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      • Ampicillin투여에 의한 정상장내 대장균의 항균제 감수성 변동

        이광호,장우현,이승훈,이정빈 대한화학요법학회 1983 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        The facts that bacterial isolates from residents of doctorless-rerote areas are usually sersitire t o coamon antimicrobial agents and that isolates from out-patients of Seoul Xational Gnirersity Hospital are more resistant t o many kinds of antiricrobial agexts, such as ampicillin. tetrzzycline, chlorazphenicol, .streptomycin, kanamycm, co-trimoxazole, etc. than the isolates froiz in-patients of the same hospital are, raise some intriguing questions about the dnri3g forces operating t o maintain the high incidence of mnltiple bacterial resistance in Korea. The w:des?read use .of .antimicrobd -agents is intimately related to the occurrence of bacteria! resistzzcc, for obT7ious reason. In tkese regards, easy accessibility t o zntimicrobial agents, t t a t is. tenderc? of Korean people to take antibiotics withogt medical Testriction, such a s doctor's Trescription, mizht be CCT-sidered tc be one of the most probable causes aggravating tlie situatica of antinicrobial resistance in Korez. On. the t2sis of such a prevaiIing circumstances in Korea, acthors wanted to el-alcate tlie undesiTsb!e side-effects of antibiotic administration on the flora cf hunan intestinsl E. c c l with 2 s?ecial respect to multiple resistance. AapicilIin x a s chosen and 4 times a day, each 1 g r , amounting t o 4 gm per da: wi-as ad inistrated orally to cormal healthy adults (2 males and 1 fen-ale) for 10 da5s. Fecd E. coli was isolated before and during ampicillin adninistraticn (da. G, 2,L, 6, S, and airez ax_picillin discontinuation (day J,6, IOth).Total 1,405 E. cclz strains TX ere subjectcc! crobial sensitivity testing(WE0-ICS) with ampicillin, mecillinarr, cefoFerzzone, k ct- anoxef, fosfomycin, tetracycline, chloramphehicol, strepton:-cin. ger.tzFicin, rifanFicir, T a!i- dixic acid. sulfamethcxazole, triaethoprim and co-trimoxazole (sulfamethoxazoie : trizethopirm =20 : I). E. coEz before ampicillin use, except a few isolates, was sensitivs t o most of the 6 1 - g ~tested. But the isolates at the time of ampic n use from the 2nd dar t o l@th day were. predominantly resistant not only to ampicillin, for obvious reason, But also, to tetracycline, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, co-trimoxazole and more of less to mecillinam and cefoperazone, while they remained sensitive to gentamicin, rifampicin, nalidixic acid, lactamoxef and fosfomycin. Furthermore, the isolates after ampicillin discontinuation, as the sampling date kept going on became more and more sensitive to the drugs to which they had been resistant at the time of ampicillin administration. Taken these observations together, it might be cncluded that the major population of drugsensitive E. coli strains before ampicillin treatment becomes multiply resistant to commonly used drugs at the time of durg administration and then tends to be replaced by drugsensitive wild-type E.coli strains by the drug discontinuation. These data might explain the wide discrepancy in the incidence of drug-resistant E. coli between isolates from the residents of doctorless-remote areas and from the patients of large general hospitals and between isolated from out-patients and from in-patients of a general hospital, on the assumption that the use of antimicrobial agent itself constitutes the main driving force maintaining the favorable ecologic niche for the multiply drug-resistant bacterial strains in Korea.

      • 조직항원이 다른 순계동물간의 집락억제현상에 관한 연구 : 종양세포의 집락형성에 대하여 Report on the colony formation of MCA-induced tumor cell

