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      • KCI등재

        The Molecular Mechanism of Long Non-Coding RNA MALAT1-Mediated Regulation of Chondrocyte Pyroptosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis

        Wei Chen,Feilong Wang,Jiangtao Wang1,Fuyu Chen,Ting Chen 한국분자세포생물학회 2022 Molecules and cells Vol.45 No.6

        Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) may be important regulators in the progression of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). The competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) activity of lncRNAs plays crucial roles in osteogenesis. We identified the mechanism of the differentially expressed lncRNA MALAT1 in AS using bioinformatic analysis and its ceRNA mechanism. The interaction of MALAT1, microRNA-558, and GSDMD was identified using integrated bioinformatics analysis and validated. Loss- and gain-of-function assays evaluated their effects on the viability, apoptosis, pyroptosis and inflammation of chondrocytes in AS. We found elevated MALAT1 and GSDMD but reduced miR-558 in AS cartilage tissues and chondrocytes. MALAT1 contributed to the suppression of cell viability and facilitated apoptosis and pyroptosis in AS chondrocytes. GSDMD was a potential target gene of miR-558. Depletion of MALAT1 expression elevated miR-558 by inhibiting GSDMD to enhance cell viability and inhibit inflammation, apoptosis and pyroptosis of chondrocytes in AS. In summary, our key findings demonstrated that knockdown of MALAT1 served as a potential suppressor of AS by upregulating miR-558 via the downregulation of GSDMD expression.

      • The Regression Analysis of Sampling Linearity on Digital Single Board of TD Network by MINITAB

        Wei,Hui Wang 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Vol.9 No.1

        As a two-way amplifier, TMB is located on the top of the tower outdoors, it plays an indispensable part in TD station. Besides amplifying the signals in the Radio- Frequency channels, TMB transmits pilot signals, detection signals and power signals between base stations. This article verifies involved indicators on one single board with regression analysis method based on previous tests of digital board and RF board in TMB. To improve prediction and accuracy in controlling, this article illustrates the interdependent relationship between input voltage of digital single board and sampling value by a deep analysis of simple linear regression and the mathematical model.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of host plants on the development, survivorship, and fecundity of the summer fruit tortrix moth, Adoxophyes orana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

        Li Guang‐wei,Wang Hui‐min,Yang Wen‐tao,Chen Xiu‐lin,Li Bo‐liao,Chen Yu‐xin 한국곤충학회 2021 Entomological Research Vol.51 No.10

        The summer fruit tortrix moth Adoxophyes orana is a seriously damaged leaf roller pest for fruit trees. In this study, we evaluated the effect of five host plants (apple, Malus domestica B.; peach, Prunus persica var. nectarina; apricot, Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.; mulberry, Morus alba L.; and jujube, Ziziphus jujuba M.) on the development, survival, and fecundity of A. orana under laboratory conditions. Results showed that the development times of A. orana on jujube were significantly longer than those on the other four plants. The preimaginal survival rate was influenced by the host plants, which were fed during the larval stage, and with the highest on peach, followed by apple, apricot, and mulberry, and with the lowest on jujube. Adult females from larvae reared on apricot laid the greatest numbers of eggs (318.11 eggs per female), while that on apple, jujube, and mulberry was smaller, and no significant difference was observed among them. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was observed on peach and apricot; these two fruit trees were considered to be the most suitable host plant for A. orana because of the shorter developmental duration, higher survival rate, and the highest fecundity.

      • Blocking of Cell Proliferation, Cytokines Production and Genes Expression Following Administration of Cordyceps Sinensis in the Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids Cells

