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        수질오염물질 감소의 편익 추정 -수질총량제하 가상배출권시장 개념의 적용-

        한택환 ( Tak Whan Han ),이효창 ( Hyo Chang Lee ) 한국환경경제학회·한국자원경제학회(구 한국환경경제학회) 2014 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 수질오염물질에 대한 가상적 배출권거래시장을 상정하여 균형배출권가격을 도출함으로써 수질개선에 따른 편익을 추정하려고 시도하였다. 우리나라에서는 낙동강수계를 비롯하여 주요 수계에 수질오염물질 총량관리제도가 실시되고 있다. 사회적으로 바람직스러운 배출총량을 결정함으로써 국민과 정부는 암묵적으로 수질오염물질의 경제적 가치를 결정한 것과 같다고 할 수 있다. 각 지자체별로 수질오염물질 배출상의 제약으로 인하여 희생된 경제적 기회비용이 발생할 것이며 이 기회비용의 크기가 수질오염물질의 경제적 가치이기 때문이다. 이 가상적 배출권거래시장에서의 균형가격을 수질 총량제하의 수계전체의 배출총량과 지자체별 할당에 의하여 암묵적으로 결정된 수질오염물질 배출의 단위당 가치라고 해석할 수 있다. 배출량과 편익의 관계로부터 한계순편익함수를 도출하고 지자체별 배출허용총량을 이용하여 개별배출권 초과수요함수를 구성하여 균형배출권가격을 도출하였다. 추정 결과 배출권시장의 균형배출권가격이 1,409.3원/kg·BOD으로 추산되었다. 이는 외국의 사례와 비교하여 적정한 수준이라 평가되며 이러한 배출권가격은 수질 오염물질의 단위당 경제적 가치를 산정하여 수질 변화를 수반하는 사업의 B/C분석에 직접적으로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study attempts to estimate the value of the water quality improvement by deriving the equilibrium price of the water pollutant emission permit for the imaginary water pollutant emission trading market. It is reasonable to say that there is already an implicit social agreement for the unit value of water pollutant, when the government set the Total Water Pollutant Loading System for the major river basin as a part of the Comprehensive Measures for Water Management, particularly for the Nakdong River Basin. Therefore, we can derive the unit value of water pollutant emission, which is already implied in the pollution allowance for each city or county by the Total Water Pollutant Loading System. Once estimated, it will be useful to the economic assessment of the water quality related projects. An imaginary water pollutant emission trading system for the Nakdong River Basin, where Total Water Pollutant Loading System is already effective, is constructed for the estimation of the equilibrium price of water pollutant permit. By estimating marginal abatement cost curve or each city or county, we can compute the equilibrium price of the permit and then it is regarded as the economic value of the water pollutant. The marginal net benefit function results from the relationship between the emission and the benefit, and then the equilibrium price of permit comes from constructing the excess demand function of the permit by using the total allowable permit of the local government entity. The equilibrium price of the permit would be estimated to be 1,409.3won/kg·BOD. This is within reasonable boundary compared for the permit price compared to foreign example. This permit price would be applied to calculate for the economic value of the water quality pollutants, and also be expected to use directly for the B/C analysis of the business involved with water quality change.

      • LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기오염물질 관리 개선방안 연구

        김유미,최현진,서지현,이선민,박광희,신문식 한국환경정책평가연구원 2020 기본연구보고서 Vol.2020 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 『제9차 전력수급기본계획』 초안의 핵심 사항 중 하나는 석탄 사용을 줄이고 액화천연가스(LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas)로 대체하는 사항임. 이는 미세먼지와 온실가스 문제 해결에 고무적일 수 있으나 여전히 화석연료(LNG) 사용에 따른 대기질 영향을 간과할 수 없으며 이에 면밀한 대기오염물질 관리가 필요함 ㅇ 최근 기체연료 발전시설에 대한 질소산화물 배출허용기준이 강화되었으나 암모니아, 먼지, 일산화탄소, 미연탄화수소 등 질소산화물 외 배출되는 물질에 대한 관리가 미흡함이 지적되고 있음 ㅇ 특히 LNG 열병합발전시설의 경우 신도시 개발과 함께 추진되고 있으며, 열 수요지 인근에 위치하는 특성상 대기오염물질 노출에 따른 대기오염물질 관리가 중요하다고 볼 수 있음 □ 본 연구에서는 LNG 발전시설의 확대에 있어 노출 영향이 클 것으로 예상되는 LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기오염물질에 대한 관리에 대한 개선방안을 수립하고자 함 ㅇ 이에 LNG 열병합발전시설의 기초 현황 및 노출인구 현황분석을 실시하고, 대안 검토를 통하여 대기오염물질 영향을 최소화하는 방안을 제시하고자 함 ㅇ 또한 LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기오염물질 관리 개선방안을 도출하기 위하여 저감시설의 개발 방향과 제도적 개선점을 제시하고자 함 Ⅱ. LNG 열병합발전시설의 현황 1. LNG 열병합발전시설의 기초 현황 □ 2018년 국내 발전설비 현황에서 LNG 열병합발전시설(구역전기 제외)은 전체 전력설비의 약 6.1%를 차지함. 총 38개의 LNG 열병합발전시설(구역전기 포함) 중 대부분이 수도권에 집중된 것으로 확인됨 ㅇ 가장 많은 LNG 열병합발전시설이 위치한 지자체는 경기도이며 총 설치 전기 및 설치 열용량 역시 가장 높았음 □ LNG 열병합발전시설 중 구역전기사업 대상 사업장 내 평균 34MW와 140Gcal/h의 전기와 열용량이 설치되어 있고, 발전사업의 경우 대상 사업장 내 평균 398MW와 289Gcal/h의 전기와 열용량이 설치되어 있음 ㅇ 발전사업 대상시설의 경우 크게 400MW 이상 전기 설치 사업장과 200MW 이하 사업장으로 나뉘는 분포를 보임 ㅇ 열 공급 세대수와 설치 열용량의 경우 비례하지만, 설치 전기용량과의 상관성은 떨어짐 2. LNG 열병합발전시설 인근 인구 분포 현황 □ LNG 열병합발전시설을 중심으로 인근에 위치하는 추정 인구수 분포를 살펴보면 전국 평균 10km 반경 내 약 178.3만 명의 인구가 위치하는 것으로 산출됨 ㅇ 일반산업단지 사업부지 반경 2km 내 평균 인구수(평균 약 1.2만 명; 하종식 외, 2017, p.57)와 본 연구 결과(평균 약 10.2만 명)를 비교했을 때, LNG 열병합발전시설이 상대적으로 대기오염물질 노출인구가 상당히 높은 지역에 위치한다고 볼 수 있음 ㅇ 지지체별로는 서울특별시가 발전시설 반경별 거주인구가 가장 높게 나타났고, 경기도는 발전시설별로 편차가 크게 나타났음 Ⅲ. LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기질 영향 고찰: 대안 비교 □ 본 연구에서는 전기와 열을 모두 생산하고 인근 수요처에 열을 공급하는 열병합발전시설의 특성을 고려하여 열병합발전시설을 설치할 경우와 개별난방 보일러를 설치하여 열 수요에 대응할 경우를 고려한 대안을 설정하여 비교하는 방안을 제안함 ㅇ 사례분석 시 위례신도시의 경우 LNG 열병합발전시설 운영 대안의 NOx 배출량이 개별난방 보일러 설치 시보다 높은 수준이었으나, LNG 열병합발전시설의 위치, 굴뚝높이, 기상 및 지형 영향 등으로 인하여 인근 주거시설에 미치는 영향예측 농도는 더 적게 예측됨. 향후 다양한 사례에 대한 분석을 통하여 대안평가의 방법론을 고도화 할 필요가 있음 □ LNG 열병합발전시설에서 배출되는 NOx 이외의 물질들(PM, CO, NH3, VOCs 등)의 영향을 살펴보고자 할 때 해당 물질에 대한 배출계수가 최근 대형화된 가스터빈 현황을 반영하고 있지 못하며, 관련된 국내 측정자료도 미흡한 수준이어서 이를 활용한 영향예측 결과의 불확실성이 높은 것으로 판단함 Ⅳ. LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기관리 개선방안 1. LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기오염물질 저감기술 개발 방향 □ 발전시설의 정상가동 시 부하변동에 따라 미반응 암모니아 발생이 우려되므로 암모니아 주입설비 및 모니터링 시스템의 개선, 미반응 암모니아 제거를 위한 촉매를 선택적 환원 촉매 설비 후단에 설치할 것을 제안함 ㅇ 또한 정상가동 시 CO의 발생량은 배출규제가 적용되지 않아, 방지기술이 적용되지 않은 발전소에는 산화촉매의 적용을 고려해볼 필요가 있음. 다만 산화촉매 설치 여부에 따른 대표 발전소에서 모니터링 결과를 바탕으로 시설별 적용 여부 관련 대책마련이 필요 □ 냉간기동 및 저부하 시 문제점 및 개선사항은 낮은 배기가스 온도로 인해 NOx, CO, VOCs 등의 저감을 위해 설치된 촉매의 효율이 충분히 발휘되지 못하는 점을 들 수 있음. 현재 대비 활성온도가 더욱 낮은 촉매 관련 기술개발이 필요하며, 추후 이러한 부분에 대한 적극적 대응이 요구됨 □ 배열회수보일러 부식에 따른 입자상 물질의 배출 영향을 최소화하기 위하여 기존시설에도 안정적으로 적용할 수 있는 집진기술의 개발이 지속적으로 필요함 2. LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기오염물질 관리를 위한 정책적 개선방안 □ NOx의 경우 배출허용기준 이외에도 허가배출기준, 협의기준 등을 통하여 지역의 특성에 따라 필요시 강화된 기준으로 관리가 가능할 것으로 판단됨. 또한, 굴뚝자동측정장치 설치로 NOx 모니터링은 비교적 잘 이루어지고 있으나 일부 설치되지 않은 시설에 대하여 확대하는 방안이 필요함 □ 암모니아의 경우 건강영향평가 대상 물질로 추가를 고려할 필요가 있으며, 건강영향평가 대상 물질 중「대기환경보전법」상의 배출허용기준이 없는 물질에 대한 배출허용기준 마련도 고려해야 함 ㅇ 특히, CO의 경우 배출허용기준이 없으나 EPA와 EU에 기준이 있는 것을 고려할 때 우리나라의 경우 CO의 장기간 실시간 굴뚝측정결과를 활용하여 기준 마련의 필요 여부를 점검하고 필요시 적정 기준을 마련하여 관리하는 것이 필요함 ㅇ 「대기환경보전법」상의 배출허용기준이나 「환경오염시설의 통합관리에 관한 법률」상의 허가배출기준을 보완하는 방법으로 환경영향평가 시 대기오염물질 배출 관련 유지목표농도 설정을 제안함 □ LNG 열병합발전시설에 대하여 NOx 배출 측정 외에 타 물질에 대하여는 측정관리가 미흡하였으나, 최근 수행된 통합허가에서는 카드뮴, 크롬, 비소, 니켈, 수은, 납, 벤젠, 포름알데히드, 황화수소, 암모니아에 대하여 분기별 자가측정을 명시하고 있는 점이 고무적임 ㅇ 환경영향평가 대상 사업의 경우 사후환경영향조사계획 수립 시 굴뚝 측정을 추가하여 실시간 측정되지 않는 대기오염물질을 모니터링할 수 있는 대안으로 활용할 수 있음을 제안함 Ⅴ. 결론 및 정책 제언 □ 본 연구에서 상기 도출된 결과는 다음과 같은 사항으로 적용 및 활용될 수 있을 것으로 보임 ㅇ LNG 열병합발전시설의 기초 현황과 인근 인구분포 현황은 지자체별로 분석되어 있어 향후 지자체별 대규모 점오염원에 관한 관리대책 수립 시 활용할 수 있음 ㅇ 본 연구에서 제안한 LNG 열병합발전시설과 개별난방 보일러 시설 설치에 따른 대안 비교 방안은 열병합발전시설의 위치 선정 및 환경영향평가 시 환경적 영향을 최소화하는 방안으로 활용할 수 있음 ㅇ LNG 열병합발전시설의 대기오염물질 관리를 위해 제안된 저감기술 개발의 방향은 발전시설 운영 사업자의 저감방안 수립 시 활용할 수 있으며 향후 발전시설 저감기술관련 연구사업 개발 시 기초자료로 활용할 수 있음 ㅇ 정책적으로 개선방안으로 제안된 사항은 대기오염물질 배출허용기준 마련, 굴뚝자동측정장치 설치 확대, 통합허가 대상 확대, 환경영향평가 평가 방안 개선 등과 관련된 정책 수립을 뒷받침하는 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것임 Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research □ One of the key points of the 9th Basic Electricity Power Supply and Demand Plan (draft) is to reduce coal use and replace it with liquefied natural gas (LNG). This may have a positive impact on solving the problems of fine dust and greenhouse gases, but the impact of air quality caused by the use of fossil fuels (LNG) cannot be overlooked, and thus, careful air pollutant management is necessary. ㅇ Although the standards for emission of nitrogen oxides for gas-fired power plants have recently been strengthened, it has been pointed out that management of ammonia, dust, carbon monoxide, and unburned hydrocarbons and so on, is insufficient ㅇ In particular, since the development of LNG cogeneration plants are mostly being promoted with the development of new cities and most plants are located near the areas with high demands for heat, it can be said that air pollutant management focusing on exposures to air pollutants is important. □ This study intends to carefully establish a management plan for air pollutants for LNG cogeneration facilities, which are expected to cause severe exposure to air pollutants in expanding LNG power generation facilities. ㅇ Accordingly, by analyzing the current status LNG cogeneration plants and reviewing alternatives, we intend to propose a new plan to minimize the impact of air pollutant emission. ㅇ In addition, in order to suggest areas for improvement in the air pollutant management plan for LNG cogeneration plants, we intend to set out the direction for reduction facility development and derive the elements for institutional improvement. Ⅱ. Current Status of LNG Cogeneration Facilities 1. Basic status of LNG cogeneration facilities □ Looking at the current status of domestic power generation facilities in 2018, LNG cogeneration facilities (excluding district electricity) accounted for about 6.1% of the total power facilities. It was confirmed that most of the 38 LNG cogeneration facilities (including district electricity) were concentrated in the metropolitan area. ㅇ The provincial area where the largest number of LNG cogeneration facilities are located is Gyeonggi-do, and the total electricity and heat capacity installed were also the highest □ Among LNG cogeneration facilities, electricity and heat capacities of about 34 MW and about 140 Gcal/h on average are installed in the site which is a subject of the district electricity business, and electricity and heat capacity of about 398 MW and 289 Gcal/h on average are installed in the site which is a electricity generation business. ㅇ In the case of facilities that are the subjects of the electricity generation business, the distribution shows that they are largely divided into those with a capacity of more than 400 MW and those with a capacity of less than 200 MW. ㅇ The number of households supplied with heat is proportional to the installed heat capacity, but the correlation with the installed electricity capacity is low. 2. Distribution of population near LNG cogeneration facilities □ It was calculated that the national average of about 1,783 million people are located within a 10 km radius of the LNG cogeneration facility. ㅇ When comparing an average number of people within a 2 km radius of the general industrial complexes (an average of about 12,000 people; Ha, J.