination rate and growth were similar trend to Neofinetia falcata. In every treatments of MS media, germination is a little bit, but further growth after germination was shown in treatment which treated NAA 1mg/L and pH 5.8 without activated charcoal. The best germination and growth media for 2 examined seeds were the treatment which apple juice 100 ml/L was treated with Hyponex 3g/L, but there was no effect on pH level, activated charcoal and NAA.

      • 濟州道 菜蔬·花卉園藝의 生産實態, 育成方案 및 流通構造改善에 관한 硏究

        李宗錫,吳現道,蘇寅燮,張田益,姜志勇 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1986 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        濟州道의 施設을 理用한 菜蔬類와 球根切花類 및 洋蘭類의 재배실태를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같이 要約할 수 있다. 1. 作目이 토마토와 오이에 編重되어 있어 딸기等을 첨가하여 作目이 多樣化하여야 할 것으로 思料되었다. 2. 施設內의 土壤管理에 대한 認識이 不足하며, 均衡施肥가 施行되지 않고 있었고 土壤酸度도 矯正해야 할 농가가 많았다. 3. Mg이 缺乏된 施設이 대부분이므로 이의 是正이 時急한 課題였다. 4. 施設內 土壤에서 鹽類集積의 被害가 우려되는 곳은 거의 없었으나 裁培年限이 5年以上된 施設에서는 土壤改良이 이뤄저야 할 것으로 思料되었다. 5. 作付體係를 改善해서 年 2期作 體係가 確立되어야 겠으며 施設管利技術이 普及, 育苗技術의 改善 및 共同育苗를 施行해서 健全苗의 養成이 重要課題였다. 6. 濟州道內에서 産業的으로 栽培되고 있는 蘭類 中에서 熱帶産 Cymbidium類가 全體 洋蘭 栽培量의 67.8%로 가장 많았는데 그 中에서도 Eiko, sharnell-5, Kenny가 數的으로 많았다. 7. 溫帶産蘭(東洋蘭)類 中에서는 새우난초類가 數的으로 가장 많았고, 나도풍난, Dendrobrum moniliforme, Cymbidium 風蘭의 順位이었으며, 自生寒蘭은 대 40,396촉이 栽培되고 있었다. 8. 供試 5種의 球根類들은 virus 감염이 甚하여 全量이 virus 無病株로 대체되어야 할 것으로 판단되었다. 9. 서귀포지역의 土壤은 害蟲이 많이 分布하여 球根切花栽培에 큰 위협조건으로 나타났으며 앞으로 도양소독에 대하여 보다 집약적이고 효율적인 方法이 개발되어야 하겠다. 10. 한라산의 고냉지를 利用한 球根의 低溫處理 效果에 對하여 많은 적응시험이 요망되며 道當局은 고냉지의 개발과 利用에 적극적인 지원을 투여하여야 할 것이다. 11. 植栽되고 있는 5種의 球根類 모두 50% 以上이 外國수입에 의존하고 있으므로 國內의 組織培養技術을 利用한 virus 無病良質球根의 生産이 절실히 요망된다. Studies on various cultural practices of vegetable crops, and orchids have been conducted in Chejudo. Followings are the results of such studies. 1. Too much importance has been given to Tomato and Cucumber crops. An additional crop such as Strawberry should be included to broaden the studies. 2. In general, lack of informations on soil managements appear to be prevailing; scheduled fertilization, for instance, has not been performed and pH level must be adjusted on many farm lands. 3. Mg deficiency has been very much in common, therefore, is corection are matter of utmost importance. 4. Problems arising from salt accumulation were nearly unimportant, however, soil improvements through various cultural practices are recommended for those soils which have been continuous cropping for more than 5 years. 5. Planting system should be improved so as to establish 2-crops/year system. In addition, proper extention of various soil management techniques and improvement on nursing techiques are of inportant matters. Commonly sharing community nursing practices must be accompanied in order to provide healthy-seedlings. 6. Among commercially growing orchid species in Chejudo, the tropical Cymbidium species found to be the most widely grown, nearly 67.8% 'Kiko', 'Sharnell-5', 'Kenny' appear to be most in common. 7. Among oriental orchids, Calanthe spp are found to be most prevalent followed in the order of Aerides japonica, Dendrobium moniliforme, Cymbidiums, respectively. 8. The total number of the shoots of Cymbidium kanran being cultivated in Chejudo were found to be 40,396. 9. Virus infections appear to be universal in all 5 species of bulbs studied therefore, virus-free stocks must be essential. 10. Sogwipo-soil, in general, heavily infected by soil-born insects of various kinds are badly affecting bulb productions. More efficient methods of soilsanitations must be studied and introduced in the future. 11. The studies of low temperature treatment on bulb crops by utilizing the high altitude growing in the area of mountain Halla are in great need. An extensive assistance from the provincial government are very much in need in order for the development and utilization of the high-altitude cultivation. 12. More than 50% of the bulbs of the 5 species grown are being imported. Domestic production utilizing 'meristem culture' which enable the virus free stocks are in great demand.

