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        조선후기 숙종대 황해도 지역의 '生佛' 사건

        최선혜 호남사학회 2013 역사학연구 Vol.50 No.-

        This study examined the Living Buddha cases of Hwanghae province by Cheo-Kyeong(1676) - Yeo-Hwan(1688) - Chung-Geol Cha(1691) during the King Suk-jong regime in the Late Joseon Dynasty. First of all, this study reviewed the context of Hwanghae province to understand the cause of the Living Bhddha cases. Hwanghae province is an important region for military and diplomatic purpose and people in the province suffered a lot from Ming(明) and Ching(淸). The excessive demand by Mo Mun Ryong(毛文龍) of a general of Ming, and the Ching Dynasty gave huge burden to Hwanghae province. Rampant infectious diseases and disasters took place in the province which made the royal court to give special exemption of taxation. In addition, as the province is the strategic point of the staying of envoy to and from China, they suffered from excessive burden for providing accommodation and meal. In such situation, the discontent and resistance of people in Hwanghae led to a collective action in accordance with the enthronement of King Suk-jong. A monk Cheo-Kyeong who pretended himself as a Living Buddha falsified a document, disguised him as the posthumous child of the Crown Prince Sohyeon(昭顯世子) and planned to link with Heo Jeok(許積), the head of Namin party. Although the Cheo-Kyeong party was broken up, shrines were installed in many villages of Hwanghae province and they were enshrined with Bokchanggun, Heo Jeok and Cheo-Kyeong who were executed by the treason. Many people gathered the shrine expecting for the miracle. A monk Yeo-Hwan who was called as a Living Buddha made a government resistance in association with people in Hwanghae province and the military forces in Military Training Command (Hullyŏn togam). Yeo-Hwan united with a group of people who believed in the Living Buddha while he married to a spiritual shaman in Hwanghae province. Finally, Yeo-Hwan’s party planned to attack the Royal Palace and arranged a plot with many military personnel in the Military Training Command. The case of Yeo-Hwan was a movement for the change of the world associated with Namin party, discontented military forces and Hwanghae province people under the umbrella of the Living Buddha belief. Chung-Geol Cha was seized and executed together with a group while seeking a Living Buddha named Cheong Pil Seok(鄭弼錫), a son of Cheong Ik(鄭榏). The case of Chung-Geol Cha took place in Hwanghae province where all leaders of plot lived. Cheong Ik was punished with Bokseongun Nam(福善君 楠) by the attack of Seoin party. That Chung-Geol Cha sought the son of Cheong Ik as a Living Buddha demonstrated resistance on the ruling Seoin party. As such, people had a collective action focusing on the Living Buddha belief, which was a sub-culture of the late Joseon Dynasty from the mainstream culture led by the ruling class. People in Hwanghae province expressed their discontent in suffering and contradiction against the ruling class in combination with the Living Buddha belief. The cases of consecutive government resistance with the Living Buddha in the center was an expression of a resistance by the popular religion against the government ruling. 이 글에서는 조선후기 숙종 2년(1676)-14년(1688)-17년(1691)에 處瓊-呂還-車忠傑이 황해도를 중심으로 잇따라 生佛과 관련해 일으킨 사건을 검토하였다. 황해도는 일찍부터 군사・외교적으로 주요한 지역이었다. 특히 명말・청초에는 전쟁의 여파 속에 明과 淸에게 이중으로 살육과 착취를 당하였다. 명의 장수 毛文龍과 청 조정의 과다한 요구는 고스란히 황해도의 부담으로 돌아왔다. 유달리 전염병과 재변도 횡행하여, 숙종이 특별히 황해도는 대폭 감세하는 조치를 취할 정도였다. 어느 지역보다 패전의 굴욕을 절감하며 고통을 겪었지만 국왕과 집권층은 이를 해결해주지 못하였다. 여기에 더해 황해도는 중국과 오가는 사신이 묵어가는 곳이었으며, 해로를 통하는 사신들의 배도 경유하는 지역이었다. 그에 따라 황해도는 사신의 숙식 공급에 따른 과중한 부담에 시달리고 있었다. 이러한 상황 속에 국왕과 집권층을 향한 황해도민의 불만과 저항은 숙종의 즉위와 더불어 집단적 행동으로 이어졌다. 숙종 초 생불을 자칭한 僧 처경은 소현세자의 유복자를 자처하며 위조한 문서까지 들고 남인의 영수 許積을 찾아갔다. 福昌君 楨 집안의 사람이나 궁궐 나인과 가깝게 지내며 소현세자를 둘러싼 사건에 관해 소상히 들은 처경은 소현세자의 아들을 자처하며 남인과의 연결을 도모하였다. 결국 처경 일당은 伏誅되었으나 이 사건은 황해도에 여파를 남겼다. 황해도 여러 고을에는 사당이 세워지고 역모로 처형된 복창군・허적・처경이 함께 모셔졌으며, 이들의 영험함을 믿는 백성들이 몰려들었다. 생불로 불리던 僧 여환은 生佛 신앙을 매개로 황해도민 및 중앙 훈련도감 소속 武人들과 연합하여 궁궐을 차지하려는 거사를 일으켰다. 여환은 황해도에서 생불 신앙을 믿는 일군의 무리를 만나고 영험한 무당과 결혼하는 등 그들과 연합하였다. 마침내 여환 일당은 훈련원에 모여 궁궐 진입을 계획하였고, 훈련도감 소속 무인을 비롯한 여러 무사와 사전 약속도 해 두었다. 여환 사건은 남인과 불만 무사들, 그리고 황해도민이 생불 신앙으로 얽혀 세상의 변화를 희망한 움직임이었다. 차충걸은 鄭榏의 아들 鄭弼錫이라는 生佛을 찾아다니다 일군의 무리와 함께 체포・처형되었다. 주모자 모두가 거주한 곳도, 사건이 일어난 곳도 황해도였다. 정익은 서인의 공격으로 福善君 楠과 함께 처벌된 사람이다. 차충걸이 정익의 아들을 생불이라 하며 찾아다닌 것에서도 황해도 생불사건에는 집권 서인에 대한 반발이 담겨있음이 드러난다. 차충걸 사건은 여환 사건과 직접적인 연관을 가지면서 오로지 황해도민이 모여 일으킨 움직임이었다. 이와 같이 백성들은 생불 신앙을 중심으로 잇따른 집단적 움직임을 보였으며, 이는 지배층이 주도한 주류문화에서 벗어난 조선후기 사회의 비주류 문화였다. 고통과 모순 속에서 황해도민은 집권층에 대한 불만을 생불 신앙과 결합하여 표출하였다. 생불 신앙을 중심으로 한 잇따른 역모 사건은 통치에 대해 민간의 신앙의 던지는 저항의 한 표현이었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선 초기 『明皇誡鑑』과 『內訓』 - 여성에 대한 서책 간행과 왕권의 안정

