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      • 國家意識의 實態와 그 對策 : 국기, 애국가 및 국민교육헌장의 보급을 중심으로

        李建衡,盧禎埴,成炳卓,姜萬石,朴泰岩,朴仁熙,金漢植 대구교육대학교 1971 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        國旗의 常備現況은 總體的으로 보아 低調한 實態에 있다. 全體 標集者의 86.8%가 國旗를 備置하고 있다는 反應을 보였으나, 이 數置가 보이는 內容은 區區하다. 卽 깃발과 그 附帶品一切를 完備한 家庭은 全體의 42.5%에 不過하고 깃발만을 備置한 家庭이 20.4%, 函까지를 갖춘 家庭이 45.8%로서 約 半數의 家庭이 適當한 場所에 깃발을 保管하고 揭揚時에는 적의한 막대기로 代用할뿐만 아니라 깃발조차 없는 家庭이 約 15%에 이르는 셈이다. 最少限 깃발만이라도 갖춘 家庭을 地域別로 보았을 때 中都市의 96%, 農村의 90%만이 全體의 86.6%를 上廻하고 있고 漁村 79.6%가 特히 低調함은 注目할 일이다. 그리고 附帶品의 具備狀況이나保管도 中都市가 比較的 充實하고 漁村이 低調한 傾向을 보이고 있으며 意外로 農村보다도 大都市가 모든 面에서 不實함도 注目할 일이다. 國旗의 保管이나 揭揚은 主로 젊은 學生層에서 擔當하고 있다. 이러한 傾向은 農·山村일수록 年令이 낮아지고 中都市와 大都市는 비슷하게 年令이 높아지는데 이로 미루어 高令層의 啓蒙이 要請된다고 하겠다. 國慶日의 國旗揭揚狀況는 質問紙에 依한 應答 結果는 約 70%이나 實際 揭揚은 約 35%의 低調한 것이어서 깃발조차 갖고 있지않는 約 15%를 감안하더라도 言行이 一致하지 않는 一面을 엿볼 수 있다. 特히 中都市(37%) 大都市(49.2%) 農村(37.8%)과 對比할 때 前述한 깃발 備置狀況과 逆現象을 보인 都市人의 覺醒을 促求하지 않을 수 없다. 國旗揭揚法의 正確性 與否는 問題가 될 것이나, 大部分 알고 있으면서도 關心과 誠意가 없어서 國慶日에 國旗를 揭揚하지 않는다고 反應한 데 對한 積極的인 對策이 要望되며 特히 國慶日을 모르기 때문에 憩揚하지 않는다은 것을 1順位로 反應한 山村을 留意해야 겠다. 國旗의 뜻을 잘 모른는 國民이 大部分이고 이러한 現象은 意外로 靑年層일수록 더한 것이 豫想과는 相反되고 있다. 國旗의 制定由來나 그 國家象徵性을 認識하지 못하는 傾向 亦是 같은 現象을 보이고 있다. 다만 由來나 象徵性에 對한 認識에 關한 限 都市民과 漁村民이 比較的 높고, 農村과 山村民이 相對的으로 낮다. 農·山村에 比한 漁村, 大都市에 比한 中都市의 住民이 갖는 相對的으로 높은 認識度는 東海岸民의 安保意識과 中都市人의 等質性 및 國家施策의 浸透 容易性에 緣由하는 것이라고 생각된다. 그리고 우리 國民은 國旗의 뜻을 모른는 者가 3分의 1에 該當하고 國旗에 대한 公式的 敎育을 받지 못한 사람도 3分의 1에 이르며 國旗를 그릴 수 없는 사람이 半以上이나 된다. 國旗에 關한 諸般 認識度는 男子보다 女子가, 年令別로는 老令層이, 生活程度는 낮을수록 低調한 것을 알 수 있고, 全體 國民의 우리 國旗에 對한 滿足度에는 유감이 없음을 보여주고 있다. 愛國歌의 普及 實態는 過히 不振한 便은 아닌 것 같다. 80.9%의 國民이 적어도 愛國歌의 1절以上을 부를 수 있고 愛國歌가 들려올 때 約 18.6%의 國民을 除外한 大多數 國民이 차려姿勢 또는 경건한 態度를 가질뿐만 아니라 愛國歌의 普及强化를 所望하는 反應이 78.1%나 되었다는 것이 이를 立證하고 있다. 그리고 地域的으로는 大都市에 比해 中都市가 農·山村에 比해 漁村이 보다 健全함을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 部分的으로는 問題가 없는 것도 아니다. 愛國歌를 1절도 못외우는 18.4%, 愛國歌가 들려와도 無關心한 18.6%의 國民이 있고, 이러한 反應度는 愛國歌 부르기 敎育을 받은 적이 없는 33.2%의 國民, 愛國歌 解說敎育을 받은 적이 없는 47.8%의 國民 및 한해에 한번도 愛國歌를 부를 機會가 없는 36.0%의 國民이 있다는 事實과 有關하리라고 생각된다. 上述한 問題點은 地域的으로는 都市보다는 農·山·漁村이, 特히 農村에 比해 農·山村이, 學歷 및 年令上으로는 文盲者 및 國·漢文 解讀者를 그 속에 간직하고 있는老令層에, 男子보다는 女子가, 또한 生活程度는 낮을수록 尤甚하다는 것을 指摘할 수가 있다. 全體的으로 보아서는 中都市의 實積이 大都市 및 餘他地域보다 良好하고 豫想한대로 農·山村에 比해 漁村이 두드러진 特徵을 보이고 있는 點이다. 그리고 愛國歌의 普及 및 그 敎育에 있어서는 資料 通計上으로는 그 어떤 經路보다도 學校敎育의 充實이 가장 效果的이었다는 것을 보여주고 있으나 愛國歌의 普及强化策에 對한 反應을 中心으로 본다면 山·漁村을 除外한 모든 地域이 新聞 放送 等의 報道機關을 通한 普及을 希望하고 있다. 이는 이미 指摘한 老年層, 文盲者, 國漢文 解讀者, 및 家庭主婦인 女子를 相對로 한 境遇에 異論이 있을 수 없겠고, 報道機關의 普及率이 낮은 山村이 學生啓蒙運動을 그리고 安保意識이 强한 漁民이 地域別 成人敎育을 希望한다고 보아 無妨할 것이다. 그리고 劇場 演藝物을 通한 普及은 效果가 적을 것임이 나타났고 그 밖에는 妙案이 없는 것으로 反應되었다. 