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      • Medicinal Chemistry : RESEARCH ARTICLE ; Selective induction of hepatic cytochrome P450 2B activity by leelamine in vivo, as potent novel inducer

        ( Ju Hee Kim ),( Woong Sik Nam ),( Doo Hyun Lee ),( Su Youn Lee ),( Hung Chan O ),( Jeong Min Joo ),( Kwang Hyeon Liu ),( Jae Yun Han ),( Sung Hwan Ki ),( Tae Cheon Jeong ),( Tae Ho Lee ),( Sang Kyu L 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2015 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.25 No.-

        Cytochrome P450 (cyp) is an important enzyme that can act on xenobiotic substances such as toxic chemicals or drugs. Phenobarbital(PB) has been widely used to induce CYP2B activity to investigate the drug-drug interaction of CTP2B substrate drugs.leelamine is a diterpene compound, and is the current focus of efforts to develop a treatment for diabetes. In this study. we identi-fied the selective and potent inductive effct of leelamine on CYP2B antdoes of 5,10,or 20 mg/kg in male ICR micc for I or 3 days. In liver, the activity of CYP2B significantly increased 3.6-fold after treatment with leelamine,com-pared to vehicle-treated group. Activities of benzyloxy-resorufin O-dealkylase and pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylase significantly increased 6.3-and 5.3-fold, respectively,with a single treatment of 20 mg/kg leelamine for I day. Fur-thermore. immunoblot analysis showed that signifieantly and dose-dependently increased CYP2B10 protein levels in liver.However,PCR results showed that there were no significant changes in the CAR and CYP2B mRNA levels after leelamine treatment. Accordingly, we suggest that leelamine is a novel substitute of PB for the seleetive inudction of CYP2B activity in vivo.

      • Co(Ⅱ)와 Methylthmol blue사이의 착물형성에 있어 평형상수에 미치는 압력과 온도의 영향

        오대섭,최술한,이해운 慶北大學校 物理化學硏究所 1982 硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Co(Ⅱ)와 Methylthymol blue(MTB) 사이의 착물 형성에 있어서 안정도에 미치는 압력과 온도의 영향을 자외선 분광광도법으로 연구 하였다. 사용된 압력은 1 bar에서 1200 bar이며 온도는 20, 30, 40℃ 사이에서 측정하였다. 이때 착물의 평형상수는 압력 및 온도의 증가에 따라 증가함을 알 수 있었으며 흡광계수도 또한 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 이들 각 평형상수로부터 착물 형성에 따른 부피, 엔탈피, 자유에너지 및 엔트로피의 변화량을 구함으로서 이 착물은 흡열반응이며 압력과 온도의 증가에 따라 반응이 더욱 잘 일어남을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 압력의 증가에 따른 흡수 maximum의 red shift 현상 및 압력 변화에 따른 진동자 세기와의 관계를 열역학적 함수와 관계를 지워 설명하였다. The effect of pressures and temperatures on the stabilities of the Co(Ⅱ)-Methylthymol blue complex have been investigated through ultraviolet spectrophotometric measurement. The stabilities of complexes were measured at 20 30 and 40℃ under 1300 600 900 and 1200 bars. The equilibrium constant of the complex was increased with pressure and temperature raising. The absorption coefficient was increased with both pressure and temperature. Change of volume, free energe, entropy and enthalpy for the formation of complexes were obtained from the equilibrium constants. The red shift observed a higher pressure and the relation between pressure and oscillator strength were discussed by means of thermodynamic function.

      • KCI등재

        Co(Ⅲ)와 Methylthymol blue 사이의 착물형성에 있어 평형상수에 미치는 압력과 온도의 영향

        吳岱燮,이병교,崔戌漢 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1982 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.6 No.-

        The effect of pressures and temperatures on the stabilities of the Co(Ⅱ)-Methylthymol blue complex have been investigated through ultraviolet spectrophotometric measurement. The stabilities of complexes were measured at 20 30 and 40℃ under 1 300 600 900 and 1200 bars. The equilibrium constant of the complex was increased with pressure and temperature raising. The absorption coefficient was increased with both pressure and temperature. Change of volume, free energe, entropy and enthalpy for the formation of complexes were obtained from the equilibrium constants. The red shift observed a higher pressure and the relation between pressure and oscillator strength were discussed by means of thermodynamic function.

