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        『오한집』 간행과 칠탄서원 건립의 역사적 의미

        이남옥(Yi, Nam-ok) 한국사학사학회 2021 韓國史學史學報 Vol.- No.43

        손기양은 1588년 문과에 급제하고 이듬해 성주의 주학교수에 임명되었다. 이때 성주에 살고 있던 정구를 찾아갔고 이후 빈번히 편지를 주고받으며 학문 을 강마했다. 손기양은 임진왜란이 일어나자 의병을 조직해 활동하기도 했고 지방관으로 왜군을 막는데 힘썼다. 이 과정에서 경상좌도의 퇴계학파 인물인 정경세·조호익·이윤우·이전·이준·성안의·신지제·여대로·조정·서사원·이후 경·손처눌 등과 긴밀한 관계를 맺게 되었다. 손기양은 조정의 당쟁이 심화되자 1609년 창원부사를 끝으로 관직을 내려놓 고 고향인 밀양으로 낙향해 점필서원을 중수하고 밀양향교를 재건하였으며, 밀 양사림을 대표해 이언적의 문묘 종사를 촉구하는 등 향촌사회 질서를 안정시키 고자 노력했다. 손기양 사후 그의 후손들은 유고를 정리하고 유허를 정비하였는데, 이 과정 에서 손기양의 퇴계학파 내 위상을 정립하고 학문적 권위를 형성하기 위해 노 력했다. ‘이황-정구-허목’으로 이어지는 근기 남인 계보의 핵심 인물인 이익에 게 손기양의 행장을, ‘이황-김성일-장흥효-이현일-이재’로 이어지는 영남 남 인의 핵심 인물인 이상정·이광정 형제에게 『오한집』 교정과 서문을 부탁했다. 한편, 칠탄서원을 건립하고 손기양을 향사하는 과정에서 이상정 이후 영남남인을 대표하는 학자인 류치명은 「칠탄서원봉안문」과 「상향축문」을 지었으며, 이황의 10세 종손인 이휘녕은 「칠탄서원청절사상량문」을 지었는데, 이들은 퇴 계학파 내에서 칠탄서원 건립의 정당성을 부여할 수 있는 인물이었다. 이러한 과정을 통해 손기양은 퇴계학파 그중에서도 한강 정구 문인이자 밀양 을 대표하는 학자로 자리매김하게 되었다. Son Gi-yang(孫起陽) passed the examination in 1588, and was appointed state school professor in Seongju the following year. At this time, he visited Jeong Gu, who was living in Seongju, and since then, he frequently exchanged letters and discussed scholarships. When the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, Son Gi-yang organized an army and fought, and became a regional officer and worked hard to defend the Japanese army. In this process, Son Gi-yang had a close relationship with Jeong Gyeong- se, Jo Ho-ik, Yi Yun-u, Yi Jeon, Yi Jun, Seong An-eui, Sin Ji-je, Yeo Dae-ro, Jo Jeong, Seo Sa-won, Yi Hu-geong, and Son Che-nul, the Toegye schools of Gyeongsang Jwado. As the political party of the court intensified, Son Gi-yang left his office in 1609 at the end of Changwon governor and returned to his hometown, Milyang(密陽). Afterwards, he rebuilt the Jeompil Seowon and Milyang Hyanggyo, and tried to stabilize the local order on behalf of Milyang scholors. After Son Gi-yang s death, his descendants organized his writings and rearranged the ruins. In this process, they tried to establish the status of Son Gi- yang within the Toegye School and to form academic authority. Son Sa-ik(孫思翼) asked Yi Ik, who was a key person in the genealogy of Nam-in in metropolitan area, which lead to ‘Yi Hwang→Jeong gu→Heo Mok’, to write Son Gi-yang s biography. Also he asked brothers Yi Sang-jeong and Yi Gwang-jeong, who are the key persons of Nam-in in Yeongnam, who lead ‘Yi Hwang→Kim Seong-il→Jang Heung-hyo→Yi Hyeon-il→Yi Jae’, to correct Son Gi-yang s writing and write the preface. Afterwards, his descendants built Chiltan Seowon and performed a ritual of Son Gi-yang. At this time, Ryu Chi-myeong, the scholar representing Nam-in in Yeongnam, wrote “Chiltan Seowon Bonganmun” and “Sanghyangchukmun”, while Yi Hwi-nyeong, tht descendant of Yi Hwang, wrote “Chiltan Seowon Cheongjeolsa Sangryangmun”. These were the figures who could give the legitimacy of the construction of Chiltan Seowon within the Toegye School. Through this process Son Gi-yang became a member of the Toegye school and a scholar representing Milyang by his descendants.

