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      • KCI등재

        Open versus closed treatment for extracapsular fracture of the mandibular condyle

        Junyeong Lee(Junyeong Lee),Hee-Yeoung Jung(Hee-Yeoung Jung),Jaeyoung Ryu(Jaeyoung Ryu),Seunggon Jung(Seunggon Jung),Min-Suk Kook(Min-Suk Kook),Hong-Ju Park(Hong-Ju Park),Hee-Kyun Oh(Hee-Kyun Oh) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2022 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.48 No.5

        Objectives: Selection of treatment methods for mandibular condylar fractures remains controversial. In this study, we investigated treatment methods for condylar fractures to determine the indications for open or closed reduction. Patients and Methods: Patients >12 years of age treated for mandibular condylar fractures with a follow-up period of ≥3 months were included in this study. The medical records of enrolled patients were reviewed for sex, age, fracture site, treatment method (open or closed reconstruction), postop-erative intermaxillary fixation period, operation time, and complications. Radiological analysis of fracture fragment displacement and changes in ramal height difference was performed using computed tomography and panoramic radiography. Results: A total of 198 patients was investigated, 48.0% (n=95) of whom underwent closed reduction and 52.0% (n=103) underwent open reduction. There was no significant correlation between reduction method and patient sex, age, or follow-up period. No statistically significant difference between the incidence of complications and treatment method was observed. None of the patients underwent open reduction of condylar head fracture. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that open reduction was significantly more frequent in patients with subcondylar fracture compared to in those with a fracture in the condylar head area. There was no statistically significant correlation between the groups and fracture fragment displacement. However, there was a significant difference between the treatment groups in amount of change in ramal height difference between the fractured and the non-fractured sides during treatment. Conclusion: No significant clinical differences were found between the open and closed reduction methods in patients with mandibular condylar fractures. According to fracture site, closed reduction was preferred for condyle head fractures. There was no significant relationship between fracture fragment displacement and treatment method.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Feed Restriction in Modeling of Dietary Obesity

        Yeoung Mi Cho,Sunhee Shin,Dongsun Park,Jeong Hee Jeon,Min-Jung Jang,Jwa Jin Kim,Jae Wook Kim,Hyeong-Jin Ji,Chang Hwan Kim,Seongjin Baek,Seok-Yeon Hwang,Gonhyung Kim,Yun-Bae Kim 한국실험동물학회 2007 Laboratory Animal Research Vol.23 No.4

        Ad libitum feeding of normal diet to rats usually leads to overweight, showing higher body-mass index than 25, while the supplementation of high (20-40%) content of lard or beef tallow in the diet to make a high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity rather decreases body weights partially due to decrease in feed intake of HFD or occurrence of diarrhea. In our study, for modeling dietary obesity, rats were subjected to feed restriction by 20 and 40% with normal diet or HFD supplemented with 25% of lard for 6 weeks. Ad libitum (100%) feeding of HFD decreased body weight gain and body fat in rats, resulting from a lower feed intake and transient diarrhea, compared to that of animals fed normal diet. In comparison with ad libitum-feeding groups, HFD restricted to 60 and 80% resulted in higher body weight gain and body fat compared with the normal diet with corresponding restriction to 60% or 80%. The changes in body and fat weights exhibited a good relationship with blood lipids profiles and leptin level in feed restricted groups. In addition, body fat and lipid profiles were confirmed to be parallel with the lipid accumulation in the liver and blood parameters associated with liver function. Based on the results, it is suggested that an appropriate degree (80%) of dietary restriction could be a candidate of modeling HFD-induced obesity for the screening of antiobesity substances.

      • KCI등재

        Recurred intraosseous pleomorphic adenoma mimicking an odontogenic cyst

        ( Hee-yeoung Jung ),( Junyeong Lee ),( Dae-seung Yang ),( Jin-yong Cho ),( Jaeyoung Ryu ) 조선대학교 치의학연구원 2022 Oral Biology Research (Oral Biol Res) Vol.46 No.2

        Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumor associated with the salivary gland. These tumors are derived from a mixture of ductal and myoepithelial elements and rarely develop in the jawbones. Regardless of the site of origin, pleomorphic adenoma presents as a painless, firm, and slow-growing mass, which is often misdiagnosed as an odontogenic cyst when located in the tooth-bearing areas of the jaws.

