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      • KCI등재

        박도유(朴都儒)모반사건으로 본 웅진도독부와 신라의 갈등

        김수미 ( Su Mi Kim ) 공주대학교 백제문화연구소 2011 백제문화 Vol.1 No.44

        The relationship between the Ungjin Commandery and Shilla was examined through the Mt. Chuiri Covenant in 665, which contained the bond the commandery and the kingdom forged through marriage. However, Park Do-yu, the governor of Hansan-ju who was supposed to get married to form a bond with the kingdom broke the covenant, which destroyed the budding relationship between the commandery and the kingdom. Park Do-yu`s betrayal was significant in history. The fact that Park Do-yu, who was supposed to get married to a woman from Shilla or Tang based on the Mt. Chuiri Covenant, was coaxed by the Ungjin Commandery to betray the kingdom meant the end of the covenant. The event is recorded only in "answer for the writing of Seol In-gui." Furthermore, the annals of Shilla in 『Samguksagi』 contains Su-se`s betrayal in 670 not Park Do-yu`s betrayal. The two events, however, turned out to be identical. Therefore, it is assumed that Park Do-yu`s or Su-se`s betrayal occurred around 670. It seems that the operation Seol Oh-yu from Shilla and Go Yeon-mu from Goguryeo carried out together between March and April 670 caused Park Do-yu to break the covenant. As a result of the operation, Park Do-yu, who was close to Tang and married to a Baekje woman from the Ungjin Commandery, was forced to choose between Tang and Shilla, It is presumed that having witnessed Baekje and Gorguryeo being defeated by Shilla, Park Do-yu was coaxed by the Ungjin Commandery to choose Tang. Ungjin Commandery and Silla exchanged Yegun, a person of Ungjin Commandery, and Kim Yu-don, one of Silla, as hostages in July, 670 in order to solve the Park Do-yu betrayal.

      • KCI등재

        전자구개도(EPG)를 이용한 한국어 치경마찰음 /ㅅ, ㅆ/의 조음운동적 특성

        김지영(Ji-Yeong Kim),우승탁(Seong-Tak Woo),김미진(Mi-Jin Kim),오다희(Da-Hee Oh),김수진(Su-Jin Kim),하지완(Ji-Wan Ha) 한국언어청각임상학회 2021 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.26 No.2

        배경 및 목적: 본 연구는 전자구개도를 사용하여 한국어의 치경마찰음인 /ㅅ/와 /ㅆ/를 조음운동적 측면에서 비교 분석해보고, 치경마찰음 조음 시 나타나는 혀-구개 접촉에 관한 정보를 제공하기 위한 목적으로 시행되었다. 방법: 한국어가 모국어이며 발음에 문제가 없는 정상 성인 5명이 전자구개도를 착용하여 치경마찰음을 분절음 차원에서뿐 아니라 단어 내 위치 및 모음문맥을 달리하여 녹음한 후 팰라토그램을 분석하였다. 결과: 그 결과, /ㅅ/와 /ㅆ/는 협착의 너비와 혀-구개 최대접촉구간에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. /ㅆ/에서 협착의 너비가 더 좁고 전체 혀-구개 접촉구간은 더 넓게 나타났다. 단어 내 위치에 따른 차이는 유의하지 않았지만, 고모음인 /ㅣ/ 문맥에서는 저모음인 /ㅏ/에 비해 협착의 위치가 후방화되었으며, 지속시간도 가장 긴 것으로 나타났다. 또한 혀-구개 접촉 구간도 가장 넓게 나타났다. 논의 및 결론: 본 연구는 전자구개도를 사용하여 한국어 치경마찰음의 혀와 구개 접촉에 관한 정보를 제공했다는 점에서 그 의의를 갖는다. 또한 본 연구의 결과는 한국형 전자구개도의 개발의 기초자료로써 그 의미가 있다. Objectives: The present study is aimed an electropalatographic investigation of Korean fricatives /s/ and /s*/. All data from this study is based on the production of 5- adult speakers who speak Korean as their first language. Methods: Electropalatography (EPG) is an instrumental technique for showing tongue and palate contact during speech. The participants recorded /s/ and /s*/ in CV (/si/, /sɑ/, /su/, /s*i/, /s*ɑ/, /s*u/) and VCV (/ɑsi/, /ɑsɑ/, /ɑsu/, /ɑs*i/, /ɑs*ɑ/, /ɑs*u/) context using EPG and then, four variables were analyzed: row of medial groove (RMG), medial groove width (MGW), medial groove length (MGL), and maximum contact frame (MCF). Results: There was significantly greater medial groove width and maximum contact frame for / s*/ compared to /s/. The difference between /si/ and /sɑ/ was also found in the row of medial groove, medial groove width and maximum contact frame. /si/ was produced further back, and had a longer medial groove length. Also, it showed more total tongue-palate contact than /sa/. Conclusion: A various range of palatal contact patterns were found between typical adults for perceptually normal /s/ and /s*/. The results provided the information about tongue–palate pattern of Korean fricatives /s/ and /s*/. These findings would be utilized to build the basic data and useful information for Korean EPG system.

