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        지속가능발전교육 관점에 입각한 웹기반 기후변화 환경교육이 초등학생의 환경 인식 및 태도에 미치는 영향

        정창규,이상원 이화여자대학교 사범대학 교과교육연구소 2010 교과교육학연구 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구는 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화 환경교육이 초등학생의 환경 인식과 태도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 선행연구 고찰을 통하여 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화교육에 관한 교수·학습 모형 및 프로그램을 개발하고, 학습 현장에 적용하였다. 그 효과를 검증하기 위한 검사지는 황수정(2009)이 개발한 설문지를 재구성하였으며, 연구과정에서 얻어진 정량적 자료는 SPSS 12.0 프로그램을 이용하여 분석하고, 정량적 분석의 한계를 보완하기 위하여 정성적 분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 첫째, 지속가능발전 관점에서 바라본 기후변화에 관련된 내용을 추출 및 재구성하여 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화 환경교육을 위한 교수·학습 모형을 개발하고, 이를 바탕으로 환경교육 프로그램을 구안 및 적용시켰다. 둘째, 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화 환경교육 프로그램이 초등학생의 환경 인식 및 태도에 긍정적 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화 환경교육 프로그램의 적용은 지식적 측면에서는 차이를 보이진 않았다. 넷째, 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화 환경교육 프로그램을 적용한 후에 환경 인식이 높은 학생일수록 환경태도가 높게 나타났다. 결론적으로 웹기반을 활용한 기후변화 환경교육 프로그램은 초등학교 학교현장에 적용 가능하며, 다양한 환경교육 방법이 요구되고 있는 시점에서 새로운 교육방법으로써 그 가치가 크다고 할 수 있다. 차후 이와 관련된 심층적인 연구와 교수ㆍ학습 활동에 관한 후속 연구가 필요하다고 본다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the web-based climate change educational program on environmental awareness and attitudes of 5th grade elementary school students in Gyeonggi-Do. The students were divided into an experiment group and a control group. A reconstructed questionnaire through Hwang(2009)`s test tool was used to survey the affects of web-based climate change educational programs. The SPSS 12.0 program was used to analyze the results. The major results of this study were as follows: First, the researcher was able to develop and apply a professor-learning model for web-based climate change environmental education by extracting and recreating the climate change-related contents from 5th and 6th grader curriculum. Second, the web-based climate change educational program had a positive effect on elementary school students’ environmental awareness and attitude. Third, after implementing the web-based climate change educational program, the students with higher environmental awareness showed a higher regard for the environment. In conclusion, the web-based climate change educational program was effectively used on elementary school students and the program proved to have a positive affect on 5th graders’ environmental awareness and attitude. Therefore, in-depth study and follow-up research on teaching and learning activities should be highly considered.

