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      • KCI등재

        박근혜 정부의 외교안보정책 구상과 한일관계

        박영준(Young-June Park) 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2013 국제관계연구 Vol.18 No.2

        박근혜 정부는 “한반도 신뢰프로세스”와 “동북아 평화협력구상”을 외교안보정책의 주요 키워드로 제시하면서 출범하였다. 이 구상은 이전의 김대중, 노무현, 이명박 정부에서 표방되었던 대북정책 및 지역질서 구상과 연속성을 갖는다. 다만 박근혜 정부의 정책구상은, 북한의 핵폐기나 역사문제에 대한 일본의 성의있는 태도 변화 등 타자의 정책변화를 전제조건으로 하는 것이어서, 한국이 수행해야 할 주도적 역할에 대한 성찰이 부족하다는 한계를 갖고 있는 것으로 보인다. 이러한 한계에 더해 아베 자민당 정부의 수정주의적 보통국가화 경향으로 인해 한일관계는 최악의 상황을 맞고 있다. 일본은 한반도 신뢰프로세스나 동북아 평화협력을 위해, 우리가 활용할 여지가 많은 상대국가이다. 박근혜 정부의 대외정책 성공을 위해서도 내셔널리즘을 극복한 전략적 대일외교정책이 필요하다. The Park Geun-hye administration proposed ‘the idea of the East Asian peace and cooperation’ as well as ‘trustpolitik on the Korean peninsula’ as its foreign policy agendas. Despite a slight change of its wording, these policies succeeds her predecessors’ policies toward North Korea and the Northeast Asian region. However, President Park Geunhye’s policies seemed to lack self-propelled initiatives which will enable neighboring countries to join a road to mutual trust and cooperation. Instead the Park administration has just asked Pyongyang for denuclearization and Tokyo for a change of attitude toward an issue of past history. In addition to Park’s passive foreign policy agendas, Prime Minister Shinjo Abe’s right-wing policies have worsened the Korea-Japan relations furthermore. Considering its potential in terms of security and economics, Japan should be considered as an important partner for the implementation of President Park’s trustpolitik as well as the idea of peace and cooperation in the Eat Asia. For the success of President Park’s foreign policy agendas, Korea-Japan relations should be re-set on a normal track overcoming the nationalistic sentiment.

      • KCI등재

        “수정주의적 보통국가론”의 대두와 일본 외교: 자민당 아베 정권의 재출범과 한반도정책 전망

        박영준 ( Young June Park ) 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2013 한국과 국제정치 Vol.29 No.1

        일본 내외의 학자들은 일본 내에서 논의되고 있는 국가전략론들을 평화국가론, 보통국가론, 미들파워 국제주의, 수정주의적 국가주의의 4가지 유형으로 나누어 고찰하고 있다. 이에 비추어 보면, 2012년 12월 출범한 자민당 아베 정부는 외교안보정책 성향 면에서는 일본의 안보체제 및 미일동맹 태세를 강화하여 국제적 안보역할을 확대하자는 보통국가론적 성향을 보이고 있다. 그러나 역사문제에 관해서는 종군위안부 문제의 강제성을 부정하려 하거나, 교과서 검정기준이 되어온 근린제국 조항을 폐기하려는 수정주의적 경향을 보인다. 요컨대 자민당 아베 정부는 ``수정주의적 보통국가론``성향의 대외정책을 전개할 것으로 보이며, 부상하는 중국을 견제하기 위해 한국에 대해서는 관계 개선을 추구할 것으로 전망된다. 북핵문제 해결 및 동아시아에서의 영토 및 해양 분쟁 완화를 추구해야 할 박근혜 정부로서는 일본과 성숙한 파트너십 선언에 기반을 두어 전략적 협력관계를 견지해갈 필요가 있다. 이러한 대응기조하에서 아베 정부의 헌법 개정을 통한 국방군 구상 추진에 대해서는 과민하게 반응할 필요가 없으며, 중일 간의 영유권 분쟁 격화 가능성에 대해서는 중재자적 입장에서 외교적 노력을 기울여야 한다. 그리고 역사문제에 대한 아베 정부의 수정주의적 입장에 대해서는 구미 각국과의 공동연구를 통해 일본의 자성을 압박하는 정책을 구사할 필요성이 있다. After the land-slide victory of the Liberal Democratic Party in the Japan`s general election on December 2012, Mr. Abe Shinjo is re-elected as the prime minister again. In view of pledges and his personal policy agendas during the election period, the Abe administration will pursue more robust domestic security posture even revising the constitution, strengthen the alliance networks with the U.S. and take a tougher measures to protect its disputed territories with China on the South China Sea. At the same time, the Abe administration will take a more revisionist stance on the nationalistic issues such as the comfort woman and historical textbooks by issuing the new declaration on the issue of past history concerning the comfort woman. As for the relation with the Republic of Korea, the Abe administration already sends diverse signals to improve the stalled relations with Seoul for years. Japan`s strategists wanted to form a hedging network against rising China and Seoul can be an important partner of the network. That is the reason why the Abe administration wanted to improve the relations with the ROK despite the some potential conflict with Seoul on the issue of territory and history. For the new Park`s administration, a matured partnership with Japan will be indispensible to propel its diplomatic agendas to discard the North Korea`s nuclear program, fortify the security posture with the collaboration with the U.S., and defuse the tension surrounding the disputed territorial conflict on the East China Sea. Based on these bottom lines, Seoul should prudently manage the seeds of conflict and build trustful relations with the Abe administration of Japan.