      • KCI등재후보

        위절제술 환자의 표준진료지침 개발 및 적용 효과

        김은희,김철규,이순교,김순덕,이혜옥,권정순,이경미,이민미,심순미,유용만,신종식,강은희,이상일,김병식,오성태,육정환,박수길 한국의료QA학회 2003 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background : Gastric cancer is the most common malignant tumor in Korea. surgical operation is one of the major treatment modalities for gastric cancer patients. Therefore, gastrectomy is one of the most common procedures in General Surgery. There were variation in length of hospital stay and medical treatment for gastrectomy between three surgeons at Asan Medical Center. Clinical pathways have received considerable attention as a tool for recucing the medical practice variation, increasing the efficiency of care process, and improving the quality of care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a clinical pathway for gastrectomy in gastric cancer patients. Methods : The clinical pathway for gastrectomy was developed and implemented by a multidisciplinary group in Asan Medical Center. A computerized clinical pathway program was developed and revised after a pilot test. A total of 145 patients underwent gastrectomy by three surgeons at Asan Medical Center. We compared the length of hospital stay, patient satisfaction, and unplanned readmission rate between the pre-pathway group(n=67) and the post-pathway group(n=78). We also investigated the degree of satisfaction among the physicians and nurses who were main end-users of the clinical pathway. Results : The clinical pathway was applied to all target patients. The average length of hospital stay was shortened from 12.7days to 10.6days(p<0.01). The degree of patient satisfaction with the care process changed from 90.3% to 89.2% after the implementation of the clinical pathway, but the difference was of satistically significant(p=0.761). Unplanned readmission rate was 2.9% in the pre-pathway group. More than 90% of physicians and nurses answered that the clinical pathway had been a useful tool in their medical practice. Conclusions : The findings of the study demonstrated that implementation of the clinical pathway for gastrectomy produced substantial reduction in the length of hospital stay while improving the quality of patient outcomes. The computerized clinical pathway program can be used as one of the powerful patient management tools for reducing the practice variations and increasing the efficiency of care process in Korea hospital settings.

      • 아동의 위축행동에 대한 연구

        김수미ㆍ이숙 전남대학교 가정과학연구소 2000 生活科學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of children's individual characteristic on withdrawn behavior. The subjects were 234 6th grade elementary school children in Kwangju, korea. The questionnaires were used to collect the data on withdrawn behavior, appearance, school achievement grade, prosocial behavior, aggressive behavior, self-esteem, and the demographic variables of children. The results were as follows : 1.The effects of demographic variables on the withdrawn behavior of children showed significant differences according to father's education and mother's education. 2.The effects of individual characteristic variables on the withdrawn behavior of children showed significant differences according to appearance, school achievement grade, prosocial behavior, aggressive behavior and self-esteem. 3.The results of multiple repression analysis on the effects of the related variables on the withdrawn behavior of children indicated that appearance was the mast significant contributing variable, followed by aggressive behavior, prosocial behavior, school achievement grade and self-esteem.

