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        Development of a Reduction Algorithm of GEO Satellite Optical Observation Data for Optical Wide Field Patrol (OWL)

        Sun-youp Park,Jin Choi1,Jung Hyun Jo,Ju Young Son,Yung-Sik Park,Hong-Suh Yim,Hong-Suh Yim,Hong-Kyu Moon,Young-Ho Bae,Jang-Hyun Park 한국우주과학회 2015 Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences Vol.32 No.3

        An algorithm to automatically extract coordinate and time information from optical observation data of geostationary orbit satellites (GEO satellites) or geosynchronous orbit satellites (GOS satellites) is developed. The optical wide-field patrol system is capable of automatic observation using a pre-arranged schedule. Therefore, if this type of automatic analysis algorithm is available, daily unmanned monitoring of GEO satellites can be possible. For data acquisition for development, the COMS1 satellite was observed with 1-s exposure time and 1-m interval. The images were grouped and processed in terms of “action”, and each action was composed of six or nine successive images. First, a reference image with the best quality in one action was selected. Next, the rest of the images in the action were geometrically transformed to fit in the horizontal coordinate system (expressed in azimuthal angle and elevation) of the reference image. Then, these images were median-combined to retain only the possible non-moving GEO candidates. By reverting the coordinate transformation of the positions of these GEO satellite candidates, the final coordinates could be calculated.

      • 초음파로 진단된 자궁동정맥 기형 2예

        최홍준,이해혁,김태희,김정식,남계현,이권해,박성진 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Arteriovenous fistula of uterus is a very rare cause of massive uterine bleeding. However, it is important to make a rapid and precise diagnosis when it does occur, because life-threatening massive vaginal bleeding may occasionally be a symptom of this disease. Uterine curettage or surgical trauma can cause vascular abnormalities, including pseudoaneurysms, acquired ateriovenous malformations, ateriovenous fistulas, and rupture of vessels. The diagnosis is made by angiography, and gray scale ultrasonography, color and duplex doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging is helpful. Ultrasonography is the most commonly performed initial imaging examination for evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding. Color and duplex Doppler US is an appropriate modality for the detection and diagnosis of uterine ateriovenous malformations and for follow-up after embolization. Transcatheter embolization has replaced hysterectomy as the treatment of choice in women wish to retain thier fertility. A case of arteriovenous malformation of the uterus which was diagnosed by ultrasonography. So reported this case with a brief review of the literature.

      • 여가, 레크리에이션, 놀이에 대한 개념 연구

        최용민,주동엽,김홍식 東新大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the terms, Leisure, Recreation, and Play in an attempt to explain the complex phenomena of the terms. It is achieved by reviewing past literature. The reasons for developing definitions and ways of measuring these terms are to help both the practicing leisure professional and those who study the leisure phenomena. By defining and measuring these terms, we can more accurately predict the consequences and actions of our work as leisure professionals. One can also be provided a better understanding of the phenomena of the terms. For the research methodology, a descriptive study, which is to present a detailed picture of the phenomena hilt does not attempt to test or build theoretical models, was used for this study. On the basis of the results analyzed in the study, findings were made as follows. Leisure can be viewed from a number of different perspectives. Some theorists suggest that leisure is an element of time, whereas others have perceived it as a set of unique activities in which individuals participate. Recreation can be viewed as a wholesome activity in which individuals participate in their leisure time. Recreation is a more commonly used and understood term among the general public than either leisure or play. Play is an exceedingly interesting, yet diverse and different topic to identify. Many theories have emerged to describe play. However, today it has no generally accepted explanation or definition. Unfortunately, confusion interpreting leisure, recreation, and play was found in this study. Based on the results of this study, this researchers offer one possible view of the terms for the further studies. The new terms defined are provided.

      • KCI등재후보

        네트웍 기반 학습시 공학적 사고가 창의적인 학습능력에 미치는 영향과 변화분석

        최명식,진홍주 경희대학교 디자인연구원 2005 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        The purpose of this study is offer the data that supplies the self-regulated learning strategy based on a learner's individual quality through the changes of components in self-regulated learning ability according via network. To achieve that goal, the problem-based model via network based on prior research was developed. The model was divided into five steps :introduction, problem grilling, search, achievement, and evaluation & regulation. The experiment group was composed entirely of 3rd high school student who were studying in polytech school, also, based on the result of this study, the various and more specific teaching-learning programs have to developed, according to the learner's cognitive character and the specific factors of self-regulated learning ability and apply them to student for extension of learner's individual study educational specialists study about utilization method that is reflected the special features of network-based learning and problem-based learning and can be real help to many teachers in schools.

