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      • 체크리스트를 통한 대학생의 환경실천현황 분석

        이은희,정재훈,임미정,박은정 서울여자대학교 학생생활연구소 2011 학생생활연구 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 서울여자대학교 대학생의 환경실천현황과 인식조사를 통해 기후변화시대에 대응하기 위한 대학에서의 환경교육 활성화와 실천의 문제점 등을 파악하기 위하여 수행되었다. 연구는 2011학년도 1학기 ‘기후변화와 녹색성장' 과목을 수강한 학생을 대상으로 설문조사를 통해 학생들의 행동양식을 분석하였다. 설문내용은 크게 응답자에 대한 일반사항, 체크리스트에 관한 설문, 그리고 기후변화와 녹색성장과 환경에 대한 사항의 3개 분야로 나누어 41개 문항으로 이루어져 시행되었다. 설문조사를 통해 강의 후 환경의 심각성에 대해 느끼는 정도와 설문대상자들의 환경을 위한 실천 활동 정도 등에 대해 분석한 결과 평소 환경에 관심을 갖고 있던 학생이 50%정도로 나타났으며, 강의 후 환경의 심각성을 느낀다고 답한 학생은 75%정도의 비율을 보여 이는 환경에 대해 큰 관심이 없던 학생들에게 대학에서의 환경교육을 통해 그 심각성을 일깨워준 것으로 나타났다. 또한 수업을 들은 학생의 대부분이 항상 또는 자주, 가끔 등 그 빈도의 차이는 있으나 환경을 위해 평소 생활에서 가능한 실천들을 행하고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과를 종합해 볼 때 대학에서의 환경교육은 학생들의 환경의식 변화를 꾀하여 보다 지속가능한 삶을 위해 필요한 환경적 인재를 양성하는 것은 물론 지역사회로의 확대를 통해 사회적, 환경적 변화를 가져올 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서 확인할 수 있었던 학생들의 환경에 대한 인식을 통해 대학에서는 지속가능하며, 로하스적인 삶을 위한 교육을 더욱 확대해야함을 인지하고, 또한 이를 위해 환경에 대한 교육적 프로그램에 관한 연구가 이루어지는 것이 필요하다. 주요어:인식조사, 체크리스트, 한국대학, 환경교육 For this study, the check list for environment were written through the environment education of 'Climate change and green growth', an academic liberal arts subject which is necessary for freshmen of Seoul Women's University. And then, the study was conducted so as to vitalize the environment education of universities for responding the age of climate change based on the survey of students' recognition on environment after the class. For the study, students' behavior pattern was analyzed by the survey for students who attended the subject of ‘Climate change and green growth' during the first semester of 2011. The survey was fulfilled with 41 questionnaires whose contents are divided into 3 fields greatly. Through the survey, the degree that they feel the seriousness of environment, the degree that they conduct environment action, etc. after the class were analyzed. As the result, students who were usually interested in environment were about 50% and students who responded they felt the seriousness of environment after the class were about 75%, so it means that environment education of universities let students who were not interested greatly in environment know its seriousness. Also, most of students who attended the class put the things which are possible in daily life for environment into practice although each student had a difference of the frequency. If synthesizing the above results, environment education of universities is judged to not only cultivate environmental people which are necessary for more sustainable life by promoting the change of students' recognition on environment but also bring social and environmental changes by expanding into regional society. Through the students' recognition on environment, which could be confirmed by this study, universities must recognize that the education for sustainable and LOHAS life should be more expanded and conduct studies on the educational program for environment. Key words:Check List, Environment Education, Korean Universities, Survey of Recognition.

