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        르네 지라르(Rene Girard)의 단일 희생양 구조(single victim mechanism)의 빛 아래서 고찰하는 한국 기독교 저널리즘의 명암과 앞으로의 방향성 연구

        박재은 ( Jaeeun Park ) 한국개혁신학회 2020 한국개혁신학 Vol.65 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 한국 기독교 저널리즘이 현상적으로 가지고 있는 명암(明暗)의 이유를 프랑스 인류 철학자 르네 지라르(Rene Girard, 1923-2015)의 단일 희생자 구조(single victim mechanism)의 빛 아래서 분석하고 앞으로 한국의 기독교 저널리즘이 나아가야할 건설적인 방향성을 제시하는 것이다. 작금의 한국 기독교 언론은 미메시스(mimesis) 모방 욕구를 통해 세속 언론의 가치를 모방하고 있으며, 이는 결국 언론의 폭력이라는 이름으로 기독교계에 전방위적으로 투사되고 있다는 사실이 지라르의 이론을 바탕으로 논증될 것이다. 사실 기독교 언론 속에 감추어진 이런 모방, 폭력, 희생자 구조는 타파되어야 할 성질의 것들이다. 모순과 역설로 가득찬 예수 그리스도의 십자가 사건이 드러났을 때 비로소 구속의 역사가 열린 것처럼, 모방과 폭력과 희생양으로 가득 찬 한국 기독교 언론의 민낯이 드러날 때 비로소 시대의 등불로서의 기독교 저널리즘 본연의 가치를 되찾게 될 것이라는 사실이 본 연구를 통해 논증될 것이다. 연구의 순서는 (1) 한국 기독교 저널리즘의 명암과 상황적 현상을 분석한 후, (2) 이런 분석 내용을 지라르의 미메시스 모방 욕구, 폭력의 사이클, 단일 희생자 구조의 빛 아래서 살펴 본 다음, (3) 이를 토대로 건전하고 건설적인 기독교 언론의 새로운 방향성을 제시하는 순서를 취할 것이다. 이를 통해 한국 기독교 저널리즘의 명암과 앞으로의 건설적인 방향성이 르네 지라르의 사상적 빛 아래서 모색될 것이다. The purpose of this study is to analyze a phenomenical light and shadow of Korean Christian journalism and to present a constructive direction which Korean Christian journalism needs to step forward in the basis of Rene Girard’s single victim mechanism and its implication. This study, based on Girard’s theories such as a mimesis desire, disclosure of violence, and single victim mechanism, demonstrates that Korean Christian journalism imitates the secular value of non-Christian journalism and as a result, journalistic violence is projected to a single victim in all directions. The meaningfulness of Christ’s redemptive history, according to Girard, reveals when a contradiction or paradox of Christ’s cross and death are disclosed in detail. Just like this, when the phenomenical light and shadow of Korean Christian journalism, which is filled with a mimesis desire, violence, single victim, are fully revealed, the true meaning and value of Korean Christian journalism will appear. The study will process that (1) after examining the current situation of Korean Christian journalism, (2) the situation will be analyzed in light of Girard’s theories. (3) After this, a constructive direction, which Korean Christian journalism needs to proceed, will be searched in the basis of the analysis.

      • KCI등재

        서울시 거주자 중심의 체감 빛공해 평가 및 인식조사

        박재은 ( Jaeeun Park ),천상현 ( Sanghyun Cheon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        (Background and Purpose) Night lighting is an essential aesthetic element and enhances security in urban areas, which substantially contribute to improving conditions for human nighttime activities. However, as the use of artificial lighting in cities has significantly increased, so has the effects of light pollution on human and natural systems caused by excessive light usages and unintended light leakage. Light pollution, as a result, becomes a serious environmental issue that must be managed urgently. Because Seoul is one of the most vibrant cities at night in the world, roles of artificial lighting are crucial for the city, while recent research also raises serious concerns for potential light pollution damage. Seoul’s current nighttime light conditions call for a systematic and diverse approach to measure various light pollution damages and manage artificial lights by considering the city’s spatial characteristics of urban and lighting environments. The existing approach to evaluate light pollution has been mainly based on measuring the intensity of light radiance emitted from lighting sources and equipment. However, there has been few approach to evaluate light pollution from the perspective of citizens’ actual experience. The purpose of this study is to identify experience of Seoul’s residents, which can be useful to complement the current light pollution mitigation approach and develop sustainable light pollution management system. (Method) This study investigates light pollution experience of 500 residents in Seoul. Survey questionnaires were designed to identify the residents’ light pollution experience in their houses, affected by external lighting environments and equipment. The survey consists mainly of the three parts in the following: (1) perception of light and lighting, (2) experience on light pollution, and (3) opinions on light pollution policy. (Results) Approximately, sixty-six percent (66%) of the respondents have experienced light pollution damages such as sleeping disturbance. Street lighting, decorative lighting of buildings, and brightness of commercial streets are major sources that lead the residents to experience light pollution. More specifically, the residents living in low level floors (1st-5th fl.) have suffered due mainly to street lights and automobile lights, whereas the residents living in high level floors are mainly affected by decorative lighting of neighboring buildings and apartments. Finally, the residents’ experience on light pollution in both commercializing areas and (commercial-residential) mixed land use areas is evaluated critical. (Conclusions) The results of the study generate an implication in diversifying methodologies to evaluate light pollution damages based mainly on real experience of people. Additionally, the results provide important evidence and data to reconsider the current light pollution standards by incorporating the citizens' perception, experience, and opinions about artificial lighting and light pollution in Seoul.

