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        소아의 안면부에 생긴 선천성 멜라닌 세포성 모반의 수술적 치료

        김진환,김석화,김준호,이윤호,박철규 大韓成形外科學會 1998 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.25 No.6

        During the last 10 years, we have experienced 169 cases of congenital melanocytic nevi of the face at Seoul National University Children's Hospital. In these patients, various modalities of treatment have been used, including excision, staged excision, skin graft, local flap, and composite graft. Dermabrasion, electrocoagulation, and laser therapy were excluded because these were not definitive treatments. We reviewed over 169 cases based on the involved on the aesthetic units of the face and the length of the defect perpendicular to wrinkle lines. We have attempted to create a stadard for the selection of the appropriate treatment modality. Cases which involved orbital unit(38 cases), cheek(30 cases), and parotid-masseteric unit(18 cases) were analysed statistically. To avoid the statistical error, units of sufficient number of cases and involving only one unit were included. In each unit, we used Receiver Operator Characteristic Method to identify the turning points of the length of the defect perpendicular RSTL which decided the treatment modality. And we used t-test to show the statistical difference between the lengths of the defect perpendicular to RTSL in each modality. The turning point were 0.9-1.0 ㎝ between excision/staged excision, 2.0 ㎝ between staged excision/FTSG, in orbital unit, 1.3 ㎝ between excision/staged excision in cheek unit, 1.6-1.9 ㎝ between excision/staged excision in parotid-masseteric unit. And it was identified by ANOVA test and t-test that the above groups were statistically different. Till now, the treatment modality of the congenital melanocytic nevus was based on the experiences of the surgeon. But now, we have presented the stadard of the treatment according to the size in each aesthetic unit. Therefore we can choose the approproate treatment modality among the severals in accordance with the standards.

      • KCI등재후보

        간세포암의 자연경과와 여러 치료방법에 따른 생존률에 관한 연구 - 과거 20 년간의 경험을 토대로 -

        김정룡(Chung Yong Kim),이준성(June Sung Lee),이한주(Han Chu Lee),이효석(Hyo Suk Lee),윤용범(Yong Bum Yoon),송인성(In Sung Song),박재형(Jae Hyung Park),김수태(Soo Tae Kim) 대한내과학회 1993 대한내과학회지 Vol.45 No.2

        N/A Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common form of primary hepatic carcinoma and is a pressing sociomedical problem in Korea. Of the various solid cancers, HCC is perhaps the most diffcult to treat because of the frequently associated cirrhosis and advanced stage of tumor. In recent years, diagnostic procedures, surgical techniques and various therapeutic modalities other than surgery have been developed and improved. So, the prognosis of these patients may have changed from what it was in the past and it is necessary to establish the criteria for selection of therapeutic modality in indivisual patient with HCC. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the natural history of HCC and the survival rate of patients with HCC in relation to various therapeutic modalities in different stage of chronic liver disease. Method: A total of 1149 patients with HCC seen during the last 20 years were analyzed retropectively. The effects of treatment on survival were analyzed with regard to Child's grading and UICC stage of HCC. Results: In the 265 patients who received no specific treatment, the cumulative survival rates of 6 month and 1 year were 37.5%, 16.6% and the median survival time was 4 months. Survival rates of the surgically treated patients were better than that of other patients groups in comparable Child's grade and UICC stage, Especially, among patients with Child's A or B the actuarial survival rate for surgery was significantly better than that for transarterial chemoembolization. Transarterial chemoembolization gave a significantly better survival rate compared with systemic chemotherapy and no specific treatment in all child's grade and UICC stage. Systemic chemotherapy improved survival as compared with no specific treatment in Child's A or B patients and with UICC stage IV and Child's C with stage IV, patients. The major causes of death were hepatic failure and gastrointestinal bleeding irrespective of treatment modality. Conclusion: Adequate therapeutic modalities according to the severity of liver cirrhosis and tumor stage could improve the prognosis of HCC patients.

