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      • Risperidone이 백서의 억제된 자발적 교대행동에 미치는 영향

        이기철,이정호,김진규,정홍경,천강훈,류정환,최영민,전성일 대한생물치료정신의학회 1998 생물치료정신의학 Vol.4 No.2

        Objectives : Recently, some case reports have shown that risperidone is effective to refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder. Possible explanations for efficacy of risperidone in refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder maybe due to that it is both serolonin and dopamine receptor antagonist. On the basis of serotonin-dopamine interaction hypothesis, a biological etiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder, the effect of risperidone was evaluated to the suppressed spontaneous alternation behaviour of animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder in rats. Methods : The apparatus for spontaneous alternation behaviour was a black plexiglas T-maze with distinctive black and white goal boxes. Black gullotine doors separated the start box and the goal boxes from the main body of the T-maze Small cups were placed in the corners of both goal boxes(all arms measured 50×10cm) 24 hours prior to experiment, rats(Spraque-Dawley) were food-deprived. The food-deprived rats were put into T-maze, in which both goal boxes were baited with small amounts of chocolate milk. Each rat was given 2 set of 7 trials during which it was placed in the start box and allowed to choose the one of the goal boxes for checked. After baseline of the number of choices of spontaneous alternation behaviour was stabilized, the pontaneous alternation disrupted by nonselective 5-HT agonist, 5-MeODMT (1.25mg/kg/IP). The experimental animals were stratified into 5 groups, fluoxetine(10mg/kg/IP), risperidone(0.1mg/Kg/IP), haloperidol(0.1㎎/Kg/IP), fluoxetine(10mg/Kg) with haloperidol(0.1 mg/Kg), and saline(0.5cc/IP) control group. Each drugs were injected for 21 days as a chronic treatment. The protective effects were evaluated on the nest day of discontinuation of the each drugs among 5 groups. Results : 1) After 21 days of the drug treatment, the risperidone group and the fluoxetine group showed significant difference from the haloperidol group and the saline control group on the protection of the 5-MeODMT induced suppression of spontaneous alternation behaviour. 2) The fluoxetine group and fluoxetine with haloperidol group showed significant difference between before and after treatment in the protection of 5-MeODMT induced suppression of spontaneous alternation behaviour. The risperidone group also showed significant difference between before and after treatment in the protection of 5-MeODMT induced suppression of spontaneous alternation behaviour, but the protective effect of risperidone was superior to fluoxetine. Conclusion : These findings suggest that both risperidone and fluoxetine have a favorable effect in the protection of 5-MeODMT induced suppression of spontaneous alternation behaviour. We think that risperidone can be possible alternatives to SSRIs in the treatment of refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder in clinical situation.

      • 일차배양된 설치류 호흡기 상피세포로부터의 점액소 분비에 대한 수종 약물의 영향

        이충재,석정호,이재흔,허강민,박지선,배소현,노삼길,박상철 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        1. PKC activator인 PMA는 일차배양 HTSE세포로부터의 뮤신분비를 0.1μM 농도에서 30%, 1μM 농도에서 80% 가량 증가시켰다. 2. 식물 유래 성분으로, flavonoid의 일종인 TFR은 일치배양 HTSE 세포로부터의 뮤신분비를 10μM 농도에서 50%, 100μM 농도에서 80% 가량 증가시켰다. 3. 양이온성 폴리펩티드인 PLL 및 PLA는 일차 배양 HTSE 세포로부터의 뮤신분비를 0.01 - 10μM 농도에서 용량의존적으로 감소시켰다. 4. 결론적으로, 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과들은 새로운 거담제 및 점액용해제나 단백분해 효소제가 아닌 호흡기 류신의 생성/분비를 조절해 줄 수 있는 신개념의 약물을 개발함에 있어 극히 일부분이나마 단서를 제공하고 있다고 하루 수 있을 것이다. In the present study, we tried to investigate whether phorbol myristate acetate(PMA), trihydroxymethoxy-flavanone rutinoside(TFR) and cationic polypeptides significantly affect mucin release(secretion) from cultured hamster tracheal surface epithelial cells. Confluent primary hamster tracheal surface epithelial (HTSE) cells were metabolically radiolabeled with 3H-glucosamine for 24 hr and chased for 30 min in the presence of each agent to assess the effect on 3H-mucin release. The results were as follows : (1) Both PMA and TFR significantly increased mucin release from cultured HTSE cells ; (2) Cationic polypeptides including po1y-L-lysine(PLL, mw 7,500) and poly-L-arginine(PLA, mw 10,800) significantly inhibited mucin release from cultured HTSE cells, in a dose-dependent manner. This finding suggests us that PMA and TFR be further studied for the possible use as mild expectorants and cationic polypeptides might function as a regulator for hyper-secretion of mucus, both by direct acting on airway mucin-secreting cells, during the treatment of chronic airway diseases.

