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        위장관 간질종양의 임상 및 병리학적 고찰

        김영호,장우영,이순진,손희정,최규완,도재혁,백승운,이준행,이풍렬,이종철,박철근,임윤정,김갑철,김재준,임효근 대한소화기학회 2001 대한소화기학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        Background & Aims: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) constitutes primary nonepithelial neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract and includes most tumors previously designated as leiomyomas/leiomyosarcomas. GIST is pathologically divided into benign, borderline and malignanct tumor. This study was carried out to delineate the clinical and pathologic features of GIST and to establish the features predicting malignancy. Methods: Clinicopathologic data of 84 patients who had GIST from 1995 to 1999 were reviewed. Results: The subjects were 42 men and 42 women, and their mean age was 59.3±13.2 years. We located fifty-two tumors in the stomach, 28 tumors in the small intestine and 4 tumors in the colorectum years. Histopathology revealed benign tumors in 23 of the 84 patients, borderline tumors in 22, malignant tumors in 39. The average size of tumors was 6.23 cm in diameter (range, 0.6-26 cm). Metastasis was noted in 15.5% of the patients at diagnosis. On endoscopy, ulceration was more common in malignancy. Endsonographic findings except size were not significant statistically. On contrast enhanced computed tomography, malignancy showed more irregular shape and variable attenuation than benign lesions, which seemed to be valuable factor. Conclusions: The variables predicting malignancy were large tumor size (≥5 cm), location of the colorectum, palpable abdominal mass, ulceration on endoscopy, and less uniformity in shape and variable attenuation on computed tomography.

      • KCI등재

        김정환의 “인간주의 교육사상”의 형성과 의미에 관한 고찰

        우정길 ( Jeong-il Woo ) 안암교육학회 2020 한국교육학연구 Vol.26 No.3

        본고는 고려대학교 교육학과에서 1970년부터 1995년까지 재직하였던 교육철학자 김정환의 “인간주의 교육사상”의 형성 과정과 의미에 관한 고찰이다. 그의 퇴임기념논문집 『인간주의 교육사상』 (1996)에서 처음 사용된 용어인 “인간주의 교육사상”은 그가 평생 탐구하고 추구하였던 학문의 실체와 지향점을 총칭하는 개념이다. 페스탈로치 연구에서 출발한 그의 학문 여정은 한결같이 “교육의 인간화”에 초점이 맞추어져 있었다. 1970년대 그가 매진하였던 페스탈로치 교육사상, 교육인간학, 실존주의 교육사상 그리고 종교교육ㆍ민족교육에 대한 연구의 결과들은 1980년대 들어 “전인교육론”과 “인간주의 교육론”으로 체계화되었으며, 이 두 가지 이론은 김정환의 “인간주의 교육사상”의 중요한 두 축을 이룬다. 본고는 “교육의 인간화”라는 화두로부터 비롯되어 “전인교육론”과 “인간주의 교육론”을 거쳐 최종적으로는 “인간주의 교육사상”에 이르는 그의 교육적 사유의 여정을 문헌사적 관점에서 조명한 것이다. 이것은 일차적으로는 김정환이라는 교육철학자 개인의 학문 이력과 성격에 관한 것에 관한 것이지만, 동시에 그에게서 배우고 그와 동행하였던 학자들의 모임 그리고 이들이 공유하고 있는 학문적 정체성, 즉 “인간주의 교육사상”의 학맥과 학풍에 관한 것이기도 하다. This study examines the a brief history of the Humanistic Educational Thought (Pedagogy for Humanity, Erziehung zur Menschlichekit) by Jeong-wan Kim, who taught and served as a Professor for philosophy of education at Korea University from 1970 until his retirement in 1995. The terminology Humanistic Educational Thought was first used for Humanistic Educational Thought (1996) published in honor of him by his former students and comrades, and it contains and reflects what Prof. Jeong-wan Kim aimed at through his passionate efforts for educational research as well as through his social engagement for human-riented democracy in every field of education. His journey of philosophy of education, started from H. Pestalozzi’s education for everyman (Volksbildung) and education for awakenness of the people, remained steadfast in his faith for humanization of education. With this aim, he devoted himself to the examination of Pestalozzi’s educational thought, existentialism, relligious education and the national eduction in the nineteen seventies which became four keystones in the establishment of his representative two theories in the nineteen eighties, namely the Theory of Education for Integrated Humanism and the Theory of Humanistic Education (Erziehung zur Menschlichkeit). Tracing the courses of his theories from his conception of humanization of education untill his two theories in the nineteen eighties, we investigated what he pursued through his theories and what he left to the contemporary Korean education. It is primarily about the philosopher and professor Jeong-wan Kim as a person and his own contribution to the contemporary Korean education, but it is at the same time about an academic tradition and culture which had been shared between his students, colleagues and all who are interested in his conception for humanization of education. In menoriam and respect of him, we lay this heartly study on his grave.

