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        급성 조증에서 기분안정제와 리스페리돈의 병합 투여 효과 : 다기관 개방연구

        김광수,배치운,윤진상,김영훈,이양현,지익성,이철,송혜경,최성구,박원명 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.2

        Ohjective : The primary purpose of this study was a replication of the effectiveness and tolerability of rispehdone in the treatment of patients with acute mania in very larger cohon in naturalistic treatment setting to extend the data on the effect and tolerability of risperidone in the treatment of patients with acute mania to Asian population. Methods : A total of 909 patients with DSM-TV criteria of bipolar disorder current manic and hypomanic episode, entered this large, open, multicentre study. The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), Clinical Global Impression (CGI) and Simpson-Angus Rating Scale (SARS) were measured at baseline and weeks 1, 3 and 6, for the assessment of effectiveness and extra-pyramidal symptom (EPS). Results : This study showed statistically significant reduction of scores on the YMRS and CGI-s (mean change=-23.5±11.8, p<0.0001 ; mean change=-2.7±1.5, p<0.0001, respectively) from the baseline to the endpoint (week 6). Number of patients with 50% reduction or more in the YMRS and CGI-s scores was 693 (77.8%) and 630 (70.7%) at endpoint, respec-tively. There were no statistically significant increments of scores on SARS. Risperidone was generally well tolerated. Conclusion : The present larger open study demonstrates that hsperidone add-on therapy is effective and tolerable in treat-ment of bipolar disorder, replicating results in various controlled and uncontrolled studies from Western countries.

      • KCI등재

        Becoming Global Citizens through Global Literature: A Case Study of English Teacher Candidates in Korea

        Chee Hye Lee(Chee Hye Lee) 한국영어어문교육학회 2022 영어어문교육 Vol.28 No.4

        This study investigates the ways in which English teacher candidates in Korea can cultivate global citizenship through reading and responding to global literature. While reading Kashmira Sheth’s Keeping Corner, a story of a young Indian girl navigating her life as a widow, they were invited to build their own intercultural understanding through participating in various critical literacy activities. Employing a qualitative research method, this study analyzes the texts that they produced during the class. The findings reveal that through self-reflexivity they were able to move beyond a surfacelevel conceptualization of culture usually represented as specific artifacts or traditional practices and then recognize the dynamic factors that play a role in constructing their cultural identities. In addition, they were able to make personal, local, and global relevance and significance and thereby identify some issues that local and global communities are currently facing. Although many raised their awareness on global citizenship by deconstructing the self-other dichotomy and recognizing multifaceted aspects of one’s lived experience, the study also identifies some challenges in unraveling deeply rooted ideologies and superiority, as well as apathy toward local and global relevance and significance in a one-semester course. Finally, this study calls for more integration of global citizenship education into teacher education programs.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of the Korean Military as a Bridgehead for the Spread of English

        ( Chee Hye Lee ) 21세기영어영문학회 2017 영어영문학21 Vol.30 No.1

        This study explores the role of the Korean military as a bridgehead for the spread of English through the lens of English Linguistic Imperialism (ELI). In so doing, it is particularly concerned with the question of how Galtung`s (1980) four distinct categories (cC, pC, cP, and pP) of the structure of imperialism, or the Center-Periphery dichotomy, can apply to the introduction and expansion of English in the socio-historical and political contexts of Korea during the nation-building period (1945-the 1960s). The U.S. Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK) (1945-1948) declared English to be the official language of Korea and, in modernizing the Korean military, paid special attention to English education. Connected with the dominant power of the USAMGIK (cC), the Korean military became the new elite group (cP) in Korean society. Enjoying supremacy over the civilian sector, the Korean military committed to playing a pivotal role in spreading English into the civilian sector (pP). Not only anglocentricity, or the supremacy of English, but also professionalism, typically represented by the English Language Teaching (ELT) method of audiolingualism, was widely disseminated from the U.S. military to the Korean military, and then to the Korean public. Though short-lived, the language policy and practices of the USAMGIK have had a long-term effect on English education in Korea. The spread of English in Korea, in this sense, cannot be disassociated from the military as one of the social institutions.