        장우현,이광호 최신의학사 1975 最新醫學 Vol.18 No.6

        Sarcomas in C3H/HeN, C57BL/6 and DDO mouse strains were induced by subcutaneous injections of 20-methylcholanthrene and cultivated in vitro. Results on tumor transplantation and colony formation on Petri dishes are summarized as follows; 1. l mg of subcutaneous injection of methylcholanthrene induced tumors in C3H/HeN, C57BL/6 and DDO mice after 8 weeks. The frequency of tumor induction in C3H/HeN was the highest. Histologically, the tumors appeared as sarcomas with numerous mitotic figures. 2. Trypsinized cell suspension of MCA-induced sarcoma of C3H/HeN were transplanted to 5 mice of C,H/HeN and palpable tumors appeared in 20 days among all of the mice. Histological finding were identical with those of the original tumor. 3. Trypsinized monolayer cell suspensions of C3H/HeN MCA-induced sarcoma culture were transplanted to 4 mice of C3H/HeN and palpable tumors arose among all of the mice within 30 days. Histological findings were identical to that of the original tumor. 4. Complete Waymouth's Medium has been satisfactory for the establishment of MCA sarcoma cell line in vitro and maintenance of the subculture at 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator. 5. Cloning efficiencies in the cases of 104 cells/dish, 103 cells/dish and 102 cells/dish were 2.7~2.8%, 7~9% and 8~10%, respectively. The diameter of colonies was 3~6 mm as a whole.

      • Helicobacter pylori와 대장균의 Shuttle Vector 개발

        조명제,이우곤,이상룡,김경희,안영숙,김성희,김현주,류복덕,최여정,윤영혜,백승철,전영석,이광호 경상대학교 유전공학연구소 1997 遺傳工學硏究所報 Vol.16 No.-

        In this study, a vehicle vector using cryptic plasmids was constructed for gene transfer in Helicobacter pylori. pHP51(3.9 kb) and pHP489(1.2 kb) were selected for constructing vectors from cryptic plasmid of H. pylori isolates in Korea. The HindⅢ-digestedDNA fragment(1.2kb) of pHP489 and 1.6kb DNA fragment of pHP51 were ligated with a kanamycin resistance gene(aph3'-Ⅲ) from C. jejuni to produce the recombinant plasmids pHP489K and pHP51K, respectively. Transformation frequency of pHP51K by electroporation was low. But pHP489K could be effectively transformed into various H. pylori strains. In order to design an intermdiate vehicle vector for gene transfer into H. pylori, pBlueHP489K was prepared by recloning pHP489K DNA into pBluescript and pTZ19R vector. This vector permitted the DNA fragment containing pHP489 sequence, aph3'-Ⅲ, and cloned DNA to be cut and self-ligated in the SacⅠ site after cloning. ureA and ureB gene were inserted into pBlueHP489K, resulting in pBlueHP489K/AB. The DNA fragment containing pHP489, kanamycin resistance gene(aph3'-Ⅲ), and urease structural gene was cut away from pBlueHP489K/AB and self-ligated to generate pBlueHP489K/AB. pBlueHP489K/AB made urease-negative H. pylori strains restore their urease activity. By this experiment, pBlueHP489K was confirmed to be the vehicle system for transferring H. pylori genes.

      • 圓光醫大 附屬 第2病院 神經精神科 患者에 對한 統計的 考察(Ⅱ)

        박민철,장광철,김상원,김한주,유미경,김훈,유용진,김현정,박남진,오상우,이귀행,노승호,백영석 圓光大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 1992 圓光精神醫學 Vol.8 No.1