      • 비인강암의 방사선치료성적

        신세원,김성규,김명세 영남대학교 의과대학 1992 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.9 No.2

        1986년 4월부터 1992년 3월까지 6년간 영남대학교 의과대학 부속병원 치료방사선과에 내원하여 근치적인 방사선치료를 시행한 후 6개월 이상 추적조사가 가능하였던 31명의 치료성적은 다음과 같다. 대상환자 31명중 남자가 22명으로 여자보다 2.4배 많았으며 30세미만 3명을 제외하면 30대에서 60대까지 고른 분포를 보였다. 병리조직학적 분류상 편평세포암이 13명, 미분화세포암이 18명이었다. 임상적병기는 Ⅰ기 1명, Ⅱ기 2명, Ⅲ기 6명, Ⅳ기 22명이었다. 31명중 방사언치료만 시행된 경우가 11명, 항암제등과 병합치료를 시행한 경우가 20명이었다. 편평세포암 환자 11명중 6명에서 방사선치료만을 시행하였고 5명에서 병합치료를 시행하였으나, 미분화세포암에서는 18명중 5명은 방사선치료만을 시행하였고 13명은 병합치료를 실시하였다. 치료에 대한 반응은 치료방법에 따른 차이가 없었으나, 방사선치료만 시행한 경우에 편평세포암 6명중 3명이 완전관해를 보인 반면에, 미분화세포암 5명 모두 완전관해를 보여 큰 차이를 보였으나 병합치료에서는 세포형태에 따른 차이가 소실되었다. 치료 후 1년 생존율은 치료방법에 따른 차이가 없었다. 완전관해를 보인 환자 22명중에서 방사선치료만 시행한 8명중 6명에서 재발을 보였으며 그중 3명은 원격전이를 동반하였으나, 병합치료를 시행한 14명중에서 3명만이 재발을 보였으며 그중2명은 원격전이를 보였다. 이상의 결과에서 치료방법에 따른 관해율은 비슷하였으나 치료 후 추적과정에서 발생하는 재발은 방사선치료만 시행한 경우보다 병합치료를 실시한 경우에 현저히 줄어듬을 보여주어 비인강암에 대한 병합치료가 국소재발의 감소 및 원격전이의 감소를 통하여 생존율의 향상에도 기여하리라 사료된다. Radiotherapeutically, nasopharyngeal cancer is an important disease in korea. Because of its blind anatomic location, early detection is relatively uncommon. Clinically, most of cases are locally advanced and nodal involvement are common. Recently better understanding of nature of the disease and improvement of radio- therapy technique permit better treatment results, including locoregional control and survival rate, and minimal normal tissue damages comparing with previously published data. We analyzed 31 patients of pathologically proven and previously untreated naso- pharyngeal carcinoma with different treatment techniques, retrospectively. Minimal and maximal follow up period of the survuor is 6 months and 68 months, respectively. Thirteen patients with squamous cell carcinoma are included in this analysis. The median age is 49 years (range from 20 to 64 years). Twenty two patients are stage Ⅲ. Eleven patients are treated with radiotherapy alone and 20 are treated with comblined modalities treatment. The degree of responses after radiotherapy are categorized by 3-classes, i.e. complete response, partial response. In spite of simioarities of complete response rate and 1-year survival rate between two different treatment techniques, those patients with undifferentiated carcinoma appear to benefit from the adjuvant chemotherapy. In addition, systemic failure is more prominant in radiotherapy alone group than in combined modalities treatment group. These results suggest that adjuvant therapy in the radiotherapeutic management of nasopharyngeal cancers needs additional reserch according to histologic types and future extensive clinical trials.

      • 하인두암의 임상적 고찰

        김영호(Young Ho Kim),최은창(Eun Chang Choi),홍원표(Won Pyo Hong),김문석(Moon Suk Kim),이세영(Sei Young Lee),홍정표(Jung Pyoe Hong),정형진(Hyung Jin Chung) 대한두경부종양학회 1998 대한두경부 종양학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Background: Hypopharyngeal cancer represents about one-third the incidence of laryngeal cancer which is the most common cancer in head and neck area. Although there have been numerous reports regarding its clinical and statistical characteristics, more precise and ample data should be collected and analyzed in this country. Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the pattern and patient's profile of the hypopharyngeal cancer, and we reviewed the treatment outcomes to search for an index of treatment modalities. Materials and Methods: The authors retrospectively analyzed 73 cases of hypopharyngeal cancer treated at Yonsei Medical Center during the 10-year period from 1985 to 1994. Five-year survival rate was calculated according to the primary site, clinical stage and treatment modality. Results: The incidence was predominated in male by 9 to 1 and peak incidence was 6th and 7th decades. Pyriform sinus was the main primary site(80.8%) followed by posterior hypopharyngeal wall(13.7%) and postcricoid area(5.5%). Advanced stage cancers(87.7%) were more common than early stage cancers. Radiotherapy(60.3%) was the most commonly used as primary treatment modality. Neck node metastasis was early occurred even in early stage cancers(61.5%), and overall rate of neck node metastasis was 69.9%. All surgical cases received procedures more than total laryngectomy and partial pharyngectomy. The most common cause of death was primary failure(81.5%) and it was highest in radiotherapy group. Five-year survival rate was significantly high in surgery group(90.9%). The overall 5-year survival rate of hypopharyngeal cancer was 30.3%. Conclusion: High index of suspicion should be required for early diagnosis. Also, surgery may be recommended for the primary treatment modality in advanced stage cancers.

