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      • Enumerating typical abelian prime-fold coverings of a circulant graph

        Feng, R.,Kwak, J.H.,Kwon, Y.S. North-Holland Pub. Co ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2009 Discrete mathematics Vol.309 No.8

        Enumerating the isomorphism classes of several types of graph coverings is one of the central research topics in enumerative topological graph theory (see [R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, J. Kim, J. Lee, Isomorphism classes of concrete graph coverings, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 265-272; R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Typical circulant double coverings of a circulant graph, Discrete Math. 277 (2004) 73-85; R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Y.S. Kwon, Enumerating typical circulant covering projections onto a circulant graph, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19 (2005) 196-207; SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21 (2007) 548-550 (erratum); M. Hofmeister, Graph covering projections arising from finite vector spaces over finite fields, Discrete Math. 143 (1995) 87-97; M. Hofmeister, Enumeration of concrete regular covering projections, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 8 (1995) 51-61; M. Hofmeister, A note on counting connected graph covering projections, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 286-292; J.H. Kwak, J. Chun, J. Lee, Enumeration of regular graph coverings having finite abelian covering transformation groups, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 273-285; J.H. Kwak, J. Lee, Isomorphism classes of graph bundles, Canad. J. Math. XLII (1990) 747-761]). A covering is called abelian (or circulant, respectively) if its covering graph is a Cayley graph on an abelian (or a cyclic, respectively) group. A covering p from a Cayley graph Cay(A,X) onto another Cay (Q,Y) is called typical if the map p:A->Q on the vertex sets is a group epimorphism. Recently, the isomorphism classes of connected typical circulant r-fold coverings of a circulant graph are enumerated in [R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Typical circulant double coverings of a circulant graph, Discrete Math. 277 (2004) 73-85] for r=2 and in [R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Y.S. Kwon, Enumerating typical circulant covering projections onto a circulant graph, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19 (2005) 196-207; SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21 (2007) 548-550 (erratum)] for any r. As a continuation of these works, we enumerate in this paper the isomorphism classes of typical abelian prime-fold coverings of a circulant graph.

      • KCI등재

        한국잔디 수집계통들 중에서 우수계통들의 생육특성 비교

        임용우(Y. W. Rim),김기용(K. Y. Kim),김맹중(M. J. Kim),성병렬(B. R. Sung),임영철(Y. C. Lim),정의수(E. S. Chung),신홍균(H. K. Shin),김용선(Y. S. Kim) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2003 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.17 No.2,3

        2001년 수집된 한국잔디 133계통들 중에서 우수한 계통들을 선발하기위하여 밀도(품질),<br/> 피복성, 녹색기간, 내병성, 출수유무(종자수) 등의 주요특성과 그 외 생육특성들이 조사되었다. 생육특성이 우수한 6계통이 선발되었으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.<br/> 수집된 133계통들 중에서 가장 녹색기간이긴 계통은 J01067으로 11월초까지 녹색도를 유지하였다. J01106 및 J01129 계통들은 엽폭이 각각 1.5mm 및 2mm 정도로 매우 좁으며, 밀도가 높고, 피복성도 좋은 것으로 나타났으며, 내병성도 강하였다. J01122 계통은 들잔디 계통들 중에서 유일하게 내병성이 강한 계통으로 선발되었다. J01128 계통은 엽폭이 3.2mm로 중엽에 속하였으며, 대비품종인 Sunburst 와 비슷하였다. 이 계통의 경우도J01106, J01129 계통들과 마찬가지로 밀도가 높고 내병성이 강한 것으로 나타났다.<br/> 수집된 133계통들의 형태적 분류를 위하여 5가지의 생육특성을 사용하여 크게 세가지 군집<br/> 으로 분류하였으며, 그 중에서 대비품종으로 사용된 6품종들과 선발된 우수 6계통의 분류는<br/> 다음과 같다. 제 1군집에 속하는 품종 및 계통은 Belare, Meyer, 안양중지(Anyang-jungji), J01067, J01112 등이 포함되었으며, 제 2군집으로는 S-94, J01105가 포함되었고, 제 3군집에는 Sunburst, 건희(Konhee), J01106, J01128, J01129 등이 포함되었다. Growth characteristics such as density(quality), covering speed, green period, disease resistance, heading existence(number of seeds) and other characteristics were examined for selection of superior lines among the 133 zoysiagrass lines collected in 2001. Six superior lines were selected and the results were summarized as follows.<br/> Superior line, J01067 was longest for green period among the 133 zoysiagrasses and stayed green until the beginning of November. Leaf width of J01106 and J01129 lines was very narrow as 1.5㎜ and 2㎜, respectively and superior for density(quality), covering speed and disease resistance. J01122 line was selected for strongest disease resistance among the lines of Zoysia japonica. Leaf width of J01128 was 3.2㎜ showing midium type and similar to standard cultivar, Sunburst. This line also showed higher density and strong disease resistance like J01106 and J01129.<br/> Five growth characteristics for morphological classification of 133 zoysiagrass lines<br/> was used and divided into 3 cluster groups. Of 133 lines, 6 standard cultivars and 6 superior lines were classified as follows. First cluster group contained Belare, Meyer, Anyang-jungji, J01067, J01122, and second group contained S-94 and J01105, and third group contained Sunburst, Konhee, J01106, J01128 and J01129.<br/> <br/>

