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      • 청각장애인 조음 훈련 보조 시스템을 위한 입 모양 인식 방법

        한무(Han-Mu Park),정진우(Jin-Woo Jung) 한국지능시스템학회 2008 한국지능시스템학회 학술발표 논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        청각장애인이란 청각에 문제가 생겨 소리를 듣지 못하는 사람을 말한다. 일반적으로 선천적인 청각장애인은 언어 장애를 가지고 있는데, 이는 소리를 통한 언어 습득을 하지 못 했기 때문이다. 이러한 청각장애인을 대상으로 발음 및 발어 훈련을 반복적으로 하면 청각장애인도 말을 할 수 있는데, 이와 같은 언어 훈련 방식을 조음 훈련이라고 한다. 청각장애인의 조음 훈련은 숙련된 지도자가 필요하며, 훈련이 완료되기까지 긴 시간동안의 반복적인 지도가 필요하다. 이 때문에 모든 청각장애인을 대상으로 조음 훈련을 실시하기에는 현실적으로 무리가 있다. 따라서 조음 훈련을 보조해 줄 수 있는 컴퓨터 시스템이 있다면 청각장애인 스스로 조음 훈련을 할 수 있어 비용과 시간을 절약할 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 조음 훈련 중에서 가장 중요한 부분은 현재 자신의 발음이 어떤지를 아는 것으로, 청각장애인 조음 훈련 보조 시스템에서는 영상과 소리를 이용해 사용자가 어떤 발음을 하고 있는지를 인식한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 발음 인식 시스템을 위한 기초 연구로써 영상을 이용해 입 모양을 인식하는 방법에 대해서 연구를 진행하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        추적조사에 의한 농촌 여성의 출산력과 임신소모율

        박정한,김신향,천병렬,김귀연,예민해,조성억,조재연,Park, Jung-Han,Kim, Sin-Hyang,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Kim, Gui-Yeon,Yeh, Min-Hae,Cho, Seong-Eok,Cho, Jae-Yeon 대한예방의학회 1988 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.21 No.1

        농촌 여성들의 출산력과 임신소모율을 조사하기 위해 군위군에 거주하는 15-49세의 여성 가운데 조사시작 당시 영구불임 수술을 하지 않은 유배우 가임여성을 대상으로 17명의 면 보건요원들이 1985년 4원 1일부터 1987년 3월 31일까지 2년간 추적 관찰하여 그들의 피임 실천율, 출산율 그리고 임신 소모율을 조사하였다. 총 관찰된 6,826 여성인년 가운데 피임을 실천한 기간은 3,522인년(51.6%), 임신, 유산 그리고 출산을 한 기간은 519인년(7.6%)이었으며 피임을 하지 않은 기간은 2,491인년(36.5%)이었다. 조사시작 당시에 영구불임 수술을 한 사람을 포함시켰을 경우에는 피임을 실천한 기간이 72.1%로 전국의 피임 실천율보다 오히려 높은 수준이었다. 그러나 30대 여성의 경우 2-3명의 자녀를 갖고서도 피임을 하지 않고 있는 사람이 약 28%나 되고, 피임을 하는 경우에도 월경 주기법이나 콘돔과 같은 실패율이 높은 피임법을 20대 여성보다 더 많이 쓰고 있었다. 관찰기간 동안 전체적으로는 100 여성인년당 14.3건의 임신이 일어났으며, 25-29세 여성 이 100 여성인년당 27.4건의 임신으로 가장 높은 임신율을 보였다. 전체임신 중 22.0%가 사산(0.9%), 자연유산(3.8%), 그리고 인공유산(17.3%)으로 소모되었다. 연령이 증가함에 따라 임신 소모율이 증가하여 30세 미만 부인의 임신 소모율은 15.8%인데 비해 30대 여성이 임신을 한 경우 37.5%가 인공유산을 하여 자연유산과 사산을 합한 임신 소모율이 43.5%나 되었다. 추적기간 동안에 인공유산으로 종결한 부인이 출생으로 종결한 부인에 비해 평균 자녀수와 자연유산 및 인공유산 경험회수가2배 이상으로 많아 유산을 경험한 사람이 유산을 반복하고 있었다. 출생으로 종결한 임부는 평균 4.2회의 산전 관리를 받았고 분만은 85%가 의료기관에서 일어났으며, 가정 분만은 15%로 전국의 농촌지역에 비해 높은 시설 분만율을 나타냈는데, 이것은 군위군이 일차 보건의료시범사업 지역이었기 때문으로 생각된다. 이와 같은 연구 결과로 보아 농촌 여성을 대상으로 한 가족계획 사업은 30대 여성을 대상으로 하여 경구 피임약이나 자궁내장치와 같이 피임 효과가 높은 피임법을 보급하는데 중점을 두어야 임신 소모율을 줄이고 여성건강을 증진시킬 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. To measure the fertility rate and pregnancy wastage of women in rural area, 3,780 married women under 50 years old who were not sterilized either woman or husband in Gunwee county were followed up for 2 years. Seventeen Myun health workers visited these women periodically to check the status of their family planning practice and menstruation. Pregnant women were interviwed for their past obstetric history and followed up to the time of delivery. Family planning was practiced in 51.6% of the 6,826 women-years observed during the period from April 1, 1985 to March 31, 1987. Pregnancy, abortion and delivery covered 7.6% of the observed women-years and family planning was not practiced in 36.5% of the women-years. When sterilized women at the beginning of the study were included, the family planning practice rate was 72.1% which was slightly higher than the national family planning practice rate. However, 28% of the women of 30-39 years old had not practiced family planning although they had 2-3 children and they used more such less effective methods as safe-period method and condom than the women of 20-29 years old. Overall pregnancy rate was 14.3 per 100 woman-years. Women of 25-29 years old had the highest pregnancy rate of 27.4 per ,100 woman-years. Pregnancy wastage including spontaneous and induced abortions and still births was 22.0% of all pregnancies and it increased with the age of women; 15.8% in women less than 30 years old and 43.7% in women of 30 years and over. Women who terminated the pregnancy with induced abortion had more pregnancies, more previous induced and spontaneous abortions and shorter pregnancy interval than those women who terminated with live birth. Pregnant women terminated with a live birth had received 4.2 prenatal cares on the average. Eighty-five percent of deliveries occurred at a medical facility and 15% at home which was substantially lower home delivery rate than the other rural area of Korea. This may be due to the effects of the demonstration project for the primary health care in 1970s in Gunwee county. These findings suggest that family planning service in rural area should be strengthened by promoting the use of more effective contraceptive method among women over 30 years of age.