        Kuo, Yuh-Chi,Wu, Chia-Lin,Tasi, Wei-Jern,Wang, Jir-Yenn,Chang, Shi-Chung,Lin, Ching-Yuang,Shiao, Ming-Shi 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Yuh-Chi Kuo¹,Chia-Lin Wn¹,Wei-jern Tasi¹,Jir-Yenn Wang²,Shi-Chung Chang₃,Ching-Yung Lin⁴,and Ming-Shi Shiao⁴¹National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, ²Department of Biology,Fu Jen University, ³Department of Chest, ⁴Department of Pediatrics, □De[art,amt of Medical Research and Education. Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Yuh-Chi Kuo¹,Chia-Lin Wn¹,Wei-jern Tasi¹,Jir-Yenn Wang²,Shi-Chung Chang²,Ching-Yung Lin³,and Ming-Shi Shiao⁴.¹National Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, ²Department of Biology,Fu Jen University, ³Department of Chest, ⁴Department of Pediatrics, □De[art,amt of Medical Research and Education. Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Blocking of Cell Proliferation, Cytokines Production and Genes Expression Following Administration of Cordyceps sinensis in the Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluids Cells. Proceedings of international Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 44-64, 1999.-Cordyceps sinensis is a major parasitic fungus on larva of Lepidoptera. It is one of the well know fungi used in traditional Chinese medicine for treatment asthma, lung and kideney diseases. Many fungi belonging to the genus Cordyceps have been demonstrated to produce natural products with various biological activities. Reported biological activities of genus cordyceps include:(a)inhibition of DNA and RNA synthesis;(b)enhancement of cell differentiation;(c)restruction of cytoskeleton;(d)inhibition of protein kinase activity;(e)antitumor activity on bladder, colon, lung carcinoma as well as fibroblastoma;(f)inhibition of the infection and revers transciptase activity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1; and(g) inhibition of methylation of nucleic acid. Thus, it is suggested that the extracts of Cordyceps sp. Contain antitumor, antiviral, and many other biological activities. In our previous studies, we proved that C. sinensis contains the antitumor and immunomodulatory agents. In the present studies, effects of C. sinensis on bronchoalveolar lavage fluids(BAL)cells were demonstrated. The crude methanolic extracts of C. sinensis were fractionated into 15 fractions by silica gel column chromatography. Effects of various fraction on BAL cells proliferation and lipopolysaccharide(LPS) stimulated interleukin-1β(IL-8),platelet activating factor(PAF), interleukin-6(IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),and interleukin-8(IL-8) production on BAL cells were determined. The result indicated that the CS-19-22 fraction suppressed BAL cells proliferation activated by LPS. The median inhibitory concentration(IC50) was 6㎍/ml. The CS-19-22 fraction also decreased IL-1β,PAF,IL-6, TNF-αand IL-8 production.The results of revers transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) demonstrated that the CS-19-22 fraction did not affect IL-1β,PAF,IL-6, TNF-α,and IL-8 mRNAs expression in BAL cells activated by LPS. By contrast, it inhibited the IL-10 mRNA expression but enhanced IFN-γand IL-12 mRNAs expression in activated BAL cells. Moreover, the CS-19-22 fraction blocked PAF-induced platelet aggregation. It is unlikely that cytotoxicity was involved. Because no cell deths were observable. We hypothesize that inhibitory mechanisms of CS-19-22 on BAL cells proliferation may be related to the impairments of gene expression and production of cytokines in BAL cells. The explanation of C. sinensis antiasthma function may involved the following(1)C.sinenesis contained immunomodulatory agents that stimulated IFN-γand IL-12 expression in TH1cells.(2)Enhanced secretion of IFN-γand IL-12 will inhibit the Tγcells immune responses Ex. Decreasing of IL-6 and IL-10 production.(3) The impairments of cytokines production in TH2 cells suppressed th BAL cells proliferation then more cytokines production Ex.IL-1β,PAF,IL-6,TNF-αand IL-8 in activated BAL cells were decreased. (4)The suppression of TH2cells immune responses will inhibit the growth and differentiation of B cells then IgE production will be decreased. (5)Reduced production of IgE will decreased asthma attack occurring in individuals. However, the results of the present study suggested that C. sinensis may also have acted to treat asthma in part by inhibiting BAL cells proliferation and cytokine gene expression and production. Future, experiments with treatment of animals with asthma with C. sinensis will be necessary to defined whether C. sinensis can reduce asthma injury. Plans are underway for the isolation of pure principal growth inhibitors and their mechanisms of action are subjected for further study.