      • KCI등재

        In-silico identifi cation and diff erential expression of putative disease resistance-related genes within the collinear region of Brassica napus blackleg resistance locus LepR2’ in Brassica oleracea

        Mohammad Rashed Hossain,Mostari Jahan Ferdous,Jong-In Park,Arif Hasan Khan Robin,Sathishkumar Natarajan,Hee-Jeong Jung,Hoy-Taek Kim,Ill-Sup Nou 한국원예학회 2020 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.61 No.5

        Blackleg disease, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans, greatly aff ects the production of cabbage ( Brassica oleracea ). However,defi nitive R-gene(s) are yet to be identifi ed in this crop. In contrast, a number of R-loci have been identifi ed in A- orB-genome crops. Identifi cation of few resistant cabbage genotypes indicates the presence of R-genes in this C-genome crop. High ancestral synteny between Brassica genomes suggests that the collinear regions of known A- or B-genome R-loci mayalso contain functional R-genes in the C-genome. Strong resistance was observed in the cotyledons of cabbage inbred lineSCNU-98 against two L. maculans isolates, 03–02 s and 00–100 s. We investigated the collinear region of the Brassica napusblackleg resistance locus LepR2’ in B. oleracea since both isolates of L. maculans contain corresponding avirulence genes. The locus was collinear to a 5.8 Mbp genomic segment of B. oleracea chromosome C09 containing 13 genes that have putativedisease resistance-related domains. High expression of genes Bo9g117290 and Bo9g111510 against isolate 00–100 s,and high expression of genes Bo9g126150 and Bo9g111490 against both isolates in the resistant-line SCNU-98 indicatetheir putative roles in blackleg resistance, which remained to be functionally verifi ed. This work enhances our understandingof R-gene-mediated resistance to blackleg in cabbage.

      • 몇가지 스트레스가 옥수수 種子의 發牙 및 初期生育에 미치는 영향

        이인섭 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        Response of five maize( Zea mays L.) seed lines to stress conditions(osmotic stress,salinity and shaking stress) for germination and early growth were compared to that of the control (favourable conditions) The results obtained were as follows. The average germination rate was 47% in the salinity treatnment, 94% in the shaking treatment and 100% in the control respectively. Shoot growth was inhibited most in the PEG 6,000 treatment and secondary in the salinity treatment . Tehe growth was the most favourable in the control. FR303 line showed the highest susceptibility the stress conditions. Root growth was inhibited most in the salinity treatment and secondary in the PEG 6,000 treatment. C. waxy was the most susceptable line for root growth to stress conditions. And pop was the most resistant line to the salinity treatment. Fresh weight was lightest in the PEG 6,000 treatment, secondary in the salinity and heaviest in the control. All the characteristics showed highly significant among the treatments.

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