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      • KCI등재
      • Verlaine 시의 기호학적 분석

        태선영 東亞大學校 1995 東亞論叢 Vol.32 No.-

        Un grand nombre d'etudes sur Verlaine traite seulement un d'elements sur deux poemes ; soit la form, soit le contenu. On peut touver aussi des articles et des memoires qui s'interessent aux deux amis ils se boment a montrer la possibilite de les mettre en relation sans en proposer une analyse systematique. Alors nous avons essaye d'analyser plusieurs poemes de Berlaine avec une method semiologique qui viwerait tous les textes litteraires en tant que signes linquistiques. La methode dont nous nous sommes servi est tres similaire a celle de Moline et de Tamine, qui est tout a fait linguistique. Mais nous avons aussi introduit une theorie de l'euphonie pour le niveau phonique ey une interpretation stylistique pour deduire le sens des textes. Nous avons choisi comme corpus les 'Ariettes oubliees' dans les "Romances sans paroles" parce qu'elles sont ecrites apres la renocontre avec Rimbaud et le 'nouveau systeme' que Verlaine a projete. Mais aussi parce que ces poemes paraissent avoir des caracteres communs. Ce petit memoire se composent de quatre parties : analyse euphonique, metrique, syntaxique et semantique. L'analyse euphonique nous a montre que, dans tous les poemes. Verlaine a prefere des euphonies eomplexes horizontales qui creet un systeme phonique particulier en s'harmonisant avec la repetition des euphonies verticales. C'est grace a ce system que ses poemes, consistant en une omsaique phonique, donnent un effet d'echo et d'ambiguitemusicale. Le resultat de l'analyse metrique se resume en trois points. L'usage frequent de l'impair et de la rime feminine, l'apparition de vers de longueurs differentes, de cesures et de coupes tres variees, autrement dir de rythmes divers et de l'utilization de l'enjambement en vue du renforcement du sens. Ces caracteristiques servant a former une image mixte : le conflit entre l'imquietude et le calm, entre l'incertitude et la stabilite, et entre l'oscillation et l'immobilite. L'analyse syntaxique mene au results que les deux analyses precedentes. Le poete s'est servi de la juxtaposition de phrases qui ne montrent pas directement la relation entre les choses et son jugement. II a souvent utilise les complements circinstantciels, les adverbes et l'interrogation pour donner de 'ambiguite aux poemes. Celle-ci aussi due a l'emploi des pronomes neutreset desphrases impersonnelles. La reptition de la structure syntaxique est egalement un phenomene qui provoque de l'ambiguite : une ambiance vague. Au niveau semantique, nous avons examine l'usage specifique du vocabulaire et des expresions. II y a plus de verbes de transmission que de mouvement. Ces verbes et les adjectifs signifiant la petiesse ou l'immobilite contribuent a etablir le decor et le paysage incertains avec les mots suggestife. De plus nous avons vertifie que Verlaine a choisi les mots en vertu de la sonnrite, en neglieant plus ou moins le sens. De tous ces caracteres que nous avons extraits des 'Ariettes oubliees', nous sommes parvenu a conclure que le poete a cree volontairement une image ambigue et que cette ambiguite ne se produit que quand les elements a tous les niveaux se concilient meme si l'harmonie entre eux n'est pas apparente.

      • KCI등재

        화장품 유통경로에 따른 소비자 쇼핑성향, 정보원, 점포이미지에 관한 연구

        선정희,유태순 한국의류학회 2004 한국의류학회지 Vol.28 No.5

        The present study attempts to identify the differences in consumer information source, shopping orientation, and store image in the purchase of cosmetics in adult women at the age of 20 or more according to the distributions channels: department stores, specialty stores, discount stores and direct mails. From October 3 to 13, a survey was conducted to 1,200 adult women who visited each channel and who would understand the purpose of this study and complete the questionnaire. 300 sheets were distributed to each of the channels under investigation, and a total of 1,116 questionaaires were used in the final analysis. Using the statistical package, SPSS WIN 10.0, factor analysis, ANOVA, and Duncan's post-hoc test were carried out. The result are as follows: 1. There was a difference in the demographical characteristics of the consumers according to the distribution channels for cosmetics. 2. There was a difference in the shopping orientations of the consumers according to the distribution channels for cosmetics. 3. There was a difference in the information sources of the consumers according to the distribution channels for cosmetics. 4. There was a difference in the store images perceived by the consumers according to the distribution channels for cosmetics.