      • 朝鮮時代漢語敎科書與近代漢語硏究

        汪維輝 연세대학교 인문과학연구소 2002 人文科學 Vol.84 No.-

        引言 중한양국은 매우 오랫동안 교류해왔지만 두 나라의 언어 체계가 틀려서 교류에 있어 언어가 하나의 장벽이 되어왔다. 본고에서는 당시 중국어를 배우기 위한 한국에서의 중국어 교과서에 대한 소개를 하고 이러한 교과서의 연구자료상 가치와 그 연구현황에 대해 토론하고자 한다. 2.조선시대의 중국어 교과서 2.1 「老乞大」, 「朴通事」 가장 유명하고 가장 오래된 중국어 교과서로 그 제작연대는 중국의 원 말기의 至元연간으로 추정된다. 정통 중국어 입말이 위주이며 蒙古語의 영향도 보인다. 그 내용은 일상회화로 여행, 무역, 풍속관습, 典章制度 등을 포괄하고 있는데 『朴通事』의 내용이 『老乞大』보다 광범위하고 심도가 깊어 『朴通事』가 고급과정이라면 『老乞大』는 초급과정에 속한다. 특히 최근 한국에서 개인이 소장했던 古本 『老乞大』가 발견되었는데, 이는 앞으로 주요한 연구주제가 될 것으로 보인다. 2.2 『訓世評語』 (上·下, 1473/1518) 1473년 6월에 편찬되었으며 65가지의 고사가 수록되었는데, 名賢과 節婦에 관한 이야기가 주 내용이며 일부 유머가 넘치는 전설도 있다. 이 책을 다른 중국어 교과서와 체례상 많은 차이를 보이는데 이는 작가 李邊의 독창적인 작품이라는 것을 말해준다. 이 책은 대화체가 아니라 이야기를 하는 문체로 言文對照를 해놓았다. 사상적인 면을 중시하는 점에서 학문적 소양이 풍부한 학자가 쓴 희귀한 중국어교과서 자료로 보인다. 2.3 『華音啓蒙諺解」 (上 ·下, 1883) 李應憲의 저작 『業音啓蒙』에 대한 諺解本으로 모두 40페이지에 달한다. 이책은 '부열'라는 용어사용과 俗字가 많이 나타나는 점이 주의할 만하다. 2.4 『이니귀성』과 『學淸』 『이니귀성』은 1冊, 34페이지에 달한다. 책제목은 회화부분의 한 문장을 따서 만들었다. 『華音啓蒙』과 같이 북방 방언투의 사투리가 있는데 『이니귀성』과 『華音啓蒙』은 내용과 연대가 비슷하며 방언도 유사하여 비교연구의 가치가 있다고 하겠다. 『學淸』은 『이니귀성』의 手記本으로 '學習淸語'를 줄인 것으로 회화부분에는 『이니귀성』 1, 3부분만 수록되어있다. 위의 『華音啓蒙諺解』, 『이니귀성』, 『學淸』은 아직 연구가 되어있지 않다. 3. 자료의 가치와 연구상황 近代中國語의 分期에 대해서는 아직 일치된 견해가 없는 실정이다. 그러나 조선시대의 중국어교과서는 중국 근대중국어시기,즉 元, 明, 淸 三代의 중국어발전사상 중요한 자료가 된다. 『老乞大』의 연구상황을 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. 3.1 음운 『老乞大諺解』와 『朴通事諺解』로 明代의 음운을 연구할 수 있다. 그 연구 결과로 (1)濁聲母가 淸化되었으며 (2) 疑母가 소실되었다. (3) 捲舌音이 형성되기 시작했고 (4) -m운미가 -n운미로 합병되었다. (5) 入聲 운미가 소실되었다. 그러나 梅祖麟과 遠藤光曉가 『飜譯老乞大朴通事』의 諺文 주음과 성점을 텍스트로 중국어 성조에 대한 연구를 하여 調値를 재구했는데 특히 入聲에 대한 의견에서 차이를 보인다. 梅祖麟은 입성을 1개로 재구했고 遠藤光曉는 2가지로 재구하였다. 3.2 어법 虛詞에 대한 연구가 주로 진행되었다. 3.3 어휘 특수단어에 대한 考釋을 중심으로 연구를 진행했다. 4. 연구전망 4.1 자료의 발굴, 정리, 발간 4.2 한중협력 - 당시 韓國語 千涉의 유무에 관한 硏究, 韓中比較硏究

      • A novel design method for improving collapse resistances of multi-story steel frames with unequal spans using steel braces

        Zheng Tan,Wei-hui Zhong,Bao Meng,Shi-chao Duan,Hong-chen Wang3,Xing-You Yao,Yu-hui Zheng 국제구조공학회 2023 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.47 No.2

        The bearing capacities resisted by the two-bay beams of multi-story planar frames with unequal spans under column removal scenarios differ considerably owing to the asymmetric stress on the left and right beams connected to the failed column and cause the potential for beams with larger span-to-depth ratios to be unable to exert effectively, which is disadvantageous for resisting the vertical load in unequal-span frame structures. To address this problem, the structural measure of adding braces to the weak bays of multi-story unequal-span frames was proposed, with the objective of achieving a coordinated stress state in two-bay beams with unequal spans, thereby improving the collapse resistance of unequal-span frame structures. Before conducting the numerical simulation, the modeling methods were verified by previous experimental results of two multi-story planar frames with and without steel braces. Thereafter, the effects of the tensile and compressive braces on the collapse behavior of the frame structures were elucidated. Then, based on the mechanical action laws of the braces throughout the collapse process, a detailed design method for improving the collapse resistance of unequal-span frame structures was proposed. Finally, the proposed design method was verified by using sufficient example models, and the results demonstrated that the design method has good application prospects and high practical value.

      • Building Waste Output Forecasting Model based on Gray Metabolism GM (1,1)

        Yabo He,Wang Hongtao,Yang Lin,Qin Wei4 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.10 No.2

        With the increase of construction investment and urbanization, building waste output in our country is huge. This paper first constructs a set based on the construction area and per unit area of garbage generated quantity of urban building waste estimation method, then using grey system theory prediction and analysis of the next four years of building waste output. By the introduction of metabolic thought, the grey metabolic GM (1,1) forecast model was constructed, overcoming the shortages of conventional GM (1, 1) model. Prediction results show that the model is higher than the conventional GM (1,1) model prediction accuracy, which is suitable for the prediction of the short term of building waste in our country and for the treatment and reuse of building waste to provide certain reference.