      • KCI등재

        꽁치과메기에 대한 선호도 및 섭취빈도에 관한 연구

        조영대,김정애,오승희 한국식품영양학회 2000 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.13 No.6

        경북지역에 거주하는 주민들을 대상으로 식생활 행동과 꽁치과메기의 기호도 및 섭취 빈도를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 조사대상자의 65.2%가 맛 그 다음이 영양가 14.6%, 청결성 14.3%, 가격 4.3%, 칼로리 0.7% 순으로 음식 선택시 고려하는 것으로 나타났다. 성별에 있어 남자는 맛을 가장 선호하고 청결성, 영양가, 가격의 순으로 관심을 가지고 있으나 여자는 맛 다음으로 영양가(25.4%)에 관심을 가지고 있으며, 청결성, 가격 순으로 나타났다. 나이가 많을수록 영양가에 관심을 두며, 칼로리는 학생층에서 91.7%나 높은 관심을 보였다. 농촌주민은 맛에. 어촌주민은 청결성에, 도시주민은 영양가에 다른 거주지역 주민보다 음식 선택시 큰 관심을 특히 어촌은 식중독 등의 위험에 대한 정보를 상시 접하기 때문인 것으로 보인다. 2. 외식시 선호 음식은 남(81.5%). 여(78.2%) 모두 한식을 가장 선호하는 것으로 나타났으며, 연령이 높을수록 한식을 선호하고 연령이 낮을수록 양식을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 젊은 층에서의 양식선호는 피할 수 없는 현실이다. 학력별로는 고졸 이하가 한식 (95.0%)을 더 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 핵가족은 한식과 분식을 선호하며 어른을 모시고 사는 확대가족이 외식시 양식, 일식, 중국식 등 다양한 음식을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 주거형태별로는 연립주택 주민의 93.0%가 한식을 가장 선호하며. 아파트 주민은 한식 다음으로 분식을 선호하였다. 거주지역별로는 도시 주민이 한식(81.9%)을 가장 선호하며 어촌주민은 특히 외식시 양식을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 꽁치과메기에 대하여 91.4%가 긍정적인 응답을하여 경북지역 주민은 과메기에 대해 높은 선호도를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 과메기를 먹는 때는 71.1%가 술안주로 먹는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 도시 주민 20.3%가 과메기를 간식으로 먹는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 놓고 볼 때 술안주로서 과메기가 아니라 꽁치과메기가 향토 식품으로 자리잡기 위해서 조리방법의 개발 등을 통하여 반찬으로나 간식으로 먹을 수 있도록 연구되어야 할 것이다. 4. 과메기 1회 먹는 양은 남자가 여자보다 월등히 많았다. 대부분 3∼10마리를 1회에 먹으며 30세 이하에서는 67.4%정도가, 남자의 61.1%가 3∼10마리 정도를 먹는 것으로 나타났다. 여자의 53.7%가1∼2마리 정도를 1회 먹는 것으로 나타났다 1회에 20마리 이상(1두릅) 많이 먹는 연령층은 30세 이하의 젊은 층으로 나타났다. 주거형태별로는 개인주택 주민이 1회 먹는 양이 가장 많았다. We made a survey of the pattern of dietary life, the taste and the intake-frequency for Kwamaegi in Kyungbuk province. And the results were summarized as follows 1. Flavor (65.2%) , nutritive value (14.6%) , cleanliness (14.3%), price (4.3%) and calorie (0.7%) were considered to select food in that order. 2. The younger, the more they preferred foreign food to Korean food and the older, the more they preferred Korea food to foreign food. 3. Most of people (91.4%) answered positively to Kwamaegi and had a high preference of Kwamaegi. On most occasions, they were inclined to eat Kwamaegi as the side-dish (71.1%) served with drink. 4. Most of men (61.1%) have eaten 3∼10 Kwamaegis at a table, but most of women (53.7 %) have eaten 1∼2 Kwamaegis at a table.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        쌍태임신 149 예에 대한 임상통계학적 고찰

        박영찬(Yeoung Chan Park),고선희(Sun Hee Ko),이태인(Tae In Lee),마재남(Jae Nam Ma),정강우(kang Woo Jung),원종천(Jong Cheon Weon),김용필(Yong Pil Kim) 대한산부인과학회 2000 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.43 No.9