      • 델파이 기법에 의한 동물보건사의 직무배태성 조사용 설문지 개발

        소라(So-Ra Park),한세명(Sei-Myoung Han),김수연(Soo-Yeon Kim),정은겸(Eun-gyeom Jung),한동현(Dong-Hyun Han),강주빈(Ju-Bin Kang),조재현(Jae-Hyeon Cho),김충희(Chung-Hui Kim) 한국동물보건학회 2022 한국동물보건학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        This study was conducted to develop a tool to measure the job embeddedness of veterinary nurse in animal hospitals. Referring to the tool developed by Michell (2001) and using the Delphi technique, 21 members were composed to calculate the CVR value of the first and second validity analysis, and wrote 20 basic items with a score of 0.42 or higher. In factor analysis, the sample fit value of KMO was 0.863, exceeding 0.6, and Bartlett's significance level was 0.0, which was less than 0.05. Varimax rotational component value was judged to be acceptable when it was 0.5 points or more for each item, and it was appropriate in 16 items except for items 4, 6, 7, and 12. And Cronbach'α = 0.889, exceeding 0.6, and reliability was recognized. The basis for the number of subjects in the 1st and 2nd questionnaires to verify reliability for veterinary nurse is when the significance level ɑ=0.05, number of groups=1, effect size 0.3, and power (1-β) 0.95 are satisfied using the G+ power program. There are 111 people were designed considering the dropouts. The sub-factors for reliability analysis were composed of 4 factors. Factor 1 was named “Link to organization”, factor 2 was “Welfare to organization”, factor 3 was “Prospect to organization”, and factor 4 was named “Fit to organization”. In this study, the development of the scale of job embedding was completed with 16 items and 4 sub-factors. In the future, it is hoped that this study will be used as a tool to measure the job Embeddeness of veterinary nurse and help improve their working environment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대구시내(大邱市內) 의과대학생(醫科大學生)들의 B형(型)바이러스성(性) 간염감염율(肝炎感染率)