그리고 愛國歌의 普及强化를 所望하는 意志는 强하다고 할 수 있는 것은 이미 指摘하였거니와 이 境遇에는 規制的인 方法보다도 自律的인 方法 例컨대 報道機關을 通한 宣傳啓蒙이나 山·漁村을 對象으로 한 學生啓蒙運動 또는 里動單位의 自體啓蒙을 希望하고 있음을 特記해 둔다. 國民敎育憲章 普及實態의 全體的인 傾向은 公布事實마저도 모른다 24.0%, 憲章冊子를 가지지 않았다 約 30%, 制定의 理由를 모른다 30% 等으로 보아 制定公布된지 3年이란 時間的 經過에 비추어 豫想外로 低調하다 할 수 있으며 地域別로 보면 制定事實의 知悉, 內容理解 分析努力, 暗記努力, 普及施策 贊成面에서 中都市가 大都市보다 理解度가 높게 나타났으며 漁村이 現實與件上 國家意識이 높으리라는 豫想은 立證되지 않았으며, 山村은 豫想한대로 普及狀態가 極히 不振하였다. 性別로는 男子의 理解度가 높고, 年令別로는 年令이 낮을수록 學歷은 높을수록 生活程度는 높을수록 普及實態나 理解度가 높아지고 있다. 다만 制定理由의 知悉面이나 分析經驗 普及施策에 對한 贊同面에서 大學卒業 以上의 學歷者가 高等學校 卒業者보다 낮게 나타난 點은 異彩로운 現象이다. 職業別에 있어서는 大體로 公務員, 商·써비스業, 無職, 農業의 順으로 意識이 높다. 憲章公布事實을 알게 된 經路나 普及을 爲한 效果的인 施策의 選擇狀況을 보면 報道機關이 가장 效果的이며 學校敎育의 影響이 意外로 低調함을 發見할 수 있다. 普及施策中 學生을 通한 啓蒙運動에 對한 共鳴度도 낮고, 劇場 및 演藝機關을 通한 普及은 큰 支持를 받지 못하고 있음이 發見되었다. 暗記動機는 自發的인 境遇가 29.2%에 不過화고, 憲章에 對한 一般의 關心度가 낮으며 普及運動의 反對理由로는 "形式에 흘러 實效性이 없다"가 24.2%로 가장 높다. 以上을 綜合해 볼 때 國旗, 愛國歌, 및 國民敎育憲章 할 것 없이 그 普及 및 認識度가 豫想外로 低調함을 알 수 있다. 愛國歌에 關한 限 80.9%의 國民이 1절 以上의 愛國歌를 부를 수 있는 바 他 2者에 比해 相對的으로 良好한 便이나 公式集會의 慣例 탓으로 4절까지를 모두 외우는 者는 極히 不振하다. 要컨대 三者가 모두 敎育 또는 啓蒙이 不實하였음이 立證되었으며 特히 知識水準이 낮은 老年層과 性別로는 女子, 地域的으로는 山村, 農村, 漁村의 順으로 不振하였고 豫想外로 大都市 및 大學卒業者가 低調하였음도 發見되었다. 그리고 愛國歌에 關한 限 學校敎育으 效果가 斷然 越等한 反面 國民敎育憲章의 普及 및 認識은 學校敎育보다도 報道機關의 啓蒙이 奏效하였음이 發見되었다. 그리고 國旗의 國家象徵性에 關한 認識은 光復後의 學校敎育을 받은 靑少年層이 보다 健全하여 日帝下에서 靑壯年期를 보낸 壯·老年層이 意外로 低調한 傾向을 보여주고 있다. The research in this report was done to discover the reality of the korean National Consciousness. By this we mean an awareness of the National flag, the National Anthem, and the Charter of National Education in Korea. Also since threre appears to be a lack of awareness in certain areas we have attempted to propose adequate measures to imporve these conditions. Methods and materials used for this study are as follows: the method was of Random Sampling in which we selected randomly 900 men and women living in a city, a town, farm areas, remote areas, and sea-side areas. The materials was an interview form called "the schedule" which consisted of 46 items. From the data received we reached the conclusion that knowledge about the National Flag, the National Anthem, and the Charter of National Education in Korea was generally poor. This trend appeared more in the farm area, remote area, and seaside area then in the city and town; more in women than in men; more in the old than in the young, more in those of lower academic careers and lower economic levels than of their counterparts with better careers and living levels. From the above conclusions we propose that the community schools and the mass communication system in korea strive actively to increase the instruction of these people in order to improve the national consciousness of the above mentioned people.

