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      • KCI등재

        두 번의 반려동물 사별경험과 애도과정에 대한 내러티브 탐구

        장미애,김경희,유지영 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2023 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.31 No.4

        · Research topic: The context of two pet bereavement experiences and mourning processes within the experiences of one’s personal and social lives was explored. · Research background: With the increasing number of pets and social interest in pet loss, a qualitative research is needed to explore the pet bereavement experiences and mourning processes in detail. · Differences from prior research: Personal life stories were explored as narratives in order to deeply understand the two pet bereavement experiences and mourning processes. · Research method: The data were analyzed and interpreted using a three-dimensional narrative space (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). · Research results: The study participant’s narratives were reconstructed around six semantic themes: "A being who shares pain and joy," "A life disrespected," "A new connection formed by invisible ties," "Happiness rediscovered," "Completion of delayed mourning," and "Expansion of understanding of life." · Contribution points and expected effects: A comprehensive understanding of this study may contribute to bringing social support and empathy to those suffering from pet loss.

      • KCI등재후보

        ABO 및 RhD 혈액형 검사와 항체 선별검사를 위한 혈액은행 자동화장비 Galileo NEO와 QWALYS-3의 평가

        장미애,김대원,오종원,이승태,서지영 대한수혈학회 2014 大韓輸血學會誌 Vol.25 No.3

        Background:An automation system for ABO-RhD typing and antibody screening has been developed and its use is increasing. We compared the results of ABO-RhD typing and antibody screening tests using the manual (ABO-RhD typing) or semiautomated (antibody screening) method and with the automation instruments Galileo NEO (Immucor Gamma, Norcoss, USA) and QWALYS-3 (DIAGAST, Loos Cedex, France). Methods:A total of 332 blood samples were tested for ABO-RhD typing in comparison with routine manual tests, and 236 samples for antibody screening in comparison with DS-Screening II (Bio-Rad Laboratories, 1785 Cressier FR, Switzerland). We evaluated the performance of Galileo NEO and QWALYS-3 in terms of concordance, carryover, and sensitivity test for ABO-RhD typing and antibody screening. Results:The concordance rates of ABO-RhD typing results between the manual methods and the two instruments were 99.4% for Galileo NEO and 99.1% for QWALYS-3, respectively. On antibody screening tests, a concordance rate of 97.9% was observed between the semiautomated method and Galileo NEO or QWALYS-3, because of discordance in five specimens. The carryover was not observed for ABO-RhD typing and antibody screening. The overall sensitivity of the two automation instruments appears to be parallel with that of DS-Screening II except for anti-E. Conclusion:The Galileo NEO and QWALYS-3 system showed good performance, it can be used with confidence for routine pre-transfusion testing in the blood bank.

      • KCI등재

        Differences in Factors Associated with Albuminuria according to Gender and Comorbidities of Hypertension and Diabetes

        장미애,오소희,노혜미,천선영,오혜영,박경희,백유진,송홍지 대한가정의학회 2015 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.36 No.6

        Background: This study examined the differences in factors associated with albuminuria according to gender and comorbidities of hypertension (HTN) and diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods: We included 3,859 participants aged 20 to 79 years (55% female) from the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Participants were excluded if they took antihypertensive or anti-diabetic medication, had chronic renal failure, had malignant tumor, were pregnant or menstruating during the health examination, or had missing urine albumin data. Albuminuria was defined by the participant’s urine albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR). Relationships between dependent and independent variables were analyzed using the Pearson’s correlation test and simple linear regression. Due to possible muticollinearity, multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine whether the association between the dependent and independent variables of interest remained significant after adjustment for other potentially confounding independent variables. Results: The variables significantly correlated with uACR were different between the genders and between subjects with HTN or DM as a comorbidity. In the multiple linear regression models, hemoglobin A1c (P=0.01) was positively associated with uACR in men without HTN and DM. In men with HTN or DM, systolic blood pressure and fasting glucose (P<0.01) were positively associated with uACR. In women with HTN or DM, waist circumference (P=0.011) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (P<0.001) were positively correlated with uACR (P<0.05) and glucose level (P=0.019) was negatively correlated with uACR. Conclusion: The study suggested factors correlated with albuminuria were different for men and women according to comorbidities such as HTN and DM.

