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      • Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy in Stage Ⅲ Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

        Song, Jung Sub,Jang, Jie Young,Shinn, Kyung Sub,Lee, Sun Hee,Choi, Ihl Bhong,Kim, In Ah,Kang, Ki Mun,Park, Jae Gil,Kuak, Mun Sub THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF KOREA 1997 Bulletin of The Catholic Research Institutes of Me Vol.25 No.-

        This study was tried to evaluate the potential benefits of concurrent chemoradiation therapy(low dose daily cisplatin combined with split course radiation therapy) compared with conventional radiation therapy alone in stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer. The end points of analyses were response rate, overall survival, survival without locoregional failure, survival without distant metastasis, prognostic factors affecting survival and treatment related toxicities. Between April 1992 and March 1994, 32 patients who had stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer were treated with concurrent chemoradiation therapy. Radiation therapy for 2 weeks (300 cGy given 10 times up to 3000 cGy) followed by a 3 weeks rest period and then radiation therapy for 2 more weeks(250 cGy given 10 times up to 2500 cGy) was combined with 6㎎/M^2 of cisplatin. Follow-up period ranged from 13 months to 48 months with median of 24 months. Historical control group consisted of 32 patients who had stage Ⅲ non-small cell lung cancer were received conventionally fractionated(daily 170-200 cGy) radiation therapy alone. Total radiation dose ranged from 5580 cGy to 7000 cGy with median of 5940 cGy. Follow-up period ranged from 36 months to 105 months with median of 62 months. Complete reponse rate was higher in chemoradiation therapy(CRT) group than radiation thernpy(RT) group(18.8% vs. 6.3%). CRT group showed lower in-field failure rate compared with RT group(25% vs. 47%). The overall survival rate and no significant differences in between CRT group and RT group(17.5% vs. 9.4% at 2 years). The survival without locoregional failure (16.5% vs. 5.3% at 2 years) and survival without distant metastasis(17% vs. 4.6% at 3 years) also had no significant differences. In subgroup analyses for patients with good performance status(Karnofsky performance scale≥80), CRT group showed significantly higher overall survival rate compared with RT group(62.5% vs. 15.6% at 2 years). The prognostic factors affecting survival rate were performance status and pathologic subtype(sqamous cell cancer vs. nonsquamous cell cancer) in CRT group. In RT alone group, performance status and stage (Ⅲa vs. Ⅲb) were identified as a prognostic factors. RTOG/EORTC grade 2-3 nausea and vomiting(22% vs. 6%) and bone marrow toxicities(25% vs. 15.6%) were significantly higher in CRT group compared with RT alone group. The incidence of RTOG/EORTC grade 3-4 pulmonary toxicity had no significant differences in between CRT group and RT group(16% vs. 6%). The incidence of WHO grade 3-4 pulmonary fibrosis also had no significant differences in both group(38% vs. 25%). In analyses for relationship of field size and pulmonary toxicity, the patients who treated with field size beyond 200㎠ had significantly higher rates of pulmonary toxicities. Conclusions: The CRT group showed significantly higher local control rate than RT group. There were no significant differences of survival rate in between two groups. The subgroup of patients who had good performance status showed higher overall survival rate in CRT group than RT group. In spite of higher incidence of acute toxicities with concurrent chemoradiation therapy, the survival gain in subgroup of patients with good performance status were encouraging. CRT group showed higher rate of early death within 1 year, higher 2 year survival rate compared with RT group. Therefore, to evaluate the accurate effect on survival of con- current chemoradiation therapy, systematic follow-up for long termsurvivors are needed.