      • 家兎及人體寄生肝吸蟲 各種抗原에 依한 皮膚反應과 沈降反應의 比較實驗

        崔東翊,申大植,金正浣,金正萬 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1963 慶北醫大誌 Vol.4 No.1

        The alkali & acid soluble protein fractions and Polysaccharide fractions from the adult Clonorchis sinensis of rabbit and man were employing the identical method, and further study was carried out in the skin and precipitin reaction in order to determine the best antigen among the fraction. The results observed are summarized as follow: Ⅰ.Skin reaction 1)There is no significant difference in positive rate and reactivity between man and experimental rabbit's alkali soluble protein fraction and acid soluble protein fraction. 2)In the polysaccharide fraction, the positive rate of antigen fractionated from man's Clonorchis sinensis is higher than antigen from rabbit. 3)The positive rate of antigen fractionated from man's Clonorchis sinensis is 47.5%(38 cases among 80), whereas from antigen of rabbit, it is 6.1%(5 cases among 82) in the polysaccharide fraction remained acid media. Ⅱ.Precipitin reaction 1)No apparent differences are observed in the titres of precipitin reactons fractionated from the alkali soluble protein & polysaccharide fraction, and also from the acid soluble protein and polysaccharide fraction of man and rabbit Clonorchis sinensis. 2)The titre of precipitin reaction is higher in the polysaccharide fraction in the case of serum of human patient, while it is higher in the protein fraction in the cases of rabbit serum.

