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      • KCI등재

        태아 영아의 생존 한계의 변화에 대한 연구

        최창원,황종희,심재원,김성신,고선영,이은경,장윤실,박원순,Choi, Chang Won,Hwang, Jong Hee,Shim, Jae Won,Kim, Sung Sin,Ko, Sun Young,Lee, Eun Kyung,Chang, Yun Sil,Park, Won Soon 대한소아청소년과학회 2003 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.46 No.12

        목 적 : 본 연구는 서울에 소재한 삼성서울병원 신생아중환자실에서의 시기에 따른 태아 영아의 생존 한계의 변화를 알아보기 위해서 시행되었다. 방 법 : 1994년 11월부터 2002년 12월까지 삼성서울병원 신생아중환자실에 입원하였던 출생체중 800 g 미만의 초극소미숙아 73명, 재태연령 27주 미만의 초극소미숙아 117명이 연구대상이었다. 연구대상 초극소미숙아들의 의무기록을 생존여부와 만성폐질환, 미숙아 망막증, 뇌실내 출혈와 뇌실주위 백질연화증을 포함하는 주요 합병증들의 발생유무를 중심으로 조사하였다. 태아 영아의 생존 한계는 생존율이 50%에 도달하는 시점으로 정의하였고 총 연구기간을 1998년 이전(제 1기)과 1999년 이후(제 2기)의 두 시기로 나누어 태아 영아의 생존 한계와 주요 합병증의 발생빈도를 비교하였다. 결 과 : 태아 영아의 생존 한계는 제 1기에는 출생체중 800 g대, 재태연령으로는 26주 대에서 제 2기에는 출생체중 600 g대, 재태연령으로는 24주 대로 현저히 낮아졌다. 제 2기에서의 이 한계 출생체중 대와 재태연령 대에서의 주요 합병증들의 발생빈도는 50% 미만이었다. 주요 합병증들의 발생빈도는 출생체중이나 재태연령이 감소함에 따라서 반드시 증가하지는 않았다. 결 론 : 본 연구의 결과, 본원에서는 출생체중이 600 g 이상이거나 재태연령이 24주 이상인 초극소미숙아들에게는 적극적으로 소생술을 시행해야 할 것으로 생각된다. 이 출생체중과 재태연령의 초극소미숙아에서 주요 합병증이 발생할 위험은 그보다 조금 더 큰 출생체중, 더 많은 재태연령의 그것보다 크지 않은 것으로 보인다. Purpose : To determine the change in the limit of viability in fetal infants and the incidence of major complications in neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) at Samsung Medical Center(SMC). Methods : Sevety-three infants weighing less than 800 g at birth and 117 infants born earlier than 27 weeks gestational age, who were admitted to NICU at SMC between November 1994 and December 2002, were enrolled. Their medical records were reviewed with a focus on the survival and major complications, including chronic lung disease, retinopathy of prematurity, intraventricular hemorrhage, and periventricular leukomalacia. The limit of viability in fetal infants was defined as the birth weight or gestational age at which a 50% survival rate is reached and the incidence of major complications were compared by period(period I : Nov. 1994-Dec. 1998, period II : Jan. 1999-Dec. 2002). Results : The limit of viability in fetal infants was markedly lowered from birth weight range of 800-900 g or gestational age range of $26^{+0}-26^{+6}$ weeks in period I to birth weight range of 600-700 g or gestational age range of $24^{+0}-24^{+6}$ weeks in period II. The incidence rates of major complications at the limit of viability were all less than 50% in period II. There was no definite trend toward increased incidence of major complications as birth weight get smaller and gestational age get younger. Conclusion : Our results indicate that at present, fetal infants whose body weight is over 600 g, or whose gestational age is over 24 weeks should be resuscitated vigorously. The risk of major complications at this birth weight or gestational age seems to be not greater than that at a bigger birth weight or an older gestational age.