      • KCI등재

        16~17세기 근기(近畿) 지역 서인계 문인의 교류와 고문사(古文辭)

        김우정 ( Woo Jeong Kim ) 한국한문학회 2014 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        16~17세기 近畿 지역은 수도에 인접한 까닭에 정치적 이해관계가 복잡하게 얽혀있었고 새로운 학문이나 문학적 조류에 신속하게 반응했다. 三南 지방 등 다른 지역에 비해 유연하고 개방적인 학풍을 띠고 있었음은 물론이다. 이들은 주로 한강 이북에 반원형으로 분포하며 師承과 通婚을 통해 연대하며 정치와 문단의 권력을 장악했고, 黨色이 다른 문인들과도 활발하게 교류하며 한강 이남으로 세력을 확장해나갔다. 특히 東人보다는 西人에게서 이런 경향이 두드러지는데, 李珥로부터 金長生으로 이어지는 중간 단계에서 서인의 실질적 리더 역할을 했던 尹根壽와 李恒福 이외에도 趙翼의 豊 陽 趙氏, 鄭弘溟의 延日 鄭氏, 李廷龜의 延安 李氏, 趙緯韓과 趙絅의 漢陽 趙氏 가문 등 조선왕조의 砥柱라 할 만한 명문거족이 다수 포함되어 있다. 그런데 공교롭게도 이 들은 대부분 ‘古文辭’에 대한 관심이 각별했다는 공통점을 지니고 있기도 하다. 이는문장에 대한 기호 외에 서울과 경기 북부라는 지역성도 ‘고문사’의 출현에 중요한 요인으로 작용했음을 시사한다. 이 글은 바로 외적영향론과 내적 발전론 등 문학 내부의 문제에 가려져온 지역성이라는 문제에 주목한것이다. 고문사에 관심을 두었던 16~17 세기 근기 지역의 서인들은 한강 이북에 자리 잡은 윤근수와 이항복을 축으로 형성되 었으며, 金尙憲.張維.鄭弘溟.鄭曄.趙翼.金堉 등 효종 연간까지 유지되었다. 이 밖에 崔..柳夢寅.申欽.許筠 등 당색이 모호하거나 다른 문장가들과도 계파적 이 해관계를 뛰어넘어 교류하였다. 이들은 기호 산림만큼 뚜렷한 색채를 지니지 못했기에 사상사와 정치사 어디에서도 하나의 계파로 분류되지 않는데, 이는 이들의 활동공간이 었던 근기 지역이 개방적이고 유동적이었던 것과 일정 정도 관련이 있다. Geungi(近畿) area in the 16~17th century showed complicated politicalinterests and rapidly responded to new academic knowledge or literary trend because the area is near the capital. It was natural that the area was flexible and had open academic traditions compared to other areas like Samnam(三南) regions etc. They distributed mainly in northern part of Han river in half-round shape, tied through a teacher and marriage, held power of political and literary realm, actively exchanged with literary writers with different party color. So they expanded their power towards southern part of Han river. Especially, such tendency was prominent in the Seoin group rather than the Dongin group(東人系). Forexample, there were Yoon Keun-soo(尹根壽) and Lee Hang-bok(李恒福) who were actual leaders of the Seoin in the middle stage from Yi I(李珥) to Kim Jang-saeng(金長生); some famous families such as Poongyang(豊 陽) Cho of Cho Ik(趙翼), Yeonil(延日) Jeong of Jeong Hong-myeong(鄭弘 溟), Yeonan(延安) Lee of Lee Jeong-gu(李廷龜), Hanyang(漢陽) Cho of Cho Wi-han(趙緯韓) and Cho Gyeong(趙絅). Unexpectedly, they have a common point that most of them had keen interest in ‘retro style writings’. This implies that besides taste for writing, region of Seoul and northern Gyeonggi worked as an important factor in start of ‘retro style writings’. This writing gave attention on issue of region which had been kept behind inner problems of literature like theory of external influence,theory of internal development etc. The westerners with interest in ``retro style writings`` in Geungi area in the 16~17th century were formed centered on Yoon Keun-soo and Lee Hang-bok who stayed north of Han river. The Seoin such as Kim Sang-heon(金尙憲), Jang Yoo(張維), Jeong Hong-myeong, Jeong Yeop(鄭曄), Cho Ik, Kim Yook(金堉) etc. were the examples - the period maintained to the reign of king Hyojong. They exchanged with other writers such as Choi Rip(崔立), Yoo Mong-in(柳夢 寅), Shin Heum(申欽), Heo Gyun(許筠) etc. who did not have clear party color or were in different party going beyond interests of a party. The Seoin did not have clear color like Giho Salrim(畿湖 山林), so, they are not classified to a certain party in thoughts history and political history. This is somewhat related to that Geungi area was open and flexible.