      • KCI등재

        주희(朱熹) 지각론(知覺論)과의 비교를 통해 본 김창협 지각론(知覺論)의 특징

        이창규 ( Lee Chang Gyu ) 한국철학사연구회 2017 한국 철학논집 Vol.0 No.52

        본 논문은 주희(朱熹)와 김창협의 지각론(知覺論)을 비교함으로써 김창협의 지각론(知覺論)이 어떠한 특징을 띄는지 살펴보았다. 주재(主宰)의 측면에서, 주희(朱熹)는 한편으로는 지각(知覺)을 주재(主宰)를 통해 나타난 상태로 여겼고 다른 한편으로는 주재(主宰)를 가능케 하는 주체의 작용으로 여겼다. 김창협은 지각(知覺)이라는 표현을 부각시키는 과정에서 이러한 혼용을 해소하고 지각(知覺)을 한정적인 의미에서 재정의했다. 그는 심(心)의 여러 측면 중에서 주재(主宰)의 주체 측면에 해당하는 작용이 지각(知覺)이며, 주재(主宰)를 가능하게 하는 작용, 혹은 주재(主宰)를 행하는 주체 자체를 지각(知覺)이라고 상정했다. 그리고 지각(知覺)을 성(性)이나 정(情)과 구분하고 지각(知覺)의 작용을 상술함으로써 주재(主宰) 주체로서의 심(心)의 역할을 구체화시켰다. 그러나 지각(知覺)과 성(性)의 구분에서 주체와 본성의 괴리라는 문제가 발생한다. 이는 기(氣)가 리(理)와 별개로 움직인다고 볼 수 있으므로 이기불리(理氣不離)를 침범한다고도 볼 수 있다. 김창협 당대에 제기된 지각(知覺)의 소이연(所以然)이 무엇인가 하는 쟁정은 이 문제를 거론한 것이다. 김창협은 지각(知覺)과 성(性)을 각각 주재(主宰)의 주체와 대상으로 구분하려 했으므로, 한편으로는 소이연(所以然)이 아닌 소당연(所當然)으로서의 성(性)을 강조하고 다른 한편으로는 지각(知覺)의 근거가 기(氣)의 허령(虛靈)함이라고 주장했다. 기(氣)의 허령(虛靈)함으로 근거를 제시하는 것은 지각(知覺)의 소이연(所以然)이 되는 리(理)가 무엇인가 하는 질문에 대한 회피에 가깝다. 또한 성(性)이 소당연(所當然)으로 설정될 경우 지각(知覺)이 성(性)을 갖추고 작용으로 드러날 때는 이기불리(理氣不離)라고 할 수는 있지만 주체인 지각(知覺) 자체는 여전히 성(性)과 구분되므로 이기불리(理氣不離)에 대한 문제제기가 완전히 해결된 것이라고는 할 수 없다. 주희(朱熹)는 지각(知覺)을 지(智)의 용(用)이라고 주장하여 지각(知覺)의 소이연(所以然)을 지(智)로 설정한 것처럼 보이기도 하지만 불교 비판에서 지각(知覺)을 언급할 때는 김창협과 유사하게 성(性)을 지각(知覺)의 소당연(所當然)으로 설정하기도 했다. 주희(朱熹)가 성(性)을 지각(知覺)의 소이연(所以然)으로 설명하려 했는가에 대해서 재고의 여지가 있는 셈이다. 지각(知覺)의 소이연(所以然) 문제에 대한 해명은 주자학의 체계를 공고히 하려 했던 조선 학자들에 의해 심각한 문제로 떠오른 것이다. 지각(知覺)과 본성의 관계에 있어서는 주희(朱熹)와 김창협은 유사한 관계에 있다고도 볼 수 있다. 따라서 지각(知覺)을 주체의 측면에만 한정하고 구체화하려고 한 것만을 김창협 지각론(知覺論)의 특징이라 꼽을 수 있을 것이다. This research focuses on the theory of Zhi-jue(知覺) by Kim Chang-Hyup(金昌協) through comparison between Kim Chang-Hyup`s and Zhu Xi(朱熹)`s. In the point of supervision, Zhu Xi considered that Zhi-jue is one of the conditions caused by supervision, one the other hand, it is the action that make possible supervision. Kim Chang-Hyup emphasize the concept of Zhi-jue itself, he considered that Zhi-jue is the action that make possible supervision, and separate Zhi-jue from Xing(性) or Qing(情). In this process, Zhi-jue became the subject itself about supervision, so the mix about relation between Zhi-jue and supervision is solved. But there is a problem about gap between Zhi-jue and the nature from separate between Zhi-jue and Xing. Kim Chang-Hyup intend to separate Zhi-jue and Qing as subject and object, so he considered that Xing is not a reason of Zhi-jue, but rules. It`s not a answer about what is the reason of Zhi-jue. Yet Zhu Xi also considered that Xing is the rules of Zhu-jue, only in the case that Zhi-jue means the resulf of supervision, Zhi-jue is considered as the effect of Zhi(智). So the relation problem about Zhi-jue as a subject and the nature is brought up by Joseon scholar who attempted to arrange the concepts of neo-confucianism. Eventually, in case of the relation about Zhi-jue and Xing, King Chang-Hyup and Zhu Xi has a common point, only in case of the relation about Zhi-jue and supervision, Definding Zhi-jue as the subject of supervision is the character of Kim Chang-Hyup`s theory of Zhi-jue.