        박정한,윤태현,천병렬,송정흡,Park, Jung-Han,Youn, Tae-Hyun,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Song, Jung-Hup 대한예방의학회 1987 예방의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        의대생들의 B형바이러스성 간염의 감염율을 조사하고 그 예방대책을 강구하기 위하여 경북의대 1, 2, 3학년 가운데 B형 간염 백신 예방접종을 받은 학생을 제외한 자원자 385명을 대상으로 HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc를 RIA방법으로 측정하여 B형간염 감염율을 조사하고 설문지로 수혈력, 침술력, 수술력을 조사하고 HBsAg양성인 사람은 16개월 후에 재검사하여 변화양상을 조사하였다. HBsAg양성율은 6.8%이었으며 연령에 대한 보정을 했을 때 남자가 7.2%로 여자의 4.9%보다 높았으며, anti-HBs양성율은 35.8% (남자 36.1%, 여자 37 9%), anti-HBc양성율은 45.5% (남자 46.5%, 여자 44.5%)이었다. 따라서 B형간염 감염율은 49.1%로서 역시 남자(50.3%)가 여자보다(46.5%) 높았다. 학년별 HBsAg양성율 및 HBV감염율의 차이는 연령구성의 차이에 기인된 것 이었으며 연령별 HBsAg양성율은 20세가 1.7%, 21세 6.6%, 22세 6.1%, 23세 12.2%, 24세 이상에서 6.4%로 23세에서 가장 높게 나타났다. HBV감염율은 20세에서 45.8%, 21세 41.5%, 22세 49.5%, 23세 55.4%, 24세이상에서 59.6%로 나타나 연령이 증가할수록 감염율은 증가하였다. 이와같은 연령별 차이는 통계적으로 유의한 것은 아니었으나 타 연구결과와 종합해 볼 때 연령별 차이가 있을 것으로 생각되므로 같은 연령의 다른 학교 및 다른 계층을 대상으로 조사해 보고 연령에 따른 차이가 생기는 이유를 규명한다면 이 연령층에서 B형간염의 주요전파 경로를 밝힐 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. HBsAg양성인 26명가운데 1명만이 B형간염을 않고 있는 환자로 밝혀졌고 이들은 16개월 후에 재경사한 결과 검사에 응한 24명 중 22명이 계속 HBsAg양성이고 2명은 음성으로 되고 anti-HBs가 양성으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과로 보아 20세 이전에 약 반이 B형간염에 감염되었고 재학중에도 감염이 일어나고 있으므로 입학 즉시 감염여부를 확인하고 미감염자에 대해 예방접종을 실시하고 임상에 종사하기 시작할 때 추가접종하는 것이 이상적일 것으로 생각된다. To determine the hepatitis 8 virus infection rate of the medical school students and appropriate time for immunization with hepatitis B vaccine,355 students in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of Medical School of Kyungpook National University who had not been vaccinated and volunteered to participate in this study were tested for HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc with radioimmunoassay method (Abbott Lab. kit). A questionnaire was administered to ask the history of transfusion, acupuncture and surgery. HBsAg positive students were retested 16 months after the initial test. Overall HBsAg positive rate was 6.8% and the age adjusted rate for male (7.2%) was higher than that for female (4.9%). Anti-HBs positive rate was 35.3% (36.1% for male, 37.9% for female) and anti-HBc positive rate was 45.5% (46.5% for male,44.7% for female). Overall hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection rate was 49.1% and the infection rate for male (50.3%) was slightly higher than that for female (46.5%). HBsAg positive rate and infection rate were increased as the grade increased but it was attributed to the age distribution of the students. HBaAg positive rate for 20 years old students was 1.7%; 21 years, 6.6%; 22 years, 6.1%; 23 years, 12.2%; and 24 years and older, 6.4%. HBV infection rate showed an increasing trend as age increased; 45.8% for 20 years,41.5% for 21 years, 49.5% for 22 years, 55.5% for 23 years and 59.6% for 24 years and older. The age differences in HBsAg positive rates and HBV infection rates did not reach the statistical significance level of 0.05. However, these findings and similar age differences in HBsAg positive rates and HBV infection rates observed in other study suggest that there is a significant age differences. Study of the same age group in other schools and different social classes is warranted to confirm the age difference. Clarification of the reason for such differences would provide a clue to identify the major route of HBV transmission in this age group. Among 26 HBsAg positive students in the initial test, only one student was active hepatitis patient. Out of 24 students who had follow-up test after 16 months 22 students were positive for HBaAg and two students became HBsAg negative and anti-HBs positive. It is obvious that nearly one-half of the medical school students were infected with HBV before 20 years of age and the HBV infection occurs in medical school. Thus, it is recommended to test all the students for HBV infection soon after the admission to the medical school and immunize all the susceptible students with hepatitis B vaccine and give booster as they start to practice at a hospital.