      • KCI등재

        노인의 영성이 우울에 미치는 영향 : 종교별 비교

        장미애,유지영 세명대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2023 人文 社會科學硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        · Research topics: The impact of spirituality on depression among older adults was examined by religion. · Research background: Spirituality may be a psychological protective factor which can lower depression among older adults. However, few studies have examined the impact of spirituality on depression by religion. · Differences from prior research: The impact of spirituality on depression among older adults was examined in more detail by dividing the religious groups into Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, and no religion. · Research method: The survey data of 1,880 older adults in Chuncheon area were used for analysis, and multiple regression analysis was conducted for each group according to religion (Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, no religion) using SPSS 26.0. · Research results: Spirituality was found to have a significant effect on depression only among the Christian group. · Contribution points and expected effects: It was confirmed that there were differences in the impact of spirituality on depression among older adults according to religion. · 연구 주제: 노인의 영성이 우울에 미치는 영향을 종교별로 비교하여 살펴보았다. · 연구 배경: 노인에게 있어 영성은 우울을 낮추어 줄 수 있는 심리적 보호요인으로 작용할 수 있다. 하지만, 영성이 우울에 미치는 영향에 대해 종교별로 세부적으로 비교하여 살펴본 연구는 거의 없었다. · 선행연구와의 차이점: 노인의 영성이 우울에 미치는 영향을 종교에 따라 불교, 개신교, 천주교, 무교 집단으로 구분하여 좀 더 세부적으로 비교하여 살펴보았다. · 연구방법: 춘천지역 노인 1,880명의 설문 자료를 분석에 활용하였고, SPSS 26.0 프로그램으로 종교(불교/개신교/천주교/무교)에 따라 각 집단별로 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. · 연구결과: 개신교 집단에서만 노인의 영성이 우울에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. · 공헌점 및 기대효과: 종교에 따라 노인의 영성이 우울에 미치는 영향에 차이가 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재

        百濟 末 政治 勢力과 百濟의 滅亡

        장미애 충남대학교 백제연구소 2013 百濟硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        This paper, the cause of the destruction and reconstruction movement of Baekje in the trend of political power by focusing on diplomatic recognition of the difference was investigated. This is a time when the fall of Baekje in the differentiation of political power, not just look at the problem of viewing the Baekje that time to respond to changes in the situation in Northeast Asia, the difference in the way one would pay attention to. Through this approach, the final destruction of Baekje 663 years, not 660 years has been estimated. Before the fall of Baekje political forces in the diplomatic recognition for Tang(唐) were showing their differences. Some of Baekje forces to overcome the crisis was to diplomatic negotiations with Tang. However, other forces thought that dispatched envoys toward Tang from 652 years to break and it was the cause relationship away. They were divided into two deferent forces. The forces of side claimed should be united with Goguryeo. The other forces claimed should be united with Wai(倭). The difference between these diplomatic recognition of Baekje attacks by the Allied Forces of Shilla-Tang can not respond effectively made. However, reconstruction movement of Baekje began shortly after the King Euija yield. The forces for reconstruction movement of Baekje tried to reconstruct Baekje through united with Wai(倭) or Goguryeo. During this period, particularly in the north of Imjonseong and south of Juryuseong who seems to be built at the same time the wire in order to combat the Allied Forces of Shilla-Tang. However, because of the conflict between political forces were defeated by the Allied Forces of Shilla-Tang. And Baekje in 663 years will bedestroyed after the battle in Baekgang. 본고는 백제의 멸망 원인과 이후 전개되는 부흥 운동에서의 정치 세력의 동향을 외교 인식의 차이라는 점에 주목하여 살펴보았다. 이는 백제 멸망당시 정치 세력의 분화를 백제 내부의 문제만이 아니라 당시 동북아시아의정세 변화과정에 대한 대응 방법의 차이에 주목하여 살펴보고자 한 것이다. 이러한 접근을 통해 백제는 660년이아니라 663년 최종적으로 멸망하였음을 추정하였다. 멸망 전 백제의 정치 세력은 당에 대한 외교 인식에 있어서 차이를 보이고 있었다. 부여융과 성충, 흥수 등을 중심으로 한 세력들은 당과의 외교적 협상 통해 위기를 극복하고자 하였다. 그러나 이와는 달리 652년 이후 당에 대한 사신 파견이 중단되면서 당과 관계가 소원해지고 있다고 생각한 세력들은 당이 아닌 왜・고구려와의 관계를 통해 나당연합군에 대항해야 함을 주장하였다. 이들은 다시 의직을 중심으로 고구려와의 연대를 통해 신라에 대한 공격에 중점을 두는 세력과 상영을 중심으로 하는 왜와의 연대를 통해 당군을 막는데 중점을 두는 세력으로 나뉘어 있었다. 백제 내부의 이러한 외교인식의 차이는 나당연합군의 공격에 효율적으로 대응할 수 없게 만들었으며, 결국 웅진성으로 도피하였던 의자왕이 잡히면서 백제는 멸망의 길을 가게 된다. 그러나 의자왕 항복 직후 일어난 백제 부흥군은 이후 왜 혹은 고구려와의 연대를 통해 백제의 재건을 위해 노력하였다. 특히 이 시기 백제 부흥군은 임존성과 주류성이라는 북부와 남부지역의 거점을 통해 북부에서는 주로 고구려와 남부에서는 왜와의 관계를 통해 남・북에서 전선을 구축함으로써 나당연합군에 대응하고자 한 것으로 생각한다. 하지만 남부 전선의 중심을 이루고 있었던 복신과 부여풍의 갈등과 이로 인한 부흥군 내부에서의 분열, 흑치상지 등 일부 세력이 당에 항복하면서 이루어진 이탈 등은 부흥군 자체의 운동력을 급격히 저하시켰다. 그러면서 부여풍과 왜의 연합군이 백강 전투에서 나당연합군에 패배하게 된다. 남-북 양쪽에서 전선을 형성하고 이를 통해 나당연합군에 대항하고자 했던 부흥군의 기본적인 전략이 무너지면서 북쪽에 남아 있던 임존성 지역의 지수신을 비롯한 부흥군 세력도 결국 나당연합군에 패배하게 하면서 백제는 최종적인 멸망을 맞게 된다.

