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      • 고등학교 중국어과 대입 평가 문항분석을 통한 대입 평가 방법 연구 : 以曆代考試問題的分析爲基礎

        박소연 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 2003 이화교육논총 Vol.13 No.-

        曆代代入考試明顯地影響了我國高中學校的敎育. 雖然代入考試按照高中學校敎育課程實行, 而其結果應該再反映了高中學校敎育課程, 但是曆代考試只是敎育課程的終点, 不會擔任타本然的脚色. 從這樣的問題出發的本硏究, 首先調査了在高中學校敎育課程中漢語課的內容, 同時考察了在曆代大入考試里漢語課的地位. 本고分析的對象是從1985到1992學年度「大學入學學力考試」和2001和2002學年度「大學修學能力考試」. 這個考試是在第3次~第6次敎育課程期進行的, 那時期高中漢語課的目標在于啓發語言技能而培養溝通能力, 以可以加强韓中兩國文化的理解. 漢語課敎育內容以「語言技能」與「語言材料」爲標准提示了具體的內容. 1985學年度實施的漢語考試問題50個題, 以50分爲滿, 考生可以選澤在漢語, 德語, 法語, 日語, 西班牙語英語中一個外語. 1986和1987學年度的問題是20個題, 以20分爲滿. 1987年的考生要選擇漢語類的第二外語課和實業課中一門. 在1988~1992年的考試中, 考生要對最后3個問題直接寫出答案, 對其他14個問題選擇唯一的答案. 其后, 漢語課考試在大入考試中停止了, 2001年再復活了. 2001~2002年的考試都是30個題, 以40分爲滿, 整個題用選擇答案的方法進行的. 漢語課不是所有考生考的課. 而是志愿者才能考的. 本고基礎資料「大學入學學力考試」和「大學修學能力考試」的分析標准在于「言語技能」與「言語材料」. 因爲타們都是在高中敎育課程里的標准, 用這個標准來看大入考試, 可以知道曆代考試是否保持敎育課程的目標和敎育內容. 本硏究把言語技能分成廳·說·讀·寫的四個技能, 把語言材料分爲發音·詞匯·語法和句型·資料文. 經過語言技能的結合, 我們可以溝通意見, 獲得知識, 所以語言技能和溝通能力的培養是語言敎育最重要的目標, 可是分析的結果說明了曆代告試不太重視語言技能和溝通能力. 聽力考試從來沒有實施過, 說話有關的考試也只是以簡接方式進行, 所以不能說眞正地評价了說話能力. 而且有關讀的內容太多, 對詞匯知識和語法知識的問題也超過了40%. 最近兩年, 有關寫的問題都是選擇型問題, 所以不會知道考生不能寫漢字和漢語병音寫得正確. 這樣的事實就證明了曆代考試不太遵守敎育課程的目標, 沒有充實反映了敎育內容. 同時, 因爲大部分考的內容是獨立的語言知識, 不能評价實際語言的使用能力. 大入告示應該克服這些問題而包括敎育課程的評价要素, 對高中敎育産生了好影響. 爲此, (1) 要進行聽力考試. 發音, 漢語병音和文字的關係, 通過聽力考試又直接又正確地評价了. (2) 說話有關的評价, 無可奈何地以書面方式而進行, 然而積極地采用各種各樣的資料文, 問題方式才能解除타的限制, 比如說, 用照片和地圖之類的視覺資料, 讓考生說明타的內容. 讀一部分的說話, 讓考生想想타的結構而完成了整個對話. (3) 詞匯和語法等的閱讀評价, 必須理解資料文以后才能深求答案. 因爲使用語言時我們不把這樣的語言材料分開, 接受了"一塊語言". (4) 寫方面的評价, 尤其直接寫出答案, 不要濫用選擇答案的方式. 타要與有關聽·說·讀的評价結合, 讓大入考試更接近我們溝通意見的方式. (5) 對發音, 語法和句型, 首先要進行漢語和韓語的比較, 以比較內容爲基礎啓發考試. (6) 考試資料文的素材求于考生的生活方面, 利用韓中文化關的內容, 加强理解文化背景. (7) 一般語言評价的重点在于語言使用的熟練, 不在于語言使用的正確. 雖然大學考試是評价語言的正確, 但是在一般課堂敎學里爲了熟練地掌握語言能力, 讓學生積極地參加敎學活動. 通過以上的硏究, 希望大入考試更加接近敎育課程的內容, 以高中漢語課加强語言溝通能力.