      • 자궁경부암 1925예의 생존율 분석

        김원규 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 2006 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.21 No.1

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze the overall survival rate according to clinicopathologic prognostic factors and the treatment modalities in patients with cervical cancer. Method : From January 1993 to December 1998, the 1925 patients with cervical cancer treated at Gospel Hospital were analyzed. In this retrospective study,we investigated the 5-year overall survival rate according to the clinicopathologic characteristics such as age,FIGO stage, tumor size, stromal invasion depth, parametrium involvement, lymph node metastasis,histologic type and the treatment modalities through the medical records. Results : The most common subsets of patients were found in the group of FIGO stage la, lb (56.1%) and age between 30 and 59 (74%乂 The overall 5-year survival rates according to the clinical stage were as follows; stage la (97,3%),lb (81.8%),Ila (68.4%), lib (50.0%),III (34/7%),IV (14.6%). The overall 5-year survival rates according to the tumor size were as follows 92.8% (<4cm) vs 65.5% (—4cm). The overall 5-year survival rates according to the cervical stromal invasion depth were as follows 977% (<1Z2), 84.4% ( — 1/2),71.0% (whole layer乂 The overall 5-year survival ratse according to the parametrium involvement were 90.1% in negative and 70.0% in positive. The overall 5-year survival rates according to the lymph node metastasis were 91 J% in negative and 70,0% in positive. But according to the analysis of survival rate for histologic types, there were no significant difference. The overall 5-year survival rates in stage lb according to the type of treatment were 97,7% in surgery alone, 74.3% in radiotherapy alone, 88.4% in surgery plus chemotherapy,75.3% in surgery plus radiotherapy, 91,6% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery, 59% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy, 58,1% in chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiotherapy. In stage Ila,the overall 5*year survival rates were 77.8% in surgery alone, 76.4% in radiotherapy alone, 894% in surgery plus chemotherapy, 59,2% in surgery plus radiotherapy, 92.6% in neoadjuvant cheomotherapy plus surgery, 70.2% in neoadjuvant cheomotherapy plus radiotherapy, 60.8% in chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiotherapy, 24,9% in chemotheray alone. In stage lib, the overall 5-year survival rates were 0% in surgery alone, 57.4% in radiotherapy alone, 82.6% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery, 45.5% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy, 87.5% in surgery plus chemotherapy, 37.5% in surgery plus radiotherapy, 48,3% in chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiotherapy, 44.6% in chemotherapy alone,Conclusion : We analyzed the overall 、 5-year survival rates according to clinicopathologic factors and treatment modalities. And we investigated the most suitable treatment modality for each FIGO stage and clinicopathologic factors. We think this is nessessary to achieve the better survival rate in cervical cancer patients.

      • 자궁경부암 1925예의 생존율 분석

        김원규 KOSIN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 2006 高神大學校 醫學部 論文集 Vol.21 No.1

