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      • 湖南大學生의 價値觀 및 意識構造에 關한 調査硏究

        李敏永 湖南大學校 1984 호남대학교 학술논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of this research were to investigate the views of the value and consciousness of the H. N. College students and to get data for guidance and counseling. Questionnaire consisted of 40 items was administered to the 921 students: male 574 and female 347. The major results of this research can be summarized as follows: 1) Most students thought of firstly health, secondly love and thirdly personality as the important values of their life. 2) They believed that success in life depended on their own efforts. 3) Most of them assumed that religion was necessary to their lives because human being is very weak by nature. 4) They regarded cooperation and personal excellence as the important factors of national development. 5) Many students showed a tendency to talk with friends about their anguishes, and 64% students had experiences of dating with the other sex. 6) Most of them entered college to become a man of character, chose the major field by their aptitude and interest, and worried mostly about finding their future jobs after graduation. They pointed out the atmosphere of studying as the first criteria of desirable college. They also hoped to enter advanced course after graduation and to get occupation. 7) Most of them thought of character and expert knowledge as criteria of desirable professor. They wished to discuss their concerns with professors, but they had not have that opportunities owing to their nervousness.

      • KCI등재

        Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum in Pregnant Women

        이민영,김명희,이우인,강소영,전유라 연세대학교의과대학 2016 Yonsei medical journal Vol.57 No.5

        Mycoplasma hominis (M. hominis) and Ureaplasma urealyticum (U. urealyticum) are important opportunistic pathogens that cause urogenital infections and complicate pregnancy. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence, effects on pregnancyoutcomes, and antimicrobial susceptibilities of M. hominis and U. urealyticum. We tested vaginal swabs obtained from 1035 pregnant women for the presence of genital mycoplasmas between June 2009 and May 2014. The laboratory and clinical aspectsof genital mycoplasmas infection were reviewed retrospectively, and the identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of genital mycoplasmas were determined using the Mycoplasma IST-2 kit. A total of 571 instances of M. hominis and/or U. urealyticumwere detected. Of them, M. hominis was detected in two specimens, whereas U. urealyticum was detected in 472 specimens. The remaining 97 specimens were positive for both M. hominis and U. urealyticum. Preterm deliveries were frequently observed in cases of mixed infection of M. hominis and U. urealyticum, and instances of preterm premature rupture of membrane were oftenfound in cases of U. urealyticum. The rates of non-susceptible isolates to erythromycin, empirical agents for pregnant women, showed increasing trends. In conclusion, the prevalence of M. hominis and/or U. urealyticum infections in pregnant women is high, and the resistance rate of antimicrobial agents tends to increase. Therefore, to maintain a safe pregnancy, it is important to identify the isolates and use appropriate empirical antibiotics immediately.

      • KCI등재

        미국 통신재난 대응법제의 시사점

        이민영 충북대학교 법학연구소 2019 과학기술과 법 Vol.10 No.2

        As is commonly accepted, the failure of telecommunications infrastructure leads to preventable loss of life and damage to property, by causing delays and errors in emergency response and disaster relief efforts. In U.S.A, the focus on enabling disaster risk reduction exists in supporting state, local, and tribal governments nationally with efforts to prepare for the impacts of situation change that are occurring and expected to occur. On the basis of U.S. legislations, disaster and emergency has become to the subjects of management and recovery, with the Homeland Security Act defending against terrorist attacks and responding to large- scale emergencies rapidly emerging as top priorities for the government, which is conformable to the Stafford Act set as the statutory framework encouraging hazard mitigation measures to reduce losses from disasters. This thesis argues on establishment of disaster and safety management systems and concretization to prescribe matters necessary for the disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery, and disaster and safety management, against emergent disaster of telecommunications. To preserve CI(Critical Infrastructure) correspondent to NRF(National Response Framework), each major broadcasting communications service provider shall establish a plan for the management of disasters in communications by ensuring the public benefit and public nature of communications in response to a new communications environment with analyzing the critical role of communications infrastructure in all of phases of disaster prevention and recovery. From the viewpoint of comparative analysing with U.S.A, the role of operation and structure related to DHS(U.S. Department of Homeland Security) is regulated as the core scheme provided by 「Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety」 and 「Framework Act on Broadcasting Communications Development」 in Korea. Consequently speaking, the issues in this article is focused on the glocal(not only global but also local) consensus in compromise with normative and practical logic substantial to countermeasure against emergent disaster of telecommunications reflected on fire accident caused by Korea Telecom, which legislates the criteria founded by cross- checking upper two Framework Acts suggestive of from jurisprudential comparison in hyper-connected society.