        최선혜 순천대학교 남도문화연구소 2011 南道文化硏究 Vol.0 No.21

        The Lesson through in the Ming emperor(『明皇誡鑑』) and The Inner Teaching(『內訓』), compiled in the early Chosŏn period, are two of the most representative works on women of the time. In The Lesson through in the Ming emperor, the entire blame for the rebellion was shifted onto Ān Lùshān(安祿山), Yang Guifei(楊貴妃), and Yang Guozhong(楊國忠), much to the benefit of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (唐 玄宗). The Inner Teaching, which succeeded The Lesson through in the Ming emperor praised how the emperor's relatives in law never interfered with the power structure of the political system, and criticized the stewardship of the emperor's mother. The kings of early chosen were extremely cautious of potential threats to their reign, such as possible abnormal succession and political interference from the in∼laws of their wives. This is to say, the virtues that were advocated the most to women of the palace had to do with sustaining the patriarchal structures within the public sector. For the dynasty itself was the intended family to the wives of the king. Patriarchy functioned both as a political system and a means of control by linking filial piety and loyalty together in a holistic way, posting the king as its formats ruler. As the king fulfilled the role of the national father figure, he had to have submissive queens and concubines. Consequently, these women had to follow the order which was promulgated upon them according to the needs of the king. The women within the palace could not have any political or social relationships, and if they could not keep this order they would be considered as having caused a problem that threatened the dynasty from its foundations. The sustenance of the king's political power was done by maintaining patriarchy as a political system, by which the king could control his people. The cultural methods by which this was done were books one women, such as The Lesson through in the Ming emperor and The Inner Teaching.