      • 남성의 관점에서 본 노인 돌봄 경험과 역할전환에 관한 연구

        최인희(In-Hee Choi),송효진(Hyo-Jean Song),지은숙(Eun-Sook Jee),정다은(Da-Eun Jung) 한국여성정책연구원 2016 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        Ⅰ. 연구개요 1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 □ 최근 한국사회의 노인돌봄과 관련한 대표적인 변화는 ‘남성(남편, 아들 등)’이 독립적으로 일상생활을 영위하는데 제한이 있는 노인에게 돌봄을 제공하는 주된 역할을 수행하는 비율이 꾸준히 증가하고 있다는 점임. - 그러나, 기존 국내 노인돌봄 연구는 ‘여성’ 돌봄자의 돌봄 경험, 부양부담 및 부담경감 방안에 초점을 두고 수행되었으며, ‘돌봄의 주체’로서의 남성과 남성의 돌봄자로의 역할 전환(transition) 과정에 초점을 둔 연구는 제한적으로 수행됨. - 국외에서는 증가하는 남성돌봄자의 이슈를 탐색하기 위해 돌봄 수행방식 및 주돌봄자가 인지하는 노인돌봄 부담에 있어서의 성별차이(Akpinar et al., 2011; Montgomery, 1992; Pinquart & Sorensen, 2006; Stoller, 1992), 남성의 노인돌봄 경험(히라야마 료, 2015; Pretorius et al., 2009; Ribeiro et al., 2007; Sanders & Power, 2009) 및 남성성이 남성돌봄자들의 노인돌봄 경험에 미치는 영향(Baker et al., 2010; Russell, 2007) 등에 관한 다양한 연구가 진행된 바 있으며 국내에서도 노인을 돌보는 남성돌봄자에 대한 심층적 연구가 필요하다고 제안된 바 있으나(이순미·김혜경, 2009; 최희경, 2012a) 남성들의 돌봄 경험을 면밀히 탐색한 연구는 제한적으로 수행되었음. - 이에 본 연구는 남성들의 노인돌봄 경험을 남성의 관점에서 분석하고, 돌봄을 둘러싼 젠더정체성 및 가족관계 변화양상을 포착하여 선제적인 가족정책을 수립하는데 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고자 함. □ 본 연구의 목적은 남성(남편, 아들 등)에 의한 노인돌봄 현황 및 남성의 돌봄자로의 역할 전환 과정을 살펴보고, 이들의 정책지원 욕구를 파악하여 제도보완 및 남성 가족돌봄자를 위한 정책개발의 시사점을 제공하는 것임. 2. 연구의 주요 내용 □ 본 연구의 주요 연구문제는 다음과 같음. - 첫째, 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보는 남성의 가족돌봄 현황(예: 돌봄기간, 시간, 돌봄 이유, 돌봄자 및 요보호노인의 건강상태, 사회적 지지망 등) 및 돌봄부담(burden)은 어떠한가? - 둘째, 남성이 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보게 되면서 경험하게 된 변화(예: 관계적 측면, 돌봄의 의미 등)는 무엇인가? - 셋째, 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보는 남성의 삶의 질은 어떠한가? - 넷째, 배우자 또는 (조)부모를 돌보는 남성의 가족돌봄 지원 정책(예: 노인장기요양보험제도 등)에 관한 인지도 및 이용 경험, 정책지원 욕구는 어떠한가? 3. 연구방법 □ 문헌 연구 - 본 연구에서는 남성의 노인 돌봄에 관한 국내외 선행연구 및 우리나라와 일본의 가족돌봄자 지원제도에 관한 자료를 검토하였음. □ 2차 통계자료 분석 - 2014년도 노인실태조사 (정경희 외, 2014)를 활용하여 요보호노인의 일상생활을 수행하는데 도움을 주는 사람, 가족원 중 가장 도움을 많이 준 사람 및 주당 돌봄시간 등을 분석하였음. □ 설문조사 및 분석 - 조사대상은 일상생활을 스스로 영위할 수 없는 55세 이상 노인을 조사시점에서 3개월 이상, 주당 15시간 이상 돌보고 있는 가족원 중 남성(남편, 아들 등) (N=247)으로 설정하였고, 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 1:1 면접조사를 수행하였음. 조사표는 1) 가족 및 돌봄대상자 특성, 2) 돌봄현황, 3) 사회적 지지, 4) 응답자의 건강 및 경제활동, 5) 가치관 및 삶에 대한 태도, 6) 정책지원 욕구로 구성하였으며, 수집된 자료를 분석하여 남성의 돌봄 현황 및 돌봄 부담, 역할전환 과정, 돌봄지원 정책 및 서비스 이용 경험과 정책지원 욕구 등을 파악하였음. □ 심층면접 조사 및 분석 - 남성돌봄자의 돌봄 경험을 보다 입체적으로 파악하기 위해 일상생활을 독립적으로 영위할 수 없는 배우자 또는 부모를 조사시점에서 3개월 이상, 1주 평균 15시간 이상 돌보는 남성(17명)을 대상으로 1:1 면접을 수행하였음. 심층면접에서는 돌봄 상황 및 관계적 특성이 돌봄에 미치는 영향, 돌봄 경험의 의미, 돌봄지원 정책 및 서비스 이용 경험과 정책지원 욕구 등에 대해 살펴보았음. □ 전문가 자문회의 - 관련 분야 전문가를 대상으로 전문가 자문회의를 개최하여 연구설계 및 방법, 정책대안에 대한 관련 부처 및 전문가 자문의견을 수렴하였음. 4. 연구의 기대효과 및 한계점 □ 본 연구는 그동안 제한적으로 수행된 연구인 ‘남성’ 가족돌봄자의 노인돌봄 경험을 탐색하고, 학술적·정책적 시사점을 도출하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의를 찾을 수 있음. - 그러나, 노인을 돌보는 남성 가족돌봄자 모집단을 추정할 수 있는 자료의 부재로 임의할당추출에 의한 설문조사를 시행하여 결과를 일반화하는데 한계가 있음. - 남성돌봄자만을 대상으로 조사를 시행하여 여성돌봄자와의 돌봄 경험 및 부양부담의 차이를 직접적으로 비교하지 못 The number of male family caregivers in Korea, especially those providing spousal caregiving in old age, has been steadily increasing. However, since women have long predominated in the family caregiving role, few studies have explored the experience of caregiving by males in terms of the breadth and depth of care work and its meaning. The purpose of this study was to explore the caregiving experience of husbands and sons providing care to a spouse or parent(s) aged 55 and older who showed limitations in activities of daily living (ADL) or instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) for a period of at least six months. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were utilized for this study. Survey data were collected from a purposive sample of 247 male caregivers who served as the primary care providers for a dependent spouse or parent(s). Descriptive statistics and multivariate models were obtained using SPSS Statistics. In addition, semi-structured in-depth interviews with 17 male caregivers were conducted. For the qualitative analysis, a comprehensive content review of all data, including line-by-line analysis, was conducted. Informed consent was obtained from the participants. Some of the major findings are as follows: First of all, approximately one-fourth of respondents identified personal bonds as being their motivation for taking care of a dependent spouse or parent(s). The average caregiving period was around 47.7 months, and respondents spent approximately 34.1 hours per week on average on caregiving. Secondly, the majority of respondents in our sample reported that they experienced caregiving to be burdensome to some degree, especially in the areas of assistance with bathing (52.9%), voiding (49.5%), household management (44.6%), and meal preparation (50.6%). A significant number of respondents reported that one of the most difficult aspects of caregiving was balancing a personal life with the caregiving role, and most respondents stated that the initial phase of caregiving was the most difficult as they made the transition to the new role as caregiver and restructured their life. In addition, spousal caregivers generally experienced a higher level of caregiving burden compared to son caregivers since they are more likely to be older, unhealthier, and have fewer resources. However, a majority of male caregivers also found caregiving to be a very rewarding experience in that they felt useful (72.9%) by providing care to a dependent family member or they had grown closer to their dependent spouse or parent(s) as a result of the caring (54.7%). Thirdly, about 65% of respondents reported that they had secondary caregivers available to support them regularly in their caregiving. This finding supports previous research in which male caregivers were found to be more likely to have access to additional informal caregivers than were female caregivers. Fourth, although a significant number of respondents in our sample reported that they were aware of long-term care insurance (LTCI) benefits, the number of respondents who were receiving LTCI benefits was relatively smaller. Likewise, while approximately 80% of respondents reported being satisfied with the overall services available, the in-depth interview participants suggested that service adequacy, especially in-home care service, was insufficient for assisting family caregivers with balancing work life with the caregiving role. They also suggested that overall service quality should be improved to enhance quality of life among both older adults and family caregivers. However, in the regression analysis, use of LTCI benefits was not a predictor of male caregivers’ burdens.