      • Mirizzi 증후군의 변형된 분류와 치료

        김형철,강길호,채만규,김성용,백무준,이문수,박상흠,이문호,김창호,송옥평,조무식,박희주 순천향의학연구소;Soonchunhyang Medical Research Institute 2000 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.6 No.1

        Purpose : The Mirizzi syndrome is relatively rare and preoperative diagnosis of this disease is difficult. In 1978, Morelli suggested the subclassification of the Mirizzi syndrome into acute or chronic form. We experienced 5 cases of acute form. We analysed clinical features, preoperative radiologic findings and operative findings of 18 cases including acute forms which were diagnosed as Mirizzi syndrome and should suggest the modified classification of Mirizzi syndrome for choice of appropriate treatment. Method : From January 1995 to December 1998, 18 cases, of which 8 cases were diagnosed at Soonchunhyang University Chunan Hospital, and 10 cases were reported in the Korean Journal were retrospectively analysed with regard to clinical features, preoperative radiologic findings and operative findings. According to the clinical features, whole cases were divided into type Ⅰ(acute form) and type Ⅱ(chronic form) and then each type of cases were subclassified according to preoperative radiologic findings and operative findings. Results : Of 18 cases there were 5 cases in type Ⅰ(27.8%), 13 cases in type Ⅱ(72.2%). Type Ⅱb was most common. Type Ⅰa cases were treated only with cholecystectomy. We applied cholecystectomy, T-tube choledochostomy and patch technique in type Ⅰb and thpe Ⅰc cases. Cholectystectomies including removal of gallstones and internal drainage procedures were done in type Ⅱ chronic forms. Conclusion : The acute form(Type Ⅰ) of Mirizzi syndrome was suggested by Morelli might be subclassified into typeⅠa,Ⅰb and Ⅰc following the presence of the necrotic defect in common hepatic duct. Through the modified classification of Mirizzi syndrome based on clinical feature, preoperative radiologic findings and operative findings, we can choice appropriate treatment.

