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      • Effect of ER signal peptides (KDEL) on expression and function of monoclonal antibody in plant

        Da-Young Park,Eun-Yi Oh,Zhe Lu,Yangkang So,Mi-Hyun Ahn,Mira Song,Kyung-Jin Lee,Doo-Byoung Oh,Youngkwan Kim,Kisung Ko 한국당과학회 2009 한국당과학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.1

        Plant genetic engineering led to the production of plant-derived mAb (mAbP), which provides a safe and economically feasible alternative to the current animal expression systems. In this study, the expression level of mAbP SO57 between with and without Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu (KDEL) was compared in transgenic plant. PCR and PT-PCR analyse showed stable gene insertion transcription of heavy and light chain genes of mAbP SO57 with or without KDEL in plant, respectively. We validated expression of mAbP SO57 by western blot. Western blot showed the significantly higher expression level of mAbP SO57 with KDEL compared to without KDEL. Flow cytometry (FACS) analysis showed that the Fc domains of both purified mAbP and mammalian-derived mAb (mAbM) evidenced similar binding activity to the FcγRI receptor (CD64). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysed, glycosylation patterns of mAbP SO57 with or without KDEL. The mAbP SO57 with KDEL had glycan profile with both oligomannose type (47.6%) and golgi type (52.4%), while the mAbP SO57 without KDEL had only golgi type (100%) glycans. Neutralizing analysis with rabies virus CVS-11 showed the similar neutralizing activity between mAbP SO57 with and without KDEL. These results suggest the potential of mAbP SO57 for rabies immunotherapy, regardless of plant specific glycan structures.

      • KCI등재

        도시근린공원 방범설계 (CPTED)의 효과성 검증

        홍소연(Hong, So Yeon),권순호(Kwon, Soom Ho),박세희(Park, Se Hee),김은기(Kim, Eun Kee) 한국공안행정학회 2020 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.29 No.1

        이 연구는 도시근린공원에서의 범죄예방환경설계 효과성 검증을 목적으로 실시되었다. 연구목적 달성을 위해 선행연구에서 활용된 범죄예방환경설계 평가항목을 활용하여 대상 공원 두 곳의 범죄예방환경설계 수준을 객관적으로 평가하였고, 설계 수준이 우수한 공원과 낮은 공원 방문객들을 대상으로 각각 범죄피해두려움을 측정하였다. 분석결과 설계 수준이 우수한 공원보다 설계 수준이 낮은 공원에서 방문객들의 범죄피해두려움이 더 높게 나타남을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 두 공원에서 느끼는 범죄피해두려움의 평균차이는 통계적으로 유의한 차이로 확인되었다. 따라서 도시근린공원에서의 범죄예방환경설계는 이용객들의 범죄피해 두려움을 낮추는 효과가 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 이 연구는 범죄피해두려움에 영향을 미치는 다른 요인들을 통제하지 못하였다는 점, 조사대상 공원의 범죄예방환경설계 수준에 대한 평가의 정교성이 다소 낮다는 점 등의 한계가 존재한다. 그럼에도 불구하고 ‘CPTED 인식’과 범죄피해두려움의 관계를 주로 검토하여 효과성을 검증하고자 한 기존 선행연구와는 달리 객관적 평가척도를 활용하여 설계수준 차이에 따른 범죄피해 두려움의 차이를 검증함으로써 CPTED의 효과성을 검증하였다는 점에서 의의가 있는 연구라 하겠다. This study was conducted to verify the effectiveness of crime prevention environment design in urban neighborhood parks. To achieve the objectives of the research, the crime prevention environmental design evaluation items used in the previous studies were objectively evaluated, and the crime prevention environment design levels of two target parks were objectively evaluated. Fear of crime was measured. As a result, visitors were found to have higher fears of crime victimization in parks with lower design level than those with better design level, and the average difference between crime fears felt between two parks was statistically significant. Therefore, the design of crime prevention environment in urban neighborhood parks can be said to reduce the fear of crime victims. However, this study has limitations such as the lack of control of other factors affecting the fear of crime, and the low level of elaboration of the assessment of crime prevention environment design of the park under investigation. Nevertheless, unlike previous studies that mainly examined the relationship between CPTED awareness and fear of crime, CPTED by verifying the difference of crime damage fear according to the design level by using objective evaluation scale. It is a meaningful study in that it verified the effectiveness of.