      • KCI등재

        5세기 후반~6세기 중반 백제의 대외 정책과 백제-신라 관계의 추이

        장미애 수선사학회 2019 史林 Vol.0 No.68

        In the latter half of the 5th century, Koguryeo's attack on Baekje and Silla led to a solidarity between the two countries. However, the age of this period was not enough to express it as “alliance”. Baekje and Silla were responding jointly to Goguryeo according to their needs for their own benefit. In the 6th century, the attack direction of Goguryeo was changed from Silla to Baekje. Baekje also begins attacking Goguryeo while recovering its national strength. However, during this period, Silla put more effort into pursuing their own interests in the fighting between Goguryeo and Baekje. Silla took the Han River basin of Baekje in 553 and set up Shinju(新州). Since then, Baekje tried to revenge Silla through the battle of Gwansanseong(管山城), but they failed. After this incident, Baekje's rulers changed from Goguryeo to Silla, and until the fall of Baekje, the hard - line stance on Silla continued.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Identification of a Novel De Novo Variant in the PAX3 Gene in Waardenburg Syndrome by Diagnostic Exome Sequencing: The First Molecular Diagnosis in Korea

        장미애,이태현,이준남,조은해,기창석 대한진단검사의학회 2015 Annals of Laboratory Medicine Vol.35 No.3

        Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous hereditary auditory pigmentary disorder characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and iris discoloration. Many genes have been linked to WS, including PAX3, MITF, SNAI2, EDNRB, EDN3, and SOX10, and many additional genes have been associated with disorders with phenotypic overlap with WS. To screen all possible genes associated with WS and congenital deafness simultaneously, we performed diagnostic exome sequencing (DES) in a male patient with clinical features consistent with WS. Using DES, we identified a novel missense variant (c.220C>G; p.Arg74Gly) in exon 2 of the PAX3 gene in the patient. Further analysis by Sanger sequencing of the patient and his parents revealed a de novo occurrence of the variant. Our findings show that DES can be a useful tool for the identification of pathogenic gene variants in WS patients and for differentiation between WS and similar disorders. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of genetically confirmed WS in Korea.

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