        Objective : To evaluate the clinical aspects of twin pregnancy and its results Methods : We reviewed the medical records of the 149 cases of twin births among 18,333 deliveries, from Jan. 1, 1990 to Dec. 31, 1999 at Pohang St. Mary's Hospital. Results : The incidence of twin births was one in 123 births. The rate of twin pregnancies by assisted reproduction technique was increased from 5.3% between 1990 and 1994 to 25.4% between 1995 and 1999. The predominant age group was 26-30(41.6%) and mean age was 27.5±4.1 years old. According to parity, nullipara(71.8%) was the most frequent. The predominant gestational age of twin births was 37-38 weeks(43.6%) and mean gestational weeks of twin births was 35 weeks and 5 days. The cephalic-cephalic combination(42.3%) was predominant presentation. The most common mode of twin delivery was cesarean section(77.2%) and its main indication was elective. The mean birth weights of twins was 2,315±610 grams. Low one minute Apgar scores occured more often in second twins than in first ones. The most common type of placental membrane was diamniotic-monochorionic(54.4%). Both male group(44.9%) was predominant. The most frequent maternal complication during pregnancy was anemia(41.6%). The perinatal mortality rate was 97 per 1000 newborns and its main cause was prematurity(64.0%). Maternal deaths were not encountered. Conclusion : Recently, although the incidence of twin pregnancy has been increased, it has greater risks of obstetrical complications and higher perinatal mortality than singleton pregnancy. Therefore, further studies are needed for effective management of twin pregnancy.

      • KCI등재

        포항지역 주민의 꽁치 과메기 기호도 조사

        조영대,김정애,오승희 한국식품영양학회 2000 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.13 No.3

        포항지역 주민 500명을 대상으로 꽁치과메기의 기호도 조사를 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 과메기 용어 인지 여부에 대해서는 대부분 응답자가 알고 있었으며, 과메기 시식 여부는 92.5%가 먹어 보았으며. 먹어 보지 못한 7.5%에 대해 그 이유를 알아본 결과 먹고 싶지 않았다가 61.3%를 차지하였다. 연령별 시식 여부 차이 분석에서 나이가 많을수록 대부분 과메기를 먹어 본 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 과메기를 먹는 때는 술안주로가 80.9%로 가장 많았다. 남(86.5%). 여(56.8%) 모두 술안주로 먹는 경우가 가장 많았다. 간식으로 먹는 경우도 남자(6.6%)보다 여자(16.3%)가 많게 나타났다(p<0.05). 또한 연령이 많을수록 간식으로 먹는 경우가 많았다. 이러한 결과를 놓고 볼 때 사철과메기띄 개발 또는 포항 꽁치과메기가 향토식품으로 자리잡기 위해서는 술안주로서의 과메기가 아니라 조리방법이나 스낵 등의 가공방법 개발 등을 통하여 반찬이나 간식으로 먹을 수 있어야 진정한 먹거리로서 자리잡을 수 있을 것이다. 과메기를 처음 먹은 계기는 주위의 권유로 먹은 경우가 57.9%로 가장 많았다. 연령별로 살펴보면 젊을수록 과메기를 주위의 권유로 먹은 경우가 많으며, 나이가 많을수록 먹음직스러워서 과메기를 처음 먹은 계기가 된 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 과메기 선호도는 92.5%가 과메기에 대해 호의적인 응답을 하였다. 남자가 여자보다 과메기를 더 선호하는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 연령별로는 31∼40세 연령층이 과메기를 가장 선호하는 계층으로 나타났다. 과메기를 먹을 때 곁들여 먹는 것으로 과메기, 생미역, 초고추장으로 먹는 경우가 가장 많았다. 포항 지역 주민들은 과메기를 먹을 때 대부분 생미떡과 곁들떠 먹지만 초고추장 없이 먹는 경우도 적지 않았다. 대부분3∼10마리 정도 1회 먹는 것으로 나타났으며, 20마리 이상 많이 먹는 주민도 남녀 거의 유사하게 나타났다. 따라서 여성층의 과메기 애호가도 많다는 것(5.6%)을 알 수 있다(p<0.05). This study was carried out to investigate the preference of Kwamaegi in Pohang area. Four hundred and twenty five of 500 questionnaires were selected to use for this study. The results were summarized as follows. 1. Most of subjects recognized Kwamaegi and 92.5% of them have experience in eating Kwamaegi. 2. Eighty one percent of subjects had experiences in taking Kwamaegi with drinks, and women preferred to eat Kwamaegi more than men as a snack. 3. Fifty eight percent of subjects took Kwamaegi by recommendation at the first time. 4. Ninety three percent of subjects liked Kwamaegi and especially, those who are 31∼40 age group liked it the most. 5. Sixty two percent of subjects ate 3∼10 Kwamaegis at a table. Besides, there were 5.1% of them who ate over 20 Kwamaegis.

      • KCI등재

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