-S. et al., 2017, p.57) with the results of this study (an average of about 102,000 people), it is indicated that LNG cogeneration plants are located in areas where more people are exposed to air pollutants. ㅇ Population living near power generation plants by radius were the largest in Seoul and there were wide variations in population by plant in Gyeonggi-do. Ⅲ. A Study of the Impact of LNG Cogeneration Plants on Air Quailty: Comparison of Alternatives □ In consideration of the characteristics of the cogeneration facility that produces both electricity and heat and supplies heat to nearby customers, this study proposed a method to compare installing the cogeneration facility with installing an individual heating system to respond to heat demands. ㅇ In the case of the Wirye New City, the NOx emission level was higher when operating the LNG cogeneration plants than individual heating systems, but the predicted NO<sub>2</sub> concentration in the neighboring residential facilities was lower than expected due to the location of the LNG cogeneration facility, the height of the chimney, and the weather and topography. It is necessary to advance the methodology of alternative evaluation by analyzing various cases in the future. □ As the emission factors for PM, CO, NH<sub>3</sub>, VOCs, etc. emitted from the LNG cogeneration facility do not reflect the status of gas turbines which grew in size recently, and the related domestic measurement data are insufficient, it is judged that the uncertainty of the effect prediction result of the substance is very high. Ⅳ. A Plan to Improve Air Pollutant Management in LNG Cogeneration Facilities 1. Development direction of air pollutant reduction technology for LNG cogeneration facilities □ During the normal operations of LNG plants, emissions of unreacted ammonia may occur according to the load variations. Therefore, it is proposed to improve the ammonia injection facility and monitoring system and install a catalyst for removing unreacted ammonia after the selective catalytic reduction. ㅇ In addition, it is necessary to consider the application of an oxidation catalyst to power plants that do not have a prevention technology installed because emissions of CO and VOCs during the normal operations are not subject to regulation. However, it is necessary to prepare measures for each facility based on the monitoring results from the representative power plants according to whether or not an oxidation catalyst is installed. □ As NOx, CO, VOCs emissions occur at a temperature at which the efficiency of the prevention technology is not achieved during cold start or low load operations, it is necessary to develop a catalyst that is activated at low temperatures. Also, active measures in this regard should be established for the future technology development. □ In order to minimize the effect of particulate matter caused by the corrosion of the heat recovery steam generator, it is necessary to continuously develop particulate control equipments that can be applied to existing facilities with stability. 2. Improvement measures related to air pollutant management policy for LNG cogeneration facilities □ In addition to the emission allowance standards, NOx can be managed with reinforced standards when necessary according to the characteristics of the region through permissible emission standards and consultation standards. NOx monitoring is relatively well done by installing the Smokestack Tele-Monitoring System (TMS), but a plan is needed to expand the installation of TMS for facilities that have not installed the system. □ It is necessary to consider adding ammonia to the list of substances for health impact assessment. For substances subject to health impact assessment that do not have emission standards under the Clean Air Conservation Act, additional standards should be considered. ㅇ In particular, considering that Korea does not have emission standards for CO contrary to the EPA and EU, it is required to review the necessity using the long-term real-time measurement data and set the proper management standards. ㅇ As a method of supplementing the emission allowance standards under the Clean Air Conservation Act or the permissible emission standards under the Act on the Integrated Control of Pollutant-Discharging Facilities, it is proposed to establish a target maintenance target concentration level related to air pollutant emission for environmental impact assessment. □ In the LNG cogeneration facility, measurement and management of other substances except NOx have been insufficient. However, it is encouraging that quarterly self-measurements are clearly planned for cadmium, chromium, arsenic, nickel, mercury, lead, benzene, formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia in the recent integrated permit process. ㅇ In the case of projects subject to environmental impact assessment, it is suggested that chimney measurement can be added when establishing a post-environmental impact survey plan to be used as an alternative to monitor air pollutants that are not measured in real time. Ⅴ. Conclusion □ We expect that the result of this study can be utilized as follows: ㅇ The basic status of LNG cogeneration facilities and population distribution by radius are analyzed for each local government and this can be used when establishing management measures for large-scale point sources of each local government ㅇ The plan to compare the installation of LNG plants and individual heating systems proposed in this study can be used in minimizing environmental impact when selecting the location of cogeneration facilities and performing EIA. ㅇ The development direction of reduction technology proposed for the management of air pollutants in LNG cogeneration facilities can be helpful when operators of the facilities establish a reduction plan, and can be referred to as basic data when developing research projects related to reduction technology in the future. ㅇ Policy suggestions for improvement can be utilized for supporting the establishment of air pollutant emission allowance standards, expansion of the installation of automatic chimney measurement devices, expansion of the subject range for integrated permits, and improvement of environmental impact assessment evaluation methods.