      • KCI등재

        전남 신안지역어의 어휘 연구

        최창원 ( Choi Chang-won ) 한민족문화학회 2018 한민족문화연구 Vol.63 No.-

        이 연구는 전남 신안지역어의 어휘 연구를 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로 그들 어휘를 표준어와 비교하여 어원적으로 차이를 보이는 어휘, 어간이 확장되거나 축소된 어휘, 음운변화와 관련된 어휘로 나누어 논의하였다.먼저 표준어와 어원적으로 차이를 보이는 어휘들은 ① 표준어에서 한자어인 경우 신안 지역어에서는 고유어로, ② 표준어의 고유어가 지역어에서는 한자어로, ③ 표준어의 고유어가 지역어에서는 다른 고유어로 나타나는 경우가 많이 있었고, 그 외에도 ④ 비유적인 표현에서 온 것, ⑤ 의성어에서 온 것 등이 있었다.다음으로 어간이 확장된 어휘들로는 ① 어간에 ‘으’가 첨가된 것, ② ‘ㅂ-변칙동사의 어간’의 이형태 ‘Xㅂ-’와 ‘X우-’가 ‘X우-’로 단일화되는 과정에서 ‘Xㅂ-’가 ‘X웁-’으로 확장된 것, ③ 접미사가 통합되어 파생된 어간 등이 있었다. 한편 ④ 어간이 축소된 어휘들로는 동화나 탈락에 의한 것이 있었다.끝으로 음운 변화와 관련된 어휘들로는 ① ‘ㅸ’의 변화, ② ‘ㅿ’의 변화, ③ 체언 어간말 ‘ㅊ’와 ‘ㅌ’의 변화, ④ 원순모음화, ⑤ 체언 어간말 ‘Vy’의 변화에 의한 것들이 있었다. This article’s purpose is to study Sinan regional vocabulary in Korean. It discussed the differences between Standard Korean language to Sinan regional vocabulary, such as etymological difference, stem extension/reduction, and euphonic changes.Firstly, there are the etymological differences between Standard Korean langage and Sinan regional vocabulary: ① Sino-Korean words in Korean Standard Language vs. Native words in Sinan regional vocabulary, ② Native words in Standard Korean Language vs. Sino-Korean words in Sinan regional vocabulary, ③ Native words in Standard Korean Language vs. different native words in Sinan regional vocabulary, ④ Metaphorical expressions in Sinan regional vocabulary, and ⑤ Onomatopoeia words in Sinan regional vocabulary.Secondly, there are the differences from stem extension and stem reduction: ① ‘i(으)’ vowel addition to the stem, ② the extension of ‘Xp(ㅂ)-’ into ‘Xup(웁)-’ when the allomorph ‘Xp (ㅂ)-’ and ‘Xu(우)-’ are unified ‘Xu(우)-’ in the so-called ‘p(ㅂ)’ irregular verbs stems. ③ derivational stems which are combined the suffixes. ④ assimilation or reduction on the reduction of the stems of some vocabulary in Sinan regional langauge.Finally, there are the difference in terms of euphonic changes, such as the changes of consonants ① ‘β(ㅸ)’ and ② ‘z(ㅿ)’, the noun stem final ③ ‘ch(ㅊ)’ and ‘kh(ㅋ)’, ④ vowel rouding and ⑤ the noun stem final ‘Vy’.