      • KCI등재

        키츠의 시를 통해 보는 『리어왕』: 「다시 한 번 『리어왕』을 읽으려고 앉아서」

        이민영 한국영미어문학회 2020 영미어문학 Vol.- No.137

        존 키츠는 셰익스피어의 열정적인 독자 중 한 사람이다. 그는 특별히 “다시 한 번 『리어왕』을 읽으려고 앉아서”라는 소네트를 통해 셰익스피어와 『리어왕』에 대한 자신의 생각을 보여주고 있다. 키츠는 부정적 수용능력이 뛰어난 시인으로 셰익스피어를 예로 들었고 그러한 셰익스피어에 의해 탄생한 『리어왕』이 위대한 작품이라고 말한다. 그러므로 키츠는 『리어왕』을 반복해서 읽었으며 『리어왕』 읽기와 『리어왕』 자체에 대한 감상, 그리고 그로 인해 형성한 자신의 주요개념을 이 소네트에서 보여주고 있다. 먼저 이탈리아 소네트 형식으로 시작하던 소네트가 후반부는 셰익스피어 소네트 형식을 따르고 로맨스에게 안녕을 고하면서 셰익스피어를 따르려는 자신의 의지를 드러낸다. 셰익스피어와 같은 불사조 같은 위대한 시인의 반열에 오르기를 소망한다. 키츠가 보기에 『리어왕』의 주제는 고통 가운데 있는 흙과 같은 인간의 존재에 대한 질문이다. 이 의문을 해결하는 핵심으로 bitter-sweet 이라는 표현을 사용했다. 키츠는 『리어왕』 감상을 통해 얻은 이러한 깨달음을 삶과 문학에 대한 자신의 생각에 접목시켰다. 자신의 정체성이 없는 카멜레온 같은 시인은 뛰어난 부정적 수용능력으로 삶의 극단을 수용한다. 연약한 흙에 불과한 인간이 결국 겸손히 필멸의 인간 운명을 받아들이는 과정은 그 영혼의 진정한 정체성을 빚어가는 과정이 된다. 그러므로 키츠에게 있어서 삶은 “영혼을 만드는 골짜기”이다. 그뿐만 아니라 부정적 수용능력이 있는 능동적인 독자 키츠에게 『리어왕』은 그가 반복해서 읽을 때마다 그 자체로 “영혼을 만드는 골짜기”가 된다.

      • KCI등재

        Challenges in ‘Intercultural Dialogue’ Among the Non-governmental Organizations for Integrating North Korean Migrants in South Korean Society