      • KCI등재

        ‘연암(燕巖)’이라는 고전의 형성과 그 기원(1)

        김남이(Nam-Yi, Kim) 어문연구학회 2008 어문연구 Vol.58 No.-

        Yeonam Ji-Won Park is widely remembered as a practical scientist and as a author of social criticism. Until now, 'Yeonam' along with other Practical scientists, represented modern way of thinking and also hallmarked the existence of the 'novelist', which entails an independent literature. This work seeks to examine the mechanism in the context and circumstance in which 'Yeonam' had developed into a classic. Yeonam's contemporaries of the 18th century who had interchanged with him and experienced his writings and thoughts all agree that he "opened a new frontier". The impact that his creative style and thinking had seems to be much more significant than could be imagined now. His works had been Heavily cited and referenced not only because of its fresh ingenuity, but also due to the great amount of knowledge they held. In the year 1900, almost 100 years after Yeonam's death, Chang-gang Taek-Young Kim published Yeonamjip twice, branding himself as a writer and ancient writing scholar superior to Yeonam. Maechon Hwang Hyun, who composed his own works to coincide with the publication of Yeonamjip showed a breakthrough in understanding through the example of Yeonam that there is not an orthodox way to literary absolution. Around 1910, Nam-Seon Cheo started a movement to excavate, preserve, and distribute Chosun's classics and to him, Yeonam's classics represented the very essence of civilized Chosun, Nam-Seon Cheo started a movement to excavate, preserve, and distribute Chosun's classics of 1910 and to him. Yeonam's classics represented the very essence of civilized Chosun. course, this was based on a nationalistic ideology and served a practical purpose. The question of what it is of Yeonam's works constitute the value of classics, had not been addressed. During the period leading to the 1920's. the works of Yeonam, oft limited by its era and complex language, had been closely analyzed, proofread, punctuated and amended to a form easy to the public In the 1930's Korean literature scholar Ki-Moon Hong, through 7 papers commenting on Park Ji won's art and thoughts, cited Park as the best literary artist of the Chosun and the Chinese cultural area. Hong, elevated Yeonam from a "classicist" to "The Polaris of Chosun literature". Other of the 1930's In-Bo Jeong, Tae-Jun Kim definitely cited and expressed "Yeonam" the way Ki-Moon Hong did. Hong showed Yeonam as the greatest man of east asia emphasizing his harsh criticism and satire of society, and his folklore of Chosun. Tae-Jun Kim showed Yeonam as Chosun's literary master and as a modern literaty genious and novelist. This is when the idea of 'Yeonam', who we recognize as a nocelist and practical scientist, had been born.