        목적 : 이 논문의 목적은 침윤성 자궁경부암 환자에서 임상병리학적 예후인자들과 치료방식에 따른 생존율을 분석하기 위함이다. 연구 방법 : 1993년 1월부터 1998년 12월까지 고신대학교 부속 복음병원에서 치료받았던 총 1925명의 자궁경부암 환자를 대상으로 분석하였다. 우리는 후향적 차트분석법으로 임상병리학적 예후인자들 (나이, FIGO 병기, 종양 크기, 침윤 깊이, 자궁방 침범, 림프절 전이, 조직학적 유형) 과 각 병기에 있어서 치료방식에 따른 전체 5년 생존율을 연구하였다. 전체 5년 생존율은 통계청 사망 통계를 통해 구하였으며, 개별적인 임상병리학적 예후인자들과 치료방식에 대한 전체 5년 생존율을 평가하였다. 결과 : 자궁경부암 환자의 가장 흔한 그룹은 FIGO 병기 Ⅰa 및 Ⅰb (56.1%), 그리고 연령 30-50대 (74%) 이었다. FIGO의 임상병기에 따른 전체 5년 생존율은 Ⅰa (97%), Ⅰb(81%), Ⅱa (74%), Ⅱb (53%), Ⅲ(33%), Ⅳ(16%) 이었다. 종양 크기에 따른 전체 5년 생존율은 4cm 미만이 92.8%, 4cm 이상이 65.5% 이었다. 자궁경부의 침윤 깊이에 따른 전체 5년 생존율은 97.7% (<1/2), 84.4% (??1/2), 71.0% (전층) 이었다. 자궁방 조직 침범 여부에 따른 전체 5년 생존율은 침범하지 않은 경우에서 90.1%, 침범한 경우에서 70.0% 이었다. 림프절 전이에 따른 전체 5년 생존율은 전이하지 않은 경우에서 91.1% 전이한 경우에서 72.5% 이엇다. 조직학적 유형에 따른 전체 5년 생존율에서는 유의한 차이점이 발견되지 않았다. 치료 유형에 따른 병기 Ⅰb에서 전체 5년 생존율은 수술 단독 97.7%, 선행적 항암화학치료 이후 수술 91.6%, 수술 이후 항암화학치료 88.4%, 수술 이후 방사선 치료 75.3%, 방사선 치료 단독 74.3%, 선행적 항암화학치료 이후 방사선치료 59%, 그리고 항암화학치료 및 수술 및 방사선 치료 모두 시행한 경우에서는 58.1% 이었다. 병기 Ⅱa 에서는 선행적 항암화학치료 이후 수술 92.6%, 수술 이후 항암화학치료 89.1%, 수술 단독 76.4%, 방사선치료 단독 76.4%, 선행적 항암화학치료 이후 방사선치료 70.2%, 항암화학치료 및 수술 및 방사선치료 모두 시행한 경우 60.8%, 수술 이후 방사선치료 59.2%, 항암화학치료 단독 24.9% 이었다. 병기 Ⅱb에서는 수술 이후 항암화학치료 87.5%, 선행적 항암화학치료 이후 수술 82.6%, 방사선치료 단독 57.4%, 항암화학치료 및 수술 및 방사선치료 모두 시행한 경우 48.3%, 선행적 항암화학치료 이후 방사선치료 45.5%, 항암화학치료 단독 44.6%, 수술 이후 방사선치료 37.5%, 수술 단독 0% 이었다. 결론 : 자궁경부암 1925예를 대상으로 임상병리학적 예후인자들과 치료방식에 따른 5년 생존율을 분석하였으며 FIGO 병기와 임상병리학적 인자들에 따른 적합한 치료방식을 연구하였다. 우리는 이러한 연구들이 생존율 향상을 위해 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze the overall survival rate according to clinicopathologic prognostic factors and the treatment modalities in patients with cervical cancer. Method : From January 1993 to December 1998, the 1925 patients with cervical cancer treated at Gospel Hospital were analyzed. In this retrospective study, we investigated the 5-year overall survival rate according to the clinicopathologic characteristics such as age, FIGO stage, tumor size, stromal invasion depth, parametrium involvement, lymph node metastasis, histologic type and the treatment modalities through the medical records. Results : The most common subsets of patients were found in the group of FIGO stage Ⅰa, Ⅰb (56.1%) and age between 30 and 59 (74%). The overall 5-year survival rates according to the clinical stage were as follows; stageⅠa (97.3%), Ⅰb (81.8%), Ⅱa (68.4%), Ⅱb (50.0%), Ⅲ (34.7%), Ⅳ (14.6%). The overall 5-year survival rates according to the tumor size were as follows 92.8% (<4cm) vs 65.5% (??4cm). The overall 5-year survival rates according to the cervical stromal invasion depth were as follows 97.7% (<1/2), 84.4% (??1/2), 71.0% (whole layer). The overall 5-year survival ratse according to the parametrium involvement were 90.1% in negative and 70.0% in positive. The overall 5-year aurvival rates according to the lymph node metastasis were 91.1% in negative and 70.0% in positive. But according to the analysis of survival rate for histologic types, there were no significant difference. The overall 5-year survival rates in stage Ⅰb according to the type of treatment were 97.7% in surgery alone, 74.3% in radiotherapy alone, 88.4% in surgery plus chemotherapy, 75.3% in surgery plus radiotherapy, 91.6% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery, 59% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy, 58.1% in chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiotherapy. In stage Ⅱa, the overall 5-year survival rates were 77.8% in surgery alone, 76.4% in radiotherapy alone, 89.1% in surgery plus chemotherapy, 59.2% in surgery plus radiotherapy, 92.6% in neoadjuvant cheomotherapy plus surgery, 70.2% in neoadjuvant cheomotherapy plus radiotherapy, 60.8% in chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiotherapy, 24.9% in chemotheray alone. In stage Ⅱb, the overall 5-year survival rates were 0% in surgery alone, 57.4% in radiotherapy alone, 82.6% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus surgery, 45.5% in neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus radiotherapy, 87.5% in surgery plus chemotherapy, 37.5% in surgery plus radiotherapy, 48.3% in chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiotherapy, 44.6% in chemotherapy alone, Conclusion : We analyzed the overall 5-year survival rates according to clinicopathologic factors and treatment modalities. And we investigated the most suitable treatment modality for each FIGO stage and clinicopathologic factors. We think this is nessessary to achieve the better survival rate in cervical cancer patients.