      • [기획논문] 조선중기(朝鮮中期) 한국유학(韓國儒學)의 특위(特偉)와 반성(反省) : 구암(龜巖) 이정(李楨) 연구의 반성적 모색

        정우락 ( Woo Rak Jeong ) 경북대학교 퇴계연구소 2013 퇴계학과 유교문화 Vol.52 No.-

        본 논의는 이정에 대한 연구가 지금까지 어떻게 진행되어 왔으며, 앞으로 어떠한 방향에서 진행되어 마땅한가 하는 부분을 따진 것이다. 이정에 대한 연구는 그동안 짧은 기간에도 불구하고 다양하게 진행되어 왔다. ``구암학의 핵심은 뭇엇인가``, ``이황과 조식 사이에서 그의 위상을 어떻게 설정할 것인가``, ``당대의 학문을 진작시키기 위하여 그는 어떤 노력을 하였던가``, ``영남학파 분기의 계기가 되었던 晋州淫婦獄은 어떻게 이해되어야 하는가``, ``그의 현실에 대한 인식은 어떠하였던가``하는 것이 연구자들의 핵심적인 문제의식이었다. 이것은 구암학을 이해하는 데 있어 매우 유효했던 것이었으며, 앞으로도 구암학을 논의함에 있어 꾸준히 제기될 것으로 보인다. 기존의 성과를 바탕으로 이정에 대한 향후의 과제로는 다음과 같은 것을 들 수 있다. ``『구암집』에 대한 텍스트 비평``, ``철학 분야의 본격적 연구``, ``문학 분야의 확장적 논의``, ``교육학 분야의 총체적 연구``, ``이정의 학문적 수수관계``, ``구암학에 대한 문화론적 접근`` 등이 그것이다. 이밖에도 구암학 연구를 위한 일체의 자료를 수집하고 정리해서 번역해 내는 일, 일반인이 구암학을 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 『구암평전』을 쓰는 일 등 다양한 직업이 남아 있다. 이러한 직업이 제대로 수행될 때 구암학의 본질이 비로소 드러날 것이며, 이것이 오늘날 우리 사회를 위한 핵심적인 의미로 부각될 것으로 본다. This study set out to investigate how researches on Lee Jeong had been conducted and what directions they should take in future. Researches on him have been diverse in spite of a short period of time. Their essential problematic consciousness includes “What is the essenxe of Guam study?”, “How should his status be set between Lee Hwang and Jo Shik?”, “What kind of effort did he make to promote the studies of the times?”, “How should Jinjueumbuok(晉州淫婦獄) be understood which caused the ramification of the Yeongnam School?”, and “What was his perception of reality?” Those questions seem to have been very valid for understanding Guam study and will continue to be raised in the discussion of Guam stydy. Based on the achievements so far, the study propoed the following future tasks regarding Lee Jeong: “text criticism of Guam Collection””full-scale research in the field of philosophy.” “extensive discussions in the field of literature,” “general researches in the field of pedagogy.” “Lee Jeong`s academic give and take relations.” And “a cultural theory-based approach to Guam study.” In addition, there are various works left including collecting, sorting out, and translating a body of data for researched on Guam study and writing a “critic biography of Gaum” to help common people understand Guam stydy easily. When carried out properly, those tasks and works will finally reveal the true nature of Guam study, which will be highlighted as an essential meaning for today`s society.