      • 만성정신질환자의 욕구에 대한 수요자(환자)와 공급자(치료자) 측면의 비교 연구

        안강호,이종국,한은선,김명식,김장배,손봉희 대한생물치료정신의학회 2000 생물치료정신의학 Vol.6 No.1

        Objectives : We performed this study to assess the needs of the chronically mentally ill(CMI) from the perspectives of the consumers(patients) and the providers(therapists) and to compare the differences between them. We also aimed to find met needs and unmet needs and then to determine the priority of the mental health services for the CMI. Methods : 165 patients and 19 therapists were examined with need assessment tool which had been developed by authors. Through statistical analysis, we evaluated the degree of problem, the degree of intervention, the relative degree of problem, and the degree of demand in each areas of needs, and compared the differences between patient group and therapist group. After then met needs and unmet needs from the perspectives of each group were revealed. Results : 1) There were differences in the assessment of needs between patients and therapists. 2) The more problem areas assessed by patients were finances, mental health, occupation, and leisure life in order of higher ranks. While occupation, leisure life, mental health, and finances were assessed as highly ranked problem areas by the therapist group. 3) Patients perceived that they were given more helps from others in the areas of mental health, physical health, accommodation, and relation to family than other areas. From the perspective of therapists, the areas of needs such as mental health, basic knowledge, occupation, and interpersonal retation were highly ranked intervention areas. 4) The demands for daily living skill, occupation, finances, accommodation were ranked highly by patient group. Highly demanded needs assessed by therapist group were mental health, occupation, interpersonal relation, and basic knowledge. 5) Unmet needs assessed by patient group were occupation, finances, and accommodation, while by therapist group, occupation. Conclusions : The needs of the CMI were assessed and identified by the consumers(patients) and providers(therapists) with the same tool. The differences between two groups were revealed. The most important unmet need of the CMI was occupation. These results can be used to plan the priority of mental health services and policies.

      • KCI등재

        체내 납부담의 지표로서 누적 혈중 납량과 누적 혈중 ZPP가 납 관련 신기능에 미치는 영향

        윤강호,김남수,김진호,김화성,이병국 대한산업의학회 2006 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        목적: 체내 납부담의 지표로서 누적 혈중 납량과 누적 혈중 ZPP가 납관련 신기능에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 678명의 납 작업자들을 대상으로 본 연구를 시도하였다. 방법: 누적 혈중 납량과 누적 혈중 ZPP는 입사시부터 매 1년간의 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP를 누적하여 구하였다. 입사시기가 1983년 이전인 납 작업자의 경우는 최초 혈중 납량과 최초 혈중 ZPP를 그 이전의 값으로 추정하여 구하였다. 체내 납부담의 지표로서 골중 납량과 DMSA착화납량을 측정하였으며, 최근의 납 노출 지표로서는 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP를 측정하였다. 신기능을 평가하는 지표로서는 임상 신기능 지표로서 BUN과 혈청 creatinine을 측정하였고, 신기능 조기지표로는 NAG (N-acetyl-D- glucosamide)와 RBP (Retinol binding protein)를 측정하였다. 결과: 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP의 누적지수와 골중 납량과는 결정계수(r²)는 각각 0.72와 0.567로서 유의한 상관이 있었으며 이들 누적지수와 골중 납량은 곡선형적 모델이 더 적합하였다. 신기능 지표들을 종속변수로 하고 성, 연령, 직력 및 음주와 흡연을 통제한 후 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP를 독립변수로 한 중회귀분석에서 혈중 납량은 4개의 신기능 지표들 중 지수 변환한 NAG와만 유의한 관련이 있는 반면, 혈중 ZPP는 지수변환한 NAG를 제외한 신기능 지표들과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 한편 신기능 지표들을 종속변수로 하고 연령 및 직력과 음주와 흡연을 통제한 후 체내 납 부담노출지표들을 독립변수로 한 중회귀분석에서 골중 납량과 혈중 ZPP 누적지수는 4개의 신기능 지표들과 유의한 관련이 있는 반면, DMSA 착화납량과 혈중 납량 누적지수는 BUN을 제외한 신기능 지표들과 유의한 관련이 있었다. 결론: 상기한 결과로 보아 혈중 납량과 혈중 ZPP의 누적지수는 체내 납부담의 지표로서 효용성이 입증되었으며, 특히 혈중 ZPP의 누적지수가 혈중 납량의 누적지수보다 체내 납부담의 대리지표로서 더 좋은 것으로 나타났다. Objective: To evaluate the possibility of cumulative blood lead and blood ZPP as surrogates of lead body burden and to investigate their association with renal function as an index of lead body burden. Methods: The study subjects comprised 678 lead workers with past blood lead and blood ZPP data from their employment. Cumulative blood and ZPP were calculated by accumulating the every year mean value of both indices from the new employment since 1983. To assess the cumulative data of lead workers who started their lead work before 1983, the years before 1983 were simulated with the first available data from 1983. Study variables for lead body burden were tibia bone lead and DMSA chelatable lead, whereas those for current lead biomarkers were blood lead and blood ZPP. BUN and serum creatinine were selected as clinical renal biomarkers, while NAG (N-acetyl-D-glucosamine) and RBP (Retinol binding protein) were selected as early renal biomarkers. Results: The association between cumulative blood lead and blood ZPP with tibia bone lead was statistically significant with determinant coefficients (r²) of 0.72 and 0.567, respectively, and their relationships were better explained by the curvilinear regression model. In multiple regression analysis of current lead biomarkers on the renal biomarkers after controlling for possible confounders (age, sex, job duration, smoking and drinking status), blood lead was associated only with log-transformed NAG, whereas blood ZPP was associated with 3 other renal biomarkers. On the other hand, in multiple regression analysis of biomarkers of lead body burden on renal biomarkers after controlling for possible confounders (age, sex, job duration, smoking and drinking status), cumulative blood ZPP and tibia bone lead were associated with all 4 renal function biomarkers, whereas cumulative blood lead and DMSA chelatable lead were associated with 3 renal biomarkers except BUN. Conclusion: Cumulative blood and ZPP were demonstrated to be good surrogates of lead burden. Furthermore, the cumulative blood ZPP was confirmed to have a better association than the cumulative blood lead.