      • KCI등재

        Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy-Guided Bladder-Sparing Treatment for Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: Results of a Pilot Phase II Study

        Hongzhe Shi,Wen Zhang,Xingang Bi,Dong Wang,Zejun Xiao,Youyan Guan,Kaopeng Guan,Jun Tian,Hongsong Bai,Linjun Hu,Chuanzhen Cao,Weixing Jiang,Zhilong Hu,Jin Zhang,Yan Chen,Shan Zheng,Xiaoli Feng,Changlin 대한암학회 2021 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.53 No.4

        Purpose Reduced quality of life after cystectomy has made bladder preservation a popular research topic for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Previous research has indicated significant tumor downstaging after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). However, maximal transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) was performed before NAC to define the pathology, impacting the real evaluation of NAC. This research aimed to assess real NAC efficacy without interference from TURBT and apply combined modality therapies guided by NAC efficacy. Materials and Methods Patients with cT2-4aN0M0 MIBC were confirmed by cystoscopic biopsy and imaging. NAC efficacy was assessed by imaging, urine cytology, and cystoscopy with multidisciplinary team discussion. Definite responders (≤ T1) underwent TURBT plus concurrent chemoradiotherapy. Incomplete responders underwent radical cystectomy or partial cystectomy if feasible. The primary endpoint was the bladder preservation rate. Results Fifty-nine patients were enrolled, and the median age was 63 years. Patients with cT3-4 accounted for 75%. The median number of NAC cycles was three. Definite responders were 52.5%. The complete response (CR) was 10.2%, and 59.3% of patients received bladder-sparing treatments. With a median follow-up of 44.6 months, the 3-year overall survival (OS) was 72.8%. Three-year OS and relapse-free survival were 88.4% and 60.0% in the bladder-sparing group but only 74.3% and 37.5% in the cystectomy group. The evaluations of preserved bladder function were satisfactory. Conclusion After stratifying MIBC patients by NAC efficacy, definite responders achieved a satisfactory bladder-sparing rate, prognosis, and bladder function. The CR rate reflected the real NAC efficacy for MIBC. This therapy is worth verifying through multicenter research.


        고혈압성 피각 출혈 환자의 치료방법에 따른 결과 분석 : Surgical Versus Conservative Treatment

        안영환,박관,김영백,민병국,황성남,석종식,최덕영 대한신경외과학회 1990 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.19 No.4

        151 patients, with hypertensive putaminal hemorrhage, which confirmed by brain CT, were analyzed on the basis of Glasgow coma scale and Glasgow out come scale. The results of the treatment of hypertensive putaminal hemorrhage and the assessment of the prognostic factors were as follows: 1) The sex ratio was similar and the incidence was highest in the 5th decade for female and the 6th decade for male ; 75 percents of all cases were in the 5th and 6th decades. 2) A history of hypertension was a poor prognostic factor but a history of cerebrovascular disease was not a specific factor affecting the prognosis. 3) In the patients with low blood pressure, high G.C.S, and small amount of hematoma, were better the prognosis than in the patients with high blood pressure, low G.C.S, and large amount of hematoma. The prognosis was poor in old aged and in the patients with signs of herniation. 4) In the patients with G.C.S between 7-9, cerebral herniation signs, and the amount of hematoma between 40-80cc, the prognosis was better in operative treatment than conservative treatment. 5) The surgical modalities were not related to the prognosis.