      • KCI등재

        건강신념모델에 근거한 반영구화장사의 혈행성 감염관리 수행에 영향을 미치는 요인

        박소연,서은경,빈성오,강성욱 한국인체미용예술학회 2022 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing the compliance of guidelines for preventing blood borne pathogen infections by applying the health belief model. This study collected data using a structured questionnaires from 180 semi-permanent makeup practitioners in Korea from July 1 to August 31, 2020. The practice of preventing blood borne pathogen infections through controls was investigated by assessing the fields of the practitioners, the recipients, instruments, and environmental elements. The results of multiple regression analyses are as follows. Cues to action were found to be the most influential factors for the blood borne pathogen infection control (p<.000). In performing controls related to the prevention of blood borne pathogen infections by field, perceived barriers affected the fields of the instruments (p=.027); cues to action affected the fields of the practitioners (p<.000), the recipients (p<.000), instruments ( p<.000), and environmental elements (p=.005). Therefore, considering the health beliefs of semi-permanent makeup practitioners, the degree of performing controls related to the prevention of blood borne pathogen infections will increase as education and guidelines are provided concerning performing controls for the prevention of blood borne pathogen infections.

      • KCI등재

        HRD 담당자들의 기업교육 프로그램 평가 요구 분석

        박소연,김한별 안암교육학회 2006 한국교육학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        Human resource development(HRD) is pervasively regarded as an organizational effort that is ultimately geared into performance improvement through learning. For HRD practitioners, it is a paramount issue to demonstrate the linkage between training interventions and performance improvement either at the individual or organizational level. This issue is believed as a critical purpose of evaluation in the field of HRD. This study is aimed at exploring evaluation needs for training programs that HRD practitioners hold. Stufflebeam's CIPP evaluation model is applied as a theoretical framework for this study. By identifying discrepancy between HRD practitioners currently evaluation practice and their preference with information about program's context, input, process, and product, we attempt to suggest both what information is currently pursued and what information should be pursued. This study shows that HRD practitioners particularly have informational needs on program product. Particularly, information about the extent to which individual performance is improved and about the impact of training interventions on organizational result in terms of finance. When it comes to evaluating program context, the connection between HRD functions and host organization's strategic needs is revealed as a primary issue for evaluation. HRD practitioners in this study also indicate that learner's readiness to attend training programs that covers motivation, job attitude, and learning experience as vital information in terms of program inputs. Finally this study highlights that in spite of much criticism on the effectiveness of evaluating learner's reactions, HRD practitioners still assess the level of participants' satisfaction on the program. 본 연구는 프로그램 평가의 핵심 이해관계자인 HRD 담당자의 프로그램 평가 정보에 대한 요구를 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 Stufflebeam의 CIPP 모형을 활용하여 기업체 HRD 담당자를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 현재 이루어지고 있는 평가와 앞으로 필요하다고 생각되는 평가 사이의 불일치를 분석하여 요구를 도출하였다. 연구 결과 HRD 담당자들은 결과평가에 대해 높은 수준의 요구를 가지고 있었으며, 특히 교육을 통한 업무 수행 능력 향상 정도, 금전적비금전적 차원에서 조직 성과에의 기여 여부에 대한 평가 요구가 높았다. 또한 상황평가에서는 교육과 경영전략의 연계에 대한 평가 요구가 두드러져 전략적 HRD로서의 기능 여부를 검증하고자 하는 요구가 있음을 알 수 있다. 그 외에도 투입평가에서는 교육 내용의 학습자 요구 반영수준에 대한 요구가, 과정평가에서는 학습자와 강사의 상호작용 수준에 대한 평가 요구가 높게 나타났다. 특히 프로그램에 대한 만족도 및 강사의 교육 진행 수준에 대한 평가는 현재 적극적으로 이루어지고 있지만 앞으로도 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 나타났다.

      • 국내 병원 간호사와 제조업 근로자의 직업성 요통발생에 관한 고찰

        박소연,홍현숙,정춘화,김현욱 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 2002 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.41 No.2

        This article reviewed studies of occupational low back pains(LBPs) and work-related factors among hospital nurses and manufacturing workers. The main purpose was to obtain basic data for preventing work-related LBPs and developing health care policies and regulations related to LBPs. We analysed 11 studies of hospital nurses and 9 studies of manufacturing workers, which were published from 1977 to 2000 in Korea. From these studies, it was found that the lifetime prevalence rates of LBP among hospital nurses were 72.3 to 81.6%, while those for manufacturing workers were 52.9 to 68.6%. Among nurses, the 20-29 age group showed the highest LBP prevalence rate, while it was the 30-40 year-old group for manufacturing workers. The highest prevalence rates were found among manufacturing workers with sitting positions, and among hospital nurses with standing position over 7 hours a day. For nurses, tasks of patients handling and postures related to patient-transfer such as reaching, lifting, pushing, and pulling were highly correlated with the occurrence of LBPs. For manufacturing workers, occurrences of LBPs were correlated highly with material handling tasks with>25 ㎏ weight and >50 numbers of repetitions. But for nurses, transfer of heavy objects weighing more than 10 ㎏ was highly correlated with LBP occurrence. Since previous studies were focused merely on the occurrences of LBPs, future studies of occupational LBPs among nurses should address those factors that are related to the development of LBPs. And more objective evaluation tools such as ergonomic job/task analysis or postural analyses using 3D or computer/video techniques should be utilized. In addition, studies on the development of LBP prevention programs and evaluating effectiveness of ergonomic intervention programs are needed.