      • KCI등재후보

        용담사간탕(龍膽瀉肝湯)을 이용한 대상포진(帶狀疱疹)의 급성기(急性期) 통증(痛症)에 대한 치험(治驗) 1례(例)

        박영준,박주한,허금정,남창규,선중기,구창모,Park Young-Jun,Park Joo-Han,Heo Geum-Jeong,Nam Chang-Gyu,Sun Jung-Ki,Koo Chang-Mo 대한한방내과학회 2003 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.24 No.1

        Herpes zoster is a viral disease characterized by unilateral radicular pain and vesicular eruptions that are generally limited to the dermatome innervated by single spinal or cranial sensory ganglion. The disease causes severe pain and in particular, put elderly patients in great risks and further it develops postherpetic nenralgia. Nowadays western medicine use antiviral durg(ex: acyclovir), analgesics, nerve block and etc for treatment of herpes zoster and pain control, but the effect is not much satisfactory. A 73-year-old patient, admitted to our hospital because of severe migrain. Two days later, her illness was diagnosed as herpes zoster so we administrated Yongdamsagan-tang. After the six-day of treatment, all symptoms improved, especially headache was cleared since the four day long administration of Yongdamsagan-tang.

      • KCI등재

        ≪난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공≫의 인칭변화에 관한 연구

        박영준(Young Jun Park) 한국현대소설학회 2009 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.41

        In this paper I told about Cho, Se-hee`s idea and characteristics of A Dwarf Launches A Small Ball. It has 12 short stories. 7 stories are composed by the 3rd person view. 5 stories are composed by the 1st person view. Cho made a contrast between the poor and the rich by selecting narrator. 7 stories` main narrators are friends of Young-su. Young-su is the most important person in A Dwarf Launches A Small Ball. He was a poor boy, finally he has become a labor fighter. Cho served a subject that the 3rd person view stories have his main idea about capitalism. In the 1st person view Cho said about character`s consciousness and unconsciousness freely. So the contrast becomes vivid more and more. One of the narrator`s name of The 1st person view stories is Kyoung-hoon. He is a son of a capitalist. Cho said the fight between capital and labor would be a indispensible accident in our modern society.