      • KCI등재후보

        링컨센터(LCI)의 교사 재교육에서 심미적 교육에 대한 고찰

        백미현,이희수 한국문화교육학회 2010 문화예술교육연구 Vol.5 No.3

        일반적으로 교사들의 대표적 재교육인 교원연수는 전공과 관련한 이론 보충이나 교수법, 보편적 교양 등이며. 그 형식은 강의식과 토론 위주인 것으로 알려져 있다. 해마다 되풀이 되는 형식과 내용으로는 교사들의 재교육 기대감이나 정신적 만족감을 충족시키기 어렵다. 그로 인해 교육현장에서의 학습전이를 기대하기 힘들다. 본 연구는 기존 교사교육과정의 한계를 극복하는 대안으로서의 문화예술교육 프로그램을 활용한 교사 재교육에 대한 의미와 가치를 제시하고자 미국 뉴욕의 링컨센터의 심미적 교육 입문과정의 참여 경험을 바탕으로 사례를 분석하였다. 링컨센터는 Dewey의 심미적 경험과 탐구이론을 수용, 이를 예술교육 프로그램에 적용한 Maxine Greene의 철학에 기초하여 지속적으로 프로그램을 발전시키고 있다. 연구결과, 예술강사, 교육행정가, 기획자와 일반 교사들을 교육대상으로 적용한 이 심미적 교육의 특징은 수업설계과정과 교육과정의 순서적 특징, 선지식의 배제로 인한 상상력학습, 창작자 위치에서의 작품제작 경험, 탐구과정을 통한 예술작품의 분석, 촉진자와 전문가의 역할, 예술작품 범위의 개방성 등으로 나타났다. 심미적 교육이 교사재교육에 활용될 때 교사의 창의력, 업무처리 능력, 정신적 만족감 등이 향상되어 궁극적으로 교육현장에 긍정적인 파급효과를 가져올 것으로 기대된다. The in-service training, which is one of the most typical re-educational programs teachers, is generally organized with forms of lectures on the supplementary theories which are related with teachers' majors, teaching methods, or general refinement. It is repeated again without changing the forms and contents. Therefore, it is hard to meet the teachers' needs and expectation. In this regard, this study is an attempt to analyze the Introductory Course of Aesthetic Education at Lincoln Center Institute for the Arts in Education for the purpose of proposing the value of re-education utilizing the culture & arts education program. LCI is developing the program based on Maxine Greene's art education philosophy that accepts Dewey's theory of aesthetic experience and inquiry. The aesthetic education programed for art instructors, educrats, architects, and teachers has features as follows; procedural synergy of class design and curriculum development, imaginatory learning excluded prior knowledge, experiencing making art work with artistic point of views, appreciating works through inquiring process, roles of facilitators and experts, and broadening boundaries of defining works of art etc. We expect spin-offs by Aesthetic Education be-all and end-all to learning environment; the program could develop teachers' creativity, performance as well as growing satisfaction when it should be applied to the re-education for themselves.

      • 상아질 접착제가 상아질 변연누출에 미치는 영향

        채수경,김미자,이광원,손호현 全北大學校 齒醫學硏究所 1991 전북치대논문집 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of various dentin adhesives on the incisal and gingival marginal leakage of class Ⅴ cavity. V-shape cavities with enamel bevel (0.7-1㎜) were prepared on the faciocervical area of 72 extracted human anterior teeth. Gingival margin of cavities was placed on dentin or cementum. Including 1 group with no dentin treatment, they were divided into 6 groups according to dentin surface treatment with Scotchprep(3M Co.), Prisma Universal Bond 2(Dentsply Inter. Inc.), Gluma(Cloumbus/Bayer), All BOND 2(Bisco inc.) and Denthesive(Kulzer Co.). After dentin treatment, Dentin adhesive(3M Co.) was applied on the treated dentin surface and Silux("U" shade, 3M Co.) was filled and polished. Dye penetration technique using 2% methylene blue solution was adopted to assess incisal and gingival marginal leakage. The following results were obtained 1. The degree of incisal marginal leakage in the non-treated group was greater than that in other groups(p<0.01), and incisal marginal leakage in the groups treated with All BOND 2, and Denthesive was less than that in the group treated with Gluma(P<0.01). 2. Incisal marginal leakage in the groups treated with Prisma Universal Bond 2, and Scotchprep was less than that in the group treated with Gluma(p<0.01). 3. Incisal marginal leakage among the groups treated with Scotchprep, Prisma Universal Bond 2, All BOND 2 and Denthesive was not different(p>0.05). 4. The degree of gingival marginal leakage in the non-treated group was significantly greater than that in other groups(p<0.01). 5. Gingival marginal leakage among the groups treated with Scotchprep, Prisma Universal Bond 2, Gluma, All BOND 2, and Denthesive was not statistically significant(p>0.05). But gingival marginal leakage was significantly less in the All BOND 2 treated group compared with Gluma treated group(p<0.05).

