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      • 보르헤르트의 귀향자 문학

        손기영 한국헤세학회 2002 헤세연구 Vol.8 No.-

        Wolfgang Borchert ist einer der typischen Dichter im Bereich der Heimkehrerliteratur. Borchert erlebte selbst mit 20 Jahren den Krieg und war Ofer des Kriegs. Zuerst beschreibe ich Umrisse der Heimkehrerliteratur und die Werke Borcherts. Die Kriegserfahrung ist fu¨r den Schriftersteller eine Sache von gro¨βter Bedeutung. Der Krieg ist eines der wichtigsten Themen der deutschen Literatur, er ist aber zugleich auch eines der schwierigsten, wenn er sich um eine wahrheitsgetreue Wiedergabe handelt. Die Entwicklung jener neuen Tendenzen der Kriegsliteratur erscheint am evidentesten in den Kriegsgeschichten von Wolfgang Borchert. Die Erza¨hlungen, die er pra¨sentiert, sind meistenteils kleine, skizzenartige Aufzeichungen, die genau, fast chronikartig, das winzige Detail des Krieges herausgreifen und dennoch die Zeit, die Dinge und das sich hinter ihnen Verbergende kennzeichnen und sie aus der Na¨he, aus dem unmittelbaren Erleben fixieren. Dieses grausame und entsetzliche Geschehenis schildert Borchert au¨βerst einfach, absichtlich naiv und ungeku¨nstelt; der Schriftsteller vermeidet hier absichtlich expressiv gefa¨rbte Wo¨rter und Wortverbindungen. Die Darstellung ist ausgesprochen neutral. Dieser Schilderung fehlen jegliche Epitheta, die eine Stelleungnahme des Verfassers zu den Ereiggnissen verraten ko¨nnten. Die hier besprochen Kurzgeschichten sind nur exemplarische Beispiele fu¨r die moderne Darstellungsweise der Heimkehrersproblematik in den Werken eines Augenzeugen und Teilnehmers am letzen Kriege. Die analysierten Erza¨hlungen enthu¨llen die inneren Bindungen der Problematik, sie zeigen den entmenschlichten Mechanismus der Vernichtung, in dessen Trieben menschliche Existenzen zermalmt werden. Die Kurzgeschiten Borcherts da¨monisieren jedoch den Krieg, statt auf die wahren und realen Ursachen dieses Pha¨nomens hinzuweisen. Die Figuren der Borchertschen Kriegsgeschichten handeln oft irrational. Sie handeln sogar nicht mehr in eigentlichen Sinne des Wortes - sie funktionieren. Dieser fu¨r den Dichter unfaβbare hintergrund degradiert die Gestalten seiner Erza¨hlungen zu grotesken Marionetten. Der Krieg verwandelt sich dementsprechend in ein grausiges Puppenspiel. Im Werk von W. Borchert sind typische Tendenzen der neuen Literatur zu erkennen. Perso¨nliches Schicksal und tiefe Verzweiflung einer in den Abgrund gefu¨hrten Generation widerspiegeln sich ada¨quat in seinem geringen Nachlaβ. W. Borchert war der Dichter, in dessen Sprachen und Werk die Stimme der zweiten deutschen "lost generation" zum Ausdruck kam. Die besten Kurzgeschichte Borcherts enthalten eine doppelte Srtuktur. Sein Prosawerk ist vor allem eine sta¨ndige Auseinandersetzung mit dem Kriegspha¨nomen, den Krieg spu¨rt man auch in den Kurzgeschichten, in denen kein Wort aus dem Kriegsvokabular fa¨llt. Die Kriegserfahrung ist fu¨r Borchert eine Sache von groβer Bedeutung. Was er gesehen und durchgelebt hatte, fand eine literarische Transformation in seinem Werk, das weder Phantasie noch Dichtung ist, sondern wahres Leben. Borchert bescha¨ftigt sich in Borcherts Gestalten wider. Aber bei Borchert ist selbst unter ungu¨nstigsten Umsta¨nden noch die Selbstbehauptung mo¨glich. Borchert ist nicht ein Dichter des Negativen und des Pessimismus. Die scheiternden Menschen sind meist selbst dafu¨r verantwortlich, wenn sie die Situation nicht bewa¨ltigen. Borchert verkennt dabei keineswegs, daβer Schicksal gibt, gegen das der Mensch nichts ausrichten kann.