      • A case of idiopathic hemihypertrophy with hemihypertrichosis

        ( So Hee Park ),( Do Hyeong Kim ),( Wonkyung Lee ),( Jeong Nan Kang ),( Jung Eun Seol ),( Hyojin Kim ),( Ho Suk Sung ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.1

        A 4-year-old boy had hemihypertrophy and hemihypertrichosis on his left leg since he was 10 months old. Any other family history or past medical history was not noted. The circumference of left calf was 2cm thicker than right calf, and magnetic resonance image also showed hypertrophic muscles. Folliscopic image revealed increased density and thickness of hairs on his left calf. No other systemic abnormalities were detected. The patient was diagnosed idiopathic hemihypertrophy with hemihypertrichosis. Hemihypertrophy is a rare congenital abnormality, showing a fast growth of one side of the body. It usually accompanies diseases such as Beckwith- Wiedemann syndrome, Silver-Russell syndrome, Proteus syndrome. Hypertrichosis shows excessive growth of body hair over the normal range. Three types of congenital hypertrichosis were reported, congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa, congenital hypertrichosis terminalis and nevoid hypertrichosis. Nevoid hypertrichosis is similar to hypertrichosis in our patient. Co-presence of hemihypertrophy and hemihypertrichosis is very rare and the etiology is unclear. 4 cases of hemihypertrophy with hemihypertrichosis without any abnormalities, so-called idiopathic hemihypertrophy with hemihypertrichosis, were reported. It needs further evaluation to determine whether this condition is a just incidental coexistence or a new syndrome. Herein, we report a case of idiopathic hemihypertrophy with hemihypertrichosis.

      • 관절염을 가진 대상자의 가족지지, 자가 간호 및 삶의 질과의 관계

        선은경,박소연,박일지,서가은,손용숙,손인옥,용진선 가톨릭대학교 간호대학 호스피스 교육연구소 2006 호스피스논집 Vol.10 No.-

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among family support, self-care, and quality of life of patients with arthritis through a survey. That will be basic data to plan nursing intervention for promoting quality of life for patients with arthritis. Method : The convenient sample of this study consisted of 120 patients with arthritis and data were collected using questionnaires during August 2006 from two OPDs of rheumatoid centers in C University hospitals. The study instruments were used to measure Self Care (So, 1992), Family Support (Kang, 1984), and Quality of Life (Ro, 1988). The data were analyzed using ANOVA, Duncan test, and Pearson correlation. Result : The mean scores were 3.56 for family support, 4.16 for self-care, and 3.19 for quality of life. The level of self-care was significantly higher in those men, having an occupation, higher income, and living with family members. The level of family support was significantly higher in those men, having an occupation, living with family members, and having a helper. The level of quality of life was significantly higher for those men, having a higher income, and shorter length of illness. Three relationships were found to be positively correlated: 1) between the levels of family support and self-care (r=.53), 2) between the levels of self-care and quality of life (r=.55), and 3) between the levels of family support and quality of life (r=.54). Conclusion: Therefore, a nursing intervention program needs to be developed to promote family support, and self-care for quality of life for patients with arthritis.