      • ATM 트래픽 특성을 고려한 트래픽 쉐이핑 기법

        최창원,김태윤,Choi, Chang-Won,Kim, Tai-Yun 한국정보처리학회 1995 정보처리논문지 Vol.2 No.5

        ATM 트래픽의 다중화시 셀 지연 변경(cell delay variance)에 의한 트래픽의 특성 변화로 인하여 셀밉집 현상과 셀 분산 현상이 발생된다. 이러한 현상들은 셀 스트림 의 버스티니스를 증가시키고 네트워크의 폭주 상태를 유발하게 된다. 따라서 입력 스 트림을 일정한 간격으로 네트워크나 트래픽 제어 기능으로 전송하는 트래픽 쉐이핑 기능이 필요하다. 기존 방법들의 대부분이 입력 트래픽을 동일한 특성을 갖는 트래픽 으로 간주하여 연구를 수행하였지만, 본 연구에서는 입력 트래픽을 손실과 지연의 관 점으로 트래픽 특성을 고려한 트래픽 쉐이핑 기법을 제안한다. 입력 트래픽의 특성을 고려한 쉐이핑 모델과 알고리즘을 제시하고 셀 지연 변경의 크기에 따른 트래픽 영향 을 연구한다. 제안된 기법을 가상 스케쥴링 기법(virtual scheduling algorithm)과 비교하여 쉐이핑 기법의 효율성을 평가한다. 실험 결과 제안된 기법이 지연에 민감한 트래픽인 경우 약 12%의 평균 지연의 감소와 손실에 민감한 트래픽인 경우 11%의 버 스티니스의 감소를 보였다. In ATM traffic multiplexing, the cell clumping and the cell dispersion are occured due to the cell delay variance(CDV) which changes the traffic characteristics. These cell variances increase the burstiness of t.he cell streams and make the network congested. The function of the traffic shaping is necessary to transmit the input streams into the networks or into the traffic policing schemes with some intevals. Most of the existing studies regard the input traffics as the traffic with the identical characteristics. In this study, the traffic shaping is processed by considering the traffic characteristICS with t.he loss-sensitive traffic and the delay-sensitive traffic. The traffic shaping model and the traffic shaping algorithm which considers the" characteristics of input streams have been presented. The traffic effect On t.he CDV size is also studied. The proposed scheme is compared to Virtual Scheduling Algorithm(VSA) and the efficiency of the proposed scheme is evaluated. According to the simulation results, t.he mean delay is decreased about 12% in delay-sensitive traffic and the traffic burstiness is decreased about 11 % in loss-sensitive traffic.

      • KCI등재

        역대의가(歷代醫家)들의 허노(虛勞)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 고찰(考察) - 간노(肝勞)를 중심(中心)으로 -

        최창원,이강녕,이영수,김희철,곽정진,Choi Chang-Won,Lee Gang-Nyoung,Lee Young-Soo,Kim Hee-Chul,Kwack Jeong-Jin 대한한의학방제학회 2002 大韓韓醫學方劑學會誌 Vol.10 No.1

        From the 24 kinds of literature on the Consumptive disease, it can be concluded as follows. 1. The consumptive disease is the Imparement of deficiency type due to overstrain. it is a general term for these all symptom such as and Deficiency of primordial Qi and Essence of life and blood. 2. The excessive fire due to Yin-Deficiency and the injury of spleen-stomach is accounted much of the cause of Consumptive disease. 3. The main cause of the Hepatic asthenia are the Anger, Consumption and over-thinking. 4. The symptoms of the Consumptive disease are mainly caused by the functional disorder of Liver taking charge of tendons. storing and regulating blood, Heart being in charge of blood circulation. taking charge of mental activities. Spleen taking charge of muscles, transforting and transforming nutrients. Lung taking charge of skins and hairs, taking charge of respirations, Kidney taking charge of bones, storing essence of life. 5. The main symptoms of Hepatic asthenia are flaccidity of muscles and temeons which causes limited movement caused by muscular atonia and the loss of bightness of eyes. 6. The main treatments of Consumptive disease are the invigorating the Spleen-stomach and the invigorating the Kidney and storing essence of life. 7. The treatments of Hepatic asthenia are the moderating the middle and the nourishing the muscles and tendons.

      • KCI등재

        말초신경병증으로 추정되는 비증(痺證) 치험 1례

        최창원,Choi, Chang-Won 대한한방내과학회 2009 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.30 No.3

        Peripheral neuropathy is a disease of multiple Peripheral nerves. Tingling, pins-and needles, numbness, burning and raw sensation are symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. These symptoms are frequently complained by patients who suffered from obstructive syndrome of Ki and blood (痺證). This case was reported to evaluate the effects of oriental medicine therapy on a patient with obstructive syndrome of Ki and blood (痺證). The subject was a female patient who had obstructive syndrome of Ki and blood (痺證). She complained of calf pain, cold sense, walking discomfort, insomnia, dyspepsia, anorexia etc. We administered the medicine with dispeling the cold pathogenic factor (寒邪), adjusting the constructive and defensive energy (調營衛), tonifying the Ki and blood (補氣血) by stage. After the treatment, the symptoms improved. This case suggests that oriental medicine therapy can be applicable to improve in symptoms with Peripheral neuropathy.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Cytoplasmic Inclusions Induced by Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Strain A and B