        국내의 암관련 간호연구논문 분석

        최선혜,남영화,류은정,백명화,서동희,서순림,최귀윤,최경숙 한국간호과학회 1998 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.16 No.1

        The purposes of this study were to describe systemically 18 years of oncology nursing research in Korea and suggest it's direction in future. 149 nursing studies published from 1980 to 1998 were selected for the present study. There were examined the source and the design of study, type of subjects, measurement variables, the intervention outcome of experimental research, and theme of qualitative research. The results were as follows : 1. 121 of 149 studies were composed of master thesis and dissertation of graduate school. There were 55 correlations, 30 descriptions, 19 comparisons, 19 qualitative studies and 2 Q-methods as the type of research design. 2. Cancer patients without describing specified diagnosis as subjects' characteristic were 44 of total studies. The others had various diagnoses such as gastric cancer, uterine cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer. According to treatment type, patients receiving chemotherapy were the highest number distribution as 53 of all researches. 3. Most measurement instruments used for research were translated it into Korean that developed by foreigners, such as Zung's depression, Spielberg's anxiety, and Wallston's locus of control. 4. Quality of life was shown the most frequently among correlational researches. the next one was depression, the third was hope, and so on. 5. There was the most frequent comparison between cancer and non-cancer patients in comparative researches. It was surveyed those variables as diet habits, risk factors, stressful life events, anxiety and depression, and self-care capacity between two groups. 6. The subjects were mostly chemotherapy patients as 15 of 24 experimental studies. Oral care and education were respectively the highest experimental interventions. 7. Qualitative researches about cancer were reported since 1991. Their themes were illness experience, adaptation process, dying experience, family experience, hope, caring, experience of health behavior, meaning of chemotherapy and experience of cancer survivor. Phenomenologic methodology was designed above 50% of qualitative researches. According to the above findings, cancer research had increased since 1990 and done mostly by descriptive design but a few experimental studies. As recommendations for the future, It is necessary to study the comparison of oncology nursing research internationally, the replication to establish the effect of nursing intervention, and the family care of cancer patient.

      • KCI등재

        Activation of Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptor Is Coupled to Enhancement of Ca2+-Activated Potassium Channel Currents

        최선혜,이병환,황성희,이상목,나승열,김현중 대한약리학회 2013 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.17 No.3

        The calcium-activated K+ (BKCa) channel is one of the potassium-selective ion channels that are present in the nervous and vascular systems. Ca2+ is the main regulator of BKCa channel activation. The BKCa channel contains two high affinity Ca2+ binding sites, namely, regulators of K+ conductance,RCK1 and the Ca2+ bowl. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA, 1-radyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphate) is one of the neurolipids. LPA affects diverse cellular functions on many cell types through G proteincoupled LPA receptor subtypes. The activation of LPA receptors induces transient elevation of intracellular Ca2+ levels through diverse G proteins such as Gαq/11, Gαi, Gα12/13, and Gαs and the related signal transduction pathway. In the present study, we examined LPA effects on BKCa channel activity expressed in Xenopus oocytes, which are known to endogenously express the LPA receptor. Treatment with LPA induced a large outward current in a reversible and concentration-dependent manner. However, repeated treatment with LPA induced a rapid desensitization, and the LPA receptor antagonist Ki16425 blocked LPA action. LPA-mediated BKCa channel activation was also attenuated by the PLC inhibitor U-73122, IP3 inhibitor 2-APB, Ca2+ chelator BAPTA, or PKC inhibitor calphostin. In addition, mutations in RCK1 and RCK2 also attenuated LPA-mediated BKCa channel activation. The present study indicates that LPA-mediated activation of the BKCa channel is achieved through the PLC, IP3, Ca2+, and PKC pathway and that LPA-mediated activation of the BKCa channel could be one of the biological effects of LPA in the nervous and vascular systems.