      • 양호교사의 역할수행에 관한 조사연구

        문희자,박신애,강현숙,고정은 慶熙大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        It is the ultimate purpose of school health management to protect, maintain, and prormote the students' health and to help for them to form a wholesome habit of health. To do this, school nurse is an actual professional personnel of school health management in our country. therefore, role performance of a school nurse is directly related to the quality of school health planning, we think. With this belief, this study intends to revise, supplement Rustia model for school health promotion and develop in into a suitable model for our actual situation. In so doing, based on Rustia model, we had surveyed the actual situation of a school nurse's role performance by making 77 school nurses in Boys' and Girls' Middle and High Schools in Seoul as the scope of this research for a period of two months beginning on September 1, 1984. The results were analyzed by employing percentage and mean value. The results of the investigation are as follows: 1. General Characteristics of the school nurses and schools. (1) The average age of the surveyed school nurses is 31.64± 6.6 years old. 81.6% of them was proved to have acquired academic background above Colleges and Graduate Schools; 74% were married; 61% were religious persons. And the average on-duty term was 6.42±5.03 years. 66.2% of them employed in the hospitals before this present job and 31.2% have worked at school as school nurses immediately after their graduation. In college, most of them (81.8%) went through a course of study for the teaching profession and only 9.1% of the taught other courses of study. (2) The majority of the surveyed schools (51.9%) were public schools and 62.3% of them were middle Schools. The average number of students in the school was 2628.52;that of school pesonnel was 66.17±9.7;that of classes was 39.68±12.0. 2. Role performance for primary prevention. (1) Among the serveyed schools, 83.1% of them performed epidemiological analysis of health problem for the promotion of health. As for health planning among health management plan, all of them put it in force, however, only 35% of them participated in preparation of the budget to achieve it. As to the evaluation program, 64.9% of them carry out it into operation and in case of being carried out once in a year marked the most frequency of enforcement as 32.4%. On guidance and support related to health planning, 42.9% of them held a staff meeting; of which 53.2% were school nurse-teacher meeting; 28.6%, school nurse-parent meeting. (2) To protect the students and school personnel from danger and injury, 67.5% of them participated in alleviating health problems-that is, the maintenance of health standard and safety within school, and inserting the means of settling those problems into curriculum and management of school events. Especially, only 14.3% administered school lighting and 35.1% observed safety standards of desks and chairs in class. Consequently, the result of this survey revealed that there is much to be desired in the administration for the maintenance of health standard and safety. As for pervention of infectious disease, the following were implemented; a) disinfection of toilets (92.2%); b) control of drinking water (75.5%); c) purification of sewage and garbage incineration (74%). What is pecular is that 71.4% of them have controlled vaccination but enforcement rate shows lack of enthusiasm when viewed from the kinds of vaccination: Typhoid fever (51.9%), cholera (41.6%) hepatitis (9.0%), encephalitis (23.4%) and that one or two sorts of vaccination were treated. As for the technical improvement of personnels who handled health problems, all of them put it in practice, and for prevention program and use of health resources, 87.5% participated in it. 3. Role performance for secondary prevention (1) 92.2% of them carried out screening tests of a physical assessment for an early detect on health problem and 24.7% did a screening tests which made a part of students its object after the first screening tests. A selection and check-up of measurement tool during a developmental evaluation was taken effect by 98.7% and a preliminary education on the persons who administered that examination and determine to select a place for it by 100%. Of discrimination and screening tests, various kinds of examination for finding disease was detected effectively by 98.7% and of this operation nothing could be come into force more than a check-up of parasites and urine with 97.4%. As to the methods explaning danger of health and safety, the case to be offered school personnels information in a staff meeting marked 96.1% and the one to offer students information in the case of generating such danger as infectious diseases was 100% (2) Control of health problem to be required regular treatment for taking a proper measure on that problem at an earlier time was carried into effect by 93.5%. 98.7% of them imposed a role of communication and intervention of offering and observation method for finding health problem and encourging this method to teacher in charge. All of them executed emergency care, School-nurses helped 33 persons a day on the average, and 89.6% of them did for students to get through a serious crisis. (3) In order to prevent complication and an disable, 83.1% of them carried out a continuous follow-up care of the students who were discharged from the hospitals. 4. Role performance for tertiary prevention (1) In order to care and treat the students who needed their rehabilitation and adaptation for activities of daily living, 89.6% of them performed reeducation after reevaluate their health status, 94.8% performed a role on motivation, 85.7% put in effect a continuous control of the students who needed rehabilitation and correction, and 15.6% did counselling for taking a measure to meet the situation of the disabled. 5. Role performance for health education. Unifying health education from the view points of the first, secondary and tertiary prevention against diseases, we surveyed the content, method, objectives of health education which is now in effect and should be emphasized in the future. Upon this study, we came to conclude as the following; as to the content of health education which is now is effect, prevention of infectious diseases has an absolute majority of all contents as 98.7%, and prevention against parasites, personal hygiene and oral hygiene second place. as 97.4% But education on prevention of venereal diseases shows inactiveness as 42.9%. On the contents to be emphasized, mental health (42.9%), sex education (40.3%) were enumerated but nobody stated about prevention of infectious diseases. As a method practising health education, all of them used that of counselling, and as an indirect education utilizing media, it comes printed matters (96.1%), poster (83.1%), interclass broadcasting casting (75.35) in that order. And the case of regular class on health education marked 23.4%, of the object of health education, 98.7% made students its object; 87.0% school personnels; 51.9% parents of students.