        본 연구는 1986년 7월 11일부터 1991년 7월 10일까지 원광의대 부속 제2병원 신경정신과에서 의래 및 입원치료를 받았던 6,072명의 환자를 대상으로 병원 역학조사를 실시하고 그 결과를 1차조사 (박민철 등1986)와 비교했다. 1.전체 환자 중 남자가 54.4%로 여자보다 많았고, 이리와 이리 인접지역이 84.0%로 대부분의 지역을 나타났다. 의료보장상태는 보험환자가 57.1%, 의료보호환자21.8%, 일반환자 21.1%였으며 연령별로는 20대 24.6%, 30대 22.8%로 20대 30대가 절반정도를 차지했다. 2.외래환자에서는 신경중성장애가 46.0%로 가장 많고 정동장애, 경련성장애 순이며, 입원환자에서는 정신분열증이 30.5%로 가장 많고 기질성정신장애, 정동장애의 순이었다. 3.남자는 신경증성쟝애(23.4%), 정신분열증, 기질성정신장애 순이고 여자는 신경증성장애(39.9%), 정동장애, 정신분열증의 순이었다. 남자가 여자보다 많은 진단은 알코올정신장애(94.6%), 기질성정신장애, 소아정신장애 순이고, 여자가 남자보다 많은 진단은 정동장애(64.5%), 신경증성장애였다. 4.진단별 연령분포에서 신경증성장에는 30대(25.3%), 20대, 40대 순이고, 정신분열증은 20대(40.5%), 30대, 40대 순이며, 정동장애는 20대, 30대, 50대 순이나 비교적 비슷한 융이었다. 5.진단별 발병연령에서 신경증성장에는 20대, 30대가 절반이고,정신분열증은 20대(51.3%), 10대, 30대 순이며 정동장애는 20대(30.7%), 30대, 50대 순이었다. 진단별 평균 발병연령은 신경증성장애 32.7세, 정동장애 36.1세, 정신분열증 23.6세였다. 6.진단별 이병기간은 2년이상이 신경증성장에 28.3%, 정신분열증 68.5% 정동장애 43.9%인데 전체적으로 41.0%였다. 진단별 평균 이병기간은 정신분열증 73.2개월, 정동장애 45.5개월, 신경증성장애 29.5개월이었다. We examined epidemiologic study of 6,072 patients who visited Wonkwang Neuropsychiatric hospital since July 11 of 1986 until July 10 of 1991 and compared this results with previous study(Park et al 1986). The study revealed as follows:1. Of total patients males visited this hosptial more than females as 57.1%, Most of them(84.0%) resided Iri and neighbouring Iri. In the point of insurance, insured patients, medicaid patients and uninsured patients were 57.1%, 21.8% and 21.1% respectively. On the distribution of age, the twenties, the thirties were 24.6%, 22.8% respectively and twenties and thirties were about half of total patients. 2. Of outpatients neurotic disorder was the most as 46.0%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly convulsive disorder, but of inpatients schizophrenia was the most as 30.5%, secondly organic mental disorder and thirdly mood disorder. 3. Of males neurotic disorder was the most as 23.4%, secondly schizophrenia, and thirdly organic mental disorder, but of females neurotic disorder was the most as 39.9%, secondly mood disorder and thirdly schizophrenia. alcoholic mental disorder(94.6%), organic mental disorder, child mental disorder were mostly found in males,but mood disorder(64.5%) and neurotic disorder were mostly found in females. 4. On the distribution of age neurotic disorder was found the most in the thirties(25.3%), next in the twenties and in the forties, and schizophrenia was found the most in the twenties(40.5%), next in the thirties and in the forties, but mood disorder was found the most in the twenties, next in the thirties and in the forties but revealed similar rates relatively. 5. On the distribution of age of onset neurotic disorder developed nearly half during the twrnties and the thirties, schizophrenia developed mostly during the twenties (51.3%), secondly the teens and thirdly the thirties, but mood disorder developed firstly the twenties(30.7%), secondly the thirties and thirdly the fifties. on the average age of onset of illness neurotic disorder, mood disorder and schizophrenia were 32.7 years, 36.1 years and 23.6 years respectively. 6. On the duration of illness more than two years was 28.3% in neurotic disorder, 68.5% in schizophrenia and 3.9% in mood disorder and on the average duration of illness schizophrenia, mood disorder and neurotic disorder were 73.2 months, 45.5 months and 29.5 months respectively.

      • A Bifunctional Molecule as an Artificial Flavin Mononucleotide Cyclase and a Chemosensor for Selective Fluorescent Detection of Flavins

        Rhee, Hyun-Woo,Choi, So Jung,Yoo, Sang Ho,Jang, Yong Oh,Park, Hun Hee,Pinto, Rosa Marí,a,Cameselle, José,Carlos,Sandoval, Francisco J.,Roje, Sanja,Han, Kyungja,Chung, Doo Soo,Suh, Junghun American Chemical Society 2009 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - Vol.131 No.29