      • 미세먼지 통합관리 전략 수립 연구 : 미세먼지 통합관리를 위한 정책지원 자료 구축

        심창섭,한진석,이정석,정은혜,공지영,이기영,최상진 한국환경연구원 2021 사업보고서 Vol.2021 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구의 배경 및 목적 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 본 연구는 다양한 부문을 아우르는 ‘통합적’ 관점에서 정부 정책 발전에 필요한 기초자료를 구축할 필요성에 의해 수행됨 ○ 미세먼지 배출 사각지대의 실태와 정책 개선안, 미세먼지 관련 대기오염 배출량 정보의 신뢰도 향상 및 정책 개선안, 그리고 정책 이행을 위한 소통/거버넌스 발전 등을 위한 기초자료 구축과 분석에 초점을 두었음 ○ 본 보고서는 ‘미세먼지 통합관리 전략 수립 연구(2021)’의 별책부록으로서 미세먼지 사각지대의 실태조사, 미세먼지 해결을 위한 주요 전구물질의 관리 실태 분석·조사 및 개선방안 도출, 그리고 미세먼지 정책의 당사자 인식조사를 포함하고 있음. 이를 통해 종합적 미세먼지 관리대책의 개선을 위한 기초자료를 수집하고, 이를 통해 정책 제언을 위한 기반을 구축하였다는 데 의의가 있음 2. 조사 및 자료의 주요 내용 □ 본 사업은 국내 미세먼지 정책지원을 위해 다음과 같은 다각적인 조사 및 데이터를 포함하고 있음 ○ 전국 비도로 부문의 미세먼지 관련 실태분석 및 정책 개선안 ○ 국내 미세먼지 전구물질인 휘발성유기화합물질(VOCs) 관리·연구 현황조사 및 정책 개선안 ○ 미세먼지 정책 이행 피규제자(대기오염 배출 사업장, 1~3종) 대상 인식조사 Ⅱ. 미세먼지 사각지대 배출원 기초자료 조사: 비도로 부문 관리실태 분석 및 정책 개선안 1. 조사 개요 □ 비도로 부문(철도, 선박, 농기계, 군용차량) 등의 관리실태 조사를 주요 목적으로 하고, 실태 조사 결과를 토대로 정책 개선에 대한 제안을 하고자 함 ○ 수송 부문은 국내 질소산화물 배출에 큰 비중을 차지하고 있으며, 디젤 연소 등은 배출량에 비해 건강 위해성이 매우 높은 것으로 알려져 이미 계상된 단위배출량당 상대적으로 높은 건강피해비용보다 더욱 우려할 수준일 것으로 추정됨 ○ 수송 부문은 도로이동오염원과 비도로이동오염원으로 구분 가능하며, 비도로이동오염원이 수송 부문에서 차지하는 미세먼지 배출비중이 작지 않음에도 불구하고 수송 부문의 미세먼지 저감 정책 및 기술 개발은 도로이동오염원 위주로 진행되어 온 한계가 있어, 본 연구에서 비도로이동오염원의 미세먼지 저감 정책 및 기술 동향을 검토하고, 해당 부문의 미세먼지 저감을 위한 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 함 2. 비도로 부문 관리실태 분석 결과 □ 건설기계를 제외한 비도로이동오염원은 도로이동오염원인 운행차와 달리 미세먼지 저감을 위한 법적 근거, 기술 등이 마련되어 있지 않아(농업기계, 선박, 철도) 이에 대한 정책 준비가 시급함 ○ 도로용 3종 건설기계 부문에는 「대기환경보전법」의 운행차 배출허용기준과 같이 저공해조치 대상을 관리할 수 있는 규제가 있지만, 나머지 부문에는 제작차 배출허용 기준만이 존재하여 폐차(폐선) 외 저공해조치를 추진하기 쉽지 않음. 또한 제작차 배출허용기준도 도로이동오염원과 달리 일부 출력에는 적용되지 않아 관리 사각지대가 존재하여 이 부분의 관리정책 수립과 이행이 필요함 ○ 선박 부문에서는 「해양환경관리법」에서 신규 건조선박의 대기오염 방지를 위한 규제를 제시하고 있으며, 2021년 신설된 『항만지역 등 대기질 개선 종합계획』이 수립되어 주요 미세먼지 및 관련 대기오염물질의 관리를 위한 정책 방향과 추진과제를 제시함. 특히 선박에 적용되는 미세먼지 저감기술 개발을 진행 중이며 2023년 이후 선박의 배출가스 저감장치의 상용화가 예상됨(예: 습식 스크러버 등) □ 노후 농업기계 등 비중이 작지 않으므로 비도로이동오염원의 미세먼지 저감을 위해서는 운행 농업기계 등의 관리가 필수적임 ○ 도로이동오염원과 같이 운행차 배출허용기준을 마련하고 정기적인 배출가스검사를 통해 저공해조치 필요 대상을 선별하고 관리해야 할 필요가 있음 ○ 이미 도로이동오염원의 운행차 배출가스 저감사업체계가 마련되어 있으므로 비도로 이동오염원의 저감사업 추진은 무리가 없을 것으로 판단됨 ○ 부문별 저감기술 연구가 현재 활발히 추진되고 있으므로 해당 기술의 상용화에 맞추어 저감사업을 구체화해야 할 필요가 있으나, 저공해조치를 위한 법적 근거, 저감장치 인증기준 마련 등 세부사항이 적지 않다는 점도 고려할 필요가 있음 Ⅲ. 국내 휘발성유기화합물(VOCs) 관리실태 조사 및 정책제언 1. 요약 및 정책제언 □ 국내 초미세먼지의 대다수가 2차 생성이며, VOCs의 큰 기여가 과학적 사실로 밝혀졌음에도 현재 국가 VOCs의 배출량은 크게 저평가된 것으로 나타남 ○ 특히 오존과 초미세먼지 기여가 큰 방향족탄화수소(C7+)는 최대 4배까지 저평가된 것으로 나타났으며, 대도시권과 주요 산업단지들에서 저평가가 상대적으로 커, 배출 목록에 대한 과학적 보완이 시급함 □ 국내 미반영(저평가)된 VOCs의 배출원 관리 강화가 매우 필요함 ○ VOCs는 공정·관리상 탈루(fugitive) 형태의 배출이 많아 배출 사업장 종 지정과 무관하게 주요 산업단지 중심으로 관리할 필요성이 있으며, 다각적인 모니터링에 대한 지속적 투자와 장기적 검증이 매우 필요함. 간헐적 과대 배출 문제 및 과소 추정된 것으로 알려진 산업단지 배출 등에 대한 단속이 필요함 ○ VOCs는 대기업보다는 중소사업장 중심의 관리가 부실한 것으로 나타남. 따라서 지자체 차원의 관리와 관련 역량을 강화할 필요성이 있음 ○ 배출목록상의 대표적 누락 및 편차의 요인으로는 세탁업종의 변화, 생활용품, 이·미용업 배출 등 변화하는 배출형태와 업종 변화를 배출목록에 반영할 필요가 있음 ○ 또한 항만의 석유제품 하역과정이 누락되었으며, 유증기 배출제어장치 의무 항만의 확대지정 및 석유제품 대상에 대한 확대지정으로 VOCs의 유출 관리를 강화할 필요가 있음 ○ 생물성 연소의 정확도 개선도 필요한데, 상업용 고기구이 배출목록과 배출량에 대한 현실화가 필요함 ○ 이륜차(오토바이) 사용 증가 및 레저용 이행정 엔진 사용에 의한 배출이 높은 것으로 나타나 이러한 누락 배출원에 대한 관리 강화와 이들에 대한 전기에너지화가 바람직 할 것으로 사료됨 □ 위해성을 고려한 VOCs의 관리원칙과 정책 이행이 중요함 ○ 수도권 및 산업단지 중심의 배출량이 국가 대기배출목록에 비해 크게 추정되는 것은 인구가 많은 지역의 인체 위해성이 높을 수 있기 때문이며, 화학물질별로 위해관리 차원의 정책과 저감이 시급함(HAPs 관리의 중요성 강조) ○ 국외 연구 결과 디젤 기인 VOCs의 2차 생성 문제와 높은 위해성이 지적되었는데 이는 배출량과 위해도가 다를 수 있음을 시사하며, 궁극적으로 국내 대기질 정책이 농도 저감에서 물질별 위해성 저감 차원으로 발전해야 함을 암시하고 있음 ○ HAPs 중심의 장기간 농도 및 인체 위해성을 모니터링한 캘리포니아주의 다중 독성 대기오염물질 노출 평가 프로그램(MATES)은 중기적 차원의 국내 대기관리의 방향성을 시사하고 있음(인체 노출 위해성 저감 중심 정책) Ⅳ. 지자체 미세먼지 피규제자(배출 사업장) 설문조사 1. 개요 □ 미세먼지 정책의 피규제자(대기오염 배출 사업장)에 대한 설문조사를 실시함 ○ 전국 대기오염 배출 사업장(1~3종) 600개소 담당자의 응답결과를 얻고 전체 약 4,000개소의 모집단 분포를 추정하여 분석하였음 - 기간은 2021년 8월~9월 말까지 약 6주간 진행(한국갤럽과 공동 작업 실시) - 배출 사업장은 종별로 약 30% 내외 수준으로 층화변수를 구성하였으며(3종의 비율이 다소 높음) - 문항으로는 (1) 미세먼지의 일반적인 실태와 정책에 대한 공통적 인식, (2) 사업장 미세먼지 정책에 대한 세부적 인식, (3) 사업장 현황에 대한 조사 및 의견수렴의 형태로 진행함 2. 설문조사 결과 □ 피규제자(배출 사업장)들은 규제자(공무원)에 비해 국내 미세먼지 기인요인이 많다고 생각하고 있으며, 화력발전소 및 사업장 등 점오염원 관리가 가장 효과적인 정책이라고 인지함 ○ 이는 미세먼지 정책의 책임소재 유무와 현장경험 등에 기반한 것으로 추정되며 화력발전, 총량제 등 비교적 대형 사업장의 담당자로서의 인식이 투영된 것으로 사료됨 ○ 특히 수도권과 전라권에서는 배출총량제 관리강화를 가장 효과적이라고 인식하고 있는 반면 경북권에서는 총량제가 효과적이라는 인식이 약 7%에 불과함. 이는 포항 등과 같은 대형 배출 사업장 등의 영향이 지배적인 원인도 있는 것으로 추정됨(기타 사업장 영향 작음) ○ 미세먼지 및 대기배출 관리 관련 법령에 대한 인지도는 대부분 높았는데, 특히 전라권의 인지도가 매우 높은 것은(>90%) 여수산업단지 등의 자가측정 문제 및 가스 누출 등 관리 차원의 문제로 인해 해당 지역의 관리가 강화된 영향을 반영한 것으로 추정됨 □ 그러나 미세먼지 배출 저감을 위해 관련 규제의 간소화 및 정책 지원을 위한 정책 소통과 교육 등의 정부 지원이 필요한 것으로 드러남 ○ 그럼에도 불구하고 일부 사업장들은 관련 법령이 복잡하여 파악하고 이행하는 데 어려움을 겪는 것으로 조사되었음. 이는 관련 법령 간의 명확화, 일원화의 이슈와 직접 연결되는 사안으로서 그 필요성을 반증하는 것임 ○ 해당 사업장들은 사업장 인허가 문제의 어려움과, 배출방지시설 유지 및 관리 비용에 관련된 민원이 가장 많았음. 또한 측정값의 입력 문제 및 측정대행업체 의존 등 기술적 애로사항이 있는 것으로 드러났음 ○ 사업장 담당자들은 복잡한 사업장 규제에 대한 간소화 요구가 ‘비용 지원’이나 ‘규제완화’ 요구보다 더 많아 본 연구에서 제시한 법체계의 명확화 및 일원화에 대한 필요성이 반증됨. 또한 관련 미세먼지 관리, 규제 정보의 전달과 교육 등의 당사자 지원이 매우 중요한 것으로 드러났음 □ 지자체 공무원들의 인식은 수도권과 비수도권 간의 응답에 다소 차이가 있었음 ○ 미세먼지 관련 민원이 ‘많았다’라고 응답한 비율은 수도권과 충청권(중부권)이 높아서 최근 고농도 사례일수가 많은 현실과 관련성이 있는 것으로 나타남 ○ 수도권은 국내 미세먼지 원인으로 자동차(이동오염원) 배출과 비도로/건설 기인 비산 먼지가 높다고 응답한 반면, 비수도권에서는 점오염원 비중이 높다고 응답하여 현실에 대한 인식이 투영된 것으로 보임 ○ 점오염원의 총량관리제에 대해 수도권은 대체로 중요하고 실천 가능성도 높다고 응답한 반면, 비수도권은 실천 가능성에 대한 다양한 의견이 있어 경험에 의한 차이 등의 인식상 차이가 있는 것으로 드러남. 또한 축산 부문 저감에 대해서는 대체로 중앙값(보통)을 중심으로 다양한 의견이 존재하여 암모니아 기인 미세먼지 오염에 대한 과학적 인식 확산이 필요한 것으로 사료됨 ※ 부가적으로 연구결과의 정책적 홍보와 소통을 위해 동영상 콘텐츠를 제작하였음 Ⅰ. Background and Aims of Research 1. Background and aims of research □ This study was conducted on the needs to establish basic data for the development of government policies from an “integrated” perspective encompassing various sectors. ○ The main focus was the establishment and analysis of basic data for improvement in policy and reliability of information on particulate matter-related air pollution emissions and communication/governance development for policy implementation. ○ This research is an annex to a study on Intergrated Maanagement of Pariculate Matter Pollution (2021). It investigates the actual conditions of blind spots regarding particulate matter management, analyzes and investigates the management status of major precursors to solve such issues, and establishes improvement plans. It also includes a survey on the perception of the parties on the particulate matter management policy. It is meaningful in a way that basic data for improving comprehensive particulate matter management measures was collected and the foundation for policy suggestions was established. 