      • 경주지역 여고생의 초경과 체성장간의 관계

        김준섭,권오구,박진석,오종수,박정현,박제식,안세한,이용환,서정호,신태섭,최영배,김덕수,이관,박수경 東國大學校醫學硏究所 2002 東國醫學 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 경주지역 1개 고등학교 3학년 여고생을 대상으로 초경 시작 전인 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레 수치와 초경 연령을 파악하여 여성의 초경이 빠를수록 체성장 속도의 변화가 있을 것이라는 가설을 기초로 두 요인간의 관련성을 파악하고자 시행되었다. 경주시 1개 여자고등학교 3학년생 총 317명에 대해 ㅊ경 나이, 초경시 심리 상태, 초경이 시작되었을 때의 상담 여부와 상담하였던 사람, 부모 신장과 초경전후의 식사 규칙성, 다이어트 경험, 수면시간, 스트레스, 음주/흡연 여부, 질병력 등에 대한 설문 조사를 시행하였고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 키, 몸무게, 가슴둘레에 대한 정보는 건강기록부에서 확보하였다. 상기 대상자 중 건강기록부가 분실된 39명, 초경나이에 대해 응답하지 않았던 29명 및 결석 등으로 조사를 하지 못하였던 42명을 제외한 조사 대상자는 206명으로 선정하였다. 대상자들의 초경연령 평균값(Mean±SD)은 13.0±1.11이었고, 초등학교 4학년부터 고등학교 2학년까지의 초경 이후 신장 성장률은 감소하였으며, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교 때는 신장에 있어서 우위를 차지하나 고등학교에 오면서 신장은 비슷한 수준이 되었다. 초경후 1-2년 사이에 체중과 흉위의 증가율은 감소하였고, 초경연령이 빠른 군이 초등학교와 고등학교 사이에 체중과 흉위에서 모두 우위를 차지하였다. 본 연구의 결과는, 흔히 이차 성징의 시작 시점 혹은 사춘기의 시작 시점으로 보고있는 초경 연령이 청소년기의 성장과 밀접한 관련성이 있고, 특히 체중과 흉위의 성장 속도와 밀접한 관련성이 있음을 시사한다. To understand the onset of menarche in relation to changes in physical growth that take place during female adolescence, especially the changes in height and weight velocity. The 207 senior in one women high school of Kyongju were investigated in April 3 to 8, 2001. We collected the information, relation in the age at menarche, height & weight of parents, regularity of eating, and obesity diet, duration of sleeping, sickness & stress near age at menarche, by self-recording. The status of height, weight & chest circumference between the 4th grade of primary school and the junior of high school was collected by individual Health Record. The results were followed; The average age at menarche was 12.95±1.11 years old and the most frequent age of menarche is 13 years. After menarche, the velocity of height, weight and chest circumference were decreased. The most rapid group of menarche hold dominant position in height during elementary school. As time passed, they dont hold dominant position in height. The most rapid group of menarche get an advantage in the weight and the girth of chest after elementary school. The height of subjects is directly proportional to the height of their parents. These results suggest that the starting age at menestuation can be closely associated with physical growth and development.