        이민영 사단법인 한국융합기술연구학회 2023 아시아태평양융합연구교류논문지 Vol.9 No.11

        For social integration between North and South Korean society, an intercultural approach is necessary for North Korean migrants and South Korean residents. Among various efforts to provide social services, there is needed to resore of relationships between existing South Korean non-governmental organizations (hereafter NGOs) and North Korean migrant organizations. Nevertheless, there has been a lack of research on how to approach them, making it challenging to develop an intercultural approach for NGOs working on social integration. This study focused on the experiences of NGOs involved in providing social services to North Korean migrants to explore the challenges of 'intercultural dialogue' between North Korean migrants and South Korean society. To achieve this, the partnership process between North Korean NGOs and South Korean NGOs was analyzed. An exploratory qualitative design was employed, and personal interviews were conducted with seven participants, including two North Korean migrant managers. The results of the thematic analysis revealed that building trust for partnership was difficult due to the gap between same-ethnic ideology and anti-North Korea ideology in the multicultural context. To diminish practical risks in partnership, the NGOs attempted to cooperate temporarily using their strengths, which were the resources of the South Korean NGOs and service users of the North Korean NGOs. However, due to socio-political constraints, the NGOs primarily concentrated on addressing their weaknesses rather than collaborating. South Korean NGOs made efforts to embrace and respect North Korean culture, fostering equal participation by the migrants as citizens. North Korean NGOs worked on expanding their networks with foreign organizations and securing their economic stability. These results underscore the complexities and significance of not only organizational aspects in partnership but also the socio-political context of partnerships among NGOs in the multicultural service delivery system.

      • KCI등재

        은허빈조복순복사(殷墟賓組卜旬卜辭) 험사연구(驗辭硏究) -내용 분류 및 사건의 재구성을 중심으로

        이민영 한국중문학회 2016 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        驗辭是占卜後所應驗的記錄,也是殷代當時發生過的眞實事件。筆者曾對殷墟賓組卜辭的驗辭進行硏究,提出驗辭的判斷依據和主要內容。本文特以賓組卜旬卜辭爲硏究範圍,首先說明卜旬卜辭的形式特點,亦指出其驗辭記錄帶有憂患意識。再對賓組卜旬卜辭的驗辭進行分析,得出以下結果: 第一,爲了闡明殷代人對나些事件認爲是憂患,將驗辭內容分類爲``軍事威脅``、``月蝕``、``暴雨與氣象變化``、``疾病·受傷·死亡``以及``奴隸(捕虜)之逃亡``等五種,幷擧例指出: ―``軍事威脅``:主要記錄敵國的入侵,是內容最多且當時被認爲最大的憂患之一; ―``月蝕``:記錄不多,但從其內容出現於卜旬卜辭的驗辭此事,可看出當時人也將像月蝕的天文現象認爲是一種憂患; ―``暴雨與氣象變化``:卜旬卜辭驗辭中的天氣記錄與氣象卜辭驗辭性質不同,這幷不是一般天氣現象,而是災禍的記錄; ―``疾病·受傷·死亡``:這也是有關災禍的記錄,又是``突然的、非正常的``意外事件; ―``奴隸(捕虜)之逃亡``:當時在某一特定期間中多出現奴隸的逃亡事件,而且人們認爲這也是一種憂患。 第二,在上述硏究的基礎上,本文對當時發生的事件按時間先後順序重新整理,幷嘗試擧兩個例子展現出文獻未載的活生生的記錄,以顯示作爲史料的驗辭的價値。

      • KCI등재후보
      • 초점 : 행정정보의 활용과 개인정보의 보호

        이민영 정보통신정책연구원 2006 정보통신정책 Vol.18 No.21

        이 글에서는 (1)컴퓨터시스템과 네트워크를 활용한 방법으로 정보전달의 신속성·정확성의 확보, 지리적·시간적 한계의 극복, 종이문서사용의 절감 등의 효과를 유발하는 행정정보의 공동이용 및 (2) 범죄예방이라는 공익적 목적을 위해 폐쇄회로텔레비전의 운용으로 화상정보의 취급이라는 행정정보를 활용함에 대하여 개인정보에 관한 정보주체의 권리제한의 적합성에 관하여 살펴보기도 한다. 지난 6월 행정자치부는 「행정정보공동이용법(안)」을 입법예고한 바 있으며 정보통신부는 「CCTV 개인영상정보보호 가이드라인(안)」제정 공청회를 개최한 바 있어 그 향방이 주목될 뿐 아니라 두 사안 모두 개인정보를 포함하는 행정정보의 활용에 관한 것이기에, 결국 헌법상 일반 원칙에 부합하고 개인정보의 보호에 관한 국제기준에 부합하는지에 대하여 실질적으로 되짚어보아야 하기 때문이다.

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