      • 工場새마을運動과 勞使協調增進을 위한 勤勞者 意識構造에 관한 硏究

        金圭昌,張晩植 효성여자대학교 새마을연구소 1985 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The labor-management cooperation system established by thefactory Saemaul Undong and promoted by industries since 1974has achieved productivity improvement, product quality, andcost reduction, by improved labor-management relations. Management leadership and the cooperative efforts of workerswere essential for this achievement. A more efficient communication channel is required as thescale of industries expands in quality and quantity. In addition,the improved education level and income level of workersnecessarily accompanies a voice raised by workers forimprovement of labor-management relations. In this respect, the change in the industrial environment isbringing about the need for closer cooperation between laborand management. Labor-management relations are basically antithetical. Therefore, some adjustment of the conflicting interests should be promoted by the factory Saemaul Undong. Future labor-management relations should emphasize assistance and cooperation instead of confrontation and conflict, through efforts for productive labor-management relations. In this regard, the factory Saemaul Undong has been effectively prclmoted and utilized for the rational operation of the iabor-management council system, the rational distribution of companyprofits and the expansion of a welfare system for workers. A questionaire survey of 420 workers in small and mediumtextile industries in the Taegu area was made to study the mentalattitudes of the workers. A suggestion for helping the labor-management problem was offered based on the results of thestudy. Following are the improvement measures proposed. 1) The importance of leaders for the factory SaemaulUndong: The active participation of top management is requi"edfor any effective promotion of the factory Saemaul Undona. Ahigher level factory Saemaul Undong leader is more appropriatefor the active promotion of the movement. In addition,management positions were more preferable for factory SaemaulUndong leaders than production positions. The factory Saemaul Undong leader should also be theChairman of the factory Saemaul Undong Promotion Committeefor a more effective promotion of the movement. The core of the factory Saemaul Undong will be the leader ofthe factory Saemaul Undong, while the active participation anddeep concern of top management also is important for the successof the movement. 2) The effective conduct of a labor-management cooperationsystem: An able leader should be selected for the labor-management committee, and the profit of the company shouldbe emphasized. Moreover, for sufficient functioning of the labor-management committee system, a cooperative effort will be vital. In this regard, the labor-management committee system shouldstrive to improve productivity, promote the welfare system andthe peaceful operation of the factory by smooth communicationbetween management and labor and by encouraging activeparticipation of the workers. An effective promotion of the system shall bring followingresults. (1) Better unaerstanding of workers on the part ofmanagement and vice versa, and an increased sense ofresponsibility. (2) Increased efforts toward self-development that willinclude the active development of creative "ideas"for improvement on the part of workers, andimprovement of labor-management relations. (3) Contribution to national development byimprovement of labor conditions and industrialdevelopment through cooperative labor-managementinteraction. (4) Accordingly, to energize the labor-managementcooperation system, sincere participation of bothmanagement and labor is required. 3) A smooth adjustment system for labor-management: Labor/management disputes fall under two categories: interest disputes and rights disputes. The former is concerned with wages and labor conditions, while the latter is concerned with the application and interpretstion of the rules and regulations adopted. Lahor/management disputes may occur at any worksite,however, the point at issue is how peacefully they are settled. The Taegu area, which is composed mainly of smalland medium sized textile firms showed few labor-managementdisputes which were also small in scale. More specifically, asshown in the analysis of "no-replies" that accounted for over 50%of the total, the major issues of labor-management disputes wereconcerned with wage increases, the improvement of job-siteenvironment and requests for extensions of break time. A majority of the disputes were settled by arbitration orwithdrawal by mutual censent. An autonomous settlement ofdisputes should be encouraged. Less dependence on governmentalinterference also should be encouraged. 4) Activation of a grievance resolution system The Labor/Management Cooperation Act of Korea doesnot provide specific procedures for grievances except for theregulation which establishes a Grievance Committee composed ofless than 3 persons for worksites of over 30 full-time employees. However, the function of such a Committee is not very strongat the moment. A majority (66%) of the grievances was handledin the form of individual interviews which reflects the simpleand somewhat tame procedure of the Committee. Grievances can be categorized as follows: A. Personnel management B. Labor conditions C. Salary and promotion D. Awards and punishments E. Work-site environment F. Safety, health and hygiene G. Welfare H. Human relations I. Unfair treatment because of personal interest J. Matters related to supervision K. Retirement For the effective handling of grievances, reliance should beplaced on fair and quick resolution and negative attitudes towardraising grievances should be removed. In other words, asympathetic attitude towards workers' grievances should beencouraged. 5) Encouragement of a suggestion system A suggestion system aims at effectively communicatingthe creative "ideas" of workers to management and encouragingmotivation for work by an increased sense of participation in themanagement of the company. An analysis of the survey shows that 78% of the subjectindustries are operating a suggestion system, while an additional10% are planning to operate such a system. Operation typesinclude individual operation and operation in connection withthe factory Saemaul Undong activities. Most of the industriesgrant awards for suggestions adopted (43%) The suggestion system contributes to fostering a sense offellowship and a sense of the importance of workers byencouraging the active and constructive participation of workersin the improvement of the management of the companies. Some expected results of operating such a system include amore democratic management, more efficient and economicmanagement, a raised sense of achievement by the workers,improvement of work conditions and high morality, Bettercommunication between workers and management also isexpected. 6) Improvement of welfare facilities and systems The survey showed that over 90% of the industriescanvassed operated welfare systems that aimed at improvementof benefits for both industry and workers. The welfare system ideally should provide improvement ofconditions that are otherwise not achieved by improvement oflabor conditions, including the area of maintaining health, andproviding economic stability. The effective operation of welfaresystems will increase the reliability of the industry and that willdirectly improve the labor-management relations of the company. In particular, the effective operation of welfare systemsinduced reduction of absenteeism and improved productivity. The optimum result will be achieved by operating thewelfare system in close cooperation with other labor relatedpolicies. Those welfare systems related to the factory SaemaulUndong that are requested by most of the subject workersincluded operation of dormitories, restaurants and rest rooms,oreration of clinics, and gymnasium facilities. Other welfaresystems requested included various insurance coverages,scholarship systems, free meals, commuting transportation, nightclasses. and assistance for schooling. 7) Encouragement of the active participation of workers inmanagement The encouragement of laborers participation inmanagement is an international trend. It takes the form of workerdirectors, a factory committee system and labor-managementcooperation systems. The labor-management cooperation systemis most frequently adopted by Korean industries. The traditional view will regard this type of participationas an act of arrogation, however, recent developments in industryview the system positively in the sense that the system improves productivity. Most of the subject industries were not operating anymanagement participation system. Accordingly, the managementparticipation system should be promoted in these industries. Even the industries operating a management participationsystem limit the scope of participation to 8% of the totalmanagerial decision making, Accordingly, expansion of theapplication of the system is also required. 8) Encouragement of positive motivation for work The encouragement of motivation for work is a vitalfactor for productive work results. The motivation of workersdirectly affects the quality and efficiency of the work. Spontaneous motivation for work will bring profits for bothmanagement and labor through increased efficiency. The motivation for work for an individual or anorganization depends on overall management skill. It particularlyis affected by how well management satisfies the requiremelltsand goals of the workers. Important factors affecting themotivation of workers include the personality of top management, protection of worker's rights, human relations among fellowworkers and with management, work conditions, wage levels,opportunity for promotion, rewards and punishments, training,and physical and mental health. Important factors for industrial management indicatedin the survey were as follows: importance of welfare (31%), wageincrease (20%), labor-management cooperation (16%), training (14%) and goal management system (10%). However, with thechange of industrial environment, heavier emphasis is expected inhumanitarian areas such as respect for basic rights of workers,and improvement of human relations. As reviewed above, the core activator of the factorySaemaul Undong is the leader of the factory Saemaul Undong,whereas in order to promote the Saemaul Undong effectively,active participation and deep interest on the part of topmanagement in the movement is essential. Workers also should be ready to give full support byclosely cooperating with management, whereas managementshould realize the importance of human relations that is expressedin respect for workers' rights and the democratic operation ofindustries, in order to improve labor-management relations.