      • 농형호전자의 유효절삭조건에 관한 연구(2)

        최홍식,이주상,김희남 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1995 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        This paper proposed on the effective cutting conditions of cage motor rotor by turning. If you want introduce automatic manufacturing system into the cutting process of cage motor rotor, the selections of effective cutting conditions are necessary. The cutting process of cage motor rotor requires the precision and the out of roundness of cage motor rotor. The surface roughness of cutting face, it is very important factor with effect on the magnetic flux density of cage motor rotor. The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of cutting conditions. Upon adapting this results, we will improve the production rate in the cutting process of cage motor rotor. As a result, the selection of cutting conditions are important factors to production rate. And these are chosen by the investigations of cutting characters and surface roughness. The experimental result, showed that the increase of cutting speed caused the decrease of cutting force and the high surface integrity. The increase of feed rate and increase of depth of cut caused the increase of cutting force and surface roughness. Thus, the effective cutting conditions of cage motor rotor by turing are cutting speed 291m/min, feed rate 0.10mm/rev, depth of cut 0.05mm.

      • 지역경제의 생태학적 평가에 관한 연구 : 낙동강 유역을 중심으로 The case of Nakdong River region, Korea

        윤갑식,김홍배,최세호 漢陽大學校 環境工學硏究所 1998 環境科學論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        본 연구에서는 수질오염이 산업폐수, 가계하수 그리고 토지유출수의 3가지 요소에 의해서 발생된다는 가정을 바탕으로 환경수준과 경제활동 사이에 존재하는 상반관계를 낙동강유역을 대상으로 분석하였다. 분석에는 다지역 투입산출모형이 이용되는데 이때의 다지역 투입산출표는 행정구역이 아닌 유역권을 기준으로 작성되었고 이를 바탕으로 목표년도(2010)의 낙동강 유역 수질수준을 예측하였다. 또한 수질을 개선하기 위해 두가지 정책 즉, 자체처리시설을 증설하는 정책과 종말처리장을 증설하는 정책을 제시하고 이것을 정책에 소요되는 비용과 정책효과 측면에서 평가하여 지역별 가장 효율적인 정책을 제시하였다. 마지막으로 GRDP에서 수질오염에 의해 발생하는 환경비용을 고려한 ERDP(환경적으로 조정된 지역내 순생산)를 제시하였다. This paper analyzes the trade-off relationship between environmental quality and economic activity, specifically focusing on water pollution of Nakdong-river region, Korea. The analysis begins with the assumption that water is contaminated by three pollutive sources, production sector, household sector and land surface water. Three-region input-output table is constructed based on the Catch basin area not administrative area for analysis. Water polluting level of Nakdong river region in the year 2010 is forecasted taking into account the pollutive sources. Also, two types of environmental policies are presented and assessed in terms of pollution abatement costs and effects. Finally, the interest in this paper stems from recent advances in so-call EDP(environmentally adjusted net domestic product) which reflects environmental costs in GDP. The paper attempts to calculate ERDP(environmentally adjusted net regional domestic product) by incorporating EDP into regional level with the assumption that environmental costs are represented by water pollution abatement costs.

      • 비인두 암종에서 Epstein-Barr virus 감염과 p53 유전자 변이의 관계

        박영식,최홍란 전남대학교 치과대학 2001 구강과학 Vol.13 No.1

        Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is a common neoplasm of the head and neck, and commonly found in Southeast Asia. Epstein ­ Barr virus(EBV) is found within the malignant cells in most cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The p53 gene has been implicated as a tumor suppressing gene in many types of human cancers, but the frequency of mutations varies in different cancers. To find out the correlation between EBV infection and p53 mutation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, we evaluated the presence of EBV using EBER ­ 1 in situ hybridization and a mutation of p53, using PCR ­ SSCP analysis and DAN sequencing method. We examined nasopharyngeal specimens from 33 patients, histologicaly consisting of 27 cases of nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (WHO ­ Ⅱ) and 6 cases of undifferentiated carcinoma (WHO ­ Ⅲ) according to the World Health Organization claasification. EBER1 were detected in 14 of 33 (42.4%) cases. Positive hybridization signals were restricted to the nuclei of tumor cells. Of 14 cases 14 cases, 11 out of 27 (40.7%) cases of WHO ­ Ⅱ, and 3 out 6 (50%) cases of WHO ­ Ⅲ were positive. 33 biopsy specimens were analyzed by PCR ­ SSCP for p53 gene mutations. Our study concentrated on exons 5 through 9 of the p53 gene. However, we did not detect any mobility shifts n exon 5/6, 7 and 8/9 of the p5 gene in comparison to the banding patterns of the normal control. The reliability of the SSCP analysis was confirmed by sequencing five randomly chosen specimens for the exon 5 ­ 9 region. Among five cases, 4 out 5 cases were EBER1 positive and histologially WHO ­ Ⅱ, and 1 out of 5 cases were EBER1 negative and WHO ­ Ⅲ. We detected point mutation in 3 cases were EBER ­ 1 positive and WHO ­ Ⅱ. No alteration of the exon 7 and 8/9 of the p53 sequence was observed. Alteration occurred in 2 out of 3 cases; GCC was replaced by GTC at codon 131, resulting in a change in amino acid sequence from alanine to valine. In one 3 cases, TCC was replaced by TTC at codon 149, resulting in a change from arginine to arginine. Based on the above results, this study shows correlation between the presence of EBV and mutations of the p53 gene, suggesting contributions to malignant transformation in nasopharynx. We need to futher investigate this situation to understand the stepwise progression of nasopharyngeal carcinogenesis.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선소 근로자에서의 국소진동장해 진단방법에 대한 평가