      • SCOPUS

        의과대학생의 의학교육 및 의료에 대한 의식 조사

        박정한(Jung Han Park),김경환(Kyung Hwan Kim),전혜리(Hae Ri Jun),이주영(Ju Young Lee) 한국의학교육학회 1999 Korean journal of medical education Vol.11 No.2

        1983년에 전국 규모의 의대생들에 대한 의식 및 가치관 조사를 실시한 이래 그동안 의대 수와 학생정원이 약 2배 증가하였고 사회․경제적 여건도 많이 변하였으므로 의대생들의 의식과 가치관이 어떻게 변하였는지 알아보기 위하여 이 조사를 다시 실시하였다. 1997년 11월 당시 전국의 40개 의대가운데 의학과 4학년까지 재학생이 있는 32개 대학의 의학과 재학생 전원을 모집단으로 하여 각 학년별 학생명부의 출석번호를 이용하여 10명에 1명씩 계통표본추출을 하고, 각 학년의 출석번호 끝번을 추가한 표본을 대상으로 설문조사를 하였다. 설문지는 1983년에 사용한 것을 근간으로 하여 최근 의료환경 변화에 대한 내용과 의대생들의 의학 및 직업관 형성에 관련된 문항을 추가하여 개발하였다. 조사는1997년 12월에서 1998년 1월 사이에 각 대학마다 사전에 위촉된 1명의 조사담당 교수가 조사대상자들에게 설문지를 배부하여 기입하게 하였다. 총 재학생 11,987명중에 설문 조사대상으로 뽑힌 1,386명가운데 1,233명 (89.0%)이 응답하였는데 응답자중 학년 미상 11명과 응답이 부실한 1명을 제외한 1,221명을 최종 분석대상으로 하였다. 몇 가지 특성을 중심으로 모집단과 조사표본을 비교해 본결과 표본의 대표성에는 별 문제가 없었다. 조사내용을 3부분으로 나누어 보고하였는데 1부에서는 조사방법과 조사대상자의 특성 및 응답자들의 의학교육에 대한 태도와 의학에 대한 본인의 적성에 관해 기술하였다. 응답자중 남자가 75.7 %를 차지하였다. 고졸 즉시 의대에 입학한 학생의 비율은 서울지역이 45.8 %, 서울 이외지역은 53.4 %이었다. 본인의 정치적 성향이 보수적이라는 사람이 서울지역은 43.9 %, 서울 이외 지역은 33.0 %로 지방 학생들이 진보적이라는 응답률이 더 높았다. 종교를 가진 사람이 57.2 %이었는데, 기독교가 31.0 %, 가톨릭 15.2 %, 불교 9.5 % 순이었다. 아버지의 교육수준이 대학 또는 그 이상인 사람이 59.8 %로 일반 국민의 교육수준보다 높았다. 아버지의 직업분포도 전문직 21.2%, 회사원 17.2%,공무원 13.1 %, 관리직 11.8 %, 의료인 8.7%로 화이트칼라가 지배적이었다. 의대진학 결정과정에 영향을 미친 사람이 있었다는 사람이 53.7 %이었는데, 이들중 부모가 62.1%를 차지하였다. 의대진학을 권유한 이유중 사회․경제적 측면이 33.5%로 가장 높은 비율을 차지하였다. 의학공부의 재미있는 측면은 생명현상을 배우는것 (47.2 %)과 인간을 배울 수 있다 (44.3%)는 것이었고, 재미없는 측면은 암기식 공부라는 것(39.7%)과 공부 분량이 너무 많다 (34.1%)는 것이었다. 만약 고교 3학년에 되돌아가 다시 대학을 선택할 경우 여전히 의대를 선택하겠다는 사람은 50.3 %이었으나, 지금 전과가 가능하다면 전과하겠다는 사람은 6.0 %에 불과하였다. 의학 공부에 자신의 적성이 맞다는 사람은 64.9%이었고, 이 비율은 학년이 올라갈수록 증가하였다. 장차 자기 아들을 의대에 보내겠다는 사람은 남학생중 36.6%, 여학생중 26.7%였고, 딸을 의대에 보내겠다는 사람은 각각 33.6%, 27.7%이었다. Since the first survey done in 1983, this is the second national sample survey of medical students about their perception and evaluation on medical study, career plan, and medical care system. One out of every 10 students plus one in each class were systematically sampled from each grade year of 32 medical schools in Korea that had students from freshman to senior in November 1997. A questionnaire was developed by adding items related with recent changes in medical care environment and with viewpoint on medicine and physician as an occupation to the questionnaire used in 1983. The questionnaire was administered at each school under the supervision of designated collaborator of the same school in December 1997 through January 1998. A total of 1,386 students were sampled from a total of 11,987 medical students and 1,233 students(89.0%) filled out the questionnaire. Twelve students were excluded from the analysis because of incomplete response and the final analysis was done for 1,221 students. A few demographic characteristics of the sample were compared with those of the study population to check the representativeness of the sample and found no skew. The contents of the study were divided into three parts and the first part describes the study methods, demographic and other characteristics of the sample, students viewpoint on medical education, and students aptitude for medicine Male students accounted for 75.7% of the sample. The proportion of students who entered medical school right after graduating from a high school was 45.8% in Seoul and 53.4% in other than Seoul area. The students who classified their own political inclination conservative were 43.9% in Seoul and 33.0% in other than Seoul and the percentage of students with progressive inclination was higher in out of Seoul than Seoul area. The proportion of students who have a religion was 57.2%; Christian 31.0%, Catholic 15.2%, and Buddhist 9.5%. The educational level of fathers of students was far higher than the level of general population, e.g. 59.8% had college or higher education. Occupation of fathers was mainly white-collar worker; professional worker 21.2%, company employee 17.2%, government official 13.1%, manager 11.8%, and medical professional 8.7%. In the decision-making process to enter the medical school, 53.7% of the students were influenced by someone else and 62.1% of them were parents. Socio-economic factor was the most common reason for recommending medical school and it accounted 33.5% of the reasons. Medical students enjoy learning life phenomenon(47.2%) and human being(44.3%) in medical study but most disturbing factors are memory work(39.7%) and too much to study(34.1%). If students were given another chance to choose a college as a senior student in high school, 50.3% of them said that they would choose medical school. Only 6% of students have intention to change their major subject of study if they are allowed to change now. The proportion of students who consider their scholastic aptitude is compatible with medical study was 64.9% and such proportion increased with grade. The percentage of students who are going to recommend medical school to their own son in the future was 36.6% for male and 26.7% for female students and to their own daughter 33.6% and 27.7%, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        식도열공탈장을 동반한 위식도 역류성 질환 환자 치험 1례