      • DNCB가 생쥐의 털성장에 미치는 영향에 관한 형태학적 연구

        김만수,김수일,박경란,이영호,김원식 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1992 충남의대잡지 Vol.19 No.1

        For the study of the effect of DNCB on hair growth of the mouse, previously sensitized with DNCB C_(57) black mice were divided into normal group, control group, 0.025% DNCB applied group, 0.05% DNCB applied group, and 0.0875% DNCB applied group. In each DNCB applied group, 0.025% DNCB solution(two times a day), 0.05% DNCB solution(one time a day) and 0.0875% NDCB solution (once on two days) were applied for the sake of applying total 350㎍ DNCB for 7 days from telogen 0 day to telogen 6th day and compared with acetone applied control group. The result were as follows; 1. In contrast to the control group, the thickness of epidermis and dermis was increased significantly (p<0.01) in DNCB applied groups. 2. In 0.0875% DNCB applied group, the thickness of epidermis was increased significantly(p<0.01) compared with other DNCB applied groups. 3. The thickness of dermis in 0.025% DNCB applied group was increased significantly(p<0.01) compared with 0.0875% DNCB applied group. 4. The number of follicles & diameter of hair of all the DNCB applied groups were greater than that of control group significantly(p<0.01). 5. The number of hair follicles of 0.025% DNCB applied group was greater than that of 0.0875% DNCB applied group significantly(p<0.01). Accordingy, it can be concluded that the hair growth will bew promoted by DNCB, and that the growth promoting effect of 0.025% DNCB applied group (two times a day) will be greater than of 0.0875% DNCB applied group (one on two day).

      • 농업구조물의 안전진단 및 개·보수 공법 선정 시스템 개발

        김종옥,고만기,최진용,김기동,윤광식,김한중 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1998 産業開發硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        A study was conducted to develope a system for safety appraisal and repair works on agricultural structures. Location, size, type, maintenance record, structural and functional problems of agricultural structures in Yedang irrigation district were surveyed. A grahpic user interface program assisting onsite field investigation of typical agricultural structural problems such as fractures and cracks of members was developed. Typical rehabilitation methods were investigated and coded for database development.