      • KCI등재

        일반 : 존 힉(John Hick)의 은유적 성육신 개념: 원인과 결과에 대한 개혁 신학적 고찰

        박재은 ( Jaeeun Park ) 한국개혁신학회 2016 한국개혁신학 Vol.49 No.-

        본고의 목적은 존 힉의 은유적 성육신 개념의 원인과 결과를 개혁 신학의 빛 아래서 고찰하기 위함이다. 힉의 상대주의/다원주의적 인식론은 그의 은유적 성육신 교리의 사상적 원인이 된다. 즉 신과 세상에 대한 인식의 틀이 "그리스도 중심" (Christ-centered)에서 "실재자 중심" (the-Real-centered)으로, "절대성" (absoluteness)으로부터 "비 절대성" (non-absoluteness)의 추구로 이동한 자연스러운 신학적 결과로서 은유적 성육신 교리가 발생하게 된다. 이뿐 아니라 그리스도를 하나님과의 "동일 본질" (homoousia)이 아닌 "동일 애(愛)" (homoagape)로 인식하고 세상과 지식을 "~로서 보는" (seeing-as)것이 아닌 "~로서 경험하는" (experiencing-as)것으로 이해하는 인식의 변화는 성육신을 은유/상징적으로 이해하기 위한 사상적 틀을 마련한다. 힉의 은유적 성육신 개념은 결국 그리스도의 속죄 사역의 의미와 중요성을 심각하게 왜곡시키는 신학적 결과를 낳을 것이고, 기독교 예배의 의미가 심각하게 훼손되는 실천적 결과 또한 초래할 것이다. 이는 만약 성육신이 전통적 시각 하에서 문자적/실제적으로 이해된다면 위험한 교리가 될 것이라고 주장하는 힉의 주장과는 반대의 주장으로 성육신이 은유적으로 이해된다면 오히려 신학적, 실천적으로 더 위험한 주장이 될 것이라는 반증적 고찰이다. This study is intended to critically respond to the cause and effect of John Hick`s idea of metaphorical incarnation in light of Reformed theology. Hick`s relative/pluralistic epistemology plays an intellectual role for building the idea of metaphorical incarnation. As a natural theological result of perceiving God and the world in the-Real-centeredness and non-absoluteness rather than a Christ-centeredness and absoluteness, the idea of metaphorical incarnation appears. In addition, an epistemological shift for understanding Christ and the world, not from the perspective of the homoousia or "seeing-as," but from the homoagape or "experiencing-as," provides the cause of generating a relative/pluralistic understanding on incarnation. When accepting Hick`s metaphorical incarnation, the importance of Christ`s atonement work will appear insignificant and the meaning of Christian worship will be significantly distorted as well. This is rather an opposite argument of Hick in that if incarnation is understood in an actual/literal sense, this becomes a dangerous idea theologically and practically.

      • KCI등재

        공공미술 작품의 생애주기 정립에 관한 연구

        박재은 ( Park Jaeeun ),장영호 ( Jang Youngho ),김주연 ( Kim Jooyun ) 한국공간디자인학회 2023 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.8

        (Background and Purpose) Since the 2000s, various government-led public art projects have been proliferating. With the explosive growth of Korea’s art market, the government has attempted to create an environment that diversifies the enjoyment of art in daily life. Current public art policies are evolving toward temporary public art projects rather than permanent installations such as statues, monuments, and sculptures. The Seoul Public Art Ordinance of 2017 stipulated the life cycle of public artworks, and the revision of the Cultural Promotion Act in 2020 legislated the possibility of removing architectural artworks. However, the criteria for establishing the lifecycle and the judgment criteria for removing artwork are not clearly presented and need to be improved. This study aims to explain the need to establish criteria and procedures for establishing the life cycle of artworks at the time of installation and judging the removal of artworks after the expiration of the life cycle during the promotion of temporary projects, and to propose a development plan for the promotion of diverse public art policies. (Methods) This study examines the reasons and phenomena for conflicts of authorship and ownership between artists and governments seen in several cases of disagreements over the removal of public artworks installed without lifecycle agreements, and considers that the durability of materials and the criteria for collateralization of defects can be introduced in the lifecycle pre-setting of artworks as a solution. In addition, we examine the standards of overseas policies that follow removal standards and statutes of limitations for temporary works and the standards that can be applied to them, as well as the safety, legal, and social consensus standards that should be applied in the removal of installed works. We also examine ways to improve deliberations to seek a consensus solution for the expansion of a stable policy. (Result) This study explains the necessity of establishing life cycle standards for public art, explains the applicable standards, discusses the life cycle judgment criteria that should be applied when reviewing the installation and removal of artworks, and lays the foundation for revitalizing the life cycle system of public art. (Conclusion) Recognizing the temporality of public art is the first step toward various artistic expressions and reconciling the limitations of urban spaces. The lack of mutual understanding between artists and the government should not lead to unnecessary conflicts or a negative perception of public art policy itself. By establishing reasonable standards and procedures for the lifecycle of artwork, we hope to create a living cultural city with proper removal processes and a variety of works appropriate to the times.