      • KCI등재

        Changes in c-Fos Expression in the Forced Swimming Test: Common and Distinct Modulation in Rat Brain by Desipramine and Citalopram

        최선혜,정성,조진희,조윤하,김진욱,김정민,김희정,김현주,신경호 대한약리학회 2013 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.17 No.4

        Rodents exposed to a 15-min pretest swim in the forced swimming test (FST) exhibit prolonged immobility in a subsequent 5-min test swim, and antidepressant treatment before the test swim reduces immobility. At present, neuronal circuits recruited by antidepressant before the test swim remain unclear, and also less is known about whether antidepressants with different mechanisms of action could influence neural circuits differentially. To reveal the neural circuits associated with antidepressant effect in the FST, we injected desipramine or citalopram 0.5 h, 19 h, and 23 h after the pretest swim and observed changes in c-Fos expression in rats before the test swim, namely 24h after the pretest swim. Desipramine treatment alone in the absence of pretest swim was without effect, whereas citalopram treatment alone significantly increased the number of c-Fos-like immunoreactive cells in the central nucleus of the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, where this pattern of increase appears to be maintained after the pretest swim. Both desipramine and citalopram treatment after the pretest swim significantly increased the number of c-Fos-like immunoreactive cells in the ventral lateral septum and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray before the test swim. These results suggest that citalopram may affect c-Fos expression in the central nucleus of the amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis distinctively and raise the possibility that upregulation of c-Fos in the ventral lateral septum and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray before the test swim may be one of the probable common mechanisms underlying antidepressant effect in the FST.

      • KCI등재

        조선 세조대 講論의 시행과 儒臣의 성장

        최선혜 호남사학회 2015 역사학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        이 연구는 조선 세조대 유교정치의 상징과도 같은 경사 강론의 시행과 특징을 검토하는데 있다. 지금까지 세조는 쿠데타로 집권하였기에 결코 왕권을 정당화할 수 없었고, 세조의 정책은 ‘反 유교’로 규명되고, 그의 치세는 ‘유교적 정치이념이 퇴색한 시대’로 이해되었다. 그러나 세조야말로 유교이념으로 즉위와 통치의 정당성을 확보할 절대적인 필요가 있는 군주였다. 세조 치세의 儒臣 역시 유학자로서의 도덕성과 관료로서 벼슬한 명분을 확보해야만 하였다. 이에 세조대 경사 강론의 내용과 의미에 주목하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째 세조 역시 경연은 잠시도 폐할 수 없다고 강조하며 매일 열도록 하였다. 그런데 세조는 경연에서 매우 전제적인 왕권의 행사를 옹호하였고, 경연이 경전공부만 하는 것이 아니라 정국운영방안을 논하는 자리임을 강조하였다. 둘째 세조는 경연을 군주 주도의 친강으로 운영하였다. 친강에서 세조는 참석자를 교육ㆍ평가하는 방식을 취했으며 다루는 책도 대개 세조가 결정하였다. 세조는 조정의 종친과 관료들이 모인 자리에서 친강을 통해 군주의 정국 운영과 치도 방안을 주지하였다. 셋째 강론은 세조가 신진 유신을 적극 양성하는 자리였을 뿐만 아니라, 신진 유신에게도 성장의 자리로 기능하였다. 넷째 점차 세조의 강론은 공론을 개진하는 자리와 거리가 있다는 유신의 불만이 불거져 나왔다. 세조가 유학 이외에 다양한 학문을 두루 익히게 한 조처에 대해서도 유학자는 자신들의 정체성과 자존심을 상하게 한 조처로 받아들였다. 결국 세조대는 성종 이후 조선의 정치가 공론을 중시하는 사대부 중심의 정치로 흘러가고, 그에 따라 유자가 治者로서의 정체성과 구분의식을 갖게 되면서 비판의 대상이 되었다. This research evaluates the salient characteristics of the Royal Lectures under king Sejo's administration. Current literature has so far suggested that Sejo, being enthroned as a result of a coup, could not legitimize his sovereignty, and that he thus instituted 'a policy of Anti-Confucianism', and that his 'era was one where Confucian political ideology had faded'. Yet this appraisal overlooks the ideological reality that Sejo, as a sovereign, desperately needed a Confucian legitimization of his enthronement and rule. By narrowing in on the specific ways in which the Royal Lectures, as a herald of the Confucian Politic, were administered, and their significance, these conclusions can be drawn. First, Sejo emphatically stated that the Royal Lectures, being initiated since the establishment of the Joseon dynasty, ought to be held every single day. Within these Royal Lectures, Sejo importantly supported an absolute monarch's right to exercise his power, and further suggested that the Royal Lectures were not merely a place for scriptural exegesis but a time for discussing the ways in which the body politic ought be ordered. Second, Sejo administered a kind of 'Sovereign' Royal Lecture, where he himself would lead the discussion and query the participants of the lecture. These lectures constituted of Sejo instructing and evaluating the participants on material that Sejo himself selected. Whereas previous Royal Lectures had the edification of the sovereign on scholarly matters as its objective, the objective of the 'Sovereign' Royal Lectures under Sejo was the edification of the Court's near-kin royals and officials on the ways in which a sovereign should govern and oversee the body politic. Third, Sejo utilized the Sovereign Royal Lectures as a place to actively bring up new Confucian scholars. Sovereign Royal Lectures were an equally important place for Confucian scholars, who had the chance to secure official appointments by or through them. Fourth, some Confucian scholars expressed discontent that the Royal Lectures, dominated by Sejo, were far from a place to advance public debate. Further, when Sejo encouraged the studying of scholarly disciplines other than Confucianism, many Confucian scholars took offence, considering it as a blow to their identity and dignity. All in all, it can be said that the Sejo era became a target of criticism as the literati(Sadaebu), who placed importance on public debate, became the centre of Joseon's politics after King Seong-jong, and in relation, as the Confucian scholar came to have a distinct identity and consciousness as magistrate.