        Adult invasive pneumococcal disease in the Republic of Korea: Risk medical conditions and mortality stratified by age group

        Kim, Jong Hun,Baik, Seung Hee,Chun, Byung Chul,Song, Joon Young,Bae, In-Gyu,Kim, Hyo Youl,Kim, Dong-Min,Choi, Young Hwa,Choi, Won Suk,Jo, Yu Mi,Kwon, Hyun Hee,Jeong, Hye Won,Kim, Yeon-Sook,Kim, Jeong Elsevier 2018 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES Vol.74 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P><B>Objectives</B></P> <P>This study aimed to characterize the risk factors for mortality in adult patients with invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) stratified by age groups, after implementation of the national immunization program of 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) for those aged ≥65 years in the Republic of Korea (ROK).</P> <P><B>Methods</B></P> <P>Clinical data and pneumococcal isolates from adult patients with IPD (≥18 years of age) were collected prospectively from 20 hospitals through the nationwide surveillance program from March 2013 to October 2015.</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>A total of 319 patients with IPD were enrolled. Median age was 69 years. Overall in-hospital mortality was 34.2%: 17.1% in those aged 18–49 years, 23.7% in those aged 50–64 years, 33.0% in those aged 65–74 years, and 51.0% in those aged ≥75 years (<I>p<</I> 0.001). In particular, early death within 7days of hospitalization accounted for 60.6% (66/109). While old age (≥65 years), higher Pitt bacteremia score (≥4), and bacteremic pneumonia were independently associated with IPD mortality in all age groups, an additional mortality risk factor of immunocompromised status was identified for patients aged 50–64 years. PPSV23 serotypes accounted for 64.4% (122/189) of the pneumococcal isolates serotyped.</P> <P><B>Conclusions</B></P> <P>This study suggests that vaccine-type IPD continues to place a substantial burden on older adults in the ROK, necessitating an effective vaccination strategy for those at higher risk.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> National immunization of the elderly with the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) was implemented in Korea in 2013. </LI> <LI> Overall in-hospital mortality was 34.2% for adult invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) and 51.0% for patients ≥75 years of age. </LI> <LI> Mortality risks were older age, higher bacteremia score, and immunocompromised status. </LI> <LI> An effective vaccination strategy for those at higher risk of IPD is needed. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        HPLC를 이용한 지역 농산물의 비타민 B<sub>6</sub> 함량 분석

        최소라 ( So-ra Choi ),송은주 ( Eun-ju Song ),송영은 ( Young-eun Song ),최민경 ( Min-kyung Choi ),한현아 ( Hyun-ah Han ),이인석 ( In-sok Lee ),신소희 ( So-hee Shin ),이기권 ( Ki-kwon Lee ),최용민 ( Young-min Choi ),김행란 ( Haeng-r 한국식품영양학회 2017 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.30 No.4

        Contents of water soluble vitamin B6 in a total of 62 agricultural products cultivated in local areas in Korea were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector (HPLC/FLD). To verify the method of vitamin B6 analysis, a quality control chart was formulated with in-house control using a mixture of broccoli and shiitake mushrooms. Among cereals, high content of vitamin B6 measured 234.3~260.3 μg/100 g in dried mung bean and soybean. Vitamin B6 content of non-glutinous and glutinous black rice measured 105.0 μg/100 g and 129.7 μg/100 g, respectively. In vegetables, high content of vitamin B6 were measured in passion fruit (104.3 μg/100 g), gat (55.7~84.3 μg/100 g), gomchwi (31.3~88.0 μg/100 g) and garlic (72.7~98.3 μg/100 g). Among fruits, gold kiwi 'Zespri' and green kiwi 'Hayward' revealed high vitamin B6 content of 116.3 μg/100 g and 78.7 μg/100 g, respectively. In persimmons, daebongsi had high vitamin B6 content (36.0~72.7 μg/100 g) than bansi and sweet persimmon. Vitamin B<sub>6</sub> content in dried jujube and persimmon increased more than 86.7 μg/100 g compared to fresh materials. Among specialty crops, green tea powder (64.7~251.0 μg/100 g) and sansuyu (172.3 μg/100 g) revealed high content. Of mushrooms, vitamin B6 content of Sparassis crispa (139.3 μg/100 g) was the highest. Vitamin B6 content information of agricultural products in local areas in Korea collected from this experiment will be used as valuable preliminary data for grasp national nutritional status.