      • KCI등재

        접적지역 대피소 방호수준 설정에 관한 연구

        박영준,박상진,엄홍섭,손기영,Park, Young Jun,Park, Sangjin,Eom, Hong Seob,Son, Kiyoung 한국군사과학기술학회 2015 한국군사과학기술학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        Protection against direct projectiles has been adapted just to the main command posts in the existing protective facility standards. However, protective capacity for the shelters against direct projectiles is also required because the initial survivability as well as the operation sustainment of the shelters is critical during a couple of days from outbreak of war. In this study, the Russian artillery is used to determine the existing and future threat of the North Korean Armed Forces indirectly. And then, required protective capacity of military shelters in the contact areas is calculated along with UFC 3-340-02 and it is verified using modeling and simulation. Based on the assessed capacity, actual inspect of military facilities with contact areas on spot is performed whether military shelters have enough protection capacity against determined threats. According to the field study, it is verified that proper earth bermed shelter has enough protection capacity. The results in this study could be used how to retrofit the current shelters in the contact areas.

      • KCI등재

        가토의 두개골에서 티타늄 반구를 이용한 다양한 onlay bone graft시 골형성 능력

        박영준,최근호,장정록,정승곤,한만승,유민기,국민석,박홍주,유선열,오희균,Park, Young-Jun,Choi, Guen-Ho,Jang, Jung-Rok,Jung, Seung-Gon,Han, Man-Seung,Yu, Min-Gi,Kook, Min-Suk,Park, Hong-Ju,Ryu, Sun-Youl,Oh, Hee-Kyun 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.6

        육안적 검사결과 실험군과 대조군 모두에서 특별한 염증 소견이나 창상 이개 없이 반원 모양의 골형성이 관찰되었다. 조직학적으로 3주째에 대조군, 실험 1군, 실험2군, 실험 3군 모두 이식골 주위 및 티타늄 반구 내면을 따라 신생 골형성이 관찰되었다. 조직학적으로 6주째에 모든 군에서 3주째에 비하여 신생골 면적의 증가 및 성숙 소견이 관찰되었고, 실험2군에서는 부분적으로 이식골이 흡수되면서 신생골이 형성되는 것이 관찰된 반면, 실험 3군에서는 이식골의 흡수 소견이 관찰되지 않았다. 조직형태계측학적으로 3주, 6주 모두 자가골에서 가장 많은 신생골 형성이 나타났고, 신생골 면적 비교시 자가골, 이종골, 합성골 순으로 크게 나타났고, 각 군간의 통계학적으로 유의한 차이는 없었다(p>0.05). 본 연구결과 골유도 재생술시 골형성 능력은 자가골이 가장 좋지만, 자가골 채취가 불가능할 경우, 적절한 차폐막을 사용한 합성골과 이종골 복합 이식방식도 좋은 대체제가 될 것으로 생각된다. Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate the effect of various graft materials used with a titanium cap on the ability of new bone formation in the rabbit calvarium. Materials and Methods: A total of 32 sites of artificial bony defects were prepared on the calvaria of sixteen rabbits by using a trephine bur 8 mm in diameter. Each rabbit had two defect sites. 0.2 mm deep grooves were formed on the calvaria of sixteen rabbits by using a trephine bur 8 mm in diameter for the fixation of a titanium cap. The treatments were performed respectively as follows: without any graft for the control group (n=8), autogenous iliac bone graft for experimental group 1 (n=8), alloplastic bone graft ($SynthoGraft^{(R)}$, USA) for experimental group 2 (n=8), and xenogenic bone graft ($NuOss^{(R)}$, USA) for experimental group 3 (n=8). After the treatments, a titanium cap (8 mm in diameter, 4 mm high, and 0.2 mm thick) was fixed into the groove. At the third and sixth postoperative weeks, rabbits in each group were sacrificed for histological analysis. Results: 1. In gross examination, the surgical sites showed no signs of inflammation or wound dehiscence, and semicircular-shaped bone remodeling was shown both in the experimental and control groups. 2. In histological analysis, the control group at the third week showed bone remodeling along the inner surface of the cap and at the contact region of the calvarium without any specific infiltration of inflammation tissue. Also, there was no soft tissue infiltration. Bone remodeling was observed around the grafted bone and along the inner surface of the titanium cap in experimental group 1, 2, and 3. 3. Histologically, all groups at the sixth week showed the increased area of bone remodeling and maturation compared to those at the third week. In experimental group 2, the grafted bone was partially absorbed by multi nucleated giant cells and new bone was formed by osteoblasts. In group 3, however, resorption of the grafted bone was not observed. 4. Autogenous bone at the third and sixth week showed the most powerful ability of new bone formation. The size of newly formed bone was in decreasing order by autogenous, alloplastic, and heterogenous bone graft. There was no statistically significant difference among autogenous, alloplastic, and heterogenous bones(p>0.05). Summary: This result suggests that autogenous bone is the best choice for new bone formation, but when autogenous bone graft is in limited availability, alloplastic and xenogenic bone graft also can be an alternative bone graft material to use with a suitably guided membrane.