2. Key content of surveys and data □ This project includes the following various surveys and data to support domestic particulate matter management policies. ○ Nationwide analysis of particulate matter in the non-road sector and policy improvement ○ Research on the management, status quo, and policy improvement plans of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which is a precursor of domestic particulate matter ○ A perception survey on those regulated by the particulate matter management policy enforcement (air pollutant-emitting places of business, type 1-3) Ⅱ. Basic Survey on Sources of Emission in Blind Spots of Particulate Matter Management: Analysis of the Management Status in the Non-road Sector and Policy Improvement Plans 1. Research framework □ The main purpose is to examine the management status of the non-road sector (railroads, ships, agricultural machinery, military vehicles, etc.) and to suggest policy improvements based on the results of the survey. ○ The transportation sector accounts for a large portion of domestic nitrogen oxide emissions. While diesel combustion is known to have a very high health risk compared to other emissions, it is estimated to be more alarming than the relatively high cost of health damage per unit emission. ○ Sources of pollution in the transportation sector can be divided into road mobile sources and non-road mobile sources. Although the proportion of particulate matter emissions occupied by non-road mobile sources in the transportation sector is not minor, the development of policies and technologies to reduce particulate matter in the transportation sector is mainly focused on road mobile pollution sources. As there have been limitations, this research intends to review policies and technology trends to reduce particulate matter from non-road mobile sources, and to suggest implications for policy development for its reduction in relevant sectors. 2. Analysis result of the management status of the non-road sector □ For non-road mobile sources of pollution, except for construction machinery, there is neither the legal basis nor technology to reduce particulate matter from in-use vehicles which is a road mobile source of pollution (agricultural machinery, ships, railways), requiring urgent policy preparation. ○ For three types of road construction machines, there are regulations to control those subject to low-emission measures as Permissible Emission Levels for In-Use Motor Vehicles in the “Clean Air Conservation Act“, but it is not easy to promote low-emission measures in other sectors other than scrapping (motor vehicles and ships) as there are emission standards for manufactured vehicles only. In addition, unlike road mobile pollutants, permissible emission levels for manufactured vehicle do not apply to cars with certain levels of horsepower, so there are blind spots in management, calling for the need to establish and implement management policies. ○ The ‘Marine Environment Management Act’ includes regulations to prevent air pollution from newly built ships, and the ‘Comprehensive Plan on the Improvement of Air Quality in Port Areas’ was established in 2021, setting major policy directions and proposing implementation tasks to manage particulate matter and related air pollutants. In particular, the development of particulate matter reduction technology for ships is in progress, and emission reduction devices for ships are expected to be commercialized after 2023 (e.g., wet scrubbers, etc.). □ Since the proportion of old agricultural machinery is not small, it is essential to manage operational agricultural machinery to reduce particulate matter from non-road mobile pollutants. ○ It is crucial to establish emission standards for in-use vehicles, such as road mobile pollutants, and to select and manage targets to apply low-pollution measures through regular monitoring of emissions. ○ As the in-use vehicle emission reduction project system targeted at road mobile pollutants already exists, developing projects to reduce non-road mobile pollutants will not be difficult. ○ Nowadays, as research on reduction technologies by sector is being actively promoted, it is essential to specify reduction projects in line with the commercialization of technology, but it is also necessary to consider that there are many details that need consideration such as establishing the legal basis for low-pollution measures and certification standards for reduction devices. Ⅲ. Research on the Management Status of Domestic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Policy Suggestions 1. Summary and policy suggestions □ Although it has been scientifically proven that the majority of ultrafine dust in Korea is the result of secondary production and that VOCs greatly contributes to it, yet the current emissions of VOCs in the country are estimated as far less than they actually are. ○ Notably, aromatic hydrocarbons (C7+), which significantly contribute to ozone and ultrafine dust, were found to be underestimated by up to four times. Since the current status of major industrial complexes in metropolitan areas is greatly underestimated, revising/improving emission lists based on science is urgent. □ Strengthened management of the emission sources of domestically unreflected (minimized) VOCs is required. ○ VOCs are mainly emitted in the form of fugitive dust during the industrial process, so regardless of the types of the emitting workplaces, they should be managed with a focus on major industrial complexes. Also regulation is needed on intermittent excessive emissions. ○ It appears that VOCs are poorly managed by small and medium-sized businesses rather than large corporations. Therefore, strengthened management and capacity development at the local level are urgently required. ○ As factors of typical omissions and deviations in the emission list, there are changing patterns of emission and change of industries such as changes in the laundry sector, household goods, and e-beauty, and it is necessary to reflect such changes in the emission list. ○ In addition, the unloading of petroleum products in the port was left out and the outflow management of VOCs should be tightened by designating more ports subject