        DJ-1 deficiency impairs synaptic vesicle endocytosis and reavailability at nerve terminals

        Kyung, Jae Won,Kim, Jin-Mo,Lee, Wongyoung,Ha, Tae-Young,Cha, Seon-Heui,Chung, Kyung-Hwun,Choi, Dong-Joo,Jou, Ilo,Song, Woo Keun,Joe, Eun-Hye,Kim, Sung Hyun,Park, Sang Myun National Academy of Sciences 2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol.115 No.7

        <P>Mutations in DJ-1 (PARK7) are a known cause of early-onset autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease (PD). Accumulating evidence indicates that abnormalities of synaptic vesicle trafficking underlie the pathophysiological mechanism of PD. In the present study, we explored whether DJ-1 is involved in CNS synaptic function. DJ-1 deficiency impaired synaptic vesicle endocytosis and reavailability without inducing structural alterations in synapses. Familial mutants of DJ-1 (M26I, E64D, and L166P) were unable to rescue defective endocytosis of synaptic vesicles, whereas WT DJ-1 expression completely restored endocytic function in DJ-1 KO neurons. The defective synaptic endocytosis shown in DJ-1 KO neurons may be attributable to alterations in membrane cholesterol level. Thus, DJ-1 appears essential for synaptic vesicle endocytosis and reavailability, and impairment of this function by familial mutants of DJ-1 may be related to the pathogenesis of PD.</P>

      • 사업장 근로자의 건강위험 평가도구 개발

        정규철,이용애,홍윤철,조희숙,박혜숙,임현술,하은희 이화여자대학교 환경문제연구소 1998 이화환경연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Health Risk Appraisal(HRA) is usually defined as a process by which we expect of individual's chances of acquiring specific diseases within a defined period of time. The concept of worksite as an area of health maintenance and promotion is newly developing. Our movement for health promotion of employees has been increasingly known in the worksite. The aim of this study is to develop health risk appraisal tools about health promotion at the worksite for employees. We performed this study by two steps: one step was to develop a HRA questionnaire of worksites in Korea, another was to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. For developing HRA questionnaire, we reviewed scientific examples at first, and then weighted the score by delphi. To evaluate the reliability of developed questionnaire, we carried out survey by test-retest method. A total of 131 employees completed HRA questionnaire on two times. The results are as follows. The total score of health risk in unhealthy workers was higher than that of healthy workers. The range of test-retest reliability of responses to the questionnaire was 0.57-0.94. Therefore it seems that this questionnaire was very suitable to assess the health behavior of workers. In conclusion, the developed HRA questionnaire can be used as a tool for evaluating health behavior and for providing health counseling materials.

      • KCI등재후보

        사업장 근로자의 건강위험 평가도구 개발

        홍윤철,임현술,하은희,정규철,조희숙,박혜숙,이용애 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        Health Risk Appraisal(HRA) is usually defined as a process by which we expect of individual's chances of death or acquiring specific diseases within a defined period of time. The concept of worksite as an area of health maintenance and promotion is newly developing. Our movement for health promotion of employees has been increasingly known in the worksite. The aim of this study is to develop health risk appraisal tools about health promotion at the worksite for employees. We performed this study by two steps; one step was to develop a HRA questionnaire of worksites in Korea, another was to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. For developing HRA questionnaire, we reviewed scientific examples at first, and then weighted the score by delphi. To evaluate the reliability of developed questionnaire, we carried out survey by test-retest method. A total of 131 employees completed HRA questionnaire on two times. The results are as follows. The total score of health risk in unhealthy workers was higher than that of healthy workers. The range of test-retest reliability of responses to the questionnaire was 0.57-0.94. Therefore it seems that this questionnaire was very suitable to assess the health behavior of workers. In conclusion, the developed HRA questionnaire can be used as a tool for evaluating health behavior and for providing health counseling materials.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibitory Effects of Water Extracts of Eucommiae Cortex and Psoraleae Semen Alone and in Combination on Osteoclast Differentiation and Bone