      • Four Famous Dans of Peking Opera: An Analysis of the Sound Forms in the Performance of Zhang Junqiu and His Inheritors

        Wei WANG Korea Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences 2024 Journal of Global Arts Studies (JGAS) Vol.2 No.2

        [Background] Zhang Junqiu is a famous performer of Peking Opera dan roles in China, with a beautiful, elegant, and relaxed voice. The two important inheritors of Zhang Junqiu's singing art, Zhao Xiujun and Wang Runjing, also have different voices in their performances. [Objective] To analyze the vocal forms of the three singers in order to objectively understand their voices. [Method] The study adopted the research method of music acoustics and used the method of sound measurement. [Results] Firstly, in terms of pitch. Zhang Junqiu's singing tone is higher than that of Zhao Xiujun and Wang Runjing. Secondly, in terms of timing. The performances of Zhao Xiujun and Wang Runjing are generally longer and slower than those of Zhang Junqiu. Thirdly, in terms of volume. Zhao Xiujun sang with a loud volume, much larger than Zhang Junqiu and Wang Runjing. Wang Runjing is slightly louder than Zhang Junqiu, but the difference is small. Fourthly, in terms of timbre. The tones of the three are all round, full, and bright. Wang Runjing has the most rounded, full, and bright tone among the three, with Zhao Xiujun in the middle and Zhang Junqiu at the end. [Conclusion] Zhang Junqiu's singing voice is beautiful, relaxed, and elegant, with a unique charm. Zhao Xiujun, the inheritor, sang with a bright, full, loud volume, and slightly resonant voice. The voice of inheritor Wang Runjing during her singing is full, slightly louder, and resonates strongly. From the perspective of inheriting the singing art of Zhang Junqiu's Dan role, inheritors should not deliberately “display” their vocal conditions and technical abilities during singing. 【背景】张君秋是我国著名的京剧旦角表演艺术家,其嗓音优美、飘逸、松弛。张君秋演唱艺术的两位重要传承人——赵秀君、王润菁演唱中的声音也各异。【目的】现对三人演唱中的声音形态分析,以期客观的了解其声音。【方法】研究采用了音乐声学的研究方法,使用了测音的方式。【结果】第一,音高方面。张君秋演唱时的音调要高于赵秀君与王润菁。第二,时值方面。赵秀君与王润菁的演唱整体上较之张君秋的演唱时值要长、速度要慢。第三,音量方面。赵秀君演唱时的音量较大,且大于张君秋与王润菁很多。王润菁比张君秋音量稍大一些,但相差较小。第四,音色方面。三者的音色均圆润、饱满、明亮。王润菁是三者中音色最为圆润、饱满、明亮的,赵秀君居中,张君秋最末等。【结论】张君秋演唱中的声音唯美、松弛、飘逸,独具魅力。传承者赵秀君演唱中的声音明亮、饱满、音量较大、共鸣稍大。传承者王润菁演唱中的声音饱满、音量稍大、共鸣较强。从对张君秋旦角演唱艺术传承的角度来讲,传承者们在演唱中不要刻意“显示”自己的嗓音条件、技术能力。

      • KCI등재

        Recommendations on management of gynecological malignancies during the COVID-19 pandemic: perspectives from Chinese gynecological oncologists

        Yingmei Wang,Shiqian Zhang,Lihui Wei,Zhongqiu Lin,Xinyu Wang,Jianliu Wang,Keqin Hua,Manhua Cu,Jiandong Wang,Shixuan Wang,Wen Di,Yudong Wang,Ruifang An,Mingrong Xi,Ruixia Guo,Qi Zhou,Xing Xie,Fengxia X 대한부인종양학회 2020 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.31 No.4

        The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus 2 has rapidly spread globally. Cancer patients are at a higher risk ofbeing infected with the coronavirus and are more likely to develop severe complications, ascompared to the general population. The increasing spread of COVID-19 presents challengesfor the clinical care of patients with gynecological malignancies. Concerted efforts should beput into managing gynecological malignancies in an orderly manner by strictly implementingthe measures that are specifically developed for controlling the spread of COVID-19. We havedrafted Recommendations on Management of Gynecological Malignancies during the COVID-19 Pandemicbased on our experience on controlling COVID-19 pandemic in China. We recommendthat patients with gynecological malignancies should be managed in hierarchical andindividualized manners in combination with local conditions related to COVID-19. Medicalcare decision should be balanced between controlling COVID-19 pandemic spread and timelydiagnosis and treatment for gynecologic oncology patients.

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