to mandatory oil vapor emission control and expanding the range of petroleum products. ○ There is also a need to improve the accuracy of bio-combustion, and the actual emission list and emission amount in barbecue business should be reflected. ○ Emissions due to the increased use of two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles) and recreational craft engines were found to be high. The management of these emission sources omitted from the list must be strengthened and a transition to electrical energy would be recommended. □ Importance of implementing the management principles and policies of VOCs in consideration of risks ○ Since emissions in the metropolitan area and industrial complexes are assessed to be larger compared to the national air emission list, risk management policies and reduction for each chemical substance are urgent (highlights the importance of HAPs management). ○ International studies pointed out the problems of secondary production and high health risks regarding VOCs from diesel engines, which implies that emission amounts and the actual level of risk may not correspond; this suggests that air quality control policy should ultimately focus on reducing risks by substance, shifting from reducing concentrations. ○ California’s Multiple Toxic Air Pollutant Exposure Assessment Program (MATES), which monitored long-term concentrations and human risks centered on HAPs, proposes a direction for mid-term air management in Korea. Ⅳ. Survey of Pollutant-emitting Places of Business in Self-governing Provinces 1. Outline □ A survey was conducted among those regulated by the particulate matter management policy (air pollutant-emitting workplaces) ○ The response of 600 people in charge of air pollutant-emitting sites (Type 1-3) was obtained, and the distribution of the total population of about 4,000 was approximated and analyzed. - The survey period was six weeks from August to late September, 2021 (jointly conducted with the Gallup Korea). - Commercial sites discharging emissions constituted stratification variables at around 30% per type (the proportion of Type 3 is slightly higher). - The questions consisted of (1) perception of the current status and policies for particulate matter, (2) detailed perception on particulate matter management policies for worksites, and (3) investigation and feedback on the situations of worksites. 2. Survey results □ Compared to regulators (public officials), those who are regulated (discharging workplaces) consider domestic factors as large contributors to particulate matter, and they perceive that the management of point sources of pollution such as thermal power plants is the most effective policy. ○ It is estimated that this is based on whether the respondent is in a position of responsibility regarding the particulate matter management policy and one’s field experience. It is assumed that this reflects a perspective of a person in charge of a relatively large business site such as thermal power plant and air pollutant-emitting sites (Type 1-3). ○ Principally, while the reinforcement of cap-and-trade is acknowledged as most effective in the metropolitan area and Jeolla Province, only about 7% responded that this system is effective in Gyeongbuk area. It is presumed that the dominant cause of this is the influence of large emission sites such as Pohang (low impact on other business sites). ○ Most of the laws related to particulate matter and air pollutant emission management were well recognized, especially in Jeolla Province (> 90%), which is estimated to reflect the reinforced management of the area due to issues of self-measurement and gas leakage at Yeosu Industrial Complex. □ However, in order to reduce particulate matter emissions, government assistance in the simplification of related regulations and communication and education for policy support is required. ○ Due to complex characteristics, it has been shown that some workplaces have difficulties in understanding and implementing the relevant laws and regulations. This is directly connected to the issue of clarification and unification between related laws and regulations, which proves its necessity. ○ The most common complaints were related to challenges in workplace licensing and the cost of maintaining and managing emission control facilities. In addition, technical difficulties such as input problems of measurement values and dependence on measurement agencies were also pointed out. ○ The need for clarification and unification of the legal system dealt in this study proved true as there were more requests for simplified workplace regulations than those for ‘financial support’ or ‘relaxation of regulation.’ Furthermore, it was found that support for people in charge of particulate matter management including the provision of information on relevant regulation and education is very important. □ There was a gap in terms of the perception of local government officials between the metropolitan and non-metropolitan area ○ The metropolitan area and Chungcheong area had a high proportion of respondents who answered that they had a great number of civil complaints. It is estimated that this is due to recent cases of high particulate matter concentrations, which is directly linked to their daily life. ○ Whereas officials in the metropolitan area responded that automobile (mobile pollutant) emissions and fugitive dust from non-road sources and construction contribute greatly to domestic particulate matter, officials in the non-metropolitan regions responded that point sources of pollution make great contributions, reflecting the awareness of reality. ○ Regarding the management system of total permissible emission volume for point sources, officials in the metropolitan area generally responded that it is important and highly feasible, while officials in the non-metropolitan regions had various opinions on its feasibility, which seems to reflect the difference in perception, and experience of the respondent. In addition, as for the reduction in the livestock sector, diverse opinions were raised, yet generally they centered around the middle range, which indicates the need for raising scientific awareness on particulate matter pollution from ammonia. ※ Video clips were created based on the study results for policy promotion and communication.