        Park, Jin Soo,Park, Ga Young,Choi, Han Gyul,Kim, Seong Joung,Kim, June Hyun,park, Min Cheol,Kim, Yun Kyung,Han, Sang Yong,Jo, Eun Heui Korean AcupunctureMoxibustion Medicine Society 2017 대한침구의학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of water extracts of Eucommiae cortex (EC), Psoraleae semen (PS), and their combination on receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-B ligand (RANKL)-induced osteoclast differentiation. Methods : We assayed the protein expression levels of nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 1 (NFATc1), c-Fos, mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), and ${\beta}-actin$ in cell lysates using western blotting. Similarly, mRNA expression levels of NFATc1, c-Fos, tartrateresistant acid phosphate (TRAP), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spermatogeni (GAPDHS) from bone marrow macrophages (BMMs) were analyzed using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Furthermore, we determined the anti-osteoporotic effects of the water extracts of EC, PS, and their combination in a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced bone-loss mouse model. Results : The in vitro data revealed showed that the combination of EC and PS extract showed a more remarkable inhibition of osteoclast differentiation than each herb did alone. The combination downregulated the induction of c-Fos, NFATc1, and TRAP by suppressing the phosphorylation of p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and inhibiting nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells ($NF-{\kappa}B$). Lastly, the in vivo data showed that PS reduced the LPS-induced bone erosion. Conclusion : The result of this study suggests that EC and PS could be potential therapeutic agents for bone loss diseases such as osteoporosis.

      • Mid-term Results of Endovascular Treatment for TASC type D Aorto-iliac CTO Lesions

        ( Eun Heui Kim ),( Dae Sung Lee ),( Han Cheol Lee ),( Tae Sik Park ),( Jin Sup Park ),( Hye Won Lee ),( Jun Hyok Oh ),( Jung Hyun Choi ),( Kwang Soo Cha ),( Taek Jong Hong ) 대한내과학회 2015 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2015 No.1

        Background: Endovascular treatment for TASC type D aorto-iliac chronic total occlusion (CTO) lesions is the challenging treatment modality for treating intermittent claudication or critical limb ischemia. We report the clinical and patency results of stent placement for TASC type D aorto-iliac CTO. Methods: This was the observational study between Jul. 2006 and Nov. 2013. Total 40 patients (34 male and 6 female; 69 years of a mean age; 58 limbs) treated with stent placement were analyzed retrospectively. This study was composed of patients with TASC type D aorto-iliac CTO that had more than 10 cm in the lesion length. Demographics, clinical presentation, classification, comorbidity, ankle-brachial index (ABI) before and after treatment, technical success, patency, restenosis, and complications between groups were recorded at follow-up. Results: Study group consisted of 40 patients with 58 treated limbs. The number of patients with claudication and critical limb ischemia were 35. Many patients (27, 67.5%) had diabetes, and over three-fourth of patients (31,77.5%) were current smoker. Technical success rate was 94.8% (55/58 limbs). No periprocedural complications had occurred at study group. Three type approach methods were tried. Contralateral approach was used 82.8% (48/58 limbs), Both contralateral and ipsilateral approach was used 12.1% (7/58 limbs). When contraletral approach had failed, left brachial approach was adoped in 7 limbs. The technical success rate of brachial approach was 100% (7/7). Mean procedural time was 136.9±50.7 minutes Mean amount of contrast media was 223.9±87.7 mL. Lesion length of CTO was 114.4±17.7 mm. During hospital stay, 6 patients had anemia need blood transfusion, and contrast induced nephropathy occurred in 2 patients. The mean duration of follow up was 13.2 month. ABI increased from 0.5±0.25 to 0.91±0.13. An angiographic follow up was done on 6-9 months for 83.7% of all patients (31/37). The primary patency was 94.5% (52/55) and 100% of secondary patency. A restenosis rate was 15.2% (7/46 limbs), Target lesion revascualriztion was 5.5% (3/55) Conclusions: Our results suggest that endovascular treatment for TASC type D aorto-iliac CTO lesions is a good and safe treatment modality.

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