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        대유행인플루엔자 대비를 위한 의료기관-바탕 탁상훈련 : 고안 및 평가

        설희윤,김지량,권보란,목정하,이선희,곽임수,정진우,김정수,고옥배,조은희,김성순,신상숙,이상원 대한감염학회 2008 감염과 화학요법 Vol.40 No.2

        목적 : 의료기관의 범유행 인플루엔자에 대한 효과적인 대비를 위한 훈련방법으로서 의료기관-바탕 탁상훈련 (hospital based tabletop exercise)의 유용성과 순응도를 평가하기 위해서 시행되었다. 재료 및 방법 : 탁상 훈련은 부산대학교 병원에서 시행되었으며 병원의 주요의사결정권자 및 주요부서 대표자, 실무자 42명이 지휘부, 진료부, 지원부 3그룹으로 나뉘어 훈련에 참가하였다 탁상훈련의 시나리오는 의료기관의 자체 훈련을 위해서 고안하였으며 현재 동남아에서 유행하고 있는 H5N1 인플루엔자가 국내에 처음으로 유입되어 확산되는 과정에서 의료기관에서 발생할 수 있는 상황을 3가지 모듈로 구성하였다. 훈련 평가는 훈련 전후에 각각 익명의 설문조사를 시행하였다. 결과 : 훈련에 초청된 참여자 42명 중 37명(88%)이 실제 당일 훈련에 참여하였다. 훈련에 참여한 37명의 직원 중에서 훈련 전 시행한 설문에 27명(73%)이 응답하였다. 훈련 전 정가에서는 훈련을 통해 획득하고 싶은 지식이나 기술의 우선 순위를 물었으며, 참여자들이 가장 중요하다고 생각하는 항목은 대유행인플루엔자 바이러스에 대한 지식 향상 22%, 병원 각 부서가 취해야 할 계획 및 의사소통과 관련된 지식 향상 19%, 지역사회 병원들 간의 상호협력을 향상시킬 전략 계발이 19%이었다. 그룹토의 동안에는 환자의 조기 발견 이후 대응에 대한 토론이 많았지만, 구체적인 부분이 미흡하였고, 대유행 인플루엔자에 대한 기본적인 이해가 부족하였다. 훈련에 참여한 37명의 직원 중에서 훈련 후 시행한 설문에 21명(57%)이 응답하였다. 훈련 후 평가에서 탁상훈련의 전반적인 만족도에 대한 질문에서 81%가 만족하였다고 답변을 하였고, 새로운 것을 배우는데 유용했는가 대한 질문에도 86%가 유용했다고 답변하였다. 결론 : 탁상훈련은 의료기관의 대유행인플루엔자 대비에 효과적인 훈련방법이라고 생각되며 훈련을 통해 의료기관 내의 여러 부서들이 각 의료기관의 특성에 맞는 현실적이고 실제적인 대비 계획을 수립하는데 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다. 그러나 향후 토른 촉진, 구체적인 결과에 도달을 유도할 수 있는 질문, 끼워넣기 개발, 적절한 시간 등에 대한 연구가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. Background : To evaluate the usefulness and compliance of a hospital-based tabletop exercise in setting of pandemic influenza in hospitals. Materials and Methods : Tabletop exercise was held in Pusan National University Hospital and forty two hospital employees were invited to participate in the exercise. The scenario for hospital-based tabletop exercise was designed. It consisted of three modules, which simulated the influx and outbreak of H5N1 influenza that was epidemic in Southeast Asia. Pre-, post-exercise surveys were completed by anonymous questions. Results : Thirty-seven (88%) of 42 invited participants attended exercise. AII members of the administration group and the ancillary services group participated. But, only 77% members of the clinical services group participated. In pre-exercise survey, priorities of eight goals regarding skills and knowledge during exercise were inquired., The highest priorities pointed out by the respondents were "Increase the knowledge of pandemic influenza" (22%), "Development of strategies for optimal communication among employees within specific department" (19%) and "Development of strategies for improved coordination between facilities within the health system" (19%). Twenty-one (57%) of participants completed the post-exercise surveys. At post-exercise surveys, 81% of the participants stated that the tabletop exercise was extremely or very useful, 86% of the participants also stated that it increased their knowledge of pandemic influenza. Conclusion : Tabletop exercise is an effective modality for increasing pandemic influenza preparedness in hospitals, and this method is useful for guiding preparedness activities within the hospital environment. Further studies to determine the appropriate method of discussion, questionnaire, duration of exercise and injection are needed.