      • KCI등재

        김호연재 산수시의 군자 의식

        최선혜 한국고전여성문학회 2020 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        김호연재(金浩然齎, 1681〜1772)는 사대부 출신 여성 시인이다. 충청도 갈뫼(鼇頭)에 정착한 안동 김씨인 김성달(金成達)의 딸로 태어나 성장하여 동춘당(同春堂) 송준길(宋浚吉)의 후손 송요화(宋堯和)와 혼인하였다. 42세로 사망할 때까지 가문의 살림을 주관하면서 근 200편의 한시를 남겼다. 한시 원문은 실전되었으나 한글본으로 가문에서 대대로 전해지다가 증손부 청송 심씨(靑松沈氏, 1747〜1814)가 직접 정서하여 깨끗이 보존될 수 있었다. 김호연재의 남편 송요화는 혼인한 지 얼마 안 되어 어머니 안정나씨를 모시고 지방관인 형 송요경의 임지를 따라 다녔기 때문에 부부가 함께 생활한 기간은 길지 않았다. 직계 어른의 통제 없이 송촌(宋村)에서 호연재는 젊은 나이에 가문의 살림을 꾸려나가면서 엄격한 규범의 화신이 되어야 했지만 역설적으로는 시를 지으며 군자 의식을 가다듬을 수 있는 특수한 환경이 만들어졌다. 호연재는 시숙부 송병익(宋秉翼)을 시어른으로 의지하면서 시당질 사흠(士欽), 진흠(晉欽), 명흠(明欽)등에게 글스승이 되었다. 혼인 직후 호연재 부부가 신혼을 보냈던 법천정사는 바로 송촌의 뒤켠에 있었다. 일상시가 곧 산수시가 될 수 있는 환경이다. 송촌은 산으로 둘러싸여 있었으므로 호연재는 가고 싶을 때마다 가까운 비래암과 법천의 산수 속에서 휴식하며 문학적 영감을 얻을 수 있었다. 그러나 법도상 사대부가의 여성은 일가친척 외의 남성과 폭넓게 교유할 수 없었으며, 외부인과 주고받는 편지에도 한글을 사용해야 했다. 실제 호연재의 차운시에 등장하는 인물들은 모두 일가친척 남성들이었다. 그 결과, 호연재는 그의 시문학 속에서 호탕하지만 유폐된 군자상을 조성하였다. 아이러니하게도 사회적 고립 속에서 호연재는 시에 복잡한 전고나 현학적 표현을 넣지 않고 내면의 솔직한 감상을 담을 수 있었다. 호연재는 고독에 시달리면서도 스스로를 규방에 갇힌 군자라 일컬으며 호탕한 성품으로 자찬하였다. 송촌 근처 법천과 비래암을 읊은 산수시 뿐만 아니라 화양구곡과 단양에 다녀간 작품에서 그의 내면을 읽을 수 있다. 송촌을 대대로 지켰던 여성 후손들은 호연재의 작품에 공감하였고, 증손부 청송 심씨는 원고를 정서하여 보존될 수 있었다. Kimhoyeonjae(金浩然齋) was woman with novel poets. She was born in a Andong Kim family. After she grew up, she married Yohwa Song(宋堯和) from the Enjin Song family. Until her death 42, she worked as a housewife for Song family. Her portfolio contains almost 200 poems. Although her poet original disapeared, her descendants preserved her works. Her great-granddaughter-in law transferred her words directly onto clean papers. Through her mother-in law Cheongsong Simsi(靑松沈氏), Hoyeonjae's works passed down through the generations. She defined a confined wise woman by herself. This consciousness developed from living alone which was a special situation. Her husband presently accompanied his mother and brother Yogyeong Song(宋堯卿). His brother was government official appointed to the district office. Therefore the couple did not live together long. Instead of her husband, she relied on her uncle-in law Byeong-ik Song(宋秉翼). In addition, she became a teacher for her nephews-in law Sa-heum(思欽), Jin-heum(晉欽) and Myeong-heum(明欽). The Beopcheon(法泉) house was located at the back of Songchon(宋村), couple had a honeymoon in this house, and the couple created a literary environment there. Songchon was basin topography. Because of her mother-in law's absense, she had the authority to make a living. She created the consciousness of an exciting and concealed wise woman. The Joseon dynasty had a strict class system with high levels of gender discrimination. She beloned to the Sadaibu class, and identified as woman. For this reason, she was not allowed to meet external peers. Before her marriage, she wrote poems in hometown of Odu(鼇頭). After the wedding, she devoted her energy to creating poetry and scripture alone. It was Paradoxical. As a poet, she enjoyed herself by writing. she didn't care about the surroundings. Customarily, novel woman could not communicate with exterior man. If she need to write letters, she should write down by korean. All characters in her poems were relatives man. This social environment was better than other novel woman poets. She was respected and had dignity in Songchon community. But her identity was devided by lonliness. By reading through her poems <Sangeo-jeuksa(山居卽事)>, <Man-eum(漫吟)>, <Hi-im(戱任)>, muliple characters of Gunja(君子) were virtuous queen, drunken lunatic, hidden talent. Whenever they want, her relatives man could write a letter to male solidarity and get academic achievement. Hoyeonjae suffered from solitude. However, she was self-proclaimed by a concealed wise person who lived casually. She wrote many poems about nature. Reading the poems, reader can understand feminine meanings that were different from those of unknown male scholars.