      • HCC : Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Factors Predicting Recurrence and Analysis of Survival according to Treatment Modalities

        ( Ho Jun Lee ),( Chung Hwan Jun ),( Ho Seok Ki ),( Seon Young Park ),( Sung Bum Cho ),( Chang Hwan Park ),( Young Eun Joo ),( Hyun Soo Kim ),( Sung Kyu Choi ),( Jong Seon Rew ) 대한간학회 2013 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2013 No.1

        Background/aims: To evaluate the factors predicting recurrence and analysis of survival according to treatment modalities in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods: A total of 743 patients who were consecutively diagnosed with HCC were analyzed retrospectively from January 2004 to December 2012. We analyzed their survival and recurrence according to treatment modalities, clinicoradiological characteristics, and tumor stage. Results: 97 patients (13.05%) were treated with surgical resection, 105 patients (14.1%) were radiofrequency ablation, 468 patients (62.9%) were TACE, 25 patients (3.36%) were hepatic artery infusion chemotherapy, 17 patients (2.28%) were sorafenib and 5 patients (0.67%) were radiotherapy. On multivariate analysis, Age>50 years, CLIP score (<3), ALP (<120), LDH (<450), CRP (<0.8), Uni-nodular tumor, size <6 cm, No distant metastasis, and curative treatment modality were predictors for 1 year survival. CRP (<0.8), Child-Pugh score (<7), curative treatment modality and size <6cm were predictors for 3 year survival. Also, vascular invasion and multi-nodular tumor were risk factors for 5 year survival. On multivariate analysis for 1 year recurrence after initial treatment, multi-nodular


        Treatment modalities for Korean patients with unilateral hemifacial microsomia according to Pruzansky-Kaban types and growth stages

        Il-Hyung Yang,Jee Hyeok Chung,Sunjin Yim,Il-Sik Cho,Sukwha Kim,Jin-Young Choi,Jong-Ho Lee,Myung-Jin Kim,Seung-Hak Baek 대한치과교정학회 2020 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.50 No.5

        Objective: To investigate the treatment modalities (Tx-Mods) for patients with unilateral hemifacial microsomia (UHFM) according to Pruzansky–Kaban types and growth stages. Methods: The samples consisted of 82 Korean UHFM patients. Tx-Mods were defined as follows: Tx-Mod-1, growth observation due to mild facial asymmetry; Tx-Mod-2, unilateral functional appliance; Tx-Mod-3, fixed orthodontic treatment; Tx-Mod-4, growth observation due to a definite need for surgical intervention; Tx-Mod-5, unilateral mandibular or bimaxillary distraction osteogenesis (DO); Tx-Mod-6, maxillary fixation using LeFort I osteotomy and mandibular DO/sagittal split ramus osteotomy; Tx-Mod-7, orthognathic surgery; and Tx-Mod-8, costochondral grafting. The type and frequency of Tx-Mod, the number of patients who underwent surgical procedures, and the number of surgeries that each patient underwent, were investigated. Results: The degree of invasiveness and complexity of Tx-Mod increased, with an increase in treatment stage and Pruzan ky–Kaban type (initial < final; [I, IIa] < [IIb, III], all p < 0.001). The percentage of patients who underwent surgical procedures increased up to 4.2 times, with an increase in the Pruzansky–Kaban type (I, 24.1%; IIa, 47.1%; IIb, 84.4%; III, 100%; p < 0.001). However, the mean number of surgical procedures that each patient underwent showed a tendency of increase according to the Pruzansky–Kaban types (I, n = 1.1; IIa, n = 1.5; IIb, n = 1.6; III, n = 2.3; p > 0.05). Conclusions: These findings might be used as basic guidelines for successful treatment planning and prognosis prediction in UHFM patients.

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