      • KCI등재

        최남선의 “조선 민족”과 단군

        차남희 ( Nam Heev Cha ),이지은 ( Ji Eun Yi ) 한국사회역사학회 2014 담론 201 Vol.17 No.4

        이 논문은 식민시기 최남선(崔南善, 1890-1957)의 민족 개념과 그 원형으로서의 “조선 민족”을 살펴본다. 특히 최남선은 민족을 어떻게 규정했는지, 그리고이 과정에서 단군 신화가 어떻게 다루어지고 있는지를 분석한다. 최남선은 식민지상황에서 독립을 이루기 위해서는 무엇보다 민족 정체성이 확립되어야 한다고생각하였다. 각 자가 한국인임을 자각하고 알게 될 때야 독립에 대한 의지가 확고해진다는 것이다. 최남선은 이를 “시간적 광복”이라고 보았다. 이를 위해 최남선은”조선 민족”의 원형과 그 연원을 입증하려 하였다. 최남선은 민족을 종족성과 문화, 특히 종교와 언어에 근거하여 설명한다. 최남선은 고대로부터의 민족을 상정하고, 이들이 현재까지 계승되고 있음을 주장하였다. 그리고 단군 신화를 통해 “조선 민족”이 이주하여 고조선을 건국한 역사를증명하고자 했다. 단군은 조선의 민족성 중심에 있었고, 시조로서 “조선 민족”을실체화하는 구심점이었다. 최남선은 단군으로 말미암아 조선의 민중에게 잠재되어있는 “불함신앙”을 일깨우고, 개개인 모두가 자기 각성을 통해 “조선 민족”으로부활할 것을 기대하였다. 이것이 곧 “민족 완성”이며 조선의 독립을 가능하게 하는선결 조건이라고 보았기 때문이다. This paper examines Choe Nam-Seon”s concept of the “Chosun nation” asthe archetype of Korean national identity. In particular, it focuses on how ChoeNam-Seon defines the nation and how he interprets the myth of “Dangun”-themythical figure who is believed to have founded the ancient Chosun,”Gochosun”. He argues that the first step to becoming independent from theJapanese rule is to establish a national identity because a strong desire forindependence results from a strong national identity as “the Chosun nation”. Byusing the myth of “Dangun,” he asserts that the “Chosun nation” has existed sincethe ancient period, “Dangun” has established “Gochosun”, and the nationalidentity has been succeeded to the presence. Therefore, Choe believed that thenational identity can be established through “Dangun” as the center of the”Chosun nation.” And he expected to make the people of Chosun aware of”Bulham faith” that was latent in them by “Dangun,” for he regarded it as theperfection of nation and a postulation for independence.

      • 韓國 服飾의 硏究 動向

        殷英子,李慶男 啓明大學校 生活科學硏究所 1986 科學論集 Vol.12 No.-

        Though generations clothing reach to its scholastic place independently with general view but systematic analysis needs to work on. I hereby classify the preceding papers to their articles and to their periods by considering development of each costumes, and review by what objects the study have lead and which way the central line has come between 1961 and 1983. First, each year has shown a double times increase by every five years in the study on Korean costumes area from 1961 to 1983. Secondly, according to the philological deeds and lasting materials each epoch is separated by Yi-dynasty, over all views, earlier times, contemporary study on Korean and Yi-dynasty, Korea and cooperative study on earlier times and Korea. Thirdly, from the analysis of study fluency Jeogori is main costumes on a single study objective, and it succeeds male clothing, female clothing, outfit for head and to embroidery, color, patterns, official outfit. Fourthly, so for main study has centered on form, formalistic development and historical inquiry to each period. Recently a comparison study between periodical situation and views to costumes is gradually increased. Fifthly, the study in 1980's to find out an aesthetical conscious and several patterns of views through literary works, Pansori and Ods, Peculiarly, color, embroidery, patterns are analyzed of aesthetical view.

      • 品質管理活動의 經濟性評價方法에 관한 硏究

        李相鎔,趙南浩 건국대학교 1981 學術誌 Vol.25 No.1

        There are two methods to evaluate the economic effects of quality control activities, and to improve the product quality in economical respect: one is the method by using the quality-cost, and the other is the method by designing the optimal quality system. This paper is aimed to compare the characteristics of these two methodologies of economy studies for quality control activities, and to propose the quality improvement system by using the quality-cost method.