      • 胃脘痛 91例의 臨床辨證과 胃內視鏡 微觀辨證의 關係에 대한 硏究

        高秀美,文九 圓光大學校 韓醫學硏究所 1995 원광한의학 Vol.5 No.1

        To complement and develop the Orient Medical Bian Zheng treatmemt(韓方辯證施治), I have observed and analysed 91 persons who have received medical treatment because of the epigastric pain. Considering and analysed the Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷) and Clinical Bian Zhing(臨床辨證), Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷) and Gastroscopic Bian Zhing(徵觀辯證), Clinical Bian Zhing(臨床辨證) and Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(徵觀辯證), case history, age and sex, I have obtained the conclusion as follows. 1. The frequency of epigastric pain according to the classification of Clinical Bina Zheng(臨床辨證) most occurred in Gi Che Zhing(氣滯證), then in Huh Han Xheng(虛寒證), and least in Wi Youl Zheng(胃熱證). 2. There is no clear connection between the Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷). 3. The frequency of the epigastric pain according to Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(徵觀辯證) mainly occurred in Wi Youl Type(胃熱型), Wi Rac Jac Sang Type(胃絡灼傷型) and then occurred in Wi Han Type(胃寒型), and least occurred in Wi Rac A Che Type(胃絡瘀滯型) 4. Having observed the relation between the Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(徵觀辯證) and Clinical Diagnosis(臨床診斷) as pathological process, I have obtained the result that Wi YoulType(胃熱型) and WiRac Jac Sang Type(胃絡灼傷型) mainly occurred in Erosive Gastritis and Superficial Gastritis at the early stage, and Wi Rac A Che Type(胃絡瘀滯型) occurred in the whole stage among the Superficial Gastritis, Atropic Gastritis, and Erosive Gastritis, Gastric Cancer, and the Wi Han Type(胃寒型) mainly occurred in Atorpic Gastritis at the later stage. 5. The relation between Clinical Bian Zheng(臨床辨證) and Gastroscopic Bian Zhing(徵觀辨證) do not coincide. 6. Observing the relation between the Clinical Bian Zhing(臨床辨證) and case history, Huh Han Zhing(虛寒證), Eum Huh Zhing(陰虛證), Wi Youl Zhing(胃熱證) were commonly seen in the early stage of the case history, and Gi Che Zhing(氣滯證) and Houl A Zheng(血瘀證) were seen in every stage. 7. Observing the relation between the Clinical Bian Zhing(臨床辨證) and age, Gi Che Type(氣滯型) was mostly seen in the thirties and other Bian Zhing(辨證) was seen after the middle age. 8. Observing the relation between the Clinical Bian Zhing(臨床辨證) and sex, Gi Che Zhing(氣滯證), Huh Han Zheng(虛寒證), Wi Youl Zhing(胃熱證) were seen at high ratio in both sexes. 9. Observing the relation between the Gastroscopic Bian Zheng(徵觀辯證) and case history, Wi Han Type(胃寒型), Wi Youl Type(胃熱型), Wi Rac Jac Sang Type(胃絡灼傷型) were seen in the early stage of the case history Wi Rac A Che Type(胃絡瘀滯型) was seen in every stage. 10. There was no clear connection between the Gastroscopic Bian Zhing(徵觀辨證) and age. 11. Observing the relation between the Gastroscopic Bian Zhing(徵觀辨證) and sex, Wi Youl Type(胃熱型) was seen at high ratio in both sexes.