      • KCI등재

        Hepatoprotective effect of Bifidobacterium adolescentis SPM0212 on carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity

        이도경,박재은,김민지,이영주,서재구,하남주,김경제,Lee, Dokyung,Park, Jaeeun,Kim, Minji,Lee, Youngjoo,Seo, Jaegoo,Ha, Namjoo,Kim, Kyungjae The Microbiological Society of Korea 2015 미생물학회지 Vol.51 No.3

        프로바이오틱스는 미생물 식품 보조제 또는 건강증진을 위해 전통적으로 유제품에 첨가되어온 세균의 구성요소이다. 본 연구에서는 프로바이오틱스로 이용되는 Bifidobacterium adolescentis SPM0212 균주의 간 보호효과를 평가하였으며, 이전 연구에서는 B형 간염 바이러스에 항 바이러스 활성을 나타내는 균주로 확인되었다. 본 연구는 Wistar albino 랫드를 이용하여 수행되었으며 프로바이오틱스를 연속해서 9일 동안 경구로 투여하고 7일째와 8일째에는 사염화탄소를 투여하여 급성 간 손상을 유도하였다. 간 손상 정도는 혈중 glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT)와 glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT)의 수치와 병리조직학적 시험을 통해 평가하였다. 그 결과, B. adolescentis SPM0212는 SGOT와 SGPT 수치의 증가를 유의적으로 억제하였으며, 사염화탄소가 체중과 장기무게에 미치는 부정적인 영향을 감소시켰다. 또한 병리조직학적 시험결과, 사염화탄소만 투여한 랫드의 간은 정상적인 간세포의 구조가 거의 소실된 반면에 사염화탄소와 B. adolescentis SPM0212를 투여한 랫드의 간은 아주 적은 손상과 정상적인 간세포의 구조를 가지고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구결과 B. adolescentis SPM0212 균주는 건강 유지를 위한 기능성 식품뿐만 아니라 제노바이오틱스나 B형 간염 바이러스로 부터 간을 보호하기위한 프로바이오틱스로 유용하게 사용될 수 있음을 시사한다. Probiotics are microbial food supplements or components of bacteria which have traditionally been added to dairy foods for extra health boost. Our aim was to evaluate the hepatoprotective effect of Bifidobacterium adolescentis SPM0212 as probiotics, which we previously found has potential anti-hepatitis B virus activity. The study was conducted using Wistar albino rats and probiotics were treated orally for 9 days consecutively and acute liver injury was induced by administration of carbon tetrachloride ($CCl_4$) on the 7th and 8th days. Liver damage was assessed by quantifying serum activities of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT) and glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), as well as by histopathological examination. B. adolescentis SPM0212 significantly prevented the elevation of SGOT and SGPT levels, and reduced the negative effect of $CCl_4$ on body and organ weights. Histopathological study revealed the livers of the carbon tetrachloride treated rats showed almost complete loss of normal hepatocyte architecture, but that rats treated with B. adolescentis SPM0212 showed minimal damage and normal hepatocyte architecture. Our results suggest that B. adolescentis SPM0212 be considered useful probiotics for protecting the liver from xenobiotics and hepatitis B virus, and as well as useful as a functional food for maintaining human health.

      • KCI등재

        해외 한의약 건강증진사업에서 eCRF시스템 활용사례 - 2017년 베트남 금연사업을 중심으로 -

        목경열,이은경,강소현,박재은,신용철,장보형,고성규,Mok, Kyungyul,Lee, Eunkyung,Kang, Sohyeon,Park, Jaeeun,Shine, Yong-Cheol,Jang, Bo-Hyoung,Ko, Seong-Gyu 대한예방한의학회 2018 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.22 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study was to introduce the case of using eCRF system in the Smoking Cessation Program project in Vietnam (2017). And aimed to derive the usefulness of the eCRF system and it potential for future global health business. Method : Introduce the smoking cessation program in vietnam (2017). Smoking Cessation was conducted in three provices of central vietnam Tamphu, Binhtu, Duytrinh) and eCRF was developed on the web environment by building AMP(Apache, PHP, MySQL). Dedicated application have also been developed for user. Result : Using the eCRF, the results of the program of the smoking cessation participants were recorded on the Database server. The implemented system focused on the role of a case recording platform that was simplified in function rather than an electronic version of the case report. It was useful for monitoring. Conclusions : The eCRF system was useful in global health business, and upgrading the system to reflect the feedback derived from the project could potentially be used in other projects. In addition, there are few cases where ICT is used in overseas health promotion projects using Oriental medicine, so further research is needed.

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