      • KCI등재

        SWAT 모형을 활용한 유황별 비점오염 저감 효율 분석 - 달천 유역을 대상으로 -

        김수홍,홍지영,박운지,김종건,임경재 한국물환경학회 2021 한국물환경학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        The recent climate change and urbanization have seen an increase in runoff and pollutant loads, and consequently significant negative water pollution. The characteristics of the pollutant loads vary among the different flow regime depending on their source and transport mechanism, However, pollutant load reduction based on flow regime perspectives has not been investigated thoroughly. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the effects of concentration on pollutant load characteristics and reductions from each flow regime to develop efficient pollution management. As non-point pollutants continuously increase due to the increase in impervious area, efficient management is necessary. Therefore, in this study, 1) the characteristics of pollutant sources were analyzed at the Dalcheon Basin, 2) reduction of nonpoint pollution, and 3) reduction efficiency for flow regimes were analyzed. By analyzing the characteristics of the Dalcheon Basin, a reduction efficiency scenario for each pollutant source was constructed. The efficiency analysis showed 0.06% to 5.62% for the living scenario, 0.09 to 24.62% for the livestock scenario, 0.17% to 12.81% for the industry scenario, 9.45% to 38.45% for the land scenario, and 9.8% to 39.2% for the composite scenario. Therefore, various pollution reduction scenarios, taking into account the characteristics of pollutants and flow regime characteristics, can contribute to the development of efficient measurements to improve water quality at various flow regime perspectives in the Dalcheon Basin.

      • KCI우수등재

        XAI를 활용한 특별관리해역의 연안오염총량관리제 오염물질 대상항목 선정 및 해양오염 관리 방안 도출

        김세상 한국해양환경·에너지학회 2023 한국해양환경·에너지학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries reports on the status of special management coastal zone every year. Currently, Korea periodically utilizes the data from the marine environmental measurement network to identify the extent of marine pollution to establish and evaluate the total pollutant load management system for special management coastal zone. However, as a result of the operation of the marine envi-ronmental measurement network in 2016 by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, most of the waters maintain relatively clean water quality with a water quality index (WQI) of 2 or higher. However, among the special management coastal zone, some peaks that are directly affected by the influx of land-based pollutants, such as the coast of Ulsan, the inner part of Masan Bay, the inner part of Sihwa Lake, the wa-ters of the Nakdong River estuary, and the coast of Mokpo at the mouth of Yeongsan River, partially show results below WQI 4, indicating that measures to improve water quality are needed. This study iden-tifies the current status of marine pollution sources in special management coastal zone through XAI (ex-plainable artificial intelligence) analysis using data on special management coastal zone from the Marine Environmental Measurement Network, identifies the main pollution sources, and proposes a new direction for the decision-making problem of selecting pollutant targets for the total pollutant load management system. In addition, by deriving the impact of each pollutant and creating the marine pollution index, I was able to explore ways to establish policies such as selecting candidate sites for special management coastal zone in the future and derives future-oriented solutions to manage marine pollution. I was able to collect and refine marine environmental data affecting the marine environment, such as WQI, COD (chemical oxygen demand), and P (phosphorus), by time series, and analyze which marine pollutants have the most influence in the current special management coastal zone through XAI to propose a new direction for the decision making problem of selecting pollutant targets for the total pollutant load man-agement system for each area. Also, Based on the marine pollution index, which reflects the impact of marine pollution sources, AI modeling to predict marine pollution one year from now was used to select candidate areas for future special management coastal zone and derive solutions for managing the se-lected special management coastal zone.

      • KCI등재

        수질오염총량관리제의 합리적인 시행을 위한 비점오염원관리 개선방안

        이상진(Sang Jin Yi),김영일(Young Il Kim) 大韓環境工學會 2014 대한환경공학회지 Vol.36 No.10

        수질오염총량관리제의 효율적인 시행을 위해 본 연구에서는 비점오염원의 분류, 비점부하량(발생, 배출) 산정, 비점 오염원 관리지역의 선정, 비점오염물질 관리 등을 포함한 비점오염원 관리방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 무엇보다도 먼저 점오염원과 비점오염원의 정의는 학술적·법률적 관점에 기초하여 명확히 구분·관리하여야 한다. 특히, 사업활동과 사람의 활동에 의해서도 환경피해가 발생하지 않는 임야, 초지, 하천 등은 별도로 자연배경오염원으로 구분하여야 한다. 비점오염원 발생 및 배출부하량의 원단위는 유역의 실제여건에 맞도록 우선적으로 변경하여야 하며, 비점오염원 발생 및 배출부하량의 산정방법은 유역의 강수량 및 강수 지속시간을 고려하도록 수정하여야 한다. 한편, 수질오염총량관리제를 시행함에 있어 비점 오염원 관리지역은 강우시 하천의 오염물질 농도가 중권역 목표(관리목표)를 초과하거나 초과할 우려가 있는 유역을 대상으로 하며, 전체 유역 가운데 초지, 임야를 제외한 도시지역, 농경지, 그리고 대지 가운데 비점오염물질의 배출밀도가 높은 지역을 비점오염원 관리지역으로 최소화하여 선정하여야 한다. 비점오염물질저감시설은 단위면적당 비점오염물질 배출량, 오염물질 초과농도 지속시간, 처리의 실현가능성, 점오염원 대비 처리비용 효과 등을 고려하여 단위면적당 비점오염원 발생부하량이 많은 지역과 강우시 수질농도가 중권역 목표를 초과하는 유역에 설치하여야 한다. For effective implementation of total maximum daily load (TMDL), this study presented the improving plans of nonpoint source pollution management including the classification of non-point source pollution, calculation of non-point source pollution load (generated, discharged), selection of non-point source pollution management regions and management of non-point source pollutant. First of all, the definition of point source pollution and non-point source pollution based on the legal and scientific viewpoint should be precisely classified and managed. Especially, the forest, grassland and river without occurrence of environmental damage by activity of business and human should be separately classified natural background pollutants. The unit for generated and discharged non-point source pollution should be preferentially changed according to actual condition of watershed. The calculation methods of generated and discharged non-point source pollution should be corrected consideration on the amount and duration of rainfall. While the TMDL is implemented, non-point source pollution management regions should be selected in the watersheds exceed the targeted water quality standards by the rainfall. The non-point source pollution management regions should be selected in the minimal regions where have high values of discharged non-point source pollution density in the urban area, farmland and site area except forest, grassland in the whole watershed. The non-point source pollutant treatment facilities, which take into consideration non-point source pollution load per unit area, duration of the excess concentration, realizable possibility of treatment, effectiveness of treatment cost versus point source pollutant, should be established in the regions with a large generated non-point source pollution load and a high concentration of water quality exceed the targeted water quality standards by the rainfall.