      • KCI등재

        자외선과 과산화수소 공간소독기계를 사용한 의료기관 환경소독 시 카바페넴분해효소 생성 장내세균속균종 오염제거 효과비교

        박소연,이정영,김은주,곽선희,홍민지,임영주,김은옥,정지원,김성한 대한의료관련감염관리학회 2021 의료관련감염관리 Vol.26 No.1

        Background: This study aimed to compare the efficacy of microbiological disinfection between the ultraviolet-C (UV-C) device and aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (aHP) system in a healthcare setting. Methods: Four rooms were installed with two UV-C devices and two aHP systems. Thirty formica sheets contaminated with carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) were placed in each room. After intervention, the median log10 reduction and modified decontamination rates were compared between the two methods using Rodac plates. Eight sink drains in the rooms previously occupied by a patient with CPE were sampled separately before and after the interventions. Results: The median log10 reduction was 5.52 and 5.37 after the UV-C (n=60) and aHP (n=60) interventions, respectively (P=0.86), whereas the modified decontamination rate was 50% and 45%, respectively (P=0.71). At the UV-direct sites, UV-C showed higher median log10 reduction (5.91 vs. 5.61, P=0.002) and modified decontamination rate (83% vs. 53%, P=0.03) than those of aHP. Conversely, at UV-indirect sites, aHP showed higher median log10 reduction (4.63 vs. 5.07%, P=0.02) and modified decontamination rate (17% vs. 37%, P=0.01) than those of UV-C. After the intervention, carbapenemase-resistant Gram-negative bacilli decreased further in five of the seven sink drains disinfected by sodium. Conclusion: Both UV-C and aHP reduced the bacterial contamination in the rooms. The aHP was significantly more effective than UV-C at the UV-indirect sites, and the converse was true for the UV-direct sites. Application of the intervention to disinfect the sink drains resulted in additional bacterial decontamination. Considering the features of the machines and the results of this study, healthcare facilities can choose either UV-C or aHP for decontamination.

      • KCI등재


        박소연,박종민,예성준 대한방사선방어학회 2011 방사선방어학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        To quantitatively evaluate how setup errors in conjunction with dose gradients contribute to the error in IMRT dose quality assurance (DQA) measurements. The control group consisted of 5 DQA plans of which all individual field dose differences were less than ±5%. On the contrary, the examination group was composed of 16 DQA plans where any individual field dose difference was larger than ±10% even though their total dose differences were less than ±5%. The difference in 3D dose gradients between the two groups was estimated in a cube of 6 × 6 × 6 mm^3 centered at the verification point. Under the assumption that setup errors existed during the DQA measurements of the examination group, a three dimensional offset point inside the cube was sought out, where the individual field dose difference was minimized. The average dose gradients of the control group along the x, y, and z axes were 0.21, 0.20, and 0.15 cGy․mm^(-1), respectively, while those of the examination group were 0.64, 0.48, and 0.28 cGy․mm^(-1), respectively. All 16 plans of the examination group had their own 3D offset points in the cube. The individual field dose differences recalculated at the offset points were mostly diminished and thus the average values of total and individual field dose differences were reduced from 3.1% to 2.2% and 15.4% to 2.2%, respectively. The offset distribution turned out to be random in the 3D coordinate. This study provided the quantitative data that support the large individual field dose difference mainly stems from possible geometric errors (e.g., random setup errors) under the influence of steep dose gradients of IMRT field.

      • 우리나라 박물관 건축에 나타난 전통성 표현에 관한 연구 : 2000년대 이후 작품 중심으로

        박소연,문병국 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2013 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        After industrial society, the opinion of traditional architectural inheritance was raised again. In modern society, the pursuance is modernization of traditional architecture. Now many Korean architects, according to their own personality on the Korean traditional architecture to analyze, and through the modern architecture to perform. The Korean traditional definition is not clear, so there are many difficulties to tradition. Follow the development of the times and architect's style trends, traditional performance also changes. This is why there are many different points in the modern and past about tradition. Under the various periods of different trends, museums also bear a different role. The purpose of this study is to know traditional development direction of modern architecture, by modern museum on the traditional analysis.

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