        최창원,Choi, Chang-Won,Gardner, Wayne S. Korean Society of Electron Microscopy 1994 Applied microscopy Vol.24 No.2

        Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) strain A에 감염된 수수 (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) 품종 HOK와 strain B에 감염된 Pioneer 8680의 엽세포를 미세구조적으로 비교연구한 결과 종단면과 횡단면으로 초박절편된 표본에서 다양한 원통형 봉입체의 형성이 관찰되었다. MDMV strain A와 B는 세포질 내에 존재하는 특별한 봉입체의 유무에 따라 뚜렷이 구별되었다. MDMV-B에 감염된 Pioneer 8680 수수 엽세포는 pinwheels, bundles, scrolls, 그리고 laminated aggregates 형태의 원통형 봉입체가 관찰된 반면, MDMV-A에 감염된 HOK 수수 엽세포에서는 laminated aggregates가 결여되어 있다. 특히 laminated aggregates의 유무와 관련하여 MDMV 두 strain간에 원통형 봉입체의 미세구조적 차이점은 potyvirus군을 아군으로 분류하는 형태학적 지표가 되어왔다. laminated aggregates가 존재하면 아군 III으로, 존재하지 않을 경우 아군 I로 분류될 수 있다. 이런 원통형 봉입체의 이형화는 바이러스 특이적 유도체로서, 아마도 감염의 발전에 따른 형태 발생을 발현하는 것으로 사료된다. Comparative ultrastructural studies of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) cultivar (cv.) HOK and cv Pioneer 8680 leaf cells separately infected with maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) strain A and B, respectively, revealed the formation of numerous cylindrical inclusions in both cross and longitudinal sections. The MDMV-A and -B were distinguished by the presence or absence of specific inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm. Electron microscope revealed the presence of pinwheels, bundles, scrolls, and laminated aggregates in Pioneer 8680 sorghum leaf cells infected with MDMV-B while no laminated aggregates were found in cells of HOK sorghum leaf cells infected with MDMV-A. Differences in the ultrastructure of cylindrical inclusions between two strains of MDMV, especially with respect to laminated aggregates, have been morphologically indexed to classify potyviruses into subdivision. The presence of laminated aggregates may be assigned to subdivision III while the absence of laminated aggregates is assigned to subdivision I. These variations of structures associated with cylindrical inclusions appeared virus-specific inductions and may be represented the morphogenesis of inclusion bodies following development of infections.

      • KCI등재

        반하후박탕(半夏厚朴湯) 추출물이 생쥐에 유발된 심리적 스트레스에 미치는 영향

        임세현 ( Se Hyun Lim ),정현윤 ( Hyun Yun Jeong ),원호영 ( Ho Young Won ),김형우 ( Hyung Woo Kim ),최창원 ( Chang Won Choi ),정향숙 ( Hyang Sook Jeong ),김영균 ( Young Gyun Kim ),조수인 ( Su In Cho4 ) 대한본초학회 2012 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.27 No.4

        Objective : Banhahubak-tang is indicated for globus hystericus, marked by a subjective sensation as if something stuffed in the throat, chest distress, cough or vomiting, greasy whitish, taut and smooth pulse. In this study, the effects of Banhahubak-Tang extract (BHTe) were tested for anti-stress action. Methods : BHTe was extracted by pure water using electronic extractor and then fed to ICR male mice (20±2g) orally with the dose of 100㎎/㎏/day for five days. Mice were exposed to sociopsychological stress by restraining and seeing foot shock stressed mice for one hour for five days. Results : BHTe administered group showed a tendency of decreasing of serum corticosterone secretion when compared with control group, and BHTe administration also significantly up-regulated noradrenaline secretions in the dorsal cortex of brain. Lipid peroxidation of the brain tissues of mice were tested by measuring malondialdehyde, but BHTe showed no significant change. The elevated plus-maze test was designed to detect the effect of anxiolytic drugs, and BHTe administered group showed a significant increase of latency time. Conclusions : These results suggest that BHTe can effectively rid the psychological stress and it`s related diseases.