      • KCI등재후보

        5인 미만 사업장의 산업안전 규제 순응 실태

        이관형,이경용,손두익,서남규,서광국,오지영 한국안전학회 2003 한국안전학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        This study is planned to investigate the compliance of small sized enterprises of under 5 employees directed by Industrial Safety and Health Act. Occupational safety regulation can be required for employer and employee to comply because that all members of workplace should be involved to protect worker's health. When all members of workplace comply with safety regulation, effectiveness of regulation will be realized as expectation. The study subject is composed of three groups as 501 employers, 501 employees of small sized enterprises of under 5 employees and 107 safety inspectors sampled by stratified random sampling for comparison. Data for analysis is collected from each sample using interview with structured questionnaires. Compliance is measured by 5 point scale composed by 8 sub items such as general perception, understanding, clearness, necessity, relevancy, implementation, penalty, and general compliance of the regulation. Among sub items of employer's compliance, the level of perception of regulation, necessity of regulation, relevancy of penalty are differentiated among three groups. The level of all 8 items of employee's compliance also differentiated among three groups. These results show that strategies for ensuring the same level of compliance among three groups will be needed through education, training and evaluation of regulation and feedback.

      • 韓國語의 相

        李南淳 弘益大學校 東西文化硏究所 1994 東西文化硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        In Korean, the '-ko'(고) and the '-a'(-아) in the complex forms(or complex stems) 'V1-ko V2-', 'V1-a V2-' represent the categorial meanings of the aspect. The '-ko' has meaning of 'PROGRESSIVE(or IMPERFECTIVE)' aspect and the '-a' has meaning of 'PERFECTIVE' aspect. The '-ass-'(-았-) in Korean exclusively represents the 'PAST' tense. Sometimes it seems that '-ass-' has the perfictive meaning. But the perfective meaning is not the essential meaning of the '-ass-'. The perfective meaning of '-ass-' is no more than a contextual meaning.

      • KCI등재후보

        전국 관청의 금연프로그램 실시 현황과 문제점

        이상욱,오희철,이지전,김태욱,허남욱 韓國保健敎育.健康增進學會 2003 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the conditions and problems of anti-smoking education programs in government offices for civil servants. A mail-in survey was carried out for the chief of the general affairs of 248 government offices. 1. There were 154 responses to the surveys. Only 34 govermental offices have carried out anti-smoking education programs for civil servants. 2. Only one office has a department to supervise an anti-smoking program. 17 offices have 1 worker and thirteen offices have no manpower to supervise anti-smoking program. 3. Only eight offices have budgeted for anti-smoking programs. The average budget was 3,750,000Won. Expected budget for smoking cessation program was 7,500,000 Won. 4. 25 offices have an anti-smoking lecture program for civil servants. Only five offices have an anti-smoking counseling services for smokers. 5. Only seven surveys responded that civil servants had a positive response to anti-smoking programs. 6. The most important problem of anti-smoking programs in governmental offices was the lack of concern of civil servants. Governmental offices have to provide the greatest administrative services and services concerning the quality of life for citizens. Anti-smoking education programs in governmental offices for civil servants was the beginning of an activity of the services concerning the quality of life for citizens. Governmental offices have to actively implement anti-smoking programs for civil servants.

      • 유기박막 광도파로형 칼슘이온센서의 개발

        이수미,임남주,김창원,강신원 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1995 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        New active organic thin film optical wavegudie ion sensor is proposed. Poly-dimethylsiloxane(RTV3140) membrane based on indicator tetramethylmurexide (TMX) and co-polymer matric membrane based chromoionophore(ETH5294) were used as active waveguide itself. Utilizing thin film membrane, fast respense time and high sensitivity are obtained. And sensor could be measured a wide range of Ca^(++) concentrations ranging from 10^(-6) to 1M by measuring the absorbance change at the 488nm and 514nm wavelength of light. The dependence of attenuation of guided wave on the properties of transduction layer is discussed.

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