      • 島嶼出身 學生들의 바람직한 生活態度 形成을 위한 意識 構造 調査 硏究

        金萬植 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 1986 敎育論叢 Vol.2 No.1

        本 硏究는 木浦市內 公立 男ㆍ女中學校에 在學하고 있는 島嶼出身 學生들의 바람직한 生活態度形成을 위한 意識構造를 硏究, 考察한 것으로서 다음과 같은 內容을 把握하였다. 1) 個人生活에 대한 意識 ① 週中 餘暇時間 活用에서 男學生의 <上>은 대부분 家庭이나 讀書室에 가서 예ㆍ복습이나 問題集을 푸는 경향 <40.1%>인데 비하여 <中>ㆍ<下>는 친구들과 어울려 전자오락실이나 야외놀이, TㆍV視聽을 하는 경향 <43.6%>이어서 대조적이었고, 女學生의 <上>은 家庭이나 讀書室에서 工夫하거나 音樂鑑賞을 하는 경향 <35.7%>인데 비하여, <中>ㆍ<下>는 讀書와 音樂鑑賞을 하거나 親舊집에 놀러가는 경향 <38.8%>이 많았다. 대체로, 女學生이 男學生보다 讀書를 많이 하는 등 情緖的인 경향이었다. ② 週中 餘暇時間 活用에서 男學生의 <上>은 家庭이나 讀書室에 가서 學科工夫를 하는 <42.0%>이었는데 비하여 <中>ㆍ<下>는 學習面보다는 故鄕에 가거나 친구들과 어울려 적당한 운동을 하는 경향 <35.0%>이었다. 女學生의 <上>은 男學生과 같은 경향이었으나, <中>ㆍ<下>는 친구 집에 가서 學科工夫를 하거나 宗敎活動, 故鄕가기, 친구집에 자주 놀러가는 경향 <35.0%>로 나타났다. 學生들의 대부분이 學習面보다도 個人的인 別 目的없이 無意味한 일에 時間을 浪費하는 學生이 많아 적절한 餘暇生活 指導가 要望된다. ③ 自己 自身에 대한 認識에서 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 대부분 自己의 能力에 비해 學習環境이 좋지 않음을 나타내고 있으며 <56.0%>, <下>는 自身의 能力의 不足과 工夫에 대한 自信感이 없어서 고민하고 있는 경향 <40.0%>이어서 自身의 能力과 環境面에서 많은 劣等意識을 갖고 있다. ④ 親舊의 사귐에 있어서 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 工夫도 잘하고 모든 面에서 率先垂範하는 사람을 選好하는 경향인데 <53.1%> 비하여 <下>는 자주 어울려 즐겁게 놀아주는 사람을 選好하는 경향 <45.0%>으로 나타나 매우 利己的인 面이 많다. 2) 家庭生活에 대한 意識 ① 家庭生活에 대한 滿足感에서 男ㆍ女學生 <上>은 대체로 家庭生活에 滿足感을 느끼고 있어서 <39.1%> 매우 肯定的이나 <下>는 대부분 家庭生活의 不滿足을 나타내고 있어서 <40.0%> 否定的임을 알 수 있다. ② 父母님에 대한 順從心은 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 父母님의 말씀에 孝誠心을 다해 順從하고 있으나 <42.2%> <下>는 父母님의 말씀에 順從하지 않는 경향 <33.6%> 이어서 敬老孝親思想의 生活化 指導가 要望된다. ③ 家族間의 對話의 程度는 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 父母님과 家族間의 對話가 많은 경향 <54.3%>으로 나타나고 있으나, <下>는 경우에 따라서만 對話하거나 <34.3%>, 對話가 전혀 없는 경향 <42.0%>으로 나타나 항상 開放的인 마음으로 家族間에 對話할 수 있는 家庭環境과 生活態度의 形成이 要望된다. ④ 父母님의 敎育的인 關心度에서 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 대체로 熱誠的인 關心을 갖고 指導해 주나 <48.6%>, <下>는 平凡하거나 敎育的 關心이 적은 것으로 나타나 <45.4%> 相當한 대조를 보이고 있어서 學校生活의 영향이 크게 좌우하고 있다. 3) 學校生活에 대한 意識 ① 學校에서 工夫하는 목적에서 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 바람직한 人格의 形成에 目的을 두고 있으나 <40.0%>, <下>는 上級學校의 進學이나 <44.9%>, 직업의 선택이나 出世를 위하는 目的에 두고 있어서 <36.6%> 學校敎育의 正常化와 적절한 進學指導가 要望된다. ② 學校生活에 대한 自己反省에서 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 부지런히 工夫하기 위하여 努力하고 있으나 <48.6%>, <下>는 基礎實力이 모자라 學生들이 學校生活에 대한 興味를 느끼지 못하고 다니기 싫은 때가 있음을 나타내고 있다. <32.2%> ③ 學校의 學習活動에 대한 認識에서 男ㆍ女學生의 30.2%가 授業時間이 많고 그에 따른 試驗도 많이 본다고 反應하고 있어서 適正한 授業時間의 調整과 入試爲主의 敎修-學習方法의 改善이 必要하다. ④ 尊敬하는 스승像은 男ㆍ女學生의 <上>은 學生을 잘 이해하고 열심히 가르쳐 주는 實力있는 선생님 <44.3%>을 바라고 있으며, <下>는 재미있는 이야기를 잘 해주는 선생님 <35.8%>이나 授業中에 잘 때리지 않는 선생님 <38.4%>을 선호하는 경향이다. ⑤ 學校生活에 대한 寄與度에서 男ㆍ女學生의 35.5%가 아무런 직책도 없이 平凡한 學校生活을 하고 있어서 각별한 生活指導가 要望된다. 4) 社會生活에 대한 意識 ① 學校生活에 지대한 영향을 미치는 靑少年 問題의 原因은 男ㆍ女學生의 42.3%가 「무단가출로 인한 무단 결석」으로 보고 있어서 木浦에 와서 자취ㆍ하숙하며 學校에 다니는 島嶼出身 學生들에 대한 校外生活指導와 家庭訪問 指導가 强化되어야 하겠다. ② 都市留學에 따른 生活意識에 있어서 男ㆍ女學生의 40.0%가 都市留學生活의 否適合的인 영향으로 인해 다시 島嶼地方으로 돌아가고 싶다고 反應하여 自由學群 設定에 대한 問題를 던져주고 있다. ③ TㆍV視聽의 傾向에서 男ㆍ女學生의 28.0%가 健全하고 有益한 영화나 드라마를 즐겨보는 경향이었으나, 40.0%의 學生들은 재미있는 프로그램은 처음부터 끝까지 視聽하고 있는 경향이어서 많은 시간을 TㆍV視聽에 浪費하고 있다. ④ 旣成世代에 대한 觀念에서 男ㆍ女學生의 24.5%가 利己的인 社會現象에 대해서, 20.2%가 形式主義에 흐르고 있는 社會現象을 批判하고 있다.