      • KCI등재

        서울 핵안보 정상회의와 글로벌 거버넌스를 위한 한국의 역할

        손기영 국가안보전략연구원 2012 국가안보와 전략 Vol.12 No.2

        This article aims to elucidate the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit from the perspectives of regime theory and global governance and analyze the role of South Korea as one of the key actors in this process. The nuclear security process, which started with President Barack Obama’s vision of “World Without Nuclear Weapons,” faced a watershed timed with the Seoul summit. This article argues that the Nuclear Security Summit does not aim to create a new international regime, but to strengthen a number of “incomplete” regimes institutionally. By doing this, the summit fosters multiple processes and promotes global governance to facilitate the efforts to secure nuclear materials to prevent nuclear terrorism. This article notes that the nuclear security process could provide South Korea with a chance to make contributions to a new form of global governance depending on its will and capacity as a middle power. 이 글은 핵안보 정상회의를 레짐(regime)이론과 글로벌 거버넌스(global governance)의 관점에서 분석하고, 핵안보 프로세스의 핵심국가로 떠오른 한국의 역할에 대해 조망한다. 미국의 버락 오바마 대통령의 “핵없는 세상”이라는 비전에서 시작된 핵안보 프로세스는 2012년의 서울정상회담을 계기로 새로운 전기를 맞았다. 이 글은 핵안보 정상회의가 새로운 국제레짐(international regime)을 만드는 것이 목표가 아니라 몇 개의 “미완의” 핵안보 레짐들을 제도적으로 강화하고 새로운 다층적 프로세스를 도입함으로써 종국적으로는 핵테러를 막기 위해 핵물질의 전 세계적 관리를 용이하게 할 수 있는 글로벌 거버넌스를 모색하는 것이라고 본다. 이 글은 한국이 중견국가(middle power)로서 국제사회에 대한 기여도를 높여 가는 과정에서 핵안보 프로세스는 한국 정부의 의사와 역량에 따라 새로운 형태의 글로벌 거버넌스에 공헌하는 중요한 계기가 될 수 있음을 밝힌다.

      • KCI등재

        Building a Maritime “Great Wall” to Contain China? Explaining Japan’s Recalibration of Risk with the Militarization of Okinawa

        손기영,Ra Mason 경남대학교 극동문제연구소 2013 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE Vol.37 No.3

        In this article we aim to illustrate both the progress and the stalemates of the US and Japanese strategies to fortify the Okinawan Islands as a bulwark against China. As a conceptual tool to analyze the accommodation and resistance of militarization, we use the notion of a complex interplay of state, market, and societal actors,which showcases the process of mediating and recalibrating risks perceived by policymakers in Tokyo in response to the rise of China. In this process, risk has been shifted to individual stakeholders within society. We argue that the full-scale fortification of the Okinawan Islands will be hard to achieve because of the resistance of local residents and anti-base activists, as well as China’s military and commercial strategies to circumvent any form of blockade.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Effect of Aditional Brief Counselling after Periodic Health Examination on Motivation for Health Behavior Change

        손기영,이철민,조비룡,임열리,오승원,정원주,이진석,박두신,김한석 대한의학회 2012 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.27 No.12