      • KCI등재후보

        Affirmer la Résurrection de Jésus-Christ

        H.-J.Gagey 한국가톨릭신학학회 2009 가톨릭신학 Vol.0 No.14

        Cet article esquisse une réflexion systématique sur l’affirmation de la résurrection de Jésus en personne en tant qu’elle réclame le dépassement d’une conception «réifiée» de la Révélation selon laquelle on oppose sans les relier vraiment les faits révélés (la fides quae) et leur appropriation personnelle par les fidèles (la fides qua). Il commence par le rappel de trois principes fondamentaux : 1. Avec la résurrection commence la foi chrétienne qui n’est pas essentiellement adhésion à un code moral ou à un principe théologique abstrait mais confession de l’événement historique de la résurrection du crucifié en lequel le Dieu Père scelle la nouvelle Alliance avec les nations. 2. Selon le Nouveau Testament, jamais la résurrection n’est présentée comme un fait « objectivement » constatable sans la participation de l’homme dans sa foi. Elle est un événement «sans analogie», distinct de tout ce qu’on peut lire comme récits de «réanimation» dans l’Ancien Testament ou dans la littérature religieuse mondiale. Toute recherche de preuve, toute tentative pour rendre vraisemblables nos récits et témoignages doivent donc être exclues. 3. La foi en la résurrection s’évanouit si, à la suite des apôtres qui ont cru voir Jésus vivant, elle ne comporte l’affirmation résolue de l’existence ressuscitée de Jésus en personne. L’article se poursuit par une réflexion épistémologique : si la résurrection est un événement historique accessible seulement à la foi, il faut rompre avec une théorie de la connaissance viciée par l’objectivisme naïf. Sur la base d’une analogie avec les sciences de l’observation, l’article montre alors que, selon le mot de l’apôtre, la foi en la résurrection naît par l’écoute de la parole. Seule en effet la parole ouvre les yeux empêchés de voir la vérité de la Vie telle qu’elle se manifeste dans l a venue, la mort et la résurrection de Jésus. L’article engage alors pour finir un parcours existentiel destiné à faire éprouver au lecteur de quelle nature est la Vérité qui s’expose dans la destinée de Jésus et sur laquelle la foi prend position en affirmant qu’Il est vivant. Cet article esquisse une réflexion systématique sur l’affirmation de la résurrection de Jésus en personne en tant qu’elle réclame le dépassement d’une conception «réifiée» de la Révélation selon laquelle on oppose sans les relier vraiment les faits révélés (la fides quae) et leur appropriation personnelle par les fidèles (la fides qua). Il commence par le rappel de trois principes fondamentaux : 1. Avec la résurrection commence la foi chrétienne qui n’est pas essentiellement adhésion à un code moral ou à un principe théologique abstrait mais confession de l’événement historique de la résurrection du crucifié en lequel le Dieu Père scelle la nouvelle Alliance avec les nations. 2. Selon le Nouveau Testament, jamais la résurrection n’est présentée comme un fait « objectivement » constatable sans la participation de l’homme dans sa foi. Elle est un événement «sans analogie», distinct de tout ce qu’on peut lire comme récits de «réanimation» dans l’Ancien Testament ou dans la littérature religieuse mondiale. Toute recherche de preuve, toute tentative pour rendre vraisemblables nos récits et témoignages doivent donc être exclues. 3. La foi en la résurrection s’évanouit si, à la suite des apôtres qui ont cru voir Jésus vivant, elle ne comporte l’affirmation résolue de l’existence ressuscitée de Jésus en personne. L’article se poursuit par une réflexion épistémologique : si la résurrection est un événement historique accessible seulement à la foi, il faut rompre avec une théorie de la connaissance viciée par l’objectivisme naïf. Sur la base d’une analogie avec les sciences de l’observation, l’article montre alors que, selon le mot de l’apôtre, la foi en la résurrection naît par l’écoute de la parole. Seule en effet la parole ouvre les yeux empêchés de voir la vérité de la Vie telle qu’elle se manifeste dans l a venue, la mort et la résurrection de Jésus. L’article engage alors pour finir un parcours existentiel destiné à faire éprouver au lecteur de quelle nature est la Vérité qui s’expose dans la destinée de Jésus et sur laquelle la foi prend position en affirmant qu’Il est vivant.