      • 24시간 회상법으로 조사한 여대생의 식이섭취자료 분석 : Comparison of Analysis and Assessment Method 분석방법 및 평가방법의 비교

        현태선 충북대학교 교육·생활연구소 1999 생활과학연구논총 Vol.2 No.-

        A dietary survey with 24-hour recall method was performed to female college students, and the food intake data were converted to nutrient intakes using two different computer programs. The mean daily energy intake calculated with DS24 program was 1598kcal(79.9% of RDA) while 1840kcal with CAN program. The mean intake of other nutrients was also mostly higher with CAN program than with DS24 program. Therefore, when we assess nutrient intake using CAN program, we must consider the possibility of the overestimation of the intake before interpreting the data. Each 24-hour recall was evaluated for the consumption of items from the dairy, meat, grain, fruit, and vegetable groups. Failure to consume any foods from the fruit, meat, and dairy group was reported by 60.9%, 30.4%, and 21.7% of the subjects, respectively. Consumption of food from all five food group was associated with higher nutrient intake. The results emphasize the need for nutrition education directed at increasing the diversity of the diet. The index of measuring diet quality will be further evaluated.

      • 신원방우황청심원액의 심혈관계에 관한 약효

        조태순,이선미,김낙두,허인회,안형수,권광일,박석기,심상호,신대희,박대규 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1999 藥學論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        In order to investigate the pharmacological properties of New Wonbang Woohwangchungsimwon Liquid (NSCL), effects of Wonbang Woohwangchungsimwon Liquid (SCL) and NSCL were compared. In isolated rat aorta, NSCL and SCL showed the relaxation of blood vessels in maximum contractile response to phenylephrine (10^-6M) regardless to intact endothelium or denuded rings of the rat aorta. Furthermore, the presences of the inhibitor of NO synthase and guanylate cyclase did not affect the relaxing effect of NSCL and SCL. NSCL and SCL inhibited the vascular contractions induced by acetylcholine, prostaglandin endoperoxide or peroxide in a dose-dependent manner. In conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), NSCL and SCL significantly decreased heart rate. NSCL and SCL, at high doses, had a negative inotropic effect that was a decrease of left ventricular developed pressure and (-dp/dt)/(+dp/dt) in the isolated perfused rat hearts, and also decreased the contractile force and heart rate in the isolated rat right atria. In excised guinea-pig papillary muscle, NSCL and SCL had no effects on parameters of action potential such as resting membrane potential, action potential amplitude, APD_90 and V_max at low doses, whereas inhibited the cardiac contractility at high doses. These results suggested that NSCL and SCL have weak cardiovascular effects with relaxation of blood vessels and decrease of heart rate, and that this effect is no significant differences between cardiovascular effects of two preparations.

      • 방광질루 치험

        황선태,이종찬,양상국,김홍섭,노용수 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1996 건국의과학학술지 Vol.5 No.-

        Vesicovaginal fistula is a distressing complication which may follow hysterectomy, prolonged labor, chemical cauterization due to uterine prolapse, radiation therapy and cervix cancer. The management of vesicovaginal fistula still remains controversial in regard to the type of approach and timing of repair but the classic opinion is to wait 3 to 6 months to allow the surgical inflammatory reaction to subside. We experienced 4 cases of vesicovaginal fistula which were as follows; Case 1: 51-year-old The vesicovaginal fistula, about 3.0cm in diameter, after laparascopic hysterectomy 15 days ago was repaired with interposition of a gracilis muscle flap via the transvaginal route. Case 2: 38-year-old The vesicovagianl fistula, about 2.5cm in diameter, after Cesarean section 5 years ago was repaired with interposition of the omental flap via the transabdominal route because she had been accompanied by an overian cyst. Case 3: 46-year-old The vesicovaginal fistula, about 2.5cm in diameter, after manual self abortion at home 30 years ago was repaired with interposition of fibro-fatty tissue in labia via the transvaginal route. Case 4: 43-year-old The vesicovaginal fistula, about 2.0cm in diameter, after prolonged labor 12 years ago was repaired with interposition of the fibro-fatty tissue in labia via the transvaginal route. There noted no complications or recurrence during the minimal 1 year follow-up.