      • MFNN 신경망 모델을 이용한 화자 확인

        신강호,이성화 건국대학교 1998 학술논문집 : 건국대 대학원 Vol.47 No.1

        In this thesis, experiment have performed with the speaker recognition divided into text-dependent and text-independent speaker identification using multiplayer feedforward neural network(MFNN) model. Executing results show as follows ; Text-dependent speaker identification Using LPC Cepstral coefficients is somewhat more enhanced than pitch coefficients. Text-independent speaker identification Using almost solely pitch coefficients for each speaker is more enhanced approcimately average 4 ~ 5 % than LPC or LPC Cepstral coefficients. To record speech data of speaker recognition, each 10 speakers which was consisted of five male and female adults Korean pronounce 10 times for three months. And then they are extracted characteristics coefficient through PDA, LPC analysis, and LPC Cepstral analysis to generate input pattern of Multi-layer Feedforward Neural Network.

      • 고혈압쥐 적혈구 및 혈관조직에서의 Rubidium 이동과 Ouabain 결합에 관한연구

        석정호,허강민,이재흔 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.1

        To study the alterations of Na-pump in the 1-kidney, 1-clip hypertensive rat, made by partial ligation of left renal artery and by removal of right kidney, we determined Na, K-ATPase activity in the RBC and carried out the experiment of Rb-uptake and H-ouabain-binding from the RBC and aorta. Results were as follows; 1. Blood pressure was significantly increased to 117.4/121.6mmHg in 1-kidney, 1-clip hypertensive rat as 4 weeks after operation. 2. Na, K-ATPase activity in the RBC membrane of hypertensive rat was significantly decreased, compared to that of control rat(P<0.05). 3. Ouabain-sensitive Rb-uptake was significantly decreased in the RBC and aorta strip on hypertensive rat, compared to that of the control rat. 4. Bmax of the RBC and aorta strip in the ouabain-binding study was significantly decreased, but values of Kd was significantly increased in hypertensive rat. From these results, it is suggested that decreased activity of Na-pump in hypertensive rat RBC and aorta strip, is due to the alteration of number and property of Na-pump.