      • 한국인의 삭카린 섭취량 산정

        박세미,이서래 이화여자대학교 생명과학연구소 1992 생명과학연구논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        국내에서 유통되는 가공식품중 삭카린의 함량을 분석하였고, 이 자료와 삭카린 공급자료를 바탕으로 한국인의 1인당 1일 삭카린 섭취량을 추정하였다. 분석에 사용된 74개 시료중 60개에서 삭카린의 사용을 확인할 수 있었으며 검출 평균농도는 단무지 306ppm, 스낵과자 285ppm, 간장 153ppm, 빙과 51ppm, 유산균 음료 37ppm이었다. 허용기준에 대한 초과빈도를 보면 스낵과자가 시료의 70%에서 초과하였고, 허용기준에 대한 평균농도의 비율은 2.9배에 도달했으나 기타 식품에서는 그 기준을 초과하지 아니하였다. 1985년에서 1990년에 걸친 삭카린의 1인당 1일 평균섭취량은 소비자료에서 추정했을 경우 7~17mg, 공급자료에서 추정했을 경우 9~35mg이엇다. 이 수준은 미국, 일본의 경우보다 약간 많았으나, FAO/WHO에서 권고한 인체허용 1일 섭취량(ADI)의 11~22%수준이었다. 따라서 한국인에 대하여 삭카린의 안정성 문제는 현재와 같은 사용수준에서는 크게 걱정할 필요가 없는 것으로 판단된다. Out of 74 food samples including pickled radish, soy sauce, Lactobacilus drinks, frozen sweets and snack confections. 60 samples were found to contain saccharin. The contents of sacchrain in terms of maximum and positive mean were 541,306 ppm in pickled radish. 302, 153 ppm in soysauce. 66, 37 ppm in Lactobacillus drinks, 90,51 ppm in frozen sweets and 606,285 ppm in snack confections, respectively. Most food items did not exceed the tolerance limit of saccharin while 70% of snack confections exceeded the limit, the average concentration being 2.9 times of the limit. Total daily intake of saccharin by Korean population for the period of 1985~1990 was estimated to be 7~17mg/person from consumption data and 9~35mg/person from supply data. The intake level was 11~22% of acceptable daily intake for man (ADI) recommended by FAO/WHO whereas the level was slightly higher than that in USA or Japan. It is, therefore, judged that saccharin at the current pattern of usage will not exhibit any adverse effect on the safely of Korean population.

      • 근원세포의 융합과 연관된 표면 단백질의 확인

        박수정,주영미,김정락 인제대학교 1991 仁濟論叢 Vol.7 No.2

        배양 근원세포 분화에 따른 세포융합에 직접적으로 관여하는 단백질을 찾기 위해 48 시간 배양한 근원세포를 항원으로 BALB/C mouse에 면역시켜 얻은 spleen cell과 myeloma cell(P3U-1)을 융합시켜 근원세포와 반응하는 항체를 분비하는 hybridoma를 얻었다. 세 차례 한계 희석 후 계대배양하여 분리한 clone들이 분비하는 항체를 근원세포 배양액에 첨가하여 근원세포의 융합을 억제하는 효과가 있는 단일클론항체인 MAb MII-3J3l을 얻었다. MAb MII-3J3l의 효과는 2 ㎍/ml의 농도에서 세포분열에 영향이 없이 근원세포의 융합을 완전히 억제하였으며 이 효과는 적어도 48 시간 지속되었고 항체를 제거할 경우 융합이 재개되어 가역적인 억제효과를 나타내었다. MAb MII-3J31이 인지하는 단백질은 38 kDa로 근원세포 표면을 trypsin 처리하였을 때 잘리워 나감으로 표면단백질로 추정된다. The present study describes the production of monoclonal antibodies against cultured chick myoblast to pursue a protein may play a critical function in muscle cell fusion. Among a panel of monoclonal antibodies, MAb MII-3J3l inhibits myoblast fusion completely, while cell growth proceeds normally and its effect is reversible. The antigen reactive with MAb MII-3J31 isolated by radioimmunoprecipitation and detected by immunoblot was found a 38 kDa protein. For trypsin-treated cell lost its antigenic determinant, the protein may be located in the cell surface.

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