      • 장시간 수술시 Propofol과 Enflurane의 마취 유지 효과 및 술후 각성도에 대한 비교

        김태요,윤재승,이강창,정영표,안선연 圓光大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.30 No.2

        There has not been particular attention focused on the comparative benefits and risks of propofol anesthesia with inhalation anesthesia in the operations of long duration. This study was assessed the anesthetic efficacy and the speed of recovery from propofol or enflurane anesthesia in patients undergoing the long term operations. The propofol group (n=25) receiver 2.0 - 2.5mg/kg propofol intravenously for the induction of anesthesia and followed by propofol infusion(6 - 12mg/kg/h). The enflurane group (n=25) was induced as the propofol group and followed by enflurane(1-2 MAC) addministration. All patients received nitrous oxide (50%) in oxygen immediately after tracheal intubation. All anesthetic agents were stopped at the time of last stitch. The hemodynamic changes were recorded and the recovery was assessed with the time from discontinuation of all anesthetics to extubation and the indices of consciousness at early recovery(recall name, eye opening on command, raise hand on request and coughing on request). The recovery tests showed no differences between the groups. Systolic pressure after intubation in propofol group was significantly increased (p<0.05), compared with enflurane group. In propofol group, seven patients received fentanyl because of light anesthetic depth. The frequency of nausea and vomiting was similar between the groups. In conclusion, the long propofol anesthesia was not associated with faster recovery than enflurane anesthesia and propofol as an agent of anesthetic maintenance was unfavorable.

      • 저용량 Droperodol 의 지속적 정맥내 주사가 방사선 치료로 유발된 구토에 대한 효과 : As a Substitution for Granisetron for the Treatment of Gastrointestinal Symptoms from Palliative Radiation Therapy

        문성록,박수경,정영표,김태요,최유선 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1998 圓光醫科學 Vol.14 No.2

        Background: Radiation therapy in palliative cancer management leads mainly to nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia and anorexia. Several agents have been used to treat above symptoms and sings. We assessed the usefulness of continuous intravenous infusion of low-dose droperidol, compared to granisetron for the control of gastrointestinal symptoms due to radiation therapy. Method: We devided 30 patients who developed gastrointestinal symptoms after undergoing palliative radiation therapy due to metastatic bone pain in two groups. In group G(n=15), the patients were injected granisetron(3㎎) and then injected it, 3㎎ per day. In group D(n=15), the patients were injected low-dose droperidol(0.25㎎) and then infused continuously at low-dose(1㎎/day) by the disposable continuous infusion pump. Result: There were no significant differences in the patient's satisfaction, improvement of appetite and incidences of side effects between two groups. Conclusion: The continuous intravenous infusion of low-dose droperidol can substitute for serotonin-receptor antagonist for the treatment of gastrointestinal symptoms during radiation therapy for cancer patients.

      • 영아식의 종류에 따른 영아의 철분과 아연의 섭취량 및 혈청 농도 고찰 : a review

        현태선,민지영,이혜경 충북대학교 교육 ·생활연구소 생활과학연구센터 2002 생활과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        Although breast milk is the best food for infants, there will always remain a need for good substitutes when breastfeeding is not possible. Most of these substitutes are based on cow milk, but soy milk has been used as an alternative. It is necessary to ascertain that rearing infants on these formulas yields results comparable to those obtained by breastfeeding. Absorption of trace elements such as iron and zinc is well known to be higher from breast milk than from cow milk formula while absorption from soy formula is lower than from cow milk formula. The studies on the contents of iron and zinc in breast milk, cow milk formula and soy formula, and the intakes and blood levels of iron and zinc in infants fed breast milk, cow milk formula and soy formula, and the intakes and blood levels of iron and zinc in infants fed breast milk and cow milk formula were reviewd. The contents of iron and zinc in artificial formulas were higher than those in breast milk, and the intakes lf iron and zinc in infants fed cow milk, formula were higher than those in infants fed breast milk, However, the blood levels of iron in infants fed cow milk formula were significantly lower than those in infants fed breast milk, and there was no significant difference in the blood levels of zinc between infants fed cow milk formula and those fed breast milk. No results have been reported on the iron and zinc nutriture in Korean infants fed soy formula. More research should be focused on the potential consequences of excessive intakes of iron and zinc in infants fed soy formula as well as cow milk formula.

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