      • KCI등재

        A Longitudinal Study on the Prevalence of Major Adult Chronic Disease in Korean Employees between 2001 and 2010

        Lee, Gyu-Jang,Kim, Soon-Ki,Kim, Hye-Young,Lee, Chang-Kyou,Lee, Seung-Gwan,Cho, Kyung-Jin 대한임상검사과학회 2012 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.44 No.1

        The Korean GDP per capita doubled during the last 10 years. As the GDP increases, Korean health behaviors such as, eating, drinking, smoking, and exercise habits changed as well. Compared to the remarkably advanced diagnostic technologies and therapeutics during the last decade, the leading causes of death in Korea scarcely changed. Among the leading causes of death, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and hypertension are closely related to health behaviors. Using the database of medical check-up between 2001 and 2010, the authors performed a longitudinal study for the prevalence rates and the trends of major chronic adult diseases among the 2,721 workers along with their health behavior. Among the diagnostic test items, fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and BMI levels showed steady increase and these three test items all showed linear trends (p<0.001). The average blood sugar and cholesterol levels were near worrying levels. Moreover, the average BMI of males was found to be at the overweight level, intimating the possibility reaching thee Obese Class I level soon if there are no aggressive counter measures. Fasting blood sugar and cholesterol levels were higher in a drinking group as compared to a non-drinking group, and the BMI levels were also higher in the drinking group and the smoking group as compared to the non-drinking and the non-smoking group (p<0.001). Finally, the authors believe that the fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and BMI levels should be designated as target monitoring test items in the medical check-up for Korean employees.

      • KCI등재

        A Longitudinal Study on the Prevalence of Major Adult Chronic Disease in Korean Employees between 2001 and 2010

        ( Gyu-jang Lee ),( Soon-ki Kim ),( Hye-young Kim ),( Chang-kyou Lee ),( Seung-gwan Lee ),( Kyung-jin Cho ) 대한임상검사과학회 2012 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.44 No.1

        The Korean GDP per capita doubled during the last 10 years. As the GDP increases, Korean health behaviors such as, eating, drinking, smoking, and exercise habits changed as well. Compared to the remarkably advanced diagnostic technologies and therapeutics during the last decade, the leading causes of death in Korea scarcely changed. Among the leading causes of death, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease, diabetes, liver disease and hypertension are closely related to health behaviors. Using the database of medical check-up between 2001 and 2010, the authors performed a longitudinal study for the prevalence rates and the trends of major chronic adult diseases among the 2,721 workers along with their health behavior. Among the diagnostic test items, fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and BMI levels showed steady increase and these three test items all showed linear trends (p<0.001). The average blood sugar and cholesterol levels were near worrying levels. Moreover, the average BMI of males was foundto be at the overweight level, intimating the possibility reaching thee Obese Class I level soon if there are no aggressive counter measures. Fasting blood sugar and cholesterol levels were higher in a drinking group as compared to a non-drinking group, and the BMI levels were also higher in the drinking group and the smoking group as compared to the non-drinking and the non-smoking group (p<0.001). Finally, the authors believe that the fasting blood sugar, cholesterol and BMI levels should be designated as target monitoring test items in the medical check-up for Korean employees.


        A New MPEG-2 Rate Control Scheme Using Scene Change Detection

        Park, Sang-Gyu,Lee, Young-Sun,Chang, Hyun-Sik Electronics and Telecommunications Research Instit 1996 ETRI Journal Vol.18 No.2

        We propose two new rate control schemes to improve MPEG-2 rate control in view of visual quality when scene changes happen. Two proposed schemes are characterized by real-time and non real-time improvement to reduce the impact of scene changes. We also propose a new target-bit prediction method using spatial activity of pictures and present a simple and efficient scene change detection scheme using signed difference of mean absolute difference (MAD). Computer simulation results show that the proposed real-time algorithm effectively alleviates visual quality degradation after scene changes. The proposed non real-time algorithm gives maximum 2 dB improvement in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) at a scene-changed picture, compared with MPEG-2 rate control scheme and it shows better quality than the real-time one.