      • 횡문근융해증과 급성 신부전 및 범발성 혈관내 응고장애를 동반한 열사병 1예

        최대은,박수진,권오경,이한규,이영모,이상주,나기량,이강욱,신영태 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        Heat stroke is a life-threatening illness characterized by an elevated core body temperature that rises above 40% and central nervous system dysfunctions that results in delirium, convulsions, or coma. Heat stroke is subdivided into two forms, classic and exertional. Since strenuous exercise is one of the major exacerbating and precipitating factors, the incidence of exertional heat stroke is high among young adult, especially military personnel undergoing military training. Exertional heat stroke commonly causes rhabdomyolysis, lactic acidosis, acute renal failure, shock and pulmonary edema. We report a case of heat stroke with rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy(DIC) after strenuous exercise. A 18 year old man was admitted to the hospital because of loss of consciousness. He was a wrestler and he had tried to lose 6kg in weight by jogging and strenuous exercise on that summer day with hot temperature. The development of this illness was favoured by much clothes inappropriate for that environmental condition with a purpose to enhance sweating, and by restricted intake of water and food. On admission, the blood pressure was 80/50mmHg, and body temperature was 39.4℃ with stuporous mentality. Laboratory finding were as follows : in complete blood cell count, hemoglobin was 16.7g/dL and platelet count was 158,000/ mm³. In blood chemistry, AST 1061U/L, ALT 201U/L, BUN 30mg/dL, Cr 2.2mg/dL, LDH 941IU/L, CK 696IU/L were resulted. In arterial blood gas analysis, pH 7.39, pCO₂ 30mmHg pO₂ 86mmHg, HCO₃ 18.4mEq/L, O₂ saturation 96.7% were resulted. In urinalysis, specific gravity 1.025, protein 3+, erythrocyte 2+ were resulted. In brain imaging study, brain CT finding was normal. After appropriate treatments with rapid cooling, hydration and supportive care, he improved with alert mental status. On 2nd hospital day, in laboratory result, thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy were appeared and renal insufficiency was aggravated. So he was treated with platelet concentrate and fresh frosen plasma for DIC, and enough hydration for appropriate urine volume preservation. After all, On 22nd hospital day, he fully recovered and discharged. Nowadays, with followed for some duration, he is wellbeing with no complications.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • Seismic Performance Evaluation of Steel Ordinary Moment Frames

        Han, Sang Whan,Kim, Tae O,Baek, Seong Jin SAGE Publications 2018 Earthquake spectra Vol.34 No.1

        <P> Steel ordinary moment frames (OMF) are seismic force-resisting systems that can be used in buildings. In current seismic design and detailing provisions, such as the American Society of Civil Engineers ASCE/SEI 7-10 (2010) , American Institute of Steel Construction ANSI/AISC 341-10 (2010), and ANSI/AISC 358-10 (2010) , less stringent design and detailing requirements are specified for steel OMFs compared with those for steel special- and intermediate-moment frames. The strong-column weak-beam (SC/WB) requirement is not enforced for steel OMF connections. In the present study, the seismic performance evaluation is conducted for steel OMFs designed according to current seismic design and detailing provisions considering different combinations of gravity, seismic, and wind loads, as well as wind drift limits. Based on the results of seismic performance evaluation, permissible structural heights for steel OMFs are also proposed. </P>

      • Co(Ⅲ) 와 Methylthymol blue 사이의 착물형성에 있어 평형상수에 미치는 압력과 온도의 영향

        吳岱燮,이병교,崔戌漢 慶北大學校 物理化學硏究所 1984 硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The effect of pressures and temperatures on the stabilities of the Co(Ⅱ)-Methylthymol blue complex have been investigated through ultra-violet spectrophotometric measurement. The stabilities of complexes were measured at 20 30 and 40℃ under 1 300 600 900 and 1200 bars. The equilibrium constant of the complex was increased with pressure and temperature raising. The absorption coefficient was increased with both pressure and temperature. Change of volume, free energe, entropy and enthalpy for the formation of complexes were obtained from the equilibrium constants. The red shift observed a higher pressure and the relation between pressure and oscillator strength were discussed by means of thermodynamic function.

      • USP14 Inhibition Regulates Tumorigenesis by Inducing Autophagy in Lung Cancer In Vitro

        Han, Kyung Ho,Kwak, Minseok,Lee, Tae Hyeong,Park, Min-soo,Jeong, In-ho,Kim, Min Ji,Jin, Jun-O,Lee, Peter Chang-Whan MDPI AG 2019 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.20 No.21

        <P>The ubiquitin-proteasome system is an essential regulator of several cellular pathways involving oncogenes. Deubiquitination negatively regulates target proteins or substrates linked to both hereditary and sporadic forms of cancer. The deubiquitinating enzyme ubiquitin-specific protease 14 (USP14) is associated with proteasomes where it trims the ubiquitin chain on the substrate. Here, we found that USP14 is highly expressed in patients with lung cancer. We also demonstrated that USP14 inhibitors (IU1-47 and siRNA-USP14) significantly decreased cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in lung cancer. Remarkably, we found that USP14 negatively regulates lung tumorigenesis not only through apoptosis but also through the autophagy pathway. Our findings suggest that USP14 plays a crucial role in lung tumorigenesis and that USP14 inhibitors are potent drugs in lung cancer treatment.</P>

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