      • 진행성 비소세포폐암의 이차항암화학요법으로서 Docetaxel 단독요법의 성적

        강현모,이정은,장필순,이연선,권선중,안진영,정성수,김주옥,김선영 충남대학교 암연구소 2006 암연구소 업적집 Vol.5 No.-

        Background : The survival benefit associated with first-line chemotherapy in lung cancer has led to the need for second -line chemotherapy, for which Docetaxel (Taxotere^(?)) has proven efficacy in both settings. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of docetaxel in patients with non-small cell lung cancer who had failed first-line platinum-based chemotherapy. Methods : Thirty one patients with non-small-cell lung cancer, who had failed first line platinum-based chemotherapy, between March 1999 and August 2003, were enrolled in this study. Patients received intravenous docetaxel, either 75 mg/㎡ or 100 mg/㎡, with routine premedication every three weeks. Results : Fourteen patients (45.2%) had a partial response. The median survival and progression- free survival times were 12.5 months (95% CI 7.3-17.6) and 3.0 months (95% CI 1.6-4.5), respectively. This study showed 2 factors gave different survival benefits; the age (< 60 years: 20.1 months vs. > 60 years: 6.6 months, p=0.0105) and the histological type (adenocarcinoma: 25.6 months vs. others: 7.9 months, p=0.0055). The predominant toxicity was neutropenia, which occurred as WHO grade 3 or 4 in 38.7 % of patients. One treatment related death was also reported. Non-hematological toxicity was minor and easily controlled. There were no significant statistical differences in the survival benefit and toxicity between the two doses. Conclusion : Docetaxel, as second-line monotherapy, was well tolerated and effective in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer who failed first line platinum -based chemotherapy. (Tuberc Respir DiS 2005: 58: 465-472)

      • 진행성 비소세포폐암의 이차항암화학요법으로서 Docetaxel 단독요법의 성적

        강현모,이정은,장필순,이연선,권선중,안진영,정성수,김주옥,김선영 충남대학교 암공동연구소 2006 암공동연구소 업적집 Vol.5 No.

        Background : The survival benefit associated with first-line chemotherapy in lung cancer has led to the need for second -line chemotherapy, for which Docetaxel (Taxotere^(?)) has proven efficacy in both settings. This study evaluated the safety and efficacy of docetaxel in patients with non-small cell lung cancer who had failed first-line platinum-based chemotherapy. Methods : Thirty one patients with non-small-cell lung cancer, who had failed first line platinum-based chemotherapy, between March 1999 and August 2003, were enrolled in this study. Patients received intravenous docetaxel, either 75 mg/㎡ or 100 mg/㎡, with routine premedication every three weeks. Results : Fourteen patients (45.2%) had a partial response. The median survival and progression- free survival times were 12.5 months (95% CI 7.3-17.6) and 3.0 months (95% CI 1.6-4.5), respectively. This study showed 2 factors gave different survival benefits; the age (< 60 years: 20.1 months vs. > 60 years: 6.6 months, p=0.0105) and the histological type (adenocarcinoma: 25.6 months vs. others: 7.9 months, p=0.0055). The predominant toxicity was neutropenia, which occurred as WHO grade 3 or 4 in 38.7 % of patients. One treatment related death was also reported. Non-hematological toxicity was minor and easily controlled. There were no significant statistical differences in the survival benefit and toxicity between the two doses. Conclusion : Docetaxel, as second-line monotherapy, was well tolerated and effective in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer who failed first line platinum -based chemotherapy. (Tuberc Respir DiS 2005: 58: 465-472) 연구배경 : 일차항암화학요법 후에 생존의 이득을 얻었음에도 불구하고 비소세포폐암 환자들의 대다수가 결국은 재발하거나 진행성 병변을 보인다. 이에 저자들은 기존의 여러 연구에서 보고 된 구제요법으로서 docetaxel의 항암효과와 비교적 적은 독성의 결과를 바탕으로,platinum을 근거로 한 항암화학요법을 시행 밖았으나 개발되거나 진행된 비소세포폐암 환자들을 대상으로 docetaxel 단독요법의 치료효과와 부작용에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 조직학적으로 비소세포폐암으로 진단을 받고 platinum을 근거로 한 항암화학요법을 받았으나 재발 또는 진행성 병변을 보인 31명의 환자들을 대상으로 docetaxel 75 mg/m² 또는 100 mg/m²을 3주마다 정주하였다. 임상기록을 통한 후향적인 방법으로 분석하였다. 결과 : 1) 재발 또는 진행성 병변을 보인 31명중 남녀 비는 24:7이고 중앙연령은 60세였다. 2) 반응평가로 완전 관해는 없었고 부분관해는 14명(45.2%), 불변이 10명(32.3%), 진행이 7명(22.6%)으로 전체적인 반응율은 45.2%이었다. 3)중앙생존기간은 12.5개월(95% 신뢰구간: 7.3개월 17.6개월) 이었고, 1년 생존율은 52%였다. 무진행생존기간의 중앙값은 3.0개월(95%신뢰구간: 1.6개월 -4.5개월)이며, 반응군에서의 중앙반응지속피간은 3.7개월(95% 신뢰구간: 3.0개월 - 4.4개월)이었다. 4) 60세 미만인 경우(20.1 months vs 6.6 months. p=0,0105), 조직학적 아형이 선암일 경우(25.6 months vs 7.9 months, 0=0.0055) 통계적으로 유의한 생존기간의 증가가 있었다. 5) 부작용으로 3도 이상의 백혈구 감소증은 12명(38.7%),호중구 감소증에 동반된 발열은 6명(19.3%),감염이 동반된 호중구 감소증은 4명(12.9%)에서 발생했다. 치료와 관련되어 1명이 사망하였다. 6) Docetaxel 용량에 따른 생존기간의 차이나 독성의 차이는 없었다. 결론 : Platinum을 근거로 하는 항암화학요법으로 치료받은 후 재발 또는 진행성 병변을 보이는 비소세포폐암환자들에게 docetaxel을 투여하는 것은 비교적 안전하고 효과적인 항암치료법으로 사료된다.