      • 公害의 綜合評價와 適正豫算配分에 關한 硏究

        金滿植 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1983 環境科學論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        分類된 公害의 要素別로 그의 防止를 위하여 投入해야 할 豫算의 適正配分問題를 豫算金額을 制限値로 取하고 公害가 人體에 미치는 影饗度(公害綜合評價指數)를 最小化시키는 數理모델의 開發을 Lagrange 의 秉數法으로 試圖하였다. 本考察에서 水質汚染要素로 Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Fe, Zn의 5種(i=1∼5)으로 取하고, 豫算의 制限 g(C₁,C₂...??) = 0 의 條件下에서 指數 ??=??의 減少値 ??=?? 의 函數形 ??을 最大로 하는 C? 의 究明을 하였으며, 數値例에서 보는 바와 같이 投入金額의 power 인 parawetern 가 커짐에 따라서 配當金額의 均衡化를 볼 수 있다. 本考察은 適正豫算配當의 모델開發에 重點을 둔 것이며, 例示의 數値의 正確性이 期待될 때 適正豫算(國家나 企業水準)의 配當에 도움이 되리라고 생각된다. All domestic, Industrial and agricultural wastes affect in some way the normal life of a river. In this paper, Optimal allocation of the constraints budget for water pollution was studied using the mathematical model of the Lagrange multiplier method. The problems is to maximize the decrease of the value of environmental pollution δⅠ formed present and allowable contents of heavy metals, subject to constant budget cost. When the decrease of heavy metal contents is given by the power of allocated cost. The results of the analysis are suggest that the optimal allocated cost to decreasing heavy metal are found that the cost would be balanced to increasing of power n.

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