      • KCI등재

        Differential effects of ginsenoside metabolites on slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ and KCNQ1 K+ channel currents

        최선혜,이병환,김현중,정석원,황성희,나승열 고려인삼학회 2013 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.37 No.3

        Channels formed by the co-assembly of the KCNQ1 subunit and the mink (KCNE1) subunit underline the slowly activating delayed rectifier K+ channels (IKs) in the heart. This K+ channel is one of the main pharmacological targets for the development of drugs against cardiovascular disease. Panax ginseng has been shown to exhibit beneficial cardiovascular effects. In a previous study, we showed that ginsenoside Rg3 activates human KCNQ1 K+ channel currents through interactions with the K318 and V319residues. However, little is known about the effects of ginsenoside metabolites on KCNQ1 K+ alone or the KCNQ1 + KCNE1 K+(IKs) channels. In the present study, we examined the effect of protopanaxatriol (PPT) and compound K (CK) on KCNQ1 K+ and IKs channel activity expressed in Xenopus oocytes. PPT more strongly inhibited the IKs channel currents than the currents of KCNQ1K+ alone in concentration- and voltage-dependent manners. The IC50 values on IKs and KCNQ1 alone currents for PPT were 5.18±0.13and 10.04±0.17 μM, respectively. PPT caused a leftward shift in the activation curve of IKs channel activity, but minimally affected KCNQ1 alone. CK exhibited slight inhibition on IKs and KCNQ1 alone K+ channel currents. These results indicate that ginsenoside metabolites show limited effects on IKs channel activity, depending on the structure of the ginsenoside metabolites

      • APT Wireless Forum 제2차

        최선혜,Choe, Seon-Hye 한국정보통신기술협회 2005 TTA저널 Vol.102 No.-

        아ㆍ태 무선통신포럼(AWF)은 기존의 APT IMT-2000 Forum을 2003년 APT 관리이사회에서 한국의 제안으로 확대 개편한 조직으로, IMT-2000 등 무선 통신 전반에 관한 선진 기술 및 문제점 등 각종 이슈에 대하여 회원국 간 의견조율 및 협력체제 구축을 목적으로 함

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