        손 홍,전순자,주영수,조성일,최홍렬,김미경,김형식 大韓産業醫學會 1998 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        A hand-arm vibration syndrome, local vibration illness, occurs in some workers who use hand held vibration tools. It consists of white fingers, diffusely distributed finger neuropathy, pain in the hand and arm, and a small excess risk of osteoarthritis. This study is aimed to identify effective methods to confirm local vibration illness among various health exams, which are mentioned in worker's special health exam regulation. In addition, this study is aimed to quantitatively assess the daily vibration exposure level as a major determinant of vibration illness. The subjects, 46 vibration workers, were selected according to the results of the first special health exam about vibration hazards at shipbuilding industry in 1997. They all had experiences of work related blanching of fingers. Fifteen controls, who had no vibration exposure at all, were also recruited to compare their test results with the results of vibration workers. We adopted I subjective and 6 objective tests to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility for confirming local vibration illness. These tests were history taking of subjective symptoms according to the Stockholm classification, checking blood pressure of finger, checking grasp power, checking finger skin temperature, nail-bed pressing test, vibration perceptional threshold test, and skin prick test for pain perception. Among these, checking skin temperature, nail-bed pressing test, and vibration perception test included cold water provocations. We also estimated some vibration exposure levels of hand held vibration tools by using previously published data from one automobile company. In conclusion, history taking of subjective symptoms according to the Stockholm classification, nail-bed pressing test, and vibration perceptional threshold test were discovered to be effective to diagnose local vibration illness. Furthermore, vibration perceptional threshold on right fingers showed a dose-response relationship to daily vibration exposure levels. The parameter β was 0.0005(±0.0002), and statistically significant by REM(random effects model).

      • 규칙적인 수영운동이 중년여성의 체력수준에 미치는 효과

        조홍관,윤석창,최명식 군산대학교 체육과학연구소 1999 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        This study was to test the relationship between regular physical exercise and physical fitness in middle aged women. These subjects were 55 volunteers who agreed with intention of this study and were composed of 20 active group(B), 15 active group (C) and 20 non-active group. The selected physical fitness tests were grip strength and back strength for measuring muscular strength, sargent jump and standing broad jump for measuring power, push-up, sit-up, and heart rate for measuring total endurance, reaction time and side step test for measuring agility, stick test and stork stand for measuring balance, and trunk flexion and trunk extension for measuring flexibility. The conclusion acquired was as follows: 1) Grip strength had significant difference between active group(C) of 21.9±6.1 kg and non active group of 28.2±7.0 kg (p<.05). 2) Sargent jump was significantly higher active group(B) of 36.2 ±7.2 cm than with non-active group of 30.4±8.2 cm (p<.05), and higher with active group(C) of 42.4±11.4 cm than with active group(B) of 36.2±7.2 cm (p<.05). Standing broad jump was significantly higher with active group(B) of 167.6±24.5 cm than with non-active group of 146.8±23.9 cm (p<.05), however, was not significant difference between active group(B) and active group(C). 3) Push-up showed significant difference between active group(C) of 11.4±2.8 times and non-active group of 7.2±4.8 times(p<.05), and sit-up between active group(C) of 17.0±4.5 times and non-active group of 13.4±4.9 times(p<.05), and heart rate between active group(C) of 110.9±9.8 beats/min and non-active group of 123.4±10.2 beats/min (p<.05). 4) Reaction time was significantly higher with non-active group of .371±0.26 sec than with active group(C) of .331±0.26 sec(p<.05), and higher with active group(B) of .331±0.26 sec than with active group(C) of .312±0.41 sec (p<.05). Side step test was lower with non-active group(13.2±1.6 times) than with active group(B)(14.2±1.4 times), however, was not significant. 5) Stick test showed not significant difference between active group(C) of 11.5±3.6 sec and non-active group of 10.5±4.2 sec, and stock stand between active group(C) of 4.5±0.7 sec and non-active group of 4.0±0.9 sec. 6) Trunk flexion came out not significant difference between active group(C) of 17.0±7.3 cm and non-active group of 16.8±7.1 cm, and trunk extension between active group(C) of 42.2±8.8 cm and non-active group of 43.8±6.9 cm.

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