        J-PLUS: Identification of low-metallicity stars with artificial neural networks using SPHINX

        Whitten, D. D.,Placco, V. M.,Beers, T. C.,Chies-Santos, A. L.,Bonatto, C.,Varela, J.,Cristó,bal-Hornillos, D.,Ederoclite, A.,Masseron, T.,Lee, Y. S.,Akras, S.,Borges Fernandes, M.,Caballero, J. Springer-Verlag 2019 Astronomy and astrophysics Vol.622 No.-

        <P><I>Context.</I> We present a new methodology for the estimation of stellar atmospheric parameters from narrow- and intermediate-band photometry of the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS), and propose a method for target pre-selection of low-metallicity stars for follow-up spectroscopic studies. Photometric metallicity estimates for stars in the globular cluster M15 are determined using this method.</P><P><I>Aims.</I> By development of a neural-network-based photometry pipeline, we aim to produce estimates of effective temperature, <I>T</I>eff, and metallicity, [Fe/H], for a large subset of stars in the J-PLUS footprint.</P><P><I>Methods.</I> The Stellar Photometric Index Network Explorer, SPHINX, was developed to produce estimates of <I>T</I>eff and [Fe/H], after training on a combination of J-PLUS photometric inputs and synthetic magnitudes computed for medium-resolution (<I>R</I> ~ 2000) spectra of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This methodology was applied to J-PLUS photometry of the globular cluster M15.</P><P><I>Results.</I> Effective temperature estimates made with J-PLUS Early Data Release photometry exhibit low scatter, σ(<I>T</I>eff) = 91 K, over the temperature range 4500 < <I>T</I>eff (K) < 8500. For stars from the J-PLUS First Data Release with 4500 < <I>T</I>eff (K) < 6200, 85 ± 3% of stars known to have [Fe/H] < −2.0 are recovered by SPHINX. A mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = − 2.32 ± 0.01, with a residual spread of 0.3 dex, is determined for M15 using J-PLUS photometry of 664 likely cluster members.</P><P><I>Conclusions.</I> We confirm the performance of SPHINX within the ranges specified, and verify its utility as a stand-alone tool for photometric estimation of effective temperature and metallicity, and for pre-selection of metal-poor spectroscopic targets.</P>