      • KCI등재후보

        심장수술 시 농축적혈구, 자가수혈기 혈액, 체외 순환기 혈액에서의 유리 혈색소 농도 비교

        송장호,구승우,백종화,정용보,이정순,최인철 대한마취과학회 2002 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.43 No.5

        Background: Intraoperative autotransfusion or residual blood in a cardiopulmonaty bypass (CPB) circuit has been used to reduce the need for an homologous blood transfutsion during cardiac surgery. However, it may contain some free hemoglobin released from damaged cells. The load of blood containing free hemoglobin may cause renal dysfunction. We measured the amount of free hemoglobin in backed blood, cell saver blood and CPB blood to evaluate what is the least hemolytic blood transfused in cardiac surgery. Methods: This study was performed in 20 patients undergoing cardiac surgery. In each patient, the banked blood, intraoperative salvaged blood with a cell saver and CPB residual blood were sampled at the end of the operation. The concentration of free hemoglobin, hemoglobin and platelet counts were measured in these blood samples and percent of hemolysis was calculated (%hemolysis = [free hemoglobin] / .free hemogloben + hemoglobin]) Results: In salvaged blood with a cell saver, CPB residual blood and banked blood, hemoglobin concentrations were 20.1 ± 2.7 g/dl, 8.0 ± 1.1 g/dl, and 22.2 ± 2.7 g/dl, respectively. Free hemoglobin concentrations were 336.6 ± 239.5 mg/dl, 49.2 ± 26.8 mg/dl, and 279.5 ± 167.5 mg/dl respectively. Platelet counts were 26.1 ± 22.2 × 10^3/mm^3, 116.8 ± 56.5 × 10^3/mm^3, and 94.9 ± 43.6 × 10^3/mm^3 respectively. % Hemolysis were 1.6 ± 1.1%, 0.6 ± 0.4%, and 1.2 ± 0.7% respectively. In the comparison between the salvaged blood with a cell saver and CPB residual blood, free hemoglobin concentration, % hemolysis, and platelet counts had positive correlations (r = 0.8, 0.7, and 0.6). Conclusions: In twenty cardiac surgeries, CPB residual blood had a lower free hemoglobin level than the other two blood groups. The platelet counts in CPB residual blood were higher than those in cell saver blood but did not differ from those in banked blood. Therefore, CPB residual blood was the least hemolytic blood among the three blood groups when a transfusion was performed in cardiac surgery. (Korean J Acesthesiol 2002; 43: 588~593)

      • 한의진단명과 진단요건의 표준화 연구 III : 3차년도 연구결과 보고

        최선미,양기상,최승훈,박경모,박종현,심범상,김성우,노석선,이인선,정진홍,이진용,김달래,임형호,김윤범,박성식,송태원,김종우,이승기,최윤정,신순식 한국한의학연구원 1997 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        The diagnostic requirements were suggested and explained regarding the systems of differentiation of symptoms and signs in the third year study of standardization and unification of the terms and conditions used for diagnosis in oriental medicine. The systems were as follows : - analyzing and differentiating of epidemic febrile disease - analyzing and differentiating in accordance with the Sasang constitution medicine based on four-type recognition - differentiation of disease according to pathological changes of Chong and Ren channels - standards for diagnosis of women's disease - standards for diagnosis of children's disease - standards for diagnosis of motor and sensor disturbance (-muscle. born, joint, etc.) - standards for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disease - standards for diagnosis of five sense organ disease - standards for diagnosis of external disease The indivisual diagnosis pattern was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of diagnosis pattern, index of differentiation of symptoms and signs, the main point of diagnosis, analysis of diagnosis pattern, discrimination of diagnosis pattern, prognosis, a way of curing a disease, prescription, herbs in common use, disease appearing the diagnosis pattern, documents. The standards for diagnosis of each disease was arranged by the diagnostic requirements in the following order : another name, notion of disease, the main point of diagnosis, analyzing and differentiating of disease, analysis of disease, discrimination of disease, prognosis, a way of curing and prescription of disease, disease in western medicine appearing the disease in oriental medicine, documents.