      • 비소세포 폐암 환자의 이차 치료로서 Gemcitabine과 Vinorelbine 혼합 요법의 효과

        장필순,강현모,이정은,권선중,안진영,이연선,정성수,김주옥,김선영 충남대학교 암공동연구소 2006 암공동연구소 업적집 Vol.5 No.

        Background : Both gemcitabine and vinorelbine are effective anticancer drugs with mild toxicity on non-small cell lung cancer, and monotherapy of these drugs are effective as a second-line chemotherapy. The aim of this trial was to assess the response and toxicity of a combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients of previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods : 24 patients, initial stage III A/B,IV and previously treated with platinium and taxane based regimens, were enrolled from June 2000 to March 2004. The regimens consisted of vinorelbine 25mg/㎡ followed by an infusion of gemcitabine 1000mg/㎡ on day 1 and day 8 every three weeks. This course was repeated more than twice. Results : Twenty-four patients were analyzed for the response, survival rate, and toxicities. The overall response was 17% with a complete remission rate of 4%. The median time-to progression (TTP) was 3.1 months (95%, CI l-10months), and the survival time was 8.2 months (95%, CI 1-23 months). The grade 3/4 toxicities encountered were neutropenia (12.5%), anemia (0%), thrombocytopenia (0%). Non-hematological 3/4 toxicities were not observed. Conclusion : A combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer provides a relatively good response rate, and a low toxicity profile. However, further study will be needed to confirm its effectiveness. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2005; 58: 344-351) 배경 : Gemcitabine, paditaxel, docetaxel, vinorelbine, ir-rinotecan 새로운 항종양제의 출현으로 일차 치료의효과가 증대 되고 있고 재발시에도 좋은 신체 활동도를 보이고 있어서 이차 치료의 대상군도 늘어나는 효과를 보이고 있다. 치료의 필요성은 증대 되고 있지만 현재까지 표준 치료가 확립되지 않은 상황에서 Gem-citabine과Vinorelbine모두 독성이 강하지 않아서 혼합 요법이 가능한 장점이 있고 비소세포 폐암에 대한효과도 입증이 되어있어서 본 연구는 반응이 없거나 반응을 보인후에 재발된 진행된 비소세포 폐암에 ge-mdtabine과 vinorelbine 흔합 요법을 시행하여서 치료 반응률과 생존율 그리고 부작용을 평가하였다. 대상 및 방법 :2000년 6월부터 2004년 3월까지 충남대학교병원에내원하여 진행성 비소세포 폐암 IIIA/IIIB, IV로 진단을 받고 일차 항암화학요법치료를 받은 환자중에 초기 치료에 반응이 없거나, 치료에 반응이 있었으나 병이 진행된 환자로 추적 관찰 기간이 6개월 이상인 환자를 대상으로 생존율과 반응률 그리고 독성을 분석하였다. 결과 : 총 치료 반응률은 17%. 반응 유지기간의 중앙값은 3.1개월(1-10개월)이었고 생존기간의 중앙값은 8.2개월 (1-23개월) 그리고 1년 생존율은 35%였다. 항암화학요법에 의한 독성은 3도 이상의 중성구 감소가 12%, 오심과 구토가 12.5% 였다. 결론 : 일차 치료에 반응이 없거나 재발한 비소세포 폐암환자의 이차 치료로 gemcitabine과 vinorelbine 혼합요법은 효과적이라고 생각되며 향후 3상 연구를 통한다른 약제와의 비교 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다.