      • 재생간에서의 Na, K-ATPase 활성변도에 관한 연구

        허강민,석정호,이재흔 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1991 충남의대잡지 Vol.18 No.2

        To study the alterations of Na, K-AITPase in the regenerating liver cell membrane, after partial hepatectomy(70% ) of Sprague Dawley rat, the activity of Na, K-ATPase and ^3H-ouabain binding in the control or regenerated liver cell membrane were measured. Results are follows 1. In the cell membrane of regenrated liver for 3 days, the activities of Na, K-ATPase were decreased about 60% as compared to that of control liver. After 5 to 7 days from partial hepatectomy, the activities of Na. K-ATPase were restored. 2. Na, K-ATPase activities were increased by increase of Na concentration within reation medium in both control and regenerated liver cell membrance. EC_50, of the regenerated liver cell membrane was little different from control rat liver cell membrane. 3. Ouabain concentration for the inhibition of Na, K--ATPase activity(IC_50) in the regenerated liver was slightly higher than that in control liver. 4. In the ouabain-binding experiment, Kd in the regenerated liver was slightly lowered but maximum binding sites(Bmax) were decreased compared to that of control liver. 5. Na, K-ATPase activities per pump site were decreased about 40% in regenerated liver From these results, it is suggested that the decreased actvitv of Na-- pump in regenerating rat liver cell may due to the alterations of number and property of Na-pump.

      • 전신성 홍반성 낭창의 임상적 고찰

        신영태,이정호,신승훈,이강욱 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1989 충남의대잡지 Vol.16 No.2

        To elucidate the clinical feature and clinicopathologic correlation of systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE), the authors analized symptoms and signs, laboratory findings and kidney pathology in 25 patients with SLE who were admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital from My 1985 to October 1989. Kidny biopsy was performed in 15 patients out of 19 patients who showed lupus nephritis. The results were as follows: 1. The ratio of male of females was 1:11.5. They were 14 to 53 years old and mean age was 30.2 years old. The peak age incidence was 3rd and 4th decades. 2. The most frequent chief complaint on admission was fever and chills. Most patients had two or more symptoms such as arthralgia, malar rash, generalized edema or weakness. 3. In 84% of the patients, duration from onset of the disease to diagnosis of SLE was longer than 1 month, which suggested that diagnosis of SLE is not easy in early stage of SLE. 4. The positive anti -DNA was the most frequently observed ARA criteria of SLE. And positive ANA, malar rash, persistent proteinuria, leukopenia, positive LE cell preparation, arthritis and oral ulcer were observed in order of frequency. 5. The frequent and pertinent general symptoms, not included in ARA criteria were fever and chills, arthralgia and abdominal pain which were observed in more than half of the patients. 6. On immunologic test, serum concentrations of C3 and C4 were decreased in 96% of the patients, serum concentration of Ig G, Ig A were increased in 65%, 36.8% and 26.3% of the patients respectively. The RA test was positive in 25% of the patients. 7. Lupus nephritis represented 76% of all SLE patients and pathological classification on 15 patients with lupus nephritis revealed class IV lupus nephritis in 9 patients(60%), class II n 3 patients (21%), class V in 2 patients(13.3%) and class III in 1 patient. 8. 7 out of 9 patients with class IV lupus nephritis and 1 out of 2 patients with class V lupus nephritis showed nephrotic syndrome. Progressive azotemia were observed in 3 out of 9 patient with class IV lupus nephritis and in 1 out of 2 patients with class V lupus nephritis. There were no nephrotic syndroms or azotemia in class II and class III lupus nephritis. 9. Of 17 patients who can be followed up, 9 patients were improved, 5 patients became progressive azotemia and 3 patients resulted in death. The causes of death were myocarditis with pericarditis in 1 patients, pneumonia with acute respiratory failure in 1 patient and CNS involvement of SLE in 1 patient.

      • 3'-Methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene이 백서의 정상 및 재생간의 EGF Receptor 변동에 미치는 영향

        홍장희,허강민,석정호,이재흔 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        To study the changes of EGF receptors in the rat liver regeneration and hepatic carcinogenesis, ^125I-EGF binding sites were measured in the regenerated liver cell membrane after partial hepatectomy of normal rat and 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene treated rat. 1. EGF binding sites (Bmax) in the normal rat liver cell membrane were 553.8fmole/mg protein and were markedly decreased at the 1st day after partial hepatectomy. These sites were increased at the 3rd day(Bmax-161.0fmole/mg protein) and were 29% of the normal liver EGF binding sites. 2. EGF binding sites (Bmax) in the normal cell membrane of the 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene-treated rat, were 72.8fmole/mg protein and were significantly less than those in the normal rat live cell membrane. At the 1st day after partial hepatectomy, EGF binding sites were markedly decreased and increased at the 3rd day (Bmax=155.8fmole/mg protein). 3. Kd values in EGF receptor binding were not much altered in both liver cell membranes of the normal rat and the 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene treated rat. From these result, it is suggested that decreased EGF binding sites in the liver cell membrane of regenerating rat liver and 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene treated rat may be due to the alteration of EGF receptor number.

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