      • KCI등재

        공군사관생도의 심폐능력에 따른 심리 · 생리요인 비교

        김인기(In-ki Kim),김건희(Gun-hee Kim),송성우(Sung-woo Song),최가람(Ga-ram Choi),엄장원(Jang-won Eom),곽재준(Jae-jun Kwak),유영남(Young-nam You),정덕화(Deok-hwa Jeong),강지훈(Ji-hun Kang) 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2019 한국군사학논집 Vol.75 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in psychological and physiological factors between groups by classifying groups based on the 3km running record of fourth grade Air Force Academy cadets. Among the top 46 Air Force Academy cadets who wanted to participate in the study, the study conducted an open survey of the top 13 and the bottom 15 who wanted to provide the data prior to the study. The subjects of the experiment and in-depth interview were studied by a total of 18 people, 9 of each upper and lower members who wished to participate in the study. Psychological factors were structured through inductive content analysis of data extracted from in-depth interviews, and physiological factors were conducted to verify differences between groups of body composition and cardiopulmonary function. The psychological factors of the upper and lower groups were found to be general areas of performance strategy, achievement motivation, emotional response, military spirit, situation perception, and basic physical strength. In the detailed areas, the subjects were also examined in 15 areas including physical fitness indicators, confidence, condition control, task orientation, and positive self-perception. As a result of comparison between upper and lower groups, the upper group was 2.2 times higher than the lower group and the lower group was 1.7 times higher than the upper group in the military spirit and performance strategy of the general area response rate. In general area response, the ratio of mental strength and confidence was different in the general area of military spirit. In addition, the upper group in the achievement motivation showed a high percentage of task tendency at 47%, while the lower group showed a high rate of zero motivation at 50%. In the emotional response, the upper group showed an equal ratio, while the lower group showed an 81% ratio of negative emotions. In the overall response by sub-region, the negative emotions of the subgroup were high at 28%. In the body composition, BFM showed a statistically significant difference between upper and lower groups, and Weight, FFM, and SMM did not show any significant difference between groups. In cardiopulmonary capacity, VO2max showed a statistically significant difference between upper and lower groups, and VE and LT did not show significant differences between groups.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy in Stage III Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

        김인아(In Ah Kim),최일봉(Ihl Bhong Choi),강기문(Ki Mun Kang),장지영(Jie Young Jang),문한림(Han Lim Mun),송정섭(Jung Sub Song),이선희(Sun Hee Lee),곽문섭(Mun Sub Kuak),신경섭(Kyung Sub Shinn) 대한방사선종양학회 1997 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.15 No.1