      • 農民技術受容에 影響을 주는 要因의 比較分析 : 關係機關과 情報傳達媒體를 中心으로

        鄭址雄,崔敏浩,金性洙,徐圭善,李昶植 서울大學校 農科大學 1984 서울대농학연구지 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to analyze the variables affecting farmers' adoption process of agricultural innovations in Korea. Specific objectives of the study were to ; (1) review the adoption process and the variables associated with this process, (2) investigate the rate of adoption of selected agricultural innovations in the fields of rice production, animal husbandary and horticulture, (3) analyze communication media and change agencies or institutions which affected the adoption of agricultural innovations, and (4) identify the relations of the farmers' adoption and communication exposure behavior. Data for the study were collected from 393 cluster sampled farmers out of selected 17 rural villages in Korea. Five graduate students and three faculty members of Seoul National University participated in conducting interview with pre-tested questionnairs. The data were analyzed by HP 3,000 computer in the College of Agriculture, Seoul National University. Major statistical techniques used for the study were frequency distribution, chi-square and discriminant analysis. Statistical significance was tested at .05 level. The major findings of the study were as follows : 1. Variables associated with the agricultural adoption process were classified into the following six categories ; (1) perceived characteristics of agricultural innovations, (2) personality and characteristics of adopters, (3) the patterns of communication media or channels, (4) efforts of change agents. (5) priorities in agricultural development policies, and (6) characteristics of social system. 2. Rats of adoption were about 83% in application of silicate fertilizers on rice seed bed, 41% in feeding calf starter known as artificial milk to calves, 56% vinyl mulching practices in vegetable cultivation, and 67% in spreading raw rice straw on paddy land to improve soil conditions. 3. Time lag between awareness and adoption appeared to be about seven months in application of silicate fertilizers on rice seed bed, and about a year in feeding calf starter. 4. Change agent interpersonal communication revealed to be the most important factor affecting farmers' awareness in application of silicate fertilizers on rice seed bed, in feeding calf starter, and in spreading raw rice straw on paddy land, while localite interpersonal communication in vinyl mulching practices in vegetable cultivation. 5. Change agent interpersonal communication appeared to be the most important factor affecting farmers' adoption in application of silicate fertilizers on rice seed bed and in feeding calf-starter, Localite interpersonal communications were more important in vinyl mulching practices of vegetable cultivation and in spreading raw rice straw. Localite interpersonal communications were more important factor at adoption stage than at awarenss stage. 6. Agricultural extension agencies appeared to be the most important factor affecting farmers' adoption in application of silicate fertilizers on rice seed bed, in feeding calf starter, and in vinyl mulching practices. Based on the results of this study, the following are recommended for further development of agricultural extension services and effective adoption process of agricultural innovation. 1. The variables associated with the agricultural innovation decision process should be taken into consideration to improve effectiveness of change agencies or agricultural extension services. 2. Effective use of communication media along with the feedback messages from the change agency as well as client system be considered to increase effectiveness and meaningfulness of both systems. 3. Innovative agricultural research be continually sharpen its focus on the highest priority needs of client system by utilizing feedback from farmers through the communication link of change agents. 4. A long-term educational approach by using various communication media be emphasized, and regular field survey on innovation-decision process will prevent discontinuance of innovations.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        무증상 갑상선기능저하증 환자에서 Thyroxine 치료에 따른 혈청 지질 및 아포지단백의 변화

        조보연,신찬수,김원배,고창순,김성연,박혜영,박건상,이홍규,박형규,김숙경 대한내분비학회 1996 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.11 No.1