      • KCI등재

        백서의 두개골 결손부에서 탈단백우골 이식 시 흡수성악의 효과

        박영준,최근호,장정록,정승곤,김영준,유민기,국민석,오희균,유선열,박홍주,Park, Young-Jun,Choi, Guen-Ho,Jang, Jung-Rok,Jung, Seung-Gon,Kim, Young-Joon,Yu, Min-Gi,Kook, Min-Suk,Oh, Hee-Kyun,Ryu, Sun-Youl,Park, Hong-Ju 대한악안면성형재건외과학회 2009 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.31 No.5

        Purpose : This research evaluates the effect of the use of absorbable membrane barrier with deproteinized bovine bone (Bio-$Oss^{(R)}$, Switzerland) on bone healing in surgically created critical-sized defects in rat calvaria. Materials and Methods : Two standardized transosseous circular calvarial defects (5 mm in diameter) are made in each calvarium of 30 rats. These rats are divided into negative control group(n=15), positive control group(n=15) and two experimental groups(n=15). In the negative control group, defects are only filled with blood clots. In the positive control group, defects are filled with autogenous bone obtained from calvarium; in the experimental group 1, defects are filled with deproteinized bovine bone; and in the experimental group 2, defects are filled with deproteinized bovine bone with absorbable membrane. At the postoperative 1 week, 3 weeks. and 6 weeks, clinical. histologic and histomorphometric evaluations of the defects are performed. Results : 1. The grafted bone without membrane in the calvarial bone defect was scattered but, the grafted bone with membrane was stable. 2. $BioMesh^{(R)}$ membrane was absorbed beginning at 3 weeks, and was absorbed considerably at 6 weeks while maintaining the structural form of the membrane. 3. The use of membrane blocked soft tissue invasion. 4. In histomorphometric analysis. it showed the greatest amount of new bone formation in the positive control group. The amount of new bone formation was greater in the experimental group 2 than experimental group 1. At 6 weeks. the amount of new bone formation was greater in the positive control group than experimental group l(p<0.005). Conclusion : These results suggest that membrane increase the stability of grafted bone and protects from soft tissue invasion, and the use of the membrane may promote new bone formation in deproteinized bovine bone graft area.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 성인에서 수면 시간과 비만과의 관련성

        박영준,임현우,박용문,이원철,Park, Young-Jun,Yim, Hyeon-Woo,Park, Young-Moon,Lee, Won-Chul 대한예방의학회 2007 예방의학회지 Vol.40 No.6

        Objectives : Obesity is currently an epidemic in Korea, and sleep duration is thought to be one of the risk factors for obesity. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that short sleep duration is associated with obesity in Korean adults. Methods : The data from the 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey were used, and 6,174 subjects aged $18{\sim}80$ years were included in the analysis. Sleep duration was measured using information obtained from self-reported questionnaires. Obesity, the main outcome variable, was measured according to body mass index. Multiple regression modeling was used to adjust for potential confounding variables. Results : The study results revealed a negative association between sleep duration and body mass index among Korean adults. These associations persisted after controlling for the potential confounding variables. Conclusions : These findings support the hypothesis that sleep duration is associated with obesity in Korean adults. In addition, these observations support earlier experimental sleep studies and provide a basis for future studies on weight control intervention by increasing the amount of sleep.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국재래산양(韓國在來山羊)의 임신(姙娠) 및 분만전후(分娩前後)의 혈장(血漿) progesterone 농도변화(濃度變化)와 분만후(分娩後) 발정재귀시기(發情再歸時期)