      • 비소세포 폐암 환자의 이차 치료로서 Gemcitabine과 Vinorelbine 혼합 요법의 효과

        장필순,강현모,이정은,권선중,안진영,이연선,정성수,김주옥,김선영 충남대학교 암연구소 2006 암연구소 업적집 Vol.5 No.-

        Background : Both gemcitabine and vinorelbine are effective anticancer drugs with mild toxicity on non-small cell lung cancer, and monotherapy of these drugs are effective as a second-line chemotherapy. The aim of this trial was to assess the response and toxicity of a combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients of previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods : 24 patients, initial stage III A/B,IV and previously treated with platinium and taxane based regimens, were enrolled from June 2000 to March 2004. The regimens consisted of vinorelbine 25mg/㎡ followed by an infusion of gemcitabine 1000mg/㎡ on day 1 and day 8 every three weeks. This course was repeated more than twice. Results : Twenty-four patients were analyzed for the response, survival rate, and toxicities. The overall response was 17% with a complete remission rate of 4%. The median time-to progression (TTP) was 3.1 months (95%, CI l-10months), and the survival time was 8.2 months (95%, CI 1-23 months). The grade 3/4 toxicities encountered were neutropenia (12.5%), anemia (0%), thrombocytopenia (0%). Non-hematological 3/4 toxicities were not observed. Conclusion : A combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer provides a relatively good response rate, and a low toxicity profile. However, further study will be needed to confirm its effectiveness. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2005; 58: 344-351)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Quantitative PCR for Etiologic Diagnosis of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit

        ( Sun Jung Kwon ),( Taeh Yeon Jeon ),( Dong Wook Seo ),( Moon Joon Na ),( Eu Gene Choi,),( Ji Woong Son ),( Eun Hyung Yoo ),( Chang Gyo Park ),( Hoi Young Lee ),( Ju Ock Kim ),( Sun Young Kim ),( Jae 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2012 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.72 No.3

        Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) requires prompt and appropriate treatment. Since methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a frequent pathogen in VAP, rapid identification of it, is pivotal. Our aim was to evaluate the utility of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) as a useful method for etiologic diagnoses of MRSA pneumonia. Methods: We performed qPCR for mecA, S. aureus-specific femA-SA, and S. epidermidis-specific femA-SE genes from bronchoalveolar lavage or bronchial washing samples obtained from clinically-suspected VAP. Molecular identification of MRSA was based on the presence of the mecA and femA-SA gene, with the absence of the femA-SE gene. To compensate for the experimental and clinical conditions, we spiked an internal control in the course of DNA extraction. We estimated number of colony-forming units per mL (CFU/mL) of MRSA samples through a standard curve of a serially-diluted reference MRSA strain. We compared the threshold cycle (Ct) value with the microbiologic results of MRSA. Results: We obtained the mecA gene standard curve, which showed the detection limit of the mecA gene to be 100 fg, which corresponds to a copy number of 30. We chose cut-off Ct values of 27.94 (equivalent to 1×104 CFU/mL) and 21.78 (equivalent to 1×105 CFU/mL). The sensitivity and specificity of our assay were 88.9% and 88.9% respectively, when compared with quantitative cultures. Conclusion: Our results were valuable for diagnosing and identifying pathogens involved in VAP. We believe our modified qPCR is an appropriate tool for the rapid diagnosis of clinical pathogens regarding patients in the intensive care unit.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Quantitative PCR for Etiologic Diagnosis of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Pneumonia in Intensive Care Unit

        Kwon, Sun-Jung,Jeon, Tae-Hyeon,Seo, Dong-Wook,Na, Moon-Joon,Choi, Eu-Gene,Son, Ji-Woong,Yoo, Eun-Hyung,Park, Chang-Gyo,Lee, Hoi-Young,Kim, Ju-Ock,Kim, Sun-Young,Kang, Jae-Ku The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory 2012 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.72 No.3