      • KCI등재

        북한 국어 교과서의 ‘생동한 표현’ 연구

        박소은 ( Park So-eun ) 한민족어문학회 2021 韓民族語文學 Vol.- No.94

        이 논문의 목적은 북한의 국어 교과서에 나타나는 ‘생동한 표현’의 교수·학습 내용을 토대로 북한에서 이루어지는 국어교육의 양상을 이해하고, 이를 바탕으로 북한 사회가 추구하는 국어교육관을 파악하는 데 있다. 북한의 국어교육을 이해하는 것은 그 자체로 북한의 국어교육관을 아는 데 도움이 된다는 점에서 의미가 있을 뿐만 아니라 향후 ‘합의된’, ‘합일된’ 국어교육 내용을 기획하고 구성하게 될 이른바 통일 시대를 대비하는 차원에서도 필요한 일이라 판단된다. 북한의 교육강령에서 ‘생동한 표현’은 글쓰기 영역의 학습 요소로 다루어진다. 하지만 그 하위 요소가 ‘음성상징어, 관용 표현, 비유’ 등 대부분 문법 교육내용이라는 점은 특이하다. 이것은 북한이 말과 글에 대한 ‘지식’과 함께 ‘실천’을 강조한다는 데 근거한다. 이같은 내용을 토대로 북한은 언어 지식을 이해하고 습득하게 하는 데 그치는 것이 아닌, 이를 실생활에 활용하도록 하는 데까지 중점을 두고 있음을 분명히 한다. 한편 ‘생동한 표현’과 관련된 교수·학습 내용의 제시 방식상 북한 사회가 갖는 특수성이 반영되어 있음을 확인하였는데, 최고 지도자에 대한 숭배의 태도가 예문에 드러나고 있다는 것이 그것이다. 이를 토대로 이 논문에서는 북한의 국어과 교육 내용에, 사회 체제를 선전하고 통치 이념을 강화하기 위한 의도 또한 투영되어 있음을 확인하였다. The purpose of this paper is to understand the situation of Korean language education in North Korea based on professors and learning related to ‘actual expressions’ in North Korean textbooks and to understand the perspective of Korean education in North Korean society. Understanding North Korea's Korean language education is meaningful in itself, as well as necessary to prepare for the so-called era of reunification in which the contents of ‘agreed’ and ‘uniform’ Korean education are planned. ‘Actual expression’ is considered a learning element in the field of writing in the curriculum. However, it is characterized by the fact that the lower elements are ‘speech symbolic words, idiomatic expressions, metaphors’ or grammatical education. This is because North Korea emphasizes ‘knowledge’ and ‘practice’ of language and writing, and based on this, North Korea's emphasis on understanding and acquiring linguistic knowledge and applying it to real life. On the other hand, the special characteristics of North Korean society are reflected in the discussion. This is an example of worship toward the supreme leader. Accordingly, the education content reflects the intention of promoting the North Korean social system and strengthening its ruling ideology.

      • Effect of ER signal peptides (KDEL) on expression and function of anti-virus monoclonal antibody in plant

        Da-Young Park,Yangkang So,Kyung-Jin Lee,Zhe Lu,Eun-Yi Oh,Kwang-Wok Min,Seul-Ki Lee,Jung-Hwan Lee,Mi-Hyun Ahn,Mira Song,Doo-Byoung Oh,Youngkwan Kim,Kisung Ko 한국당과학회 2009 한국당과학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.1

        Plant genetic engineering has led to the production of plant-derived mAb (mAbP), which provides a safe and economically feasible alternative to the current antibody expression systems. In this study, the expression levels of mAbP SO57 with or without ER-signal peptides (Lys-Asp-Gly-Leu;KDEL) in transgenic tobacco plants were analysed in transgenic plant. PCR and Reverse Transcription-PCR analyses showed existence of heavy and light chain genes of mAb with or without KEDL and their transcription in plant, respectively. Western blot showed that the expression levels of mAbP SO57 with KDEL were significantly higher than that without KDEL. Flow cytometry analysis showed that the Fc domains of both purified mAbP and mammalian-derived mAb have similar binding activity to the FcγRI receptor. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed that the mAbP SO57 with KDEL had glycan profile with both oligomannose and golgi type, whereas the mAbP SO57 without KDEL had only golgi type glycans. Neutralizing analysis with rabies virus CVS-11 showed the similar neutralizing activity between mAbP SO57 with and without KDEL. These results suggest that the potential of mAbP SO57 for rabies immunotherapy is regardless of plant specific glycan structures.