        목 적 : 국소진행된 III기 비소세포성 폐암에서 방사선감작제로서의 저용량 Cisplatin과 방사선 동시병합요법의 효과를 알아보고자하여, 관해율, 전체생존율, 무병생존율 및 치료에 따른 부작용을 방사선 단독치료군과 후향적으로 비교분석하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 1992년 4월부터 1994년 3월까지 32명의 III기 비소세포성 폐암환자(IIIa 12명, IIIb 20명)가 항암제 및 방사선동시병합요법을 받았다. 방사선치료는 3000cGy/ 10회를 2주간에 걸쳐 시행한 뒤 3주후에 2500cGy/ 10회를 추가하였으며, 방사선감작제로 cis platin 6mg/m2를 매일 방사선치료 전에 정맥주사하였다. 추적관찰기간은 13개월에서 48개월로 중간값은 24개월이었다. 방사선단독치료군 32명(IIIa 13명, IIIb 19명)은 매일 170- 200cGy씩 총 5580- 7000cGy (중간값 5960cGy) 치료받았으며, 추적관찰기간은 36개월에서 105개월로 중간값은 62개월이었다. 결 과 : cis platin- 방사선동시요법군이 방사선 단독치료군에 비해 유의하게 높은완전반응률(18.8% vs . 5.6%)및 낮은 조사야내 재발율(25% vs . 47%)을 나타내었다. 2년 전체생존율은 Cisplatin- 방사선동시요법군이 17%, 방사선단독치료군이 9.4%로 유의한 차이는 보이지 않았다.국소재발 없는 2년 무병생존율(16.5% vs. 5.3%) 및 원격전이 없는 2년 무병생존율(17% vs. 4.6%)도 두군간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그러나 Karnofsky performance scale 80 이상인 환자군만을 대상으로 분석한 결과, cisplatin- 방사선동시요법군이 방사선단독치료군에 비해 유의하게 높은 2년 전체생존율을 보였다(62.5% vs. 15.6%). 전체생존율에 영향을 미치는 예후인자로 cisplatin- 방사선동시요법군에 있어서는 performance status 및 조직학적 진단유형(상피세포암 vs. 비상피세포암)으로 나타났고, 방사선단독치료군에 있어서는 performance status 및 병기(IIIa vs. IIIb)로 나타났다. 치료에 따른 급성부작용으로 RTOG/ECOG grade 2 이상의 오심, 구토는 cisplatin- 방사선동시요법군이 방사선단독치료군 (22% vs. 6%)에 비해 유의하게 높은 빈도를 나타내었다. Gra de 2 이상의 혈액학적 독성은 Cis platin- 방사선동시요법군에서 방사선단독치료군에 비해 높은 빈도를 나타내었다(25% vs. 15.6%). 방사선단독치료군에 비해 cis platin- 방사선동시요법군에서, RTOG/ECOG Grade 2 이상의 폐독성의 빈도(31% vs. 19%)나 WHO Grade 3 이상의 폐섬유화의 빈도(38% vs. 25%)의 유의한 증가는 관찰되지 않았다. 방사선치료부위의 면적이 200cm2 이상이었던 경우, 두군 모두에서 폐독성 빈도의 유의한 증가를 보였다. 결 론 : cisplatin- 방사선동시병합요법이 방사선단독치료군에 비해 높은 국소제어율을 나타내었으나, 전체생존율이나 무병생존율의 유의한 증가는 보이지 않았다. KPS 80이상인 환자군에 있어서는 cisplatin- 방사선동시요법군이 방사선단독군에 비해 높은 전체생존율을 보였다. cisplatin- 방사선동시병합요법군에서 급성부작용이 증가되는 경향을 보였으나, 방사선에 의한 폐독성의 유의한 증가는 관찰되지 않았다. cisplatin- 방사선동시병합요법군이 방사선단독치료군에 비해 1년 이내에 조기사망율이 높은 반면, 2년이상 장기생존율이 높은 경향을 보여, 이러한 환자군에 대한 장기적인 추적조사를 통해 생존율에 대한 본 치료의 영향을 좀더 명확하게 평가할 수 있을것으로 기대되며, 향후 치료효과를 증가시키기위해 large fraction size의 split course RT 대신 continuous course의 conventional RT 혹은 hyperfractionated RT와 Cisplatin의 동시병합요법 등이 고려되어야할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose : This study was tried to evaluate the potential be nefits of concurrent chemoradiation therapy (low dose daily cisplatin combined with split course radiation therapy) compared with conventional radiation thera py alone in stage III non- small cell lung cancer. The end points of analyses were responserate , overalls urvival, survival without locoregional failure , survival without distant metastasis , prognostic factors affecting survival and treatment related toxicities. Materials and Methods : Between April 1992 and March 1994, 32 patients who had stage III non-small cell lung cancer were treated with concurrent chemoradiation therapy. Radiation therapy for 2 weeks (300cGy given 10 times up to 3000cGy) followed by a 3 weeks rest period and then radiation therapy for 2 more weeks (250cGy given 10 times up to 2500cGy) was combined with 6mg/M2 of cisplatin. Follow-up period ranged from 13 months to 48 months with median of 24 months . Historical control group consisted of 32 patients who had stage III non-small cell lung cancer were received conventionally fractionated (daily 170- 200cGy) radiation therapy a lone. Total radiation dose ranged from 5580cGy to 7000cGy with median of 5940cGy. Follow-up period ranged from 36 months to 105 months with median of 62 months . Results : Complete reponse rate was higher in chemoradiation therapy (CRT) group than radiation therapy (RT) group (18.8% vs. 6.3%). CRT group showed lower in-field failure rate compared with RT group(25% vs. 47%). The overall survival rate had no significant differences in between CRT group and RT group(17.5% vs. 9.4% at 2 years). The survival without locoregional failure (16.5% vs. 5.3% at 2 years) and survival without distant metastas is (17% vs. 4.6% at 2 years) also had no significant differences . In subgroup analyses for patients with good performance status (Karnofsky performance scale 80), CRT group showed significantly higher overall survival rate compared with RT group (62.5% vs. 15.6% at 2 years). The prognostic factors affecting survival rate were performance status and pathologic subtype (squamous cell cancer vs. nonsquamous cell cancer) in CRT group. In RT alone group, performance status and stage (IIIa vs IIIb) were identified as a prognostic factors . RTOG/EORTC grade 2-3 nausea and vomiting(22% vs. 6%) and bone marrow toxicities (25% vs. 15.6%) were significantly higher in CRT group compared with RT alone group. The incidence of RTOG/EORTC grade 3-4 pulmona ry toxicity had no significant differences in between CRT group and RT group (16% vs. 6%). The incidence of WHO grade 3-4 pulmonary fibrosis also had no significant differences in both group(38% vs . 25%). In analyses for relationship of field size and pulmonary toxicity, the patients who treated with field size beyond 200cm2 had s ignificantly higher rates of pulmonary toxicities. Conclusion : The CRT group showed significantly higher local control rate than RT group. There were no significant differences of survival rate in between two groups. The subgroup of patients who had good performa nce status showed higher overall survival rate in CRT group than RT group. In spite of higher incidence of acute toxicities with concurrent chemoradiation therapy, the survival gain in subgroup of patients with good pe rformance status were encouraging. CRT group showed higher rate of early death within 1 year, higher 2 year survival rate compared with RT group. The refore, to evaluate the accurate effect on survival of concurrent chemoradiation therapy, systematic follow-up for long term survivors are needed.