        박정한,조현석,김정철,오성원,이상훈,김병우,이재은,Park, Jung-Han,Cho, Hyun-Seok,Kim, Jung-Chul,Oh, Sung-Won,Lee, Sang-Hoon,Kim, Byoung-Woo,Lee, Jae-Eun 대한한방내과학회 2005 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        Hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach moves up into the chest through a small opening in the diaphragm. It causes various symptoms(heart bum, chest pain, dysphagia, vomiting etc.) when it is associated with a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD). In this occasion, complications included bleeding because of the erosion, ulceration and inflammation of the mucosa. For treatment, there are $H_2$ blockers and proton pump inhibitors, but they have many side effects. In Oriental Medicine effectively treated cases are rare. Therefore, it is essential to seek radical agents and effective treatments for these disorders. In this case report, these disorders are approached by focusing on the deficit of 'yin(陰)'especially 'pi-yin(脾陰)'. Desired results were seen with herbal medications which enhance the 'yin(陰)', especially through 'wuyin-jian(五陰煎)' which enhances the 'pi-yin(脾陰)'. This is reported to contribute to development of future treatments.

      • KCI등재

        애니메이션 영화와 역할극을 활용한 초등학교 영어수업 방안

        중은(Park Jung Eun),이동한(Lee Dong Han) 영상영어교육학회 2014 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this research is to provide an English class plan for improving English ability through animation movies and role-plays in Korean elementary schools. In the first step of the study, an animation movie was selected in accordance with the learners' interests, and then watched by Korean elementary school students. In the next step, the role-play scripts were recreated into appropriate words and expressions to the level of elementary school students. The students were then divided into role-play groups and were assigned certain roles. At this point, students were allotted time to practice their roles with their group members. After adequate practice time, each group of students performed on the stage as if they are the main characters in the animation movie. By doing these activities, the study can complement and upgrade the traditional English classes using movies focusing on listening activities rather than speaking activities. This study also suggests different methods for teaching role-plays using animation movies in English classes in accordance with different time utilization plans. In the specific time utilization plans, teachers can apply the appropriate teaching methods for role-plays according to their own circumstances and conditions.

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