        박영준,강병규,최한선,박범준,손창호,Park, Young-jun,Kang, Byong-kyu,Choi, Han-sun,Park, Bum-jun,Son, Chang-ho 대한수의학회 1992 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        The purpose of present study was to investigate the progesterone concentrations throughout gestation and peripartum period, and the return to the first estrus postpartum for improvement of reproductive efficiency in Korean native goats. The average length of gestation was 148 days(range : 144~154 days) and the average number of live births was 2 kids(range : 1~5 kids) in 12 Korean native goats. Progesterone concentrations were measured in blood samples taken from 12 goats every 5 days during gestation period. Plasma progesterone concentrations were 0.10 ng/ml at Day 0 of pregnancy and increased gradually until Day 20(6.58 ng/ml). Then they decreased slightly from Day 30 to 40(range : 4.32~4.82 ng/ml), increased again after Day 40 and remained thereafter until Day 140(range : 4.32~10.36 ng/ml). The progesterone levels declined sharply to basal levels at parturitum. Plasma progesterone concentrations during the pestpartum were 6.98 ng/ml at 10 days, 4.86 ng/ml at 6 days 3.18 ng/ml at 2 days before parturition, and 0.10 ng/ml at parturition, respectively. The basal levels were maintained until the first estrus postpartum. The mean intervals from parturition to the first estrus postpartum on the basis of progesterone determination and estrus detection were $100{\pm}64(mean{\pm}S.D.)$ days in 7 Korean native goats.

      • KCI등재

        계룡산국립공원의 나비류 군집에 관한 연구

        전성재 ( Sung Jae Jeon ),조영호 ( Young Ho Cho ),한용구 ( Yong Gu Han ),김영진 ( Young Jin Kim ),최민주 ( Min Joo Choi ),박영준 ( Young Jun Park ),남상호 ( Sang Ho Nam ) 한국환경생태학회 2012 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        고도의 변화는 종 다양성 및 풍부도 그리고 생물 종 구성에 있어 매우 중요한 역할을 하는 요인으로 최근에는 나비를 비롯하여 곤충의 고도에 따른 분포 형태에 관하여 많은 관심이 집중되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 계룡산국립공원의 고도에 따른 나비분포를 조사하여, 종 보전 및 효율적인 관리방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 고도가 증가함에 따라 종과 개체수가 감소하는 경향이 나타났으며, 이는 수관울폐로 인한 그늘의 증가가 원인일 것으로 사료된다. 고도의 영향 이외에도 종의 분포에 영향을 주는 요인을 분석한 결과, 경사도 및 식생군락 그리고 수계거리가 종의 분포 변화와 상관관계가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 이러한 종들은 먹이식물과 밀접한 관련이 있으므로 추후에 숲 내부의 변화를 감지하는데 적합한 생물지표종을 선정한다면 시간과 비용을 감소시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 효율적인 생물다양성 평가를 내릴 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 추후에 기후 및 미기후, 그리고 먹이식물과 같은 환경요인들의 자료를 축적하고 정량화 할 경우 나비 분포를 예측할 수 있어 종 보전에 있어 더 효율적이라고 사료된다. Altitude is a factor that plays an important role in the diversity, richness and composition of species. Recently, much attention has been paid to the distribution of butterflies and insects according to altitude. The purpose of this article is to propose a method to preserve and manage species efficiently by reviewing the distribution of butterflies according to different altitudes in Mt. Gyeryong National Park. This study found that the number of species and individuals decreased as the altitude increased, possibly due to the increased amount of shade caused by the crown density. When analyzing the factors influencing the distribution of species other than altitude, it was found that the slope, vegetative colonies and hydrosphere distance were correlated with the change in species distribution. As these species are closely related to food plants, it may save time and reduce the cost as well as allow an efficient evaluation of the bio-diversity if these species are selected as biological indicator species suitable for detecting the changes in the forest. It is judged to be a more efficient means of species preservation to accumulate and quantify the materials regarding environmental elements such as the climate, microclimate and food plants, as this would allow the butterfly distribution to be estimated.

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