        Background: Subclinical hypothyroidism(SCH) is a common biochemical abnormality which can be found in routine screening tests of thyroid function. We are increasingly faced with the question of whether its an indication for thyroxine replacement therapy. The effect of thyroxine replacement on lipid profile in SCH has aroused a great interest because of an association of overt hypothyroidism(OVH) with hyperlipidemia and increased risk of coronary artery disease. Method: We prospectively evaluated the changes in lipids and apoproteins before and after thyroxine replacement therapy in 23 patients with SCH and in 37 patients with OVH. We measured serum total cholesterol and triglyceride using autoanalyzer, high density lipoprotein(HDL) chole-sterol by dextran sulfate method, Apo A1 and Apo B by immunonephelometric assay. Results: Thyroxine replacement therapy significantly decreased total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol and apo B levels, but did not affect the level of triglyceride, HDL cholesterol or apo AI in patients with OVH. In SCH, thyroxine replacement therapy with the doses to normalize serum TSH concentrations also decreased significantly the level of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol albeit apo B levels did not change. Moreover, in most of patients with OVH (11 of 12) and in all of patients with SCH(5 of 5) who had had hyperchlesterolemia before treatment, thyroxine replament normalized their cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Conclusion: In regard to the beneficial changes in blood lipid levels, patients with SCH should be treated, especially in cases who have other risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. If thyroxine replacement only will reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease in SCH remains to be elucidated by long-term prospective studies(J Kor Soc Endocrinol 11:41-51, 1996).

      • KCI등재

        방사선조사가 Porphyromonas gingivalis에 미치는 영향

        이창환,김규태,최용석,황의환 대한구강악안면방사선학회 2008 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.38 No.1

        Purpose : The aim of this study was to observe a direct effect of irradiation on the periodontopathic Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis). Materials and Methods : P. gingivalis 2561 was exposed to irradiation with a single absorbed dose of 10, 20, 30, and 40 Gy. Changes in viability and antibiotic sensitivity, morphology, transcription, and protein profile of the bacterium after irradiation were examined by pour plating method, disc diffusion method, transmission electron microscopy, RT-PCR, and immunoblot, respectively. Results : Viability of irradiated P. gingivalis drastically reduced as irradiation dose was increased. Irradiated P. gingivalis was found to have become more sensitive to antibiotics as radiation dose was increased. With observation under the transmission electron microscope, the number of morphologically abnormal cells was increased with increasing of irradiation dose. In RT-PCR, decrease in the expression of fimA and sod was observed in irradiated P. gingivalis. In immunoblot, change of profile in irradiated P. gingivalis was found in a number of proteins including 43-kDa fimbrillin. Conclusion : These results suggest that irradiation may affect the cell integrity of P. gingivalis, which is manifested by the change in cell morphology and antibiotic sensitivity, affecting viability of the bacterium.

      • KCI등재후보

        烏貝散이 흰쥐 胃의 Gastrin, Histamine, Somatostatin 면역반응세포에 미치는 영향

        이시섭,나현욱,고병문,이광규,이창현 대한동의병리학회 2001 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.15 No.5

        To investigate the elects on the administration of Opae-san in rats. Opae-san (500mg/day) and omeprazole(10mg/day) were administration with stomach tube for 4 weeks and 8 weeks. This experiment were investigated numerical change of immunoreactive cells of gastric, histamine and somatostatin in rat stomach mucosa by the immunohistochemical method. The results were as follows : 1. In Opae-san administration group for 4 weeks, the number of gastric immunoreactive cells were increased in one and a half times than that of control group. In omeprazole administration group for 4 weeks, the number of gastric immunoreactive cells were increased in four times than that of control group. In Opae-san administration group for 8 weeks, the number of gastric immunoreactive cells were increased four times than that of control group. In omeprazole administration group for 8 weeks, the number of gastrin immunoreactive cells were increased in six times than that of control group. 2. In Opae-san administration group for 4 weeks, the number of histamine immunoreactive cells were increased in two times than that of control group. In omeprazole administration group for 4 weeks, the number of histamine immunoreactive cells were increased in six times than that of control group. In Opae-san administration group for 8 weeks, the number of histamine immunoreactive cells were increased three times than that of control group. In omeprazole administration group for 8 week, the number of histamine immunoreactive cells were increased in seven times than that of control group. These results suggest that Opae-san extracts inhibit the secretion of gastric acid and this extract use to therapeutic herb of gastric disorders related to the hyperacidity and gastric ulcer.

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