      • 錦江上流地域에 있어 다슬기科의 分布에 關한 硏究

        金鍾煥,崔信錫,宋仁植,洪榮杓 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1982 忠南科學硏究誌 Vol.9 No.1

        The distribution and identification of Semisulcospira species were studied at the 8 stations in the upper streams of Geum River and it's tributatries, and some physicochemical analysis were obtained from all stations. The results are summerized as follows: 1. Four species of Semisulcospira were collected from the 7 stations in the 8 stations, except a station, the Buchang stream. S. coreana was found at all the 7 stations, S. ovulum at the 6 stations, S. globus at the 4 stations, and S. tegulata was found only two stations, but the density of all the snails was generally low in a m^2. 2. Identification of the snail species were based on the external morphology, radula ribbon and central teeth patterns. 3. The chromosome numbers were observed : n = 18 in S. coreana and S. ovulum ; n = 16 in S. globus, however, in S. tegulata the chromosome was not observed. 4. Physicochemical analysis in the aquatic environment were determined from all the 8 stations. The pH, Ca, Mg, SO_4, Na and Cl values in the water varied not widely, but the values of chemical oxidation demand at the 5th station and electric conductivity at the 7th station were higher than those of the another stations.

      • 물체 자세 추정기를 이용한 지능형 로봇의 테이블 정리 서비스 개발

        최정현(Jung-Hyeon Choi),송성호(Sung-Ho Song),배혜림(Hye-Lim Bae),전현진(Hyun-Jin Chun),신희원(Hee-Won Shin),김인철(In-Cheol Kim) 한국정보기술학회 2022 Proceedings of KIIT Conference Vol.2022 No.6

        최근 4차 산업 혁명 및 코로나19로 인해 비대면 서비스 시장의 수요가 증가하고 있으며, 전 세계적으로 로봇을 이용한 다양한 서비스들이 개발되고 있는 추세이다. 본 논문에서는 사람 대신 로봇이 테이블 위에 놓인 물체들을 적절한 수거함들로 옮겨 테이블을 정리해주는 지능형 로봇 서비스를 구현함으로 목표로 한다. 효과적인 목표 서비스 개발을 위해, 본 연구에서는 딥러닝 기반의 심층 물체 자세 추정기를 이용해 물체들의 실시간 위치를 파악하고, 시멘틱 웹 기반의 지능형 로봇 체계를 활용하여 작업 환경에서 동적 상황 정보를 추론해낸다. Recently, due to the 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19, demand in the non-face-to-face service market has been increasing and there is a trend to develop various useful robot services around the world. In this paper, we aim to develop an intelligent robot service that the robot cleanups a table by picking and placing objects placed on the table into proper bins instead of human users. In order to develop the target service effectively, we use a deep learning-based object pose estimator to find out real-time pose of individual objects, and make use of a robot intelligence framework based on semantic web technology to infer dynamic context from the task environment.

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