        Background: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) requires prompt and appropriate treatment. Since methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a frequent pathogen in VAP, rapid identification of it, is pivotal. Our aim was to evaluate the utility of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) as a useful method for etiologic diagnoses of MRSA pneumonia. Methods: We performed qPCR for mecA, S. aureus-specific femA-SA, and S. epidermidis-specific femA-SE genes from bronchoalveolar lavage or bronchial washing samples obtained from clinically-suspected VAP. Molecular identification of MRSA was based on the presence of the mecA and femA-SA gene, with the absence of the femA-SE gene. To compensate for the experimental and clinical conditions, we spiked an internal control in the course of DNA extraction. We estimated number of colony-forming units per mL (CFU/mL) of MRSA samples through a standard curve of a serially-diluted reference MRSA strain. We compared the threshold cycle (Ct) value with the microbiologic results of MRSA. Results: We obtained the mecA gene standard curve, which showed the detection limit of the mecA gene to be 100 fg, which corresponds to a copy number of 30. We chose cut-off Ct values of 27.94 (equivalent to $1{\times}10^4$ CFU/mL) and 21.78 (equivalent to $1{\times}10^5$ CFU/mL). The sensitivity and specificity of our assay were 88.9% and 88.9% respectively, when compared with quantitative cultures. Conclusion: Our results were valuable for diagnosing and identifying pathogens involved in VAP. We believe our modified qPCR is an appropriate tool for the rapid diagnosis of clinical pathogens regarding patients in the intensive care unit.

      • Comparison of Immunomodulation Properties of Porcine Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells Derived from the Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue, and Dermal Skin Tissue

        Ock, Sun-A,Baregundi Subbarao, Raghavendra,Lee, Yeon-Mi,Lee, Jeong-Hyeon,Jeon, Ryoung-Hoon,Lee, Sung-Lim,Park, Ji Kwon,Hwang, Sun-Chul,Rho, Gyu-Jin Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2016 Stem cells international Vol.2016 No.-

        <P>Mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) demonstrate immunomodulation capacity that has been implicated in the reduction of graft-versus-host disease. Accordingly, we herein investigated the capacity of MSCs derived from several tissue sources to modulate both proinflammatory (interferon [IFN] <I>γ</I> and tumor necrosis factor [TNF] <I>α</I>) and immunosuppressive cytokines (transforming growth factor [TGF] <I>β</I> and interleukin [IL] 10) employing xenogeneic human MSC-mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) test. Bone marrow-derived MSCs showed higher self-renewal capacity with relatively slow proliferation rate in contrast to adipose-derived MSCs which displayed higher proliferation rate. Except for the lipoprotein gene, there were no marked changes in osteogenesis- and adipogenesis-related genes following in vitro differentiation; however, the histological marker analysis revealed that adipose MSCs could be differentiated into both adipose and bone tissue. TGF<I>β</I> and IL10 were detected in adipose MSCs and bone marrow MSCs, respectively. However, skin-derived MSCs expressed both IFN<I>γ</I> and IL10, which may render them sensitive to immunomodulation. The xenogeneic human MLR test revealed that MSCs had a partial immunomodulation capacity, as proliferation of activated and resting peripheral blood mononuclear cells was not affected, but this did not differ among MSC sources. MSCs were not tumorigenic when introduced into immunodeficient mice. We concluded that the characteristics of MSCs are tissue source-dependent and their in vivo application requires more in-depth investigation regarding their precise immunomodulation capacities.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Growth Rate of Transgenic Pigs and Size of Pig Hearts for Xenotransplantation to Cynomolgus Monkey

        Sun A Ock,Keon Bong Oh,Seongsoo Hwang,Jungkyu Lee,Youngim Kim,Sun-Woung Moon,Dae-Jin Kwon,Ik Jin Yun,Eungwoo Park 한국수정란이식학회 2014 한국동물생명공학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        To compensate for the critical shortage of human organs for allotransplantation, xenotransplantation studies using genetically modified pigs are being performed in Korea. Two types of pigs that are used are α1,3-galactosyltransferase gene knockout (GalT KO) pigs and GalT KO+hCD46 (human complement regulatory protein) pigs. The present study measured the gestation time, birth weight, daily growth rate, and heart weight of both kinds of transgenic minipigs. The gestation period for both types of pigs was 117∼119 days. There was no difference in the body weight of GalT KO (—/+) and GalT KO (—/—) piglets, but GalT KO+hCD46 (—hCD46+/+) pigs were significantly heavier at birth than were GalT KO+hCD46 (—hCD46+/—hCD46+) pigs. During the first 10 weeks of life, the daily weight gain of GalT KO+hCD46 (—hCD46+/—CD46+) piglets, which are considered the optimal type for xenotransplantation, was 0.19 kg. The weight of hearts from GalT KO piglets up to two months of age was affected more by body weight than by age. Transgenic pigs showed no differences in gestation period or reproductive ability compared with normal pigs. These results comprise basic data that may be used in xenotransplantation studies and transgenic animal production in Korea.

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