      • KCI등재


        崔昌源(Choi, Chang-won) 중국어문학연구회 2019 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.116

        Qi Baishi is a famous contemporary Chinese water and wash painter with many ups and downs in his life. Born in a poor family, he has to be apprenticed to a master to learn carpentry when he was only 15 years old, in the process of which he fell great interest in Chinese painting and study Chinese water and ink painting on his own. When he was 27 years old, he was apprenticed to Hu Qinyuan and Chen Shaobo to learn Chinese poetry and painting, and draw portraits in his spare time. The rich experience laid a good foundation for his later career. In his middle age, Qi Baishi traveled far away for five times to open his horizon and then lived as a hermit in his home, Qinzhou, devoting himself to painting, calligraphy and seals carving. Many artistic works were produced at that time. In his old ages, he escaped to Beijing for civil war, where he changed his painting style and put forward some painting theories like Between Resemblances, From Order to Disorder and Transcending Worldliness, forming his own artistic characteristics. From grass-root class, he knows what is peace. In his mind, peace are an ordinary daily life, mountains far away, a pond in front of the door, shrimps in the river and insects on the tree. He created many humanistic and poetic works with the themes of cherishing life and loving nature, publicizing and practicing the idea of serving people with art. His painting Ode to Peace, which depicts a flock of flying peace doves, was highly appraised. After the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, Qi Baishi was held in high esteem domestically and abroad, and gained the International Peace Award. Many of his works created in his old age reflected his peace thought, that is, the inner balance of humans, good relationships among people and harmony between humans and nature. Based on the above contents, the article makes a tentative study of the characteristics of Qi Baishi’s artistic world and his peace thought.

      • KCI등재
      • 從 ≪漂海錄≫ 中人物形象看明朝社會現象

        최창원 ( Chang-won Choi ) 산업진흥원 2018 산업진흥연구 Vol.3 No.1

        本論文依照崔溥著《漂海錄》構成爲3卷, 1487年末崔溥從濟州島出發, 往全羅道羅州的途中, 他被漂流, 1488年初到達中國浙江省, 他被審問由他是倭寇就釋放, 從杭州到北京的水路旅途’ 在京由于聖恩領賞的故事及從北京經過遼東到平安道義州的陸路旅途等描寫的見聞錄, 以后飜譯日語和英語等, 所稱爲 ‘朝鮮的馬可·波羅’ ° 這本書對于中國江南地區表述的朝鮮初期唯一見聞錄° 本文通過對《漂海錄》中對明朝中期社會以及人物的描寫, 來表現當時古代韓國文人對中國的認識, 幷以古代韓國人的視覺來看明朝當時社會以及政治的特色和百態° 從而得知來在正視歷史的同時, 參考和借鑒古代韓國所記錄的外來文籍的重要性° This paper written by Choi Bu based on “Piaohailu”. This book consists of 3 volumes and it is his travelogue; Choi Bu has departed from Jeju Island to Naju, Jeolla province in the end of 1487, but it drifted on his way, so arrived to Zhejiang Province, China(Mid-Ming Dynasty) in early 1488. In this place, he interrogated with a reason for Japan pirates, but he released soon. And his waterway journey from Hangzhou to Beijing, he had received the award in Beijing which is the grace of the Emperor;and his land route journey from Beijing through Liaodong to Uiju, Pingan Province. Afterwards, this book had been translated in Japanese, English etc; and it had been awarded an alias of 'Chaoxian's Marco Polo'.From the description of the characters in the Mid-Ming Dynasty in the work of Pyohae-rok, the essay makes a study on the knowledge of ancient Korean scholars to China, and looks at the different social and political aspects and characteristics of the Ming Dynasty from the eyes of Korean scholars. It summarizes that when we face history squarely, it is important to refer to and draw on the foreign works recorded by ancient Korean scholars.

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