      • KCI등재

        20대 여성의 신발종류에 따른 족저압 영역별 비교 연구

        김용재,지진구,김정태,홍준희,이중숙,이훈식,박승범 한국운동역학회 2004 한국운동역학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        Y. J. KIM, J. G. JI, J. T. KIM, J. H. HONG, J. S. LEE, H. S. LEE, S. B. PARK. A comparison study for mask plantar pressure measures to the difference of shoes in 20 female. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 83-98, 2004. The purpose of this study was to investigate the test-retest of plantar pressures using the F-Scan system over speeds and plantar regions. 6 healthy female subjects in 20's were recruited for the study. Plantar pressure measurements during locomotor activities can provide information concerning foot function, particularly if the timing and magnitude of the loading profile can be related to the location of specific foot structures such as the metatarsal heads. The Tekscan F-Scan system consists of a flexible, 0.18mm thick sole-shape having 1260 pressure sensors, the sensor insole was trimmed to fit the subjects' right. left shoes - sneakers shoes & dress shoes. It was calibrated by the known weight of the test subject standing on one foot. The Tekscan measurements show the insole pressure distribution as a function of the time. This finding has important implications for the development of plantar pressure test protocols where the function of the forefoot is important. According to the result of analysis it is as follows : 1) Center of force trajectory in women's dress shoes display direct movement, compare with center of force trajectory in Sneaker shoes displays a little bit curved slow pronation movement. Sneaker shoes in forefoot part display very quick supination movement, therefore, this shoes effects negative effectiveness for ankle's stability. Considering center of force trajectory analyzing, the more center of force close straight line, the more movement can be quick movement for locomotion. For foot pressure distribution, center of force trajectory in locomotion is better to curved trajectory with pronation movement. So sneaker shoes style is good shoes considering center of pressure distribution trajectory compare with women's dress shoes. 2) Women's dress shoes increased peak pressure in medial, this is effected by high hill's height. The more increased women's dress shoes's height, the more women's peak pressure will increase, pronation can increase compare with before. Supination movement increase, this focused pressure in lateral, also, supination increased more. If the supination movement increased, foot pressure focused in lateral, therefore, it is appeared force distribution in gait direction. This is bad movement in foot's stability. 3) Women's dress shoes in landing phase displayed a long time, this is when women's dress shoes wear, gait movement is unbalance, so, landing phase displayed a long time. For compensation in gait, swing phase quick movement. 4) Women's dress shoes displayed peak pressure distribution in lateral of rearfoot part, Sneakers shoes displayed peak pressure distribution in medial of forefoot part. Its results has good impact absorption compare with women's dress shoes. In forefoot part, sneakers shoes has good propulsive force compare with women's dress shoes.

      • Hyers-Ulam Stability of Quadratic Functional Equations in Paranormed Spaces

        Choi, J.,Yang, J.H.,Park, C. Eudoxus Press LLC 2014 Journal of computational analysis and applications Vol.16 No.3

        Lin [18, 19] introduced and investigated the following quadratic functional equationscf(Sigma(n)(i=1)x(i)) + Sigma(n)(j=2)f (Sigma(n)(i=1)x(i) - (n + c - 1)x(j)) (0.1)= (n + c - 1) (f(x(1)) + c Sigma(n)(i=2)f(x(i)) + Sigma(n)(i<j,j=3) (Sigma(n-1)(i=2)f(x(i) - x(j)))),Q(Sigma(n)(i=1)d(i)x(i)) + Sigma(1 <= i<j <= n) d(i)d(j)Q(x(i) - x(j)) = (Sigma(n)(i=1)d(i)) (Sigma(n)(i=1)d(i)Q(x(i))). (0.2)In this paper, we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the above quadratic functional equations in para-normed spaces.


        S-Noetherian properties on amalgamated algebras along an ideal

        Lim, J.W.,Oh, D.Y. North-Holland Pub. Co 2014 Journal of pure and applied algebra Vol.218 No.6

        Let A and B be commutative rings with identity, f:A→B a ring homomorphism and J an ideal of B. Then the subring A@?<SUP>f</SUP>J:={(a,f(a)+j)|a@?A and j@?J} of AxB is called the amalgamation of A with B along with J with respect to f. In this paper, we investigate a general concept of the Noetherian property, called the S-Noetherian property which was introduced by Anderson and Dumitrescu, on the ring A@?<SUP>f</SUP>J for a multiplicative subset S of A@?<SUP>f</SUP>J. As particular cases of the amalgamation, we also devote to study the transfers of the S-Noetherian property to the constructions D+(X<SUB>1</SUB>,...,X<SUB>n</SUB>)E[X<SUB>1</SUB>,...,X<SUB>n</SUB>] and D+(X<SUB>1</SUB>,...,X<SUB>n</SUB>)E@?X<SUB>1</SUB>,...,X<SUB>n</SUB>@? and Nagata@?s idealization.

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