      • KCI등재

        Coating with boron nitride on SiC fiber using atomic substitution

        Woo‑Seong Tak,Jin‑Uk Hwang,Young‑Keun Jeong,Woo‑Sik Kim 한국세라믹학회 2020 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.57 No.2

        To increase the mechanical properties of ceramic matrix composite, it is important that formation of lubricant layer for crack deflection between matrix and fiber. Therefore, we fabricated uniform boron nitride (BN) lubricant layer using atomic substitution method. Silicon carbide (SiC) fiber surface was modified with amine groups using (3-amonipropyl)triethoxysilane to coat SiC fiber with BN as a solid lubricant. Then, surface was coated with graphene oxide (GO). Boric acid powder was supplied to the GO-coated fibers and the samples were heat-treated at 1200–1400 ℃ under N2 and NH3 atmospheres. An uniform BN layer could be coated on SiC fiber with 10 nm-1.11 μm. Crystallinity and thickness of BN layer could be controlled by reaction temperature. It was also confirmed that crystalline BN formed under process conditions of higher than 1400 ℃.

      • KCI등재

        Coupling of Creep Deformation Mechanism Equations and Dynamic Recrystallization Kinetics for the Calculation of Processing Maps for Metallic Alloys

        Woo‑Jin Kim,Hee‑Tae Jeong 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.3

        In the present work, kinetic equations of dynamic recrystallization and high-temperature deformation mechanism equationswere coupled to calculate and construct processing maps for metallic alloys in 2D and 3D. The validity of this method wasconfirmed for selected materials (Mg and Fe alloys) by comparing the calculated processing maps with those constructedbased on experimental data. The effect of the initial grain size on the processing maps was predicted. The proposed analysismethod is innovative because the processing map for a material of interest can be calculated as a function of strain rate,temperature and strain under any deformation condition once the dynamic recrystallization kinetics and the creep deformationequations for the material are known. Furthermore, the proposed method can provide information regarding the ratecontrollingcreep deformation mechanism and microstructural evolution at any location on the processing maps.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

        신흠의 시고수사(視古修辭) 와 이정구의 수의서사(隨意抒寫)에 관하여

        김우정 ( Woo Jeong Kim ) 근역한문학회 2010 한문학논집(漢文學論集) Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this paper compare Shin Hum(申欽 1566~1628)`s recognition on the prose and its character with Lee Jung-gu(李廷龜 1564~1635), that become known to what is called the four eminent writer in mid-choson. I think it provided me with what is the trend of literary society in late 16th~early 17th century. The four eminent writer have a representative position because the writer affiliated with Kim Chang-hyup(金昌協) wield strong influenced to literary society. In Kim`s phrase, Shin`s prose which the bring it into line with old style writings is in striking contrast with Lee Jeong-gu(李廷龜)`s prose which the have a description his own way, because It is caused by Shin idolized Ming`s restorative authors who had an effect on Choson`s literary circles. And He argued that some writer who is aim at the beauty of form endorsed Shin, another writer who is aim at the sound thoughts endorsed Lee. I can come to a conclusion that Shin has the wood on Lee from late 16th to early 17th century, subsequently, Lee has the wood on Shin after mid 17th century, through the review of Shin and Lee`s works.

      • KCI등재

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