      • KCI등재

        Mock Chinese : A Case Study of Korean Entertainment Shows

        Chee Hye Lee 한국중원언어학회 2017 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.42

        This paper explores implicit racism toward the Chinese national group portrayed in the Korean media. Based on language ideology, an arbitrary interpretation on a language or a linguistic variable of performers shown in Korean media, the Chinese language has been dismantled, and thereby recreated as Mock Chinese, a jocular speech form simply to mimic Chinese speakers. Obtained from five different Korean entertainment shows with special reference to phonological features, and then analyzed, Mock Chinese is characterized by such findings as non-Korean consonant and vowel phonemes including diphthongs, and hyper-use of rhotacization, resulting in its drastic mispronunciation and heavy deviation from Korean phonology. This paper attempts to shed light on the language ideology-based racism from what has been observed in Mock Chinese in Korea. The implicitly disguised Mock Chinese is interpreted as a degraded form of the Chinese language, which is sociolinguistically perceived as a subordinate language in the Korean context. The belittling and ridiculing practices inherent in Mock Chinese contribute to rationalizing, legitimatizing, and naturalizing the dominance of Korean over the Chinese language and Chinese national group in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Reflections on Americanism in English Spelling: -o(u)r

        ( Lee Chee Hye ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2020 현대영어영문학 Vol.64 No.3

        As a sociohistorical approach to Americanism in the ‘-o(u)r’ spelling, the present study investigates both dynamics and fluidity that occur in a process of their own spelling reforms in the US and the UK. It also examines to what extent British English and American English have been consistent in their use of ‘-our’ and ‘-or’ respectively, when it comes to the issue of fluidity in particular. However, despite such an apparent contrast between the two varieties of English, British English is revealed to share more with the American ‘-or’ ending than American English with the British ‘-our’ ending. This study attempts to account for this unbalancing state of affairs based on a phonological rationale leading to the isochrony of stress-timed languages including English. Aligned with this approach is a general tendency to show that the Americanism for the ‘-or’ spelling is gradually on the rise not only in Kachru’s expanding circle countries but also in some, but not all, of the ex-colonial countries belonging to Kachru’s outer circle. (Hannam University)

      • KCI등재

        The Rise and Fall of English in East Asia: A Comparative Study of China, Japan and Korea

        ( Lee Chee Hye ) 한국현대언어학회 2017 언어연구 Vol.33 No.3

        Despite their being in the same category of Kachru’s expanding circle, China, Japan, and Korea are in a different state of affairs regarding their general aspects of English, as presented in this paper. In order to give a plausible account of this difference, the term indexicality is used as part of language ideological approach to the spread of English. Defined as the relationship between the language and its social context, the indexicality of English can be realized as different indexicals, depending on different socio-historical events experienced by each of the three countries. Whereas the indexicality of English has socio-historically gone through the negative process in both China and Japan, such has not been the case with Korea. In contrast to the status of English as the enemy’s language in Japan during World War II and also the status of the language as the evils in China during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76), in Korea it has remained still unchanged with positive indexicals. The difference in socio-historically accumulated indexicals seems to be, implicitly or explicitly, related to and/or responsible for different aspects of English seen today in China, Japan, and Korea. (University of Seoul)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Exoticism of the Other: (Mis)representations of Culture in English Textbooks in Korea

        Chee Hye Lee 한국영어교육학회 2023 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.78 No.4

        This study investigates the social construction and continual (re)production of the cultural Other through educational materials, focusing on Korean middle school English textbooks. Twelve middle school English textbooks from four publishers were collected and analyzed, with a focus on how they (mis)represent cultures and practices of minority groups. Utilizing critical content analysis to examine both visual and written texts in the textbooks, this research uncovers recurring patterns of exoticizing and commodifying Hawai’ian culture, homogenizing African culture, and romanticizing Indigenous peoples. The findings contribute significantly to our understanding of how cultural representations in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) textbooks shape perceptions and influence societal dynamics. They also illuminate how these representations reflect and perpetuate Eurocentric colonialist discourse. Moreover, the results underscore the importance of equipping educators, especially English teachers, with critical literacy. This empowers them to identify hidden power relations that reinforce stereotypes, and actively engage in the construction of a more inclusive and equitable society.

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