      • KCI등재

        하천유역에서의 기저유출 분석을 통한 총질소 하천오염부하량 연구

        최윤호 ( Youn Ho Choi ),금동혁 ( Dong Huyk Kum ),류지철 ( Ji Chul Ryu ),정영훈 ( Young Hun Jung ),김용석 ( Yong Seok Kim ),전지홍 ( Ji Hong Jeon ),김기성 ( Ki Sung Kim ),임경재 ( Kyoung Jae Lim ) 한국물환경학회 2015 한국물환경학회지 Vol.31 No.1

        It has been well known that it is not easy to quantify pollutant loads driven by non-point source pollution due to various factors affecting generation and transport mechanism of it. Especially pollutant loads through baseflow have been investigated by limited number of researchers. Thus in this study, the Web-based WAPLE (WHAT-Pollutant Load Estimation) system was developed and applied at study watersheds to quantify baseflow contribution of pollutant. In YbB watershed, baseflow contribution with WWTP discharge is responsible for 49.5% of total pollutant loads at the watershed. Among these, pollutant loads through baseflow (excluding any WWTP discharge) is responsible for 61.7% of it. In GbA watershed, it was found that 58.4% is contributed by baseflow with WWTP discharge 2.9% and 97.1% is by baseflow. For NbB watershed (without WWTP discharge), 52.3% of pollutant load is transported through baseflow. As shown in this study, it was found that over 50.0% of TN (Total Nitrogen) pollutant loads are contributed by non-direct runoff. Thus pollutant loads contributed by baseflow and WWTP discharge as well as direct runoff contribution should be quantified to develop and implement watershed-specific Best Management Practices during dry period.

      • 농촌지역의 비점오염원 유출 특성에 관한 연구

        정장표,차건봉,김좌관 慶星大學校 環境問題硏究所 1993 環境硏報 Vol.3 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out characteristics of nonpoint source-pollutant loads For this, in the aspect of water guality Change during storm days, the relationship between Stream flow and pollutant mass loads was studied. Also the contributions of loading rates from nonpoint sources were calculated. In this study, the drainage area of Sooyeong river, upstream of the Hoedong reservoir, was investigated. The reservoir used for drinking water source in Pusan, is located in a rural area and few point sources in its drainage area. The results of this study were as follows. Changes in water quality during rainfall showed that parameters such as COD, PO₄-P, T-P, NH₄-N concentration increased about two times, on the other hand, NO₂-N, NO₃-N concentration decreased to about two third of the concentrations in drying periods. The regression equations for stream flow versus pollutant loads were obtained as follows: COD : LOG(M)=-4.531+1.396×LOG(Q) r²=0.768 NH4-N : LOG(M)=-3.227+0.948×LOG(Q) r²=0.825 NO2-N : LOG(M)=-5.744+1.216×LOG(Q) r²=0.641 T-P : LOG(M)=-8.303+1.804×LOG(Q) r²=0.811 PO4-P : LOG(M)=-7.726+1.660×LOG(Q) r²=0.820 The rate of pollutant contributions from nonpoint sources was 80.4% for COD, 75.8% for NH₄-N, 53% for NO₂-N, 57.3% for NO₃-N. 85% for T-P, 89% for PO₄-P, and that of phosphorous pollutant was higher than that of inorganic pollutants. The loading rates of nonpoint pollutants were calculated as 3.76kg/ha/d(COD), 0.2kg/ha/day(NH₄-N), 0.076kg/ha/d(T-P), 0.037kg/ha/d(PO₄-P), respectively. Results above mentioned showed that the pollutant contributions from nonpoint sources were not negligible and the control and management of nonpoint source were urgently needed.

      • Analysis of High Concentration Diffusion Pattern by Air Pollutions in Port Industry Interfaces

        황제호,김시현,윤소현,박상현 한국무역학회 2022 Journal of Korea trade Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose – Port is vital for international trade accounting for approximately 80% of world cargo transportation in the global trade sector. Air pollutants emitted owing to the related industry interfaces developed around the port spread throughout the dense population region can have harmful effects on the nearby residents. This study aims to analyze high-concentration diffusion pattern by air pollutants, considering the main management periods by air pollutants. Design/methodology – Employing the concentration criteria per main air pollutant, the analyses of concentration change patterns per air pollutant, wind characteristics that directly affected the air pollutant diffusion, distribution types per air pollutant, and high-concentration diffusion patterns by season according to time changes were conducted. Findings – The substances that caused harmful levels of air pollution in the hinterland living zone of the Busan New Port were PM_10, PM_2.5, and NO_2. Furthermore, the intensive management periods were as follows: For PM_10, 24-h (spring), 12:00-16:00 (summer), 12:00-16:00 (summer), 20:00–12:00 (fall), and 24:00–20:00 (winter), and for PM_2.5, 24-h (all four seasons), and for NO_2, 23:00–04:00 (spring), 23:00–08:00 (summer), and 20:00–08:00 (fall), and 23:00-04:00 (winter). Originality/value – Research finding indicates that regular monitoring and countermeasures to reduce air pollution for each air pollutant makes it possible to achieve effective air quality control in the port and hinterland living zones.

      • KCI등재후보

        강우시 철로 역사에서 발생하는 비점오염물질의 유출 경향 및 특성

        김이형(Lee-Hyung Kim),어성욱(Sunguk Oa),이선하(Seonha Lee) 한국철도학회 2005 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        The ministry of Environment, Korea, are designing the TMDL(Total Maximum daily Load) program for 4 major large rivers to improve water quality from possible pollutants. It can be successfully performed as controling of nonpoint pollutants from watershed area. Railway stations are stormwater intensive land use because of high imperviousness and high pollutant mass emissions from various activities. Especially the metal pollutants from the railway station were recognized as an important pollutants because of its toxicities. In order to characterize the washed-off pollutants, the monitoring were performed on a railway station during storms. Pollutant concentrations are exponentially decreasing during the storm duration. The 95% confidence interval of pollutant concentrations in an hour storm duration ranges from 61.6 to 115.4mg/L for TSS(mean=88.50mg/L), 103.8-244.1mg/L for COD(mean=174 mg/L) and 7.68-17.32mg/L for Oil & Grease(mean=12.5mg/L). The ranges of metals were 39.2-84.0ug/L for total Cu(mean=61.6ug/L), 14.0-25.8ug/L for total Pb(mean=19.9ug/L) and 182.2-376.1ug/L for total Zn(mean=279.2ug/L). The first flush criteria for best management practices can be suggested to 50% pollutant mass emissions during 30% of the total flow.

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