        <P>Flavins, comprising flavin mononucleotide (FMN), flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and riboflavin (RF, vitamin B(2)), play important roles in numerous redox reactions such as those taking place in the electron-transfer chains of mitochondria in all eukaryotes and of plastids in plants. A selective chemosensor for flavins would be useful not only in the investigation of metabolic processes but also in the diagnosis of diseases related to flavins; such a sensor is presently unavailable. Herein, we report the first bifunctional chemosensor (PTZ-DPA) for flavins. PTZ-DPA consists of bis(Zn(2+)-dipicolylamine) and phenothiazine. Bis(Zn(2+)-dipicolylamine) (referred to here as XyDPA) was found to be an excellent catalyst in the conversion of FAD into cyclic FMN (riboflavin 4',5'-cyclic phosphate, cFMN) under physiological conditions, even at pH 7.4 and 27 degrees C, with less than 1 mol % of substrate. Utilizing XyDPA's superior function as an artificial FMN cyclase and phenothiazine as an electron donor able to quench the fluorescence of an isoalloxazine ring, PTZ-DPA enabled selective fluorescent discrimination of flavins (FMN, FAD, and RF): FAD shows ON(+), FMN shows OFF(-), and RF shows NO(0) fluorescence changes upon the addition of PTZ-DPA. With this selective sensing property, PTZ-DPA is applicable to real-time fluorescent monitoring of riboflavin kinase (RF to FMN), alkaline phosphatase (FMN to RF), and FAD synthetase (FMN to FAD).</P>

      • Detection of Kinase Activity Using Versatile Fluorescence Quencher Probes

        Rhee, Hyun-Woo,Lee, Seung Hwan,Shin, Ik-Soo,Choi, So Jung,Park, Hun Hee,Han, Kyungja,Park, Tai Hyun,Hong, Jong-In WILEY-VCH Verlag 2010 Angewandte Chemie Vol.122 No.29

        <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>Licht aus! Ein Mikrofluidiksystem für den Kinase-Nachweis verwendet fluoreszierende Peptide und eine phosphatselektive fluoreszenzlöschende Sonde (siehe Bild). Das System kann für die Echtzeitüberwachung von Kinasen, das Screening von Kinaseinhibitoren und, durch Detektion abnormer Kinaseaktivität in Patientenproben, für die Krebsdiagnose eingesetzt werden. <img src='wiley_img_2010/00448249-2010-122-29-ANGE201000879-content.gif' alt='wiley_img_2010/00448249-2010-122-29-ANGE201000879-content'> </P>


        Detection of Kinase Activity Using Versatile Fluorescence Quencher Probes

        Rhee, Hyun-Woo,Lee, Seung Hwan,Shin, Ik-Soo,Choi, So Jung,Park, Hun Hee,Han, Kyungja,Park, Tai Hyun,Hong, Jong-In WILEY-VCH Verlag 2010 Angewandte Chemie Vol.49 No.29

        <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>Turn off the light! A kinase assay system employs fluorescent peptides and a phosphate-selective fluorescence quencher probe, and can be placed on a microfluidic chip (see picture). The system can be used for real-time kinase monitoring, kinase inhibitor screening, and cancer diagnosis based on abnormal kinase activity observed in patients' samples. <img src='wiley_img_2010/14337851-2010-49-29-ANIE201000879-content.gif' alt='wiley_img_2010/14337851-2010-49-29-ANIE201000879-content'> </P>


        Focused Fluorescent Probe Library for Metal Cations and Biological Anions

        Rhee, Hyun-Woo,Lee, Sang Wook,Lee, Jun-Seok,Chang, Young-Tae,Hong, Jong-In American Chemical Society 2013 ACS Combinatorial Science Vol.15 No.9

        <P>A focused fluorescent probe library for metal cations was developed by combining metal chelators and picolinium/quinolinium moieties as combinatorial blocks connected through a styryl group. Furthermore, metal complexes derived from metal chelators having high binding affinities for metal cations were used to construct a focused probe library for phosphorylated biomolecules. More than 250 fluorescent probes were screened for identifying an ultraselective probe for dTTP.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/acsccc/2013/acsccc.2013.15.issue-9/co400034x/production/images/medium/co-2013-00034x_0006.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/co400034x'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

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