        This study was to evaluate the effect of additional brief counseling by a primary care physician on lifestyle modification of examinees after a periodic health examination. 1,000 participants of the 2007 Korean national health screening program were asked to note any variation in their health behavior after participating in the screening program. The degree of comprehensive motivation for lifestyle modification was assessed in terms of stages of health behavior change. We calculated odds ratio of positive change (enhanced stage of change) with multiple logistic regression analysis and age-adjusted proportion of positive changers. Of 989 respondents, 486 and 503 received the basic and additional programs, respectively. Additional group were more likely to be positive changer than basic group (adjusted OR 1.78; 95% CI 1.19-2.65), and this was more prominent in older age group (adjusted OR 2.38, 95% CI 1.23-4.58). The age-adjusted proportions of positive changers were 22.7% (95% CI, 17.9-28.3) and 36.2% (95% CI, 30.4-42.4) in the basic and additional groups, respectively (P < 0.001). The additional consultation led to improvements in the stage of health behavior change after the health examination. Thus, such a consultation should be considered when designing a health-screening program.

      • KCI등재

        3세 여아에서 진단된 특발성 문맥 고혈압 1예

        손기영,백승연,정기섭,Son, Ki-Young,Baek, Seoung-Yon,Chung, Ki-Sup 대한소아소화기영양학회 2007 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.10 No.2

        A previously healthy 3-year-old girl was admitted to the Department of Pediatrics in Severance Hospital with sudden symptoms of melena. The vital signs were stable, and splenomegaly was found in a physical examination. The patient had moderate thrombocytopenia. There was no evidence of autoimmune disease. A upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and esophagogram showed a varix on the lower esophagus. Coarse liver parenchymal echoes and increased periportal echogenicity were seen on a Doppler sonogram. The velocity of the portal vein mildly increased. Magnetic-resonance-cholangiopancreatogram (MRCP) demonstrated normal portal structures. A sono-guided liver biopsy was performed, but the pathological findings were unremarkable. Based on these findings, we diagnosed the patient with idiopathic portal hypertension. The patient was discharged and was treated with oral beta blocker. We report a case of idiopathic portal hypertension with a brief review of the literature. 저자들은 혈변을 호소하였던 3세된 여아에서 소아에서 비교적 드문 식도 정맥류와 비종대가 합병된 특발성 문맥 고혈압 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 더불어 보고하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        위기의 동아시아 통합론: 통합이론의 분석수준과 통합환경 분석

        손기영 고려대학교 일민국제관계연구원 2019 국제관계연구 Vol.24 No.2

        This article aims to critically review regional integration theory from the “four levels of analysis” that comprise the level of ‘region’, as well as Waltz’s “three images” and analyze the integration environment of East Asia. It introduces four levels of analysis — leaders, state, region, and structure — and classifies various integration theories into the four. This article argues that, in order to improve the explanatory power of integration theory, many variables should be taken into consideration, including the nature of national leaders, the self-reflective change of state identities and decision-making, globalization and the influences of great powers, as well as the regional and transnational dynamics. This paper proposes a simple integration environment index to illustrate the trajectory of integration and discover the variables affecting integration and disintegration. According to this integration environment index, East Asia proceeded in integration in the 1990s and 2000s in an average integration environment, while its index has worsened in the 2010s. 이 연구는 월츠의 ‘세 가지 이미지’에 지역을 추가해 네 가지 분석 수준(levels of analysis) 을 통해 통합이론을 비판적으로 정리한 후 동아시아 통합환경의 변화를 조망하는 데 목적이 있다. 우선 통합과 관련된 분석 수준을 인물, 국가, 지역, 국제구조로 나누어 다양한 통합이론을 이 틀에 맞게 분류한다. 이 연구는 통합이론의 설명력을 확충하기 위해 국가 간 협상이나 지역 수준의 초국가적 동학뿐만 아니라 국가 지도자의 성향, 개별 국가의 자기성찰적 정체성 변화와 정책결정, 세계화 또는 역내외 강대국의 영향 등의 변수를 함께 고려하는 접근법이 필요함을 주장한다. 이를 통해 간단한 통합환경지수를 제시함으로써 통합의 추이와 통합 및 분열에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 찾아낸다. 통합환경지수에 따르면 동아시아는 보통 수준의 통합환경에서 1990년대와 2000년대에 일정 부분 통합의 길로 나아갔지만, 2010년대 들어 통합환경이 나빠졌음을 보여준다.

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