      • 흡연에 의한 급성 호산구성 폐렴 2예

        박종빈,김학렬,주현준,유태양,신성남,신정현,송정섭,황기은,김소영,양세훈,정은택 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 2008 圓光醫科學 Vol.23 No.2

        최근 흡연을 시작한 젊은 성언에서 급성 호산구성 폐렴의 발생에 대한 증례가 보고되고 있다. 급성 호산구성 폐렴은 대개 발열을 동반하기 때문에 초기에는 감염성 폐렴으로 잘못 진단, 치료되는 경우가 많다. 아직 정확한 병태 생리 및 조직학적 소견은 밝혀져 있지 않지만 병력 청취 및 임상 양상, 방사선 소견의 관찰을 통해 급성 호산구성 폐렴을 의심하고, 진단을 위해 기관지 폐포 세척액 검사를 시행한다면 좀 더 쉽게 진단 내릴 수 있을 것이다. 본 저자들은 최근 처음 시작한 흡연에 의해 발생한 급성 호산구성 폐렴을 진단하고, 스테로이드를 투여하여 성공적으로 치료한 환자 2예를 경험하였기에 이를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia(AEP) is characterized by acute febrile respiratory illness associated with diffuse pulmonary infiltration and pulmonary eosinophilia. The specific etiology for acute eosinophilic pneumonia is elusive. By some investigators, cigarette smoking is suggested as a causative substance which can cause AEP. In recent, the authors experienced two cases of AEP following cigarette smoking. Both cases had characteristic features including age around 20 years, new onset smoking before occurance of AEP, diffuse infiltration on chest radiography, pulmonary eosinophilia based on bronchoalveolar lavage and acute improvement after steroid therapy. These clinical features are resemble with previous smoking induced AEP case reports. Base on these clinical features, cigarette smoking associated AEP could be diagnosed more easily.

      • 항코린에스테라제 독성에 대한 Histamine길항제의 효과

        박은희,양근해,김오션 숙명여자대학교 약학연구소 1997 약학논문집-숙명여자대학교 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was designed to examine the effects of antihistamines on the toxicity of neostigmine, a reversible cholinesterase inhibitor, in mice. Diphenhydramine and promethazine pretreatment increased the LD_(50) value of neostigmine by 2.15- and 3.65-fold, respectively. They also increased the onset times of toxic manifestations such as whole body tremor, loss of righting reflex and death. However, chlorcyclizine, chlorpromazine, i antazoline, chlorpheniramine and cimetidine pretreatment did not reduce the toxicities of neo-stigmine.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        의류제품의 소비감정에 대한 구조 분석

        박은주,소귀숙 服飾文化學會 2003 服飾文化硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        The pusropse of this study was to analyze the structure of consumption emotions that consumers experienced in the process of consuming apparel products. Data was collected form 144 female college students living in Busan, and analyzed by salience, diversity, H-index, Cramer's V, and multi-dimensional scaling. The results showed as following; 1. The consumption emotions related to apparel products appeared three dimensions; 'Relaxed-tense' dimension, 'Pleasant-unpleasant' dimension, and Outward-inward' dimension. Considering elements of consumption system, the dimension s of consumption emotions in relation to apparel performances were 'Pleasant-unpleasant' and 'Outward-inward'. The dimensions of consumption emotions experienced in usage situations were 'Relaxed-tense' and 'pleasant-unpleasant'. The consumption emotions related to specific products were composed of 'pleasant-unpleasant' dimension and 'Outward-inward' dimension. 2. As the multi-dimension map of this study has much space, it suggested that the scope of consumption emotions related to apparel products was more limited than those related to general situations and products. 3. The structure of consumption emotions in relation to apparel performances appeared to be bisected, while those related to usage situations showed relatively to be dispersed. 4. Although Pleasant-unpleasant dimension was consistent with results of prestudies, the dimensions of 'Relaxed-tense' and 'Outward-inward' were newly confirmed as the dimensions of consumption emotions related to apparel products. Therefore, consumer's consumption emotions of apparel products were composed of three dimensions, tended to be more limited than those of general consumption situations and products, and differentiated across apparel performances, usage situation, and specific products.

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